t jginininininininininininin - i - r.. s,t,. ,3.4: , . t;l . -L r . " - " - By Private Wire to Geo. A. A . . '''4''llUIUlPr aner dividends estimate 100 n against 1 ii7 R9A T T 00 a"uu NEWS, 1 ' CHARLOTTR . . r 1 47 WO ' niairrininim Co., Brokers.) , New York, Sept. 24. C. W. Lee & Co. says: Another break in stock was the feature of the day. As was to be expected this carried cotton to a "q Pint- Decemter sold down to 9.o0. There was no simnnrt o.,, that furnished by short interest The trouble is that people have no nionev for speculation. Money is too valuable and is in too great demand for legiti mate business. There is no buying power behind the situation. This was evident several days ago, and it grows move evident every day. As we said yesterday news from the south would make one bullish under ordinarv v. v "iiaua. cm witnoutside influence as they are today it makes one ve-y cautious. Prices are rather high when uu Su uaen a iew years. Very hieh " J"u ttL price of stocks t-ome of the best storks a at a five, six and some at a seven per I ""01f AUU yet tne feeling in '-""imuuiiy is very blue We tail to see in the outlook that which is necessary to make one a bull wiu ji auyuimg else. Every V: . against the market 7UUU is. cuunng m larger blocks If I !6 ""Vt nly e!even million bales imric wm ue a rusn tor a while. This will make a weak market or tend to lu, Miuauon. as far as the out- iuuk 6wa mere is very little induce ment to buy except on a good break and then take quick profits. On a bulge we would be inclined to sell The trade has been hurt by the cotton C?ntr-fr;y nurt- A this will make itself felt in time. Cotton has been bulled for 3 years. We would be very cautious about buying very much just at the moment. . - fivps " 1UttU ...crowd. Steel in of nJi mOTfe cancell o.r.'..r?..lu..vanoua industrials CLEVER IllUSlIil WITH CONCLUSIVE PROOF. There ia an old formula in philosonhv cupy the eutiu ria v. . A, a simi,le lllu.trrtiodrivTSn toStort th!?5 yU with every wide th 1 iPT' the nail f orce wide the particles of wood into "which it is Deinar drivon fioii i, , AU and particularly thosmanu ?nd Paving WthTnilTnd s.etl. Rumored step! l;U"ns Phe.wood do not occupy the samlZ NEW YORK COTTON Futures closed easy. Low 9.40 9.43 9.40 9.50 9.44 9.48 9.50 11.10 9.43 9.3S 93P Middling 11.40; spots quiet. High Jan 9.53 9.51 -Ma:-ch 9.51 April 9.50 May 9.56 June 9.4S Jl' 9.56 Sept 11.25 Oct 9.64 ov 9.55 Dec 9.54 Close 9.40-41 9.41-43 9.47-48 11.08-10 9.43-44 9.37-38 9.40-41 sclidated Lake SupeHoi IS2. : iron Age says nrn ,h" Va"ta' , UF THE KIDNT3VS must be curtailed as conn;f ""ADDER and Dr. David Ken being reduced weefbv wSPwn S rFav?riteEemedycaotoccWy outward movement nfLZ- Heavy ?e ""Pep1 at the same time. -If yhl expected To inflSlce STK SUth hi,1 th te SS unfavorably. Bargained fiM y u-easury since Fririnv qci nA a ""h--"j nuimg me nignt, and parisons shoS Canadian p- Cm- JvSf P&in accT,Panies its Psage, and net earning ?n?rf ,acific gross fi? fadneys and bladder are in bad cent -In Umr S ST, fifty Per SPQ uld be treated at once . ul auu a naif vesra -roVin iiiverv iiosfl nf rT rAirTT- uviaend, advanced from fnn .:"',! NEDY?S pa vapttp Di." I ZJ Z c Per cent. Readings official ZL but surelf pVsW "r8 "5" Coty, I ttllirTl-lT in . ' I I." 1 ' v uviuv Ul IUC I SpeclfJcatloM ,... I ClttC! Ullli. I : ' -S DOC Csttoa Ulna. t.wmivii35IONER'S SALE OF CITY ntfti. to TATE. iuub ui a aecree of the Su North Carolina a Important. reauction in ratP o , . I tir;l nf products. MinneannHo OL.1 nev ki l"e K1U- rr:""15. c auieQ: 'wpIvp .rlVr1" &.ulKe tism .ir; a- lului "4 5ue last will and testa- ordered .68 