1 1 Reports New York. July 14. C. W. Lee & Co. says: At last we have had a fav orable weather report on Tuesday. Af-tn- waiting for several months and hearing hardly one favorable crop ac count, the document today proved ex tremely satisfactory. That is, the re nort stated that there had been ppdoi improvement in cotton throughout tho lit it ana me piant naa made vigorous ami healthy growth. No more favor able than this could be said at any time and operators accepted the show ing as indicative of a very different crop outlook from that existing la&t year. Last year's crop was doomed at the early part of July. This year most sections have enough moisture tn or " - V, lL i v flie nlant throuarh - T t V J 111 safety and with showers later on in the month the next report should compare very tavoraDiy with last year. The market did not decline as nnrn as might have been expected on so pood a showing;, Tjut a decline of sev eral points resulted. So large a crop is needed and a much might happen between now and the first of Septem ber that operators are not fnriSnoH sell freely and for this reason the market receded very slowlv. On a pood break under 9 1-2 this week we should not be afraid to pick up a little cotton even though December and Jan uary should work back to 9-1-4 Tho first appearance of unfavorable weath er news or developments of auv kind will rally the market sharply and for tins reason we regard purchases on a break as the safer noucv to be nniRnprl It must not be forgotten that a slight break now will carrv thesp months to a point where the decline is a full cent ;i pound from feie top. Under condi tions existing this year this dvliri is cry satisfactory one from the stand point of the buyer. butures closed s'eady High Low C'oe Jan 9 65 9 44 9 44-45 b 9 45 9 45 9 42-44 Meh 9 56 9 42 9 42-43 July 12 00 11 80 11 73-78 Aug 11 80 11 50 11 53-55 Pept 10 53 10 26 10 29-30 Oct 9 80 9 6S 9 6i65 Nov 9 57 9 48 9 48-19 I'ee 9 60 9 46 9 47-4 Spots quiet; middling 12 49 LIVERPOOLCOTTON. Futures closed .. ..Quiet and Steady January-February ..5.1213 February-March 5.11 12 March-April 5.11 July 6.0304 July-August 6.03 August-September ... 6.01 02 September-October 5.62 October-November 6.27 2S November-December 5.19 December- January ... . 5.14 Receipts. 200 ; . .. Sales, 5.000 Mid., 6.20 Spots, Easier CHARLOTTE COTTON. Corrected by Heath-Reid, jobbing and commission company. 'flood middling- ..13c ; Strict middling lSc .Middling , .- 1?MC Tinges 11 2c . Stains 10 lie. Firm . : I NEW YORK STOCKS. New York, July 4. Norfolk and -Western declaed regular semi-annual dividend of $2 on adjustment pre ferred stock, payable August 21 to jstock of record August 7. Mr. G. W. I Perkins of, J.. P. Morgan & Co. says :tnat steel corporation is not contem plating acquisition of Manhattan Co. New York, July 14. Dow, Jones & Co. say: Temperature at Wall street 8:30 a. m. 75. American stocks in London firm 1-4 to 1-2 have parity, roads for May show average net in crease 17.65 percent. 37 roads for first week July show average gross increase 16.35. Big Four and Peoria and Eastern discontinue weekly earn ings statement. Good demand for stocks in loan crowd. London bullish on American stocks. Loan crowd shows heavy short interest in Atchi son. Grain traffic of western roads shows improvement.. Opposition to Sheldon reorganization plan for ship Hi'i'iin. c bv inisliing. Paying of? rf n;a h nCT wf'l I.;'? n'-1- ..I;) . I 1 -i L v iit l.'