THE PUBLIC CAN RELY as a rule upon the statements of an advertiser being more trustworthy than those of a non-advertiser. Constant appearance before the public makes the former more circumspect he feels a greater public responsibility and by that token is sobered into greater truth-telling. VOL. XXIII I I I M - mm. m f " " " ri m aiiai ill wm tm m m mm i HAW MMAIY JLJTW, UJAJti 1TTO KTWWQ ; -m .u. v V3e WORRIES EKUID BILL TO LEGALIZE BOXING. "orvfc ror ien-Kound Contests With tignt Ounce Gloves. L ' J' ade h-v !trona of pugil- "...vii mU1 permit noxin CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAYING. THE MAN who thinks to win out by dispensing -hot air "either in his ad vertisement or his place of business w going to find out that the public wm not stand for it. Honesty of statement is tne best policy. POINTS ON CUP DEFENDER. Eagle Modeled More After rnct; ! tion Than Columbia. I Boston. Mass.. Feb (i T UP Ot tlP 71P- ilafnnrl... .... , ... I probably be called the Eaele. iiPs,v,1.r Aat FTerreshoiY has taken the Consti- .v .... . I r """"""h "as when rne rvmcti. Correspondent of Manches- VK,.?, SrhTK-.s; OTLEY SURRENDERS ETTE' tor Guardian Says John Bull Has Keen Played to Standstill by Germany BRITISH CABINET TALKS OF FORMIDABLE QUESTION Balfour and Lansdowne Are Straining Every Nerve it is baid to bet England Out of the Mess an even chance of passing- U1 ontiition the faster boat. Mnrrlarnr. f U ll- o,i-,l. 4 AS tO liOam (hn. ;e. . ,. UV IrflPPPP fit MA iriKnumnlU T, J '""am McNeil is the c-al mZ , V ll,m'11 raai-' 'wiiMleibWUi III father rif ti,. l.sii , ... . ai mtteience ictwppn th fv.,iu.. r. . ... " - t-u in i ;i 1 1 n r nn i i..-. i.. v niv (iiim ii n- ; sented tomorrow' fi, ; .r ' lon an( the Eagle, in the ovpr-nii ! a wealthy coal-dealer tf thCrZ" th?re s a gain of just under! greatly interested in ail t"X , ?r or f't over all. over ! i. i - ........... ant; is nve feet nnAn .1. j, . iifi man rne constitution rrt i. , . me mil liniv f,. l"e ousutution. Their 5 of QnwZX"i' i ... , i-uiuests, Marquis of Oueen h,, i ai ""Je apart anc lerry rules, but the ',La Jt J !here the difference of the Con loss than S ounces. The I 7 r """" anVne KaS'le bins. ,jU1,s oer-nangs in the new boat i 1, e."v-o must, nut weigh less than hihu.oe ti, i,,-h , ,. - - a .itr uui also 1'iuviiies IOr a xiy no- hue -I't'innted by the Governor, wnose reniuneratinn n-;ii t... m,l , . Jt; j,i, jUr UI "oxmS exhibition, together with lus e. ei shs Returns Voluntarily .to the cene ot His Crime and Gives Himself Up w.ui. nester. i-eti. (i. A correspon- nr of th? Manc hester Guardian in an r! .-le on the Venezuelan dispute to- y iioints out that British diplomacy other parts of the world is brought of Bowers and Shav u standstill on account of the Vene ' 'an action t:ikon lv P!riori n., Roosevelt. MaH m,: i - ' '"jwi in i I r r 1 1 j JJerlin. Feb c vt.j- a. .v. ui iiviuiuk. wno s t0, b? Majcr in the American diui wno was arrested in 1S99 for mining, was re-arresrerl hf.,-0 f,i.. . . . . - - - l ii i v on a similar charse. Rrhil claims to havP .i Iph f..m lullLer Iloor. W1"i oonfirniin? hi nti :.. " n" L1U11- t"s givin .-....o luugiu in the war with give a designer o lim,,,,, Vl , V 1 ""'"a: iu pill! OUt the water lines, ease the section lines -l men encis and also the diagonals iit- SlllOOtn tie v:ir-hfj on,l i.. ax,,- an easy sweep not to be had .i purler ami stubbier over-all In th? midsh n . 1 "A-"U" ul- iub new uoat there is no sharu dearl viA -..