DEATH REAPING A HARVEST HTEOUS Young South Carolinian Killed By a Southern Train Two Infants Fal Victim To Grim Reaper and PrOmi nent Merchant iDes. (Correspondence The News.) Uaffney, S. C, Sept. 7. Last night while the people of the town were at (hurch, the north-bound vestibule tvain came in late, and as it came into the station ran into and killed Mr. Charley Driskill, who lived with his i at nor several nines trom town. The young man was some distance from the station on the opposite side of the railroad. When he heard the train Mow. thinking it was No. 40, which is due in a few minutes, and wanting to siv a friend on it, he ran toward the u. pot. tie nan to pass between two box ears and did not see the train w uie was ciose on him. He stepped out in front of the engine and was aught by the pilot. He was knocked several feet in the air and carried .- inie distance down the track. When hystamters reaened him he was dead ilis head had been crushed and his" . ..niio uul. i ieg and a i and were aiso bady crushed. He will he buried today at Draytonville. On lat Saturday morning Mr. P C lavis. a merchant in WTest End, a su ! rh of Gaffney. died after an illness of two weeks. His friends knew that trb v as very ill. but they were not look-in.- for the end. He was about 06 years of age and leaves a wife and one child. His remains were laid away in Oakland Cemetery yesterday morning On last Friday evening the infant .laughter of Mr. J. E. Curtis died at his home on the edge of town. She was tour months old and was one of twins. On Saturday morning at an early ii nir Blanche, the year and a half ol " .laughter of Mr. Jim Poole, died at his home in the city, after an illness of several months. She was buried on Sunday at Paron Cemetery in the county. A GOOD THING. German Syrup is the special pre scription of Dr. A. Boschee, a cele brated German Physician, and is ac knowledged to be one of the most for tunate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Coughs. Colds and all Lung Troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood the test of years, giving satisfac tion in every case, whu . innrcasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Boschee's German Syrup was intro duced in the United States in ISoS. and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. o auu t o tcuis, riizsimons Drug Co. THE STAMP OF trmtu S0tte Residents Know it Wei! mendorsr P f trUth a state our f5SXSed y People we know, by Wf 8 and neisabors. The fol- leZliTjnCe f a Charlotte cm herp I ne case of scores right wife of ST6- i??" J- A- Willefofd! a? ?nr tne well-known tailor, living at 206 South Phni-ni, j. ' 11VIUS 7SZ iJ&S aS?S mend it tn en willing to recom- ftlveaf n H 1 SOt a box at the for t H- Jordan & Co. and used for a sore and swollen fnn7 .u!e? seemed to burn like coals of fire it was so painful I coul.i not V ?L " on and I did not know what to do The first application of tw lne lctZe that 11 Was a seve case of For sale by all dpalPrc r,- cents Foster-Milburn Co.', Buffalo N i- sole agents for -tha tt 'JJ 1 ' 1N Remember the ?es POLICE M CHARLOTTE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 8. IC1G 1903 TEMPERANCE IN THE SOUTH. THE BLIND TIGERS take no substitute name Doan's and GASTON AND PROHIBITION. Editor Marsh all To I It AI t ... - ,V Yniai wonders c nas worked. (Scotland Neck Commonwealth) Knowing v.t "' CHANGE THE ROANOKE. Plans For Reclaiming Thousands Of Acres Of the Richest Farm Lands In the State. i Roanoke-Chowan Times.) A gentleman with a calculative turn ol' mind dropped into the Times office the other clay with a plan to reclaim thousands of acres of the richest lands it"; the State and bring them into culti vation. He easily demonstrated the feasibility of the plan, and according to his calculations one-fourth of the ;ops raised on the lands thus re maimed would soon pay the expense of ti ming the overflow waters of the Roa noke into another channel. t Tlis proposition is to turn the over !.mv waters of the Roanoke into Uraha vamp and through it and Potocasi Creek into Meherrin River. We have hfard it asserted by students of geol ogy that the waters of the Roanoke ence flowed through this swamp. But of the plan. The great Uhara yvamp has its rise within a few hun-'H-od yards of the majestic Roanoke. During the large freshets the waters r'f tilt Rfiannkp it ic accovorj Tool.