.wii; V':i:ii.iij 1 ... ' RECC:.i:.lEXD3 DR. DAVID KEN NEDY'S FAVORITE REMEDY. In a recent issue of the New York Magaidne of Sanitation and Hygiene, the recognized authority on all matters pertaining to health, James H. Mont gomery, M. D., says editorially: "After a careful investigation of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, a specific for kidney, liver and bladder troubles, rheumatism, , dyspepsia and constipation with its attendant ills, we are free to confess that a more meritori- m oils medicine has never come under the examination of the chemical and medical experts of the New York- Magazine of Sanitation and Hygiene, iln fact, after the most searching tests and rigid in quiry into the record of Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy, it becomes a duty to recommend iJ.s use in unequivo cal term to every reader of this journal whose complaint comes within the list of ailments which this remedy is adver tised to cure. We have obtained such overwhelming proof of the efficacy of this specific have so satisfactorily demonstrated . its ' curative powers through personal experiments that- a care for the interest of our readers leads us to.call attention to its great value." James H. MontgomebtM. D. Druggists sell it in New So Cent Size and the regular $1.00 size bottles. Sample bottle enough for trial, free by mail. , Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondont, N. Y. Dr. Oaultl Vnnlu' Oh.rrv Rilum hcf fi Coldi, Coughs, Consumption. 5C, 50c, $1.00. oTSk 1903 al to 10 percent savs- XPrk; July HTown Topics mSet whfov;COVering may carry te mtiJ lh wa3 rsold yesterday pernfe t .look fol ent ti no - -PS there was 3ome enn k,,,,? 7 v.,,1 v, . - o-v uujms Bi.eraay but the majority of purchases was for account of th ehnrtc M tha. nuv auoraea the most support. We think this i3 a market to be sold short on rallies mfl Vo 'i "r""11 a"er reactions HUa tnc Wise trariai sit i. , J Profit when he sees it whTtherge cr- small Wo. kij ... 'rkhs d uc"ere iiaiumore and Ohio. Readme WriQ o j . . pacific to be purchases when they are weak a a T- y 411 e nLJ, 7 u ue"re.. vve : are in clined to be somewhat bearish on the Central StkS' including Illinois Central, New York Central and St nl not for ng profits. One reason why we do not favor purchase of the so-called high priced or high grade stocks is because they are largely held by wealthy men who have been compelled and are being C uul- uecause it is neces sary to protect undigested issues ai uul iiiarKeiaDie. axemson RK!i, 2an Pae " Chi & Alton J, o vu.i on jt west -i-ix Erie i7j 3nf.tr Vlii" 30 111 Central t r" 132 aiiEsc rac osa Norfolk & W . lly Ontario & W "" 231 Jea5? .'.'.".1193? Keadin? ... 4fii ??uf 30 Pa; a t o s So Kailway ..."...." 225 ao Kauway P'f d Tex & Pae . . . 25 4 Onion Pa 771 Wabash 22 Amal Copper 4b 1 Brook Rap Trans 52 Col Fuel Iron..., 60 Nationa- Lead 15 Peoples Gas , 95 Sugar 115 Tenn Coal & Iron . . 47 U S Leather , 8 U Stefil 0-7 sr O S Steel P'f 'd ...... Western Union V C Chemical ... -----.-....-, yo s o 1 CHICAGO PRODUCE. .VII EAT Bigh Low Close July 77 75 76 Sept 77 76 J Tty2 Dec n 76 76 CORN 'Oly 49 48K 49 Sept. 51 49 50 Uec 'fio 49 499i OATS A July 39 391 39 5ept 34 33 33 Dec 3i 34 PORK & July .... 14 10 13 95 13 95 pept 14 40 14 02 14 20 LARD fuly 7 45 7 42 7 42 Sept. '.. 7 65 7 50 7 57 Oct 7 55 7 40 7 45 RIBS July 8 30 8 25 8 30 Sept 8 87 7 S5 8 30 Oct. 8 05 7 93 8 00 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected by H. G. Link.) Onions $60 .70 Chickens spring 12 .20 Hens Per head 28 .30 Eggs 10 .11 Beeswax 20 .22 Turkeys ; . 