CHARLOTTE NEWS.': FEBRUARY 24. 1903 8 A Call For Help. Any one wishing to help with that noble cause, fitting up a reading room for the girls at Victor mill will please communicate with Miss Nannie Ward or Mrs. John Zimmerman, who hope to open the room this week. Mr. Lubin has given a large table, and a drugget has been given by another gentleman. So .only chairs and anything that will make this room attractive is now need ed. Anyone who will give one or more of the past month's magazines will be helping immensely. One Cent a Word FOR RENT Seven-room house, mod ern improvements, newly papered, $12.50. W. B. Ryder. 24-lt WHO! WHAT! WHERE! WHEN! 24-tf BUY YOUR KID A TYPEWRITER from me, and I will tell you how it might make him as independent as anv man in Charlotte. I wouldn't take hundreds of dollars for what it has led to for me as a side issue. Frank F. Jones. 24-lt WRITE FOR CONFIDENTIAL PRICE list of rubber goods for men and women. Sent free in plain sealed en velope. Address Rubber Specialty Co., Box 421, Atlanta, Ga. 2-3-eod,39t THERE ARE NO TICKETS, NO drawings, no lucky numbers in the New's subscription offer. Take the News for 50 weeks and get a Dinner Set that cannot be duplicated in the city and nothing to compare with it for less than Ten Dollars. 24-lt THE DEAD-WHITE MODEL FINISH for collars, cuffs and shirts is with out an equal. Are we doing your work? If not. let our wagons call for your bundle. Model Steam Laun dry. Both 'phones 160. 24-lt WANTED First-class Laundress. Ap ply at 500 E. Avenue. 23-2t WHO! WHAT! WHERE! WHEN! 24-tf YOUR ENTRANCE INTO SOCIETY will be easy if you wear linen laun dered by us. It always gives satis faction. Model Steam Laundry. Both 'phones 160. 24-lt LADIES, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR subscription offer? 21-lt WHO! WHAT! WHERE! WHEN! 24-tf A SHOE CHANCE. LOOSE NO time in calling, but take your time in buying. Berryhill, Bryan & Co. 24-lt MORPHINE, LAUDANUM, COCAINE and Liquor Habits permanently and painlessly cured at home; no de tention from business; aciton im mediate; leaves patient in natural, nealthy condition without desire for drugs. Cure guaranteed for $10.00. Write for particulars. Dr. Long Co., Atlanta, Ga. 2-3-eod-39t IF YOU PASS OUR CASH SHOE sale you pass a money-saver. Berry hill, Bryan & Co. 24-lt IT IS OUR PRIDE TO HAVE MADE and to keep this the best known and the best-every-way Laundry in this section of the country. Model Steam Laundry. Both 'phones 160. 24-lt YOUR MONEY WILL BUY MORE Shoes from us than else where. We are selling at cash. See our window. Berryhill, Bryan & Co. 24-lt WANTED Small second-hand Safe in good condition. Address South ern Cotton Oil Co. 23-3t OUR SHOES COST MORE THAN the common kind. Berryhill, Bryan & Co. 24-lt WHO! WHAT! WHERE! WHEN! 24-tf WE WILL MAKE FIFTY CENTS OF your Shoe money appear like a dol lar. Berryhill, Bryan & Co. 24-lt ASK R. M. COFFEY AT 23 SOUTH Tryon street to reserve you sleep ing car space for Atlanta, and use the Seaboard's fast train. 2-11-tf DINNER SETS ARE COSTLY, SUB- scribe for the News and get one cheap. 24-lt SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS AND make your wife happy. WHO! WHAT! WHERE! WHEN! 24-tf RY OUR MERCHANTS' LUNCH From 12 till 2. It's dainty. You will like it. Andrews Cafe. 2-tf PERFECTLY DELIGHTED, A great bargain, are the words of those who are subscribing for the News every "ay. 24-lt BOARD FOR $2.50 PER WEEK AT 640 South Church street. 23-6t CHEAPEST COAL in town. People's ice & Fuel Co. 15-tt PALACE MARKET HAS ALWAYS on hand a full and fresh line of Na tive and Western Meats. Sherrill & cogbill, proprietors. 22-tf COAL Best grades, clean, full weights. Adams Grain & Provision Co. Both 'phones 27. 2i FINE WATCH REPAIRING J. T. Scarboro, 6 East Trade street. 21-tf MERCHANTS' LUNCH EVERY DAY from 12 till 2 o'clock. Andrews Cafe. 2-tf WANTED TO BUY OLD FEATHER Beds for cash. Address Bruce Wil liamson, care Leland Hotel. 