wWS Twelve Pages fjj ir" jj isj 1 TO 8 THE WEATHER: Fair and Cold Tonight and Sunday. VOL. XXIX CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28, 1903, NO, 4333 orm Works Havoc at Gasf onia HIGH TEMPERATURE. Avon Mill is Partly ?ekei! By wind and ny Operatives Kurt : OF THE GALE VAS VERY REMARKABLE ,gss of Life Reported, oogli Two of injured r;y Die Other Reports . ,a, N. C. Feb. 28. At six t.-if. morning 150 feet of the :.c y wall at the southeast cf tee Avon miil was demol , .i wind storm. One side of - v.-as c.iso torn eff along the : section. cpt : -rt'i vf s. Miss Bessie Lay .5S Sr.. lie Beatty. - were seriousiy "bees Sestty's lungs were :. Wiss L?. 's hand and jsw :k?n and both have dangerous : ;'-? head. :r five others were hurt less - U i - - 5 t. 4 - THE AVON MILL AT GASTONiA. :u-; nr.d thunder of the looms : .: the roar of the storm and rerntives were unaware of their . r.til the wall collapsed. rren working against the wall r.t it burst through where they - : if struck by a battering ram. e:;-truction was al! accomplished -.orient, apparently by a mighty cf wind. :'?.marje to the building and ma . is about $5,000. a total loss. -Jr. characteristic human feeling .vwiat ot the mill. Messra. . i Love, arc far more concern z.;t the condition cf their opera-- . c v.ere injured. daushtt v of M :. John Lay. a:ui a nvi-he year oUI (laughter oi! Mr. J ?ii Uc-attiv- are tli most Seriously hurt. Muss Lay"s s,-a!;) io iaiil cp-?n cii top of her hoit'l for auor.t ten iu.-hcd. The lit tlf Heaaio girl soonis io he hurt in-tt-.nally. Mr. Frank- Smith htit? two hurt and Mr. II. M. Camphll ouv. but r.or so had. At this writing- it is impossible to tell the amount of damage to the ma chinery. It don't appear to Ik- br.-.ken up mv.i-h. hot the mill was soon Hooded v.-'th water. T lv sra.m. so far as can lie h-nvned. ; uiu is t st-iuou tianiage eisew ot-. i thotmh telephone and telegraph '. ires a;? down in every (Hit ft ion. A speeioil j to the News from S'vdhy. C level uui u::u :ty says: N - serious danias;e by the r.;o:m ar.utnd here. POLICE BELIEVE HIS WIFE SLEW HIM While Declining to Talk of; the Burdick Murder Case They Are Working On That Theory The couch was saturated with blood and the walls ami lioor of th? little den wf re iiospattered with brains and Mood. The head had been crushed with some hiont instiu'i:ent. Mrs. Urudick, the murdered man's wife, !crt home t wo months ago with the intention, it is fv.id. of not rottvii- . in sr. On Ueeemhr-r 3, proceedings for j divorce were filed in the county clerk's ce 1 y Mr. Burdick. It is understood ta; Sirs. sJnrdick wont to Atlatic Litv. Charlotte People Own Stock. The News of tin. da.nage to the Avo.i Mill was first bedleiin-d i-y Tne News. The- lVport that rea.-'aed Charlotte iirs;; v.as that the mill was almost c;;ii!-:)iot,-iy di'-itrt-yed and three o - four uf th? employes had been crushed be neath falilnii waits an 1 machinery. The N vs immediately win 1 io Gas tonia to get ail the particulars of the disaster. A telegram i :-.-eived nbevv 11 Buffalo, hi re. whi! iofernm in X. Y., Feb. 2s. The ooli-e ihev detdiii-' 1;; gi;e out. any na, are believe:! to he work- on the theory thai dwkt L. lUir- k's wi!';', r. r. ; ! recti v J. C go- o husoaii, of i a fid a hi N. (.'.. F.dj .2. Gastoni.i ..ov ,-.- a sever wind ami rain , ; " e- morninz at a'o-eat c'elec-;. . e e irroti niill was badly wre-.d-:-.va:i .n th-- .-outh seie was : from the east end to the ': i.e o-nt-- r of the building. ; 0.. !' '' Tie- - 'e Mid Story. ' ) the f;ieiatives and ma Tic kv: v.