CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH'S 1 903, C n .I i H n M I '14 .'jf ft ;.!; -1 ;.' i r Sim FEET SUBWAY HELD TOBY BOARD Numerous Petitions Present ed By the City Council at Meeting Last Night The board of aldermen did not tarry k '111; lat night. The meeting was (ailed to order shortly after S o'clock nnd by o'clock the council chamber Hiss dark. A number of petitions of more or less interest were submitted to the ity law-makers. The first to be vi nsidcied was a petition signed by the legislative committee of the Cen tral Labor Union which follows: Charlotte. X. C. Feb. 25. 1903. ''I'd the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte, N. C: "Gentlemen: The welfare and con tentment of the working men of the city of Charlotte being the cause near est our hearts, and acting in accord ance with our best wishes for the con tentment and prosperity of our city, we herewith ! "..: " " : ; c :r honorable body the following resolution, -which v as passed by a unanimous vote of the Central Labor Union of Charlotte. X. C. at a regular meeting held on Wed nesday night. August 27th. 1902. andfon Wednesday night. February 2oth was ordered to be presented to your hon oiabJbody. Monday night, March 2nd. and ask for your careful consideration and favorable action on same: "Whereas: The cost of the necessi ties of life having greatly increased, causing undue hardship on the labor ing people and 'Whereas: Every man is justly en titled to a fair day's pay. that he may properly provide for himself and fam ily, ami make provision for sickness and old age. and "Whereas: We believe that the mu nicipality should set the example in giving a fair day's pay for a fair day's labor, thereby promoting prosperity and contentment among the people and raising their own condition and better educate and provide for their families, and "Whereas: The aim of all working people is towards the shortening of the 1 hours of labor am tii increasing of their daily wages, that they may en lighten care ami provide for their fam ilies, now therefore be it "Resolved: That we. the Central Labor Union of Charlotte. X. C. in regular meeting assembled, do recog nize the fact that the laborers working for the city of Charlotte are not paid a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, and it is further "Resoived: Thar the aim of organized labor is ever directed toward making eight (Si hours constitute a day's work, therefore be it Resolved: That we. ,i,e Central , Labor Union of Charlotte, X. C. in j regular meeting assembled, do peti iton and ask of your honorable body ;that you make and pay a minimum i -scale of wages to the laborers employed on all work for the city of Charlotte. X". C. of not less than one dollar and fifty cents i?1.50 per day. and he it further "Resolved: That eight isi hours shall constitute a legal dav's work "W. H. SINGLETON. THOS. L. LEVY. FOR WOMEN Much That Every Woman Desires to Know ! About Sanative Antisep tic Cleansing And About Curing Ulcerative Pains and Weaknesses. Too much stress cannot be placed on the great value of f 'uticura Soap, Oint ment and Pills in the antiseptic cleans ing of the mucous surfaceg and of the blood and circulating fluids, thue affording pure, sweet and economical local and constitutional treatment for weakeuiug discharges, ulcerations, in flammations, itehings, irritations, relax ations, displacements, pains and irregu larities peculiar to females. Hence the Cuticura remedies have a wonderful influence in restoring health, strength and beauty to weary women, who have been prematurely aged and in valided by these distressing ailments, as well as such sympathetic afflictions as anaemia, chlorosis, hysteria, nervous ness and debility. Women from the very first have fully appreciated the purity and sweetness the power to afford immediate relief' the certainty of speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy which have made the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills the standard skin cures and humour remedies of the civilized world. Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for Softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, in the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflam mations and ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. C!. H. STARNES. ' L. B. THOMPSON, Pres., "W. H. SINGLETON, Sec. Legislative Committee Central Labor l'n' n Ciarlotte. N. C. In connection with the above a com munication from employes of the city, members of the Federal Labor Union was read by Clerk Etheridge in which they took the position that the city council should take no notice of the petition of the Central Labor Union. After some discussion the matter was left with the Street Committee in order that this committee might investigate and report