-hi.!, r-.v-o cast in n spiwnv , tne Columbia. Th nmv i,. i a.. ... . ' "v " "sis a 'T1 "uor. wli J'ss area to the mid a smaller co-effi- Bad BIazf In R-,,, c, i f.iuuouv. Aiass Iol i: i.. , y. i'lltr fill IV 1 11 IS On just a shade V; . ;,oat " less 'i'splacement has been turned. Ao other eonr-1 taan that Mr. Herrcshoff has worked morning destroyed the shoe shn, r" ''mt.Mr- Herrcshoff ha Bowers anri Shav ar.,i t ...... I . . a moie powertul ho.qt mi m,;to Company, at South" Peabodv. nUtZ le, f.a bm as the Constitution. with several email ,n.-:' , aim 111 -iie new boat he has it rru. i i , njuniiiig nouses e. the correspondent says, there The total loss is estimated at $70noo fiinuiniannv r ro-.. I ( v.vvv PLANNING BIG MAY RACE MEET ' a repugnancy to German v The writer adds: 1: is not what England has done fa v t nezuela but what she is prevented :-om doing in other parts of the world, which shows the Kaiser's splen- :h liirdoniacy." Cabinet Discusses Question London. Feb. C The cabinet' met i. .is atternoon for the first time since i "winner at the meetin Ian dispute and the " !" uuii.iiiui jj 1 (J- gramme for the coming session was ::srusaed. During the recess in tlv meetings of the cabinet the work that bedy has been nilino- i,n anri has now a formadable array before it The Venezuelan matter will natural ly be the first disposed of. as this nnes. tion is of paramount importance. It Mr- Junius Hardin, secretary of the - ...... u inat Mnuur aim ansciowne Mecklenburg Fair Association state ueu to take place m Charlotte- the 19 and 20 of May. These dates have been i ... ociccieu uecauso it is the anniversary or me Mecklenburg Declaration of In dependence and the crowds' usually come to Charlotte about this timer It has been suggested that the secre- iii ieb ot tne difterent State Fair as 'on ior ine first time since Several Well Known Horses r-. -wl K : r .. rrom a Distance, it is Ex pected, Will Trot Around Local Race Track cf It i. if way towards settlement, before parliament opens February 17th. ST. LOUIS MAY BE CAPITAL. Missouri Legislators Condemn Vice in Jefferson City. Jefferson City, Feb. G. The House today decided to submit a - . - j--"- .. . ---j uj. me uiueieiu ocate rair as- fnrtl al e TXt, Section. Providing sedations meet at some central point tor the removal nf thp r-nn tni n x .. . fulll. ti.-i "iiaust- uuics ror rnp snnncr onri count of 'gambling,' vice and immor ality nourishing her-." Mr. Williams (Dem.) offered an finiMidmpnt recommending St. Louis as a capital site provided the latter ' ity subscribe $ 1 ,imiu,ih) for a Capitol building. This was carrie;.. as well as ih,.' suggestion to consider the Mis-.-uri World's Fair buib'ing, if made a permanent structure, as suitable for Lapitol purposes. FOR GEN. GRANT MEMORIAL. fall meets. Mr. Hardin received a let ter today from Mr. Webb of the Winston-Salem Fair Association c:,o-onc.t ing this and Mr. Webb names Greens boro as the most central point for all the secretaries to meet. It has been definitely decided to hold the May meet in OhnHntio -r,,i dates named above have also been de cided on. Mr. Hardin is authority for the statement that, the Chnrint0 in May will be one of the best in the mute ii not trie best. Already owners or norses arc? WOULD INVESTIGATE MILLS. Bill Introduced In the Massachusetts a,siaiure-what Author Claims Boston. Mass.. Feb. C.