nail in that cnantoi nrnnooi. i-n . - "rv-viai j-vccumss enuuea: U. W. Kdrtina m per cent twd ucl"uea (.l. " ',..r-r -r -"""auuu, umu yv. lm &aams, deceased and declined i nn Twenty - active railroad fl completely disappear. Do not lose others, ex-parte, I will sell at declined 1.00. faith or find fault if you are not entirely auction to the highest bidd- Atcnison Balti & Ohio 3an Pac . Ohes & Ohio Chi fe Alton Chi fe o WpsiV. Erie Rock Island 1-1 Central Uiu & Nash ban " Missc Pac Misso K & T New Y C : Norfolk A W -'fltario t W Penna- Aeadintr St Paul ...... So Pac So Railway ... Railway P'f'd rex&Pae Onion Pa Wabash ... iraal Copper Brook Rap Traris 3ol Fuel Iron .. Peonloa fiat, I X . . , .44-4a Sug-ar 9.47-48 1 Tenn Coal A 0 S Leather .... OS Steel .... 0 S Steel P'f d Western Union V C Chemical 5b . 20 curedhvnffu v;-.: :""1,0.'' ".. "suesx Diaaer -f v uwl Lir. ic-i w.( 1 lr Triti?k nin 1.11 1 1 v I'linrr rAivnA- i . . eas3 hara fcten, tvTC ! ; ,"TB.uoor' 3n e city 0 xxc.iu.ci uia w unve tnem a way. . Druggists sell it in New SO Cent Site and the regular $1.00 size bottles. vouie-enovgHJor trial, free by mail. m m'nM 3 v v.vjvxv h TorTl' . day f Octo- x -L.7VO, an me iouowing real estate located in the city of Charlotte and dS scribed as follows: 1st lot. Beinsr lnratprl of i-uc lui iier .. . . . - .1273 . 99) HI . viy, ... UA ... 115M .... 5334 .... 20 ....119? M 24t: I Or. David Kennpdv rnrnn..i n j .... I mndo V.,r v, . n . . c 1 o,i? 1 " "."uum.n.r. i rT-""x ouuuiwesc intersection of anw e ana ast mn streets, ..uwuu,,, ,5C , - - , .u. au.u. uesignatea on as iTnt E Charlotte. Persnaii o .-i. . . . Lf fJ u.U4.ua,c.iW-".warili j ..uui.ica Autumn Tours I aiu tlLJ' ana irontms: 36 fppt If 'rt J. . ' - 1363 . 40 ... I V; ... 0 . 6 19 08 UVERPOOL COTTON. Futures closed easy. January-February . . " 5 qs February-March .. .'. .. 07. Jiarcu-Aprn 5 Q7 April-May '.5.0G 07 September 5 76 September-October ... ss October-November 517 ig November-December .. .. 5.12 13 Locember-January ." ...5 10 Receipts 10,000; sales 6,000." ' Middling 6.28; spots easier. to Lake Toxaway and the Sao- c vuuniry. very LOw Rates. In order to give to OTPna on portunity to see and enjoy the won derful and beautiful Lake and Moun tain section in the Land of the Sky o11 .uS the "SaPPnire Country," the Southern Railway will sell tickets ??tUay',Sertember 15th- 22nd and f i rn 11UIU anotte, N. C, to Jf Jaway' N- c- and return at rate of ?25.95. This rate includes rail road fare from Charlotte, N. C, to Lake Toxaway and return, carriage ride between Lake ToxaWay. i2 bapphire, and Lake Fairfield ; . also Seven davs hnaril o 11.. . 553 I ,. T ' - " ciiuci tilt! i? raiiK- 3 111! Inn Q Tt.q,,j. m : " 1 fiV t ot- rn "",uu' toxaway inn at y Lake Toxawav: FairfipM tt, 0 t i Fairfield; Sapphire inn t i..vn Phire; or the seven days time may be hoTel? between any two or all of the These excursions will norcnnoii. frmH,,n.j t t" . "wiicixjr "ulcu iium ienaersonviiiA and every attention will be shown to those wrTf "TA. ana- extending back . W1UU1 123 reet along Fifth street. This lot win ha -am i:n U-JtsTthree Anting 36x20 feet &,Lieec, ana the other, (upon ,ChJlocat?d a ?k ore build iii uuuC 0 ieet on Colleee i. k,j icci ueep. 2nd lot. Beine' nil r,t o,, 129, m Ward 1 of the city of Charlotte accordino- tn rfi. W1"uiie, CARING FOR DAMAGED' PROPER TY. T.t- fire insurance-contract " says, !p1S C.mpany sha11 not be "able for loss by neglect of the insured to use all reasonable means to save and preserve the nrnnm-tv o ter a fire." - ai- This agreement nlaces nil property that accrues after a fire, be cause of the "netrWt rf t,a 4,,',.j use all reasonable mTio') for the property, on the claimant, inis provision is lust and. when properly exnlainAd tnQ ! sured will not hesitate to follow 'the instructions of the agent or adi,,Bt m caring for the property. 