CHARLOTTE NEWS, MAY 12, 1903 BABIES ON FIRE With Itching, Burning, Scaly Humours Find Instant Relief and Speedy Cure In Guticura Soap and Guticura Ointment When Ail Other Remedies and the Best Physicians Fail. Instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babie3 and rest for tired mothers in warm baths with Cutieura Soap and gentle anointings with Cutieura Ointment, the great skin tirr itid purest of emollients, to be followed iu severe cases by mild doses of Cutieura Kesolvent Pills. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per uiiiiVnt and economical treatment for to'rtiiriiis;, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply skin and scalp humours, eczemas, rashe3 and irritations, with loss of h iir of infants and children, as well as adults, aud is sure to succeed when all other remedies aud physicians fail. Millions of the world's best people now use Cutieura Soap, assisted by Cutieura Ointment, for preserving, purifviug and beautifying the skin, for cleansiug the scalp of crusts, scales and dandrufi, and the stopping of fall in ir hair, lor softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath aud nursery. Thousands of women unhesitatingly recommend Cutieura Soap, ju the form of baths for annoying irritations, inflammations and dialings, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves. The sale of Cutieura Soap, Ointment and Pills is greater than the combined sale of the world's product of other skin remedies. Sold in every part of the world. (Reports received by Private Wire by Howell & Dodsworth. New York. May 12. Fleet & Co. say: London shade better. News trifle bull ish. Our market dull but has firm un dertone and looks as though an effort would be made to run in shorts. Room traders appear moderately bullish. Prices may rally point or so further and if so would sell them short for moderate turn. Government crop re pot rather better than expected ,and this induced some little short covering and buying for turn. Labor troubles a;e the chief menace to market and ap pear to be growing more serious every day. Talk of calling of extra session of Congress in early fall had favorable effect. If it is not called until Novem ber don't see how it will be any benefit in moving crops this fall. Money easy about 2 1-2 per cent. Foreign Ex change market very firm and looks like we would ship several million gold on Thursday's steamer to France. Rock Island plan is about what was expec ted. Don't see that its bullish on R. I. U. S. issues heavy. Steel and Iron in dustries are lagging a little. Missouri Pacific continues strong. A. C. P. hang ing fire now and looks like easing off. New York, May 12. Town Topics say: The stock market having been ap parently sold to a stand-still discount ed gold exports and with the better strike outlook the announcement of the shipment of the precious metal in stead of causing a depression resulted in a strong market yesterday 1 after noon and we expect to see a continu ance cf the improvement today. There are indications that Smelter is ready to move up at any time. We are also bullish on Erie 2nd and advise its purchase. We expect to see Missouri Pacific considerably higher, but the movement is likely to be gradual. Illi nois Central is regarded as the cheap est stock in the list by some of the best people in the stieet and we believe it 'ill go higher. The bulls should not forget this and hold on. New York, May 12. Dow Jones & Co. say: American stocks in London firm 1-8 to 3-8 per cent, above parity.' Manchurian difficulty clearing. South ern Pacifis strike considered practical- ') settled. Government crop report considered very good. Winter wheat condition 93.3 compared with 97.9 