12 The Weather Forecasts for tonight and Wednes day for Charlotte and vicinity: Fair to- : night and Wednesday; warmer. STATE FORECASTS. For North and South Carolina: Fair tonight and Wednesday; warmer in the interior Wednesday. Cloudiness and "v unsettled weather 'cntinvfa this roornlntr. akin tho M- . 5 f I.,.; i.iivr.p (-' do!" ' n ; " " i ' ' i si - t-. os if::lz-' 1: oiLcr Sfctioos oi the ' i nut ? 3nd east Gvlf States and ia the lower Missouri valley. G. R. OBERHOLSER, : ' Observer. BISHOP CAPERS' ANNIVERSARY. Decennial of Consecration of Beloved Soldier-Priest Will be Celebrated. (Columbia State.) The tenth anniversary of the conse cration of Rt. Rev. Ellison Capers to the bishopric of South Carolina will be celebrated in Trinity church on Wednesday morning, July 22, with ela borate ceremonies, in which many of the highest dignitaries of the Church of England in America will "participate. ' In addition to the clergy of the State a large number of ministers from oth er States and the bishops of all, as well as many laymen, have been invited to the- ceremony; There will be a recep tion to the bishop on one night near to the ceremony. The musical programme which has been prepared will be an effort on the part of the choir .and the choirmaster to thoroughly fix- the occasion as a notable musical period in the history of the church. The choir has been practicing the music for some time, past. BUY EAGLE BRAND MILK FOR the baby and save doctors bill. Fresh supply-just received, 16c. can. Fresh Eggs, 12 l-2cy Four pounds nice white clean Rice for 25c. We bought canned Meats before the advance and are re tailing at wholesale prices, 203 West Trade street. BASED JJPON FACT Ganl (jet Aiiay From This Proof in Charlotte. The average mind is skeptical ready to put down a medicine as a humbug and testimonials as fakes, pure and simple, especially it signed by strangers living in far-away places. But testimony given by resi dents of Charlotte, easily verified or disproven if based on deception, can hardly be doubted. It is upon such testimony that the reputation of Doan's Ointment and Doan's Kidney Pills are based in Charlotte. W. T. Beaman, lumber merchant, at 6 West Sixth street, living at the same ad dress, says: "Doan's Ointment has been given a trial in. our family and has always been most satisfactory for all purposes. I got a box at R. H. Jor dan & Co's drug store and from our experience with it I cannot praise it too highly. It is a very efficient salve for all itching skin diseases." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no substitute. BLOOD POISON This is the King of all d S s e a s es. Don't delay t r e atmeat. Begin wi:f-n the earliest s y m p toms appear. Get rid of that virus which drains your veins and destroys your vitality. Have you Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Aches, Old Sores, Ulcers in the Mouth, Hair Falling? We cure Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison. The most ob stinate cases yield to our treatment. Our cure is permanent. If you are afflicted write us about your case. Our perfected home treat ment is without an equal. Rates are reasonable and we only collect after a cure. Our dealings with you are in the most sacred confidence. Some of your near neighbors have possibly been ou c.i by us. Write toddy. T. ALEXANDER COX, M. D. SPECIALIST. 