8 CHARLOTTE NEWS, JANUARY 29. 1903. BRIEFS. The cotton receipts at the loca platform today amounted to 75 bales best price 9 cents. Mr. R. S. Brown, head salesman for W. M. Rhyne & Co., has just got ten off of the sick list. Mrs. A. D. "Worth still continues very sick at her home 313 North Church street. Miss Nettie Dockery will be with the Misses Robertson until she leaves for Raleigh, Monday. Have you had a cold? If not, you couldn't find an easier time to catch one. The railroad crossing on South Tryon street has been put in good con dition. It is used often as a walk way from one side of the street to the other Don't forget the grand sacred con cert at th? Second Presbyterian church tonight at S o'clock. An inter esting program has been arranged. Mrs. C. H. Wilmoth, who is receiv ing treatment at the sanitarium in Salisbury, is reported to be improving She is expected to be able to return home in about a month. Mr. H. A. London. Jr.. will be ready in a few days to start up his knee pants factory. His plant is loca ted on West Fifth street between Try on and Church streets. Mr. W. H. Bigelow has elegant quarters in the Robeson building on West Fourth street. It is fitted up with a view to business and conven ience. Mr. C. A. Matthews. City Editor of The News, is quite ill at his home on North Church street. He has the sympathy of his associates and a host of Charlotte friends. The Catawba Tribe No. 13 Improv ed Order of Red Men, will confer the degree of adoption on several palefaces on Friday's sleep. Several donations to the Red Men's Bazaar held in Ral eigh, which were received too late, will be disposed of after conferring the de grees and the proceeds forwarded to the committee at Raleigh. Every Red Man is requested to be present Friday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. J. K. A. Alexander, the real estate man, has just sold the last of Mrs. H. C. Mensing"s property. The last purchasers were Mr. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro., getting three houses on Davidson, corner of Eleventh. The Tenth Avenue Presbyterian church bought the home place on N. Pine street. This property adjoins their handsome new church, and will be us ed as a manse. These people now have the most desirable church proper ty in the city, excepting, of course, the First Presbyterian church property, Mr. Mensing is now making his home in Covington, Ga., and is investing his money in real estate in Atlanta. PERSONALS. Mr. C. W. Boshamer. of Statesville, N. C. is a euest of the Buford todav. Mr. J. M. O'Brien, of Concord, is in the city today. He is a guest of the Buford. Mr. Gill S. Peyton, of Waxhaw, is registered at the Buford today. Mr. W. W. Moore, of Rock Hill, S C, is in the city today. He is stopping at the Buford. Mr. W. W. Stanford, of Charleston, S. C, is registered at the Central. Mr. W. B. Gay, of Raleigh, N. C, spent the night in the city. He was guest of the Central. Mr. W. N. Jeans and Mr. J. F. Med ley, both of Wadesboro, spent last night at the Central. Mr. S. H. Hay, of Rock Hill, S. C, "was a guest of the Central last night. Mr. A. H. Troy, of Salisbury, is reg istered at the Central. Mr. L. L. Witherspoon, who has been in Charlotte for some days, left last night for his home at Newton. Mr. R. R. Ray, treasurer of McAden Mills, McAdenville, is in town. Mr. J. H. Ham and wife have re turned from their bridal tour. "Mr. G. H. Chasmar expects to get in to his new house, now being construc ted near Elizabeth College, in a few weeks. Mrs. H. 0. Miller, of North Caldwell street, has returned from a visit of several weeks to Knoxville, Tenn. Rev. George L. Cook, pastor of Paw Creek Presbyterian church, is in the city, also Rev. T. J. Allison of Sugar Creek church. Mr. L. B. Johnson left at noon for Spartanburg, and other points on busi ness, and will be absent a day or two. Mr. J. H. McElwee, of Statesville, is a Charlotte visitor today. TODAY'S NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. If your nose piece is out of plumb or your spectacle frame awry, stop in and let us put it into shape no