last "mm. Great Northern labor situa Tlnn r. : , -, , . atnous. nocking Valley an nouncement expected immediately, iwelve roads for first week in May aiio gross increase of 17.32 per cent, smy-sven roads for March show net increase of 17.71 per cent. General J'ec. and D. and H. annual meetings y. Announcement -of United aPS shipbuilding re-organization ex :ieu at end Of this weplr -Ranlrs la! from Sub-Treasury since Friday ".00O. Frisco-Rock Island deal an- cZ - tems as already reported. T .n Pacific earnings for first in May increase . of $142,000, AT! Quarterly l p-2r cent, declared -National Biscuit common and 1 3-4 pf. . ,IU- on Preferred. R. H. Thomas lected new president of the Stock Ex- ' H- Harrirnan wm be elec in t P and H- Boar today. Twelve tivc r -, advanf,ed 21. Twenty ac- "uiudus advanced .38. GRAIN LETTER. Chicago in., May 12. A feature of tne b' Ureau rennrt v.4. .1 , !J T by the late freeze and there start" Lng by local Pertaors at the Wiih n iraea tne report as vith ere was fairy buying thnn.v, . ur peP'e Prominent al tw uie market was verv dull uusn sessin. We still regard wheat THE MARKETS as in a strong position and favor its purchase- on recessions. Corn -There, was a good cash, de mand with buyers in evidence while buying xf the futures was of a good character, with - the contract ' stock showing a reduction. It was thought that ' Patten was coverning shorts in July and it would not be surprising if higher values should prevail. Oats Were strong through good commission house buying. Crop re ports wers as' a general thing unfa vorable and this is enough in the situ ation to create the belief that values will work some higher. Provisions Were weak early, lard especially in sympathy with hogs but shortes covered freely on the appear ance of buying lard and ribs by bro kers who were thought to represent the big packers. Advance may be car ried, farther but on hard spots we would favor sales of product for mod erate profits. ' WARE AND LEL AND. CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected daily by Heat-Reid, job bing and commission company. Good Middling . -: .......11 05 Strict Middling It 00 Midddling i0 a Tinges Bia9 y2 Stains . 7 (asc Firm LIVERPOOL COTTON. Futures closed feverish. January-February . May ...... May-June July-August 4 75 5 68-69 5 67 5 63 August-September 5 48-49 September-Octbber 5 05 October-November 4 85 November-December 4-77-78 December-January 7 76 Receipts, 15,000; sales, 20,000. Middling, 5.92. NEW YORK COTTON. Futures closed barely steady High January ... 8 8 Viay 11 20 une 10 77 Low Clrse 8 75-'. 6 11 00-02 io ei-io 10 48 49 10 13-14 9 28-29 8 83-84 8 74- 5 8 74-75 8 74 It 00 10 77 10 45 10 13 9 24 8 75 8 07 luly .ugust . -'eptember Octo'er. November . December 10 77 10 37 . 9 48 , 9 0J . 8 87 8 87 8 70 Spots quiet; middlnig Jl 33 COMPARATIVE RECEIPTS. ' " ' Same day Today. Galveston , 6,214 New Orleans 4,160 Savannah 2,094 Total Ports 16,00(k last year. 1,098 1,526 315 4,847 Same day last year. 1,323 3,681 487 Ests. for tomorrow. Galveston .... .. 2,500 New Orleans 25-3,500 Houston 12-1,400 NEW YORK STOCKS. Atcnison ; ,. 79 .. 94 ..132 ,. 44 .. 301 ..23 .. 34 .13 ,.118 112 Haiti & Ohio an Pac . . :hes & Ohio Chi & Alton Chi & G West . Erie . . . : . 11 Central . Lou & Nash Man ... Hissc Pac . Misso K & T New Y C ... ..129 Norfolk & W 71 1 vatario & W 2 Penna 129 Readinsr St Paul 1605 So Pac . ... 5i So Railway 30 So Railway P'fd 93 Tex & Pac .... 35 Union Pac 4 89, Wabash . 2 a Amal Copper 65 M Brook Rap Trans,. 65 Col Fuel & Iron. 66 Peoples Gas 104 ....126 G2H Sugar Tenn Coal & Iron ...... U S Leather...;........ US Steel 3 83 63M U S Steel P'fd Western Union V C Chemical.. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PRODUCE .VII EAT High T IX 44 35 3? 29 Low 73 4 44 34M 82 2', Close -IA .72 69 44 45 44 35 3 29 May ... July ., Sept CORN May ..... inly .... Sept OAT3 May ... July Sept PORK May 13 65 .17 20 17 00 17 15 ..16 72 16 57 16 67 3 2 8 97 8 77 8 92 .. 9 '05 8 90 9 00 ... 9 20 8 07 9 .20. , . 9 ?T 9 12 9 2T. .. 9 22 9 20 9 30 July LARD VL ay July Sept... H1BS May July Sept CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. 'Corrected by H. G. Link. Hens per head .... . . 30 y Butter v... .r. ... 10 ; 31 ..; i" 15 22 SO - Eggs- Ducks -. ...... tVhaat Wheat seen: . Oats ...v.. ...... . 14 .20 60' QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the lareest sale -of any -medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anvthinsr else for Indigestion or iii iousness. Doctors were, scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration of Heart failure, etc. They used Augus Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate me ac tion of the liver, stimulate the ner vous and oreanie action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feelinsr dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few Anc-aa nf nromi's AllGTUSt FlOWer, hi lirmid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with irmi Vnii ?nn eret this reliable remedy at Fitzsimmons Drug Co Price 25c. and 75c. : - "Wihitinv Kitson aadJf oorisockef COTTON MILI, MACHINJCR.V Plants and Specifications for Cotton Mills. n St. , 1 n, u n. rf jr. :. w:i . . i Hiii STUAUT Wi CHAMEU Engineer an d .Contract or Charlotte, N. C. ' -"-!-- ' Atlanta Ga. Wire Railing & Ornamental Wirework DUFUR. (SL CO., 3i311 N Howard St. Baltimore. M4 Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens Offices and Balconies. Win dow Guards Tree Guards, Wire Cloth, Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coal Screens, Chairs, Settees, .etc.. Eleva tor 'Enclosures -a Specialty. RA C K E D CORN, for Chicken Feed, delivered anywhere in the city. Star Mills NEW BICYCLES, I3,25. They are made by the V ast. Mor gan & Wright Tires, per pair $4.00. Morgan & Wright No. 1 Inner Tubes, 70c. Morgan & Wright No. 2 Inner Tubes 60c. G. & J. Clincher, guaran teed best made, per pair, $7.75. Uncle Sam Lamps, 50c. Majestic Gas, $1.50. Axle Cones and Taps, complete, 40c. Compare our prices with those of others and you will see that we. al ways lead in low prices where others try to follow. RELAY MFG. CO., 231 South Tryon Street. 96IOe609OOltOO9 J Kellam Cancer Hospital. TWELFTH AND BANK 8TS.,g ... RICHMOND, VA. Q We cure Cancers, Tunra and Chronic 3oret Without ih o Use of the Knife. c ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE- O Come and see what we havfc doae, aad are doing. If then you are not satisfied that we do al we claim we will pay all of your a expanse. nao Tiir niirinroTniri Q! iiha. 1 nr.iinrurr.M run . ra R. A N G E S Installed Ready For Use S15' oot, OVENIENT HEAl LEAN S m Prim YOU tCVE YOUR WIFE BUY HER1 EAS RANCE EE I 3! .ALL THE BEST GRADES : :lce and FiigI:: jMnlhraclte:: -t C o It rS ie a M: o f t;: tandardH AA : Company Complete Equfpments - fcr. Cotton btills. v Jvist Received .... . . f Big Line Solid Silver . and Cut Glass for Weddi ng Presents GARIBALDI & BRUNS 1 mm BT2SS (Rich with the colors of the Orient. Beautiful fashions best fabrics. No such values to be seen in the city. L The Carpet Man 20 WEST TRADE STREET on ood Lid 0L Prompt Service Peoples Ice & Fuel Co U?e Central Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C One of the roomiest, most cheerful and hospitable hotels in the - South land, requisite iu every way to tne dem'nds of the traveling public. Centrally located and liberally coi ducted, under the