f - CHARLOTTE NEWS SEPTEMBER 24, 1903 g JI Tf n 8 WAGON WORKS. f SECURitipo: -r - a..-... I " " " ' ak I A rx ----- ..-w nwiiUH, Rl 7 FAR t5K Onn V . . 1 -. I . wit u. v.wWVfa I. . Keep Bank Stock Brinno n,s .J " I VSPinQtinn M I I F8" i - l ! IVI T ,1 IVI M.-,r.l or. Cano. O.,! A . lillBIIIIIIIIIIII '131 HHHBMBC: v e y s vantages of Trading Here Thousands of our regular customers already know the advantages of trad ing at Ivey's. There are many others no doubt' who have never carefully in vesugaiea our gooas and prices. Never before have we been so well fixed to serve you. A big stock carefully selected and bought at bottom prices. We have only a few lines to study and buy and we give the closest attention all the year around to getting the best things for cur customers at the low est prices. There is no store in the city that is operated at such a compara tive low expense and selling strictly for cash, having no bad debts, we can afford to sell at closer margins. That we do sell at lower prices, our con-sUi-.Lly growing trade shows. RYDER WAGON WOR Southern r- , ' r"erpnse To Tb iHern Mney At Horn Works ar:nu : "er Wagon Trust building nW in the new fues or this conce-n 'riwTr y ceediner n Ln: Tey are pro Southern 'r?"n"P.le that the Porting bv' nsr,"ia.,.l,.e self-sup. stitutions, keeDine t F ?me in" of thou, ?lnL1 h0?le hundreds annuallv ' u""a. " are sent in in 'r r'"?" States, bear- waKona7;rr,jie,.Hme that these ber. wll r;""' "-me-srown tim (heir m r T sPenling an of New Dress Goods We already have an enviable reputation on keeping a com plete line of Dress Goods. We have much better line than ever. We make specialty of the very i est fabrics to be sold at the popular prices of 50c, 75c, $1.00 yd. .s-itifh Zibilene, a substantial firm c loth, very stylish, all colors 50c. yd. Also splendid line Knickerbocker fancies, plain. Whipcords, Serges. Brilliantines, etc. ..50c. yd. will Vivo o T.r: " LI 1.1 I ' - 'IT t A ... stead of oonwu: JL sain this in orr: V lu northern reach fnr .V i"" ll wul out of ture tfmo ' "u.ern man for all f- and They are manufactur Southern ms a firsf-.r-incc. n - r. ... . " v ' n i: v I F I rn wv l Southern nCr,,.ue ylacea thO nPtitor Vrt.l iae. strongest corn- North '"lsn S-acle wagons made it cafefiiV in aT? ?5i that Vo V- " ' puiI11- an believe nA7 i-f a wa.Sn which is dur- r , "sui runnin look upon. and good to Bank Stock Brings Good Prices Public Sale. txt court house today at noon Mr. . N Pharr.as executor of the will of idle j. j. suns sold the following securities: shares of the capital stock ot the Commercial National Bank the purchase price being $205. Twenty shares of the nanifoi otni. niai auonai rank of Gastonia the purchase price beine- ai?n Twenty shares U1 l"e A"en hardware Company, the uuc,e puce Deing $ius. a cash divi dend of 5 per cent was rfiprv l - - - - V4 WU I, J-I 1 0 i ive snares of the Alien tto,i,o - .. - nam waic iAniary' tne Pupchase price hein piu.-. A easn iivitlend of was reserved. m , iwt-nry shares of the cnnital sfock r r X I k r . lUH Aionroe J lard ware Company, the oeing sum. A d videnr! - stock. T J it was advertised that ehm-oa nf tl!e fieclmont ClOfhins- Mannfapturin n- i-u-n-liv. I Ut 1 i uniuy was aavertised but this stock was withheld from sale, Mr. W. A. Gresham the well known auctioneer conducted the sale -at the same time and place 10 shares per cent per cent was reserved on this Mr. J. m. Peoples Enters Suit Against Southern For Above Amount. Mr. J. M. Peoples, administrator of ivir. j . a. reoples, deceased, has en tered suit against the Southern rail way for 35,000 damages. The suit will be brought in the Su perior uourt of Mecklenburg and Mr ".nomas C. Guthrie has been retained by Mr. Peoples to prosecute the case. It will be recalled by News readers that Mr. J. B. Peoples was killed at spencer last January while in the em ploy of the Southern railway as flag man. While changing a switch in order to let a passenger train pass, his train a freight having just gone into the side track, backed down upon him anrt.rnn over him, causing injuries from which Hi-am resumed. The administrator is a brother of th deceased and one time was in the liv ery business in this city. They havp o ... up-to-date wagon SSnlSI f the Commercial National Bank, the m the South, Dlant latest a Lx H. "" vvlin ail the - improved automatic wi --"ey use nothing but ll:e 1 lc oaK ana hickory timber Ihev -nut nn tv..