-aic:i is in th'-" --:v. away 1i:si. The section oh seie Ails ' lovwi Ui i;ii tlv a e riie :'. tiioi the waii .: six of the hihtren ;:; a' less hart, none killed. .:. Lay. the sixteen year old Ol"SiIfED rn-t f fi n x I r rtl E f f oh mm rm Bell May Get Assistant - - 4- i n ' t i r o n r! 1-! o ObLii'abtCi out jJ anu - Viay Not -- Mr. Newell Still Perseveres o'i loci: from Mr. Gasioooo (Iaz"t of the trouide. The Avon Mill is eo.o of tne best known mills in the State. Besi,b-s, Charlotttj capita! is larg'ly invented in the enterprise. Me. J. A. rmrham. A. C. Sunimerviile. .1. V. tiasty ;:n:i 'iiso Alice Sindngs. own stock in the miil. The News is informed that Mr. Dur ham owns about Si-i.aao woitii uf stuck. Mr. Summervilie $s.4i. Mr. Hasty S...:mm' and Miss Springs K ;;'.'. a total .)f iibor.t $::."). Ode of The Avon stock is heh.l !. Charloite people. Mr. Ciummei ville. one of i he Char lotte stockholders was seen this after noon. He had hoard no additional uevs a.- to the damage (tone. He fears if she second story of the mill gave way, th? damage will be gnat. Because, the machinery would be broken and twist ed by the fall. Mr. J. A. Durham, th? largest Char itta stockholder, hail not received any information concerning the dir-aster hut what was bulletined on The News board. The News man was informed this af ternoon that the M-odeua mill was also damaged by the storm but not serious ly. A section id' the roof was torn off au l rain poured in on the machinery. Tills was attended to at once and the damage will amount to but little. directiv or SamsiSde foe h is -minier. Fawia L. Burdick, president of K. I.. Burdi. k vc Company, and of ti e Buf-'a- 'lo. F:v. Inn.? C-ompany. was nutrdc-rc:! ! at his home on sh!umi Avenue, in ! oae of tie liuost i "sidence sections of : th" city. While the police claim to have jsivoe?.; important ciews. no on est iits hen rm-'e. Air. ilr.rdlck was last scon a live v'h.m he bade the oth r memlers of th - ha.-.sehold good-night am! statted f:e his room with the intention of re tiiiog. In the morning hi body, clad in an undershirt, was found lying on a com n in a small loom off the lover hall used by Mr. Burdick as a smok ing e"om. The couch was covered with a i ug and a number of sofa pillows. DEATH CF MR. HARGETT. Citizen An Old Soldier and Good Fasces Away. .Mr. IIn.Il Harg-e-d. an old resident of Charlotte, died this attorno.m at 1 o'laeck. alder an ilines.s of about a week, ihemmonia was the cause of i : l i . . . ,; Mi. Hargeff had been residing in I Clia-lotte for a numlier of years and ! Whiskey Men Here Nervous Over the Alexander Bill. Gentlemen engaged in the licptor traffic here were first apprised of Dr. to be losed at S o'clock at niglit in 1 yertteniay afternoon's News. I The intelligence was of an unexpoct- ; oil character and naturally created a Hrdter in the dove-cote. The majority of the oaloonists. strenuously o'njoi t to this new move in the temperance cru sade, but it is not thought that they wiii make any open opposition to it. The mottor was fully discussed in whiskey circles and divers opinions expressed. They regard the present municipal law. which enforces bar 4 ; (dosing at o'clock, as a sufficiently stringent one. It will, however, as- j suage their feelings in regard to the jii.LisLic nsi.uts ui iiie I'ew iiioabiiif to know that it will, should it be en acted, lie uniform throughout th? State, and in this operate to their . i am. I The news has the tendency to nut (the Wiiisko lioni:!,. in tnto of mind They are nervous and are appr.hen- sively asking each other. 