A Few Minutes With the Rec order passenger business that the railroads havo handled this year will be that de rived from special trains to the Bank ers Convention in San Francisco. The Reading has prepared plans for a new chemical laboratory costing about $10,000. ta be erected in the vici nity of the new locomotive shops at Reading. It is said that when the contract, of the United States Express C. witt the Alton expires Dec. 31, it will not fc' renewed and the Wclls-Fargo will take the place cf the other company. Pennsylvania's nsw telegraph office in the Broad Street terminal. Philadel phia, is handling mere than 10,00o rnes sages a day. There is service for 15. 000. An exquisite book of the St. Louii Exposition has been issued at.consider able expense by the Lacawana for pub lie distribution. The opinion is gaining strength tha; western railroads will reduce salar? pext year, cr reduce the number o: trains operated. The Crystal River line to be taker most valuable coai fields of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Cr . and it is thought that an extension will ! be made. t COTTON IS TOO HIGH. So Says Mr. D. A. Tompkins Of Charlotte. -I feel like I had boen guilty" ex claimed W. M. Swaringer this morn ing when Chief Irwin called his name and informed him of a charge of drunk enness which restsd against him. Swaringer wa3 very penitent. He was from Gastonia he said, had never been arrested before in his life and has a wife and child at home. He had three dollars when he lit in Char lotte, he declared, but it had taken wings and flown while he was drunk. He begfd piteously that he be alowe.1 to depart. declaring that he would walk to Gastonia so fast he'd make that vay station in three hours. The Reror.Ier. moved by his appeals, dis missed him. Vhe.e w:re two charges against Charle; McRc-e. Officer Ayer3 ar- rie.! m ; 1' after cver the Denver & Rio Grande eQ-mfe- urcfanitv on the street ana aner - . , he had b. en released on bond. Officer some oi .in Hunter found him toting a pair of knucks. On the first charge he was fined $3 and costs and on the last com- bond. ! Alcnzo Sample was fined $3 ana j costs fo.- keeping an unlicensed dog j fin rftniflf ration of ! Uli ilia V i --A i his paying the tax and tha costs of , in an interview in the New York the case, the Recorder dismissed hi3 j Commercial. Mr. D. A. Tompkins. o2 case. 1 this city, says: Cctte Harris and Broom McDonald i "Thu cotton mill men of the South bad a scrap yesterday afternoon and j naturally see little that is favorable tc wore "caught with the goods" by 03i- j them in the existing situation. CottOL cor Henderson. It wa3 such a trivial j is tco high for it to be manufactured matter and the culprits so diminutive, j very profitably. I Co not expect thi that the Recorder dismissed them Southern mills to close down, howeve;. v. uh a warning. I even if cotton stays over 10 cents. I lu mills have all started up now, and thej will continue in operation, tut if cot ton does not come down in price there is going to be very little margin in the business for the mill men until thr goods market has readjusted itself and got established on a plane of higher prices. "It is too early to say what kind 0' a seasoii this is going to be in the cot ton goods trade. The season is jwri opening, and there are many things which may influence the market. Wf hope that the advance in the price oi silver will help things, and that the Oriental business thi3 year will be greater than ever before, but it is too early yet fcr any one to attempt to say whether it will or not. It looks like a season of good business, but small profits for the spinners." ' he EEE HIVE There One is-only Genuine-'SynUlp Of FlgS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The full name of the company, California' Rig Syrup Co Is printed on the front of every package of. the genuine. IXI Iia E 2f B 1 1 ZlZO IE IIKI III lilX'I H M m RAILROAD NOTES The Genuine-'Syrup of Figs- is for Sale, in Original Packages Only.Jjy Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and. sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known lto act injuriously and should therefore be declined.. Buy the genuineTalways if v you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or -constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, livaystomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge; It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always . buy. the .Genuine- Syrup of Figs MANUFACTURED L' BY i THE team Sells Goods for Spot Cash Only and at Lower Prices Than Other Stores Everything marked In plain figures and sold just as marked, the same price to all. '1 Colored Madras, Ginghams, etc. Good colors and patterns, absolutely fast, and the best kind of goods for shirt waists, dresses, 'children's;? dressts, boys bodies, men s shirts, etc., the regular ioc quality, : : - : : 5 Cts. Check Ginghams, the best grades, all size and color checks. We still sell it at the same price as when cotton was at a low price, : ; : 5 Cts. x xb ii xx k r a niaisnii It is .!enif;.l by racmbers of the firm of John L. Williams & Szns. of Rich riiond, large owners of Seaboard Air Lin? aRilvvay sto.liP and partners or Mr. John Sk?Hon TVIlliams. president of the Seaboard system, that Mr. Wil liams is to retire from that position and be succeeded by Mr. II. F. Yoak um, cf New York. a3 rumored in tele grams from New York Monday nijrht. This denial, it is tated, is confirmed by