111 CHARLOTTE NEWS, SEPTEMBER 4. 1903. Ml i 9 i t fi. s i 'a i j ttiji -. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use for over 30 3ears, has borne the signature of - and has been made under ins per fJrrfj$ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you m this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine rtr other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY TT MURRAV STREET. NEW YORK CITY. ' Colony of French People Select Loca tion Near Summerville, S. C, on the Southern Railway. Washington. D. C, Sept. 23. Press mention has been made from time to time regarding the efforts of the South ern Railway Company to induce French Canadians to locate, in a colony, at some available point in the South. A large and free tract of arable and tim ber land, well watered and susceptible of crop production, fruit culture, dairy and stock farming, etc., etc., owned by the Southern Railway Company near Summerville, S. C, twenty-four (24) miles northwest from Charleston was the property finally selected as a point of beginning. The Land and Industrial Agent of the Southern Railway visited these people in their New England home towns on several occasions, and ad dressed large meetings of them, gath ered for the purpose of hearing his exposition of the Southern conditions and opportunities. In July last a large delegation of these people visited South Carolina and were afforded every means of informing themselves by per sonal investigation and inquiry, as to the real inducements to be found in the historic and hospitable region of old Charleston. Other places, too were shown to the delegation; but the fact that so extensive a tract of land pecu liarly well situated and adapted to col ony purposes appealed very strongly to them; and they returned to the North with impressions most favor able. Several meetings have since been held in New England, and many French Canadian farmers, business men, and expert artisans have signified their intention or their hope of locat ing in the South. For this purpose a tract of land is set apart, abutting on the Southern Railway main track. A Catholic church to be presided over by a most estimable and indefatigable rector; a parochial school, supervised by the rector and his assistants; a store for the convenience of the colony; and Tarious structural features will in due time rise upon land vacant and un populated, but waiting only upon just Such an enterprise as the Southern Ilailway representatives have long Since contemplated. The people who are to make their homes on the broad acres thus held in reserve, are practical, sturdy, and Worthy, not only as a class, but in dividually. They deserve the kindly in terest of all our own people with whom they may come in contact; and with out doubt they will prove themselves taluable citizens aud desirable neigh bors. . An advance party of these home Seekers left Washington on Thursday tiight last. They will be followed from time to time by other parties or fam ilies; and as they arrive at Summer ville they will proceed to erect their homes and clear up, plant and stock their farms. With the advent of Spring it is believed that quite a settlement Do You Suffer ? Backache or Kidney Com - plaint ; Stua.rt's Gfn and . Bjchi WILL CURE YOU. Weaver, Ala., July 30, 1902. Stuart Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga. - Gentlemen: I write you this in an swer, to your letter, which I received about two weeks ago. I took the bottle of Gin and Buchu as directed and 1 fbund it did me good. My husband then bought three bottles of this med icine which I took as I did the first. I was so near down with my back I could hardly do my work at times on account of the severe pain. But now I feel so much better that I want to thank you for the medicine and the benefit I derived from it. I would like All sufferers to know something of this Uronderful remedy," as I am sure it will have the same effect on all who were afflicted as I was. . s . ; . , Yours very truly, ' - SALLIE BRITT. Signature ot will have been formed; and it is not improbable that it will rapidly grow and expand into a hamlet and a popu lous surrounding community of prog ressive and prosperous farmers. Trade Main Object of Menelik Visit. Massillon, O., Sept. 23. Robert P. Skinner, United States Consul-General to Marseilles, who is spending a two months' leave of absence at his home in this