LENOIR COLLEGE GIVES RECITAL A Large Audience Hears the First Col lege Recital. A Catawba Boy Trained In Charlotte, Receives Pro motionHickory Booming. (Correspondence The News.) Hickory, N. C, Sept. 23. The first recital given this fall at Lenoir College was held Monday night in the big au ditorium and was enjoyed and appreci ated by all present. Miss Mabel Little, the accomplished music teacher, Mrs. Edwin Chadwick vocal teacher and Miss Anna C. Walter of Ohio, elocution teacher, were the ones who entertained so well. Miss Little and Mrs. Chadwick are both well known here and they never fail to delight all with their playin and singing, and they were both at their best. Special mention is made of the encore Mrs. Chadwick rendered, that old, yet always beautiful song "Annie Laurie." This was Miss Walter's first night before a Hickory audience and she completely won the hearts of her hear ers, and they showed their appreciation by rapt attention and many cheers. We had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Prof. Aul. who has charge of the la dies dormitory and found her a charm ing woman. She has thirty young girls in her charge, while there are. one hundred boys in their dormintory. Truly this is a good showing for Le noir College and she makes rapid strides forward. Prof. R. L. Fritz is president of the college and has an able faculty to as sist him. Newton Enterprise: "Mr. RobertE. Ciapp. who has been with the Charlotte office of Bradstreet the last several yea-is, has become teller ia the Shuford National Bank of Newton. He is a young man of education and has made a reputation as an accountant. He takes the position recently resigned by Mr. Tom Clifton and filled temporarily by Mr. F. E. Sigmon." We note the above of one of our fair county's boys with great pleasure. Catawba county has produced some smart boys and several of them have lived in the Queen City. Plans are being gotten out for a good modern house for Mr. J. H. Patrick, which he expects to build this fall on a lot recently purchased from Mr. Granville Fox. The lot is a beautiful one and will make a very attractive home place. It is situated near Clare niont College. Our real estate agent, Col. N. Martin is kept busy this fall buying lots and houses. Our city is on a steady and perma nent move. Miss Maggie Walker will soon begin the erection of another college on her lot west of the Lutheran church. Miss Walker now makes her home in Washington City, having moved there several months ago, but continues to" invest in property here. Miss Frances Ingold, one of J. A. Bowies' clerks, is in Marion visiting Mrs. John Cline. Mrs. A. F. Abernethy and daughter. Miss Nettie, are in Newton visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Phillips. Miss Luda Crouse, of Taylorsville, is in the city visiting friends. Miss Crouse lived here several years and her many friends are glad to wel come her into their midst. The Misses Rhodes of Rhodhiss, were here Monday to attend the recital at Lenoir College. They were guests of Miss Mabel Lit tle. The Christian Crusaders will very likely close their meeting here Sunday night. They have done great, great good in our town and community, over two hundred persons making public profession of Christ. Their next meet ing will be in Morganton. The Corporation Commission and railroad authorities meet here tonight to consider the removal of the old freight depot and we sincerely trust they will do something for us thir time. . Rev. Dr. W. R. Gwaltney goes to Newton next week to assist Rev. J. W. Watson in a protracted mtT:i Mr. J. C. Martin of tie i.i ai of Mar tin and Clark, is in New York, purchas ing their fall goods. Mr. Henry F. Elliott is at home for a few days. Mr. George Cline, sen of Mr. M. L. Cline, has given up his position with the Southern Railway company and has moved back home. Mr. J. A. Bowles is having some re pairing done to his house, building DECIDEJfOURSELF The Opportunity is Here Back ed by Charlotte Testimony Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger s statement. Read Charlotte endorsement Read the statements of Charlotte