11 Uie iaCT. tnflt"tha vv4... . to thfe insured after the fire, as before the fire; that the nwnpnMn v, I changed; and that only the direct loss oy the fire belones tn tho nnin,nn the amount named in the policy be carefully and the insured, he will not fail to take proper care, particularly if v.. stands that all expenses of such car- 1 want ( to purchase any thing hi the 5 and jOc line wc arc tlic headquarters on this class.as wc bujr In yy rgc quantities and arc in a position to maKc lowest priics fbf th tminm 5 m 16c ink See ovr ads arid window fcatr- M6n day. : l'K5i according to Butler's map, except two H?5 Wi" b.ecome Part of his loss and lots (each fronting 49 1-2 feet on l5 m agamst the company under the SJS? ? Ending back wS PS 42 90 110 17 63 18 CHARLOTTE COTTON Corrected by Heath-Reid, Jobbing and Commission Co. C.cod middling .....10.00 Strict middling o'oo -Miaanng 9. 43 New STOCKS. York, Sept. 24.-Town Tonics nwV" ."f. marP5 tur says: The only favorable devolnnmpnt i,;',i 111B UCII1S very To li 'r. 1 cc ttUU 8wy m me way of liauida- uuu. ibuuits or trnRfa anfi CHICAGO GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Chicago, Sept. 24. Wheat: A vpt-v oeansh antwpm c 1, " 'Cr WI" utJ snown to those large Russian shipm win T l l 1S!S les and saP was verv heayy rfn, w oQA" tuaieQ at an altitude of houses in the way f l1. - ana are -among the s-on houses buying was auite nm. States ni0r,d, iG. Unite? levels witnessed in mnnfh xt- tha finntu Kei asent or th nincjA iin 1-0 -rr- "way or - " iwauo weie reportea work ed for export including the Seaboard Kansas City and Duluth and there was a slight rally. The market is very un settled and nervous. Declines appear ing purchases may be in order for smalL upturns. ,.' i-!tiS'l I Corn: Country acceptances were very light, and while th erf Wna: a lit' tie strength early, the market turned that width 190 torj.r hJC "? int .28 ts, upon 10 of " o'e iucatea nouses QT1Tfrms of ? one-tliird cash; bal 12 andn T1 mtallmets, payable in tfroCtd8 mo?ths at 6 per cent, in terest from date, with privilege of paying all cash. Map of this property may be seen by prosnectivp enasers in the office of the clerk of thPe"r?urAfor id county. Luc 4lu aay of September, 1903. 9-S-30days. C. W. EDDINS, Commissioner. R. L. VERNON T P a 7 -4- Charlotte, N. C. S. H. HARDWTCK- n a Washington, D. C. lot ices Seaboard Air Line Railway DOUBLE DAIL.T S?t?Trroi7. - - New nrir.a Vj quanta, 44 rumu Koutn and West. fi-air,- E.ffect April 12th, 1903. Trains arrive as follows' dd. from Atlanta M. tr . . ton Ei,hmnnr"l w w lanta, M:dsX m. " aie,gn, At ton' Jhnth New York, Washing. minetnnT;uLlrluiK' ttaleigb. wu. Train 32. from" Tn,tv... . and Linco ntoi 7.9rwl"luI1 sneiDy Trains leave as follows: Norfolk RM5iiWlnSon' Raleigh, York k 'm Richmond, Washington, New this morning is the failure of the bank of England directors to advance the omcial rate of discount, whih re mains at four per tont. Sentiment over nignt has become more bearish, and all indications point, to lower prices. Indefinite rumors on something hane- ing over me market, continued liaui Nation for the account of operators at uisDurg, and other DOints who had been over extended, and the absent of any public buying will bring about iunner weakness in the security mar ket. The failure of prices to imnrove on the treasury department announce ment of bond redemption is disap pomxing, and any good