city, when asked concerning the mission which he is to head to Abys sinia, said: "I shall leave Massillon on Monday, Sept. 28, for Washington, and will sail from New York for Marseilles on Oc tober 8. "I shall leave Marseilles Oct. 25 on a war vessel to be lesignated by the Navy Department, and will organize a caravan at Harrar, the chief commer cial city of Abyssinia. "From Harrar we will proceed as rapidly as possible to the capital, Ad dis Ababa, which is about 2S0 miles from the coast. The country to be tra versed is mountainous and very beau tiful not un'ike Switzerland in char acter. It will equire from sixteen to twenty days to make the overland journey and so much time to return. "While the country is rough and un settled, personal security is assured and wayfarers are received with the greatest possible courtesy and hospi tality. "The Emperor is one of the great men of his time. He has consolidated the empire and created an administra tive system and army comparing fa vorably with those of better-known countries. "His people have been our customers fcr many years, buying vast quantities of cotton sheeting and other staple ar ticles, while we in turn purchase from the Abyssinians equally important quantities of ivory, hides, carpet wools and other raw materials. As this com merce filters through many hands, we know very little about.it except in a general way. "It is the special business of the dip lomaiic and consular service of this Government to serve American trade interests. And the object of the present journey is to carry out that policy. "One of the most agreeable duties which I shall perform will be to lay before Emperor Menelik an invitation to participate in the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition in 1904. "Abyssinia has never take part here toiore m an exposition, ana we are hopeful when the Emperor realizes the importance of our commercial ex changes ana tne greatness or tne ex position he will find it possible to ac cept the invitation. "The expedition has been contem plated for a considerable time, as will appear from reading my commercial re ports of tne last few, years. The date cnosen ror my departure coincides with that of the termination of the rainy season m Abyssinia, during which travel is almost impossible." Horatio W. Wales, cf Massillion, who graduated from Yale University last June, will accompany Mr. Skinner as secretary. The escort will be furnished by the Navy Department. The most valuable knife in the world is to ne seen in tne collection of a famous firm of cutlers in Sheffield. It is large enough to fit the pocket of none but a giant and contains seventy five blades, which close up like those of an ordinary knife. Each of the lar ger blades is elaborately engraved, and among the subjects of these strange pictures are views of Sheffield college, the city of York; Windsor castle, Arun del castle and a score of other famous scenes. The hafts are of mother of pearl, carved with great skill. On one side the artist has depicted a stag hunt and on the other a boar hunt. IT SAVED HIS LEG. P. A. Danf orth of LaGrange, Ga suffered for six months with a fright ful running gore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers Wounds, Piles, It's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts. Sold by Burwell & Dunn Co., drug gists. HARMS THE STATE. Garbled Story Which Brings Dis credit To North Carolina. Editor The News: North Carolina has already, in some portions of the North, an unenviable reputation as a "pistol-toting"' State, and the abode of "fire-eaters," and there are any number of misguided, ill-informed persons in that section of the country, who are too glad of an excuse to flaunt these unpleasant things in our face, under the guise of "advice" and "sympathy" for what it pleases them to look upon as a "be nighted" community. With this knowledge common to ev ery resident of the State, it does seem strange that a man of ordinary intelli gence should send broadcast over the country, through the medium of the press, such a garbled and silly story as the following, which was printed in many leading papers last Friday: "Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 17. As the result of an altercation be tween Russell Sherrill, a young man of prominent family, and Thomas and 'Chal" White, busi ness men of Concern, N. C, Mer rill was shot and killed at his home, iu