210 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. DTICE OF BOND ' ELECT! Notice is Hereby , given that at an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Mecklenburg Coun ty, held in the Court House on Thurs day, the 11th day of June, 1903, the board called a special election, pur suant to the authority conferred by Chapter 563, of the Public Laws of 1899, and Chapter 452 of . the Public Laws of 1901, to be held on Tuesday, August 11th, 1903, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said county, the question of authoriz ing said Board . of Commissioners to issue the coupon bonds of Mecklen burg County, to an amount not ex ceeding two hundred thousand ($200, 000) dollars, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 5 per cent., for the pur pose of macadamizing and otherwise improving the : public roads of said county and paying its floating In debtedness. Published by order of the "board, this the 11th day of June, 1903. J. H. WEDDINGTON, Chairman. A, M. McDONALD, Register of Deeds and ex-officio Clerk of Board. kk ui ill and be done'witH it. WE DO THAT KIND Hsley & King OFFICE AND SHOPS: 26 West Fifth Street, Charlotte, N. C. Bell 'phone 49S2. RIDE" A MOTOR CYCLE Three For Sale. RELAY MFG. CO., 23 South Tryon Street. m n i CH ARL01TTE JMEWS;.JOLy 4 BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on earth., yet the easiestto cure WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, sores- in cue moutn, ulcers, railing iiair, bone pains, a tar-h, don't know it is BLOOD POISON. Send lo DK. BROWN, 935 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., for BROWN S BLOOD CURE, 12.00 per bottle, lasts one month. - , . flays. For sale by R. M. Brannon, Druggist Charlotte, N. C. - What Women Are Seeking t'WM. uvui- uii, wwm OlUgJC CbLlU. Ill al riea, wiU find these Pills just what they want ui x cmaie uompiamts. Headache. Pains in the Back and Limbs, Palpitation of the Heart, Faintness, Loss of Appetite. Bearingr-dow n Pain, Prostration cf Strength, Retained. Ex- . t . e. u, w a ui.ii 1.1 uicucca - In cases of Impotency or Barrenness, Semiral Weakness, Gleets, Whites and all disorders u vui a reiapsea state or tne genital or gans, whether the result of disease or conse quences of youthful indiscretion, or indulgence thev are eonallv hMiArtrMai tvtP?ic.P No-u $2- per ox Douhle Strength. i.i u. a,aK.w per uox, l'Used and recommendedby thousands of ladies. . v. vmtfiaiuua icKuii irum consti pation. Torpid Liver, Severe Headache, etc., for positive specific. Price, 25c a Bottle. Sold by M. S. KAHN & CO., Mfrs., Baltimore Md.. or W. L. HAND & CO.. Druggists. Char tte, N. C. Hotel Empire BROADWAY AND 630 STREET, N. Y. CITY Tefephcne it every Room Rooms $1.00 per Day and Upwards A fine lihrarv of The Emnirfi liaslnnir choice literature for the exclusive use of our guests. been the . favorite ho tel for tourists visit ing the Metropolis: , From Courtland or Liberty Street Ferries take car marked 6th and Amsterdam Aves. direct to hotel door in 30 minutes. From 23rd St. Ferry take Cross-town car to 9th Ave, and change to North bound 9th Ave nue car an reach Ho tel in 12 minutes. From all Ferries, Steamboats and Ocean Steamers walk short block to Elevated Railway and take 9th Ave, train north to 59th Street, from which Hotel is ote minute walk Headquarters N. Y. Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy. All surface cars of the Metropolitan sys tem pass the Hotel Empire. The restaurant, nf the TTlmriiVo l nnfu -u . - - - ------ i . . u i, v.,. i i l i n: excellence of its cuisine, its efficient service and moderate prices. - Only 10 minutes to . principal theatres and hops. W. JOHNSON QUI KN, Prop. PRIDE OF CHARLOTTE Patent Flour Is milled by the best process, by the best machinery and from the best selected wheat, leaving the ""nutri ment in it. If you haven't used it just ask your neighbor who has.