c,'it,izH3. Arid decide for yourself. Here is a case of it: Thomas G. Northey, painter, of 813 North Church street, says : BacK ache bothered me for many years and I have often had to lay off f ro work because of a weakness which kidney disorders brought upon me I hap pened to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills and got a box at R. H. Jordan J Jo. drug store. I had begun to believe there was no relief to me. but since taking the pills I have not lost a single niviucui, - - . back has been free from pain. and I have been Birensw;- way. I am glad to have PPPr unity to tell others of . or sale by all dealers; price cents a box, Foster-Milburn : Co Y., sole agents; ior u and Remember the name Doaas au j jfhl Mrs. Husrhson. of Chicatrn - wuijWj Whose letter follows, is another woman in high position who owes ner health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mviicy seemed but poor and pal trv . comnarcfl few dollars invested in Lydia E. Pinkhaiu's Vegetable Compound ;wus me gooa neaitn. 1 suffered tor several rears wit. ness and bearing-down pains, caused tJ- r", " irouoie. juy appetite was Irisrntful. and T rowi'M ;. x w ' - .ivuiu iic cl vv aiic XUi. hours, and could not sleep, until I ";tulcu mure weary in tne morning than when T one of its advertisements I decided to iry tne merits of .Lydia E. Pink ham s Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. No one can de scribe the good it did me. I took three bottles faithfully, and besides build ing up my general health, it droe all disease and poison out of my body, and made me feel as spry and active as a young girl. Mrs. Pinkham's medi cines are certainly all they are claimed to be." MRS. "M. "R. FTTTfjTTsrvw. -3d? v. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. $5000 forfeit if rnyi i vj uirws teixer proving genuineness cannot be produced. If the slightest trouble appears which you do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for her advice, and a few timely words from her will show you the right thing to do. This advice costs nothing, but it may mean life or happiness or both. some more rooms and. generally over hauling it. . Mr. A. B. Hutton, of the firm of Hut ton and Bourbonnais, lumber dealers, is in New York now. He will return in a few days accompanied by Mrs. Hut ton and the children. . The Murphy property was sold Sat urday at auction and bid off by Mr. Bert Stroup, of Lincoln county for $1,251. This is a good piece of property and Mr. Stroup is fortunate to secure it. TRAGEDY AVERTED. "Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Wat kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu monia had played sad havoic with him and a terrible cough set in be sides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was saved.' He's now -sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by Burwell & Dunn Co., druggists. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free. RECITAL AT LENOIR. Event Of the Season Corner-Stone Of New School Building. Hickory, N. C, Sept. 22 The most delightful entertainment of the sea son was given at Lenoir College last night. The teacher of elocution, Miss Walter, of Loudinville, Ohio, with the teachers of vocal and . instrumental music, Mrs. Chadwick and Miss Little, gave a recital of a high order of ex cellence. The impersonations of Miss Walter together with the singing and instrumental music of Mrs. Chadwick and Miss Little sent the audience into transports of rapture. Notwithstand ing the fact that there were other at ractions in the city, the large college auditorium was filled with an appre ciative audience. Dr. Edwin Hall, of New York, will lecture in the college auditorium on Thursday night of this week. Dr. Hall is well known here and is sure to have a' crowded house. The corner-stone of the Hickory graded school building was laid, last Friday. Speeches were made by At torney E. B. Cline and Pre-ilent C. H. Mebane, of Catawba College. This building is to be completed by the 15th of December, and when completed will be one of the best graded school buildings in the State. WATERMELON and Cholera are