21-5t YOU CAN NOT GO WRONG IF YOU take the Seaboard's fast train for Atlanta. It leaves Charlotte at 10 STOLEN Saturday evening Bull Pup, white with brown spots on back, white head. Reward for in: formation. W. M. Rhyne, 231 North Tryon street. 24-2t BEST COAL Full weight and clean. Adams Grain & Provision Co. Both 'phones 27. 13tf ORDERS FOR MILK AND BUTTER, Cream promptly filled. McD. Wat XSat 213-12eod DO NOT FORGET THE SEABOARD Air Line has the last train to At lanta. 2-tl-tf WHO? WHAT? WHERE 19-tf. ANTHRACITE COAL Low prices. Standard Ice and Fuel Co. 20-tf TYPEWRITER PAPERS CHEAP Heavy and light weight at News Printing House, 29 S. Tryon street. IT IS ALWAYS ON TIME LEAVING Charlotte the fast train for Atlanta by the Seaboard Air Line. 2-11-tf WE HAVE ONE HORSE TOO MANY, $140 will buy either one. Yarborough & Bellinger. 20-tf FOR RENT Seven-room house, N. Smith street, possession immediate ly. Hugh W. Harris. 2-10-tf FOR SALE TO HIGHEST BIDDER March 2nd. 11 a. m. One Tuft's Double Soda Fountain and appara tus. Cottage Shape in design, 12 feet wide, with 24 Syrup Tanks and three. Mirrors. Marble Counter Top, 20 feet long and six stools, make Fountain and Equipments complete and handsome. Also five handsome Candy Show Cases and all stock of Candies and Fixtures in store-room, No. 8 North Tryon street, where property may be seen till sale. E. V. Rigler, Constable. 21-7t REMEMBER THE HOUR THE SEA- board's fast train for Atlanta leaves Charlotte. It is 10 o'clock every evening. 2-11-tf BY THE USE OF HANCOCK'S Liquid Sulphur and without possi bility of harm, you can accomplish quietly in the retirement of your home a better result, even could you afford the loss of time and great expenditure needed for treatment at natural springs. For sale by Bur well, Dunn & Co. The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. 6-13-oawtf ONION SETS 5c, QUART, 30c. peck, special price by the barrel; seed Pjtatoes $1 and $1.10 bushel; eating Potatoes 25c. peck; Eastern Sweet Po tatoes 20c. peck. BRIDGERS & CO. FOR HEALTH, USE FRANKLIN'S Entire Wheat Flour, put in 5 lb. packages. Barley, Sago. Farina and Tapioca just received. D. B. LEWIS, Blue Front Grocery. 'Phone 161. JUST RECEIVED A NICE SHIP- ment of "Blue Ribbon" Extracts you won't forget the strength and flavor if you once use them. We can buy cheaper, but we always strive to give our customers full value, ten and 25c sizes. We give tra- -ng stamps. J. E. DARSEY. ALL PORK SAUSAGE, OUR OWN make, nicely flavored and seasoned, just to your taste. Elegant Link" Saus age. Nice line fresh Tripe. Fresh Na tive and Western Meats. Quick ser vice delivery. W. F. BENNETT, suc cessor to Grady & Buckett, 213 East Trade street. Bell 'phone 111; Char lotte 108. W..rl AL. C. HALTER AS MAN- ager and James Gallagher, Harry Caskell and Ed. Keller, all Northern white tonsorial and facial massage artists, at the chairs the New Palace Shaving Parlor is -je finest shop in the city. Vester Caton is now with us" as cashier and would be glad to see his friends. "IF YOU GET IT AT KIRBY'S IT'S fresh." Fresh lot Kirby's High Grade Roasted Coffee a cup that is indeed grateful and comforting. Lot good sound Cocoanuts. Variety Fancy Cakes. Fresh lot Banauet Wafers- light sfs thistledown; delicious as honey. M. F. KIRBY. Bell 'phone 157-0; Charlotte 204. THE GEM RESTAURANT NEVER closes, and the service is as good at any hour of the 24 as at any other hour, and that is the best in the South. Our patrons are faring sump tuously every day on the most luscious Oysters in this ideal bivalve weather. E. F. CRESWELL, Manager. FAT CHICKENS, FRESH EGGS AND Butter. Remember our auction sales every Saturday, 2 p. m. Bring in your furniture, stoves, etc. We repair, ad vertise and sell for you. We have plenty of room and will give Char lotte a first-class