a1 V; X3 : , h ft i ..'I h i'ffi:' lkr'Wr: .At:M'iS?Mi. Vir.U.v,:'-s. .n . link : -a - ' .r-.v ; t ' 4 - ' C ' i ::" ! I? f i J ' j, , ; ' m 1 T.::;n: t - : - 1 j fr I'-.- it FALLING HAIR Save Your Hair with Shampoos of Cuticura Soap and Dressings of Cuticura, Purest, Sweetest, Most Effective For Making tlie Hair Grow when All Else Fails. Prevent baldness and cleanse the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff with shampoos of Cuticura Soap, and light dressings with Cuticura, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales and dand ruff, destroy hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching surlaces, stimulates the hairfollk les, loosens the scalp shin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and make-; the hair grow upon a sweet, ' wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions now rely on Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cutk-ura Ointment, the great skin cure, for preserving, purity lug and beautifying the skin, for cleans ing the scalp "of "crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for babv rashes, itchings and chatings, iu the " form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weak nesses, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes, which readily suggest them selves to women and mothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Sale greater than the world's product of other skin cures. Sold throughout the civilized world. FOUNDSH Of ;TH CEU8RAT0 And ! one Jof fthe foremost' physicians in the South, used the remedy for over thirty Iit was ever dreamed to place iton the t market so that the world at largecould.be bene6tte3.r 1 Blood Disease Pi ST Are responsible 'for a' great ideal of Jthe "worst forms'of 'Catarrb.fTOLOTAN cures (fori Itheji I If? these f diseases and drives tawaythe catarrh.glt is the most remarkable remedy of its kind in the world. Ask your druggist for TOLOTAN lorwrite to, the macufacturers iTOLNiCC KNOXVIURjeNN GET W E L L J "PAY WHEN CURED." MEN. BE STRONG- Don't let some old venereal dis ease drain your vitals and drag you dowt. Are you suffering from lost man hood, syphilis or some kindred disease of the genlto - urinary organs? All these, even If they have pass ed to the ofcron ic stage, will yield to the treatment of ft skilled special ist. Do not delay, for delays are dangerous. Do not be discouraged if you have taken medicines ftnd subs itted to treatment elsewhere without results. If we undertake your case we will CURE you, nor do you have to PAY until you are CURED, We probably have patlentsin your Immediate neighborhood who have been fully restored to health by our treatment. Our staff of physi cians Is prepared to cure any disease which will yield to medical skill. Write for our symptom blanks. We send them and all advice FRfcE. All correspondence sacredly CONFIDENTIAL medicines sent in plain packages not even a member of your family need i know you are under treatment. Wr ite today. DR, T, ALEXANDER COX, ; 210 W. Franklin Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Woman is wusawiabout thrwobderfa MARVEL ,W?Jllin9 Spraf 8 Ti 7? 1 uolnt I A fnf ifitfrwtat tor fe lt he cannot supply the Hatrated book aled.It gives ' Uil (RUUUIUUe UUU IUICI uuiio raloable to ladles. MARVEL CO., WW f Z'Uaea Bdf.,.Viw York. i fcf f ,Z7VV5 TOIOTflNL M4-IMTH1I PRODIGAL TOHIM Professor Says he Once Lived on Ten Dollars a Month and Saved aThird of That , Chicago, March 7 The food-abstainers and starving theories of the Northwestern University would like to see the food and expense schedule evolved by the Rev. C. M. Winchester, of Middletown. N. Y.. who annouin-es that an unmarried minister can live comfortably on $12 a month. It is true that certain self-denying students have lived on $2a weekk. but it has often re sulted in insanity and death. Only a few days ago a divinity students was taken to a madhouse. He had been liv ing on less than ?2 a week and doing his own cooking. Prof. J. Scott Clark, of Northwest ern University, who recently stated his belief that a single laboring man could subsist comfortably