CHARLOTTE NEWS, JULY 14. I86S. Office of the Mechanics uilding&Loan Association Jily 11th, 1903 More happy homes and firesides and full pocketbooks with CASH have been brought about through the ef forts of the above named institution. to be distributed, beginning on Tuesday the 14'ch, by the cancellation of Mortgages and the payment of CASH to the happy holders of N of Stock in the said Association. Your homes are now your own and fnjly paid for and those holding the unpledged stock come up and get your money. S. WITTKOWSKY, President. E. COCHRANE, Secretary. . A Few Minutes " With The Recorder GONORRHOEA AND GLEET Cured In 3 TO 5 DA.YS bj nslsg DR. BER NARD'S INJECTION or taking DR. BEK- NARD'S SANITARJf MIXTURE. Prevent Stricture. Price 50c each. For sale byW. L. HAND & CO., Drugfrisoo. corner Trade and Col lege streets, Charlotte, N, C, or sent on receipt otpric9byD. F, ONNEN. Apothecary 1000 Sharp St.. Baltimore. Md. Notice ofPemoval Dr. C. L. " Alexander, Dentist, has moved into his new office, in the Car son building, southeast corner of Fourth and Tryon streets.,, r C. Y AUTEN Makers of ESSES II FREIGHT TM1 JUMPSTHE TRACK THIRTEEN CARS DEMOLISHED the bulk going to the operatives of the J Clifton and Pacolet mills. At the meeting it was decided to donate $500 for tho rebuilding of the Presbyterian church at Pacclet, which was swept away. :$LliMM BUT ltWES LOST NEGRO yV!TH DASTARDLY CH .TT.eiEP The Best Prescription For Malaria Chills and Fesr is a Tjottle of GrovVs Tasteles Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No cur;, no iw. Price 50c. TILLMAN TO LEXINGTON. CRIME !S ARRESTED THE LIEF FUriCS. RE- (Correspondence The News.) Columbia, S. C, July 14. A freight train composed of an engine and 17 cars was wrecked yesterday near Sa luda, on the Asheville and Spartanburg division of the Southern Railway. As the engineer proceeded down the s- yep Melrose grade he endeavored to blow up, before reaching Saluda, for orders. Finding the air brakes would not ork the fireman and engineer jumped from the train just in time to save their lives. The ungovernable train, com posed of coal cars, sweft down the track at a fearful rate of speed, and a short distance before reaching the i He Was Transferred To the Jail On Yesterday. (Columbia State.) J. H. Tillman was yesterday trans ferred from the Richland to the Lex ington jail. A deputy sheriff was de tailed by Sherff Coleman to deliver the prisoner to the sheriff of Lexington county. Senator B. R. Tillman accom panied the officer and prisone !u the order of Judge rlownsend ;!!? lining the motion for a ' faange of vennj and naming Lexingjfa as the j.'iace trial, it was decreil that the j' i-isonev .should be delived to the ; ;ti ot Lexington by p he Monday ( -ding the opening cj court there, whis-h would be the sec if 1 Monday in September Under thif J7 iastie word Ir, sr. it id auuerstood, ih prisoner or his counsel, or both, 1 recval to Le?;;Tii;ton al si:cic?itinn is that th aested his re- Jiis time. The prisoner desires he situation in trestle over the Pacolet River, at a jumped off at a' right glSarrylhTlM a rtsa he takes a most all of which were com-ie pan m uirp.quiauuu fictense, ana it. is Known mat wuiie v. ith it 13 cars, pletely demolished. George Sheldon, the negro who is charged with having assaulted Mrs. Julia Hill, near Spartanburg, a few days ago, was arrested yesterday and is now in the county jail. The negro declares he is innocent, but the woman is positive that he- is the person who assaulted her a few days ago.. The case will be heard in magistrate's court cn Wednesday. At a meeting of the Central Relief Committee in Spartanburg yesterday, which was appointed to take charge of flip funds subscribed for the flood suf- oi;3 incarcerated lie?-e he received numer- visitoTS. Doubtless he will have same nrivileare in Lexington, if none additional, and will carry on as earnest a campaign for acquittal as the circumstances permit. Charlotte Firm Gets Contract. The 8. B. Alexander, Jr., Company has been awarded the contract for .the construction work of the new electric light plant that will be installed, in Winnsboro, S. C. This company will also furnish all the supplies save the f erers in the Pacolet valley, it was j electrical apparatus which will be found that all but $3,000 of the total j furnished by the General Electric Corn fund of $23,000 had been distributed. I - fe; o5vV io N. ( cliche bt. j 0 8" sv ' h ive a seec" 0 mlmm mr. 9 31 V-il3 sT 5 nrvy John Alexander, the hackman who was yesterday charged with .sleeping in his hack and leaving it unattended on the street, was before the Recorder this morning for a further hearing. Alexander, it will be remembered, slept so soundly that Officer Johnson could not wake him up and the Recorder continued the case in an effort to as certain who had been selling Alexan der whiskey on Sunday. This morn ing Albert Gray testified that he gave Alexander the liquor, that produced that deep slumber, at his