- MecKlenbvrg Roller Mills. J. LEE KOINER. Propr. A PLICA.. . i i ! ( i I i .!'::" i i ' U i i j -iri i ! ! I." We vvaiiL t talk to you awhile on the subject , of - ' INSURANCE. Come in and we will explain the "Modus" Operandi." C.K G. BUTT& CO. Insurance Headquarters. Whether Livery Teams, Dra.ys, Transfers or Moving Vons You WaLnt We Stand Pat. We've Got 'Em. Best Possible Service G. A. Black CORNER STONEWALL AND COL LEGE STS. WmVI 41903 - PROFESSIONAL CARDS McMichael & Hxxrter, ChaLrlotte, N. C. iZ mag :i 3 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ? Safe Method. No Bad After Effects A - ... 25c. PER TOOTH. , - DR.. ZICKLERr 3 DENTIST. ft ' - 27 South Tryon Street x ft TKos. G. McMichatel, ATTO RN EY-AT-LAW. Practice in All Courts. Room 303. 2d Floor Trust Building, Charlotte, N, C. Wheeler (BL Runge. ARCHITECTS ChoLrlotte, N. C. Second Floor 4C's Building. O. A. Bobbins & Co. Mill Engineers and ArchitecU, 201 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. WE SELL NEW and Second hand Tvpe writers all Makes and Typewr-'ter Supplies. The on.y place in the State to get Typewriters repaired and rebuilt. . Correspondence solic ited. Southern Typewriter Exchange. 225 South Eim Street. . Greensboro. N. C THE TRIP OF THE Old Dominion Line Makes a most attractive route to NEW YORK AND NORTHERN AND EASTERN SUM MER RESORTS. Express steamships leave Norfolk, Va., daily, except Sunday, at 7:00 p. m., for New York direct, affording op portunity for through passengers from the South, Southwest and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort, Ocean View and Virginia Beach en route. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents, or to M. B. CROWELL, Gen'l. Agt, Norfolk, Va.; J. F. MAYER, Agt., 1212 East Main St., Richmond, Va. -H. B. WALKER, V. P. & T. M.; J. J. BROWN, General Passenger, Agt., New York, N. Y. j r,.sY ' -TTH h .'1 " MUGmNQ Cor HftLl iriUKL,?! 19. HALF T0NBS.TINE ENGRAVINGS SKETCHES. ORIGINAL DESIGNS, AMD BUSINESS BRINGING ADVERTISING IDEAS OF THE HIGHEST EXCELLENCE. IT Will PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. DON'T ..... CO OK THE COOK Gook with V 4 C Vs V rchiti6ts cn "Whitin, Kitson end Wooh sock etM COTTON jWILL MACHINERY . . Plans and Specifications for Cetton Mills. STUAR.T W. CR.AMER. Engineer n.nd Contractor Charlotte, N.,C. , ; .. . , ; , Atlanta, Qt. Summer Excursion , Rates on ' or Via The. Seaboard Air Line Railway Effective June .1st, the Seaboard Air Line Railway will sell round trip tickets from Charlotte to the following points at rates and under conditions named below, viz: Farmville, Va. . . $12.45 Blowing Rock, N. C... . .-. .. 8.40 Hickory, N. C 3.20 Lenoir, N. C .. .. .. 4.40 Linville, N. C 12.40 Newton, N. C .. 2.65 Cross Hill, S. C 6.05 Lakeview, N. C 5.50 Lincolnton, N. C. .. 1.75 Littleton, N. C .". .. 10.25 Niagara, N. C 5.40 Pine Bluff, N. C. 5.00 Pitt3boro, N. C 6.90 Rutherfordton, N. C 4.00 Shelby, N. C 2.70 Southern Pines, N. C 5.25 Red Springs, N. C 5.60 Chimney Rock, N. C 7.05 Jackson Springs, N. C 6.25 Morehead City. N. C 12 90 New York steamer from Ports mouth 29.15 Ocean View, Va ' . . . . 16.15 Old Point. Va. lfi.15 Providence, R. I... 32.15 (Steamer from Portsmouth). Southport, N. C, . . - . ., ... 8.75 Virginia Beach, Va 16.15 Washington, D. C, (steamer from Portsmouth).. 19.50 Wriehtsville. N. C 8.15 Baltimore, Md., (via Portsmouth ana steamer ) 21.15 Boston, Mass., (via Portsmouth and steamer) 34.15 Cape Henry, Va... .. .. .. .. 