IVEY'S Going Away This Summer? If yoi a.re going to make a trip soon you will need many things that we can sell you to advantage, tool Lawns Our line of Lawns is much better than we have shown any pre vious season. There are more and prettier styles, and the prices are lower for same quali ties. As a consequence, we have sold a great quantity. But we have a great many, yet, enough iiiu. nuiu 10 maKe a selection.. .. DEATH 0FJV1AJ. YOUNG. Well-Knowr Awr? Ma" Passes gram SHfwlSf r6Ceived a Danville vf r Walters Holland in ing the Sh t!Tritins aounc John D. Youne fiilanta of Young 7 the SSfiiS? f- Mr' Ja Mr nSmE? durance man defth?rMaSrYouninf-0med f might nZ rI UD ,m or4er that he the son who passed thrnntt"Weilce to this morainK on S?n7ih Charlotte bule. 1 e southbound vesti- &Shl!?? Ped of his ceived by Mr SkS6 telegram re" newB hA h,7" Gr.lflith was the first news. ho had received of his father's Major Young was one of the best ic was in that city he died. ihe deceased was a native of Gran ville county, this stato . wan ing the Civil War a member of the" 25? in the Smecompany vitn Carit. npn tt ror.- , J of the taS rr.. one lovable man ana a most The body will be taken to Louisville where the fiinwai take place. miemHl1 W1U l i . ' - , o DEATH OF J. L. RIMER Weil-Known Contractor Died Early " This Morning. 3ir'i J L- Rimer for many years a died J?011 rntractor of tnis cit , Vi 8 home on North Smith street this morning at 3 o'clock, the result of a stroke of paralysis sustain ed several days ago -ur Kimer was a familiar figure in Charlotte and had been for a number ot years. He was known to a large number of Charlotte residents and was held in the highest esteem. Last week. h paralysis, the effects of whinh hp npvor recovered from. The funeral - ..vx UtlU tne residence this aftpmnnn at k.qo o'clock. The interment was in Elm- wooa. Deceased is survived hv a wife h was about 60 years old. 4 MOREHEAD HOME PLACE. CHARTER ASKED FOR. nice 5c, 10c, 15c. yd, muslin arwear. Even if you had plenty of time you couldn't afford to make Underwear at the special prices we are offering. Gowns, Underskirts, etc, at prices that will astonish you. Millinery, Do the children's Hats look dingy? It won't cost you much for a fresh new one. A nice line of the popular Tuscan Straws and the ever-popular Sailors at special prices. We are making a great many Chiffon Hats. You get nice work, best style, and moderate price. Special lot Ready-to-Wear Hats, also good shapes, former prices ?1.00 and $1.50, choice 50c DEWESE'S BIG INCREASE. Taxable Property Increases $88,000 In ,,,, XT wne lownship. ihe News VSPrrlmr o-a x ct the assessors ar-d list takers for the townships outsi-ie of Charlotte On" :mr)ortant item was omitted, that of Sise mcreasa in Dewese township, the -Jews man was told by Mr. J. H. vveddington this morning tn.a. the in crease in taxable property in Dewese roo'nshlp alone woi:ld ani0unt t0 ?,ss - This laige increase is due primarily to the number of nxv in jftiivs re tJt!y established at Davidson and Cornelius. In addition to Devcse a number of other townships hov a healthy in crease bcth in thl3 TallW Of lllTlrta an A - ..... UiiU omer taxable properties. lu me whoie Mecklenburg county vill make a srreat RhTwii- thi vuv vvMle tie returns are not all in, ei ougn is Known to warrant the above s-at r j;t. OFFICERS INSTALLED. 3 1IIU USUI 7 ss5 r-ft libboon Sale. Our values in Ribbons are a marvel. Our special values have eclipsed any thing before offered. Tomorrow morning we put on sale the best lot for the price yet. All Silk, Satin Ribbon, in whitco, blacks and popular col ors, 4 and 5 inches wide. You pay 20 and 25c. yd. for same elsewhere, special for this Charlotte Lodge No. 88, I. O. O. Ready For the New Term At the regular meeting of Charlotte Lodge No. 88, I. O. O. F., the following officers, who were elected for the en suing six months term at the 5rst meeting In July, together with the ap- yuiuuive umeers, were installed: Noble Grand W. M. Smith. Vice Grand W. T. Hart. Recording Secretary Geo. B. Justice. Financial Secretary R. H. Ramsey. Treasurer C. E. Frick. R. S. N. G. J. L. Houston. L. S. N. G. J. B. Walkup. Warden R. W. Vincent. Conductor T D. Payne. I. G. W. S. Shelor. O. G. Willie Brown. citr-Sr&-JrB. McKay. - - - i is. a. J. E. Clark. Chaplain. Luther Yandle. R. S. V. G. T. B. Hoover. L. S. V. G. Luke Query. MR. McMANUS TRANSFERRED. sale . . . .16c. yd. losing Out WindowShades We are closing out our stock of Window Shades, and offer what we have left, mostly 50 and 60c. grade, on best Spring Rol lers complete.. 