CHARLOTTE NEWS.1 MAY 12, 1903. 8 MARKET TALK. Some Interesting Gossip About Cot ton and Stocks. By Wire to Howell & Dodsworth. "New York, May 12. C. W. Lee & Co. say: If it were not for the posi tion of cotton itself we would be in clined to regard today's sensational ad vance as the probable culmination of an upward movement. After a period of rather sensational advances, the market usually ends with just such a .scene as took place on the floor this morning. That is when August bump ed from 20 points or more and then slid off about 15. But with New Or leans in a state of demorilization and spot cotton there at 11 cents a pound and July at about 12 cents a pound, with Liverpool about as demoralized as New Orleans and the trade unable to satisfy themselves as to what the next change of the wheel will bring forth, it is utterly impossible to see the events in cotton circles. The feature today was the rather heavy selling of Phila delphia interests particularly in Au gust. That is to be satisfied with that interest sold reams of August from 10.20 to 10.05. It will be remembered that this house took some 30,000 bales of May cotton delivered on contracts early in he month. The selling today is doubtless in the nature of a hedge against the spot takings. Of course the market was a wild one from start to finish "with the running in of shorts as was to be expected under the cir cumstances. It is simply fool-hardy to short cotton at the present time though there is a prevailing impres sion that Mr. Sully is gradually get ting out of his May cotton. We trust he is, and that we will not be compell ed to go through a squeeze of more ex tended duration as a corner at this time would disturb all markets to an even greater extent than the disturb ances at present. We continue to be lieve in the advisability of letting the summer months alone and buying Oct. cotton on every opportunity afforded by a recession in price. STOCKS. New York, May 12. A good tone characterized the trading in today'a market. Bullish sentiment was in creased by the good government crop report which showed that the stories of damage had been exaggerated. While traders watched the tendency of Foreign Exchange not so much appre hension was manifested in regard to gold exports. There was evidence of Standard Oil buying in the market in , addition to the purchases by Gould representatives showing that the two interests are working together. There was considerable irregularity in cer tain departments. Pennsylvania was weak and Metropolitan did not show any recuperative powers. Gold export engagements reduced the gain of the banks from the Sub-Treasury since last Friday to $177,000. St. Paul is being tipped for a rise and if it should occur the going market would be further strengthened. A firmer tendency was noted in time money, although rates on call remained easy. The decline in New Haven stock is attributed more to investment selling than anything else. We believe American Smelting is ready for a rise, and there are tips out to buy Rubber Goods. Missouri Pacific should be bought on re-actions, likewise Wa bash preferred. As this is a profes sional market largely ruled by" flour operations, traders will find it 'advis able to take reasonable returns. At this writing the outlook favors improvement during the week. The market closed dull and weak. Sales, stocks, 352,900 shares. Expelled Priests Go To Mexico. New York. May 12. On the Spanish steamer. Manuel Calvo, in today from Spanish ports, was a number of priests expelled from France under the asso ciation law. They are going to Mexico to act as instructors in a school. Scissorgraphs. Blibson "I understand that South American general has resolved to sell his life dearly." Blibson "Yes; he wants ten dollars for the library edi tion." "Judge." Mayme "I had seventeen offers of marriage this winter" Edyth "Arn't you afraid the fellow' will get. discour aged and quit proposing?" Chicago "Daily News." "I suppose," said he, "it would be useless for me to ask you to be my wife." "It would," she replied, "if that's your style of going about it." Chicago "Record-Herald." "Mr. Tiffin is awfully attentive to that rich maiden aunt of his. Haven't you noticed it?" "Yes; he believes people can be killed by kindness." "Town and Country." First Boy "My father's going to have a horseless carriage." Second Dit to "Huh! That's nothing. We have a coalless furnace