CHARLOTTE NEWS, JULY 14. 903. X i I I 8 s i H w ,. . - THE OHO LIFE OF POPE LEO X!!! THE WORK, THE SLEEP AND THE . DIET OF THIS REMARKABLE OLD MAN, POSSESSED OF AL MOST YOUTHFUL VIGOR -HIS FAITHFUL VALET. In view of the remarkable vitality displayed by Pope Leo XIII, in this ilast struggle for life, the following :sktch of .the daily routine observed by this wonderful old man is of unusual interest. .- A writer in a recent issue of the Paris Figaro thus told of the Pope's daily life: . ' The greatest modification in Leo's life is his almost entire abandonment of his walks in the gardens. As a mat ter of fact, the Pope himself says that he has no need of open air. If at times the heat is excessive it is pos sible that he has himself carried iu a Chair to the pavilion he has had built on the highest point in the garden, and fhus enjoys, so to say, a little country ife for a few hours; but I do not be lieve that he cares for this often. In his apartments the Pope can gee, by going from one room to another, such Blight variations of temperature as are sufficient for his delicate system. . There are also some changes in his manner of saying mass. Formerly on Sundays the Pope celebrated mass in the large chapel of his apartments and invited thither persons of note who were passing through Rome. For more than two years, however, on Sun days and weekdays, with rare excep tions, he l as said mass in the little chapel naxt to his bedroom and no one is admitted. His servant Centra assists him. Nor is this mass said at a fixed hour, as used to be the custom. Now he celebrates it at 7 or 3 or even 9 whenever he has happened to -awaken. - A gool idea of Leo s health can be had from his appetite and his manner Of living. He has always been a light eater an J for several . years past, na turally, he has eaten less than ever. Having no teeth and with a stomach which, always feeble, now digests with difficulty, it is necessary for him to have-a special cuisine. -. In the morning Centra brings hiis chocolate, milk and two very soft boiled -:?gs. The k'tchen is u. story above the Papal apartments and i? connected vith them by a narrow and straight staircase, which is usel for no othor purpose. The dishes are taken first to the credenziera (office), where Signor Giuseppi MacelU is in command. He gives them to Centra, who is in the anu -chamber, an-I the latter alone serves Leo and assists him at his meal - , Macelli carries Ir-st a wicker basket in which is a simple copper tray, with the co ver and napkin marked with the Jetters S. A. P.," which stands for 'Sacred arcl Apostolic Palace." Then come the oishes. The Pope really takes regularly only a bouillon or a potage, which is the chief itm of his nourishmf.iit Ths rest of the. meal consists of little bV:Is of hashed merit or mince 1 chicken, eggs, well-cooked vegetables and very ripe fruits. Ordi narily coffee is no; served, and as to wine, the Pope dmks but liti.I-, but it is an tjcellent daret sent tc him from a convent in Bordeaux. He 'utb it, as if with water, with a little white wine of Grottaf errata. When itc dishes have been taken back to the office it is seen that he has scarcely touched anything; that what fie. has e.--ten would hardly be enough for a child of 6. ijeus tipartmenis nave no ainer room. He passes tte day in his bed room, works ther?, eats there an J gives his ordinary audiences there The room is divided by a cumin which conceals the ted. Near the cur tain and leaning against the wall are the familiar armchair, from : which his ideas and thoughts go out through the world, and a little square table. A Yankee or English amateur wouli pay c il : , . . . . wen iui luis pis ;e oi iurmture, iOi it is at this tiny tab"te that the Holy Father eats and writes when he cm. r--,--- of (he f1r-s- - w- ''- 'Vt . - . - v,:. ''' - ; nftti.ii '.y rvc: by the Fqpc '0V.3. befor pi everybody in th ante-rhamfcer ', "Monsignor, where was your head when you wrote that letter? .You have not understood a thing that I said!" If Leo has changed much physically with years there is no failing in his intelligence and will power. I can say thajt no one in his entourage comes be fore him without a slight quickening o( the pulse, because nothing'eseapes him and his remarks, although always calm, are short and to the point. There is no relaxation in him. The Pope is still the legate, the firm Chamberlain Pecrci. . V A GOOD THING. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Boschee, a cele brated German Physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most for tunate discoveries in Medicine. It flhickly cures "Coughs, Cold's and 'all Lung Troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but haa stood the test of years, giving satisfac tion in every 'case, which increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Boschee's German :Syrup waa ; intro duced in the TJnited States in 1868. ad is now sold In every town and , village in the civilized, world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 25 and 75 cents. Fitzsimons Drug Co. CAUSES OF HAY FEVER. Kyomel the Only Cure Gives Change of Climate In Your Own oHme. Fifty years ago, hay fever had not boon n?.Trpd,- but undoubtedly 'people suffered ; then as they do now with storms of sneezing, profuse watering i of the pves. excessive running at the nose, intense smarting and itching and stuffed up feeling in the head. The direct causes appear to be heat, dust and the pollen of flowers. Although hay fever may occur at any season of the year, it is most common and severe in August, and preventive treatment should be adopted some weeks before the time the disease is due. Prior to the discovery of the re markable effects following the use of Hyomei, the only treatment that gave relief to hay fever sufferers, was change of climate. The use of Hyo mei enables any one to breathe air at home which is like that of the Adiron- dacks, the White Mountains or other health resorts where healing balsams fill the air with nature's germ de stroyer, ozone. Those who are subject to hay tever shoul.l beein the use of Hyomei at once and thus prevent the disease. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure in tne treat ment of hay fever. R. H. Jordan & Co. nas seen tne good effects following the use of Hy omei in all diseases of the respira tory organs, and they are willing to sell Hyomei to any hay fever sufferer, with the understanding that if it does not give satisfaction, the treatment will cost nothing. ELEPHANT AS A SURGEON. Big Jewel Pulls a Wire Nail Out Of Her Own Foot. New York, July 10 Jewel, the big elephant in the Central Park menage rie, limped a little on Sunday ween sue was taken into the yard t Jr an outing, and when Director Smith observed it he decided that she was troubled with corns. The limp was somewhat worse on Monday, and the Director ordered Billy Snyder, the elephant man, who is also official chiropodist, to pare her corns. They hadn't been cut for a year, and as she had been confined to her stall since last summer there had been no chance to wear them off by walking. Corns grow not on the animal's toes, but on the soles of its feet. The keeper pared the corns on Tues day with the assistance of Keeper Pe ter Shannon, a horseshoe's knife and a carpenter s drawkmfe. The corns were small ones and easily removed, and Jewel seemed to be pleased at their removal, but she continued to limp yesterday when she put her right hind foot on the ground in walking. lou must have skipped a corn on that foot," Mr. Smith said to Snyder, and told him to go at it again with the drawknife. The keeper gave the knife a few turns on the grindstone to get an edge and went to the elephant house with Shannon. The keeper ordered Jewel to get down on her knees, so that he could get at the sole of the limping foot. An elephant is one of tne few animals that bend the hind, legs forward in order to expose the soles of the feet. Jewel got on herxhind knees when commanded and Shannon straddled the leg to hold it firm while the chiropodist was at work. Snyder squatted on one side and took off a slice of the calloused skin with the drawnife. Then he dis covered a nail imbedded in the foot. He seized he head of the nail with a pair of pii. ers and piled. The nail came out about an inch and then stuck, as it was bent in the center. Jewel trumpeted in pain, and swayed from side to side. She swung her head sround and reached back to the lame foot with her trunk, and before the men knew what she was up to she had entwined the finger of her trunk about the nail and with a sudden movement she pulled it out and dropped it on the floor. It was a three-inch wire nail. She got upon her feet and seemed to be relieved, but Director Smith went to the elephant house, and when he saw the nail he said there was danger of lockjaw, and he ordered another oper ation on the foot to kill any tetanus germs that might be present. The animal was again made to kneel and the wound in its foot was enlarged and cleaned out with spirits of turpen tine and germicides. The wounded foot fs.then dressed and bandnged. The "rcctov p i rl. 11" i n t v c . V iinov. Cfc. . . fSrttji.ti jjh: i. ill. !!. tm i' j. C i k na i. ) :.V;;ie r;t;s: i-naii , . i;Ut ts)C i;;li . ' j firing Dr. Kir-g Mew . - arnnntl. vluch trcusii th thcrr arcat work in SUitnatii au-.. i.-or t-ouble. They not only re.iov, ui, but cure. 23c. at Eiu weli &. Dunn Co.'s drug store. A. House, on a Hillside. In the August Delineator is shown a unique dwelling. The site of the house is a deviation frqrn the conventional, being , level with the street in front and dropping back abruptly at the rear. This unusual location contri butes to the architectural style of the bouse and makes .some particular fea tures possible on account of the roomy basement afforded. An expansive dis position of . the rooms is carried out, the living rooms being thrown togeth er as a whole. The interior arrange ments, -as shown in the illustrations. are attractive and artistic throughout. The article will be very suggestive tt homemakers. WONDERFUL NERVE Is . displayed by inany a man endur ing pains of accidental Cuts, "Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore Feet or Stiff Joints. But there's no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c. at Burwell & Dunn. Co., druggists.. If a man wants to get a line on his popularity ,as a speaker let himMiire a hall and charge fifty cents admission. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleediner or Protruding Piles Your druggist will refund your money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure you. 50 cents. PUTTING IRONS ON MR. DAVIS. Gen. Miles Had No Orders, But Only Permission To Do It. Capt. Jerome B. Titlow, of the Third Pennsylvania Artinery, wuu was office of the day at Fort oMnroe when General Miles had Jenerson Davis thrown down on the ground with violence and held there wnue irons were riveted on his anfcies, writes the following interesting letter to the Army and Navy Journal; St. Paul. Minn., . June 29, iau. To the Editor of the Army and Navy Journal: In a recent issue of your paper I noted a communication reflecting upon the strictures of Geh. Nelson A. Miles, United States Army, has put upon soldiers of the United States in the Philippines in regard to "bar barous and inhuman treatment," and I also note your editorial comment upon the communication, and in so far as your correspondent has drawn a parallel between these acts and the act of General Miles in placing irons upon Jefferson Davis in Fortress oMn roe in May, 1865, I- beg to correct the opinion which you have formed in the premises. General iMles never had official orders to put irons upon Jef ferson Davis. I was officer of the day, upon the date in question, when irons were put upon Mr. Davis. General Miles called me into headquarters and told me that he had "authority" to place Mr. Davis in irons, and in con firmation of his orders General Miles exhibited to me a personal letter from the then Secretary of War, Stanton, which evidently was in reply to a communication from .General Miles, in which the Secretary in effect said: "If you consider the safe-guarding of the prisoner requires it, you may place him in irons, at your discre tion." There was nothing mandatory from the Secretary of War, all was left to the discretion of the commanding of ficer; nor was the communication of ficial, and I am sure that a review of the files of the Adjutant-General's of fice will reveal no official communica tion making it mandatory upon Gen eral Miles to put Jefferson Davis in irons, and, further, I shall say that it was not an act necessary to inssure the safe retention of the prisoner within the custody o fthe United States. Jerome B. Titlow, Captain Company K, Third Pennsyl vania Heavy Artillery, officer of the day. at Fortress Monroe upon the day that Mr. Davis was ironed; and under whose command the work was done. SAVED FROM TERRIBLE DEATH. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbittof Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and were powerless; to save her. The most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption turned de spair into joy. The first bottle brought immediate relief and its continued use completely cured her. It's the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Bot tles 50c. and ?1.00. Trial Bottles Free at Burwell & Dunn Co." drug store. Happiness is a ray of sunshine be tween two clouds. Legal Notices Administrator's Notice . Having qualified administrator, de bonis non, of Z. Au rews, deceased, all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to ex hibit them to me on or before the 15th day of July, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said de ceased are notified to make immediate payment to me. This the 13th day of July, 1903. H N PHARR, Administrator, de bonis non, of Z. , Andrews, Deceased. 7-14-6t-oaw . ; Commissioners Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of a decree of Mecklenburg Superior Court in a cause therein pending, entitled, W. H. Houser, Exr. Willie Mav Preston, by ho' guardian. T1, TI. Lorr?- ani Kns' VfCX : clWf"I) I. Mi K s' ?v . . : ; xtPBtrng back ": ?. :";i-' ' .' v. '' " ct conveyed to - said j'res on i, : Saml. C. "Alexander by 'dee J iialcd Ma; 7th, 1875. , . Second lot: Another lot in Square No. 81, of same dimensions, cn . Pres ton's alley, South from Third street, between D and 13 streets, and con veyed to said, Preston by. John A. Young, admr. of Dina Wilson, by deed dated June 11th, 1870. Third lot: Lot No. 577 in Square No. 76. corner of First and D streets, fronting J9 feet and extending , back 198 and being conveyed .to said Pres ton by dt'ed. diily recorded In" book 78. on pagp :."