'What next? POLISH CATHOLICS Bishop Potter Wants His Church to Receive Th em Leading Episcopalians Advocate Recognition CHARLOTTE MM ELECIEO TO THE S0S30 OF UNIV1RSITY TRUSTEES GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Bill Authorizing the Charlotte Water Commission to Is sue Bonds, Passes Today Dixie Pants Co. Wiil Retire From1 the Business Field. The Dixie Ban'.s Company, a corpora tion that has been engaged in the man ufacture of pants for the past three or four years, is going out of business. This course was! agreed upnt a; a meet ing of the interested parties several days ago. While no cans? has been as signed, it is understood that the gen tlemen who own the stock in the cor poration desire to quit business. Mr. J. M. Oates is nresldent and treasurer of the company and Mr. Jay Hi:shk:g?r DailghtridgG IlltrOULICeS Bill is secretary and manager. The corporation has beca doing busi ness on West Fifth strert. REVENUE BILL CONSIDERED IN COMMITTEE OF WHOLE A. DISTINGUISHED PARTY. Telephone People Visit Charlotte This Morning. Quite a distinguished party of Tel? phone officers were Charlotte visitors to Collect Agricultural Statistics Yester day's Session Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 2S. The legisla ture today re-elected Mr. Sherrill State today. The inember.s of the party were i Librarian and chose the University cf North Carolina trustees. Among these are Geo. Stephens, of Charlotte vice thought of by ail who '.ii years old and War, on? of the BOOT- TCI lu i I E IDW was highly km-v,- him. ! 1 1 a.- il was ah was. daring ;!m Civ; South"? best soldiers. .Members cf Mecklenburg Camp, are reauesfed-M-H-ineet their ha!, in flu Wilkinson building tomorrow aft er ne en at 2 o'clock t:i attend th in a body. The funeral will take place at .1 o'clock from toe residence. No. aba East Third street. "ALEXANDER ViLLA. I'i HOW TO GET Bill Passed in Indiana Frees Ail Who Are Accused of in Dismay Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Alexander Have Their House Warming Next Week. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Alexander will move into, their nv heme in Dilworth nex; week. Tin- handsome property formerly known lit loeai parlance as the Viiialonga place." has been rc chrisiened by Mr. Alexander "Alexan der Villa" to distinguish it f'om the nuruerous Alexander residences in the city and because of the fact that houses are not noraberod in Dilworth. Be hopes that all mail and parcels will be so addressed. New York. Fob. 2S. One. effect of the. visit here of Bishop Anthony i Kosiowski. of the Old Catholic Church and Boii.sh Independent Catholic Church., of Chicago, may be the ubo bti m of the canon of the Protestant Episcopal Church that forbids the ap pointment, of suffragan bishops. The offer of the followers of Bishop Kosiowski he savs they number 80.- ; cm to join the Episcopal Church, on ! the basis of church unity set out. by the Chicago . .Lambeth Conference Quadrilateral, was much discussed in i Krascooal circles here today. It is the funeral : opinion of such men as Bishop II. C. Potter. Rev. Dr. W. R. Huntington. Rev. Dr. David H. Greer. Rev. Dr. L. W. Batten. Georg? MaeCullorh Miller and George Zabriskio that some prac tical step must be taken to meet the emergency, which is the first specific offer of a large church body to accept, the Chicago Lambeth plan. Bishop i 'otter has placed himself positively in favor of the recognition of Bishop Kosiowski. adding that, since the validity of his orders was unquestioned, he did not see what other course could lie taken. A very active advocate of the ac- "VI v V T fricUi ni-oci.lont on.l Mv C I .11. J. 1I11 , JiVJJVViil, 11X1 II .tJLl. - H. Wilson, beneral superintendent of th? American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Mr. Edward J. Hall, president, and Mr. W. T. Gentry, gen eral manager of the Boil Telephone and Telegraph Company. These gentlemen arrived in the city this meriting. They were met at the station by Mr. M. B. Spier, division su perintendent and Mr. James Northey, local manager of the Bell Telephone Company. They were driven to the Manufacturer's Club and from there to the lot on