on $200 a year, thinks the assertion of the Rev. Mr. Winchester may be attended with many qualifications. "I am ready to stand by my $200-1-year thory." said Prof. Clark, "but when it comes to scriming along oil any less I confess that Mr. Winchester has the better of me. Twelve dollars a month would mean subsistence of the most frugal sort and could scarcely be called comfortable. I am sure that when on" the closest calculation the expenditures for necessities were added up there would be a very minute trifle left for charity." Dr. Milton S. Terry, of Garrett Bil lican Institute, locked upon Mr. Win chester's claim in an qptimistic way. and offered himself as an example of the latest theory or cheap living. "I am not only satisfied," said he. "that the Rev. Mr. Winchesters asser tions are within the bounds of possi bility, but I say that he could make the figure still lower and not depart from the bounds of practicability. While he declares that a minister, un married, can live on $12 a month in comfort. I point to my own case as proof that it. can be done with even less. "When I was a young minister I managed to get along on $10 a month, and felt no dire need at any time, .wore than that. I was able to save from 25 to 35 per cent, of my income every year. 1 paid $1.50 a week for board, lodging, washing and mending, and my total expenses for the year were not more than $75. This was in a small town, however, and I do not think that it would be possible in Chicago, and (ertainly not in Evanston." President Charles J. Little, of Garrett Biblical Institute, declared that the theory was preposterous. "I would not care to live on $12 per month myself, and I dont think it can be done," he said. Thpro Virus hppn a aeneral decline of theological students at all unversities because of small salaries and many personal sacrifices. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want some thing that will relieve and cure the more sever-'1 and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun tries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's Ger man Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the pa tient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. You can get this reliable rem edy at Fitzsimons Drug Co. Price 25c and 75c. He Tumbled. He (at the window) It's very cheer ful within, but awfully disagreeable without. She (coyly) Without what? He (inspired) Why, without you. darling. And a few weeks later a furniture installment house was called upon to open a big account. Chicago News. ONE MINUTE LATE. It makes no difference whether you were one minute or one honr late, if you missed the train. Better get there o ntime. Cold lead to coughs, coughs to pneumonia and consump tion; therefore, it is all important to check 'a cold before it reaches the lungs. Perry Davis' Painkiller will positively break a cold inside of twenty-four hours. There is hut one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. No Danger. (Philadelphia, Pres.) Goodley You've seen some of his landscapes. Crittick Yes. Goodley Well, there's at least one thing to say for him; that he's cer tainly in love with his art. Crittick Yes, and that he'll never have a rival. A BOY'S WILD RIDE FOR LIFE. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., en dured death's agonies from asthma; but this wonderful medicine gave in stant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of C6n sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c. and $1.00. Trial Dottles free at Bur well & Dunn Co.'s drug store. N. C. Pine Tar and the Lungs. Tar Heel Cough Syrup Js made from North Carolina ine Tar and is highly 1 eeommended for Coughs. Asthma, Broochitis and Weak Lungs. Sold by Burwell & punn, 25c. mwm TO ROCKEFELLER Before Long, Thinks the New York World, He Will Do minate the Metropolis . of America Day by day, year by year, says the New York World, the influence of John D. Rockefeller, with the millions of dollars of capital that he controls, is gradually but surely increasing. It is easily discernible that before long he will absolutely dominate not