CHARLOTTE NEWS, JULY 14; 1903. Free T rip To Wrightsville The Mews desires to give a free trip to Wrightsville to some lady clerk in this city. The trip will be given to some young lady in the city, who is employed as clerk, bookkeeper, stenographer, etc. It proposes to carry this young lady to Wrightsville and entertain her one week at the Seashore Hotel. One of the most delightful summer. resorts in North Carolina. We will print in each issue of The News, until the contest closes, a coupon which all News readers can fill out and return to this office and the young lady who receives the high est number of votes shall have the free trip. The contest will close at 7 o'clock, Monday evening, August 3, Fill in the coupon and return to this of fice at once. It costs nothing to vote. CGJPON. t T Charlotte, N. C, July 14, t T i 4- 1903. My choice for the trip to Wrightsville and one week's 4 f stay at the Seashore Hotel to be given by The News is: t ,,., Miss. Signed. You can vote as many times as you have coupons. TRAINING NEW ENGINES. Ten Big Passenger Locomotives Pull ing Freight Trains. Ten new locomotives, just received by the Southern Railway for Trains 35, 36, 37 and 38, are being "broken in" for regular service for the passenger lines. When engines are turned out by the shops they are stiff and sore, and they have to be trained with the same care that is exercised with a horse. Before they are put on the passenger run they are operated on freight trains and the engines are now running from Greenville to Charlotte. "These big locomotives are as fine as any ever made, said an engine driv er at the Air Line station yesterday to the Greenville News man. "Ordinarily, a person might suppose that they can be detailed for regular duty as soon as they are received, but this is a mis take. They are human, in a way. and remind one very much of a wild horse. We have to break them in, and as soon as they become accustomed to regular work and know the road they will skip over the line like greased lightning. The company has been short of this stock for months, but it was net due to any lack of effort on the part of the officials. There was so much work in thes hop that orders placed long ago could not be filled promptly, although the trouble is being remedied. "After the engines are transferred from the freights to the fast passenger trains, schedules can be maintained with greater accuracy. The Southern has been through a dot of hard luck ever since the first storms played havoc with the line, but this is over now, and with the new engines it will be possible to get trains in and out of Greenville on time. The improvement will be noted just as soon as these 'colt engines' are graduated from the maiden class." A Big Catch of Fish. A special from Wrightsville says: The sharpie "Virgie May," Capt. Wells, chartered by Capt. J. L. Irby. of South Carolina, and party, consisting of R. r. Heitman and W. F. Harken, of Lex ington, N. C, and J. D. Proctor, of Lumberton, N. C, made the largest catch of Spanish mackerel off Wrights ville Beach of the season. It amounted to 301 fish. This, the largest catch, was due to the skillful handling of the boat by Capt. Wells. Past Grand Patriarck R. H. Ram say, of this city, has just returned from Statesville, where he instituted an en campment of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows with 21 members. Tlv- 'si-.ict't: t ulaches jVon: which fjo ! )':iy v.ovc-i suiVor :::ak iiic a daiiv purgatory. If nifii srffered with head ache us womr-n do, business would be almost i!t a stanstill. Does not the fact that liien uo not stUTer from these severe headaches suggest that there must be a womanly cnur.e for them ? When the womanly organism is dis eased, headache, backache, nervousness and sleeplessness are consequences which are sure to follow. Tr. Korea's Favorite Prescription cures headaches ami other sches find pains by curing their riiu-p. It establishes regu larity, dries '.I'ihsaitnv drain., heals in-fUnvntiti'--'- and ulceration,- and cures fc-T".Vs'. It soothes pain and buldi vj the nerves. It transforms " wer.h, sickly, nervous- invalids into