East Third street where the B: il Company will soon begin the erec tion of their new building. Th? party left. Charictte about 11 o'clock for Co-iumhia. New Brokerage Firm. After Monday, there will be a new brokerage iirra on the "Whorf." The style of the new firm will be Howell and Dodswcrth. Mr. L. A. Dodswonh "nas purchased a half inBoeot in the business that has been conducted by Me. G. A. Ho '.veil for the past six months. The new firm will do a general brc l.erage business and their leased wire ?:?. vice w l' be recon 1 to none in the "cute. Tee News wishes the hrni o-' Howell and Dodsworth success. THE WRECKED OLIVE. Warren Elliott resigned. R. B. Red wine cf Union, and L. T. Mann of Gas ton. The Senate began consideration c? the revenue bill in committee of the whole. The bill to allow Robeson to vote on moving the county seat from Lumberton to Pembroke passed its sec ond reading. Bills passed amending an act authorizing the Charlotte Water Commissioners to issue bonds and in corporating the Home Savings Bank. The following bills were introduced: Daughtridg-?, to collect agricultural statistics; Nissen, to incorporate Shore in Yadkin; King, for the circulation of rural libraries. Efforts to Recover the Eleven Missing Bodies Are Abandoned. Suffolk. Va.. Feb. 2s. The steamboat com pony today gave up tlm attempt, to recover the bodies of those drowned en tne Olive February 16. The divers mad? a 1 borough search of the vessel, tor the 1! missing bodies without re sult. The side of the ship next the stateroom was blown away and tho.se inside were swept out. One of the five liodis al eady found was a mil-? from the boat. The money RED-HEADED MAN MURDERED? :b mu Idle is still very .. ; i cf. Information comes ..-',: r. at m o the effect that I'oi; hard jumped the track ; ,v .o. I h'-n aitf r. will hav? ee '-..o.e to do with the selection ee,:: ;, to Mr. donas W. Mullen. e rt-r now rests with the Postof ' -u . t tnerer. : , The aesl? Pa-nan who will fill eta e The News is prepared to . .;.! no sfiectiou has been made. :!. iv-ll is a candidate and his s think that he will land the M r. Bell is a splendid business :: i no done, would fill the posi ability. But. Mr. Bell is in no .--rte.in thai she position is his. at-, otier candidaies whi) are Tilings warm. The News man ! today that a candidate for ; pia'-e" hells from Cabarrus .- eoei another one from York v Sourh Carrdina. So. there is ha. certain about the s -cond place p. Stodice. special from Washington to tc baleigii Post says: "Jake New veo was turned down for post : at 'h.ariotte. has not given up -Om.t. and it is understood that his fri nds have filed affidavits paters witn the postoflice depart- io--- the purpose of showing that L f I I S... -..i'm,.l llir. (illicO (Hit JJ. 111., 1(11111 ' i ll.V. w..,v.. ' W. Smi.b in order to get hack .!..'. ee ho invested hi the eon gros ses campaign. Senator Pritchard e Jr.:, to 1'iia- up the fight, and ,,dv- bole . e' tese lual.iag if is i t h y may be able to interest the : see tor general." The Beautiful Decorated Dinner Set cf 42 Pieces. Simply nothing to do but. subset ibe for The News and. pay twenty (2d) cents per week for one year, getting both the year's subscription to The News and the complete Dinner Set. The paper and the Dinner Set wdi be delivered to you immediately upon the first weekly payment of twenty f 20) cents. This Dinner Set (which has been fully described in The News and which may be seen on exhibition at this office) sells at retail at TEN (10) DOLLARS. Every lady who has called and ex amined this high art ware has ex pressed herself as delighted with it in every way. The News buys these Dinner Sets in largo lots to offer at actual whole sale cost as Premiums and Souvenirs to its subscribers