persona- mang ment of Mr. C. E. Hooper. C. E. Hooper L Co? PEOPEtETOKS C. Y. AUTEN General Upholstering, Makers of Hair and Felt Mattresses. v Cabinet and General Repair Work and' Finishing in Oil. No. 20 1-2 North College Street. For Rent Nice 4-room cottage West Ninth street $10.00 ; - 3-room cottage . with barn, large lot, Derita Road. Seyeral pieces of desirable property for sale at a bargain. J. K. A. ALEXANDER, 224 North Tryon Street. . Fine Line 1 T T J HER-NDON Reduced Prices w ; Ansttier."Before and After," THE BUTTONS DOVN HER BACK. When Mabel squeezes in a waist That buttons down the back, And then cries out in Leading tones ; 'Come here and help m Jack,'! : ' I sigh lor those delicious days Those days when I was free. And Mabel nevec pleaded to Be buttoned up by me. Ah. what a wivileffe would I Have deem sd it then to hear Her cry: "Come, please, and help me with The e dreadful butvons. dee r : " Ho gladly w .uld I then have tone And griven her a smack ' For each delightful button down The row upon her back. t But things, somohow don't thrill me now as once they might have thrilled: And oh, i.he waists that Mabel wears Are always amply filled! My temper's warped my thumbs are s re. ' My angers ache, alack! . , Confound these awkward, foolish waists That button down the back: Oh, these men, these men. Before marriage they can't do enough, and after marriage they can't do too little at least some of them. "Wy do more for our customers after we get them than we did before. Think of it 25 companies. Biggest agency in town 28 years ago it was known as "the little agency around the corner' Now we are "It." C. N. G. BUTT & CO., '' Insurance Headquarters. WE HAVE The Largest In the South, Full exhibit of best Vehicles of ev ery description from standard manu facturers. We sell them at lowest prices and on easiest terms. We put on Rubber Tires. J. W. Wa.dswort h's Sons 220-226 North Tryon Street. 5 Y D N OR. 6 HUNDLEY LEADERS IN OF QUALITY Slip Covers 'Cool "breezy Slip Covers." Yes, we make them, and will be pleased to es timate on covering your Parlor Suite, odd pieces, Couches, etc. An estimate costs you nothing. A choice selection of plain and fancy Linens to choose from. - - ' Now is the. best time to have your Pajrlor Siits Recovered , Your Mattresses Made Over, and there is no better place than here. Largest Line of BABY CARRIAGES, go-carts and "Refrigerators in the city. The makes we carry sell the goods. Prices cut on figures, as they are always right. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, -709-11-13 East Broad. RICHMOND. VA. SUMMER COMFORTS And some are luxuries, but they ; are all useful. 'We 'mean our ! Refrigerator, ' Watir ; Coolers, Ice " Cream Freezers, Rubber i Hose, Lawn Mowers and Screen i Windows. - If you expect to buy Will be pleased to show you our styles and prices, which will be sure to interest you. Our prices are right; and goodg must give at- isfaction. : See us before buying. Very truly, I Sounern Hardware Go., B ' 41 llf. T..J. Otrnnt Ovir Carriage Painting send Rubber Tiring Departments hav6 been put in the best shape and we are prepared to do the very best work to be had in both' lines. Wr ' put - on Goodyear Rubber Tires. GEO. A. PAGE, i rnrn.r Fourth and Chllfch Streets. C McNELIS B4CRENT One six-room house on South Church street. ". "V:-" . - , ': .1 i. . . - .... Two four-room houses : on South Graham street. ! . ' . ' Two four-room houses on North Brevard street. One four-room house on' East Pal mer street. One four-room house on East Fourth street. . ''.'" si?S- 1 if. a j C McNelis. ytm-p QvaistyCovkt' : -.il7 E.SERMAN. . BALTIMORE, HALF T0NIS.UNE ENGRAVINGS SfiETCIIES.ORIGINAIDESIGNS, ; AND BUSINESS BRINGING ' 'ADVERTISING IDEAS OF THE HIGHEST EXCELLENCE. IT Will PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. THE PEER OF THE BEST STYLES'- MEDIAN AS.: i. i' . i " . ' . .. . . -..5cV PERFECTOS.. .. .. LONDRES GRANDE 1 ., . '. '.861 TRABOUCOS. 