Ruvan county, by the two Whites, it is charged. Sher rill had been approached by the two Whites, it is stated, who asked him to make certain apolo gies. Today they called on Sher rill and repeated their request. On his refusal the Whites opened fire, it is alleged, mortally wound ing Sherrill, who died in a few moments. The Whites surren dered to the authorities." Is there any excuse for such abor tion of facts? I read numerous ac counts of the unfortunate affair and they were all alike in almost every detail; there was never the slightest doubt on the part of the newspaper correspondents as to how or why the killing was done. The very idea of an intelligent person sending out such a garbled story when the facts were plainly established at the outset. It simply confirms the reputation which evil-disposed persons are wont to give tne State that we are a race of fire- eaters and kill folks here for any and every excuse and without any excuse. Such stuff does the State irreparable harm and the author of this should be called to account. CAREFUL READER. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the argest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion of Bil iousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration of Heart failure, etc. Thty used Augus Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the ac tion of the liver, stimulate the ner vous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. You can get this reliable remedy at Fitzsimmons Drug Co. Price 25c. and 75c. Easily the Most Prosperous. The Charlotte News, easily the most prosperous afternoon paper in the State, needed only the service of the Associated Press to make it as perfect n afternoon paper as can be printed in a small city. Last week the As sociated Press elected Mr. Dowd a member and now the News gets the full afternoon service of the Associated Press, the best news service the enter prise and genius of man has ever pro vided. Raleigh News and Observer. tov Know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is Dlainlv printed on every bottle, showing that it is simpiy iron ana yumine In a tasteless lorm. ro cure. No Pay. 50c. Cigarettes Prescribed. Ithaca. ept. 23. Fred Bogart, aged twenty-cne, hostler at the Junction House at Freeville, a small hamlet near Ithaca, for the past two years has.been smoking forty cigarettes daily. Receui ly he increased this number to from sixty to eighty last night. After hav ing smoked three packs, he declared that he would kill all within his reach. Bogart was placed under the care of a physician, who has reduced his ai. lowance to twenty cigarettes a day, and it is hoped that he will recover his health. . DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. ! Almost everybody who reads the news papers is z:re to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. i Kilmer's Swamp-Root, l the great kidney, liver t and bladder remedy. ' j s. ins me great meai- f?'cal triumDh of the niner teenth century: dis covered after year's of scientific research by Dr. turner, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame oacK, Kianey. Diaaaer, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s &wamp-Koot is not rec- ommendedfor everything but if you have kid ney, liver or Bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among tne helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has teen made by which all readers of this paper ho have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and send your address to i Dr. Kilmer St Co.', Bing-1 hamton, N. Y. The yegular fifty cent and nomoof Swamp-Root dollar sizes are sold by tu good drugg'sts, ; i " ') ' .... uun t mi(e any mistake but re member the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. tXllmer'tf Swamp-Root, and ' the ad dress, B'rghamton, N. en every IS 1 I 1. 