with the object of placing the paper in every reading heme in Charlotte. An Explanation. On account of the great rush of new subscribers at The News office for the past two days, the Circulation Depart ment has been unable to deliver the dinner sets to many who have sub scribed. All these sets will be delivered as soon as we can reach them. The paper wiil be started at once and the dinner sets delivered later. Perm and Georgetown Agree. Washington, Feb. 28. Athletic re lations between Georgetown and Penosylvaeie have been resumed and the Quakers- will not only be repre sented at the Blue and Gray meet hese on March 7. but will play Georgetown one or more games of baseball in the spring. Indianapolis. Feb. 28. Rufus Can ted! and all his gong, accused of rob-l-erv. who have been confined in jail here since last October, will be free nu n by tonight if habeas corpus pro-' c edings to be begun today by their attorney. Cass Conway, are success ful. Prosecutor Ruckleshaus and Attorney-Genera! Miller say Caere is nothing to pree".t. It means the end of all the prosecutions recently begun it- Indianapolis against colored ghouls and woK-knowa doctors and college pri a essoi s. A bill repealing all grave-robbery laws now in effect is responsible for via lizzie of these cases. The bill, in nocent looking on its face, wots signed by Gov. Durbin. Within a few hours, when the Governor had been brought to see its effect, he was dismayed at what he had done, but he was power less to recall his signature The habeas corpus . pirocc-eedings wili be based on the ground that, at pi e sent there is no law on which prosecutions can be based. The new law provid's how bodies snail here after be distributed among the col leges. The final clause says: "All laws within the purview of this act are hereby repealed." Atto: ney-General Miller said that "purview" means that all laws on the grave-robbing question are repealed. The bill's lull import was not made known until Attorney Conway an nounced that he would begin habeas ia pus proceedings. Attorney-Genera) .Miller says there is no doubt but that the proceedings should be successful. "it's a grave mistake to both the Legislature and myself," said Gov. Durbin. "T am not a lawyer and did not understand the bill." Strange Revelation in Knoxville Pau per Burial Frauds. Knoxville. Tenn.. Feb. 28 The lat est development in the county ceme tery g.-andal points to a murder hav ing been committed. Police aie of the opinion that the body found in the zinc trunk which was exhumed WVdn?sday is that of a man who is said to have entered a gambling house in this city and was there maraeree and looked and his re mains disposed of. It is said that such a fate befell an. unknown man with red hair who cam? heie i' om St. Louis about th? time this trunk is said to have been buried in July, 1900. The hair found in th-? trunk is red. Sexton Payne, cf the cemetery, de clares that James Goins, the negro un u eptanee or tue ronsn uisnop s propo- drawer and sate were recovered, i nv sitkm is Dr. Huntington, rector of Olive lias been raised five feet or more. ' Grace church, who for a long time has , it will be towed to Franklin between : favored the repeal of Canon 10. which j pontoons and rebuilt. 