- n'l- " " . u n mi i,t-VA. lexers. : '.l j ci tV ... e a. n . - . ieet or overnowin? -n -!:t0 this swamp. A c-nai 15 feet deep irom its sorrce to the river, and from ' f:') to 10 feet deep where the -vvair.p empties into Potecasi creek 'fa:- Woodland, a distance of about 15 ni:!es. would be sufficient. The creek -: deep enough except at few places; tut would need cleaning out, after wliieh it would be navigable for boats, g.vmg a large section of fertile country water transporation. Our friend im pressed us with the fact that it was not Proposed to drain the Roanoke this way, but simply the overflow that is so 'usavstrous to the crops in the river low lands. The water thus turned into the l- raha would not overflow an acre of ''titivated land, and would flow tit rough the land (canal) and not over t; In proof of the feasibility of this M&n it was pointed out that it is 75 ii-les nearer to tidewater through the proposed canal than by the Roanoke. D would be a great advantage to the ;-alth of this section to drain the i raha Swamp. About six years ago an appropriation was made by Congress to make a sur vey of Potecasi Creek from its mouth "hirre Uraha Swamp empties into it, wdh a view to opening it to navigation, t"it from some cause not known the survey has never been made. ig that Gastnn the most prosperous counties in hc State, the editor of Th " S.U1 Addressed a letter to eue. nni naked h.m what iu fuuiuuiuii r.f..s hm on prosperity of his count v kditor Marshall is mm of the t,-i, . uwi aua b nrpsr men in i, Qtl j , . . " uw,lc "ere is nis replv v me aaitor ot the Commonwealth 1 came to Gaston county in 1S90 a tranger. Shortlv afterward ' delegate to the congressional conven tion which met in Wilkeshnro t r0. introduced to other delegates as hail ing from this county. -You from Gas ton? exclaimed the hosnitable strand. era with cordiality. Well, come right down tuto the basement with me: vou v.ant a ar-ak, I know.' that was eleven voara sp-o mow when a Gaston man " is introduced abroad the stranser savs not 't ofo take a drink,' but, 'How much stock will you let me take i n vnur now rr , . - ton mill?' "Twenty and twentv-fi Gaston county had a State-wide repu tation for the number of its prolific distilleries. Todav. without cwio distillery, Gaston is the leading cotton mill county in the South, and, point- , ,us l" "i tinrxy rjusy tactories, is able to say, 'I have found a better way.' "Twenty years ago Gaston had bar rooms, distilleries. 14.000 people, $2 -000.000 on the tax books. Now she has prohibition, thirty cotton mills and 30.000 people and $8,000,000 on th tnv books. "In your contest for prohibition in Scotland Neck, which arouses the in terest of the State's well-wishes ev erywhere, you are going to find the man who says : 'Better go easy about this; you are going to hurt the town's business.' When you find him, point ui m or snip mm to Gaston county. We'll send him back converted or keep him as a curiosity. "As the county has grown in pros perity and population, the prohibition sentiment has grown with it. And vice-versa, as the whiskey evil van ished and the money went into fac tories, prosperity has blossomed and the songs of contented labor have taken the place of rioting and revelry. "What is back of this prohibition sentiment? The ministers? Yes. The Jugs Taken From a Charlotte Train. Thn,.. I : . . . . . wa injured in Fishing Creek Dis aster Doing Well Death Loves Shining Mark. (Correspondence The News Rock Hill q r c- . o - -J. , iciisiuusiy uevoiea to a con- K will, b. C., Sept. S. Labor Day vivial effort to encourage the output of as observed yesterday by but very the nation's distilleries, the most fa- One Hundred and Thirty-Six Counties In Texas Have Prohibition. A revision of opinion is due among the newspaper editors and other citi zens of the North who have for years been nursing the notion that the resi- ucul "i me aoutn is m his normal mood and condition only when on in timate terms with the seductive mint juiep or some otner torm of intoxicant. Novelists, magazine writers, newspa per correspondents, and raconteurs have left the fixed impression that a portion or each Southern gentleman's uay is religiously devoted to a con- S3 few of our people. The banks and nost 0lls of which ahe lcated n the suth office WMp ioo ... 