news will have little influence. The profits for me time Demg are to be made nn th r-hort side, and we advise the sal of May Baltimore and Ohio, B. R. T.. New OATS ork Central, L. & N, Union Pacific, Sept. . -uuune -?.cinc and Rock Island. uec The industrials will all ea lower Rut May there is little profit on the short sido f PORK v v.uv 1 01 steel or copper. The early London Oct. . iwKet was quiet but rather heavy in Jan. tone, with only slight chances in May '- prices. LARD Sept. Oct Jan. RIBS Sept. .. ml?Vnhin 'New 'YovK 7& pm ton' ifn.i9Ljnclnton' Shelby. Rutherford- Commissioners' Sale Of Valuable Farm 1 9n,i CoJlr run solid to and from t'-L- - .tA li v . ri MPn- 1 vv rnn. cuiiuiuons or a bullish character be- person, and others vs. Mamie Louise LPuUman vestibule sleeper, Charlotte to ing disregarded. The closing was weak. Henderson, and others, proceedhag for ?hrourt But.it is possible eood sizpd ramoa sale of land fnr mvttLZ "is?,, ii1!?" leePer to Washington. Balti. tn. " at C r "V."w"v c win sen miaqeipnm and New York. all other a bullish character hf- may be witnessed. Oats: Were strong early, but turned very heavy in sympathy with wheat and corn. Liquidation appearing in large volumes. There were slight re coveries at the closing. We helievp cats will have to work lower. Hiffh Low WHEAT Sept. .. ... 76i Iec 77 May 79 CORN .. ... ..47 45 47 45 .. .. ....47 45 74 76 78 Sept. Dec. . Close 74V 76 78 45 45 Jan. isew York, Sept. 24. Dow, Jones & says: Bank of England rate un changed. American stocks in London neavy, 1-8 to 3-8 below naritv T-oM-o-h Valley will shut down mines two days 9Ct w-u week on account of overstocking of coal. Penna will allow stockhold ers to anticipate two remaining in stallments on new stock. Forty-three roads for 2nd week September show average gross increase 9.71 per cent. -New York Central earnings quarter ending September 30, show surplus -.37 ...38 ..39 ...12.75 ...12.65 ..12.97 ...10.10 .. 7.75 .. 7.07 .. 9.40 .. 9.42 6.72 36 37 : 37 12.25 12.40 12.52 9.90 7.55 6.92 9.40 9.17 6.55 36 37 38 12.30 12.40 12.55 10.05 7.62 6.92 9.10 9.30 6.62 on Monday, Nov. 2nd.. m., at the county court house door, in r ,, :i AN ' 10 tne highest bid der all that land in Charlotte town- amy auout inree miles from Char lotte, on the Beattie's Ford Road known as "Maranda Henderson home place adjoining the lands of E T Henderson, Mrs. A. Hales, Dr. Paui atxi 1 iiiger, j. a. Thomasson and oth 1 ' cuniainmg 211 1-4 acres. The iauu is wen waterea, good house, new road through the land. The land will be sold as a whole or to suit pur chasers. Terms, 1-3 cash and bal ance in 12 months, interest from date on deferred payment. Pnrrh 51 HOT ro Ti anticipate payment. Land to be sold in Ly Rocky m'Iv narts. thmi Q a "CKy Mount . UUJC, a piut ui sara i-r. rioa.no He idua can De seen at court house or in law office of Clarkson & Duls. This Sept. 12, 1903. E. T. HENDERSON, HERIOT CLARKSON, 3-12-td Commissioners. ?tfLel?,?eet residence and hotels without extra charge. R.. M. GOFFEV PflSQAriffon 3 mit-A. a WHorfoteWesiern SchesuSe tn Effect and Schedule in effect Anmiet qntu -mno o uajiy. unar ntta Roanoke. Va. NORTH BOTJNn 1-1V. cnarlotte, So. Ry. 1-.V. Winston. N. anD W T?p At. CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. "ONE DOSE CONVINCES." Mozley's Lemon Elixir Is a perfect ' liquid laxative, and is unequaled for Indiges tion, headaches, loss ot appe tite, and all other conditions resulting from a derange ment of the stomach and bowels. It promptly 'relieves constipation' and removes all impurities from the system. Fifty cents a bottle at all drug stores. Mozley's Lemon Hot Drops immediately cures coughs, colds, sore throat and bron chitis. 