home. Alex ander was fined $3 and costs for his Sunday nap. John Brice, who is now under a bond to appear at the Superior court on a charge cf running a disorderly house, was charged this morning with as saulting Elam Cooper, a neighbor, and a second charge of running a disorder ly house also confronted him. Bric, it seems, became angry with Cooper because the latter reported him for the alleged disorder at his restaurant and tackled Cooper about it. The inter view ended by Brice striking Cooper in the back of the head with his clenched fist. So powerful was the blow, ac cording to the principals, that Cooper "could not sleep last night with his head" and Brice "could not sleep with his hand." Brice was sentenced to the roads for thirty days in the assault case and the charge of running a dis orderly house was continued . until August 17th, when John will have fin ished his vacation on the roads. Henry Bland was charged with pro fanity. Officers Jetton and Hunter testified that for a whole block around John, about 9:30 last night, the air was sulphurous. John's explanation was that someone insulted him and made him mad. The Kecorder required him to pay ,a tax of $3 and costs for losing his temper. A strange case of mistaken identity grew out of the charge against Major White, black. According to the testi mony ot Mr. Gryder, who keeps a small store on East Trade strjet, Major euchered him out of a dollar Saturday night in the process of mak ing change. Major attempted to prove an. alibi, and when Tom Burns, who is strikingly like Major in stature, ac knowledged that he was the man who was interested in the change-making affair, Major's alibi was established and Burn's name was substituted in the warrant. The evidence showed that either Mr. Gryder or Burns had made a mistake. It did not make clear whose mistake it was and there was no evidence that Burns intended to de fraud, so he too was discharged. I. R. Atkins, who claims Knoxville as his home, and Scott Garrett, who says he is a resident cf Spartanburg, were charged with an assault upon I. C. Dorman. There was also additional warrants against Garrett charging him with resisting an officer and with car rying concealed weapons. According to Dorman's testimony the two men stopped him and questioned him closs- ly as to his birth and antecedents and not relishing their unusual curiosity he gave them evasive replies. With out warning Garrett struck him, and knocked him down and then drew a pistol on him. " The pistol turns out to have been a pair of dentists pliers, which looked as though they were fresh from the shop. There was, however, a long and wick ed knife which established the con cealed weapon charge. Dorman said the affair occurred north of the union depot, but the Recorder corrected him and made the point that he should say Southern depot. Officer Sykes made the arrests and his testimony of resistance on the part of Gnrrett was borne out by the wit nesses, who assisted in corralling the two prisoners. Garrett made little de fense except that he was drinking at the time. Atkins' worse fault seems to have been that he was in bad com pany. He said he and Garrett had been in Charlotte only a few days and had been sleeping in the woods. He charged the mercy of the court, sta'in in 1 5" General Upholstering, Hair and Felt Mattresses. Cabinet and General Repair Work and Finishing in Oil. No. 20 1-2 North College Street. STAR MILLS Best Corn Meal ForShby John W. Smith Take Notice. One more week will be given the twelve hundred delinquents of Char lotte Township in which to make tax returns. Those who fail to comply with the notice will be dealt with as the law directs. J. H. WEDDINGTON, Chairman Board County Com. TaJterL of yoir Eyes tcday means Well, for days to come; worth considering, is it not? Care of the Eyes floes not mean a "hit or miss" fitting on of Glasses, but finding out your Eye troubles and fitting per fectly the riht Glasses to correct the trouble. That's how we do it. Let us CARE for your Eyes E, N Faorior EYESIGHT OPTICIAN Jeweler Charlotte 2: o to o o (V o t o o o o o o M O 4) O O 4) o o it o o o o Sideboards are no longer considered a luxury to be had only by the rich, but at the prices we are selling them even the most humble home need not be without one. Good, substan tial, Golden Oak Boards as cheap as' $12.50. Handsome' Quartered Oak Boards from $17.50 up. Give us a call. No ISSSwrrr?. trouble to show you our stock. McCoy W. T. t t o o o t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it it it it it w it it it it it it I it it i? it 0 it it 0 it it it it it We Don't Keep Our Horses in Place Like This lyRJCSOL I f CALIFORNIA REMEDY jj CURES . , RHEUMATISM and all Liver, Kidney and Eladder diseases caused by an excess of uric acid in the system. It is pleasant in its effects and builds tip the health and strength -while using it. Thousands of certificates sound its praise. It is thoroughly endorsed and rnvzr disappoints. Send stampfor book of particulars and wondemsl certificates. Price $1 per bottle. 