1 land- In view of this false education fnrth e uul L"ere was no the country will, no doubt, be surprisec further suspension of business. A large to learn that there are 3.000 Z fa tnere was no the mnntrv will no riiM . A ,.iJ,J uwuvi,, uC Duipuseu A larerp to learn that there am 2 nnn moi-Q oo majority of our people did not even loons in New York City alone than Know that it. was a national holiday -fl , m tne cutire South and that They would rush un to th. llh l?wer class of negroes be elimi- panKs and postoffiee windows and won- Tells How DR. THflCHER'S LIVER AND BLOOD SYRUP uuiuy HIS fiSlgnDOr S S0I1 Of DrODSY Whenllocfors Failed 7 T1 Ma I GCerS leTtte,r to the Thacher. Medicine Company Judo-e c,- a xridjLuu. ex, j ones ana vx uaiuis, xi.riicinsas, says : a prominent citizen der why these institutions were closed. Uur people are quite busy now pre- Zrt oof , Yle PeninS f the various schools of the city. Work will begin iix the graded school Thursday morn- u eK at y o'clock. The WinthronModel spVi Chester, the Arcade and the 'Highland" . Ml IV imicu, me Lempeiauce sentiment is stronger, in the South than in any other section of the country. The New voice, a temperance organ, furnishes the following summary of the liquor regulation laws in six of the South ern States: "Texas One hundred and thirtv-six counties nave total prohibition: sixtv- two counties have partial prohibition, and forty-six counties have unrestrict ed sale of liquors. ci, a j "vptitoa, Dis case nad hntHfiH tVia Koo. " i 7 v""," uuc.6 improyemert. from the first bottle: a.fh nzr feui,Ud'1 bK1J1- ine younsrman iif, 1 1 1 1 . n o than off vi-i 1 . -. . ' Dropsy. This son had been treated by several of the S5f SSf aSliCted with a severe case of County, whe had given him up as hopeless Hif0! S &lln ?P?i Arkansas and Hemstead TM5 .hey a,tribute So.e,F,o ie'S, of 23&3SB&KZS?Zi the St'l!?lS haS dne 'r others " c- "J" J- u. On onj ;a 1: . , r iJiUV.,u "b emcacy over and over aerain in t,h i ii , " . oca jS lono- Nto -- j-, Liquid form 50 cents and $1.00. TXulms m,or People today than ever before in all it iTil Send n ?Zefi5 t'J 25 cents. Liquid for fr.r: r-aLt' VL biimPie DOllLQ and write our Consultation 7,T: A j. o """" iu o ! 7- itaii - 1 1 r , , a. us two-cent; Stamn Tnr snmnlo V,offlo free confidential advice. THACHER MEDICINE COMPANY MT Chattanooera, Tenn. 8 1 "Tennessee Out of 5,500 cities and Schools Will nnen tho fll,..; Monday, Sentember 14t.h Th0 e,(,,h ij. . . - . .. vjaiaviua i ilii y W1U Pen on Wednes day lbth. This School Will nwn ,it. not less than 50 students. The new management has worked hard to v .ijLiniig m reaainess tor tho onpnino- or the school and they are very much oauuiageu at tne outlook. Such nuuui do tne management ".-Miugoui or this has long been iieeueu in Kock Hill and it will good patronage from Rock Hill and surrounding community although some win come trom Georeia qnri Mnrtt, v-dionna. miss Sarah Taylor, about 22 years old died at the home of her mother on East Main it-niyuu at aoout 4 o'clock. She had v,v,lt IU vciv uuui ueaitn ror a. vphi- past, and for nearly three months has ueen connnea to her bed and for some time there has been no hopes of her re- t-uvery, ana her loved ones watched patiently and lovingly as the dread end drew near until death reliever! tho s,if. ferer and the anxietv of thosA who watched by her side. Funeral services Il0rse should be shot and its hoofs pre- were conducted Sundav afternoon fro fcervea as mementoes. Before the nnn. tne Episcopal church by Rev. W .L. lnts of the will were known, however, single ana tne remains intered in LUB ""niai was sold to a wealthy Laurelwood cemeterv. Singalese gentleman in Cevlon.Thelat- News was received here Mnnrtav of ter has offered to turn the chareer over the death of Oscar WTicker, brother of to Mrs- Macdonald, provided that it towns in the State only eight have un restricted sale of liquors. In only uweivc or tne ninety-six counties can wnisRey be sold legally. isxntucKy .borty-seven counties have total prohibition; forty-four nave partial prohibition, and eighteen iJiuyuse nave unrestricted sale of liquors. Arkansas b orty-four counties have total prohibition; two counties have partial prohibition, and twentv-nino nave unrestricted sale. Mississippi Sixty-five counties nut. ot seventy-five have prohibition, and out of 200 legislators all but a dozen or less have signified their anm-oval of a rererendum for State prohibition. Georgia Une hundred and three counties out of 137 have prohibition." Washington Post. Jf Vou Know What Yo U Are Talfinn AVhen you take Grovp's Tnstplooa rv,;u Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on everv bottlp shmviiw iiit it ;1. simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteU-s lorni. r Cure. No 1'av. r.iio s right' uisease and Diabetes Bloating, Gravel, Dull Backache, Blad der uisease, Urinary Affections, Deep Seated Cases Especially Cur ed By Stuart's Gin and Buchu. Stuart's ("Jin and RnMm ante lii-tiir v, uiduun. lite u ftinm rrunt uni o l--1nA . The late Sir Hector MacdonalH 1'. if" I.r"nnaWn v v in mo Hui mat mcs la vunie puu urc-araieu rasf-s J MacDonald's Will. ?5he News Office For good women and church members Yes. is that all? No. Who else The business men, the manufacturers tne capitalists Why? Because in operating their lactones tney wanted the best help "ucamame, ana tney knew that red rye and reliability, corn liquor and good character couldn't inhabit the same hide together. And falling right in line with the idea, the operatives and bosses, and clerks, and book keepers, and the rest of us, all for pro hibition, too. It helps business and helps rLaracter, "nd the day that S;-otiand Neck kicks in the heads of her whiskey bar rels. closes her bar-rooms, takes her money out of corn whiskey and puts it into cotton mills, and other fac tories, and harness shops, and other industries, she wull be doing the bi gest and best day's work of all her history. "W. F. :,IARSHALL.' any a woman OASTOIIIA. Bears tie Kind Yo!i Have Always Bought OASTOHI.. Bears the 9 The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bignatnre of OA.ST Bears the lhB Kind You Havs Always Bbcght Signature JOINT RECEPTION. has found band in a hus-Ayer's Hair Vigor. J. C. AyerCo., Loweli, Mass. Founders Hall At Guilford Scene Of Brilliant Gathering. (Correspondence The News.) Guilford College, N. C, Sept. 8. Last Saturday evening a joint reception was given to the new students of this place by the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. T. U. President r.nd Mrs. Lewis Lyndon Hobbs were the guests of honor and shook hands with the whole student body as they passed through West Hall to the campus in front of Founders Hall which wasbralliantly lighted with Chinese lanterns and by the illumina tion of the moon as he gayly smiled on one of the happiest bodies of students that was ever gathered beneath the southern sun or northern skies. Ad dresses of welcome were delivered by President Hobbs for the college, by Miss Alice Cartland for the Y. W. C. T. . and by Mr. D. Ralph Parker on be half of the young men. The introduc tion committee then took charge of the assembly and the evening was spent in enjoying the highest kind of social pleasures. Several games were played; refreshments served, and then the 10 o'clock bell rang and the happy crowd disbanded. Guilford's number of stu dents so far, exceeds that of any pre vious schcool year up to the present time of the year. Sept. 8, 1820 William Tiffany Ham ilton, governor, congressman and United States Senator, born in Hagers town, Md. Mrs. J. P. Kinard and Mrs. J. C. With erspoon ot this tiy. Full particulars could not be obtained but it is more man probable that he was killed by a train. He left Rock Hill last Thursday a uicycie intending to ride to his home in Farmville, Va. Sunday a mes sage was received here stating that he had been found dead and at this writ ing nothing further is known of his death. He was about 16 years old and expected to enter college at Hampden ",uulj i" icw uds. ms aeatn is a very sad blow to his sisters here. The police of our city are keeping & close watch on the blind tigers these days. A few nights ago ten gallons were captured at the depot when the mixed train from Charlotte arrived. A box was seized at the freight depot Satur day night containing quite a quantity of liquor in bottles and yesterday morning the cofectionery store of J. M. Barrett was searched and about ten dozen bottles of beer was found shall not be killed, or to retain the animal and forward the hoofs to Gen. ividcuonaid S son whenever its rloai. snaii taKe place. FEAR. HOW IT MAY BE OVERCOME. Fear is not alwavs a larV nf nm One may be absolute! v fearless facing real danger, but about trifling matters. Many people fear to be m a crowded hall, and fre quently, ana nnnecessarilv. leave snme enjoyaDie artair and return home Thousands fear lightning to such an alarming extent, that during a th storm they become ill. Fear of thia character is caused by a nervousness Gravel Symptoms Ruminu concon ;n passing urine, freque' tdessire to urinate, the urine is thick end ncdim ntarv. fhfi