16.15 Carolina Beach, N. C... 8.00 Final limit on tickets to the above points. Oct. 31. Rates to New York. Providence and Boston, include meals and state room on steamer. Effective at once the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets to the points named at the following low rates, and under conditions named: Jackson Springs, N. C $3.85 Monroe, N. C. . .... .80 Wilmington, N. C 4.00 Mt. Holly, N. C 50 Stanley Creek, N. C 75 Iron, N. C 1.00 Lincolnton, N. C... 1.05 Cherry ville, N. C... 1.35 Chimney Rock, N. C 5.15 Waco, N. C . .. 1.40 Stubbs, N. C 1.40 Shelby, N. C... 1.40 Rutherfordton, N. C 1.65 Hickory, N. C 2.15 Cliffs, N. C. . 2.20 Lenoir, N. C 2.90 Blowing Rock, N. C . . 6.20 Cross Hill, S. C.. 2.55 Tickets on sale every Saturday and for Sunday morning trains good to re turn until Monday evening. Through connections for Blowing Rock, Hickory and Lenoir . made by Seaboard Air Line morning train leav ing Charlotte at 10:18 a. m. Inauguration of Sleeping Car Service Between Wilmington and Hamlet. ' Effective July the 2d, the Seaboard Air Line Ry. will inaugurate tri-week-ly sleeping car service between Wil mington and Hamlet. i . First car will leave Hamlet on train No. 14 at 1045 p. m., July the 2nd, return leaving Wilmington, train No. 15 at 9:00 p. m., July the 3rd, and thereafter to be operated tri weekly, car to leave Hamlet Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, re turning leave Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Reservations made at No., 23 South Tryon street. R. M. Coffey, Passenger ami Ticket Aget: i Safcoaru Air Line Saifwa -i-ier.i, Sr"A Vt'ik, TaUijirt., All31iU New Origans and Points South and West. - IN EFFECT APRIL 12TH, 1903. . Trains arrive as follows: 33, from Atlanta, New York, Wash-" ington, Richmond, Norfolk, Raleigh, Atlanta, 10:05 a. m. 39, from Atlanta, New York, Wash ington, Richmond, Norfolk, Raleigh, Wilmington, 10:45 p. m. Train 32, from Rutherfordton, Shelby and Lincolnton, 7:25 p. m. Trains leave as follows: 40, for Atlanta, Wilmington, Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, New York, 5:01 a. m. 32, .for Atlanta, Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, New York, 7:15 p. m. 'r"; . - - 33, for Lincolnton, Shelby, Ruther fordton, 10:18 a. m. Nos. 39 and 40 run solid to and from Wilmington lotte to . Portsmouth, connecting at Monroe with through sleeper to Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. R.. M. COFFEY Passenger and Ticket Agent. Up-Town Ticket Office, 23 S. Tryon Baggage checked from residence and hotels without extra charge. Wire Railing & Ornamental Wi rework DUFUR. (SL CO.. 311 N. Howard St. Baltimore, Wire Railing for Cemeteries, Lawns, Gardens, Offices and Balconies. Win dow Guards, Tree Guards, Wire Cloth. Sieves, Fenders, Cages, Sand and Coal Screens, Chairs, Settees, etc. Eleva tor Enclosures a Specialty.. - -r- - J. Compfeta Equipments tor Cotton Mills. SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Effect June 21,. 1903. This condensed schedule is publish ed as information and is subject to change without notice to the public. 4:3Q a. m. No. 8 daily, for Richmond and local points, connects at. Greens boro for Winstoh-Salem, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Newbern and Morehead City, at Danville for Norfolk. 7:10 a. m. No. 16 daily except Sun day, for Statesville, Taylorsville and local stations, connects at Mooresvilla -for . Winston-Salem at Statesville for Asneviiie, Hickory, Lenoir and Blow ing Rock. - . 7:45 a. m. No. 39 daily, Atlanta Ex press, Pullman sleeper and day coach es to Atlanta. Close connec tions at Spartanburg for Henderson ville and Asheville. 