CHARLOTTE NEWS, JULY 1 4, 1 903. t W OOOOOOOOCOOOO XOOOOOCOaJ PERSONAL POINTERS. One Cent a Word i; I 1 ,! ! I' I: I .'I.-1, 5 '! : ( 5 I I 1 if w -n till: Si j 7 t if 1 Is Some Who Were Seen Op Heard From ! Today. Mrs. H. D. Burkhimer and three daughters. Misses Bessie, Florence and Annie, from Newberne, N. C, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Lisette C. Hood, on E. Fifth street. Mrs. Burk himer is the daughter of Rev. Dr. Bernheim, of Wilmington, and is an old resident of Charlotte, having been married here. Mrs. A. Brevard Davidson, of Co lumbia, and Mrs. T. H. Stroliecker, of Davidson, will spend the month of Au gust at Glenn Springs and Saluda. Mrs. Bessie Myers, of Charlotte, Mrs. L,. D. Childs. of Columbia, and Mrs. Bamette Miller, of Holyoke. Mass, who have fceen visiting Dr. Strohecker's family at Davidson, have returned to their respective homes. Master Tom Hayes and .Victor Shaw are spending- the day in Matthews, whither Mr. Shaw goes on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shirer left yester day for Glenn Springs. S. C, where they will spend syjme time on account of Mrs. Shirer's he alth. Mr. Frank R. Mc'Ninch has returned from Monroe, where he went on legal business Messrs. John and Ernest Vogel, of Philadelphia, and M;ss Agnes Smith, are guests of Mrs. John Vogel on North Poplar street. Mrs. Louise McGillivarae, of Creigh ton, Ga., a daughter of Mrs. Vogel, is expected to arrive in a few (days to spend some time. Mr. J. Arthur Henderson and family will go to Connelly Springs tomorrow for a short stay. Mr. Fred E. Withers, who has been living at Palm Beach, Fla., for some timt is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs C. A. Withers. Mr. Withers has been. tnSaSei in floral culture at Palm Beach. , . , , Dr. Joh.n w- Stagg leaves tonight for Birmingham13- Miss Ethe: Burt, of Edenton, is a Charlotte visitor Mr. H. D. WTheaf, of Gaffney, was here today. Mr. S. S. Steele, Pf .Rockingham, was here today. Mr. B. C. Hough, of Lancaster, was in Charlotte today. Mr. A. Friedhiem and' wife, of Rock Hill, were here today to- attend the funeral of Mr. Jonas Schiff. Mr. J. F. Harris, of Shelby, was in the city today. Mr. W. A. Ross, of Morganton, was a Charlotte visitor. Mrs. W. W. Watt has returned to the city and is at the Central. Mr. J. B. Smith, of Lexington, is at the Central. Mr. Frank B. Smith and wife, of Boston, are at the Buford. Mr. J. N. Watkins. of Greenville, S. C. is at the Central. Mr. D. W. Aderholt, of Cherryvilie, was at the Central today. Mr. John Crawford, of Lancaster, was here last night. Dr. A. C. Barron and Addie Belle Barron have gone to Philadel phia. IN A PARAGRAPH. Some Bits of News Gathered Over the City Today. Southern's trains were about on time today. Deputy Superior Court Clerk W. M. Moore is taking his vacation this week. The Y. Wj. C. A. Entertainment takes place at Mrs. Heath's residence instead of at the rooms on West Fifth. The Baraca Bible Class of East Avenue Tabernacle meets tonight at S o'clock. All members are urged to be present and bring a friend. Mr. Frank F. Jones, the Remington man, calls our attention to the fact that his business now requires a "delivery wagon" and that Jones not only pays the freight, but delivers the goods. Mr. Robert Dowd, who has been boarding with his brother, Mr. Clem Dowd, is now boarding with Mr. S. J. King, S. Boulevard, Dilworth. Mr. Dowd is employed at the Charlotte . Pipe and Foundry Co. Capt. K. J. Braddy, of Bla den county, is visiting his kins man, Dr. F . O. Hawley. Capt. Braddy was Captain of Company C, 36th Regiment, North Carolina fTroops and was captured with Dr. Hawley at Fort Fisher. He was a Jarave soldier. INVENTION BEATS BURGLARY. Convict Sells Rights In England Alone For $50,000. .Trenton, N. J., July 14. Charles Filer, who was parolled from State prison last July for good conduct and for having invented a blind lock-stitch eewing machine while serving his fourth term for burglary, continues to profit by his invention. The English rights to it have been sold for $50,000. When he left the prison local capi talists agreed to market the invention, Richard Barlow, Charles W. Scucder and Samuel Gaston, well-known Tren ton business men, agreeing to finance its manufacture. Mr. Barlow has just closed the Eng lish deal, which gives, besides $50,000 cash, $25,000 in stock of