whnl ns-iv- ous system is dLsorde ed, dijrestion impair d, sleen disturbed, l. k nf ctr-n.rfi, . tuart s Gin and Buchu wiJ cuV- every symp tom, tissolv w,e ifi-avel. sweeten tb urine, buil i up th nerve MUCOUS DlSUHAHGiSS DifP.nulMr An nasetiKr Watt r. Ulce htions. irritsit.inne nt fha disagreeable odor of the urine, pains In black twoib n ankles and legs, catarrh of the bladder are ail quickly an i permanently cured by biuarr.'s CJin and Huchu, BRrr.riT's Disease Dry skin, shortness of Dreara, urine da-k colored. Ths worst. cured b- ttna t's Gin and Buchu, Pleasant to the taste Thoroughly tested for the past, 20 years m private and hospital practice, .ith a record i f 896 cures of r.lirnnfn kMnoronH hinH. der troubles the kind that had resisted all tther treatment. Drutrtdsts or bvexnress! SAMPLE KOTTM hU.KV. hv iTdg-C-o Atladtll. (3a. Wr hnvp spt aoiHo in . 000 bottles for fr. e distribution, so as tt p-ove our claims, so write at once. J MALARIA Job Printin t is often the cause of lack o. en- ergy, of bilious disorders, and cf extreme lassitude in hot weather. Y i raw mi Cures cnolera-fniannin?, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and the Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age. Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes CMrsavcrz: r""J -zrmx'' ittTmNc easy. cZLTJ T ai mWs or ma" to u j. fflUffHT.M. St Louis, Mo. THEEFFFrTu-- COUNTERACTS AND OVERCOMES OF SUMIVJER'S HEAT UPON TEETHING CHILD -jfl?. kIdSbSyerby of i Elixir Babek ! A further uroof thaf; fhpo attio . . ' Jl . .. WiscJJO CtXO A lne R1Y nntlPnta hrnntrlif f-n UlSfiaSfifl : 13 ftonortainnl V,, A n.t T , . . . . .j ui v 1 1 i , ii,, ill i lit i j ' Muwi .t.!i in ii 1 1 v 1 1 1 ' i it is i i ri ir -i i- i i, . . . . n i-, - . - j -w wiecK io me nrivate nosnital of thi email quantity ot urine in a ir a city are getting: alonsr verv wpII nno I bier and if after stand of the darkies, Peter Miller, however, ours you find it ropy or milky in ap is in a very serious condition. The pearance: if it has a sediment: if vrmr oacK pains vou. and von nfton y.a-a 0 uesire to urinate durtn other darkey, Burris. is improving fast T..ii -r i . juiian jonnson, wnose case is caus ing the greatest anxiety, still remains unconscious except at short intervals and his case is very serious. The phy sicians, however, believe that he will recover. Dr. Gill Wylie of New York, saw the patient this week and gave it as his opinion that he would recover. The other three white patients, Wil lis, ot HJdgemoore; Slaughter, of Hick ory Grove and Vernon Hall, of this city, are thought to be doing very wen. The new trestle was completed Sun day night and trains passed over Mon day morning. Miss Fannie Moore, of this city, has been elected to a position in the Win throp Model School for the coming term. E. S. Wallace, of Charlotte, spent bunday and Monday in Rock Hill with relatives. John Culp, of Charlotte, is visiting his mother in this city. Walter Fudge, wife and child, of Charlotte, spent Saturday and Sunday m Kock Hill with Mr. and Mrs. T. N Balfour. Messrs. William and Geo. D. White of Charlotte, were here Sunday, the guests of their brother, J. S. White. Mrs. Chas. K. Chreitzberg, of Rich mond, Va., is in the city for a visit to relatives. Wm. Wilson left yesterday for Chapel Hill, N. C, to enter the Univer sity of North Carolina. Messrs. John London, Axson Gelzer, W. Hicken and P. W. Spence have returned to Clemson. R. G. Johnson, the Fort Mill police man who was committed to the York- vine jail some time ago, being charged with the murder of Pope Norman, whose body was found in Catawba river, has been released on $500 bond. At a meeting of the city council held last night Policemen for the ensuing year were elected: W. C. Parti ow, ex Chief was elected chief and J. H. B. Jenkins elected assistant Chief: J. C. Miller was elected police No. 2 and R. M. Langley No. 4. It is not known yet whether any of these will accept or not. Charged To the Mo torman. The Metropolitan Electric Railway Company of Paris charges the recent horrifying subway disaster to the motorman. The latter retorts by as serting that the motors had been in bad shape for a long time previous to the accident and that he had taken the car to the repair shop tjWice in the twenty-four hours preceding but the complaints of its defective condition were on both occasions ignored. It is assumed that the municipality will re quire the subway company to make improvements