(. Fourth lot: Lot in thr city nf Char lotte, Ward 2,: square 117. on 10. Stone wall street, 158 , feet from the inter section Of , Stonewall and Myers streets, being a part of lot known "as the Widow Johnson's lot, fronting 45 feet and running back 99 feet; deed re corded in book 14Q, page 504. . Terms : One-third of the; purchase money to be paid in cash; one-thijiil in six months and the balance in twelve months; the deferred payment." to be evidenced by notes bearing in terest at 6 per cent from date, with the privilege in the purchaser or pur chasers to anticipate the payment of said notes. The title to said lands to be reserved until the purchase money is paid in full. This 11th day of June, 1903. F, R. McNINCH, JAS. A. BELL, Commissioners. 6-16-2taw-tds The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There Is a disease prevailing: in thi3 lountry most dangerous because so decep tive. Many suaaen deaths are caused by it heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the J vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste avay cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangerpent of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine, and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity o: being compelled to eo often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest lor its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. . Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles, i ou may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both Home ot Swamp-Root. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't .make , any mistake but re member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamo-Root, and the ad dress. Birghamton, N. Y., on every Sottle. Disease ai Diabetes floating, Gravel. Dull Backache, Blad der ' Disease, Urinary Affections, Deep Seated Cases Especially Cur ed By Stuart's Gin and Buchu. Stuart's Gin and Buchu acts directly on the Marirtpr urethral tract and the kidneys. jlriving out all the obstructions and making a perfect cure of the moss aggravating, dangerous ana aeep-seatea cases. f-iHAVEi. Symptoms Bumins sensation m nassins- uriDe. freauent dessire to urinate, the urine is thick and sedimentary, the whole nerv ous system is disordeied, digestion impair d, sleep disturbed, lss oi strengin anu visor. Stuart's Uln and Buchu will cur - every symp tom, cissolv the gravel, sweeten the urine, hnilJ lin nerve. Mucous Discharges Difficulty in passing wattr, ulcerations, irritations of the u;ethra, disagreeable odor of the urine, pains in black swoJlfn ankles and legs, catarrh of the blacder are all Quickly an1 permanently cured by Smart's fi-ln and Buchu. Bright's Disease Dry skin, shortness of breath, urine dak colored. The worst cases cored b fctuat t's Gin and Buchu, Pleasant to the taste Thoroughly tested for the pasfc 20 years in private and hospital practice, with a record of 896 cures of chronic kidney and blad der troubles the kind that had resisted all e ther treatment. Druggists or by express Si. ; Sample Bottle bee by writing Stuart Drug Co . Atladta. Ga. We have set aside 15, 000 bottles for frt-e distribution, so as to pove our claims, so write at once. T Give Your Cook a Vaca tion by Buying Her that Armistead Burwell, Jr. - t ; r i -i -... Our season is not over and our stock is not exhausted. We are as busy as can be and get new goods ev ery week. We have just received a fresh line of Midsummer Headwear and will place on sale Friday next the prettiest and cheapest line of Fourth of July Millinery Goods ever handled in Charlotte. We call your special at tention to our large line of Colored Straw and Duck Hats, ranging in prices from 25 cents up. We will keep open later Friday night than usual in order to supply our customers in ad vance for the great national holiday. The Charlotte Millinery, Successors to Barrett & Co., 18 West -Trade St, Charlotte, N. C. 01 I I BUM YV I Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove CLEVELAND SPRINGS, SHELBY, N. C. ' LFE & MILLER, Proprietors, Established nearly a century. Health and Pleasure, Charming bum- mer climate, rieuiuuui icgiuu, feet above sea level. Cool nights, no mosquitoes, wnue and red suipnur, iron auu uuua Springs. New management, new lurnituic throughout, modern piumoing,. water closets, hot and com suipnur Dam&, excellent livery, music, dancing, tennis, bowling, croquet. POPULAR. PRICESv 5-25-2m. Presbyterian College For Women CHARLOTTE, N. C. HIGH STANDARD Rigidly enforced. FACULTY OF EXPERIENCED TEACHERS. MUSIC AND ART Unequalled ad vantages. CREATURE COMFORTS Fine build ing, good fare and every modern convenience. OTHER ADVANTAGES Refining in fluence of city with Musical and Literary opportunities. For Catalogue, address REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D.D. r REFRIGERATORS 20 Per Gent, Reduction To close out our line of Refrigerators and to dis continue their sale, we have marked them down 20 per cent, below regular price. This is an opportunity you should not iniss Southern Hardware Co., 41 W. Trade Street IPUREi OrystaJ i m E2 3 CI n r 1 13 V t ce (Sk Fuel m m k U interested and shonld know MARVEL Wfiirfing Spray The new eini tsyrmF. J t lion ana oucnon. ixrs.i- It Cleanses insiauiiT. Ask icnr drncsist for It. I f he nannot supply the rvOipr lint Rend stamn for UlUS- lm ted book waled. It gives full utirticulars and directions invalu U join Times Bd., Hew Yort. These tiny Capsules ar rest in 4 Hours witliout tnccnveineisce, aneccions a wuicit uopaibfu i-'n-oebs and Injections fail. . nH . , .. .. North Carolina. State Normatl aid -COURSES- Literary Classical Scientific ' :- tt..