happy, healthy women. Thousands have testified to its marvelous merits. . " I took txro bottles of your ' Fr.vorite Prescrip tion and two of the ' Golden Medical Discovery' and am feeling well." writes Mrs. Dan Mc Kcnzie. of Lorway Mines, Cape Breton Co., Nova Scotia. KI had uterine trouble, pain in the side and headache. After tifking your medi cines I got well. You may publish this or use it in any vrav you think best, as I cannot speak too highly of' Dr. Pierce and his medicines." tt Favorite Prescription " has the testi mony of thousands of women to its com y plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved sub stitute in its place. Free.. . Dr. . Pierce's Common Sense Medical, Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send twenty-one one-cent stamps for the the book in paper covers, or thirty-one stamps for the cloth -bound volume, iikliess Dr. R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y, I - CATHOLIC BAZZAR. Will Open This Afternoon An Attrac tive Place. The new Catholic church hall, re cently built on East First street, in rear of St. Peter's Catholic church, will be formally opened this evening with a grand church bazaar. The hall has been tastefully decor ated for the occasion, ' every booth having its own colors. For the con venience of children the bazaar will be opened at 5 o'clock, from which time supper and refreshments will be served, but the formal opening Avill take place at 8 p. m., when the Hon. Peter Marshall Brown, mayor of the city will be present and declare the bazaar opened. Very Rev. F. Felix will make a short address and Miss Cecelia Flem ing will give a recitation. The dining room is situated on the first floor to the right on entering the hall, where the following ladies will serve supper: Mrs. Alice Kidd, Mary V. Miller, T. Levy, H. A. Webber, Geo. Meyer, O. D. Robbins, J. Moran, M. Stutts, Emily H. Ray and P. H. Phelan. The ice cream and cake tables will be in charge of the Misses Nine Mur phy, Catherine Schockner, Josephine Jerry, Katie Pierron and Eula Jerry. In the hall up stairs three booths have been arranged, besides a coun try store. The first booth on entering the hall is festooned in pink and white and will be known as the Knight's of Columbus and C. B. L. booth. Miss Mary F. Crowley has charge of this table and will be assisted by Mes dames Buxton1, Wedenfeller, Mc Curry and Caldwell, and Misses Agnes Manning, Maggie Palmer, Lena Palmer, Catherine Cobb, Daisy Nor they, Mary Williams and Emma Pierson. Tho S-. Ann's booth is to the right and is decorated in blue and white, wuere Mrs. Jennie Price is in charge, assisted by Mrs. M. H. Cobb. T. C. Toomey, H. Renz, J. Purcell and Misses May Hall, Annie Grose, Louise Cobb. Helen McNeils and Gertrude Pierson. The country store adjoins the stage and here Miss Kate Grose will wait on the visitors. Miss Grose will be as sisted by the Misses Susie Williams, Kate Meyer, Kate Northey, Margie Phelan, Mary Kidd, Clar WTilliams and Fannie Jerry. The candy table and cigar stand will be managed by little Miss Nellie McKane, who will have as her assis tants Grace Webber, Annie Jerry, May Miller and Lcvctta Cobb. During the bazaar two interesting contests will come off. Wednesday evening a beautiful white silk chasuble will be voted to the most popular priest. Rev. Father Joseph, of Salis bury and Rev. Father Francis, of the city, are the contestants. Thursday night a solid gold watch will be voted to the most successful lady. The four contestants are Misses Blanche Nor they, Nellie Price, Annie McKane and Mary J. Gallagher. This last contest promises to be very exciting as a number of young men have taken great interest in this contest. Many useful and artistic articles are for sale at the different booths and forty souvenirs will be distributed to those who guess the lucky number. Among the souvenirs are silk um brella, dress suit case., leather trunk, toilet set, gents' bath robe, rose center piece, oil painting panel, clock, sad dle and briddle, cushions, rocking chairs .tables, carving set, ladies dress patern, lap robes, etc. WRECK ON SEABOARD. Several Prominent Atlanta People Were