at our house all win ter." Boston "Transcript." NO SUBSTITUTE WANTED. No! I did not ask for a bottle any cheaper, or twice as large, or one made by yourselves. I did ask for and will not have any substitute for Perry Davis Painkiller; I have used it, my father used it and I would not be sur prised if my grandparents did so, too; there is no imitation that can equal it. That I am sure of for stomach ache. One Cent a Word . N advertisement inserted in this Column for less than 10 cents each in sertion. SOME OF OUR LINEN WILL AT- tend the lecture tonight. Model Steam Laundry. Both 'phones 160. ' 12-lt FOUND At Cemetery yesterday a Purse containing small sum of money. Owner can get same by proving property. W. Drummond Marrow, 233 S. Tryon street. 12-lt WITHOUT A THOROUGH CLEAN- ing of the linen they cannot be well- finished. We wash your linen perfectly clean and give it a per fect finish. We will call for your laundry and return it to you spot lessly clean. Both .'phones 160. Model Steam Laundry. 32-lt ROOMS FOR RENT Apply No. 2? W. Tenth street ll-3t IS YOUR LAUNDRY ALL RIGHT? If not, send your next bundle to us. We are in position to do your work all right and in proof of this as sertion all we ask is a trial. Model Steam Laundry. Both 'phones 160. 12-lt FOR RENT 614 N. C street, 6 rooms, modern, on car line. J. Arthur Hen derson & Bro. i2-1 FOR SALE Three : hundred thou sand Brick cheap to a quick pur chaser. R. A. Beattie. 12-2t FOR SALE One nice Jersey Milk Cow. R. L. Garrison. Derita, N. C. ll-2t FOR RENT Modern 6-room, 614 N. C street. Can rent for one year. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 12-lt WANTED A good first-class cook. One who can come well recommend ed and who is thoroughly rested. Applv at No. 601 North Church St. ll-3t FOR RENT 5-room house, corner Wynona and Middle streets. Fine orchard and good well water, $2.00 per week. Apply J. Lubin, Pied mont Furniture Co. 12-2t WANTED A man with experience in the retail Grocery business; one that does not drink or use cigarettes. Address "A.," care News. ll-2t NEW SHIPMENT OF DINNER SETS just received. Now is your time to subscribe for the News and get one. MORPHINE, LAUDANUM, COCAINE and Liquor Habits permanently and painlessly cured at home; no de tention from business; aciton im mediate; leaves patient in natural, healthy condition without desire for drugs. Cure guaranteed for $10.00, Write for particulars. Dr. Long Co., Atlanta, Ga. 2-3-eod-39t IF YOU NEED A DINNER SET SUB- scribe for the News. CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL DE- signs and Bridal Bouquets always at Dilworth Floral Gardens. 20-13t-eod FIRST-CLASS DINNER SETS ARE costly subscribe for the News and get one cheap. 8 ROOM RESIDENCE North Church street. Party desiring to change lo cation will transfer unexpired lease to right parties. F. C. Abbott & Co. 7-6t TWO HUNDRED DINNER SETS delivered in ten days. Did you get one? I WILL BE ABSENT FROM THE city 10 days. During the time leave your orders for Artificial Stone at 225 North Tryon. J. C. Herring. ll-2t TWENTY CENTS PER WEEK will get you a ten dollar Dinner Set and the News for one year. I HAVE SURVEYED AND OFFER to sell building lots on the Provi dence and Dilworth Belt Line roads. Also offer' small farms near Char lotte and Dilworth; suitable for dairying and trucking. Terms rea ' sonable and accommodating. J. S. Myers, 802 E. Avenue, Charlotte, is. C. - 6-12t NOTHING EASIER 20 CENTS PER week gets a first-class Dinner Set ' and the ' Charlotte News. LOST Broach Diamond, in center surrounded by four pearls. Reward if returned to News office. Mar shall Collins. 4-tf NOW IS YOUR TIME.' THE NEWS is the place to get a first-class Din ner Set and the best evening paper in the State for 20 cents per week. CONFEDERATE VETERANS' RE- union, New Orleans, La., May 19-22, 1903. Southern Railway will sell tickets to New Orleans, La. and re turn on account of the above oc casion at rate of one cent per mile distance traveled. Rate from Char lotte $15.30. Tickets will be sold May 16th to 21st, inclusive, good to return leaving New Orleans May 24th without validation. Tickets can be extended, until June 15th by de positing them with special agent on or before May 24th, and paying fee of 50 cents. Through day coatihes and Pullman sleepers. For further information call on any agent or write R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Char