1 i " NEW WAY TO CURE BLOOD POISON Dp. Hathaway's Is a Truly Wonderful and Quickness Be Sure to See This and every ortrari of 'Br TMW, .ZA i I ii dies not merely tay he will do this: he guarantees it. Llbewtse if your nervous system Is shat tered If you are on the verge of epilepsy and locomotor ataxia, if ou are weak and impotent and your organs are shrunken, let your flwt move be to see Dr. Hfcthaway. He Is famous the world ovt as a specialist in men's diseases, and has cure" tens of tro sands. Be will put new life into you in a way that will astoi ish you. 1 hose who ear. not call In p rson should wiite, describing their case in thir cwn wras, and the djaco . -. DR J NSWTON HATHAWAY, 29 Inman Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. o Beara the Signature ef O STORIA. Tha Kind You Have Always Boup! Bean th 1 m ma 1 n nam wira j iThe Kind You Have Always Boap stoiiijl. Beara the 1 11B M"U luu navB fliwap The Kind You Have Always MDgnt C. Y. AUTKNT JOHN J. OZJJENT Auten Ozment General Upholstering, Makers of Hair and Felt Mattresses. Cabinet and General Repair Work and Finishing in Oil. No 20 1-2 North College Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS P. A. TEDDER, Attorney-a-t-LoLW, General Law Practice, Patents, Tradf Marks. Notary Public. Room 4, Thi d Floor, P.edmont Building. Charlotte. N, U. Thos. G. McMichael, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Practice in All Courts. Room 203, 2d Floor. Trust Building, Charlotte, 1m, C. Notice of Removal Dr. C. L. Alexander, Dentist, has moved into his new office, in the Car son building, southeast corner of Fourth and Tryon .streets , I. W. Jamieson DENTIST. No. S S. Tryon St. Both 'phones 326. Will t In Pinevills every Thiuaday. O, A. Robbins. Adlai Osborne. Charles K. Bryant. O, A. Robbirvs & Co, ARCHITECTS AND MILL ENGINEERS CHARLOTTE, N. C. McMichael & Hinterf Architects Charlotte, N.C. ", S TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN (1 sate Method, no Bad Atter tuects h J iv. . . i i jl aLj rv p ucr i is i . 27 South Tryon Street" Wheeler (& Runge. A H C H I T E CTS Charlotte, N. C. Second Floor 4C Building. Every Woman i interested and buouiq mow about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vrlnal syringe, -injrc- : tinn and Uttction. liest hal- a u Clemnset imuuhj. X. I Ask your draggtat far IU I he cannot supply the . other, but send stamp for Illns Irated book sealed. ItelveSfull iiarticulars ana directions invam mhla to ladiPS. MARVJCI. CO. . (loom Times Bds., New Yorli. E CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH ENNYROYAL, PILLS fNJ?Tk for CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH kin KGii ana raia metallic boxei. Kiled I with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refano imnrerouB suosuinaons ana Imita tions.. Buy of your Druggist, or send 4c. in tampi i for Particulars, Testimonials snd "Keller for Ladles," in Utter, by re. torn Mall. 1 0.OttM Testimonial. HnM hV I n.n..t.t. f I. Ink A., fl. 1 1 Uontion toll ptpcr. Madlaoa 8uare, P1ULA., I'JlI CURES GONORRHC AND Gleet WTTTrnrpr orugu Sold b all Druggists. treatmkn-- A r ,(,.(,.. t.tt,,. ..... jZx'i'Xu ioj .i ... ... Method for Simplicity, Great Specialist About it. Permancy Blood poison is no longer tne terrible disease that it used to be. f-clmee has found a way outof tbe difficulty, but a yet few know tbe secret. Dr. tiatnaway has a new method of curing this disease that will clear your body of every sore in a few days stop the hair' teeth and evtbros from falling out. cause the aches and pains to disappear, and in two weeks at the most re move all traces of the p ison co no one will know you ever had the disease. This is positive and guaranteed, 'i o those who have thl disease, no matter In what staye. let us say . Do not despair; do i ot brood ; do not send for medicine from distant places as they are merely guessing at your condit on, nd what they give you frequently results in locomotor ataxia and mercurial rheu matism; and do not go to the ordinary doctor--he still clings to mercurv and potash, which re morn harmful than blood poison Itself. Tols disease requires pecial training. Goto Dr. Hath away, the word's famous specialist in the cure of blood poison, and he will cure you quickly and permanently by an entirely new method, an-i when once you are cured by him you can never again contract the disease, no matter to what dangers you sub ject yoursef. He will make you tit for fatherhood and the Joys of life. He will take you in hand and nurse you back to health ro that vour blood w 11 be clearer and purer, yiur tuscl8 vwur bo1y healthier than It ever was before. He IT IS WISE To call a doctor when you him. It is also wise to take need Franklin's Magic Cure for Headache and Neuralgia. The dealer gives, your money back if it fails. i Leaves no bad effects. Contains no opiates. Endorsed by clergymen, lawyers and business men everywhere to be the best on the market. Pi ice 15c, 25c. and 50c. bottle. At soda fountains 5c. per dose. For sale by W. L. Hand & Co., R. H Jordan & Co., Brannon's Drug Store, Atkinson's Drug, Store. ADVANCING AGE MAKES MOUTH CHANGES s,s every one past middle age who wears artificial teeth (and who does not?) knows. The old set. service able for a decade or two, no longer fits. In such an emergency come to us and we will provide a new set con formable and comfortable to the mouth of today, a set which may last you the rest of your days. Drs. Newel! & McLaughlin, Dentists. 