-A bill has ueen introducer) in iiio legislature calling fnr the in,ii: .vicssacnusetts corporations owning , ya11 or any cotton mills iu me soutn. The bill provides for tha Qr,r.,-r,f ment of a commiltpp tn vitit c-.i. and inquires into the conditions which pie van. ,josenh h. lr-har p tt.i, . uuv.vt.unj yjL ran iu ei, is tne author of the measure. He declares that the southern Massachu setts mills employ six girls for the same wages as three receive in the Bay State and that children under 10 years work long hours. The factory condi tions are also bad, he says, and the operatives endure slavery the worst vti Known. Massachusetts men should not be allowed to engage in such busi ness, he says, and it should be stopped beiore it goes, too far and drags Mas sachusetts wage earners down to the same level. HiS DARING ESCAPE STARTLED THE STATE MAY SELLS ABOVE 9 CENTS. The -Bulls" Carry May Cotton Beyond XT i-AHct,Lco r-rice. New ork, Feb. .6. It took the pur chase, of 25.000 hala lo vr J bo ht S mornlm- This bull crowd ught this much and carried May to "'l. J lien 111 fivr- minute ir... ... o!'.- and soon si7 if i '- i , "uuiu nave raicen illJS IS not. pni'nnraffin Vr- . Batteflea that cotton I8 as airongaHK loons. We admit wo cant discover a single weak nomt in , - tion but thero V. T ?Allx- t ,jyj oi.uie reason i or tlie absence or snacnlarinn -h n :ood buying movoiuent. wm,i.i -..,., prices un easilv r nmn i - . . uuoi, nt; im-i e is a pi. e ot cotton to come forward that nreveiitt: q i,;.,- "t,L , nave hcen bulling cotton for ymo , time, have to l.nv ,oii the advance. And vet. n . T- sold spot cotton 1 1-r, cent higher than any previous price this season sold ii An Outside Friend Went To kpoV'0"0 L n-!.. . . . short of phenomenal, and vet thn f,.. 5"!;.!,mriket,harrt,y kps pace with spots. Why does not it Whv is more no disposition to brieve Julv uuuu vrin ) o,- 0 j-2. W. f imply know there is no such disposition ard cannot account for the reason as long as there is no speculation as long .....i, niaiKet neing ijought ui. bv two or three peopl,. we voul I contiruo to take profits on every advance t., Imv hack nn , . ------ UI.UU,-,-, oaiuruays is generally a rather soft .lay. If prices open up again we would seli. the Prison, Armed to The Teeth and Released Him -Bribery Also Used RALEIGH, N. C, FEB. G. 3:30 P. M. THE GOVERNOR HAS JUST BEEN NOTIFIED THAT UTLEY HAS SURRENDERED TO THE AUTHORI TIES AT FAYETTEVI LLE. FURTHER PARTICULARS ARE NOT OBTAINABLE AT THIS TIME. of . I "u..o ei.: iiiiut; ior ijurucu'ars Design of Henry Merwin Shrady, of and all say they wish to be rnre New York. Is AteenteH. I senrprl J Washington. Feb. 6. Henry Merwin This vpai- rpvfmI -p.h i,r,o- i., i.Lii n.auvii i .it's Shrady, of New York, was today given the award for the memorial to Gen. liraiit. This memorial U- to be one of th most imposing in Washington. It ! - f-et long and HO. feet deep. It h T" cost not more t.h;in 9:i(i 000 win oe in Charlotte from a distance. Some of these have never been on a North Carolina track but are known far and wide as ' Hyers." Just as soon as the details of the -uy meet have been arranged Mr . . . - . .ii. , v. ui.-..u niiaiiijtu, ivir. Ihf design is a long, low terrace or Hardin states that he will give to the ; ''-arform. flanked by exedras, and upon 't." t ri ace are placed the pedestals of tie cf ntral figure and the two sub ; -iiary figures and groups. The figure '' l-n. Grant is in repose, as though ;;i tin- act of reviewing troops. He has l'' S1'"rd. which was characteristic of SHIPPUG TRUST HURTING BUSi: public some real startlinsr horse The track at the fair grounds will be put in condition just as soon as the. winter weather is at an end. Even in this weather horse-men say the Char lotte track is far better than some a great deal farther south. Charlotte people like to witness a good horse race and if Mr. Hardin s-Pts good horses he may be assured that large crowds will attend both days TRIED YESTERDAY. Ed. Hairstoji for the Murder Charlotte r.nn Roanoke. Va. Feb z w.a rfai ton, the Henry county negro, who shot dun Kinea iogan Mundv, colored of Charlotte, N. C. in a Norfolk .Uri Western passenger train at the depot here several weeks