- j.: . . J . luuuei' .s, servicean p u-iiMiu strains and di ort 'IZ'? wheels go to pieces so n o'Poln COld- Th have a capacUy t"'?ll&l annually. We have -v.-.. iuu5u me racrorv an rr,in o. that it is the larsest thine ,i we have seen. All -nt0 75 that have any strain tn t: to a severe test hefnvo v, ea to be put in nlnce in th rv,i- -C 1 " maac UIJ piuperty ct the late Mrs. M. E. Butler, of Hickory, were sold bv the Messrs. E. L. Wilson and H. E. Mc- LUmDS. Mr. Hugh W. Harris mirrha five shares at 207 and Mr. W. C. White nve snares at the same figures. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Stajiature of S7 Vaccination Notice ! The City Ordinance requires all persons in Charlotte 'not successfully vaccinated to be vaccinated. I will vaccinate free all persons who come to my office in the City Hall room, No. 5, from 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 to 4 p. m. F. O. HAWLEY, M. D. City Physician and Health Officer, Charlotte, N. C. POLICE HUNT "SPIRITS. strange Young Man Acts As Though He Were Somewhat "Dopey." Police headquarters has been having an experience with snirit fnlk tnrinv About noon a young man. who cave his name and described himself as an hon orably discharged soldier from th TT army, appeared at headquarters and NOTICE! Panama and ,3traw Hats rilwriAfl Silk Hats Reblotked. Clothes nWntti' and Pressed $1.00 a month. All kinds of Repairing. QUEEN CITY PRESSING CLUB. 209 North Tryon Street. We Make Picture Frames J. H. LITTLE, President, H. CY. LONG, Vice-President. J. W. CUTHBERTSON, Sec. and Treasurer. von as s. I ' Wadsworth's Sons, of this citv, to Acting Turkey Summerrow told inch heavy Suiting. . . .50c. yd. -ini :-h Plaid Back Suiting, regular ?l.r.i" quality $1.00 yd. f;;i- Broadcloths we think are the lest in the market for the !':ue. full range colors. New Waistings J-.it opened up the prettiest line fine Waistings we have ever .-etn in Charlotte. embroidered Corded Silk Stripe, V.'oc! Waistings, white, creams, and all colors, regular values 7"c. and $1.00 yd. We cleaned up a lot at big sacrifice.. ..50c. yd. '' e are also showing a big line white mercerized Waistings, the heavy kind for winter. Come and see them. We are glad to show them 25c. yd. up ".. nu:c liULiimg hut his-h ptsHo :oods, are their representatives here. SECOND ANNIVERSARY. Rosaline Lodge, Daughters Of Re bekah, Will Celebrate It Friday Night. ' Rosaline Lodge, No. 21, Daughters of Rebekah, will celebrate its second anniversary on Friday evening Sep tember 25, with an entertainment. The vv.lculauuu cumes at an appropriate wine, last &unaay, Sept. 20th, having "an'ca lUfc! urty-second anniversary of the founding of the Rebekah branch of Odd Fellowship, and the local luuge win observe both events simul taneously. rrt , , . . ' xue ceieDration will be held in the nan or tne lodge, over the Merchant ana farmer's Bank. The programme cmuiaces several addresses, vocal and instrumental music and refreshments All Odd Fellows, local or visiting, and their wives and families are cordially m,ucu aiiena tnis celebration SERIOUS CHARGE. Flannelette Waistings - big line of pretty new styles 10c. yd. -M-o a line mercerized stripe Flannelettes, the prettiest Wrap-;-r and Kimona styles you ever saw. made to sell at 23c. yd., 121-2c. yd. Young Negro Boy Committed To Jail Girl Of Fifteen Is His Accuser. will Sinclair, colored, was commit tee to jail by 'Squire S. H. Hilton this afternoon in default of a $500 bond on a serious charge. The complainant was Mamie Tor rence, a fifteen year old colored girl, iiu nves with her mother near the Watkins place in the eastern suburbs The girl declared that