CHARLOTTE NEWS JSEPTEMBER 24, 1903. 8 TOLD IN A PARAGRAPH. Little Items Of News Gathered Over the City Today. The Retail Grocers meet tonight at S o'clock. All members are requested to be present. Mr. M. Kirshbaum, formerly of Charlotte, who is now in' business in Atlanta, is here on a visit to members of his family. There will be a free public exami nation for teachers at the county court house, superintendent's office, October 8 9, 10 for whites only. For colored teachers 15, 16, 17. Rev. Alexander Sprunt, D. D., will again fill the pulpit of the Second Presbyterian church next Sunday. While in the city he will be the guest cf Mr. D. Parks Hutchison. Mr. F. D. Sampson, of the Char lotte electric car line, who has been abroad for the past month or six weeks, returned home last night. Mr, Sampson talks interestingly of his trip to the old country. Cotton took another drop today. The receipts at the local pdatform amounted to 206 bales and the best price was 10 cents. For the same day last year the receipts amounted to 271 bales and the best price was S cents. The regular meeting of Charlotte lodge No. SS will be held this evening. Two candidates for membership in the order will be introduced to the mys teries of the initiatory degree. All vis iting Odd Fellows are invited to attend. The Daughters of the American Revolution will celebrate the anniver sary of the battle of Charlotte at the residence of Mrs. Edward Roach, Sat in day afternoon the 26th of September at 4 o'clock. All members are expect ed to be present. Mr. Johnson, representing the Charlotte division of the Life Insur ance Department of the Southern Loan and Trust Co., of Greensboro, has rented for that company a handsome front office in the Trust building, through F. C. Abbott & Co. This leaves but six front offices in the entire build ing unoccupied, these being on the fifth and sixth floor. PEOPLE YOU MEET. Some Are Strangers and Some Are Home Folks. Mrs. Emily P. Guthrie, mother of Mr. Thomas C. Guthrie is the guest of her son at their home in Dilworth. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chatham have re turned from Elkin where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Miller, Jr., and little daughter, left yesterday for Hot Springs. N. C. Miss Katharine Core, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Core in Dilworth, returns to her home in Ohio this evening. Mr. W. P. Williams, of Spartanburg, is in the city. , Mr. P. S. Baker, of King's Mountain, was a Charlotte visitor today. Mr. W. A. Thomas, of Statesville, was here today. Mr. W. F. Fry. of Raleigh, is in the city today. Mr. Baxter Davidson, of Washington, D. C, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Laura B. Davidson. Strike In Chicago. (By Associated Press.) Chicago. Sept. 24. The strike cf the flour leaders at Minneapolis began at midnight and seventeen flour mills em ploying 1800 men are closed. One Cent a Word No advertisement inserted in this column for less than 10 cents each in sertion. FOR RENT Five-room cottage, 211 North Cedar street. Apply to J.- H. Emery. 24-2t LOST Between South Graded School and 407 East Seventh street, pair of Spectacles in Case, with Dr. Whis ant's name on same. Reward for re turn to News office or 407 East Seventh street. 24-2t FOR SALE One Disk Plow, One Disk WTheat Drill. J. W. Miller, Sardis, N. C. 24-ltn&TD CHECK BOYS WE WANT SEV- eral good bright boys for regular work. The Bee Hive. 24-lt FOR SALE STORE FIXTURES. 2 Show Cases, 4 pair Scales, Oil Tank, Measures, etc. S. A. Griffith, 807 East Seventh street. 24-2t ELEGANT 5-ROOM HOUSE IN DIL- worth, near car line. Lot 50x150, nicely paled in, elegant water. Pos sesion given 29th. See Tom Gaddy on street car. $2.50 a week. 24-2t A SNAP SEVERAL NEW ROLL and Flat Top Desks for sale very cheap. J. E. Cray ton, 202 S. Tryon street. 19-3t-eod FOR RENT Five-room house, 206 S. Graham street. W. R. Robertson. 24-2t WANTED We want to buy 500 "Feather Beds." Will pay highest cash price. If you have one to sell write. We will call. G. W. Porter, Charlotte, General Delivery. 24-4t YOU CAN CALL JOHN W. SMITH over either telephone. Charlotte 'phone 170. Bell 1901. 23-4t WANTED Regular salesmen to sell our line of cheroots, cigars and plug tobacco as a side line. Dixie Tobacco Co., Bedford City, Va., 8-20-Thurs.-Sat20t WANTED Position in Beef Market by first-class market man. Reliable in . every particular. References furnished. Address "Market," care The News. 22-3t BOARDERS WANTED AT NO. 13 Mint street. 22-5t MR. R. CULPEPPER IS NOW AT the Grocery Store of J. C. Helms, 601 South Graham, and would be glad to see and serve his friends. Charlotte 'phone 119B. 22-5t n n n n TWO ENTIRE FIELDS COVERED FOR TWENTY CENTS n n n n n n u ANiiNPnimiPn offfr n yz nil unuyunukku wi kii wf r ; WW will iusci t juui V H tisement in the "One-Cent-a- J-4 n n n n n Word" column of both the n n n n n n CHARLOTTE NEWS (Largest circulation in Char lotte) and TIMES -DEMOCRAT n j-f (Largest circulation in Meek- J lenmirgj at oniy iu cems per y-f W line. At this rate you can -l Y-f cover as with a blanket Char- W lotte and Macklenburg county, G J-4 the territory from which. J-l Yf Charlotte merchants draw YJ tjf nine-tenths of their trade. 