6 bottles, $5. For sale by druggists. If your druggist can nt supply you it will be sent, pre paid, upon receipt of price. Address UR1CS0L CHEMICAL CO., Los Angeles, Cal. or the LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Distributing Agents. We have clean, commodious, airy, well-ventilated Stables the equal, from a hygienic standpoint, of any in the South. Every horse is well housed, well fed, well shod, well groomed. They are given the best water and food, and receive every attention. No horse al lowed to be hardworked. We see that every horse and ve hicle sent out by us are in the pink of condition spirited, neckless ready to perform the best service for you. Any kind of a team at any tme for you. A.liii J, W. Wadsworth Sons 220-226 North Tryon Street. Founded 1842. !Ji 1U ii AN A well known and highly respected citizen of North Carolina adds his testimony to what has already been said of To-Lo-Tan, the wonderful catarrh remedy. Read the following letter: Andrews, N. C, Nov. 2d, 1902. TolotanCo., Knoxville, Tenn. Gentlemen : Enclosed please find $1.00 for which please send me another bottle of To-lo-tan. I have suffered with catarrh for ten years and have tried different remedies but have received more benefit from one bottle of To-la-tan than all the other remedies I have tried. Yours truly, 1 ii For bale Hy BURWELL & DUNN CO. mm wi d" these Hot Days Kjili kllCU UWII VI U.IJUI Magnificent Piano Given Away Absolutely Free Over 1,600 names registered for the gift Tiano to June 24th, 1903. Send in yqur name and address and two cent stamp for return of number and you may be the lucky person. The only question asked, "Are you the S TTTTVT T71 T ATI A "fcT TT TT T1T TrTt T T A MAOO I no matter what make. If you are not the owner of Upright Pianos you are eligible, and we want your name and address. Remember this Piano will be given away absolutely free by CHAS. M. STIEFF in appreciation of the phenomenal sale of the "STIEFF" and to adver tise the "IvOIILER" Piano, which we font vo 1 hi ths Soijlh. For fifty years To-lo-tara. Has been on trial and has never failed to cure Catarrh. TO-LO-TAN TRE AT1 ENT $1.00. If your druggist hasn't it, send to Tolotan Co., Knorvills, Tcnn. 093000000 OOOOf oooboo oodooo 1 8 9 X 0 o om Furniture 1 i Thi". order Relieves that John Wal ter Miller vas true to its principles as member and as trustee. One's bet- Ch kiixt el s, Stoves, Mattings, Tr. fnrt nvthmr voa need in Housefurnish- ing Goods AT THE LOWEST PRICES CASH OR. INSTALLMENT Courteous Attention and Fair Treatment Guaranteed. E. M. ANDRJCW8, ter nature could but respond to his bright, gentle disposition, nis gen erous heart and to tho noble impulses which ho daily exhibited. Rlessod wrth a mind quick to discern and with ca ppxity to cxecuto, lie was prompt to poifrrm hi- dutv as he saw it.- "!-t,; -Mo r.rirlsvi-. Mr. 410 Ira- proved 6i:?or cf IlepU'xpin. "vHI r?)!.-? Q 1' Sir?.. wV!lc h 1: th- new tifo li ; X u; Underwear to weatLcr, $1.00 a Light weight. Night Shirts, 50, See us and be convinced. 10 K. 80LLE8E STREET 0 0 0 0 0 ( r 1:; It hoi ebv n.t to his memory. Let a copy cf this memorial and ex pressions cf our sincere sympathy be engrossed and sent to his window, and the daily newspapers be request or tr. rmhlisiV . .""Vfir '"4 " C. H. DULS,7 Archon: 4 Attest George A. Page, Secretary puit the Suit up. Collaile-JS 75c. and $1.00, ceo! and comfortable. Fashions IScst Scholar, the low foil Collar Arrow T3ranl or two for 2"c. .C:nc to with ' cur trouble, w j jt-'i. i-t-.n li e 5'iuno. T givt t'Uuai chance to all, the FiliST N'U'd tJK taken out, receives the gift Piano. rib 0 A VERY CLOSE CALL. "I stuck to my engine, although ev ery joint ached and every nerve was racked with .pain,'' writes C. W. Bel lamy, a .locomotive fireman, of Burl ington, Iowa. "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and after taking it, I felt as well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Burwell & i nnnn f!h 'Pricfi 50 cents. 0 LU1I-A aic C 1 o th ing S G om pany X 42 SO UTH TRYON STREET !R O Goods sent on approval to all - 8 points, returnable at OUR expense. : : : A . vv- 'V Southern Wareroonis. 211-213 N. Tryoi; Street. Charlotte. N. C. C. H. VvlLMOTH. Inacjer. ;HAKLOTT.'5 LCACJMG H07LL. CentraJ ool. Located on the corner of the public square and at the intersection of the two main streets of the city. All street cars pass the door. A strictly first-class house in every particular. Personally conducted by Mr. C. E. Hooper. 0. E. HOOPER & CO,, v Proprietors m O O o O o O o o o o O o to ''I s -." & o o & We offer Great Reduction in the Price O of - - - f 0 .ideboc rds, Extensiork ab?c;w Chin Closets, . 4 . w 5 O 0 Now is a chance to furnish your Di- o .ning Room handsomely at Bargain Pri- 0 ces. Remember this Sale xonly lasts O ONE WEEK! T g o uffet Tables. 0 . , - ... ' - . . t-J9 M H H Is k. - mnt. mM IB Jm. g& .. o ooooooooopooioooooooooooooo 1 X