25c. each Transfer Paper Makes copies of letters, copies embroidery patterns, amuses and instructs children by copy ing any picture or design.' Five large sheets for 10c. Butterick 'atlerns. Delineators and Butterick Patterns for August are now in. Many new and pretty styles shown. ' temiums. Save your tickets and get a nice Premium. His Office To Be Moved To Birming ham, Ala. Mr. C. S. McManus. formerlv intendent of the Charlotte division of the Southern Railway but now general superintendent of the western division of the Southern, with headquarters at Chattanooga, is to be transferred to Birmingham, Ala. Mr. A. Stewart, recently appointed superintendent of mechanics, will also be moved to Birmingnam. These changes, so the News has been informed, will take place about Octo ber 1. Mr. McManus has given great satis faction in his new position and the higher officials of the Southern him as one of the most competent men in the employ of the road. While he only made Charlotte his home fnr a short time, our people fell in love with nim ana win continue to be deeply in terested in his movements. Mr. Stewart, who is also to be moved to Birmingham, is a Western man, having recently come to the Southern from the Union Pacific. The above changes have been made public through General Manager C. H. Ackert, who has been in Knoxville for several days. MR. LEONARD RESIGNS. .IVEY&CO. 13 W. Tratde St. Postal's Manager To Accept a Posi tion In Rock Hill. . Mr. Wade B. Leonard, manager of the Charlotte office of the Postal Tele graph Company, has resigned and will take a position with Howell and Dods worth in their Rock Hill office. Mr. Leonard has been in charge of the Postal's office in this city for the past year or two. He has made a very efficient manager and the business- peo ple of Charlotte will regret to see him leave. - Mr. W. 0. Gaffney, chief operator under Mr. Leonard has made applica tion for the position made vacant on account of the resignatin of Mr. Leon ard. He is indorsed bv the business interest of the city and The News sin cerely hopes that he may receive the annointment. He is a verv canable young man, thoroughly competent and in every sense well suited to fill the vacancy. Mr. Leonard will leave Charlotte in a few days for Rock Hill where he will begin his new work. V" Social. The following invitations have been issued: Your presence is desired Tuesday even ing, July 14, 1903, at the Sunday School Reception, Olivet Baptist Church,, corner West Trade and Cedar streets, 8:30 to 10:30 The members of the Philathea and Baraca classes are especially desirous of meeting all the young ladies and gentlemen of the community, and a cordial invitation is extended to all. o Be Divided Into Lots New Street To Be Run. The Morehead - X" Jf UU. KJW U 1,11 Iryon street is to be divided into lots. A street is to be run from Vance street to Morehead. dividinsr the erty equally so that half will front on Tryon and the other will front on the new street. , The News learns that the property wiu De men divided up in lots of 50 feet frontage, both on Tryon and the new street. The Morehead home place is one of the prettiest sites in Charlotte and these lots, no doubt. -w11 hp mnoh sought after. Mmerican cotton Manufactuers' As sociation To Be Incorporated. Mr, Thomas C. Guthrie today for warded to' the Secretary of State at Raleigh articles of incorporation of the American Cotton Manufacturers Asso ciation, formerly the Southern Cotton Spinners Association. The incorporators named in the pa per are: Mr. w. C. Heath, of Monrce; Mr. R. S. Reinhardt, of Lincoln ton: Mr. B. W. Hunt, of Eaton trm Cli tuv E. W. Thomas, cf Columbia, S. c", ani ivir. i nomas jvi. Swift, of Elbertcn. Ga At the last meeting: of the as.!,.--:. tion it was decided to change the name to the American Cotton Manufacturers Association and a committee composed of the above named gentlemen was ap pointed to securer charter in North Carolina for the association. Acting under instructions from the committee Mr. Guthrie drew ud the articles nf in corporation ani the papers now go to n&ieign ror tne purpose of securing the desired charter. 'CERTAINLY ATTRACT TION." ATTEN- Death Of Mrs. Todd. Mrs. J. W. S. Todd, of Paw f!.-ftol- died this moraine at -20 nvint Qt the age of 61. She had been sick for two years and death was nnt hupv. pected. She leaves a. hiishanH Vint nr children. She is an aunt of Mr. J. H. Wearn and Mrs. Cam Summerville of this place. The funeral will tnlro nkoo tomorrow at 11 a. m. from the house. Mr. E. Hvland. nf Nn 1 nnn Mm-ir. Davidson street. Dresented ThP Npw this morning with two nearhps hP null ed from his trees. One weighs nine ounces and the other half a pound. Both are beautiful specimens, y More Testimony as to Value of "One v-ent a word" column. The following was received today: "Your . 