direct information from Mr. John Skelton Williams, who is in New Yorl', and frcm whom a telegTam has been received. Mr. Williams is quoted as saying that the idea of a change iu the presidency of the Seaboard is net in contemplation, but that there may bp some changes in minor offices. At the time of the recently announ ced alliance of the Seaboard with th Rock I3land and 'Frisco interests, it was announced authoritatively that Mr. Williams would remain at the head of the Seaboard. It l3 under stood that Mr. Williams and others succeeded in securing temporary con trol of the Seaboard stocks, with the puroose of consummating the nego tiations with the Rock Island system, but every assurance i3 given that Mr. Williams will not retire from the Sea- t-oa-d presidency. General Manager Kruttschnitt of the Southern Pacific has betn summoned to New York for a conference with President Harriman. It is suposed that among the subjects to be taken up are the company's effort to obtain certain terminal franchises in San Francisco, the proposed Sierra tunnel, reconstruction, work in Nevada and I'tah, the Salt Lake cutoff and ques tions relating to ether improvement?.. Members of the Memphis Cotton Ex change have succeeded in inducing the railroads to permit them to route all their shipments, instead cf 50 per cent, as in former seasons, over any lint that they are the consignees see fit to desig nate. On the Big Four this week a heavy special train made the run from Cleve land to Columbus, IZH miles, in tvo hours and 50 minutes, beating the time of the 20th Century Limited 10 minute3 for the distance traveled. It ran to Chillicothe in four hours and 45 min utes. One of the most profitable piece3 of Loui$YiIIe,itt jt. -sWJ js?Ek m.vA SarirMwiscoCal. ReffYk. pske rory cents rat. bottle VX Ten-quarter Sheeting, bleached and unbleached good smooth quality, the kind that lias always sold at 20c ind more, : : , 19 Cts. Colored Cretons, good p.ittetns and combinations, heavv twi.Ud uoods. color 5 Cts. If You Pey Caish Come Here dtiid Sdcve the Difference irv WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, . little workers Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions axe al ways at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Scomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c. at Burwell & Dunn Co.'s drug store. Spartanburg Robbers. (Correspondence of The News.) Spartanburg, Sept. 24. Last night between tlie hours of 10 and 11 o'clock a thief entered the pcstofflce at this place and secured about $6 to $8 in money and several registered packages, the contents of which are unknown. The night clerk, who had gone up stairs and was absent from the main office for about 20 minutes, on his re turn found th rear door open, with the key which usually hangs on the lnsiae wan on tne outside, lne en trance wa3 effected from the Main street side by wrenching a bar from a window. No arrests have yet been made. The robbery has caused much excitement. STRONGEST EVIDENCE OF FAITH. R. H. Jordan & Co. Guarantee That Hyomei Will Cure the Worst Case Of Catarrh In Charlotte. When one of the moat reputable concerns in Charlotte guarantees that a medicine will effect a cure or they will refund the money, it speaks volumes as to the merits of that reme dy. It is in this way that they are selling Hyomei, the treatment that ha3 made so many remarkable cures of both acute and chronic catarrh in Charlotte and vicinity. nyomei is noi a pnijior is it a liquid that has to be taken with a tablespoon or wineglass. Just breathe it by the aid of an inhaler that comes in every outfit and benefit will be seen from the first treatment. It destroys all germ lifa in the air parages and lungs and enriches and purifies the blood with additional ozon-j. It cures catarrh of the head and throat, or of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Wherever mucous mem brane contains catarrhal germs, there Hyomei will do its work of healin When using this ceatment, the air you breathe will be Zound like that on me mountains nign aoove the sea level, where grow balsamic trees and plants which make the air pure by giving off volatile antiseptic fragrance that is healing to the respiratory or gans. A complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00, and includes an inhaler, dropper and sufficient Hyomei for severa weeks treatment. Remember that if Hyomei does not cure you they will refund your money This is a good time to cure catarrh by this natural method and prevent ca tarrhal colds that are so common at this season. Bass Ball At Seversville. A fine game of ball was played at Seversville, Hopewell against Severs ville. Hopewen won the game by a score of 3 to 1. Up to the seventh inning the 3co3 was 1 and 1. Sever3ville's costly errors let Hope well get two runs in the seventh in ning. Batteries Seversville: Severs and Cox; Hopewell: Wilson and Douglass Struck out by Severs, 16; by Wilson, 13. Errors, Seversville 3; Hopewell, 1. Earned runs, none. This makes the second game. Seversville won first game with a score of 8 to 6. The third game will be played at Latta Park at an early date to decide the tie. ixaininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii E . S COMING ATTRACTIONS m BKlff IKLVIKIKKI I III III III Sir I I B A dramatic event of more than pass ing interest is announced for the'Acad- emy of Music tonight la the person of Marie Montagu, a prominent English actress, presenting her own play, Sweet