Sinclair came to her home last Sunday night while her mother was at church, forced her to open the door under threats of vio lence, and further attempted to assault her. The arrival of the girl's mother prevented the accomplishment of a crime. The girl proved a good charac ter. Sinclair has been dodging the offi cers for several days, but finally came in town today for trial. He was repre sented by Attorney Lotte W. Humph rey, while Attorney LeRoy Kirkpa trick appeared for the complainant. The charge was attempted criminal assault. Domestic Bargains .secured a lot Bleached Domes tic at old prices. We are selling thf:m at same price as when 'cittern was 8c. lb. Raie Domestic, a nice soft Do mestic, free from starch 7c. yd, 1 S. Domestic, a splendid heavy 'loth, worth 9c. today.. ..71-2c. yd. Millinery u; are daily receiving our new Millinery and will show in a '' 'w days a fine line of the lat- styles in Hats, Feathers a'"l Trimmings. We had a most satisfactory business last ' sea son, sold twice as much as we 'xijceted, and as more find out tr"; saving they can make here, v'" expect to do still more this -'a.sou. flies' and Children's Ready-to-war Hats. Special lines at 50c, 75c, $1-00 ). 0. iVEY & CO. 13 W. Tr2.de St. Millinery Openings. The feminine world is anxiously awraiting the announcements of the coming millinery opening. Our mer chants have bought largely of the beauties of millinery art and when the openings do take place, there will be seen something really attractive. The date of the openings have not been announced on account of the un certain weather conditions. It is gen erally understood that next week will record the display of "flowers and feathers." The dates, more than prcb ably will be Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The News will keep its lady friends posted on these important events. uauge taie. tie stated that h was jut.t jn irom Birmingham via the Southern railway; that on the way to Charlotte he discovered a cmmle man and woman who were beating their way, and he immediately informer! nn mem. ine couple, he said, had been al lowed to come to Charlotte and were now wandering about the streets. They " wmc lkj tut? sta-uon, tne young man said, and prefer an unusual charge against him, but he wanted to get in on the ground floor and put the police iiext. ueiore tney got there. Hence his visit. ;- -.. . . ,. Mr. Summerrow waited patiently, but thus far the couple has not ap peared at the station. In the meantime a 'phone message came to headquarters from a residence not far from Twelfth and Graham streets stating that a strange couple was hovering about the neighborhood and requesting the po lice to come after them. The call was answered and when the officers reach ed the spot they found the young man who had called at the station waiting for them. He was very much excited and pointed out various directions which he. said the couple had taken, but de spite a thorough search, even to the extent of crawling in barn-lofts, no trace of any strange couple was found. Whether they disappeared in the at mosphere, which is a trick spirits have, or never existed, is a mystery the po lice haven't solved. In the meantime they are waiting: for further developments in the case of the strange couple and the strange young man. ACADEMY OF MUSIC THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER- 24. MARIE MONTAGU. in her play of social purity "SWEET JASMINE" A magnificent and clever production PRICES: $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c! Seats now on sale at Jordan's. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, WHEN REUBEN COMES TO TOWN Te most successful musical comedy of the past two seasons. Prices: $1.50. $1.00. 75c Zfin 9r.r, Seats on sale Wednesday at. Jordan's! WHEN it COMES TO THE OUALI. TY OF OUR: Laundry brk HOUSTON, DIXON & GO. S3 Founded 1842. 