easily associated. This dreaded and grave trouble of the bowels causes much suffering, painful cramps, profuse sweating and intense thirst with vomiting, purging and evacuations. Treat vigorously with Perry Davis' Painkiller. It is efficient and safe. It is a standard remedy. Druggists 25 and 50c. Will Steam 13,900 Miles. mmo xxTaaYt Rprt 23. The steanir shiD Texan, owned by the American and Hawaiian steamsmy ui""J New York, left Tacoma last night on a record-breaking voyage. Barring accidents, she will steam from the Tacoma docks to the Dela ware Breakwater without stopping her machinery. She expects to make the voyage of 13.900 miles without touching land. . Cant Morrison expects to make it in 50i? days. He has loaded 4,100 tons of coa! which would constitute a cargo for the ordinary colliers loading her Ordinarily vessels going to New York would coal at Caronel and Montevido. The Texan may possibly be . forced to stop one night in the Straits of Ma- SeThe" Texan now holds the steaming record from New York to San Fran-ds-forty-seven days and five hours. This single trip will eclipse the famous voyage ? the battleship Oregon from Pacific to the Atlantic during the Spanish war. ' . ' The Balgians are great pigeon breed era and one of the choicest birds of Ste kind is the true Antworp carrier, which is comparatively rare. J Mrs. Husrhson. of Chicatrn li CHARLOTTE CIVIL, COURT CALENDAR. Cases To Be Heard At Three Week's Term Of Court. Mecklenburg Superior Court for the trial of civil cases will convene Mon day, October the 5th. The following calendar has been arranged by the lawyers of the Charlotte bar: Monday, October 5: W. J. Benjamin vs. Lesie Benjamin; Craig & Wilson vs. 9. M. La wing; J. A. Fore vs. Fore & Faster Planing Co.; Jno. W. Brooks vs. Eliza Brooks; Mecklenburg Iron Works vs. Chas. M. Whitlock; M. Oglesby vs. John Kennedy. Tuesday, October 6: South Atlantic Life Ins. Co. vs. Laura R. Gardner and others; R. A. Lillicrop vs. M. Oglesby; W. F Beaver vs. J. E. and Chas. Lem mon; Jno. F. Gardner vs. J. S. Hasty; William Mannheim vs. Shaw Harness Co.; Baines W. Hoyle, by his next friend, vs. A. & C. A. L. Ry. Co.; P. S. McLaughlin and wife vs. Charlotte Electric Railway Co. and City of Char lotte. Wednesday, October 7: Geo. W. Painter vs. O. Gresham and others; Joe French vs. Charlotte E. Ry. Light and Power Co.; R. H. McManus vs. Ruth C. McManus; A. G. Garris vs. Louise Mill; Southern Supply Co. vs. Southern Railway Company; Robt. White vs. J. T. Sanders. Thursday, October 8: ,C. N. Cogdell and wife vs. W. U. Telegrah Company; John Boyd vs. A. & C. A. L. Ry. Co.; D. A. Tompkins Co. vs. Allen Bros. & Ford; Teresa F. Ellis vs. Southern Railway Company; D. A. Tompkins Co. vs. Allen Bros. & Ford; Jno. W. Sikes vs. Highland Park Manufacturing Co. Friday, October 9: Paola Pa vis vs. Piedmont Realty Co.; Geo. DeWitt Shoe Co. and W. R. Foreman vs. Southern Railway Company; E. G. Buchanan and Knight Clothing Manu facturing Co. vs. Southern Railway Company; White Buggy & Fertilizer Co. vs. R. W. Roberts. Saturday, October 10: J. D. John ston vs. C. C. Railway Co.; R. H. Shields vs. C. C. Railway Co.; M. E. Crowell vs. G. C. Railway Co.; R. H. Jordan vs. The Pullman Co., et al.; Alice Dabb vs. Orient Manufacturing Co. Second Week Monday, October 12: Curtis Dabb vs. Orient Manufacturing Cov; J. A. Campbell vs. Elizabeth Mills; J. P. Herron vs. Mollie I. Her ron; L. S. Nixon vs. Highland Park Manufacturing Co. Tuesday, October 13: J.E.S. Davidson vs. A. Killian & W. H. Sigmon, Ex. C. R. Cook, trading as Elysian Manu facturing Co. vs. Geo. M Phifer; Simon Black vs. J. A. Porter; H. N. Pharr, Admr. Iredell Ivey vs. A. & C. A. L. Railroad Company. Wednesday, October 14: W. A. Connor, by his next friend vs. The Highland Park Manufacturing Co.: Thomas Lineberger and others vs. John H. McAdon & J. C. Springs, Exrs.; E. M. Nunnelly vs. Highland Park Manufacturing Co.; William Walker vs. C. C. Railway Company. Thursday, October 15: L. W. Rivers vs. H. M. Rivers; Fannie Whitlock, Admr. of Winnie Craig, vs. City of Charlotte; City of Charlotte vs. C. C. Railroad Co.; Joseph McClure