charge. Farrior, jeweler. Hurd's fine writing papers at Hous ton,, Dixon & Co's. New "for rent" list from J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. List your property with me, both for Bale and for rent J. K. A. Alexander. If you will call in today and select that new stove you have been thinking about your troubles will end. J. N. McCausland & Co. The artistic Stieff Piano exists in a world of its own. Chas. M. Stieff. There may be no sign of eye failure now, but my tests will. show what will come to pass. Dr. J. H. Spilman, eye specialist. The good Mill-End sale is continuing at the stores of the Tapp-Long Co. with unabated interest. Read "The Pit," by Frank Norris. Stone & Barringer. Insure at once if you have not done BO already. Piedmont Fire Insurance Co. Real estate, rental, collecting and in surance agency and notary public Herman Dowd. Fresh shipment of hams and break fast bacon at J. E. Darsey's. Best Baldwin apples and country salted pickles at W. M. Rhyne & Co's. "Jellyker," a delicious jelly desert, at D. B. Lewis' Blue Front Grocery. Buckwheat flour, mince meat and molasses at Bridgers & Co's. Choice corn meal for table use. Star Mills. Insurance and real estate F. C. 'Abbott & Co. The Knife Must Go. Prof. Alexander Graham. has declared war on the knife since thf accident of yesterday at the graded school. He told a News man this morning that he was ernine around and telling the students that the knives must be left at home. Icicle Sheared Off His Head. Cassapolis, Mach., Jan. 29. The body of Policeman Daniels was found this morning in the rear of G. L. Smith's store. The uppar part of the head had been completely cut off by a giant icicle which had fallen from the roof. One Cent a Word WANTED Hands for making knee pants. Apply to W. S. Phillips, 302 East Oak street. 29-tf FOR SALE Six-room house, lot 60x 192, No. 301 East Sixth street. 29-3t C. O. D. SALE SOON ENDS. Thomp son's. SHADES, FRUIT TREES, VINES, etc. Address Marcus D. Herring, 1120 South Caldwell street, and he will take your order for spring delivery. Stock guaranteed lxy J. ,Van Lindley Nursery Company. 29-lt C. O. D. SALE IS STILL GOING at Thompson's. ON CHEAPEST COAL In town. People's ice & Fuel Co. 15-tt BRING YOUR MONEY AND FEET to C. O. D. Sale. Thompson's. NEAT, HONEST NURSE may secure a very desirable situation by apply ing at 401 South Church 29-tf SHOES LITTLE OVER HALF PRICE -C. O. D. Thompson's. WANTED To buy neat cottage home, well located, cost $1,000 to $2,000. Address "Cottage," care News. 28-3t NO SHOES SENT OUT DURING C. O. D. Sale. Thompson's. FOR SALE 20 shares Ada Mill stock at a bargain. J. K. A. Alexander, 225 North Tryon street. 29-3t DON'T ASK US TO SEND OUT Shoes to try during C. O. D. Sale. Thompson's. HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR Baths are superior to those of the most celebrated Sulphur Springs, having the additional advantage of being made any desired strength. It is known that the average per centage of Sulphur contained in the waters of Sulphur Springs does not exceed one-tenth, of one per cent. Therefore I can very readily under stand what wonders may be effect ed by Liquid Sulphur. For sale by Burwell, Dunn & Co., The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. OUR HOUSES ARE NEARLY ALL filled. If your house don't rent to suit you we would be glad to help you. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro 39 North Tryon street. 29-lt COAL Best grades, clean, ful weights. Adams Grain & Provision Co. Both 'phones 27. 2i SPARE RIBS AND BACKBONES, 10c. Felix Hayman & Bro. Both 'phones 152. 29-2t FOR SALE Stieff Piano: latest im provements; practically new: cost $435; will sell for $300. Apply at this office. 27-3t STILL ON HAND Hog Haslets. 10c each. Felix Hayman & Bro. Both 'phones 152. ' 29-2t 200 BUSHELS of APPLES FOR SALE at 50c. a bushel to anybodywanting tnem. sngntiy irosted, but cheap at this price. F. H. White & Co 220 East Trade. 28-3t ANOTHER LOT of those fresh 10c Spare Ribs and Backbones at Felix Hayman & Bro.'s. Both 'phones 152. 