nirn wn niQo,T on trial in the Hastings court Thurs day. He will he fipfonHo.i k,t- a - i Coleman. Hairstnn Ar.:n.i,- returning- from the homes to snend tho an uiev got to uoanoke Mundy secured a bottle of whiskey. Hairston was an gered because he had r.othincr 1--, drink. He drew a revo.ver. and push ing several passengers aside piaced the weapon against Mundy's stomach and fired four shots into him. Hairs ton escaped but was captured two weeks later, while sleeping in a barn in Patrick county. The daring escape of TJtlev from thp jail at Fayetteville Monday night last created a sensation all over the State His cell door was found locked and a dummy in his cot, while a hole cut in the flooring under the stairs, showed tne method of egress. The County Commissioners imme diately had an investigation and the testimony given by a negro prisoner was to the effect that an armed man. presumably a friend of Uttvry's. had en tcred the jail in the dead of night, and arter first threatening the negro with aeath if he gave an alarm, bribed him with $50 to keep his own counsel. This money was found on the negro, as well as $10 cf Utley's money, in possession oi a negress, also a prisoner. Utley left a note to his uncle asking for a loan and bidding his relatives good bye. As it was obvious that the bribery had not stopped with the prisoners the jailer wa.i suspended pefading an in vestigation. ' ; The County Commissioners offered a reward of $400 for Utley and yesterday the Governor supplemented this by an additional reward of $400. Utley deliberately shot and kilWl Theodore Hollingswcrth in the hotel at rueuevnie last November and No ON WAY BACK TO MANILA. Vilson May Not Knew There Is txtradition Law Washington. Feb. C. William A. Wilson, recentlv thp ot the Coast Guard, cf Manila, charged with the embezzlement of $S 000 is now on his way back to Manila in 'the custody of two officers, having been taken from the district jail here last night. Wilson may not know it, but he cannot be legally taken back to tace the accusation, as the Attorney General has decided that there is no txuduition law in effect between the Lnited States and the Philippines. The arrest and ail aftn .,.; TO ll.'nti 1, i . I ... .0,11 nuvf ueexi carried on with tne gieatest secrecy, supposedly be cause his captors fear that he mav hecuie ins treedoni through a writ of habeas corpus, and wish to get him on ine nign seas before he learns of his ngiits under tne decision. ine House Committee on Insular ri-iidiis nas lust aereprl tn ror-t fo, - - v .v,,uit id VOl ably a bill providing for the extradi tiuu ueiween tins country and the Philippines, and if thic: ic i,,,,.,.; through and signed by the President, it eau ue appnea to Wilson's case. "MUST HAVE MORE SHIPS.' 80 D!tcia;u?;-, Doyton- Wh0 Washington. Fel,. (;. Repre-enfi uve Dayton, of the House Nara 1' - PresidtSTittee- , ta!ke(1 the ' ll,,nt to(lay about the navy Mr tativeTwh0110 f- the manr Wresei: tatives who see m the Verezuelan .,r 11 easing the navv. woV.f it0!l the Pre"sIlnt committee would recommend ih, of three battle-shins and nn"t" . 1 1 ii.n ai-morecl cruiser. He i.rpC.i . for securing more ofn V Tt " 1 i ing the wav throne Zir"!.11: onlistPii . -"'", -etent -v. ..iu oDiam commissions and by admitting to the Naval A ad ny the highest graduates of ieog n.zed technical schools vr,ThrV' 5ould be Siven commissions Mr. Dayton thinks, after a course o gunneo?"11 " half SeanianshiP and "We must put up or shut up on the ' fnhflet i0116"' Said Mr- D -ton n that doctrine s to h . :.., we must bring our navv up to the -""iuii sitiuuaru. NO. 5490 'KBITS GOVERNOR TO INVESTIGATE Resolution Calls For Special Commissioner to Look In to Alleged Freight Rate Uiscnmination IF PROVEN, Si ACTION WILL BE TAKEN Victim cf Maniac Is Dead. t.',;;.; , 1 u-s' ,e!)