Injured At Greenwood. There was quite a serious wreck on the Seaboard Air Line Sunday at Greenwood, S. C. The train that came to grief was the southbound vestibuled train. A special from Greenwood says: The two rear cars, the Pulman sleeper and cafe car, of the southbound vestibuled train, on the Seaboard Air Line, were wrecked here about noon today. The two cars left the track at the grade crossing on Church street and were carried forward about fifty yards. The track was entirely torn up and the two cars finally thrown into the side of the embankment, stopping the rest of the train. There were four persons in the Pull- ' " : -i- r.- s . n- e rrl im. r.cs had rs 'yet appeared. I Mrs. Saul ia at tho home of Mrs. Henderson, near the scene of the wreck. She had two little children with her but neither of them sustained any injuries. Mrs. Saul was on her way from Washington, D. C, to At lanta. Hsr husband is a prominent dry goods merchant of Atlanta, and is expected on the next train. The other passengers in the Pullman were: Mrs. W. H. P.ailpv nf riiitnn jrnd son Harvy; Col. Robert Lowry, of ; Mla.nta. and 'a. yonnc man whose name ' T-'f t trivrn. Colonel Lowry was rul-cc1 out of - window bv the Tortr. 'iri'vj oi ls knee. Mis. I Bailey's lit: !e. sen, Harry, was cut with c-icicen gnvs. She herself was not in jured and continued her journey to Athens. The wrecking train from Abbeville was soon on the spot, but it will be some time before they can get the track in shape. The rest of the train continued the trip to Atlanta. Great crowds of people soon congre gated and every doctor in the town was on the spot in a few minutes after the wreck. A Correction. In reporting the case of three white men charged with assaulting Mr. W. E. Shuford yesterday, The News erred in stating that Bunyan Howell, one of the three, was committed in default of bail. Young Howell gave bond and was released. HOW WEAK MEN "BY MY METHOD NO MAN IS SO OLD THAT HIS VITAL POWER CAN NOT BE RESTORED." J. NEWTON MATHAWAY, M. D. appeal is to men; I make a spec ialty of their diseases and their sliort c o m in g s. I hnow man as the ngfneer knows his machine, I know him thor o u shly in health and i n sickness, Knowin tr him so per fectly I know by what means to cure him mo-t t-ffrc-tively and in th shortest rossible time. I have made a speciDl study of it tor nearly half a century. I will not only stop those drains and losses, that impotency and ans ovinjr weakness, but I will make you a i i rfect man once apa n. a man that can love and be loved. No matter what our age is; by my new mth oU can make you as perfect and COLORED CONVOCATION. Of the A. M. E. Zion Church Will Meet Tomorrow. One of the most momentous events in the history of colored Methodism will be the convocation of eight color ed bishops of the A. M. E. Zion Church, five colored bishops of the C. M. E. Church, and about sixty representa tive preachers and laymen from North and South tomorrow and Thursday, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. rh., in Grace A. M. E. Zion church, South Brevard street, this city, to discuss the utility and practicability of organic union be tween these two denominations which have churches in nearly every State in the Union and work in foreign lands. There are a few chronic kickers against the movement, but the brains of both churches frvor ft strongly. since both denominations have a con cordant 'faith in all the cardinal doc trines of Christianity, and a similarity !i. church polity, they believe it is for the glory of God and the uplift of their race that they unite. The basis of union adonted last October, ia their joint meeting in Washington, D. C, and which will be strengthened at this meeting, will be submitted next year to their respective general conferences for ratification or rejection. Tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock will be a red letter evening at the church. His Honor, Mayor P. M. Brown, will welcome them on behalf of the citizens G Charlotte. Hon. J. C. Dancy, re corder of deeds of the District of Co lumbia, will respond. Dr. R. B. Bruce will welcome on behalf of the churches. Bishop