9:45 a. m. No. 33 daily, Florida Ex press for Rock Hill, Chester, Winns boro, Columbia and Savannah;" Pull man sleepers to Augusta; first-clas3 coach, Washington and Savannah. 9:25 a. m. No. 36 daily, TJ. S. Fast Mail, for Washington and all points North; Pullman drawing rooms, sleep ers to New York and Richmond,, day coaches New Orleans to Washington; dining car service. Connects. at Greensboro for Winston-Salem,. Ral eigh and Goldsboro. 9:30 a. m. No. 37 daily, Washington and Southwestern limited. Pullman drawing room sleepers, New York to New Orleans and Memphis; Pullman observation car,- New York to Macon; dining car service; solid Pullman train. 10:05 a. m. No. 30 daily, for Wash ington and all points North. Pullman sleepers to New York; first-clads coach to Washington. Close connec tion at Danville for Richmond, Va. Dining car service. ... 11:00 a. m. No. 28 daily, for David son, Mooresville,. Barber Junction, Cooleemee, Mock3ville, Winston Salem and Roanoke, Va., and local stations. 12:35 p. m. No. 11 daily, for Atlanta and local stations; connects at Spar tanburg for Hendersonville and Ash ville. 6:25 p. m. No. 25, Freight and Pas senger, for Chester, S. C, and local points. 7:10 p. m. No. 12 daily, for Rich mond and local stations, connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Golds boro; Pullman sleeper Greensboro to Raleigh, Charlotte to Richmond. 7:15 p. m. No. 24 daily, except Sun day, for Statesville and local stations connects at Statesville for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Memphis. 8:18 p. m. No. 38 daily, Washington and Southwestern limited, for Wash ington and all poiDts North. Pullman sleepers and Pullman observation car to New York. Dining car service. Solid Pullman train. 9:50 p. m. No. 29 daily, for Colum bia, Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and local stations beyond Chester, Pullman sleepers to Jacksonville; first-class coach, Washington to Jack sonville. 10:20 p. m. No. 35 U. S. Fast Mail for Atlanta and all points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham; day coaches Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. 10:15 p. m. No. 40 daily, for Wash ington and points North. - Pullman sleeper for Washington. First-class coach Atlanta to -Washington. C. H. ACKERT, Gen. Mgr. S, H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Agt. N Washington, D. C. R. L. VERNON, Traveling Pass, Agt. - T. J. WITHFRSPCON, -: ' City Ticket Agent. 11 S. Tryon Street. Chariot N. C. . f?9i?trfigt -n for and checked frorr !n : ! .ifiit r.sf.stii Uy Va'l: worth's i'tanft-i Co an unlere (eft at City t icket Schedule in Erect Scedule in effect May 24 1903. Through Train Daily, Charlotte and . Roanoke, Va. NORTH BOUND Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ..11:10 am. Lv. Winston, N. & W. Ry. ,.3:00 p m, Lv. Martinsville..' 5:15 p m. Lv. Rocky Mt. 6:35 p m. Ar. Roanoke.. .. . . .. ,.7;40 p m. SOUTH BOUND. Ar. Charlotte, So. Ry. .i ...6:00 p m. At. Winston, N. & W. Ry..2:Q0 j m. Ar.: Martinsville.. .... ..11:45 a m. Ar. Rocky Mt ..10:26 a m. Lv. Roanoke.. ..9:15 a m. Connects at Roanoke Tia Shenan doah Valley Route far . Natural Bridge, Luray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke and Philadelphia. Additional train ' leaves Winston Salem 8:00 a. m. dafly except Sunday for Southwest Virginia and Shenan doah Valley points. W. B. BBVILL, Gen. Pass. Agt Roanok, Va., M. P. BRAGG, fcrar. Paes. Acent. Goodyear Rubber Vehicle Tires. G. A.P4GE Baggy; and Wagon Repairing, Trim ming and Painting, Horseshoeing and General Biacksmithing, Corner Fourth and Cfcurch streets - J