- 6.-Mrs. Simon lv hP-- , m assaed yesterday L , eAi :rCthei. William Silverman. u..a muming. Silverman is he beved to be insane. The King Goes Driving. , J;V,nd0n- Feb- --The Kins has prac Z! vere" froni the influenza. i-iv a uuve tnis afternoon. ADVAN CEO PRICES ' BE EAGERLY MET One of the Committee Men States That Though Com mission Men Fought it, Urders are Pouring In Two Important Bills Postpon- ea-uetailed Proceedings of the House and Senate Yesterday Raleigh, N. C.. Feb R ivr,. n,,..i , . ..... iJluilUl today introduced a resni,,H,, ..... Governor to appoint a commissioner iu iuuy investigate the charees nf a,. crimination against the Nmft, p,m,, shippers and report to the Governor. wno snail then take action to redrew any proven wrongs. The following i,ni , , m.qii n 0 "aa ,ULl ouuceu: ADeil, allOWin? nprn.iu . . . i"",,u"a iiaviriiiiiir in the mterest Qf eduf.ation tQ rWet Qn ii liaises. The Wilkes nrnliiV.J15 kmi . ,, T I--U1UIUUH uui, ana ine Justice bill, requiring railroads to warn vmTm 1 ine track W blowing a whistle, were postponed. 'You ..-LABQR RIOTS !N SPAIT4. Barcei- Wcvkmen Postpone a Gen Cl,.;i. . i Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 6. Wrorkmen ''f 1" P'-t?on.. tlie proposed general strike here, as the tramway employes i-o come out. i tie only persons on suiKe are i.ouu dyers ,Avho demand m eignt-nour day. in I Vollo InU,l C.S !.. n ... oi'diii, tco. b. several couictei and sentenced -'iousanu unemployed persons marched to 20 years at hard labor in the neni- tcntiary. MR. A. J. FORD DEAD. HE JUST LET WEDDING WAIT. Guests, Not Mind-Readers, Wondered Why Bridegroom Tarried. Pittsburg, Feb. 6. Lena Herbert and William Swartz were married last evening. They were to have been mar ried the night before, but the bride groom failed to appear. The assem bled guests waited until 11:30 o'clock, but no word was received from him. Swartz last night explained to tne rorgiving young woman that yes terday he worked until too late to get ine marriage license. As he knew there could be no weddinar without nnn A me r.ngiisD Dusi- go and tell her how matters were. He ...ii.ii unity is complaining that tound time today to attend to the - ""i'F'"B 1.1 unt uas ieu 10 1 license, deterioration of the Atlantic ser ' The mails this winter are slower 1 more irregular than any time in i'L ten years, the usual thing English Business Public Com plains of Detonation of the Mail Service Since New Order of Things Began Coliec-e Girls SusnenHe.H Syracuse, Feb. 'C Chancellor Dav' oi Syracuse University, created a stir in Dc-al College circloc: tn.-,- ,w v- - w.m.j LJJ huspenaing two younsr n-nmpn for nt lending a ball on Friday evening at i.ung isranen on Onondaga Lake. The .voung women aneer with t -.-. iir.. "tn arier navine: heen fnrbi.nir.-,-. ir tne preceptress of Wincheii inii where they lived. v New Janitor at Court House. -Mr. J. M. Ross, the new janitor at the Court House, will take charge to morrow morning. Mr. Sam Kirk patnek, who has held this position for several years, has not decided what he will do. "Iflcirnr UNITED STATES" Or.ce Noted Hotel Man Loaves Large Amount Cf Insum ice. Richhond. Va.. Feb. 6. Mr. A. J Ford. ;i llionpp- linfnl e Ti;' 1 ' iuci.1 Ul lll-Il mond, and one whose career reads like a romance, died yesterdav at his sum mer home, near Gloucester Point, Va Mr. Ford started in life without a penny, but by strict application to business he amassed a iar frt,- He was one of the nmniw. tv.. famous Exchange Hotel. Richmond, at which the Piinee cf Wales stopped while on a visit