3 for 25e. Th above cigars are made of su perior duality Tobaccos - 'and -have been -on the market for thirty years Today ' they are unexcelled. Sold everywhere. Ask your dealer for them.' Address C. H. Bt enaman & Co. Makers. 422 W. "Lexington St, BALTIMORE, MD. - Sold by R. M. Brannon, Druggist, Charlotte, N. C. . BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on earth, yet the easiest to cure WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, sores in the mouth, ulcers, falling hair, bone pains. - a- tarrn, don't know it is BL.OOIJ roisui. Sena fo PR. BROWN, 935 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa.. foe BROWN'S BLOOD CURE, 12.00 per bottle, lasts one month. BROWN'S CApSULESiSufew m day For ssle by R. M. Brannon, Druggist, Char otte, N, C. . - ,,. v .' . ZZ Schedule in Effect Schedule in effect June 8th, 1902, Through Train Daily, Charlotte and - .. Roanoke, Ya.1 h ? Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ". .11:10 a m. Lv. WinstonN. & WJ Ry. . .3:00 p m. Lr. Martinsville ;t . . i i . . 5 : 15 p m. Lv. Rocky Mt, .6: 35 p m. Ar. Roanoke.. s.7:40 p m. Ar. Charlotte, So. Ry. .. ..6:00 p m. Ar. Winston, N. & W. Ry..2:00 p m. Ar. Martinsville --..11:45 a m. Ar. Rocky, Mt.; ... .. ..10:28 am, Lv. Roanoke..1 .. .. .. ...9:15 a m. Connects at Roanoke via Shenandoah-Valley Route- r for ' Natural Bridge, Luray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania- and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke and Philadelphia. Additional train leaves Winston Salem 8 :0a a. m." dafly except Sunday for Southwest Virginia and Shenan doah Valley pOinta. : W, EL BEVILL, Gen. Pass. AgU Roanoke, Va M. F. BRAGG; . V : : " ' 'xTav. Pass. Aeent. PHOTOI(BlNG(j j WE 00 Oki FIRST CLASS WORK ! AN0 DELNEIR WHEN PROMTSEDJ loaxiooaxioa rxxxrxBcrxxxxxxxococxuooocO 1 1 trifirMn,: SOUTHERN BAILWA' In Effect March 1st, 1903. This condensed Schedule Is publish ed as information and "Issub4ect to change without notice to the puhllc. 5:00 a. m.No.8 daily. fbrJ Richmond and local points, connects at GreeHa -boro for Winston-Salem." T'Raleleli' Goldsbbro, Newbern ' arid Marebead City, at'Danville for Norfolk.:; ' 7:i0 a. m. No. 27 daily; fbf Columbia and C. C. -& A. local' stations. ' 7.10 a. m. No. 16 daily excect iSuh. day, for StateSville. Tavlorsvlhe 1 and local stations, Connects at Mobreavllle for ' Winston-Salem, at StatesvttW for Asheville, Hickory, Lenoir ' and . Blow ing Kock. . ; - 7:45 a. m. No. 39 daily, Atlanta Ex press, Pullman sleeper and .day coach es to Atlanta:-; Close connec tions at Spartanburg 'for Henderson ville and Asheville.-'-r:Xx :?'" 8:30 a. m. No. 33 dally. Florida Ex press for .Rock - Hill, Chesteri-.'WJan3-boro, Columbia and Savannah; Pull man sleepers to): JackBonv.iHeui.Porr Tampa and Augusta; first-xlasS: coach, Washington "to Jacksonville. Dining car service. - r " T ' 9:25 a. m. No. 36 daily, U. S. Fast Mail; for Washington and all TKJlntsi North; Pullman drawing rooms, teleep ers: to New York and Richmond; rday coaches New Orleans to Washington -dining car service. Connects, at. Greensboro for ' Winston-Salem,- ; Ral eigh and Goldsboro.; ' y- 9:30 a. m. No. 37 dally, Washington and Southwestern Hmited-,SPuHman drawing room sleepers,- New York' to. New Orleans and Memphis PjaHman -observation car; New York to Macon; dining: car service ; solid Pullman train;- .1 " 10:05 a. m. No. 30 daily, for Wash ngton and all points North.' Pullman: sleepers to New -York;-' first-class coach to Washington. Closer eonnec- tionr at Danville fot ; Richmond, Va;"- 11:00 a. m. No. 28 dairy, for David son, Mooresville, Barber Junction, Cooleemee, , Mocksville,"- Winston Salem and Roanoke,- Va., and local stations. ' ' ; i,-r 12:35 p. m. No. 11 daily, for Atlanta and local stations; connects at Spar tanburg for Hendersonville and Ashe ville.