vs. Nora McClure; Frank E. and Martha J. Alexander vs. John and Mary Hart man. . Friday, October 16: Paul Chatham vs. Miss Lucy Oates; F. D. Ross vs. C. W. Seitz; S. B. Alexander, Jr., Co. vs. C W. Seitz; Maggie Eurie and Hus band vs. Piedmont Fire Ins. Co. ; W. H. Murray vs. Southern Railway Com pany; Joseph Stewart vs. Southern Railway Company; Matthew Johnston vs. Maggie Johnston. Saturday, October 17: Theodore Mc Graw vs. Southern Railway Company; John S. White vs. Southern Railway Company; First National Bank of Charlotte vs. P. M. Thompson. Third Week Monday, October 19: Sallie E. Jackson, Admr. vs. C. C. & A. Railroad Co.; Cora Clark Admr. vs. A. T. & O. R. R. Co.; Will Walker vs. Lucinda Walker. Tuesday October 20: People's Ice & Fuel Co. vs. C. W. Seitz; Alfred Brooks and others vs. J. H. McAden and J. C. Springs, Executors; City of Charlotte vs. Board of Water Commissioners. Wednesday, October 21: Margaret L. Barringer vs. C. W. Seitz ; E. W. Mel Ion & Co. vs. C. W. Seitz. Motion Calendar: S. D. Faulkner vs. The Krell Piano Co. & Jos. "Von Jenny; W. S. Pharr vs. Same; M. B. Means, Trustee and others vs. Mary N. Means and others; R. A. Lee & Co. vs. St. Louis, . Iron Mountain & So. Ry. Co.; Cochrane-McLaughlin Co. vs. Thos. M. Kehoe & Co.; R. A. Lee & Co. vs. Providence Cotton Mills; Marsh & others vs. Dellinger & others. Price's- Mill Items. (Correspondence The News.) Price's Mill, N. C, Sept. 22. Mr. Dave Hemby and Miss Beulah Price, of Wardlaw, passed through Price's Mill this morning on their way to Mon roe. Mr. Jim Pressley and his bride have moved over on the farm of Mr. J. N. Price. Mr. Pressley will pack cotton at the gin of Price & Co. Mr. L. L. Moore went to Monroe to day to look for employment. Rev. M. H. Hoyle will fill his regular appointment at Wesley chapel next Sunday. He draws a large crowd and preaches strong and eloquent sermuns. Miss Katie Worley left home last Tuesday to resume her studies at the Asheville Normal School. This is her graduating year. She intends to teach after this year. Miss Margaret Houston, cf Monroe, and little Cyrus Judd Howie, of Char lotte, are visiting at Capt. Sanford Howie's. Miss Beula Price -will leave next week for Greensboro Normal School. Mr. F. M., Sutton, whose saw miil was burned week before last, will go on with his business at the same place, a All good doctors prescribe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coiig J. C. Ay er Co., Lowell, Mass. NEWS, SEPTEMBER new .saw and the rebuilding . of the wood work being all that is necessary. Sam Massey, colored, who was let ofr the chain-gang last Friday; . came through here on Saturday. He stole a watch and a suit of clothes from Henry Waiters, colored, wjio lives on Mr. P. H. Howie's place, then came on to Jim Ivey's on Mr. H. L. Price's place, and stole a razor and another suit of clothes. This happened in broad-open day light. An officer was 'phoned for on Sunday but failed -to locate him. He is still at large and when last heard from was going towards South Caro lina. Mrs. Emma Worley spent Tuesday with Mrs. Palmer Dalrymple. Mr. Adam Penninger, our free deliv ery mail carrier, is giving genuine satisfaction to the patrons of route No. 5. He is always on time and obliging to a degree. The funeral of Mr. Lovie Price, the son of ex-Sheriff Price, was conducted by Rev. Mr. H. Hoyle at Weddington church on last Thursday in Wardlaw. the home of the deceased. No more universally sympathetic congregation ever met together in any church. The remains were interred in Union Church Cemetery, to which place they were followed by one of the longest proces sions ever seen in this part of the coun try. MORE RIOT3. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual dis order of tthe system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately employe There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down sys tems. It dispels Nervousness. Rheuma tism and Neuralgia and expels Ma laria germs. Only 50c. and satisfaction guaranteed by Burwell & Dunn Co., druggists. Ice Kills Iceman. New York, Sept. 23. Coroner Nutt, of Queens Borough, was notified yester day of the death of Gustave Baunieis ter, twenty-three years old, who lived on Metropolitan avenue, East Wil liamsburg. Baumeister was an ice man. The doctors of the Health Depart ment, who made an examination, re ported that the constant rubbing of ice against his stomach when he was tak ing it out of the wagon was the cause of the man's death. They diagnosed the case as peritonitis. A wage statement for Kansas shows that a college education fits a young man to earn $1.08" at harvesting; with out the college education he gets ?2.50. The Eufaula (I. T.) Journal boasts that every copy of its weekly is fed into press by a f ullblood Indian wo man, whose husband turns the press. CURES BLOO ... AND ... Skin Diseases, BonePains,l;chings, Aching Back, Blood Poison, Eczema. To PROVE it, REMEDY sent FREE. The above picture show what Botanic Blood Balm will do, clearing the skin, healing all sores and eruptions, making the blood pure and rich. We have confidence to Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.), and we send It free, all charges prepaid direct to any sufferer who win wr;te us. We have cured with B.B.B. to stay cured, thousands ol men and women, who suf fered from all stages of Impure blood, after every known remedy, doctors, and specialists had failed. How to tell you have blood disease It yon have the tell-tale pimples or eruptions on any part of the body, rheumatic aches and pains In bones or joints, aching back, swollen glands, or swellings and risings on tne skin, blood feels hot and watery, skin itches and burns, eczema, scabby sores, mucous patches In the mouth, sore throat, scrofula, copper-colored spots, hair on eyebrows falling out, boils, carbuncles, raBh on the skin, ulcers, weak kidneys, eating, festering sores, you may be certain you suffer from poison in the blood. Cet the poison out of your system by taking Botanic Blood BalmB.B.B.). It Is a purely vegetable extract, thoroughly tested In hospital and private practise with over 5,000 cures made of the most obstinate cases. Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.) heals all sores, stops aU aches and pains, reduces all swel lings, makes blood pure and rich, completely changing the entire body Into a clean, healthy condition. Cancer Cured Blood Balm Cures Cancers of all Kinds, Suppurating Swellings, Eating Festering Sores.Tumora, Cgly Ulcers. It kUls the Cancer Poison and heals the sores or worst cancer perfectly. If yon have a persistent Pimple, Wart, Swellings, Shooting, Stinging Pains take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. JIany apparently hopeless cases of cancer cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.). Sold by all druggists. 81.00 per large bottle with complete directions for home cure. For free sample write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe yonr trouble, and special free medical advice to suit your case also sent to sealed letter. If already satisfied that It.R.IS. is what you need, take a large bottle, as directed on label, and when the right quantity is taken a cure is certain, sure und lastina. If dot cured your money will be refunded. otV6kiT.. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD for those who like it is made and sold by Haas Bros', Tersely told, there's no good bread we cannot and do not supply all the different kinds you're likely to want are to be -found here. If we have your orders in advance we will be glad to deliver bread, rolls, cakes and at your door. Thone or ders receive prompt attention. HAAS BROS.. Bakers 209 West Trade Street. r WHblEWHCAT M BRAN BREAD I l ar- i M 24. 