lotte, N. C, 6-10t IF YOU HAVE BROKEN ALL YOUR dishes 'phone 115 and get a first- . class Dinner Set, with a first-class paper. CONFEDERATE VETERANS RE- union New Orleans, La., May 19th, to the 22nd. On account of the above occasion the Seaboard Air Line will sell tickets Charlotte to New Or leans at rate of $15.30 for the round trip. Tickets will be on sale May 16th, to the 21st, inclusive, with final limit to May the 24th. By de positing ticket with special agent at New Orleans on any date before May the 24th and upon payment of fifty cents fee extension of final limit may be had until June 15th. For further information, call on or write R. M. Coffey, P. and T. A. No. 23 South Tryon street. 4-13-33t GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS, 314 South College street. 8-3t WANTED A small farm on ma cadamized roads, near Charlotte, suitable for stock raising. Address stating price, terms, etc. "Farmer," care News. 8-d&w-tf AN ANNOUNCEMENT. To accommodate a portion of our Piano and Violin students we will continue giving instruction through out the Summer. If interested call on or address us for g eneral information. Yours tiruly, MR. , AND MRS. "WALDO AMES. Studio 401 N. Poplajr. Bell 'phone 4262. BUILDERS DID YOU SAY HAM? WE HAVE just opened up. Kingan's Reliable, Swift's Premium, Armour's Gold Band, Armour's Star Hams, Picnic Hams, Tennessee Smoked (Ham, Va. Smoked Hams. Kingan's Smoked Sides and B. Bacon. Always come to see us. J. E. DARSEY. THE DISPATCH WITH WHICH WE handle your Prescriptions will appeal to you. Pure Drugs and fair -prices. Let us have your next. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. B. S. DAVIS. Bell 'phone 247; Charlotte 358. WE KEEP THE BEST LINE OF Grocery Specialties in the city. Best Breakfast , Foods. California Extra Lemon Cling Canned Peaches. Kirby's High Grade Roasted Coffee. Swift's and F. F. V. Country Cured Hams. Granoerystal Salt. "If you get it at Kirby's it's fresh." M. F. KIR BY, Sixth and Tryon streets. ;;. CUT PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. Breakfast Bacon, 2 and 3 lb. pieces, 15c. California Prunes, 6 lbs. for 25c. California Evaporated Peaches, the 13c. kind,, for 10c. Red Salmon, full pound cans, 11c. Clams, 10c. BRIDG ERS & CO. WANTED TO SELL YOU BICYCLE on a credit. We carry the largest stock of Bicycles in the Carolinas and make specialty of selling the stan dard makes. Tribunes and Ramblers, Eagles, Cresents Yales, Monarch's and other makes. Duplex Coaster Brakes 1903 Models. We guarantee the lowest prices on Tires, Supplies and Repairs. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. BREADWINNERS AND BREAD- makers unite in the praise of "Gold Medal" Flour. Fifteen million pack ages were sold last year; it goes to all parts of tne world and is known as America's Greatest Flour. It is cheap er than any other Flour because it makes more biscuit. GLENN BROS., Distributors. JUST RECEIVED ROYAL SALAD Dressing, Olives in Bulk, Olives Stuf fed and plain in bottles. Fresh Vege tables every morning. COCHRANE & ROSS, 319 N. Tryon street. Both 'phones. Come to see us. FOR RENT TO COLORED TEN- ants, good houses, South McDowell street, graded school block, 75c; N. C street, between 8 and 9, 3 and 4 rooms, $1.00. For sale to colored people on easy terms, homes in Wards 1, 2 and 3. E. L. KEESLER, 25 South Tryon street. EXTRA VALUE LADIES' PATENT Vici Oxfords. Medium toe. Heavy and light sole, size 1 to 7. Price $2.00. Kid Opera Slippers, the dollar, kind, size 2s and 3s. Price 50c. Kid Home Slip pers, real wide, two makes, all sizes. Price 50c. and $1.00. Always use Trilby Polish, 10 and 25c. GILREATH & CO. WE HAVE SOME MORE OF THAT elegant Spring Lamb we had such a demand for. We are making a reputa tion for handling nothing but the best Fresh Meas. Country Hams, Smoked and Pickled Tongue, Wienerwurst and our own make Sausage. W. F. BENNETT, 203 East Trade street. FLY TIME HERE WE HAVE FLY Nets, Sheets, Blankets, Lap Robes, Summer Dusters and Horse Covers of every description. Full line of Interna tional Stock Food, Gall Cure and all the International remedies for Horses, Cattle and Poultry. Let us supply you. L. W. OSBORNE, 32 East Trade street. WOOD HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS but a short time, but are pleased with the growth of business. If good Wood, prompt attention and quick delivery are appreciated we expect to