in CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 23. 1 903. iOOOOOOOEOIOOOOOOOO C. Y AUTEN Notice of Removal Dr. C. L. (Alexander, Dentist, has moved into his new office, in the Car son building, southeast corner of Fourth and Tryon streets. C DON'T ...... . . O O K m a General Upholstering, Makers of Hair and Felt Mattresses. Cabinet and General Repair Work and Finishing in Oil. No. 20 1-2 North College Street. We manufacture high grade Corn Meal for table use; it costs more than common stuff but its good. STAR MILLS. REFRIGERATORS News Gleaned From North 0 o 0 rrT7 a r rr ttt -fs rr tlt 9 ' 20 Per Cent. Reduction una 1 ii till r.-'r APRIL, MAY AND JUNE DIVIDENDS HAVE BEEN PAID To dose out our line rr ' of THE COOK ivemgerators and to dis continue their sale, we have marked them down 20 per cent, below regular pric This is an opportunity you shou'd not miss From Manteo to Murphy Cook with July dividends will be paid July 15th. To our clients we desire to state that NOW is the time to buy Shamrock stock at 40 cents per share. The Directors have notified us positively not to sell a single share after July 1st for less than 50 cents. Stock purchased on or before July 1st is entitled to July dividends. The secretary of the company estimates the net earnings for June will be $50,000. Prof. R. A. Merritt, who has been elected superintendent of the Smith field graded schools, is a capable man. well known and highly esteemed in Smithfield. He is related to Mr. Fred L. Merritt. editor of the Asheville Citi zen. HEftBHSM v 4 C ' s v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GAS Caroleen is soon to be supplied wilh 'phones. A new company has been organized and the 'phones and wire ordered. Mr. Frank D. Drown, of the Depart ment of Commerce of the United States, is at Kinston. collecting data of the resources, etc., of Lenoir county and the town of Kinstou, for a statis tical report by the department to snow the wealth of the United States. The Ivy Telephone Company, of Mars Hili. is contemplating the build ing of a line from Mars Hill to Mar shall, touching Grapevine, Halewood and other places. This company has a line to Asheville with connections east of there, nnd they also cover the Ivy section and will build on into Yanrey county. The extension to Marshall would be a considerable convenience and would soon prove a good investment. At a meeting of the board of direc tors of the Citizens' Savings Bank, of Kinston, it was decided to recommend to the stockholders meeting, to be held in July, to increase the capital stock to $50,000. just double what it is now. The bank has had a very prosperous year and besides paying a good divi dend will add a goodly sum to the surplus. A deal has been effected by which there will be a change in the manage ment of the Fountain Mills at Tarboro. The controlling interest in these mills has been acquired within the pasi few days by John F. Shackelford. G. M. T. Fountain and a few others. Mr. Shackelford and his party obtained control by purchasing outright all the Baltimore holdings of the Fosteis, Powell and others, paying 50 per cent, at the par value. The Southern Railway has purchas ed from the American Locomotive Works 17 passenger and 30 freight en gines. These will be put into service as soon as the builders can furnish them. Mr. R. E. Lee, supervising master of floating property for the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, passed through Elizabeth City this week. To a,Ta Heel man he said: "The work of dredging out the mouth of Scupper nong river is about completed. There is now a depth of nine, feet at even tide with a channel ninety feet wide. This enables us to take the Garrett to Columbia. With this facility it may reasonably be expected that the rail road now making to Gum Neck in the lower part of Tyrrell county, will be made into a standard gauge and con tinued to the fertile fields of Hyde county, with a terminus at Englehard, where a good harbor can be obtained, and which place is the most feasible point for the establishment of oyster packing houses, and other industries." The Southern Railway is making surveys, preparatory to constructing additional shifting yards at Pomona, three miles from the present yars next to the passenger station at Greensboro A gentleman of Greensboro who has recently been visiting what is known as the Fisher Hill Mine, eight miles south of Greensboro, now being work ed, is impressed with the idea that it is a good place from which to secure an additional water supply for Greens boro. He says it is as clear and pure as can be, and that with the aid of pumps bringing up 1,600 gallons a minute, the mines cannot be kept clear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TELEGRAMS: SILVER CITY, N. M., May 25, 1903. Smelter and power drills running full blast. Can now give you larger results than ever. (Signed) M. W. PORT ERF I ELD. SILVER CITY, N. M., May 26, 1903. Smelter and power drills going fine. Producing rich ore, rich matte, rich men. . (Signed) p0RTERFELD LATER TELEGRAM: SILVER CITY, N. M. Smelter runs very satisfactory, giving high values in gold, copper and silver, improvements now in progress doubles our capacity. (Signed) M. W. PORT ERF I ELD, President. Mr. Porterfield is the commissioner from N. M. to the World's Fair Exposition, also President of Porterfield Wholesale Drug Co., Silver City, N. M. You understand that in doubling the capacity you are doubling the earning power, and as it stands today we are earning more than 1 per cent, on the par value of the stock, which is $1.00, fully paid and non assessable. Shamrock stock is safe for $10,000, or any amount you desire to invest. It is a reality, and this is your last chance to get it at 40 cents per share. Our market letters are free; write for them. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to make money on Shamrock. The capital stock of the "Shamrock" is only $1,500,000 ; 700,000 shares in the treasury. Par value $1.00, fully paid and non-assessable. . One per cent. Monthly Dividends on par being paid from the earn ings of the mines. Stock vill be selling at $1.00 by January 1st. Last chance to buy "Shamrock" at 40 cents a share. Price advances to 50 cents July 1st. Write quick or telegraph jour order let checks follow. We unhesi tatingly recommend Shamrock as a first-class investment. Citizens of San Antonio call on us at our office. Fife Investment Co.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Room 33, Hicks Building San Antonio, Texas Q iOOUOOOOOOlOOOOOOOi NOTICE ! AS YOU WANT IT We will provide you with a Vehicle whenever you may desire it. We will j make your driving pleasant by giving : you a livery rig that WILL INSURE YOU PLEASURE. We have the best horses, the best vehicles, the best equipments throughout. We watch the conducting of our stables so that we may be sure at all times of giving you an excellent outfit at a reasonable price. J. W. Wadsworth's Sons 220-226 North Tryon Street. All Dogs found running at large without Tax paid Tag after the 15th day of June, will be killed and all per sons keeping Dogs on their premises without paying Tax on same will be fined fifty dollars. This Ordinance will be strictly enforced. Hi C. IRWIN Chief of Police. Southern Hardware Co., 41 tf. Trade Street H'rYIftT For Rent Modern 6-room house. 301 Flh-eH, Avenue, $12.50 per month. Kiv..'Y,,ol flat, 311 1-2 North Tryon street per month: Water paid. ' J. K. A. ALEXANDER, 225 North Tryon Street. uuk, K.H,JlL,rNT ARRIVALS OF ilfCj mMIAiii Which SheJl It Be? v v v wags of it. It looks like an inexhaustible vein of water has been struck, and it is giving the mine people a lot of trou ble as well as causing much expense. A report : : c urrent at Spencer that work is to ' gin at once on the new shops at Sr icer and that cars and en gines will be built complete at this point. The plans and specifications for the new buildings have arrived. STORM AT HICKORY GROVE. Minutes. The Salisbury Telephone Company is building a system in Spencer, the poles for the same being placed this week. It is learned that the new system will begin business with nearly one hun dred 'phones in operation. LIKE DAISIES BEFORE THE SCYTHE, Baby lives are destroyed in summer by cholera infantum. The attack of the disease is sudden, its progres-s is sometimes terribly rapid. Mothers who have given their children Perry Dads' Painkiller in water with a few di ps of brandy added can tell how this treatment has checked the diar-1 l iioea and vomiting, and put the little patient out ct danger. 23 and 50 cts. Hail-stones Fell For Ten Crops Are Damaged. Mr. J. W. Smith, of the Hickoiy Grbve section, was in the city today pnd gave The News an account of the big hail storm that visited that neigh borhood yesterday. The storm started about 12:3C o'clock and lasted almott ten minutes. During this short time an immense amount of damage was dene the growl ing crops. The path of the storm was from a quarter to a mile in width. The worst . damage dore was in a narrow path j about one-fourth of a mile wide. Cot jton was to:n to shreds, corn was beat i cn down and in fact all the growing crops were more or less damaged. Mr. SmiUi states that he had a field of eight acres in cotton. This was completely riddled and he is afraid he will have to plough the entire field up. The young plant was stripped of its leaves and in many instances the stalk was mowed down as completely as if j it had been done with a scythe. Un Mr. Dan Johnston s place tho Rupture Permanently Varicocele Cured Without Stricture The Knife Every man should know about my original method of curing these diseases painlessly. I have proven conclusively that there is no necessity of surgical operations, which seem to be a fad amon most doctors, and that better results can be obtained by my per fected plan of treatment, at the same time saving the patient un told pain and suffering. I have treated these diseases twenty years, and there is no case, no matter how obstinate, that does not readily y;eld to my treatment. I can cure you with out the dangers of the knife. My skill in curing these diseases is recognized by other physicians. guarantee to any disease dertake. . DR I un If you are tired of experiments, come tc me and be cured. My treatment is in telligently direct ed, and prompt in results. storm did a lot of damage. His cot- ton and corn were beaten to shred.; and a number of his fruit trees woro , blown down or terribly mangled. On the farms of Mrs. N. E. Smith rand Mr. Z. W. Taylor the storm did i equally as much damage as at Hickory Ul U V c. The hail was not very large, the stones varying from the size of a buckshot to a robin's egg. It fell so last and so thick that vegetation was i completely beaten to death. ' From the Hickory Grove section the storm passed out by Robinson's church. The damage in that section was equally as much as at Hickoiy Grove. It will be recalled by News readers that this section of the county was , visited by a severe hail storm last year. Many cf the farmers of that sec tion lost their all. i Mr. Smith, in speaking of the Rob inson church section, informed The j News' man that the farmers are in just as oaa a pngnt as tney were last year. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the nature of 15he 4 Cs Cleanliness Comfort Cleanliness in the washing of your linen; Convenience to you in sending it in and getting it back; . Comfort in the wearing of it; and Conscientiousness on our part in all dealings with you. Pret ty good Combination isn't it? Model Steam Laundry Go. P. M. CAVE. Mgr. Corner Fifth and Church Sts. Having tried all other reme dies, will you continue to suf fer through false pride? Don't Be Foolish Repeated Eye Headaches sap one's vitality and brings about a general nervous break down. Let us relieve your headache by re moving the cause ! Um pm tea - fcw i s mm&mmL. ' Ii W . T . i v I t l t , m i 0 0 S comprise some of the latest e and 0 swellest designs. They were bought at f prices and wii: same manner in which bought. . c- m 1 in & 0 they wore c Ii You Need a Hall Rack? This is Your Opportunity! Save your Eyes vous energy. and ner- DR. J; H. SPILMAN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST (Blair's Drug Store.) 22 W. Trade. Charlotte "a Do not be induced to buy anything in the Furniture line until you have seen our stock and gotten our prices. McCOY 0000LX000X00 I The Best of Every- o thing for the Least 8 Money . . . . . 8 00 OOOOOOOO OOOO?OOOOOOOO0OO 1 WILSON'S CUT PRICE CLOTHING STORE Q O HATHAWAY, Reeoiniizecl as the Oldest Es tablished and Most Relia ble Specialist. I make no charge for consultation and advice. m J JLf JiL 1 Utf 7 nu exPenraent about my treatment, because my extensive experience has given me perfect knowledge of these diseases. Few physicians understand these diseases thoroughly, and; hence their treatment is entirely misdirected, and can do the patient no, permanent good. I extend a cordial invitation to every one afflicted to call for consultation, and I will take pleasure in giv ing each case a thorough examination and explain just what my treatment can do for you. I will tell what mistakes have been made in treating you and will give you a guarantee to cure you. I make u0?- " . can-nt call, write tlr symptom 4,T , ,,uu'ma"UI1 iti-'uut my nome cure. Corresponde J M. Vt V, U A Mf M. lence J. NEWTON HATHAWAY. M. D., 29 Inman Building. Atlanta. rs.- Suspension Of The Charlotte Weekly. ) The editor and business manager of the Charlotte Weekly, published at No. 4 West Stonewall street Masters Craig and Durant have thought it best to suspend. i The low price of the paper one cent a week and the limited number of subscribers combined to force them to the wall. They did not have the heart ' to raise the price of the paper, for threy felt that their subscribers would not get quid pro quo. The paper had an existence of nearly a year, and for lads . under twelve years of age, as mana- Igers, was a very well edited paper. A Short Horse, Soon Curried. There was but one matter for the at tention of the Recorder this morning ; and that was a charge of a serious na jture against Van Griffin ' and Mary j Moore, both colored. There was some ' evidence against the pair, but the Re- corder deemed it insufficient and dis- NO SUCH . . . AT ANY PR As that you get from Peoples Ice & Fiel Co. Absolutely pure and hy gienic. Made from city water by the latest and best ma chinery and processes. Prompt delivery anywhere in any quantities. cc BEST WOOD ALWAYS GRADES OF AK ON HAND LE Jj Whatever your Clothing 8 wants may be, we ask the privilege of showing you our stock of g Clothing, Hats and Men'sFurnishing Goods Give us a call, or if you do not live in Charlotte we would be glad to send" you goods on approval, return able at our expense. We have been leaders in the Clothing business for years and our reputation for sell- ing tne nest guuus lui sast money cannot be ex celled. Give us a trial on your next . purchase. ' We guarantee satisfaction. Suits $10 to $25. ' Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince ,Albrt Suits always on hand. xClothi'ngx x C om parvy x O 42 SOUTH TRYON STREET O o o fS Goods sent on approval to all Q 8 - points, returnable at OUR X expense. : : : : : X ChDXXOXO00O o 0 o o Or East Trade Street Will sell you a good Suit of Clollies so ebeap that you will think you borrowed them. Big lot of nice Wool Suits, worth $12.50, for $6.93 Nice stripe Flannel Suits, worth $10.00, for $5.93 You can take choice of our $5.00 and $6.00 Suits for $3.50 Heds and S hirts...... The best Hats and Shirts in town for the money. The $1.00 Eclipse Shirts, for.. ..75c. Dig line 50c. Shirts, for 3Sc. 75c. Straw Hats, for 38c 50c. Belts for men, only "5c. 50c. Ties for men and boys 25c. WILSON (SL COMPANY Cut Price Clothing Store, 203 East Trade Street, Holton Building. 0 GOOOOOOOOOOOOC4OOOOOOO0O e&e4e qq"o39 In the shaded iecesses of a breezy porch makes a most charm ing retreat on sultry summer days, when furnished with an out fit of those and comfortable delisrhtful ..Chairs, Rockers.. . . and Settees . . which we are now offering at very reasonable prices. This is our third shipment this season. Nothing better for the money. L'BN FURNITUR o 0 V ir & & o Q & (J $ 0 Q !jagBSflV'.wwfg!B3!K-gsw missed the charge..