- J,, inadin? tnDinlorrias. Advanced courses leading to De crees- Well equipped Practice and Observation School. Faculty numbers Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of textbooks, etc., $140 a vear For non-residents of the State $1.60. Twelfth annual session begins Sentember 15, 1903. To secure board in the dormitories all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15th. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. or cata, logue and other information address CHARLES D. MclVER, Pres.dent, A famous and well established school. Full and thorough Instruction in V 2 all departments of female educutlon. Using the Lescnetizky system. AI q X modern appliances & convenience's. Very reasonahle terms. Catalogue free. Institute F o r Young Wom'n Address, JAS. DIHYIDDIE, M. A. oc o :: o 0 IS o o o o o o o o i) o TRINITY COLLEGE A million dollars invested in endowments and equipments. Large library facilities. Twelve thousand volumes added to li brary during the past year. Ten scientific laboratories. Gymna sium' under scientific direction. I GO undergraduate and graduate courses of study. Courses of study leading to civil and electrical engineering. Many scholarships awarded, Loan fund to aid wor thy young men. Trinity graduates in great demand and respon sible positions. Expenses very moderate. The aim is Christian education -.without any sectarian spirit or teaching. Sons of min isters and Voung men studying for the ministry are not charged tuition. Send for ' catalogue. D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, -, . Durham, N. C. T5he B.rgcir Store Begins July 1st to reduce our stock. Straw Hats for Men, Boys and Children, Parasols for Ladies' and Children, Chinv ware, Crockery and Glassware will all be sold at cost, and a big re duction on all other goods. Men's and Ladies' Oxfords, worth $2.50. Sale price.. .. , Worth $2.25. Sale price Worth $2.00. Sale price... .. We have one full Dinner Set containing 100 pieces, $11.50. Sale price $7.25. One full Dinner Set containing 106 pieces, worth $12.50 price $7.50. . . The Graniteware and Tinware are all reduced so as to close them out. Don't miss the closing out sale at T5he Johnson Bargain Store 14 NORTH TRYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SEASHORE HOTEL ; - ........... .. a , .:. 11' . ; . . . . . . . . 4 J WR.IGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. Just EigKt Miles From Wilmington. Trolley Cars Every Twenty Miiwites TVe now have 130 large airy bedrooms, 20 ensuite.'with private bath. . Hotel being but a few yards from old ocean edge renders it cool an;! comfortable at all times. Artesian water, no malaria, no mosquietoes, no flies. The finest Bathing, Boating and Fishing along the Atlantic coast. New Bowling Alley, Pool and Billiard Hall. The Cuisine will be thoroughly up-to-date, embracing everything in the way ot delicacies in sea food and choice edibles. Music the entire season by the Hotel's Celebrated Orchestra of eight pieces. Hotel antT Grounds lighted by electricity. No more delightful resort in the South. Write for descriptive bOPtet rates, etc. J O E Address H , H I.N Therefore the way jtou sinend that portion cf your life d? pends almost' altogether cn ho land of a Mattress? you have. Do ; ou sloop "gbod? Do you compJajn of that "tired feeling" whoa get ting out tf bed in the monln;; a:J resort to medicine?- U:v doublodly 'this the ro.iiili -fT -;e.,Ucss ?hiriber, whether yo:i are" ce n :cicus of it cr not, Tiion whv noi-get- a'-' aa'd. am i W It is. made right here at borne by people-, you1 -know, who furnish their own material and make the Mattress complete. All Hand Made no Stuff :ng Machines used. Always fluffy never fctiff. Not open to th objections urged against the high-priced Hair Mattresses. Neat, comfortable, clean, germicidal and hy gienic: Equal to any Mattress on the market. Ask' your Furniture Dealer for "Charlotte Elastic Felt Mattress' and take no other.. MANUFACTURERS. Eighth Street and Southern Railway. ! Industrial College. Commerciar Domestic Science Manual Training Music Conserva tory A f M vi s i of Univ. Va., Prin., Raleigh, N. C. 4) O ft O ft ft i; ft o ft ft ft ft ft ft ft i ft ft ft .$2.00 .$1.50 .$1.40 worth . Sale TON. MskrvsMer a. I. ad bed is the cause of the trouldc. A-. " ' ' Cook Wl Co., 5 l j 7'

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