Jasmine," a powerful dramatic composition in five acts, suggested by Bulwer Lytton's poem. "Aux Italiens." The fact that Miss Montagu is not alone an actress of renown, but also a dramatiefc of distinction, makes her coming engagement an event of sig nificance, for it is a rarity to witness an intensely interesting play inter preted by an acknowledged Star and have the Star and dramatist the same individual. Miss Montagu is one of the few women who wear their laurels without ostentation, and who loves her art solely-ior art's sake. Thelma! will be seen at the Academy of Music on next Monday night. This play is now well advanced in its third successful season, and has lost none of its powers to attract by repeated pre sentation. It is a play of many strong ly dra vvn scenes, among the most dra matic and telling being the "tomb scen'j." Corelli is noted for her con ception of weird characters and is an ade.it in surrounding them with at mosphere suitable to the theme on which she builds and suitable to the type she draws. We are given all the assurance of the management of the attraction that the several players to be seen shall fully meet all of the ex acting requirements of the play, and the cast is said to be much superior to that of former years. at Children's E yes R Sherrill Left $3,000. Mrs. Sherrill, of Mt. Ulla, who has been compltely prostrated since the killing of her son, Russell, is reported to be slightly improved, says the Win- Bton Sentinel. It is learned that the son left his mother a life insurance policy for $3,000.' A responsible gentleman tells the Sentinel that the family will be ad vised to spend every dollar of the 3. 000. if necessary, In the prosecution of the White brothers who killed Sher rill. Sentiment in and around Mt. Ulla 13 said to be decidedly against the brothers. Rev. Geo. Stewart To Enter Fight. The Salisbury Sun says: Rev. Geo. Stewart, who is so well remembered in Salisbury through his revival services two years ago, will certainly be here before the prohibition election is held. One of the leaders of the Anti-Saloon League so stated this morning to a Sun reporter. He added that the League is expecting great results from the Stewart meeting. There are said to be more legitimate laugh and more real humor In the new musical comedy, "When Reuben Comes to Town" than in any work of the kind since the days of the Mikado." The music too is said to be of a higher order, and posseses more originality than any recent offering. The quality that immediately impresses itself upon the hearer is that the music seems to fit the lines and situations, and is dis tinctive and characteristic. The com pany that will present the piece at the Academy of Music tomorrow night is the same original organization that gave it its great popularity. The scen ery and costumes and entire production is also the same that was designed for the Metropolitan run. Montana now claims to stand first of all the states In the production of wool, first in the production of cop per, second in silver and fifth in gold. Price Gave Bond. The Concord Tribune says: Ed. Price, a young white man was arrested In Charlotte and Jield yesterday. Price wa3 vanted here for some minor charge and the authorities notified. Hia father went to Charlotte yesterday and with the consent cf Concord officers gave a $23 bond for Price's appearance here at the next term of court. Upon giving bond young Price was released. Mr. J. J. Puller, the well known traveling passenger agent of the Sea. board Air Line has been transferred from Columbia to Pittsburg, Pa. 1 1 m im w .r ; 3 times the light, Yz the gas and 1 0 times the satisfaction when you use the .genuine Welsbach lights. All Dealers. El If your child is backward in his studies, does not like to study, or has symptoms of headache, you will probably finj hat ther6 is some little ey trouble. There may be no outward sign of a defect, yet the eyes should be examined to make sure there is no fault in them. We Give Especial Care to Children's Eyes. I Make No Charge for I 1 1 I 6 9L I I I I DR. J.H. SPILMAN EYE SPECIALIST. 22 W. Trade. Charlotte. ; . (Blair's Drug Store.) DON I ; Cook ? i THE COOK Cook with GAS Whs IBe Hive n - Have Just Returne 4 C s v AMES Finest ; Vehiclc .FEME S U E Repository In 15he SovitK Finest LI VE R Y In 15he 5oith We have them both. Come in and ste for self. your- !J. W. Wadsworth's Sons This Shield Is lf"' ' M on the Burner S S. on, , US"Jt . CI IT nuwwwvs From the Northern Mar kets, where I spent a month studying FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC STYLES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER An 1 bought more largely thin ever of PATTERN HATS, MILLI NERY, NOTIONS, ETC. Opening announcement will appear later. iss (Minnie Sliuart ' 220-226 North Tryon Street. 24 W. Trevde Street Both 'Phones 273 We have same kinds of COAL as last season. We pleased all to whom we sold, and will guar antee satisfaction in every re spect. , Best PENNSYLVANIA An thracite Coal in Egg, Stove and Nut sizes. ; , . . BLUE GEM LUMP. LOWEST PRICES. PEOPLES ICE , & FUEL COMPANY. . 1 f 1 We Have just received a full liKe of known Kerrick for Ladies. This line is vertised in most of the aund is well know ri and guaraii- to be the Best goods money bK tHe We would be to inspect cariy them ranging in you MSB ama 5 try Shovild yovi they do sactts factory , these prove can yoi tvTiOler If iiii Oompeny

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