the English concern. It is reported that another large offer has been made for the Rus sian rights. The machine has been patented in 34 countries. The local capitalists, in addition to ibacking Filer when he came out of prison, gave him a salary of $5,000 to Buperinted the construction of the ma chines. He says each machine does the work of 20 men, and does it better than they could do it by hand. Filer is a good-looking man, 42 years old. He was convicted four times of burglary, serving nearly 20 years in prison. He now says all his good for. tune came from his incarceration, for if he had not been forced to work in the prison tailor shop he never would have thought of the blind lockstitch machine. While in prison he met Miss Louise Hill, a pretty and well-connected eirl who lived with. her aunt opposite the prison. They were married last Jan uary in the Methodist church here, the event creating a local sensation at the time. Filer has settled down in a com fortable home in one of the best resi dential sections of Trenton and bids fair to become a wealthy man. He says he never committed the first Crime for which he was sent to prison. No advertisement inserted in this column for less than 10 cents ea ch insertion. NO TRIP FROM CHARLOTTE, WILL compare with the Excursions to Asheville, July 21st. 13-lt EXTRA LARGE PALM AT A BAR- gain. 1000 S. Tryon street. 14-2t FOR RENT Two modern 7-room houses, all conveniences, East Morehead. H. A. Murrill. 11-eod-tf OF ALL SALES HELD IN CHAR- lotte the greatest is to come. Watch for announcement. 1,4-tf TWO 5-ACRE LOTS FOR SALE ON Providence road. Apply to W. L. Pharr, No. 218 North College. St. 13-2t FOR RENT Two to 12-room houses. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 14-lt WANTED A good Cook, male or female. Apply at 508 West Trade St. 13-3t FOR RENT Houses to suit most people, all parts of city. J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 14-lt GRANDEST EXCURSIONS OF THE season go to Asheville July 21st. 13-lt A GRAND EXCURSION, JULY 16TH, 1903. via Monroe, Wadesboro, Ham let, Raleigh. Petersburg and to Richmond. Separate cars and first class accommodations rfor both white and colored. The baggage car with refreshments of the season in abundance, wrill be placed between the cars for the white and the col ored people. Train will leave the Seaboard Air Line depot Thursday morning at ,(?) o'clock, July 16th, 1903. Arrive' in Richmond at 5:30 o'clock p. m. Good order and plenty of ice water. Committee: Col. C. S. L. A. Taylor and Anthony Rivera; E. J. Young, Manager. WANTED Second-hand Buggy. Must be genuine bargain. "G.," care News. 13-2t FOR SALE Coffee Mill and Water Motor, one Desk, one Refrigerator, Sealer, Coffee Roaster, one Safe. W. I. VanNess & Co., 19 N. Tryon St. 14-4t ALL ABOARD FOR THE MOUN- tains Tuesday, July 21st. 13-lt GET YOUR SEWING MACHINE RE- paired while you rest A. M. Eddiris, 407 1-2 North Church street. 14-lt BUSINESS PRINTING WE DO THE kind of Printing that appeals to business men because it is well done and because the price is right. News Printing House. RESIDENCE FOR SALE I offer for sale my house, cor. Park. l. venue and Boulevard, Dilworth. O. A. Robbins. 14-6t YOU CAN GO TO ASHEVILLE BY Spartanburg and return via States ville on the big Excursions next week. 13-lt EVERY JOB OF PRINTING WE turn out shows real quality. News Printing House. NOTICE Bids for the Refreshment Cars on the two excursion trains to Asheville July 21st will be received at the News office by the under signed until 2 o'clock Wednesday, July 15. W. C. Dowd. 13-2t LARGE QUANTITY FINE CELERY plants for sale. Mrs. S. J. Asbury, 302 N. College street. ll-3t TWO GRAND EXCURSIONS, CON- cord and Charlotte, to Asheville (Tuesday, July 21st. 13-lt FULL LINE OF PAPER FOR TYPE- svriters at News Printing House. 40,000 TO 50,000 BRICK FOR SALE cheap. Apply to P. A. Osborne, 22 North College street. 11-tf TAKE TWO DAYS OFF AND GO ON the Excursions to Asheville, July 21st. 13-lt GET SUMMER BOARDERS WITH "One Cent a Word." 'ONE CENT A WORD" SECURES situations, gets help, finds lost articles, rents houses, gets board ers and roomers, finds lodgings and sells real estate, merchandise, live stock, personal property, etc. It brings people together in the quick est, quietest, easiest and cheapest manner and fiorms a medium of sale, exchange, employment and general information. EVERYBODY BETWEEN CHAR lotte and Statesville is invited to join the Asheville excursionists July 21st. Round trip only $2.25. 