alone the lighting situation of New York city, for he does that already, but also the rapid-transit interests and many of the largest banking and financial in stitutions of Greater New York. As his wealth increases and his vast income is steadily augmented Mr. Rockefeller surely but firmly reaches out in new directions, acquires inter ests in new enterprises entirely for eign to Standard Oil or illuminating gas. and still further intrenches him self in a position of power, so far as the affairs of the metropolis are con cerned, unequaled by any other man in the community. As an instance of the vast power wielded by Mr. Rockefeller in New York it is only necessary to point to a list of the corporations in which he holds a controlling interest. In the matter of illuminants alone Mr. Rockefeller exacts tribute from every inhabitant of the city on every gallon of kerosene oil consumed, every cubic foot of gas and every volt, of electricity used. Standard Oil is. of course, the great est source of the Rockefeller wealth and the greatest contributor to his es timated income of more than $2,00.000 a month. But he also controls the Consolidated Gas Company, the Brook lyn Union Gas Company, the Standard Gas Company, the Mutual Gas Com pany, the Mount Morris Electric Light Company, the Kings County Electric Light and Power Company, the Edison Illuminating Company, the New Ams terdam Gas Company, the Richmond Light and Power Company and the New York Gas and Electric Light. Power and Heat Company. Mr. Rockefeller is also the controll ing factor in the Union Pipe Line and the Union Tank Line, the New York Transit Company and the lighterage business in connection with it at the port of New York, and which in turn furnishes employment for a vast num ber of men in this city. Incidentally Mr. Rockefeller has enormous interests and big refineries at Constable Hook and Long Island City, including a line of tank steamers. This by no means is the limit of Mr. Rockefeller's influence-and industry in New York. His interests in local trac tion systems are far greater than are popularly supposed, and there aie few nickels handed to the conductors of the surface or elevated road.s that do not furnish a moiety to his princely in come. His holdings in the Manhattan Ele vated, in Interbcrough Rapid Transit, the Belmont Company, the Harlem River and Port Chester Railroad, and in the Staten Island system of trolleys are extensive, and there are good reasons for believing that he has been gradually securing a comfortable in terest in Brooklyn Rald Transit. At any rate, he is credit with having dictated the elections of both Jacob L. Greatsinger and Edwin XJ. "Vinter, the two most recent presidents of that sys tem. Of steam railroads entering New York the only one in which Mr. Rockefeller has any great interest is the New York. New Haven and Hart ford. His holdings in roads that do not reach New York St. Paul. Mis souri Pacific, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, Iron Mountain and many of the 1 roads classed as Gould properties are large. He is also one of the largest indi vidual stockholders in the United States Steel Corporation, but these lat ter corporations, of course, cannot be classified as local institutions, or as having, any direct bearing on the well-being of the New York communi ty. In local banking institutions and trust companies John D. Rockefeller is a conspicuous figure. Several of the best-known banks in the city have come to be known as Standard Oil banks, chief of them being the Nation al City Bank. The others include the Second National, the Hanover Nation al, the Lincoln Bank, the Leather Manufacturers' National Bank, the United States Trust Company and the farmers' Loan and Trust Company. While not controlling it Mr. Rockefell er has a considerable interest in the Mutual Life Insurance Company. This, in brief, outlines Mr. Rocke feller's local interests, and it can readi ly be seen that he is an enormously important factor in the success and well-being of the greater city. Ani mated by a desire to dominate the financial and business interests of the city, with his oil lines, his steamship lines and his railroad lines, Mr. Rocke feller stands pre-eminent among the captains of - industry whose interests affect New York. FEARFUL ODDS AGAINST HIM. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Havens. Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies. "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. uriiaranteed by Burwell & Dunn Co., Druggists. For Appetites WeaKorStrong 1 3 I; " Mere Quaker Oats" the Grocer said,, "No other. brand :will .do instead" j i-p And. o'er. his kindly, features spread P The Smile '.that won' t ' come off. g The Best Prescription For Chills and Fever is a bottlfi of Grove's Tasted Chill Tunic. It is simply Iron and Quinine in ss tonu. No curt", no pay, Women as Wei! as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor - iuiu tuccriuiness soon disappear when the kid nevs are out of nni.r rvicney trouble nas become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be hrm afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if ihf. urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same treat rmpnt The mild and the immediate effe j bwampRoot is soon realized. - U. is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent ana one aonar fnws-n siics. i ou may nave a atssi sample bottle bv mail SSHig h , - ,v. . . .. tree, aiso pamphlet tell- Home cf Sraup-Root. 'inf all ahmit it inlTiinr rv, ,. thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Einghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this oajiex. Don't make any mistake, Cut re member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. e;j averv Settle. o ...wiuuujr iiiony J 1 WIG BLOOD POISO Is the v,orst disease on earth, yet the easiest to oure WHEN YOU ENOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, sores in the mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains, a tarrh, don't know it is BLOOD POISON. Send fo DR. BROWN, 935 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., lor BROWN'S BLOOD CURE. $2.00 per bottle, Hsts one month. RRHWM'Q PAPQIII FQ Cured mo uiiuii 11 j un o u i lo in few days ffist. Char-, For sale by R, M. Brannon, Dru; o tte, N, C. GONORRHOEA AND GLEET Cured In 3 TO 5 DAYS by using DR. BER NARD'S INJECTION or taking DR. BER NARD'S SANITARY MIXTURE. Prevent Stricture. Price. 50c each. For sle by W. L. HAND & CO., Druggists, corner Trade and Col lege fctreets, Charlotte, N, C, or sent on receipt of p.-:ce by D. F, ONNEN. Apothecary 1C00 Share St,, Baltimore, Md. URICSOL The Great. mr CALIFORNIA REMEDY ..CURES., RHEUMATISM and all Liver, Kidney and Bladder .diseases caused by an excess of uric acid in the system. It is pleasant in its effects and builds up the health and strength while using it. Thousands of certificates sound its praise. It is thoroughly endorsed and mvzr disappoints. Send stamp for book of particulars and vr onderfal certificates. Price .$1 per bottle. 6 bottles, $5. For sale by druggists. If your druggist can not supply you it will be sent, pre paid, upon receipt of price. Address URJCS0L CHEMICAL CO., Los Angeles, Cat. or the LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Distributing Agents. For Sale By BURWELL & DUNN CO. -Charlotte, N. C. gSay Quaker distinctlyl Malaria 3 BUB n H EIH JC& -run- orcD oc tiict btpt I s it MI Hi i ill I I? - Price r-ie. P n 133 SJ fl B-'3 a WTSqSmS7mm fi if sis iiy u PSI fKt i lluSMI I have just received my first shipment of plain white Duck and Fancy Awning Stripes. Place your order, now, so you won't have to wait. I Mail orders will receive prompt attention. The Carpet Man. 20 W. Trade St. YDNOR. HUNDLEY When you buy a loaf of bread, a silk hat, or a pair of shoes you. as a rule, want the best made. You should follow the same lines in seloctine a Refrigerator, Go-Cart, Carriage, or any artirie of Furniture. We handle makes of Refrigerators, and we you. "The Illinois Automatic" is best. We handle six makes of Carts and Carriages. If you five tell the either a F. A. Whitney. Hey wood or Waken ?ld, yon make no mistake. Our line of Furniture embraces so many reliable makes it is not neces sary to mention names of manufac turers, while our stock, like all other Furniture stocks, also has a sprinkling of cheap goods, of whose make we don't care to remember ourselves. A small quantity of "BARGAIN JUICE" left in the few rockers re maining of our remnant Rocker Sale. Office Furniture Department, 212 N. Eighth street, rear of Murphy's Hctef. LARGEST STOCK Prices That Move It. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, 709-711-713 East Broad St., RICHMOND, VA These tiny Capsules nr.. rest in 48 hours without inconvenience, nnections " II . "HUlI 1,11. , l. beba and Injections fail. where? L,exders in FyilflT fit 2y WhAWsTi5" values q Br.fi. M. FOUR STYLES. MEDIANAS 5C PERFECTOS ' 5c LONDRES GRANDE .. .. " ..5c! TRABOUCOS.. 3 for 25c. The above cigars are made of su perior quality Tobaccos and have been on the market for thirty years. Today they are unexcelled. Sold everywhere." Ask your dealer for them. Address C. H. Ercnaman & Co Makers. 422 W. Lexington St., BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by R. M. Brannon, Druggist, Charlotte, N. C. REMEMBER TODAY that your beautiful home, your well stocked store, may be an unsightly heap of smoldering ruins tomorrow. Have our agents write out an insur ance policy today, and tomorrow's re grets over a fire loss may be tem pered by the knowledge of certain cash assistance in your time of need. PIEDMONT FIRE INSURANCE CO. Lad OS ill DOOr limlth hntli t!n ried. . . ' - - - -"' ."'if, y. ililll im;w - Wli Inn t.hpw Pillo iii-t ,,.,... .i . for i iujii!c Oomi.liunts. Ik-mlhe. i.s in the ".ti-K uiw i.ioiDs. !':iK'it:nioli of lh- ).., r aimiii-ss. Loss of Atpetit. ,K-:irr.ir-tloii 1 tin Prostration of trench. IMaincU j-x-cfsvive. Irictrular or Painful Menses. In cases of Impolency or Barrenness. Seminal Weakness. Gleets. Whites and all iJNorilers arising from a re apsert state ot the yenifil or gans, whether the result of disease rr onst (luen es f .icuthful iodise-etion, or indulgence thevare iKiuallv benptioial PRUtK-No 1. !R(0 per box: Double S.rer-th No 2 r?.iH) per box. Jl'seil and l-eeoimuciideil by thousands of Many "FVmjiie f;--)Tm,li int..- rL-i.u r r, pat ion, Torpid Liver. Severe Headache, ete., for nuiiMl HI.. UAH- i,i Kl! i XUI.K3 is i positive siiec-itie. Prire. -:r a ISottie ' -old hv M. Sr IOHX & r,).. Mfrs- ;;lUinlo.v Md . orW L. HAND & CO.. Druists. fhar otte. Is. C 9 Kellam Cancer Hospital. I 9 9 6 TWELFTH AND BANK RICHMOND, VA. 8T8., 9 a We cure Cancers, Tun and n Chronic Sores Without ;h Z Use of the Knife. J ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE. 9 Come and see what we have O (lone, a?ad are doing. If then you are not satisfied that we do all $ we claim we will pay all of your 0 expenses. 9 9 9 9 8 For LaSrippe and Influenza, Use CHENEY'S EXPFP.TQRAHL Ji DAVIS Rft FILLS when ? professionalTcardsT Thos. G. McMichaT ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Practice in All Courts. Room u-; , Trust Kiiildinr. Charlotte, x. ,' D. A. TEDDER, Attorney-aLt-La.v, General Law Practice, Patents, Trt.u. Marks. Notary Public. Room I, TLiul Floor, Ple.lmoia lit,;: . , Charlotte. N, C. c.l. Alexander' Dantiit. 8 S. Tryon Street. Bell 'Jhone 1.. Queen City 166. 'I. W. Ja.mieson DENTIST, 111-2 N. Tryon St. Bell 'phon ? ;. (Over Johnson's.) "Will he in Pineville every Thin s J. M. McMichael. ARCHITECT, CHrlotte, N. C. r Wheeler (E. Rimge, AUCHITE CT5, Charlotte, N. C. Second Floor 4C's Building. O O. A. Robhfns & Co. Mill Engineers and Architer.li,, 201 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Safe Method. Ho Bad After Effects Dr. Zicklerli DENTIST k 27 South Tryon Street. U Dyeing- and Cleaning Queen City Pressing 0!ub SKILLFUL, PROMPT, RELIABLE. 209 North Tryon St. Bell 'Phone 246. Signs, Streamers, Banners, Etc. MADE BY Charlotte Cloth Sign Co 40 East Trade Street. Bell'Phone 284 and 1946. ALL THE BEST$ .GRADES O AiP 6y For Whooping Cough Use CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT 4 . , :cs oil 4- ts n d 3 r 44 4 o 7 U n

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