to this country manv years ago. Mr. Ford was also one of the owners of the Castleman Stock Farm, in Kentucky. Everything he touched for a time gold. While in the heisrht n? his lir.15iviritir he insured his life' for a vast anni f-,- the benefit of his children and paid un the policies in full. Misfortunes over took him in later yea-s. and the ine'ir- nce constitutes tiie bulk of hfs estate. uuougn tne streets here todtiv rin. mandine work or !n-enH Thov i,i bread wagons and were charged by the ot.i.M.iius. biiots were exchanged, some men were injured and many ar rests were made. WILLING TO SELL WARSHIPS. Chile and Argentina Hear From Ai American rirrv Buenos Avres, Argentina. Feb. C. A 1'IVO--. 1 , ,.... 'I muciii-uu. mm estaDiii-hed in Valparaiso. Chile, has asked the Gov ernments of . Chile and Argentina ! they are disposed to sell the warships ..v 1, tin,.; omit ror them in Europe. Each Government has replied thai it is willing to sell its ships. The firm gave no information as to what coin try or person it represented. Boyce Continues i0 Improve. A telephone message from D-ivid- on this afternoon states that Mr. J. M. Boyce is improving rapidly. He is Jew considered out of danger. Men Fight. Ex-Senator Goes To Jail. Salt Lake, Feb. 6. Former United Ii' 1 1 . uiaico uaiui Jjiu-Wll, vvati aUJUClgCU ten and sometimes twelve in contempt of th-a district court ves- ... ..... iUin. mis uiuay, it is 1 terciay, and oruered to be confined in the county jail until he has complied with the order of Judge Mell to pay Mrs. Brown $150 a month temporary alimony. 'ii: is causing many inconveni- !r J-" further asserted that instead of ' !"'oni isf;fl express servise four times thc' fastest boats were laid off ; 1 cattle ships substituted. The latter ' :Mamt, is explained as due to "-'an promising the German lines - per cent, so there is no inducement - ifi- latter to run boats in the dull '':i. Most nf Hip rocrnlni, l.r. .... 'ouiai uocl.Lt, 111 Congressman Davis Married. Washington, Feb. C Robert W Da vis, a member of congress from Flor ida, and Miss Helena L. Keathing, of this city, were married here yesterday. .4. " vsu,i.3 1111 mc wcuumg was piivai-u anu micuueu aus-Aiiantic trade are Cunard only be relatives and a few intimate " HUH these n rr nnt f.nnti.i!n.i 1... ji . r- 1 1. ""uiicu uy iiienus or ine coupie. L,ater Mr. ana d Mrs. Davis left for New York. BISHOP CONGROVE Wants Statu Pay for Gold Brick. Boston, Feb. C. Daniel I.Pnnnnl nr. Agiawam rarmer a "crr.1,1' nncK tor $4,000 last summer. Now he petitions the State, to rf;mi from the $5,000 it received from the forfeited bail of the swindlers. A legislature committee solemnly sat upon the matter today. Street Car mere was a mix-up on a streei cai yesterday aftcrnoe.n Ur-th th, fighters were employees of the electric 101c. ine case will probably be heard uio.e tne Kecorder in the morning. w bay we are sp ntr r.,, jduib ngn, along at prices named in ou. sciituuie mat was arrang-d last a ins srarement u-oo i , -..o maue LO LUe & :nan tins morning by Mr. A P Knyne. of ML Tloll the committee that recommended the uu,"iR'-J i" prices and was strongly in lavo: oi an advance .,-,mo tir w.i.v. LUUU UClUie tha meeting was oau Mr. Rfcyne stated that, the Kow Vnri- aud Philadelnh r . . 1 -xAiikJOi wax U;CU ought ti.e advanced schedule to the bitter "end. bnt tha tv,,-u . . - .....I u n uci s were c.etermined tn arfi-nnno uqi-t.., j-i.v: JU j- , J".mo CJ11U LUIS they did. The object nf the orm mi coi rn 'n tignt was verv vidnt tn aii x, tended the meetine in fhnrintto 3 laoL week. The h n V e o r, n t r o c . t o r ; u u X 15! A'n nitll t (Inced lirice and moct'nf th c,, i.;n til nci c short on the market. The weave mills are calling for yarn and the commis sion men don't like the idea of paying the advanced price. "But." said Mr. Rhyno, "we advanced the price and orders for yarns are still coming in cn every train. 