1 forbids the appointment of a suffra- j j gati bishop. The repeal. Dr. Huntfng tou thinks, would offer the easiest and most practical way of bringing Bishop Kosiowski anal ins followers into the Episcopal Church. With this canon repealed at the next general conven tion, which will be held in Boston next year. Dr. Huntington suggests that Bishop Koslovski be made a suffra gan bishop, with territorial and ra cial rank. This would enable him to minister to the Poles in their native language all over the United States. Br. Greer, of St. Bartholomew's, agrees with Dr. Huntington. WELLS COURT-MARTIAL BEGUN Testimony Taken in Case of the Stranded Leyden. Newport. R. I., Feb. 2S. Charged with negligence through which the 0 BQY KILLED BT HIS PLMMATE The Deed was Accidental and Was Done With a Pistol Victim Was Young Son of Wm. Oglesby THE SENATE -FRIDAY. ! Tha Senate met at ten o'clock with i a small attendance. INSURANCE BILL DEFEATED. , The Lill amending chapter (177, laws of 1001 regarding fire waste came up at noon as Cue special order. Mr. i White, chairman of the insurance (..mmito advocated the bill, claim ' ing that it would' save s;7a.(!.W a -year in insurance premiums. It simply pro vided that all towns over I.OoO inha bitants should have ciitain lire ciis : tricls. That it makes what are now j local ordinances a State law. The in surance companies recognizing this s wiil give North Carolina better rates .still, alth.ough the insurance depart ment is now saving Cue State $300,000 in premiums. For evt ry dollar insur i anc? companies lose in North Carolina sonm citizen loses three dollars. Mr. .Godwin, introdui-er of the bill explain ed that the bill simply made regula ;tions for i onst: action in the fire dis tricts of towns over 1.000 and where ; I here was no inspector devolved these . duties on the chief of polio:1. The bill was tabled on motion of : Mr. Sconce. PASSED FINAL READING. The following house bills passed :he Senate and were enrolled for ratifica tions: To incorporate the Currituck Railway. To incorporate the North State 'Bust Co. To am end the charter of Kinsten. To provide for improving roads in Hyee. To establish gr.ed"d sehoois at Oxford. To a in and the char ter of Big Lick. To improve roads in (Continued on third page.) WENT TO KILL HIM. Tlie 15-yo.ar-oid son of Oedesbv. colore-d. who lives William on Mr. Frank E. Alexander's place, about five lilinois's Executive and Editor Hardin Talked With Hands On Pistols. Chicago. Feb. 28. Gov. Yates was deluged today with telegrams cf c on gratulation from admirers of the en--r-getic manner in which he went to the defense cf his wife's name. He re fused to make any statement except to .-lose friends in the Legislature, and then all he said was. "I vent to the office intending to kill him." Col. J. H. Strong, the mem be - of the United States tiiH Levden was stranded , nn rib-ek Island .binnarv 21. Lieut. I miles Born Charlotte, was shot an! in- Chester Wells, United States Navy, ! stantly killed yesterday a. ounce;; . u;; vernor s sran wno accomaaiiie.. uiin John Walker, a neg.o boy o years om. t0 the office of the editor st tne cpjd- Walker was brought to Cnartoue t fallow, was quite as mum. i ne i.ov- c i i i:j i . saiii n v , w j . ' - - was nfaeod on trial bv a court-martial der arrest, brought this trunk to the t ih' Tm-n?o Station today. The ae- cemeicry and claimed that it contained rnKPa v-ho nieaded not euiltv. had 1 this morning and a preliminary bear- a nctiy tnat nan neeu removed nm j Lieut -Cera. Edwin H. Tillman as . wig was hel.t ueioro hnuiie . n- ""-th-? debris cf the Tennessee Medical ..cunsPi ! ton. The facts as brought out at the i -.iitge. nuiiii was iiiiiuni, i wieutenaii t v ens, in orae to mciu- : uteariug ii.- r., wu ...... - - Up to this time 2'.yj graves hav? been mtaineci empty cct- For Conscience Fund, $4,876. Washington. Feb. 2S. An unknown New York man sept 4.7S6..a0 to the censcien'e fund of the Treasury today. It is thought he is som? importer and that his contribution represents du ties lie has evaded. tat? matters, admitted that the Leyden was stranded and that no soundings kilting was accidental. The two boys. Ogicsby and Vvahcer oneiieu and Hi,; c fins. I w-ere made, as the weather was too . went out yesterday afternoon to shoot The county committee figures, that cpvp,.p i.n,,, Donald oomner. United at. a mark. Several other colored nojs the frauds discovered represent $G-jih 50. ; gt3fes Xavy, who was the executive i accompanied them. They selected, a The bills for the last quarter's burials ; ncer of the Leyden, confirmed his marie on a tree and Walker, who owned have not yet been paid, being ncta up testimony. Lieut.