double our business again the next ten days. Give us a trial order. H. G. MARSH & BRO., 850 North Poplar street. Formerly Oates & Oates. Bell 'phone 402. PLANES BAILEY'S. STANLEY'S and Sargent's Block Smooth Jack Fore and Jointer Planes. The best assort ment of Tools in the State. When you want Carpenters', Machinists' or Black smiths' Tools, see WEDDINGTON HARDWARE CO., 29 East Trade St. OYSTERS WILL BE SERVED BY US as long as the cool weather lasts. As fast as the seasonable delicacies make their appearance we put them on our table. We challenge competition any where as to the quality of our cooking and service. THE GEM RESTAU RANT. E. F. Creswell, Manager. MONUMENTS. We are prepared to make estimates on any kind of Monumental work from the cheapest to the most costly Monu ment. We represent one of. the largest marble works in the South. Give us a call, we will save you money. Z. A. HOVIS & CO., Undertakers. THE FAMOUS Henry Blount WILL LECTURE AT THE Y. M.C. A. Building Tuesday Night, May 12th Subject: "Wit, Humor, Eloquence and Oratory." Under the auspices of the Brevard St. Methodist church ADMISSION :-: 25c ART SCHOOL. I am offering a course in all the branches of art valuable for the fu ture portrait painter, designer or illustrator, also a course in the dec orative arts, which includes china, tapestry and copying pictures from the flat. Address MISS BEULAH BOWDEN. No. 8 Hunt Building. Charlotte, N. C Dyeing and Gleaning Queen City Pressing Club SKILLFUL, PROMPT, RELIABLE. 209 North Tryon St. Bell 'Phone 246. Dr. H. C. Henderson Dentist, V Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Pentisfy practiced in all Its branch. All work guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone 378. The Most Complete Line of Hvidrwit's QLrvd Rogers (SL GaJlet's .....Toilet Requisites..... R. H. JORDAN & COMPANY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. The Only "Never Closing" Drug Store. We are Agents for WA-MOO The Great . Blood and Nerve Tonic W. L. Hand & Co., DRUGGISTS, Cor. Trade and College St. BRIGHTENS THE HOM& Jap-a-Lac gives new life and lustre tfe old Tables, Chairs, Furniture and Picture Frames. It is the ideal finish for Floors, Interior Woodwork, Bath Rooms, Sash and Sills. For Sale By WOODALL & SHEPPARD, Druggists. NEW ROCHESTER! t SILVER NICKELED l W A REj We have installed a new Showcase just inside our front door, and filled it with the pret tiest display of "the popular Sil ver Nickeled Ware ever shown in Charlotte. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED. With this beautiful display of useful and ornamental ware. The patterns include Chafing and Baking Dishes, Coffee and Tea Pots, Trays, Tea Kettles, Cream, Syrup and Water Pitch ers, all in designs to delight the heart of the housewife. Come and see thes beauties, whether you buy or not. You'll be amply repaid for your call. J.H.MCCAUSLAND&CO. : i t Those Celebrated Norma MaLrtinez Which I have been Expecting for a Week were received by Express this morning HofTs Conumption Cure Also by same express R.M. BRAHHOH, Druggist For Rent. Three offices in Wilkinson build ing. Very desirable, $lf 2-3 per month. List your property, we have con stant calls and must have more prop erty listed. Drop us a card or 'phone and let us see if that will not be in teresting to both parties. Alfred W. Brown & Co. Hunt Building. Bell 'phone 302. A DEMONSTRATION of dentistry as practiced here will convince the most skeptical that the teeth we make are easy fitting and perfectly natural in appearance. As far as art can go, we rival nature in outfitting you with teeth that look and serve your purpose like nature's own. Teeth extracted without pain by Mrs. Dr. Moore. DRS. NEWELL & MCLAUGHLIN Dentists. For Rent Modern 6-room house, 614 North C street. Modern 14-room house, 2 W. Tenth street. 6-room cottage, 610 East Seventh St. 6-room cottage, 612 East Seventh St. 6-room house, 715 North Pine street. 5-room house, 214 West Fourth St. 4-room cottage, 1115 South Tryon St. 3-room cottage, 217 North Cedar St. 2 3-room cottages, 6 and 6 1-2 Liddell street. 