1 es. the commission men thnncri-.i we mill men were going into an open grave but we knew what we were do ing and they see now the reason why an advance schedule was adopted." The mill men of Charlotte neve, talk much fev publication but it ;s , fact that all yarn producing mills are fnjeyinc; n?i era of nrr-speiiiy tai -. never bern surpassed and sc!(!o:m equaled within the past. 10 or 12 . THE SENATE. FEB. 5. President nro tm r?... M., benate to order at 11 o'clock potnun were presented by Spe-nce, Brown, Jus tice, Warren and Richardson. HILLS INTRODUCED. White: For better res-nintinc- r,a surance and to increase the revenue to the State. Lamb: For a search for the original papers on which was written the Liberty Point declaration of inde pendence. Beasley: To authorize Union to use certain money for the poor. Dur ham: To induce better attendance of children at the schools. Mann- To re peal chapter 73 public laws of 1901 Vann: To confirm certain frachises and privileges of Suffolk and Carolina Rail road Company. Brown- Tn mwon obstruction of Porter Swamp. Warren To repeal chapter 4St laws nf iQni ;n so far as it refers to .Tones w- t enable the commissioners of Cleveland uj levy special tax. Spruill: To author ize Tyrrell to lew a To incorporate Langdate in Cleveland Aaron: By request to incorporate the Goldsboro Hosnital. amend chapter G77 laws of 1901 relat ing to tne prevention of fire waste. London: To incornorat iho c:niIfiia.n Life Insurance Company. Leave of absence was granted Sena tor Wcodard, Spruill and Gilliam. BODIES FOR DISSECTION. Senate bill to regulate the procuring ind' distribution of dead human bodies mong tne meuical colleges for dissec 'ion. This bill came up as a special or ler at 11:20. Mr. White said this bill was introduced by him at the request of the medical colleges. The bill ex--Tr.pis those who die in the soldiers home, the insane asylum and the '"'' nty ,:or.-es. Kvr.n stiy criminal, no )..utor bow or when he dies, is exempt ' 'f '-"y "?nr relative osks for the '''"y 5 iv it 0 decent brrJrl. Mr. Vv";,;te v-uli now SJOO.000 a. vear waj t by yorng men going from North Most of mills are sold ahead and c : : it " tr,on? Nrt m many instances I heir nrcdnVt ? mh i , . ' . " W'Vi 10 mea -xt. siv tn Pirtt m.i,,; ViTs V 'a, ea,5catloa- Ir the law did not pro After Making This Charge' Against Davenport, Iowa, the Bishop Arranges His Broom and Gets Busy To Become An American Officer. Annapolis. Md.. v, r it .m jcially reported here that Midshipman U,LIU1'J igitsias, the Costa Rican mera- FIVE CRUSHJD Bf THIS HEW WALL "or th-? next six to eight months too. at the advance prices. Trade conditions warrant the state ment that Southern mills are d refined to enjoy an unusually good trade dur ing tnis year, everything points t the truthfulness of this statement. Th-i'-e a-e few mills in tha South tr day but that are runninsr on fiill tim' Many ere planning to increase tiiri output and this will mean larger build- and more machir.crv. The machinery neonle of Chnrlo'tp corroborate this statement. All the fnp. ton?s that manufacture rottni mill machinery are flooded with orders an1 it is difficult for the mill owners to get their machinery even after waiting thp usual time. Thi.3 all goes to show that our mill men are now in knee-den clover nnr! the News hopes that present conditions win continue. ie a way for srx-urins bodies the (Continued on Second Page.) No News From Safe Crackers. No news has hp?n reraivorl fr I . " J-'.l..VA.