and introduce safe guards of an extensive nature to give proper protection to traffic. tllA niorllt urifli burning, scalding pains: it's the strrmw- rai uj. evuience mat your kid neys ana Diaaaer are diseased and the very strongest reason why you should not delay in trying DR. DAVID lNiNHiUY s FAVORITE REMEDY, the pathfinder in medicine, for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, liver, rheu matism, dyspepsia and constipation. We are so absolutely certain of the curative powers of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Ramedy, that we will send you a trial bottle, absolutely free, nv moil if you will write to the Dr. David Ken nedy corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Druggists sell it in New 50 Cent Sizm ana tne regular jil.uo size bottles. eradicates the malaria germs from your system entirely; stimulates the liver and kidneys to healthy action, and improves appetite and digestion. DOc. at all drug stores. Vnii Uont I UU WWQIII Hat? 1 Wek.y 1 You had better buy it here. Why? Because you will get the right style, the right make, the right quality and the right price. CKir Ha.ts are Like Our CIothing--3e That Can be Made for the Money. We don't make the Hats, but we know who does, and when you buy a Hat here you have the same protection on it that goes with our Clothing. Your money back if you want it. Eest Dm ITid Kennedj's Golden Plasters strength- ... uav.s., iciuuvc aujwnere. 15c each. MORPHINE OPIUM, WHISKEY AND ALL DRUG HABITS Cured Without Pain at Youi Home WE HAVE A PRIVATE SiNiTn. RIUM FOR COMPLICATED CASES. If you sre add'eted to these hahits nn twnir you will ouit it. but vou won't, vnn .Qr,-t aided, but ou can be cured and restored to' your former health and vi.o- without pain or the loss - f an hour from your business at a mi der- ate cost. Thu medicine bui ds up y. ur health restores your s stem 1 1 its normal con dition ; you feel like a different person from the beginnfng-of treatment. LEAV1XG OFF THbJ OPIATES AFTER THE FIRST DOSE. You will soon be convinced and fully satisfied in your own mind that you will be cured Mr. T. M, Brown, of DeQufen. Ark., says: Over seven years aro I was curpd nf ttie nnil habit by your medicine, and have continued in the v rv best of health since." JJr. W. M. Tunstall, of Loving-ston, Va . savs I am triad to sr. v that I fi rmlv b.ipvf th-it t om entirely und permanently cured of the Drink Habit, as I have never even so muh p. wont-.H a.arink in any form since I took your eradicator new eiuhtcea months ago. It was the best col lars I ever invested." Mrs. Viro-inia Tnwrsnnd of Shroironnt t writes: "No more opium. I have taken no other icmcuy mail yours ana 1 mane no mistake when I s y that my hea th is better 1.0 v thrm it- M-r.r fMuuiyiire, awu own it to ou and votir remedy. It has been twe've years since I was iu cu uy juur treatment. For particulars address Dr. B. M Woollfv oi Lowndes Building, Atlanta, Ga. ' as other-s have done if you arc sick. Echols' Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water is endorsed by eminent phy sicians and prominent peo ple all over the country. "I prescribe your Concen trated Water in chronic cases of long standing, and best results follow." W. P. Horton, M. D., Wilkesboro, N. C. "I think your Concentra ted Water a fine tonic, also splendid for inactive kidneys and indigestion." W. A. Scott, Chief of Police, Greensboro, N. C. "I find your Concentrated Water an excellent tonic 4and constitutional invigorator." D. C. Parris, M. D., Hills boro, N. C. For sale by WOODDALL & SHEPPARD zr.d all Druggists. 8 oz. bottles 50 cents. (Equal to 10 gallons of the Natural Water). 18 oz. bottles $1.00. j (Equal to 25 gallons of the Natural Water). "J. M. ECHOLS COMPANY, Lynchburg, Va Lop ? ate uiothm vm MrrnuvrtL Rt 1 UKNED AT OUR EXPENSE. Company II . . j s rec 1 11 B ssS 0 1 9i i f IT.. M Come in and Tell Us Just What You Want LOW PP. ICES, EASY PAYMENTS Li II s We have in a nice new PARLOR SUIT we want you to come in and see. Latest style COMBINATION BOOK CASE. Something pretty and we are making a low price on them. Big line ROCKERS. They are manufactured according to our own models and we can com mend them for beauty and durability. For anything in the FURNI TURE AND HOUSE FURNISH ING GOODS line remember we are large dealers and buy to the best advantage. DON f FORGET THE PLACE : ANBR.EWS, 10 N. GOLLEGE STREET puceS

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