3-room cottages, 313 South Cedar St. Modern rooms for housekeeping, 313 1-2 E. Trade street. " 2 small stores, good retail stands. J. Arthxir Henderson Bro. 39 North Tryon Street. v Ask Your Dealer For Star Hams, Simcn Pure Leaf Lard, "Roller Champion'' Flour, Corn and Oats (ground feed), Royal Dairy Food. If your dealer cannot supply these call us 'phone 27 and we will direct you. Adams Grain & Provision Go. SALES AGENTS FOR Armour 5v Co., Chicago MUTUAL BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION P. M. BROWN, President. A. 6. BRENIZER, Treasurer. Savings Bank Loan Institution Endowment Policy ALL IN ONE , Weekly or Monthly -Payments on Otock; Loa.ns at Six Per Cent. . Shares paid in full in advance, tan tamount to an endowment policy, pay able in six years and four months, with the advantage of privilege of withdrawal at any time. Investment yields 6 to 6 70-100 per cent, per annum, all taxes paid by the association. SERIES HOW OPEN Office 202 S; Tryon, next Express Co. Th o s e Ntr C o it A T P I E D M O N T P A now being completed by the Piedmont Realty Company are cost homes that can be purchased. ' , . Payments very easy, largely through Building and Loan within a week. Two more will soon be ready for occupancy. This is better than paying rent. In a few years you can ing merely a bundle of rent receipts. F. C. A TRUST BUILDING. FOR, A N E A T By making small cash payment arrangements can be made to carry oalance through B. & L. Association. g SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN AND TluSHo! 0 8 F or Large 8-room house, No. 213 East Fifth street, $25.00. All mod ern conveniences. Houses close in are hard to find. No. 407 East Sixth street, water and sewerage, S12 00 New store-house, Villa Height, building 22x52, a fine opening for the right man, $6.00. 4-room cottage, East Fifth street, extended, $6.00. 4-room cottage, Villa Heights, good water, yard all fenced S'.oo 4-room cottage, Seversville, $5.00. ' New 5-room cottage, Seversville,. $7.00. If you want to buy anything in real estate we have the best the market will afford. If you have empty houses we can lmt tenants in them for you. BR.OWN (EL COMPANY Bell 'Phone 1651 217 N. Tryon Street 0 If you have Real Estate that Incorporated.) CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000. A personal investigation will convince anyone that this is absolutely the best equipped and the most successful College of. Business. Shorthand, Type-writing, Penmanship and English. Poj. tion guaranteed unuer reasonable conditions Railroad fare paid. Board, $10 per month. Special Summer Session. "Write to-day far 'College Journal and Special Offers." Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Piedmont Building, Charlotte, N. C Successor .to the Charlotte Commercial College and Fleming Shorthand School. B. D. HEATH PRESIDENT W. H. TWITTY CAS H I E R And solicits the accounts of corporations, firms and individuals on most favorable terms, and will he pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new ac counts : : : :. : : : : : : sec s : ESTABLISHED 1871 THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 35 East Trade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. EC - SOUTHERN LOAN D A VO IMTCDCOT A 11 .-1 drawaj. WHEN YOU HAVE FUNDS that are idle call and see us. P. M. BROWN, 'W. S. ALEXANDER, F. J. HAYWOOD. JR., President V.-Presideht. Cashier. DIRECTORS I P. M. BROWN, F. J. HAYWOOD, JR., DR. D. O'DONOGHUE, W. S. ALEXANDER, J. P. WILSON, T. W. HAWKINS, JNO. M. SCOTT. I fife I FACTORY will m ! W I CLOSED I TOR 3 WEEKS fp (MaJ OW&cgnuNT or I OTT COM P A N V SOLE AGENTS. EVERYTHING IN REAL 00X0XWv AT MODERATE COST? Secure one of the New 4-room Cottages 9 ON V north Mcdowell street I The houses are just finished and are equipped with mod ern improvement. Car line in front of nremiepe Priro tinnn KLent .1 you want sold call on or write us. IS me CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK IS- Progressive and Liberal Dr. J. H. McAden, President. Geo. E. Wilson, Vice President. C. N. Evans, Cashier. W; C. Wilkinson, Assistant Cashier. A MODERN BANKING HOUSE With every facility for the prompt and carefal handling of all business intrusted. . ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS LIBERALITY COURTESY STRENGTH 2SS222S3 " I and SAVINGS BANK K1 r MATI CT -wrt-tilrtA fnr with SUP POSE You lay aside a few dollars each month. If you will and deposit the money with us we will pay you 4 per ceru. on what you save. Southern States Trust Co. 'TRUST BUILDING. - i GEO. STEPHENS, Pres. T. S. FRANKLIN, V.Pres W. H. WOOD, Treas. g e Homes R. K about the most complete The first one completed so . own your home instead of av " SOUTH TRYON 3TBEET. ESTATE . 9