29-2t DODD WILL SELL CAR LOAD OF Kentucky horses at auction, Feb ruary 12th Cochran's stable. Wait for me and save feed. R. A. Dodd. 14-tfd&w PALACE MARKET HAS ALWAYS on hand a full and fresh line of Na tive and Western Meats. Sherrill & Cogbill, proprietors. 22-tf BEST COAL Full weight and clean. Adams Grain & Provision Co. Both 'phones 27. I3tf FOR RENT Seven room dwelling North Pine street, with all conven iences, gas range, etc. Hugh W. Harris. - 31-tf BUSINESS BUILDERS FRESH SUPPLY of Self-Risine Buck wheat Flour, 6 pouiids for 25c, in 25- pound lots 3 l-2c pound; 20 pails Mince Meat, by the pail, 7c, or three pounds for 25c. The quality is good. Best Porto Rico Molasses, 40c; Georgia Cane, New Orleans, also Corn Syrup; 40 and 50c. Fresh Lemons. 15c dozen. BRIDGERS & CO. WE KEEP OUR STOCK CLEAN. We are unwilling to handle inferior goods in order to cut prices on them. We have the best Baldwin Apples, 35c peck. Country Salted Pickles In half- gallon jars, 25c something nice. Full line Heavy and Fancy Groceries. W. M. RHYNE & CO., 231 North Try on St. Bell 'phone 331. FRESH SHIPMENT OF HAMS and B. Bacon. We have Gold Band Hams, Swift's Premium Hams, Kingan's Re liable Hams every Ham guaranteed to please you. Our Ham trade is growing because we keep fresh stock coming every few days. We want your trade. J. E. DARSEY. We give Green Trading Stamps. FINEST ICE CREAM IN CITY. I make it furnish the Neapolitan Cream in individual blocks, cut and wrapped. All flavors. Banquet3, parties, etc., will find me prepared to supply Ice Cream in 20 gallon lots on day's notice. When it comes to Ice Cream there is but one best, and that Is Brooks'. W. A. BROOKS. TRY "JELLYKER," a delicious jelly dessert, with ease and quickness and certainty. It beats them all. Pearl and instantaneous Tapioca, Farina, Sa go, etc., just received. D. B. LEWIS Blue Front Grocery, 'Phone 161. HOUSES TO RENT from 75c per week to $35.00 per month. 2 four-room houses, Liddell street, at $7.00. Six room houses, East Ave., $20 and $22.50. Most desirable lots and residences in various parts of city for sale on easy terms. Don't buy or rent without first seeing me. Can do you good. E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon St. WE HAVE ABOUT 500 DOZEN Toilet Soap in our Wholesale Depart ment and wishing to discontinue sell ing Soaps have decided to offer it in lots of 1 dozen or more to the retail trade, at wholesale prices. Now is your chance to buy cheap. J. H. WED DINGTON & CO. BEST LINE COUNTRY PRODUCE. WTe recommend "Blue Ribbon" as a high grade Mocha and Java Coffee. We carry no stale goods to cut prices on and want no trade that we can't hold on the merit of our goods and the honesty of our methods. USHER BROS., 221' East Trade street. Bell 'phone 341. FRESH LOTS Charleston Rice, Grape- Nuts, Keg Mackerel No: 1, Saratoga Chips, extra fancy Florida Oranges, Melrose Maple Sugar, new supply Co coanuts, "Busy Bee" Breakfast Bacon and Hams. "If you get it at Kirby's it's fresh. Bell 'phone 157-0; Char lotte 'phone 204. M. F. KIRBY. J. M. Mc.AUGHLIN carries always in stock a full assortment of fresh and choice Groceries. All Canned and Package Gccuc best selected new crop. First-class Coffees, Teas, Spices and Flavorings. Hest cuts of Fresh Meats. Bell 'phone 177- Charlotte phone 350 600 South Church street. C. F. LEMMOND Opens Safes and Repairs Typewriters, Cash Registers, Safe Combinations and all kinds of small complicated Machinery. Satis faction guaranteed. Room No. 10, over Belk Bros. Bell 'phone 4712. 