auction House. E. C FESPERMAN, 203 East Trade street Charlotte 'phone 362-A. FRESH LOT GROCERIES I HAVE laid in a lot of select Heavy and Jbancy Groceries. Foreign and Domes tic Fruits, Canned Goods and Fresh Vegetables, Butter, Chickens and Eggs always on hand. J. G. MONA- HAN, 823 Church street. Bell 'phone du; Charlotte 238. THE REAL THING OUR FANCY Groceries, such as Coffee, Teas Spices, Cereals, Canned Goods, Flour Lard. Hams and Bacon. Condiments Maple Syrup, Prepared Buckwheat and Butter and Eggs, are the real articles you need to supply your table with W. M. RHYNE & CO., 231 N. Tryor street. Bell 'phone 331. YOU CAN STILL GET IN ON THE new series, Cnarlotte Building and Loan, and it's the place for you. Come in Monday afternoon and take as much as you can carry. 'Twill he the most sensible act of your life, perhaps. The earlier you start the better for you MAY'S NORTHERN GROWN GAR- den and Flower Seed. The standard for purity. Let us show them to you. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. B. S. DAVIS. Bell 'Phone 247; Charlotte 'Phone 358. HAVE THREE HOUSES FOR RENT, a 7-room modern house, East Fifth St., $15.00. Two 4-room houses, Liddell St., $7.00 each. Houses for colored tenants also in different sections from 75c. to $1.25 per week. Homes and farms for sale in all parts of city. E. L. KEES LtiR, o S. Tryon street. TYPEWRITERS, SAVE THE Ex press charges and delay on your ma chine no matter how Dad out of re pairs, your machine may be, I can make it do the work of a new one at a reasonable price. Cash Registers, (jraphophones, Music Boxes, etc., re paired. Safes opened, combination locks repaired .Satisfaction, guaran teed. C. F. LEMMOND. Room No. 10, over Belk Bros. Bell 'phone 4712. FINEST BREAD, CAKES, PIES, ETC., fresh from our Bakery every day. Choicest Candies. We guarantee our goods because they are our own make. Best Neapolitan Ice Cream in individ ual blocks 20 gallon lots can be sup plied on day's notice. W. A. BROOKS. EXTRA LiNE CHOICEST FRESH Beef, Pork, Veal, etc. Sausage of our own make, flavored the way our peo ple -te it. Heinz s Specialties. Lead ins: Breakfast Foods. Finest Coffees and Canned Goods. Standard Field and Garden Seeds. Country Produce. J. M. MCLAUGHLIN, 600 Church St. Bell 'phone 177; Charlotte 350. CORBIN'S LIQUID DOOR CHECKS. Secure your doors against slamming, save glass, protect you against the winds and are the best door checks on earth. Call and see them. WEDDING- TON HARDWARE CO., successors to J. H. Weddington & Co. MONUMENTS. We are prepared to make estimates on any kind of Monumental work from the cheapest to the most costly Monu ment. We represent one of the largest marble works in the South. Give us a call, we will save you money. Z. A. HOVIS & CO., Undertakers. BICYCLES FOR CASH OR ON TIME very easy payments. Tribunes, Eagles, Ramblers and Crescents. These are the Bicycles you could go there on, and ride back, without trouble. Call and examine our stock. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO., 208 North College St., Charlotte, N. C. ART SCHOOL. I am offering a course in all the branches of art valuable for the fu ture portrait painter, designer or illustrator, also a course in the dec orative arts, which includes china, tapestry and copying pictures from the flat. Address MISS BEULAH BOWDEN. No. 8 Hunt Building. Charlotte, N, C. WALDO AMES TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE. Pupil of Jeannette Crawford, C, F. tayncr. Tudor btranfr and Constantine feternbenr. EDNA SEBASTIAN-AMES VIOLINISTE: Pupil of Mabel Haydn. Eugene Davis, June Reed and h. E. Jacobsohn. CIRCULARS SENT ON APPLICATION. STUDIO, 401 N. POPLAR ST. Bell 'phone 4262. Headquarters for Jno. T. Lewis' Strict ly Pure White Lead and Linseed Oil. Harrison's Town and Country Mixed Paints the best. R. H. JORDAN & COMPANY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT For SaJe Six three-room houses, cor. E. Eighth and N. Alexander streets, rent for $6 per week, $2,500. Three-room house, lot 40x125, No. 604 S. Mc Dowell street. Rents for $5 per month, $500. Lots at Sunnyside, $75 to $100. Terms most liberal. Alfred W. Brown & Co. Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone 302. Tate Springs Water For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. :: :: ;: W. L. HAND & GO, Druggists. Trade and College Sts. A Shipment of CIGARS All sizes, shades and col ors just received Woodall & Sheppard WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS FOR CHARLOTTE. 15?e Tapp-Long Company 1 anrl 11 W Triila Ctmnt uuu m. x iii imuc oiicci Linen Specials I?ine 36-inch Pure Linen Lawn, a good clear quality, cost you elsewhere 50c, our Fine Linen Lawn, 36 inches our price, - - 36-inch Butcher's Linen Pure. or bust, white only. Fine Shirtwaist Linen, 36-inch, white, a special a ue, at the yard - - - - 39c Table ILirverv. 72-inch heavy unbleached Damask, all pure Linen; you can't match it in the State. Our flyer, at yard, 50c Small lot of fine 72-inch Table Damask, bleached, worth 69c Special, at yard, - 50c Beautiful Satin Damask, full 2 yards wide. All the new designs cost you elsewhere $1.00. Our special at the yard, only - Napkirv Special 50 dozen fine dinner size Napkins, bleached. They are as pretty at $ 1 a dozen as you ever saw. We will sell them Wednesday IF YOU DON'T Try a cup of Boullion. It Strength ens, Warms and Stimulates. We are serving it FREE, and make it with ARMOUR'S EXTRACT of BEEF T5he Tapp-Long Company t DEPARTMENT STORES J HERMAN DO WD, REAL ESTATE, RENTAL AND COL LECTING AGENCY. LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE Notary Piblic. 37 North Tryon Street, CHARLOTTE, - - - N. C. For R.ert 8-room house, 403 East Fourth street, modern. 10-room house, 207 West Seventh St., modern. 8-room house, 312 North B street, modern. 10-room house, 2 West Tenth street, modern. 12-room house, near S. A. L. Depot. 4-room house, 9 West Fifth street, ex tended. 6-room house, 313 South B street, $10.00. 3-room cottage, 727 South Church, city water paid, $6.00. 3-room house, 6 1-2 Liddell street, $5.00. 1 store-room, near S. A. L. Depot. 1 store-room, 301 South B street. Other modern and plain houses all prices in all parts of city. J. Arthir Henderson (EL Bro. 39 North Tryon Street. New Florida Strawberry Ice Cream Today Also Bohemian Punch, Claret Ice, Chocolate Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream, Orange Ice at 9 BreLiioiVs Drug Store 11 onI 1 CI II Tninn Ctroot T Jm M.M. uitu jl n. iijuii ouiii w ? price 39c wide, good 69c quality, - . - . 50c Nothing better for a waist - pecia.!, yatrd, 35c 75c only at, the dozen, 79c FEEL TIP-TOP' Association Another Series Matured and a New Se ries Opened. : : : ; ; : : The new series is the 37th and will inaugurate our 23rd Yesxr The Association is adapted to the needs of three classes of persons: First Those wishing to acquire homes, which they can do at a cost of 6 per cent, interest per annum. Second Investors can paj monthly or all in advance and will receive an annual return of six and seven-tenth 5 per cent, per annum free of all taxes. Third Money-savers can pay week ly or monthly and receive six and seven-tenths interest per annum. Now is the time to subscribe for stock and those wanting to pay for homes or borrow money on those they already have can file application at once. P. M. BROWN, President. A. G. BRENIZER, Sec. and Treas. Dr. W. H. Wakefield is in his office in Charlotte on Mon days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Sun day by appointment. Dr. H. C. Henderson Dentist, Hunt Buildteg, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry practiced in all its branches. All work guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone 378. L O INSURANCE FIRE, ACCIDENT, HEALTH, PLATE