25 cents a bottle. Mozley's Lemon Hot Drops Onions.... 65 70 Chickens spring .... 12 20 Hensi per head ...... 30 Turkeys 12 Ducks 20 Eggs.. .. 18 19 Sides 9 Skins calf 40 50 Hides dry salt 10 Tallow unrendered . 2 2 Beeswax 22 24 Corn ... 70 Wheat .. .. .. 80 Lexington News. Special to The News.) Lexington, N. C, Sept. 24. The stockholders of the Co-operative Gro cery Co. met in the court house last night and elected officers. J. W. Crowell was elected president. The stock is sold at five dollars per share and no one can hold more than two shares. In this way the company will have some two or three hundred families as sure customers. The furni ture and cotton people are behind the enterprise. 1 There will be a street carnival here all next week. A carnival company which has been operating at Salisbury, Concord, etc.. will be on hand. Mr. R. L. Burkhead. and wife went to Norfolk last night. Mr.' Burkhead. has been fn bad bealth for some time' and goes for treatment. Mr. F. W. Seibert, secretary and treasurer of ther Water and Light Co., left yesterday for New York. Mr. Samuel B. Love, of Charlotte, spent several days here last week. Tristee's SaJe Under and by virtue of the power untamed m a need or Trust executed to me by E. C. Frierson, dated the oibt aay or March, 1902, and recorded m the Register of Deeds office for Mecklenburg county. North Carolina m Book 166, Page 99, because of de- rauic in tne payment of the debts therein secured, I will sell for cash, at public auction, to the highest bid der, at the county court house door 01 meckienburg county, in Charlotte N. C., on Monday, the 19th day of Oc tober, 1903, at 12 o'clock m., all that certain lot or parcel of land conveyed and described in said Deed of Trust, and being; described as follows: viz: ' ' Lying and being in Charlotte town- snip, Mecklenburg county, N. C. and more particularly described and de fined as follows: Situated in the su burbs known as Biddleville. near the city of Charlotte, and adjoining the lands of Severs and Etheridge, Caro lina Central Railroad, and others, and bounded as follows: viz: Besinninir at a corner Biddleville and Carolina Central Railroad, and running -with the Biddleville line about 181 feet to a stone, Sally Wilson's corner; thence with Sally Wilson's line about 157 feet to Severs' and Etherldge's line, a corner on said Severs' and Etheridge's line; thence with said Severs' and Etheridge's line to a corner, about 84 feet, on the Carolina Central Rail road; thence with said Railroad to the beginning; being the same lot of land conveyed to said Ewdard C Frierson by Wm. M. White and wife by deed recorded in Register of Deeds office for Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, in Book 144, Page 289, to which deed reference is made. This the 16th day of September, 1903 H. N. PHARR, Trustee. 9-16-tds 11:10 a. m. -2:fo p, m, .5:15 p. m. .6:35 p. m. 7. ,111 KOTTT.tr VXxttVV ''. m. Charlotte fr--yv,tj- Ar. WinstoM P- m- & iM?1 MM a. m; Connenta at t?q,i, ::,'"AVr-t' h - Hagerstown and all nomt mSiX.Y' Shenandoah vania -and New York ri,7im.iir rl PWloI0rw "iv-ci Thf in w MUi uutC LUllJ I1H.I1 V Tl fT nnivi y tX u to iaKe any Property. fPerty at or after the fire 1 e ln!urance company owns the fi. tne exPenses of the loss up "-" mtj poncy. The insurance company is not bound 1 ci.id.ee or repair any property. hot, ,1 ti a , comPany nas the op 5 tQe loss has been adjusted, either by agreement or appraisement to replace cr repair, and to take any xllSe Et itS &greed ?r aPPi-aised The insurance company, by its agent or