back to the next meeting of the board. The managers of St. Peter's Home and Hospital presented the following: "To the Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte: "The undersigned, managers of St. Peter's Hospital, respectfully ask that West Sixth street, from Church to Gra ham, may be put into passable condi tion, especially from Poplar to Pine streets and that the line of sidewalk and curb may be marked along the hospital lot. In 1S06 or 1S97. when tlie city graded the hospital lot to its pres ent level, the managers offered to give six feet for a sidewalk off the lot all along their Sixth street line, provided the city would mark the line, and put the street in order. This was promised by the then mayor and street commit tee, and repeated year after year by successive officials, but nothing has ever been done. Now. February, 1903. the street is really impassable, and is a disgrace to the city. "Now, too. the hospital desires to put a fence along Sixth street and wishes to have its lin? marked. For these reasons we earnestly ask that ac tion may be taken in regard to Sixth street as soon as possible. "Mrs. J. S. Myers. President; Mrs. R. J. Brevard, vice president. Mrs. John Wilkes, secretary and treasurer; Miss M. L. Brown.1 assistant secreta rv and treasurer: Mrs. T. S. Clark son. Mrs. J. R. Wilkes. Mrs. J. B. Walters. Mrs. F. M. Shannonhouse, Board of Managers. A similar petition from the managers of the Good Samaritan Hospital was also pr?sented. It reads as follows: "Good Samaritan Hospital. Charlotte, N. C. Feb. 2Sth. 1!03. "To the Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte: "The undersigned, managers of the Good Samaritan Hospital, on West Hill street, respectfully represent that there is no sewer near enough to the hospital for connection to be made with it. Consequently all refuse has to be put in barrels, and carried away by the city carts, which is inconvenient and 'expensive. The water from baths, washtubs. kitchen and operating room has to be discharged through a pipe on to the lower part of the hospital lot. This is evidently unsanitary and disa greeable. Until the city is prepared to build a regular sewer in that vicinity with which the hospital may beconnect ed.we ask that thecomniittee on sewers may be requested to have a pipe laid through the hospital lot. and clown the little branch beyond it. to some point outside the city limits, where such a discharge will not be dangerous or of fensive to any one. We also respectful ly ask that West Hill street, in front of the hospital, may be properly drain ed and guttered. An old spring exists near there, and at all times, except the very driest weather, the gutter is a regular quagmire. This is a nuisance to all the residents near there, and we earnestly request that it may be abated. 'Mrs. John Wilkes. Mrs. R. P. Lard ner. Mrs. R. Lockwood Jones. Mrs. Wm. Clarkson. Mrs. B. D. Chadwick. Mrs. C. L. Alexander, Mrs. J. L. Vil lalonga. Board of Managers. We. undersigned, endorse the above heartily. "J. R. Alexander. M. D.; C. M. Strong, M. D.. R. L. Gibbon. M. D.. H. M. Wilder. M. D.. Wm. A. Graham. M. D.. I. W. Faison, M. D.. A. J. Bre vard. M. D. The trustees of Carnegie Library in formed the board that it was the desire of the trustees to purchase more ground on the west side of the library building and it was the desire of the trustees to have a conference with the financ? committee with this in view. It was unanimously agreed that the trustees be granted such a conference. As has been stated in The News. Mr. Vinton Liddell has made the city a proposition in regard to the sale of a ior he owns that adjoins the library building. This let is the one the. trus tees are considering. As to the union passenger d?pot that has been talked of. Mayor Brown read the following letter: North Carolina Corporation Commis sion, Raleigh, Feb. 2U. 1903. Hon. P. M. Brown. Mavor, Charlotte, N. C: "Dar Sir: Referring to the petition of the citizens of Charlotte, asking that the railroad companies be requir ed to build a union passenger station in your city, "I am directed by the commission to advise you that the amendment of the act, giving the commission authority to require the erection of a union passen ger station, has passed both houses in the Legislature. "I am directed to ask if you desire a day set for the hearing of this matter; and. if so, do you desire the hearing to be in Charlotte. Upon receipt of your reply, if hearing is desired, a day will be fixed. "Very Respectfully, "H. C. BROWN, Clerk." In connection with the above Mayor Brown stated for the benefit of tire board that Col. A. B. Andrews, first vice president of the Southern, had stated that he would shortly visit Charlotte and would consider with the aldermen, the proposed union passen ger station. Until this