475 BICYCLES CONTRACTED FOR by us before the advance in prices. No one will be able to compete with our prices. We have always been in ad vance in our line. Five years ago we were talking our throats sore about the Coaster Brakes now they talk for themselves. QUEEN CITY BI CYCLE CO. MONUMENTS. We are prepared to make estimates on any kind of Monumental work from the cheapest to the most costly Monu ment, we represent one of the largest marble works in the South. Give us a call, we will save you money.. Z. A. HOVIS & CO., Undertakers. FIRST PAYMENT, new series In Charlotte Building and Loan Association, due Monday next. Subscribers are rol insr in and they are to be coniratulated. for this series will doubtless mature in shorter time than any former ore. This Association is rap'dly approaching the high water mark In point of profit a- d general satisfaction. The people realise this and are glad to have the opportunity to get on the list. Get in on the start and you'll have a flrst-class investment. E. L. KEESLER, Sec, 25 South Tryon Street. Dr. W. H. Wakefield be in his office in Charlotte on Mon days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Sun day by appointment. For SaJe Well established and located Mer chant Tailoring business. Nice stock and fixtures and good and growing pa tronage, will yield handsome income TTT'ii 11 . -. win sen reasonaoie. liood reasons for selling. Apply at News office. For SeJe 8-room house, E. Fifth street, neai 3. Lot 50x198 feet. Modern con veniences, $3,500. Terms. 6-room house, N. Pine street, near Ninth. Lot 42x86, with rear alley. Bar gain at $2,000 if taken at once. Alfred W. Brown & Co. Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone 302 For R.ent Modern 10-room house, 2 West Tenth street. Modern 8-room house, 403 East Fourth street. Modern 8-room house, 312 North B street. Modern 5 rooms (furnished), '507 North Poplar street. 6-room house, 313 South B street, $10 5-room house, 610 East Seventh street, 4-room house, South Cedar street, $6 4-room house, Belmont, $6. 3-room house, 813 East Seventh street, 3-room house, 6 1-2 Liddell street. $5 3 modern rooms for lieht housekfipn. ing. 2 rooms, 9 1-2 North College street. 1 store-room, near S. A. L. depot. Other modern and plain houses in all parts of city. J. Arthir Henderson (BL Bro. 39 North Tryon Street. Notary Public. t 37 North Tryon Street, CHARLOTTE, - - - N. C. x HERMAN DOWD, : X REAL ESTATE, RENTAL AND COL- LECTINS AGENCY. X X LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE X H6e Tapp-Long Company 12 and 14 W. Trade Street End Rubbers' Our stock of Rubbers is complete. We can supply your wants, all sorts, kinds and qualities. Don't buy before you examine our stock. Children LsdRplbeffrlspeciaI Mill-End Ladies' Rubbers, all sizes, at d 4- C special Mill-End Prices, tip TO 3zf C Men's Rubbers, all sizes, at tpe11Mill"End Prices'49c, 69c, 79c Carpet, Rug ard Mattirkg Depacrtmert 3rd Floor, West Trotde Street Stort. Special Sale of New Spring Matting, China and Japanese. The best opportunity of the season to buy your Spring Mattings and the best assort ment of patterns and. colors to select from will be on sale in this department today. Large shipment to select from. LOT NO. i-Elegant Heavy China Matting, greens, reds, blues and browns, worth 30 and 35c per yard, special nc0 price today, per yard, T5he Tapp-Long Company DEPARTMENT STORES VIENNA CAFE 221 WEST TRADE ST. Bell 'Phone 91. Char. 'Phone 22. We have made preparations for handling the extra rush of Holi day trade and you will find us in a position to accommodate every body in a strictly first-class man ner. Quail on Toast Oysters Served in all styles. HAMBRICK & WILLIAMS, Dr. H. C. Henderson Dentist, num jaunamg, uoanoue, in. j. Dentistry practiced in all its branches. Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. Queen City 'Phone 378. Fresh Vaccine And Anti - Toxine Constantly on hand. Orders solicited. Mail Woodall & Sheppard, DRUGGISTS. Both 'phones -69. Beautiful Consign ment Carnations, Cut Flowers And Violets Received by Ex press this morn ing. White and Pink Roses, White and Pink Car nations, Violets. R. M. BRANNON Driggist v 11 and 1 5 N. Trvnn Street Mill- races on IScXip to 49c LOT NOl 2-Extra Heavy China Matting, beautiful col ors and elegant patterns, noth ing mad3 better at 35c and 40c apard. Our special Ofln price today, per yard, wUu i LOT NO. 3 -Beautiful Car pet designs Japanese Mattings colors red, blue and white J 1 M 1 gooa vaiues at 30c ana 35c a yard, special price to- f)fn day, per yard, SACRIFICE FARM OF 112 ACRES; IMPROVED FINE WHEAT, CORN AND COT TON LAND. RUNNING WATER WOODLAND, BUILDINGS, ETC BRINGS GOOD RENTAL. PRESENT TENANT WOULD LIKE TO STAY THIS IS A BARGAIN. Address, W. Ai, News Offic Sweet BriLr Soexp... at 5c a Cake Is good enough for any- L.JTT i DOCly. JTiaVe yOU tried, it n mnnin o nAiiniuu n. n. JunuAN & uuMrANi PRESCRIPTIONISTS. WE NEVER CLOSE. Laxative Gold Quinine labiate Guaranteed To .IdUltilb cure Cold and . La Grippe. ; : Your money back if it fails Sold by : : : I W. L, HAND & CO. DRUGGISTS ' 1 tjor. jonege ana rraae F. C ABBOTT. INSUR.ANC E FIRE ACCIDENT H E A L T H SURETY BONDS A Share of your Business is all we ask For JL e nt Seven-room house, modern conveniences, 604 East Fifth street. .. .