'One Cent a Word' column ads CERTAINLY ATTRACT AT TENTION. NUMBERS CALLED ENGAGED NURSE, so take ad out. "Respectfully, "W. M. SMITH. "Charlotte, N. C, July 14, 1903." WILL CURE STOMACH IN FIVE MINUTES! This is just what Painkiller will do; try it. Have a bottle in the house for instant use, as it will save you hours of . suffering. Watch out that the dealer does not sell you an imitation, as the great reputation of Pain killer (Perry Davis'), has induced many people to try to make something to sell, said to be "just as good as the genuine." Eveiything is New at Ihe model Laundry The latest and best machin ery for washing, ironing and finishing. Shirt waists and ladies' garments of every kind that is washable has the best of care here. The wear and tear is re duced to a minimum. No trouble to reach us. A 'phone message or postal card will bring our wagon to your door. Model Steam Laundry Go. P. M. CAVE. Mgr. Corner Fifth and Church Sts. J. H. LITTLE, President. H. CY. LONG, J. W. tfUTHBERTSON, Vice-President. Sec. and Treasurer. i EtTTESffiA I GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORES Ribbons SOFT, ANTI-SWEAR BUTTONHOLES IN ALL THE SHIRTS Laundered Charlotte Here x x X 'I - FRESHLY BAKED TEA BISCUITS make a very pleasant addition to the evening meal. But how few folks know how, or will take the trouble, to bake them! We have the know how and save you the trouble, too, by turning out just the most tasty, deli cious tea biscuits in town, fresh every afternoon. HAAS BROS., Bakers 209 West Trade Street. "Save Time" use the Pen Carbon Letter Books. They copy while writingj No water, no time, any ink, any paper and pen anywhere. HOUSTON, DIXON & CO. steBfH !Sfi Embroideries We have recently run across some fine numbers in both Satin and Taffeta Ribbons. They are really splendid val ues at the price. We would be glad to have you see these for we feel sure you would appreciate both the quality and price of these goods. We are meeting with great success in our effort to build up a big Ribbon trade. Oldest. Largest, Best oooocccccccoa o DON'T READ o 9 THF n RT flNARY O ei Hiwiivuniii V. 4- . i-1 TXT q ihjl wccuner. we 0 have a line of light (but n whnlfisnmf firtirm of f X tractively bound in Q j ctoin,wnicn we are sell- Q ing at 35 cents per O copy, three for ONE Q LlULLAK. Qj Ask to 5f tllim nr fi - - www AAWXXX Vi O r O O O O Clblldre s Vests A greet Bargain in Children's Fine Vests x X O $tnna & Darrinrror Pn q wiuuu uu uuillllgoi uUi OOCOCCOCi for the warm weather wear. quality BeJbrig- ga.rv Urvdershirts, short sleeves, good shapes, Jl sizes, 16 to 34. It's reaJly a 25 cent value for JO Cents &eB .Hive Negligee Shirts Light in weight, cor rect in color and pattern and made from the strongest and most durable mid summer fa.b- ncs. Magnificent assortments, in cluding every new and fashion able weave and designs for the correct dress of men for the Summer season. An unlimited quantity of plain whites, polKa dots and real little stripes, figures and fancy mixed ef fects a particularly stronsr line of the new grey shades in polka dot and stripe effects, at each fi.oo. We also direct your attention to our special showing of 50c. 1 75c. SHIRTS. You will find some values in this lot worthy the attention of the thriftiest bargain-hunters. Carolina Clothing Go. J. A. SOLOMONS, Manager. I Our big lot of Embroidery con tinues to draw the crowd. While we did not advertise an Embroidery Sale for yester day, yet it really amounted to that and for hours our coun ters were crowded with eager buyers. Wc would not at tempt an Embroidery Sale without having both the quan tities and values, and it is due to this fact that these sales have always been a big sue cess. For a sale of this kind we buy from 10,000 to 25,000 yards and buying such quan tities we have never yet failed to get some mighty good values. We will continue to run the last big lot at 5, 10, 15 and 25c. You will find some of these at less than half their actual worth. Dress Trimmings Just received some beautiful things in Dress Trimmings. These are the latest and swell est things out, and are sug gestive of the Fall styles. You should see the latest things in Col These are right up-to-date and only shown by the late Fashion Sheets. s WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 12-14 W. Trade St. .11-15 N. Tryon 8L X x ! X ! x X i I

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