conference is held, it was thought best to let the matter rest. The following resolution offered by Alderman Wearn, met with the unani mous approval of the board: "Resolved: That the action of the Mayor is endorsed in sending the city attorney to Raleigh to protest against the proposed taking a portion of the school fund away from the city schoqis for rural school houses, etc. "The city and county are pledged to raise $4,000 for the rural schools of Mecklenburg county. The general board of education is now pledged to give a like amount. The sum of $376.47 has already been subscribed for that purpose, 75 per cent, by the citizens of Charlotte. The graded, schools have al- 5yryp.rf 9 ihfc bsstif&mily laxative It is pure. t It is gentle. , It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. ran i ready had to reduce their teaching force on account of lack of funds; and any further taking from the fund going to the graded schools will seriously cripple them. 'Resolved, second. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Sena tors from this district and Representa tives from this county, requesting tnem to exempt Mecklenburg county from the provisions of this. proposed act. as the board of education of Mecklenburg county and the board of education of the city are now working in perfect harmony. In regard to the undergrade crossing the board held to its original proposi tionthat the Seaboard Air Line make the crossing tiO feet wide. The matter came before the board by a motion made by Alderman Wearn. seconded by Alderman Link. It was the unani mous opinion of the board that the subway be at least HO feet. Alderman Phelen was of the opinion that a number of trees on the side walk? of the city should be felled. Al derman Brockenbrough objected, and as Alderman Phelan's motion did not receive a second the matter was not considered. Alderman Robertson moved that the committee in charge of Vance Park, be authorized in behalf of the city to petition the secretary of the ti-easury to turn ever to the city, the land ad joining Vance Park and fronting on West Fourth street. This for the pur pose of enlaiging the park grounds. The motion was unanimously agreed to. The aldermen from Ward 3 (insti tute the park committee. The Best Prescription For Malaria Chills and Fever is a nottl" Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonk'. It i. simply lioi. and Quinine in a tasteless form. Xo cure, no p;:v. Price 50c. No man is so wise that be can't learn from a fool. SHOWING HER PRETTY TEETH. when made by Mrs. Dr. Moore no one would ever suspect them to be bridge work or artificial in any respect. If you have met with misfortune in the furniture of your mouth, see what we can do to supply the dreaded deficien cy. N( one need go toothless, while our skill is available. newell & Mclaughlin, Dentists. MRS. DR. MOORE PULLS TEETH. GET W E L LI "PAY WHEN CURED." MEN. BE STRONG. Don't let some old venereal dis ease drain your vitals and dray you dowL, Are you suffering from lost man hood, syphilis or some kindred disease of the genlto - urinary organs? Alt these, even If they have pass ed to the ohron io stage, will yield ,to the treatment o a skilled special ist. Do not delay, for delays are dangerous, Do not he discouraged if you have taken medicines and eubi itted to treatment elsewhere without noiiTta Tf -ara nniiprtn.k TOUT CftSe We Will j CURE you, nor do you have to PAY until you are CURED, I We orobablv have patientsm your immediate neighborhood who hae been fully restored to health by our treatment. Our staff of physi cians is prepared' to cure any disease which will yield to medical skill. Write for our symptom blanks, we send them and all advice FRBE. All correspondence sacredly CONFIDENTIAL medicines sent in plain packages not even a member of your family need I know you are under treatment. Wiite today. DR, T, ALEXANDER COX, 210 W. Franklin Street, BAMTJMOREi MD. Why NOTICE Having dissolved eopartnershiD with W. W. Todd, my customers will still find me at the same old stand, 201-2 Xcrth College street. Ail kinis cf FVRNITURE REPAIRED AN') FINISHING IN OIL. UPHOLSTER ING a specialty. Manufacturer HAIR AND FELT MATTttESSKS. CY. AUTEN. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply to the present session of the N. C. General Assembly for letters of incorporation for the "Mecklenburg Water, Light and Pow er Company." S. T. STOWE. This February 2, 1903. We sell Cotton Seed Meal and Loose Hulls at Bottom Prices at the STAR. MILLS. W. M. CROWELL, Prop. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Sherrill & Cogbill is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All bills are payable at my place of busi ness at 223 West Trade street or to my representative, Lloyd C. Torrence. LEE SHERRILL. This is the Dull Season In our line as a rule, but we have our shop full of work. We can take that old Vehicle of yours and Repair and Repaint it so you won't know it when it comes back to you. Why not try us? GEO. A. PAGE, 28 and 30 West Fourth Street. List Your Property With me, both for sale and rent. J have more calls for both than I have property. I devote my entire time to this line, without any side business. J. K. A. ALEXANDER, 225 North Tryon St. Signs, Streamers, Banners, Etc MADE BY - Charlotte Cloth Sign Co 40 East Trade Street. Bell 'Phone 284 and 1946. Dyeing and Cleaning Queen City Pressing Club SKILLFUL, PROMPT, RELIABLE. 209 North Tryon St. Bell 'Phone 246. sTiC WE DO BUSI NESS ON A SAFE BASIS Safe to us and safe to you. You know what you are getting before you pay for it. No other profession does that. We can, because we are sure. We know what we are doing. We know what we can do. We learned how started in. before we Examination FREE DR.J.H. SPILMAN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Blair Bros. Drug Store, 22 W. Trade street, Charlotte, N. C- EE2533 Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste." All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by (aufqrnia Eft Cam pMMttfA. S Louisville, Ky. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING ANTHRACITE GOAL, HARD COAL, COKE ALL THE BEST GRADES SOFT COAL QjSteuAdeo-d Ice and Fiel j Q o m i Tlio HHocfiOfiscs forpofiioi p Cha r iotte, N. OF THE ABOVE NAMED INSTITUTION BEGINS MAR.CH 1ST The ist payment to be made on Saturday, March 7 PROSPECTIVE BORROWERS note: this fact That our monthly receipts are now from $15,000 to $20,000, hence your chances of getting the loan at an early day are self-evident. REMEMBER. That the rule of the MECHAN ICS PERPETUAL is "first come first served." Re member also that this institution has now 11,000 Shares of a par value of $1. 100 000. Remember also that in this institution YOU HAVE ALL DAY SAT URDAY IN WHICH TO PAY YOUR DUES. . E. Cochrane, Secretary a.rd Trea.sirer. ittkowsky, 1 fK&'Sfff 1 Syrvp$ New York, N. Y. DRUGGISTS. p rvy President. when? PROFESSIONAL CARDS, C. L. ALEXANDER Dantist. 8 S. Tryon Street. Bell 'Jhone 1424. Queen City 166. I. W. JaLinieson DENTIST. U1-2 N. Tryon St. Bell 'phone 326. (Over Johnson's.) Will be in Pineville every Thursday. J. M. McMichael. AHCH1T ECT, CheLi-lotte. N. C. a Wheeler (SL Runge. ARCHITECTS, Charlotte. N. C. Second Floor 4C's Building. O. A. Robbins & Co. Mill Engineers and Architects, 201 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Safe Method. No E:d After Effects D r. Zickler 6 DENTIST fl 27 South Tryon Street. j ,1 Nbsbesbs Carpets M attirvgs and R i gs We are able to quote the following pjices on goods, which cannot be nntched in style and quality by houses dealing in them as side lines ami quoting similar prices: Ingrain Carpets 40c. to 75c. yard Brussels Carpets 70c. to 90c. yard Velvet Carpets 90c. to $1.50 yard Axminister Carpets $1.15 to $1.35 yard China Mattinqs 15c. to 35c. yard Japan Mattings 18c. to 35c. yard HOW IS THIS? Several bales of fine all wool CARPET SAMPLES 1 1-4 yards wide viiote width), 40c. Some in Cotton and Wool, 25c. and 30 These samples are of best design and manufacture nicely hemstitched on edges no waste,. They are nice and you can hardly have too many of Ihom. RUGS, CUP.TAINS, PORTIERS AND WINUOW SHADES AT REDUCED PRICES. The Carpst Man. 20 W. Trade St. What Women Are Seeking r. DAVIS' Ladies in ioor health, both singr'c and mar ried, will tind these Pills just what thev want for Fema'e Complaints. Headache. Va ns in the Hack and Limbs. Palpitation of the Heart. Fainmess, Loss of Appetite. Bearine--don Pain Prostration of Ktrerjrth, Retained. Kx ces.sive. Irregular or Painful Menkes. In eases of Irii potency or Barrenness. Seminal Weakness. Gleets. Whites and all disorders arising from a re apsed state of the genital or gans, whether the result of disease or ronst-iwe-nfcs of youthful indisc etion, or indulgence, thev are equally beneficial. PRICE No 1. 3XO per box; Double Strength No X(0 vev box. JS 'Used and recommended by thousands or ladi's. Many Female Complaints result from Consti pation. Torpid Liver, Severe Headriche. etc for which DR. DAVIS' LIVER GRANULES is a positive specific. Price. 25."! a Bottle. ..... ... m.s i.auimore. Char otte. N. C Y w 'JittreeuiJ and nhonld "mow Al)OUt. the WOTMifflf MARVfl Whirlina Snr - The nen Hrmil srrt-r. Jv?e& life 'U? draggUt (or tt. !' r.innot supply the j aer, nuiaena stamp for l- 'Lii particulars and 'iire'-'ioi s m Jul-.. "I. Wlr Railing & Ornamental WlreWork DUFUR. (ZL CO.. Wire Rail.-- -nr C.meterleg. Lawn, --aeng, Ofiv i md Balconies. Win low OuardB, Tree Guards. Wire Cloth, Biereg. Fenders, Cages, gand and Coal Bcreens, Chairs, Settees, etc. Elersr tor Enclosures a Specialty. D H.M nil .... 'M,J