R. S. Yv illiams, of Augusta, Ga., will respond. Eishop G. W. Clinton will be master of ceremonies. In addi tion to music by Grace choir, Bishop Clinton's wife, who sings as charm ingly as Black Patti. Dr. J. II. Manley, oi Union, S. C, and Elizabeth Weaks, both good singers will delight the au dience with sweet songs, assisted by A. A. Underwood and L. D. Wilson with flute and clarionet. The white and colored friends are invited, free ad mission, to the sessions day and night. Death Of W. F. Beard. News has been received here of the death of Mr. Wm. F. Beard, at his home in Cliberne, Texas. Mr. Beard was a native of Yorkville, S. C, and was the second son of the late A. W. Beard. Shortly after the breaking out cf the war he volunteered as a mem ber of Company A, Twelfth Regi ment, and served in that command un til after the surrender, making a re cord as a good soldier. He merchan dised in Yorkville for a short time af ter the war and then went to Texas, where he continued merchandising until his health failed. For several years previous to his death he was en gaged in the insurance business, in which he was quite successful. He was about fifty-nine years of age. Mr. Beard was a brother cf Mrs. W. J. Hyndman, of this city. , Operation For Appendicitis. Mr. E. B. Beard, of Yorkville, S. C, who underwent a very serious opera tion at John Hopkins Hospital for ap pendicitis and gall-stone, is improv ing. Mr. Beard is a brother of Mrs. W. J. Hyndman of Charlotte. .MAN FATAL DISEAS Show their first symptoms in the eyes. That fact alone should establish your confi dence in the importance of hav ing your eyes properly ex am inod on the firct appearance . of discomfort. WE HAVE THE INSTRUMENTS' necessary for " making the full est scientific-eye examinations, and nothing is left undone that can be done to find the cause of trouble. ' ' ' ' EXAMINATION FREE DR. J. H. SPILMAN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST (Blair's Drug Store.) 22 W. Trade. BECOME STRONG capable as you were when In your prime; and the young man whose secret Vices and excuses have made him a weaklinsr when he should be ttae envy and not th despised of men--I will make that yfiuotr man stop his habit and oure him of all the bad results alread produced. But more than this, in all men I will cure their catarrh, ihetr kidr ey or stomach trouble, their rheumatism, their urinarv disorders and what ever el9e mav be complicated with your disease of the teryes. the muscles and the rmits. I do not use the metbod of the trdinary doctor, who does as he was told in collepre. I have a sppoial method of mv own developed durinjr nearly half ncenturvof continued practice am nir men the verv best scho aand yon can get the bene fits of this npeeial knowledge in no other way thn to aoply to me. Come to me if you have anv dii-ense of the nervous system, looses or drains. innxtency, varicocele, stricture, hydro cele, prematurity, weak rack, uiethral dis charges or any other similar affliction. I ask those who cannot call in person to write, stat ing in their own words what they are suffering from, and, free of charge. I will tell them what to do to be cured in the shortest possible time consisting with permanency, others may not understand vour case. I will not only under t tand it. but I will t 11 you the truth. Call or w.ite. DR. J. NEWTUN HATHAWAY, 33 In man Building, Atlanta, Ga. -.; . ; : , 3SS3B 32 2E3 THE WEDDINGS Are Not Over and we have just received a new line Cvit Glacss a.rvd Sterling Silver Than which there can be nothing more elegant to select Bridal Presents from. Our repu tation is made in both Carolinas fcr sealing ra the oest of this class of . goods and wo . con fidently invite your inspection of our stock. GARIBALDI & BRUNS LEADING JEWELERS. Kifri all Latta Park Auditorium Specialties Between the Acts GOt THAT SUMMER SUIT YET? You can't put it off any longer. If j'ou have not been in come at once and look over our line of DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED FABRICS. Any of them will make you a satis factory Suit and though light weight will hold the correct shape we give them. J. S. PHILLIPS Merchant Tailoring, First National Bank Building, 12 S. Tryon Street. Prettiest Store in City. Nice New Goods If you want a nice 'HAMMOCK now Is timo. The weather is hot. , . 