GLASS, SURETY BONDS. Mutual Building And Loan EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE BELL 'PHONE 258 That Five-Acre Plot In J. S. Myers' park and grove near the city cannot be improved upon in selecting a site for a pretty S U B U RBAN HOME Price Only $1250 For The Five Acres Take a drive in that direction and you will be attrac ted by the beauty of the location and the fine shhlo on the lot. v v, SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST ! P. M. BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice- President. ac o z y N. Brevard street, six blocks from square. Street car running by the door; an up-to-date 5-room cottage, all modern conveniences. Can lease now for one year at $200 per year. $1,750. All Cash Not Necessary If you are thinking of making a purchase it will be to your interest to call and see us. BR.OWN (El REAL. ESTATE HUSTLERS. 217 NORTH TRYON STREET BELL 'PHONE 1651. SUNNY SID In 1897 there were only three houses in Belmont, and the Louise Mill was unfinished. The population was about a dozen. The census of 1901 gave it a population of 1,742. The police census of January, 1903, gave' it a population of 2,314, estimating five to a family. The above figures show that over 400 persons have built homes in this suburb. Sunnyside, which adjoins, is by far the best part of this suburban town, high, dry and sandy, splendid view, taking in all of the city, from Dilworth to Derita. We still nave a number of beautiful lots left, the price is within reach cf all, being from $50 to $100 a lot. Small payment down, balance on easy terms. As an investment there is nothing as good around the city. Lots bought three years ago recently changed hands at a profit of 250 per cent. This property is close to the proposed new Gingham luills. Call on Alfred W. Brown & Co. Hint t iilding. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE :: NORTH CAROLINA """" zin' B. D. HEATH, PRESIDENT Your Bank and Manhood Let Us Be Your Bank Have more to do with your success than We promise every facility that your all other agencies combined. Calitosee balances, business and responsibility us and let us talk the matter over with you warrant 5 5 5 95 55 rig-grr r r tUaif&li Witt MmWTOftmyjnM Tw,irrTm'7,7.ikk M BaasSiEUB ESTABLISHED 1871 THE AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK ASSETS 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. u SEED TIME Harvest follows seed time. riches often follow the of a SAVINGS! ACCOUNT SOUTHERN LOAN P.M.Brown, Pres. W.S.Alexander, gWK!g!SJI.tJag JlAllilIU'. BP. KB THESE PEOPLE HAVE SAVE 1 never miss tne money. J "How my account is growing." T TTTT F 'This is a good habit to form sorry I did A A not begin earlier." tLJri ''This habit of saving each week keeps me WEEK" from a great deal of needIess spending." Sovithern States Trvist Co. GEO. STEPHENS, President. T. S. FRANKLIN, Vice-President. W. H. WOOD, Sec. and Treas. OTT INVESTMENTS 'ouirpmNciPLF, XABSOLUTE mm til tNEVIRYCASE-j SOUTHERN MILL STOCKS. C. M. CARSOX, Secretary.' COMPA TjtT W. U. TWITTY, CASHIER Rr. J. rl. McAtien, President. Geo. E. Wilson, Vice President. C. N. Evans, Cashier. W. C. Wilkinson, Assistant Cashier. A MODERN BANKING HOUSE With every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business intrusted. :::::: OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS 1 LIBERALITY COURTESY STRENGTH AND HARVEST Likewise HAYE YOU AN ACCOUNT opening WITH US (& SAVINGS BANK V.-Pres. F.J.Haywood, Jr., Cashier. ! urn.... ! .i mi.mmm SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. (EL CO HEAL ESTATE $4,000.00 " FIRST PAYMENT $1,000, BAL ANCE EASY TERMS, WILL BUY FINE NEW SUBURBAN HOME, EIGHT ROOMS, LOT 75x175; CLOSE TO CAR LINE. o'clock p. m. 2-11-tf I E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon St. '7

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