1 903 SOUNDS LI KE "CUSSI NV? "Helen of Troy," the ancia t passion poets Called the jade, But. if of those hot old times -. Stern history Could but ope her jaws And talk, I'll bet three dollars - ' To a hunk of ice That when King Menelaus woke, That fateful mora. And found his spouse's surcingle And her sandals Gone, And learned that she had pacied Her duds i (What few she used). And skipped-the town With Paris, , He threw the window up -With crash and bang-, ' ; And out upon her Kuiltv trail. Which even yet was lathering' The sun-klsaed sea. Yelled: "Helen Blazes!" That last line sounds a little like "CussinV How does this sound? See that the label "Insurance Head quarters" is on your policy and take no "other." C N. G. BUTT S CO. INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. Handsome China Set Free II II II M Beginning Monday,- August 24th each sack of PridCof Charlotte Flour will contain one ticket and each So lb. sack will contain th ee tickets. Be sure to take care of these tickets as each ticket will entitle you to a chance to draw a handsome Haviiand China Dinner Set, containing one hun dred pieces. This set is on exhibition at the Little-Long Co. store. Don't fail to ask your grocer for Pride of Charlotte Flour and obtain a chance to draw this handsome China Set. Mecklenburg Flour Mills, J. LEE KOINER. Prop. c c NEL I S 8 4 V RENT One nine-room house, corner of Sixth and railroad, with all modem improvement. One six-room house, on West Fifth street. Five-room house on East Palmei street. One four-room house on Eas Fourth street. C. McNelis Heocdqiarters For Best Teams Any kind of Turnout you want at short notice Best service, but charges reasonable. C. A. BL ACK STYLISH LIVERY, DRAYS. .TRANS FERS AND MOVING VANS, CORNER STONEWALL AND COL LEGE STS. We are prepared to write you an ranee (Either Life, Sickness or Accident.) ADAPTED IN EVERY WAY TO YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES -IN LIFE. " We want you to investigate our standing and what we have to offer you. Good Agents wanted everywhere. ROYAL BENEFIT SOCIETY Home Office: Washington, D. C. H. J, GREEN, GENERAL AGENT FOR NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA AND TEN NESSEE. Box 116. .. Charlotte, N. C. NALAK.IA . is often the cause of lack en ergy, of bilious disorders, and of extreme lassitude in hot weather. , - : : : : Elixir Bafaek : eradicates the malaria ': germs from your system entirely; J stimulates the liver and kidneys 1 to healthy action, and improves appetite and digestion. 50c. at all drug stores. Policy r TheNewsac" wWVN Wwwww o o I o 0 u i o o o o o o 4 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O S O ( Couches! Now is the time for you to secure a nice Couch at a greatly reduced price. Pantasote an d Imitation Leather Couches from ?12.C0 up, and nice Velour and genuine Leather Couchea corres pondingly cheap, every one a real bargain. If you need a Couch and you do not take advantage of this sale, you will be the loser. . : ' ' . . W O Arv taar W i Is on & 2; " vr w- ;r Cut Price Clojhiitg Our Big Fall Stock of Clothiog and Gents' Furnishings is Now Rsady for Your Inspection Big lot of $6.00 and $7.50 Suits to closs fof.nc k-s ks $3.93 Nice Wool Suits, worth $10. 00 and $12.50, for.: K - .$7.5Q Big line of Youths Suits from.., :. M :. ,. $3.00 to $12.50 THE BEST LINE OF BOYS' KNEE PANTS SUITS IN TOWN FOK t HE MONEY. Big line of Ouercoats from r $5.00 pp to $22.50. Don't fail to see us tor your Underwear of ail descriptions Big line Boys and Mens Hats and Gaps at factory prices W i lson C o m p ri y CUT PRICE CLOTHING STORE : K. Vast TrndA Street t-, .: OUR. NEW FALL o i ; 1 1 s Are ; holding a reception and the earnestly request a call from YOU. They will be delighted to welcome you at any time. The Suits ars very handsome and it will please them to receive your admiration. You will find them in all the new styles, all here ready to greet.you. t. Don't dis appoint them for they are - expecting you and send you this message. : : : COME ! LONG - TAT E lOTHli CO . ...42 SOUTH TRYAN STREET. . : , Goods sent on approval rei turable tt oir expense.- wr'r 8 8 i; 0 O 0 O 1! 0 0 0 0 :: 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 n McC oy ! EisLsy AUI irapa ,. When he comes home fatigued with ; his days labor, wherever he toils is easily obtained here Matters not whether he wants a Morris Chair, or a cane seated one, we have them all. It might be that he would prefer a couch, and if so, we have them also, and prices are right. To please papa, be sure to call on FURNITURE CO. C o rrk p i y . ., ..v- Holton Building Store Uke no substitute.