4 Davidson Building, East Trade St. jnininininminininin Eg 3 i Correct n a n n a a 3 Weights E3 ry a r t a xTnv o rr p AL-L. V IN LJ OCC 8 OUR 3TOCK m a a a 2 3 7 s East Trade 1 : E5 1 Ice M Fviel J 1 Company g H - - E3 ninininininininininmP 1 yuHL I 1 0 I n jjf s ?m Oisaiitv i J3 CRM'! SEEP mmm jus-seam '&mM &Ms2 SVTfe Tg3S Jgil M IIS E. M, ANDREWS, ST 10 N. COLLEGE STREET fS 'Special;;., We have a few sets best quality Plated Spoons and Forks that we will lose out this week at reductions be 'iw: ' Table Spoons, regular $4.50, spe cial. : . . . . . . . .... . . ... .$2.00 Dessert Spoons, regular $3.00, spe cial .. .... .. ....$10 Medium Forks, regular $3.50, spe cial . . .... . .$1.75 Dessert Forks, regular $3.00, spe cial .. .... .... ..... ..$1.50 We make these reductions simply because they are odd patterns, and we haven't complete sets to match. 335 'Phones 277. We close at 6 p. m. except Satnr days. Hancock's liquid Sulphur Not 2l Patent Medicine But a Clear Solution of Dissolved Sulphur, Free From Acids or In jurious Chemicals. NATURE'S GREAT GERMICIDE AND BLOOD PURIFIER. 'An Absolute Specific )r All Blood and Skin Diseases. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT MANUFACTURED BY The Hancock Liquid Sulphur Go. 123 West Fayette St, Baltimore, Md. RIDE A MOTOR CYCLE Three For Sale. RELAY MFG. CO., 23 South Tryon Street. ARE YOU GETTING A SQUARE deal on your Printing? If not, bring it to. us. News Printing House. - Cures Eruptions, Sores. Colic, Hives, Thrush. Removes and Prevents, Worms- T1 1H: IHIT I-l iTVr , COUNTERACTS AND OVERCOMES THE EFFECTS OF THE SUMMER'S HEAT UPON TSETHINGCHSLDREM "Old Men Grow Young, Dr. H. M. DAVIS , i V (ENGLAND) yiTALIZER. tores General Debility, TveaKness. impoteney. 1 juKiueinorr, insomnia, Youtnlul Errors. Mel- IncnOlia. Inolnipnt lnaanifs . Reiurpi T.nat Wanbood and gives new vigor to old and young. Used anil reoomnieuded by thousands. PRICE; No. 1. Si 00. r tj fUU 8lBg4. - . ' ': .. H M. 1).VT9' niLtia.ilM anil InlMttnn n. ' ' eluding svrmire) ' Vhrln a ' Before Usln,V M.A. KAHN&CO Come in and Tell Us Just What You Want LOW PP ICES, EASY PAYMENTS 'We have in a nice new PARLOR SUIT we want you to come in and see. Latest stylo COMBINATION BOOK CASE. Something pretty and we are making a low price on them. Big line ROCKERS. They are manufactured according to our own models and we can com- mend them for beauty and durability. tjj rur auyLiimg m uie r UKiM- rUTTTJlTl TV.TT TjnTTCTT' PTTDXTTDTT ING GOODS line remember we are large dealers and buy to the best advantage. We Insta Our Mr. King is an expert at this work. See us before you have anything done in this line -otherwise you may damage yourself. HALEY & M r PLUMBERS AND STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. Office and Shops 26 West Fiftli Street. Bell 'Phone 4982. Presbyttria.n College For Women CHARLOTTE. N. C. OPENS SEPT. 10, 1903. The Primary Department under two specialists. Individual attention, select companions, comparative im munity from contagious dis eases. Inquiry solicited, Rev. J. R. Bridges, D. D i Centra CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' Commercial Headquarters Located on Independence Square. Most convenient to street cars and leading machinery houses. The liberal management makes it the most de sirable hotel in the city for traveling men. 'Bus meets all trains C. E. HOOPER & CO. Proprietors Cares Chclera-Infantcm, Diarrhoea.Dvsentcry, and the Bowef Troubles of Children of Any Age. of all Kinds Costs Only 25 cats at Drcggists. 'thIno' Or ma 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT, M. D ST. LOUIS, MO. Young Men Stay Young" Nervouetiess, Seminal I Nlgatly Emissions, Fall- ttrt staare. No. X. tS.OO. : ftl no Sura Car a for Oojorrhoea, OIpov eo.. in any stage. After XTitef Money refunded if not eatisfactorjr. . . nrurtl Sole Acuta, U. b. A-. BaiUtBorAAKU W. UEANJl Oft. w