-i.i III,. ..'.I I I v. . v... u iber of the graduating clas-3. was ucti- Wnrbmnn A n ill:..' Monr3 today in regard to the four tied from Washington this afternoon " Ul rx,"c" "clC UrJIIIUIInillff safe crackers who are now in iail that his petition tn hecomp an An-,D,-i D..:iJ! im - m - .. I thpre. Chief Irwin has trifl spvami - - i-i x 1 n r ir uw n ah imi a i i l . . can naval officer would be accented ""u.u& ttiich VVctll rrj 1.- i . Davenport. Iowa. Feb : Vmn indictments have been returned by the grand jury against thP law rini,, - - ' iwia 1 o who were the object of the recent anti-vice crusade waged by Bishop Congrove as thc result nf iiinin,. made by the younsr actress whn fioim. ed to have been kicked out of a variety theatre because she refused to enter tain PatrOnS Off the Ktatrp anrl nntc. her profession. The bishop declared this is the c;iy in tne united States. He has cioseu tne wine rooms ami night saloons and other dives. ana tnaL oetore starting for New Or- i-mo, un ins way nome to Cost Rica icr a snort vacation, he left orders here ior nis umtorms, accouiitrements, etc. Cotton Receipts. The receipts of cotton at the citv jiianorm today amounted to 95 bales and the best price was 9 cents! rui ine same dav ast vpar the re ceipts were 108 bales and the best price was 8 5-16. Coal Too Low for Independents. wiiKesuarre. Pa., Fel. 6. Most of the independent operators who broke men- contracts with ths big coal corn- Killing Five and Fatally Injuring Others Buffalo, Feb. 6. The brick wall of the four-story Strause biulding, which is being demolished, at Wildmore avenue and Willia street, fell about 10:30 o'clock this morning and a score 01 more of laborers were buried under the debris. m; rive are known to he vnwi nn,i times to talk with the official over the long distance 'phon-3 but had. up to 4 o'clock failed to sret Monroe Thp lines have been in trouble since yes terday morning. Every effort, will he martp tn hn the m-n brought to Charlotte for trial. Very Wise Provision. Washington. Feb. fi. According lo a provision cf the postoffl-e bin. passed yesterday by the hc-se. every man having occasion to mail at on-? time 2,000 or more identical circulars or foutrh class matter mav d.. o. ,;.ui affixing stamps, by merely paying the uui amount ror necessary postage to the postmaster. Fifty Persons Poisoned Watertown. Feb. 6. . a Knie-ht of Pj-thias dance, held at Henderson Harbor, near here. Mondav ni?ht fifrv persons became suddenly ill anri ha,i to lie down for several hours before tney were able to go home. rnday night the parcv was to have been held, and ice-cream and saiari were made for the occasion. Th;: dance SLIM PROSPECTS OF SETTLEME Wide Gulf Fixed Today Be tween the Strikers and the Street Railway System in City of Cheap Watches Waterbury, Feb. 6. There was a wi .er gulf than evpr thi TYIAf run I. .-. twecn the Connecticut Railway and Co. and the strikers. Though or c;r seemed thorousrhlv r0(n-n,i city the prospects for a settlement which were vesterrinv lipir, . j "'nfe maue, eti e far removed. The conferencp lact j 1 tha e v. I 1. .iifeui. uevfiujr.iu ine tact that the rnmnanv ic nr.- T.-01 , : , - 1 - - j -" v. nin- tng to take back all thp ctrii- ore Kit ; would take back a part of the men who thpir lirrHoc V,o,- K , .-, i . " lii U15 IU41 I.OI11- .-o nic uzXi ICWVtieU, OeV- I "' vmuvt: WOUld talfP hnnlr r no 1. e , LeiF;,t0,,5ilhi!hei ?rices -e now era. of the injured, who were removed L! 4 cue roimer contracts. . to a hospital, will die. I Ml have" imDrovM " ! Sfwel1 would not agree to an increase of wages on the conditions made. X

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