-Com. Jrs. H. Oliver. , the pistol, saia ne voui i buoi United States Navv. testiiied for the ( Just as he pulled the trigger, ugiesny prosecution ! passed in front of him and Jth? bullet Captain Wright, a former naval effl- struck him in the breast, near the eer pt nresent master 01 eta. juj.i . iieai Jacob A Mo 's yacht Nourmahal, is on account of this investigation. Private Hospital Building Leased. Mr. Y. J. McCall this morning leas ed the Private Hospital building from Mayer P. M. Brown for one year with i)ere to testify for the defense. the privilege cf two. Mr. McCall in tends to run a first class boarding house. The building contains 20 rooms and Col. Blount Talks on Vick. Col. Henry Blount, of Vv-dson. ex- Oedesi.v fell at the report of the pis tol and expited in a few minutes. The boys ran to a nearby house and told of the occurrence. John Walker, who lired the fatal shot remained beside his beside being near in. it is lit ted with ! Vh-k will be 'retained as pos.rnastei all modern improvements. Mr. Me-! at Wilson. He thinks that the Presi Cali will take charge of the building ' duit will wait until after Senator bv m-ii first er as soon as the hospital pritchard. stores down and out next p: esses himself as of the opinion that dead companion untit the beys return ed, tie soenteu gteaiiv ?,i kku din as plain Mr. Yafe Henry M. Loewe, who was in Editor Hardin's office at the time, says both the Governor and Hardin had their hands on their pistols. Loewe repotls the Governor as saying, "if ever again you mention the name of my wife in your sheet or make any even remote insinuation concerning her I'll cud your career." people vacate. Stanford Students Cannot Flirt. San Francisco. Feb. 2S. President Jordan, of Stanford University, has ma"ie objection to flirting bet ween -'-dents, and also io the use of barroom Isiges and flaming posters ao decora tions in their rooms. Wednesday and continue Vick in of fice. Col. Blount says Vick is the best postmaster Wilson ever had and aside from his color would be as acceptable as any member of his party won!.! be. Mr. Herbert. McDonald, Bros., returned from New morning. . .1-.. n1fl I hii count or me siiuuuus .;.o m... he would not have done it for any thing in the world. All the witnesses told one story and this story was to the effect that the shooting was purely accidental. ti'..ii. rw. f;-..!i.ii'(riiil fn flia ! rant charging him with murder, but ; was i'omid over to court in the sum of Belk ' of $100 for carrying a concealed York this weapon. Not being able to furnish bond, he went to jail. Will Present Brcing Plate. New Orleans, Fib. 28. When Miss Alice Roosevelt was at the Crescent City track last Saturday she took a fancy to L'Etrenne, Edward Corrigan'es fast English mare. While L'Etrenne walked to the paddock she threw r ft' a "plats." Mr. Cotrigan secured th,-? shoe, and is having it fixed up to pre sent it to the President's daughter as a souvenir of her viii to the races. Died in Augusta. A message from Augusta received yesterday by Mr. Geo. E. Wilson, an nounced the death in that city of Mis. Mary Moore. Decease i was " years old ; and was a sister of the late James W. I Mooie. of Augusta. Mr. Moore's wife ; -t-;is sisKr of Mr. Geo. E. Wilson. I Mrs. Mattie Bur well, of this city, is a i niece cf the deceased. I I I

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