adjuster, must not take pos session of any nronertv until 0n has been aereed upon ooS6- mf"ra1nce company is inter ested in the loss only. The insured owns all of the property and has a direct interest in saving as much as he can. Tell him this storv. tell him ctio-i, anA .1.1 i . - ""al6ul 7u , "ai ue understands , it, and then if he is bullheaded and won't ",iUW U1S contract, let him, and not the company, suffer for his refusal to uu nuai is rignc. C. N. G. BUTT & CO., Insurance Headquarters. v - y 8 v v,-' TO'lM 0 w sir e naif its- 01 tz'Ttri u 0 o 2 9 AOI TRADE ST PERT DC SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Effect June 21. 1903. This condensoil caIihi. '. . . . . 4:30 a. m. No. s oiit. t inl and local nofnf wenmona for Winstoi:SaTem:"Ri iTsboro0 forWNSrrfofd Morehead atSffiSffi for:10S&ten-5,alI?cePt Sunday W&,c,ni5eti ' " Moorese -Tr VVinston-SaleTn. at 9tntni. v" . .iur vflle HickoryT'Lenoir and Blowing Rock P imm-, No- 39 daily Atlanta Express lanV sleeper and day coaches to At lanta. Close connections at Spartanburg o.4Hendernville and AshevilleT S lunibt001' Chestor;nnTbo,Prao3 r)f.SII ??ian sleepers ton and Sayanah:10 uoacn' wasmn York rKT."".? JOOC c55 occccccccSo ooccco ccooocccc ..... COMP'fe Roanoke and Philadelphia. 8-m maiHfIn leave Winston-Salem dally except Sunday, for ' W. B. BT5VTT.T. Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke. Vr . Brage, Trav. Pass. Agent. tsss BUTCHER KNIVES Armistead Burwell , Jr. HARDWARE, SPORTING GOODS AND H0USEFURNISH1NGS 25 N. Tryon Street. Bell 'Phone 343. and Memphis; Pullman observTti 'cTr sohT Pullman diDinS 5S?5 t:0 ? ,m- No- 30 daily, for Washlnff- Washington. .r 1l"a-1 .lo villa t.- """S-.llu" - i uan- vice "'V1"""""' va- fining car ser Msb feoCa loclf sPt-at?onv" 0 a?ta and for rKr q o Teif n ai?d Passenger, 7-in n m &.CV,,5W Points. flJfl iim;0' 12 daI1y. for Richmond and local stafions. connects at Greens boro and Goldsboro; - Pullman sleeolr Richmond. '6". ariowe to forsStinL0 24daIlyN except Sunday, ojy1118 a,nd Jocal -stations; con nects at StatraivU a fm. Aa-htn V-- viBu.?i Pattanoofa and Memphis? - - and. all nointa North ' and Pullman 6bservktion ca? to Wew man trahi.ninS 8ervlc' SoUd -9:50 o. m.'"rn. i foti. . ' rtHSava5n& ChlVle7tonandToDcti stations beyond Chester. Pullman ers to Jacksonville; first-class coach. asiiineton to Jacksonville. ' 10:20 d. m. Nn 95 tt a T7!i. !. - Atlantaand allolnta South anrSouth 1 Sjoom sleepers to uiiu -Dirmingnam : dav Dining car service: " - Ulieaus- 10:15 p. m. No. 40 daUy. for "Washine- f or Washine-toTi ir.t-r""1" ?iBCr lanta to Washington. " Al v;. ti. ACKERT. Gen Mst HARDWICK, Gen .Pass? Ail KITCHEN KNIVES Our Bn i o more iSrgely tHari ever of H ( ( o f C) () () () o () () () (X o () ( ) (X (h (X () ( ( ) () we will sell tevftr4r is" S. H. ' ieung i-ass. Agent. 11 South Tryon Street,' ChariottefN.'c Baggaee called fnr on uiS t.i.i . biiovacu XI LI III hotel and residenna hv -uroiaii,. officne!fer CO' n rderS left a City Ticket tONE CENT. A WORD" WILL SELL or rent your house, get you a cook or a job and supply almost any of your wants. For Rent Four-room cottage, N. Caldwen St., ?5.00 per month. ; : . -. Modern-6-rdom house, 301 Elizabeth Avenue, $12.50 per month. Flat; 311 1-2 N. Tryon street, $12.65 per month. Water paid. -J. K. A. ALEXANDER, 225 N. Tryon Street. O O O () O O O O I J -a. oTb O Stock o o e o . E5fy poods llpyeliSes ., ; ... -t, . V'f a ft. : -r Ooodls room for NeW in ) btsatReducecrH; '1 .it Vr 4t see i uiXi'u Ki fti s yixs a () 2." . .U West Trsk.de Street Z ) f O Ma" Orders Receive oar Prompt Attention. t CCOCCODCCCCOCO gegKAXfsQ ocoec O f! n o o