- . - ; : - 4 6:25 p. m. Nd. 25, Freight and Pas. senger, for Chester, S. C; and local points.. : ;.. . - 6:40 p. m. No. 12 daily, for Rich mond and local stations, connects 'at Greensboro for Raleigh-, and Golds- boro ; -. Pullman sleeper Greensboroto- Raleigh.' ;- "- -rAjfv?.-H' - 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local 'stations connects at Statesville for -Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and-Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 daily, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all- points r North Pullman sleepers and Pullman observation car to New York; Dining car service. Solid Pullman tram. -. .- -r 9:30 p. m. No. 34 daily, NevlYork and Florida Express.- Pullman' sleep ers to New York; firstlass coach to Washington. ' ' '--? - 9:50 p. m. No. 29 dailyr for Colum bia; Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and local stations beyond f Chester,. Pullman sleepers . to ' JacksonvlUe; first-class coach, Washington1 to'' Jack sonville. ', .V;jVVT 10:20 p. m. No. 35 U. S. Fast Mail for Atlanta and all points South land Southwest. Pullman;:- 'drawing '.Toom sleepers to New Orleans alfd Blrminfe- ham; day coaches Washington' tp-New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:25 p. m. No. 40 daily, for Wash ington and points lorth. Pullman sleeper for Washington, 'ChariixttQvto Richmond. Pullman sleeper .Charlotte to Norfolk. First-class' coach Atlanta to Washington.- '- - : - C. H. ACKERT, Gen. Mgr. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Agt. . .. . WashlhgtdBDi .'C:" R. L. VERNONr Traveling Pase, Agt T. J. WITHFR3POON, City Ticket Agent. 11 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte,-Nir'.C. Baggage called for and 'checked from hotel and residence , by- Wadswoilh's Transfer Co. on orders left ' atw City Ticket 03ce. .r'- i-.v hi , DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE.' ' " 1 Between New York, Tampa; Atlanta, " . ; and West: ' -' r" IN EFFECT APRIL-12TH,:i903i ':; Trains arrive as follows;- - 33, from Atlanta, New' York Wash ington, 1 Richmond, Norfolk, Raleigh." Atlanta, 10:05 a. m. ' '. - 39, from Atlanta, New York, Wash ington, Richmond, Norfolk,' Raleigh, Wilmington, 10:45 p. m. ' ' ' - :r Train 32. from 1 Rutherf ordton. Shelby and Lincolnton, 7:25' p.' m;' " Trains leave as follows-: ' rv 40, for Atlanta, WlUnihgton, Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Waahldgtoa'ew York, 5: Or a nr. '" "J v" ' ' 4. 32, for Atlanta, Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, New w York,! 7:15 P. m. - - - . . , rv . ; 33, for Lincolnton, Shelby, Riitber fordton, 10:18 a. m. ' . Nos. 39 and 40 run solid to and from Wilmington. " V; ,"'' Pullman vestibule sleeper, Char lotte to Portsmouth, connecting at Monroe with through sleeper to Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; v - '"i-.;''. Baggage checked from residence and hotels without extra charge. R. M. COFFEY, , R. M. COFFEY Passenger and Ticket Agdht, Up-Town Ticket '-Office, 23. ' 8. Tryon Street, Charlotte ; A' MERGHAfiT TAILORIUG! ivi v BTnpir nr l m rwtrrpn Hniiinm ih . . . m . 1 . cm 1 At .1. now pen for Inspection. All thejatejf. noveitiea In" goods for men's wear; Call and make your selection. J. S. P H I L L I ES . nrst mauonai DanK ouiiuing, . -18 South Tryon Street. mm