'Singr their own praise." BUY FROM THE MAKERS AND SAVE j&Jte Arrivals of New Carpets and Curtains With the approaching Fall comes anew and well selected stock of Carpets, Curtains, etc., etc. Our Carpet Department was never more complete than now, filled as it is, with V the loveliest and most fastidious fabrics and designs of new seasons goods is as much as to say that what you want in the way of H ouse Furnishings can be had here. Ove 200 different designs ol Carpets from which to choose, almost all imaginable patterns in beautiful, artistic and blending colors. WE ARE-STAND PATTERS." : : TWO WEDDING CARDS. The Y. M. C. A. Star Course. Mr. E. H. Sullivan has returned from a trip to Reidsville, Danville and Greensboro in the interest of the Alka hest Lyceum System and will now com plete the canvass for the Y. M. C. A Star Course. The first number, Lorett's Boston Stars, will occur either October 13th or 15th. The Asheville Citizen said of this company last season: "A promise of an evening of enjoy tr.pnt was keDt to the letter. The man agement will have no difficulty in ad ding to the sale of their course tickets after last night's effort." The large number of return dates given this company is a sure evidence of it3 popularity. Child Seriously III. Little Margie, the three year old daughter of 'Squire J. P. Hunter, is seriously ill of diptheria at Nevin. The little one was visiting her grand father's home when she contracted the Hrpnri maladv. A 'phone message this morning states that she passed a better night but. there is no material improvement in her condition. . Schedule Changes Delayed. The, chanee of schedules on the Southern that was to have gone into effect next Sunday, has been aeiayea -. 4 rpi XT nuTn Viaa STATPfl one weeK. as iue n only two changes will be made at this t'me No. 39, now arriving at Charlotte at 725 a. m. will come in 25 minutes earlier. No. 8, now leaving Charlotte r 430 o clock win, aner ouuuajr uca... leave at 4 o'clock. s s. McNinch spent yesterday in Columbia where be went on business.; One a Charlotte Couole. the Other In Albemarle. Invitations have been received in Charlotte as follows: Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hearne request the pleasure of your company at tne marriage cf their daughter Emmie Norman to Mr. Charles Faison Southerland Wednesday afternoon, Oct. the seventh nineteen hundred and three at five o'clock First Presbyterian church Albemarle, North Carolina. Miss Hearne is a cousin of Mrs. H Kluepperberg, of this city, and has visited Charlotte quite frequently. Out-6f-town cards reading as follows were received today: Mr. and . Mrs. William F. Elliott request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Edna Evelyn to Mr. S. Luther Vaughan on vveanesday evening, Oct. fourteenth nineteen hundred and three at eight thirty o'clock East Avenue Tabernacle Charlotte, N. C. Step in and see the simples we display. ig bargains in Upright Pianos. Only a few left, but they should interest any care ful, economical buyer who is on the lookout for a good Pi ano at a low price and easy terms. One for $2 so: one for $225; three $200. All Up- i right Fianos in good condition., Ovit-Of town Pie.-no-Winters Will do Well x o arop us a line. We will ship to any point in North. bouth Caro'ina or Georgia and guarantee perfect satisfaction. CharMlB Sleam Laundry m , Jtertis(, OUR FALL SHOWING I STIEFF f MEN'S AND BOYS' shion LO THING Handsome Ingrain Carpets, different Cfln o CEn colors, at, the yard OUC 10 DOC Brussels Carpets, all colors and designs; a large &.!...:...?..!!,? 65c to 85c Velvet Carpets, handsome hall, sitting room and tST.r.". SI.00 and $1,18 Large and select line Ax ministers, all the latest de signs in beautiful harmonizing 01 iC nnrl (M'OE colors, at, the yard 0 1 1 1 0 dill! 0 1 1 JU Our line of newly arrived Lace Curtains is very at tractive. The greatest variety of patterns we have ever had; beautiful snow white goods at prices within reach, of everybody; we have what TCntnCQfinn you want at prices ranging, the pair 3u Hi OjUiUU All Carpets ma.de and laid without extra, charge able NEW RESIDENTS. Mr. VV. A. Osborne Brings Family Here and Opens New Business. Mr. W. A. Osborne