$15.00. Seven-room house, 606 East Seventh street .. 13.00. Six-room house, city water, 613 North Davidson street 11.00. Six-room modern cottage, .514 East Fourth, water rent paid 15.00. Four-room cottage, conveniences, 507 West Seventh 10.00 Six-room modern house, splendid locality, 10 West Tenth 22.00. Shop on East Fifth street .. .. 8.00. Rooms suitable for shops, stores or ground floor offices, 17x65 feet, with basements full length, rear alleys 17.32. Office room, large and well lighted, 141-2 North Tryon 8.00. SOUTHERN DEAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST CO. P. M. BROWN, W. S. ALEXANDER, C. M. CARSON, President. Vice-President. Secretary. FOR SALE Fine building lot E. Fifth Extended. 350 feet from car line. Fine attraction, overlooking the city, $350. If you have not got. all the money, can arrange terms. Almost new, 6-room house, East Fifth Extended. $1,050. $150 cash, $200 90 days. Balance through . B. and L. It is' about cost for the house. Muot go at once. BROWN a COMPANY Real Estate and Rental Agents Bell Phone 1651 217 North Trron St. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE :: NORTH CAROLINA -css, ircss?" B. D. HEATH, PRESIDENT Your Bank and Manhood Have more to do with your success than all otheragencies combined. Call to see us and let us talk the matter over with you ESTABLISHED 1871 THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. glllllliaillBMIHIIIMIBMIIIIBHIM aeed Time und Harvest I HARVEST follows oiten lollow the opening of a Savings count. Have you an account with us? Southern Loan ivi. unuww, rKESIDENT W. S. ALEXANDER, V.-PRES F. J. HAYWOOD, JR., CASHIER IIISIIiMII!MII!IIIlllMiiKiimiW JANUARY J WHO! JANUARY! Take an ad in THE NEWS for your business now and find it swift and easy sledding the balance of the year Does it for others; why not for you? Let our adver- iiauis can ana talk MEN, WOMEN CHILDREN Every one can save something, if only a little sum each week. It is a good habit to form and when the money is put at interest it . accumulates rapidly. We pay 4 per cent, and compound the interest quar terly. Southern States Trust Co. GEO. STEPHENS, President. T. S. FRANKLIN, Vice-President. W. H. WOOD, Sec. and Treas. C. ABBOTT THOS. T. ALLISON. REAL ESTATE Is a c t ively push- among the attractive properties now on ouMiste are offering an elegant : . . . . DILWORTH HOME Q n t k I new, modern, complete and artistic in everecV chsi'n ? nl t0 fhSe interted?nPpur: FOR. RJENT 6-room cottage Vila Heights, stable, chicken yards and all necessary out houses, $8.00. 5-room cottage East -Fifth street, ex tended, $7.00. 8-room house two miles from Square, in a beautiful grove of three acres stables, servant house and all necessary-outhouses, with three acres of land extra,: especially adapted for trucking, $12.50. 4-room cottage, Liddell street, $8.00. 3-room cottage, N. Church St., $5.00. TjlT W. H. TWITTY, CASHIER Let Us Be Your Bank We promise every facility that your balances, business and responsibility warrant n ? 55 5 5 Dr, J. H. McAden. Pres. Geo: E. Wilson.V.-Pres: C. N. Evans, Cashier W. C. Wilkinson. Ass't Casnler A MODERN BANKING HOUSE With every facility fcr the prompt and careful handling of all business intrusted. :::::: ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION -DOLLARS LIBERALITY COURTESY STRENGTH 29L seed time. Likewise riches Ac- I and Savings Bank H n H R the matter over with you. & (GO A. G. CRAIG, Mgr. Ins. Dept. .A

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