0 r, . .v - p M' ' - flit mi i !j ! i';:v: ' .' ' ' '' - ct- is ' (; .j tii -lei; -. dau V e waut .ti! f$!tu see iLuji . bef ure we sell you. C. B, FL0URN0Y.& GO., 20 "last Trade Street. 5. 10. 15 -md 2r.c. Ktor. BACK OF ALL GOOD HEALTH and beauty remember, beauty you will find good teeth. The handsomest face, the best appetite in the world, is marred by unsound teeth. Why spoil either when we offer such simple remedies at such easy expendi ture? Best see us forthwith for dental troubles. Drs. Mi & McLaughlin, Dentists. SEE THAT YOUR CLOTHES ARE taken to the QUEEN CITY PRESS ING CLUB, the : oldest and most re liable place in the city. Club fee, $1.00 per month. Ladies' Clothes a special ty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Messen ger boys call for and deliver all work promptly. MRS, J. M. HESTER, Pro prietress, 209 N. Tryon St. Bell 'phone 246. Signs, Streamers, Ba.nn.ers, Etc. MADH BY Charlotte Cloth Sign Co 40 East Trade Street. Bell 'Phone 284 and 1946. I. W. Jotmieson DENTIST. No. S S. Tryon St. Both 'phone3 326. Will be in Pineville every Thursday. For R.ent Modern 6-room house, 301 Elizabeth Avenue, $12.50 per month. Five-room flat, 311 1-2 North Tryon street, $12.65 per month. Water paid. J. K. A. ALEXANDER, 225 Nortn Tryon Street. You See? We do more Spectacle and Eye Glass work than any other firm in the city. The reason is, we are better pre pared for it. We have made it a specialty. Can duplicate your broken lenses in a short while, no matter how complicated the work. Bring us your next job. Expert Optician in charge of Optical Department. 'Phones 277. We close at G p. m. except Satur days. CHEAPEST INSURANCE CONSISTENT WITH SECURITY IS WHAT WE WRITE. Conceived and conducted on econo mic principles. We save you money and at the same1 time secure yoji. have never defaulted in a" promise to a policyholder. We pay members from $2 to $20 per week in case of sickness or ac cident. We pay $100 to $1,000 at death. We want good, agents everywhere. Royal Benefit Society. MAIN OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C. H. J. GREEN, General Manager for N. C, S. C, Ala. and Tenn., 21S East Trade St., Box 116, Charlotte, N. C. : C M. c NE L I S B4 U RENT One nine-room , house, corner of Sixth and railroad, with all modern Improvement: One seven-room house, on South A street, with all modern improvements. One six-room house, on West Fifth street. One six-room house, on North Brevard street. Two sovT-r i)i Immisi- iu Nf. n ra ti fv. 1r" ' r PLANT STUFF SERVICE PEOPLES ICE AND FUEL COMPANY Wo o d WIESON & j W i 1 son CUT PRICE 203 East Trade Street we can supply you with a Rocker that is very comfortable, while HOT NIGHTS are made more endurable, when you sleep in one of our Iron Beds, fitted with a good Spring and fine Felt Mattress, such as we sell and the ' MOSQUITOES :are not apt to trouble you when you are provided with one of our canopies for Wood or Iron Beds. ; . ; Libin Furniture L0 ooc Pee They are a weather. They rless Iceland sut;bLiCikii or refund ) our money. We have all sizes from one pint to three gallons. ft Wedidi ri gf oil war 29 EAST TRADE ST R E ET Charlotte, N. Ca.rolirvat Gut Price Clothing Store Big line of nice Flannel Suits in i stripes and plaid effect, worth $12.50, for.,., , . . . ,. .$5.93 One lot Flannel Suits, worth $8.00, for. ..$4.98 $5.00 and $6.0Q Suits still; go for $3.50 Youth's Suits at less than manu facturers can make them. $5.00 Knee Pants ' Suits go in this sale for.;.. .. $2.98 $3.00 Suits for the small boys.. .$1.98 BIG LINE OF STRAW HATS AT HALF PRICE. $1.00 Hats go for.. .. ..50c. 75c. Hats go for . . . ; 38c. 50c. Hats no for.. .. ..25c. G 6 mp i y CLOTHING STORE Holton Building. THERE IS... Rest For The Weary and there is fun for .the pleasure-loving and recrea tion for all. We do not handle the Hammock, but for these Warm Evenings. 0 c Fe eze its godsend this warm are almost life-savers. mi i-1: nr. am ik ivw ?y. PflB o o o n c 30