and family of Mobile, Ala., have taken up their resi dence in Charlotte. They are keeping house at No. 4 Stonewall street. Mr. Osborne is one of the firm of the American Garment Co., with fac tory at Norwich, Conn., manufactur ers of ladies' wrappers and under garments. He has opened at 7 East Trade street at the stand occupied by Mr. F. H. Andrews a general retail establishment to dispose of the pro duct of his factory. Goods will be sold to consumers. It is Mr. Osborne's in tention to open branch stores under the direction of the Charlotte store at Gastonia, Concord, Salisbury, Greens boro and possibly other points. ir 1 f m mr. usuorae was iormeriy con nected with the C. D. Kenny tea and coffee concern at Mobile. Insurance Men Here. Mr. George Hurt, of Atlanta, repre senting the Westchester Fire Insur ance Company was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Mr. Hurt has been confined to his home several months with rheu matism, and is just able now to get about some. Mr. w. a. noiiana, special agent tor the Milwaukee Mechanics Fire Insur ance Company is in town with a view of planting his company. Is now ready for your in spection. Abundant as sortments the season's most fashionable gar ments, including every new novelty and extreme style are here,and at very reasonable prices. Men's Suits from $7.50 to $35.00. Young Men's Suits from $6.00 to $25.00. Boys' Knee Pant Suits from $2.00 to $8.50. Our Hat Department is stocked to. overflowing with the most stylish Headgear to be found in the city, embracing every new Fall stvle of the cel ebrated DUNLAP and STETSON lines. Southern Warrooms, 211-213 N. Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. Garibaldi Harry Dixon Will Bruns GARIBALDI & BRUNS The pleasure you cannot get out of a good show, can be got ten out of a good Diamond. We have them all sizes. Also the finest line of Silver, Cut Glass and Hand Painted China in the State. GARIBALDI & BRUNS Trurvks, Grips a.rvd Siit Causes The largest and most complete line of Trunks, Grips and Suit Cases in the State. Every student and tourist needs one or the other. Don't fail to see our - Notion Department The social committee of the Y. M. C. A. will meet tonight to plan for the winter's work. Carolina Clothing Go. J. A. SOLOMONS, Manager. LEADING JEWELERS. Just received a line of Eagle karat Gold Pen. We bought karat gold pen. We bought these Pens in a job lot and of fer them at the special price of, each 88c. I Fresh 1 H ard ware As we are careful buyers we have no old stuff to offer at re duced prices, but a nice clean line of General Hardware, House-Furnishings, Sporting S Goods, Cutlery and Farm Uten- sns, at prices as low as can be had at any first-class store. Call and see us at 41 West Trade street. Your wants will be at tended to with courtesy and dispatch. Southern Hardware Co., A complete line of J. an.l P. Coats' Silk Finish Crochet Cot ton, for working Sofa Pillows, a - t rt i . eic, jluu yaras on spool; price per spool .'. ..5c. A line of handsome Wrist Bags with chains and leather han dles; prices from, each 50c. to $3.00 Indestructible Pearl Pins in white, red and blue, per card 10c. New Pearl Combs for back of the hair, price, each.. 25c. Shell Comb with Pearl Top, each 25c. Amber Comb in set with a pair of Side Combs and one Back Comb, price per set.." 50c. Pencil Tablets with each .. 100 leaves, .3c. Pencil Tablets, 200 leaves 5c. Large size Pencil Tablets, each . .5c. Ink Tablets, each, 5c. and.. .. ..10c. Lead Pencils, per dozen 5c. Cedar Lead Pencils, with Rubber, per dozen..- ..10c. Sponges, each.. ;. ;, ..-c. Our Queen Toilet Soap, large size cake, three cakes : in a box, at per box.. .. ... .. ,.12C. Witch Hazel, Glycerine and Honey Toilet Soap, three cakes in a box, at per box -joc. Pearl Soap for Laundry or Toilet use, 7 cakes for 25c Medicura Soap, for complexion and all skin affections, j regular price per cake is 25c; at, per cake-- ..15c WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 12-14 W. Trad, St. n.15 N. Tryon St.