13-lt THE RECOGNIZED "WANT" ME aium oi cnariotte "Une Cent a Word.'' IT ONLY COSTS $2.25 TO GO TO Asheville July 21st and return 22nd. 13-lt YOU GET MORE FOR THE MONEY on the Asheville Excursion this year than ever before. 13-lt FOR SALE The favorite drive about the city of Charlotte, is to Dilworth; thence by the belt line to the Provi dence road; thence by Myers' lawn and Elizabeth College to the city. offer to sell on this route, building sites and farms suitable for fruits, for trucking, and for dairying. Terms reasonable and accommoda ting. J. S. Myers, 802 E. Avenue, Charlotte, N. C 8-6t IT WORKS LIKE Cent a Word." MAGIC "ONE PEARL L. GARNES, Charlotte, N. C, Writes, Designs, Illustrates, and Manages Good Advertising. Let me prepare ?our copy, make your contracts, place your advertising and I guarantee to market the goods. SIXTEEN YEARS PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN ADVERTISING AND PRINTING ENABLES ME TO DO MY WORK INTELLIGENTLY. IF YOUR ADVERTISING DOES NOT PAY A DIVIDEND, I CAN HELP YOU. WRITE. EVERYBODY BETWEEN CONCORD and Bessemer City can go on the Asheville Excursion July 21st for only $2.25 each. 13-lt FOR RENT NICE COTTAGE, MOD- ern improvements, one block from postoffice, 305 West Fourth street. R. J. Sifford, 10-tf. WANTED Intelligent persons to copy letters at home; $12.50 paid weekly. Send stamped envelope for sample letter and instructions. Eureka Company, 23 Duane street, New York. 4-10t WA.TCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF the greatest factory sale ever held in Charlotte. 6-tf FOR RENT 8-room house, modern conveniences, $15 per month; 6-room house, city water, $12; both well situated. Hugh W. Harris. 13-tf FOR RENT Six-room cottage, No. 405 North Poplar street. W. I. Fri day. 19-tf ASK R. M. COFFEY ABOUT THE many cheap rates now on to Wil mington and Wrightsville Beach, and use the elegant parlor car oper ated by the Seaboard Air Line be tween Charlotte and Wilmington. 6-3-tf A ONE INCH ADVERTISEMENT UNDER this head consisting- of eight lines 48 words--will be inserted at the rate of $5 per month, $60 per year. Daily change of ad allowed, including notice in daily index of ads. Ads written free if desired by an expert. Bona- fide circulation in c harlotte larger than that of any other paper. For many lines of business this is positively the best advertising to be had. OUR AIM IS TO BE KNOWN AS The Prescription Store, and when we fill yours you can rest assured that it is absolutely correct. We do it quickly and charge reasonably. Let us send for your next one. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. B. S. DAVIS. Bell 'phone 247; Charlotte 358. INTERNATIONAL STOCK AND Poultry Foods. International Heave Cure, International Worm Powder, International Gall Cure, International Colic Cure, International Hoof Dress ing. All guaranteed cures. Harness Dressing, Soaps, Blacking, Oils, etc. L. W. OSBORNE, 32 East Trade St. HEINZ INDIA RELISH, CELERY Sauce, complete line of Cross and Blackwell's Pickles. Fresh shipment of Cakes and Crackers. COCHRANE & ROSS, 319 N. Tryon street. oBth 'Phones. RENT AND SALE STORE AND houses, big and little, for white and colored. If you want to rent, see me soon; if you want to buy almost with out money, hunt me till you find me; if you want to buy with money keep out of my way or I'll sure have it. My figures can't be resisted. E. L. KEES- LER, 25 S. Tryon St. IT'S EASY TO CARRY A FEW shares in Charlotte Building and Loan, and it's the best, most profit able investment I have ever known. New series begins August 1st, so get your change ready, turn a new leaf, and you re dead sure to be happy. If single, it will insure a wife; if double, it will tie the knot tighter. E. L. KEESLER,, 25 S. Tryon street. "SUGAR AND SPICE AND ALL that's nice." Ours is a Grocery Store, lacking in nothing in purefoods. Ev erything for luncheons and picnics Charlotte's best housekeepers know the superiority of our stock. "If you get it at Kirby's it's fresh." M. F KIRBY, Corner Sixth and Tryon Sts. THE PUREST MIXED PAINT ON the market today. The H. B. Davis 100 per cent pure. For sale by J. J. EZELL, The leading Paint and Glass Dealer, No. 12 West Fifth street. A BOTTLE OF INDIA RELISH OR Chili Sauce is just what you want to sharpen your appetite these hot days The best Fruits and Vegetables that the market affords. Stop in to see us. J. E. DARSEY. YOUR CLOTHES WILL LAST twice as long and always look .like new if you keep them pressed and cleaned. The cost. for this excellent service is only $1 per month, and we send for and deliver your Clothes as often as you desire. QUEEN CITY PRESSING CLUB, 209 North Tryon. TVj-t.'4- fnf.n4- V. j iuxget me iidiim ana piace. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET THEM Japanese Porch Shades, $1.48. Don't go and pay others $1.75 and, $2.00. XMew line or Lounges just in. Our terms are so liberal and our prices so reasonable we are getting good trade, HERRING & DENTON, Corner Fifth and College. HOME-LIKE MEALS, PREPARED from the best in the market, nicely served, and at a reasonable price tnese are tne inducements we offer for your patronage. THE GEM RESTAU RANT, E. F. Creswell, Manager. THE CAROLINA PRESSING CLUB, at No. 12 East Fifth street, pays special attention to all Job Work, Cleaning, dressing and Repairing, Prices low. Satisfaction guaranteed. bend us tnat old suit and we will look new. BUILDERS THE REMINGTON HAS GOT THEM all "skinned" to death. Make personal investigation and see if you don't find that more Remingtons have been sold right here in Charlotte during the present month of July, than others combined have sold in Charlotte dur ing the present year. But everybody knows the Remington is the best its a Standard Typewriter. Call and get a Remington for all kinds of examinations. MONUMENTS. We are prepared to make estimates on any kind of Monumental work from the cheapest to the most costly Monu ment. We represent one of the largest marble works in the South. Give us a call, we will save you money. Z. A. HOVIS & CO., Undertakers. $35.00 BUYS 1903 RAMBLER AND IT is better than some other makes of Bicycles at $50.00. We carry large stock of Bicycles to select from, $15.00 to $95.00. Spring Forks, Spring Frames and Coaster Brakes with the high price wheel all the luxuries are com bined in bicycling. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. AN ANNOUNCEMENT. To accommodate a portion of our Piano and . Violin students we will continue giving instruction through out the Summer. If interested call on or address us for general information. MR. AND MRS. WALDO AMES. Studio 401 N. Poplar. Bell 'phone 4262. Dr. H. C. Henderson Dentist, Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry practiced in all its branches, All work guaranteed. ' Queen City 'Phone 378. DANGER! In Cutting a Corn of BLOOD POISONING Resulting. Don't use a knife, but THE S. & H. ANTISEPTIC AND MEDICATED CORN FILE. PRICE 10c. Complete cure no bad effects. W. L. Hand & Company Wholesale and Retail Druggists. . Corner Trade and College Streets. For R.ent Three connecting offices in Wilkin son Building. Very desirable. Eight room house, W. Firth steet. $12.50 per month. Alfred W. Brown & Co. Hunt Building. Bell 'phone 302. Hughes' Quinine Hair Tonic Eradicates Dandruff, arrests Falling Out of the Hair and forestalls Bald ness. Grateful results follow its use. Manufactured and for sale by R. H, JORDAN & COMPANY DRUGGISTS. Only Never Closing Drug Store. For Rent 8-room house, modern. 7-room house, 500 North Poplar St., 11 East Seventh St., modern. 6-roqm house, 602 North Poplar St., modern. 5- room house, 411 West Twelfth St., modern. 12-room house, 7 East Twelfth street. 8-room house, 18 West Morehead St. 6- room house, 509 East Seventh St. 6-room house, 408 West Twelfth St. 5-room house, 907 West Trade street. 4-room house, 609 East Seventh St. 3-room house, 8 East Twelfth street, (city water paid). Rooms for gentlemen, also light housekeeping. 1 store-room, 5 South Church street. 1 store-room, 309 North B street. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. SimoA Pure Leai . Laurd Adams Grain & Provision Go. Makes the best Candy. Received by express the day after it is made. Al ways fresh. WOODALL & SHEPPARD, Sole Agents for Charlotte. Mutual ing aod Loan Association LrQLst Series Still Open Always Has Been Ahead in Profits. Has saved its members hun dreds of dollars for past 22 years by not charging transfer and withdrawal fees as others do. First in Organizing First in MaturingSeries First in Liberal Dealing P. M. Brown, Pres. A G, Brenizer, Secretary-Treasurer I Only A FEW Left of ! j Those EXCELLENT 1 unnTii onn 9 6 nun HI ol An 4 REFRIGERATORS If you want a Refrigerator that is really good and will do everything claimed for "it, you want a North Star with cork filling. We urge you to come quickly or you may not get the particu lar, size j'ou want, and it's time to buy any way if you want to get the full Summer's bene fit. Quality of goods guaran teed the best and prices lowest, considering quality. Allen Hardware Co. 4 4 4 z e. Traae St. Charlotte, a E. Trade St. Charlotte. THE BROOKLYN BLUE FLAME OIL STOVE Is not controlled by a trust, nor sold by people who would be benefited if it consumed a large quantity of fuel. ' The Brooklyn is scientifically constructed with the view of obtaining a great amount of heat at very little cost, and does it. The Brooklyn will give you more satisfaction and at less cost than any other Summer Stove on the market. A hint is sufficient to interest the wise. Come in and we will explain further. J. N. McCAUSLAND & GO. j i - Near Elizabeth College We have one more good residence property, comprising house of eight rooms, with city conveniences; good little stable, a.nd with lot 66x163, with cement wssdks nd curb in complete shape. This location is one of the best a.boit Charlotte and only eight minites run, by electric car, to the square. Price $4,350. Terms $1,000 to $1,500 in Cash tSTTor everything in Real Esta.te, go to headquarters, viz : Trust Building F. MONEY I In sums of $200.00 and iP cacted Farming Lands. g SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, OOOOOOOOOOOOflOO ooooooocooo For Rent Five-room cottage, cor. Ninth and Myers street $8.00. Storehouse, cor. Myers and Stone wall streets, $5.00. Six-room house, $15.00, E. Fifth street. Modern convenience. Nine-room house, North Poplar St. Large yard and stables, $20.00. Mod ern convenience. Five cottages, $12.50, Poplar street, near Tenth street. One of those elegant residences in Ryder Block, East Morehead, 8-rooms, All modern conveniences, $35 a month. BROWN COMPANY ReeJ Esteae and Renta.1 Agents Bell 'Phone .1651. 217 North Tryon Street CAPITAL STOCK $30,000 King's Business Colleges, Charlotte, N. C, and Raleigh, N. C, are not experimenting schools, not transient schools, and not a school on wheels, jf They are permanent high grade sch ools. The automobile of business t knowledge, and will wheel you safely and swiftly over the road that leads I to success, a ine equipments, $2,00 0 invested in typewriters. World's best r shorthand system. Special rates J. H. KING, President, PIEDMONT BUILDING B. D. HEATH PRESIDENT W. H. TWITTY C A SHIER And solicits the accounts of corporations, firms and individuals on most favorable terms, and will be pleased to meet or correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new ac counts : : : : : : : : : : Id! : : : ? : THE- I: ; : : B Merchants and Farmers National Bank 35 East Trade Street. ESTABLISHED 1871 A MODERN BANKING HOUSE with every fa j cility for the prompt and careful handling of all business entrusted. : : : ASSETS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS LIBERALITY COURTESY STRENGTH J. H. McADEN, President, C. N. HVANS, Cashier, GEO. E. WILSON, V.-Pres. W. C. WILKINSON, Asst. Cashier. Wacge-Earning People We invite the attention of every wage-earner to i the advantages of our Savings Bank. It affords a safe and profitable place for the accumulation of small savings. Sojthern Loan & Savings Bank P. M. Brown, Pres.; W. S. Alexander, V.-Pres.; F. J. Haywood, Jr., Cashier. A MAN'S INCOME will go much farther if a part of it is saved regularly What better way is there to save than by keeping a Savings Bank Account? We invite you to become one of our customers and will pay you 4 per cent, on your deposits. SOUTHERN STATES TR.UST COMPANY Geo. Stephens, Pres., T. S. Franklin, V.-Pres., W. H. Wood, Treas. Trust Building. - - CeLpitaJ $200,000 C. ABBOTT & TO 01 LOAN AND TRUST CO, For SeJe $250 cash, balance through B. & L. Assn. Almost new. Six-room house, lot 50x156, E. Fiftt extended. I This will make a cosy nice homef. cannot be built now for less thai $1,000. INCORPORATED. for July. Write today to jr or J. C. MINT2, Vice-President V CHARLOTTE. N. C, E2K t: I 15he CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK IS- Progressive and Liberal CO. South Tryon St. '! il f 1 f I v.