2 M Remember each of these pa- M W pers has a larger circulation in it3 territory than any other, 1 and when you want to reach -4 the people who trade in Char tf latte they have no equals. J-l This offer holds good for . -V W any day in the week until further notice. TRY US ON YOUR NEXT PRINT- ing. We will do the rest. News Printing House. 1 i DR. J. B. ALEXANDER'S HISTORY of Mecklenburg for sale at 410 N. Tryon street, ?2.00. 23-7t TEN CENTS A LINE That pays for both the News (largest circulation in the city) and the Times-Democrat (largest circulation in the county.) Nine-tenths of the busi ness men of Charlotte get nine tenths of their trade from the terri tory covered by these papers. WE GIVE YOU SATISFACTION and save you your good money when you come to us for Printing. News Printing House. WE PLEASE YOU IN BOTH PRICE and Printing. News Printing House. INCREASED SALE OF MIDA Water. The best testimonial of merit. 8-tf BOARDERS WANTED AT NO. 301 North Brevard street. 10-tf BEST PLUMBING, HOT WATER, Heating, etc. Carolina Plumbing and Heating Co. 3-tf CHARLOTTE WILL SOON HAVE an abundance of cheap power. This will promote manufacturing and in crease population. Moral: Buy lots at Villa Heights. 24-lt EXPERT UPHOLSTERERS, OIL Finishers and General Furniture Re pairers. Second-hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Car pets and Mattings Cleaned on floor. First-class work and charges rea sonable. McLaughlin & Co., 14 W. Fifth. Bell 'phone 22. 24-2t-eod AVOID THE RUSH AND THE RISE on lots at Villa Heights by buying now. 24-lt SEED WHEAT FOR SALE 800 bushels Fulcaster Wheat. W. R. Gray, Davidson, N. C. 9-23-4td3tw SUBURBAN PROPERTY COM- mands almost as much as city lots. Villa Heights lots are cheap and de sirable. 24-lt FOR SALE My House,- 216 North Myers. J. S. Robinson. 14-tf FRESH Fish and Oysters every day, No. 233 East Trade. Bell 'phone 163. J. H. Mann. 24-3t RING JOE KLOUSE, NO. 165, FOR your Sunday Oysters. Receives ship ment daily of the best. 22-tf FOR SALE CHEAP ONE GENTLE family Horse and one Jersey Cow. Apply to 1113 South Calwell St. 21-4t 231 NORTH TRYON STREET? 21-tf THE KIND OF PRINTING THAT appeals to business men is done by us. News Printing House.. SPECIAL OCCASIONS The Sea board begs to announce special rates have been authorized to the iouowing points, at rates and under conditions named below: Holiness Convocation, Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 13, 1903. Dates sale, October 11th, 12th and 13th, 1903. Limits con tinuous passage each direction; final limit October 21st, 1903. Fare from Charlotte $7.30 for rniinrl trin Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star MecKienburg Presbytery, Wades boro, N. C, September 30, October 3rd, 1903. Dates sale September 29th and aot.h iM2 Limits continuous passage, final mu uctooer 5th, 1903. Fare from Charlotte, $2.75. Third Annual Ex hibition Richmond Horsp. Sh nw As- sociation. Richmond, Va., October 13th, 17th, 1903. Rates one fare plus ouc. admission, for the round trip, Dates sale, October 12th to 15th, 1903. Final limit, October 19th 1903. N. C. State Fair. Raleiirh. N C, Oct. 19th-24th, 1903. Rates, one fare plus 50 cts. admission. Dates ?ale Oct. 17th to 23rd. 1903. Inr.ln sive. Limit continuous passage, final limit October 26th, 1903. Annual Convention. Brotherhood of St Andrew. Denver. Colorado Snrins and Pueblo, Col., Oct. 7th-llth, 1903. Rates one far nlns Kft ota for round trip. Dates, sale October 3rd to vtn, inclusive. Final limit Oct. 3lst, 1903. Meeting N. C. Presby terian Synod. Wilminerton. N n. November 3rd, 1903. Dates sales November 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1903. Limits continuous passage, final limit November- 13th; -1903:-' Fare from Charlotte, $7.75. 9-24-tf n FOR SALE OR RENT NEW NINE room residence, all modern conven iences, on Elizabeth Avenue. Two car lines pass door. Apply to Louis N. Schitf. 26-tf FOR RENT One five-room cottage, modern improvements, No. 407 W. Eleventh. 'Phone 278. 2-tf FOR RENT Cottage, corner Ninth and Poplar. All modern conven iences. Apply to Frank Dixon. 28-tf DON'T FORGET TO HAVE YOUR ad repeated in Times-Democrat. THE SEABOARD BEGS TO AN- nounce that the Summer Excursion tickets now on sale to its many at tractive resorts, will be withdrawn September 30th, 1903. 17-12t IF THE CAROLINA PLUMBING and Heating Co. did it for you it's all right. 3-tf this head consisting of eight lines48 words- will be inserted at tne rate oi to per monin, eou per year. Daily change of ad allowed, including notice in daily index of ds. Bonafidc circulation in charlotte larger than that of any other paper. best advertising to be had. STENOGRAPHERS DON'T HANDI- oan vnnrself. or hamper vour future prospects by using obsolete, blind writing machines. Ine uuver is m the line of progress anj v 111 advance your interests. 'PHONE US YOUR ORDERS WHEN in need of anything in the Grocery line. Our goods are always fresh and strictly up-to-date. We will appreciate your orders.CO C H R A N E & ROSS, 319 North Tryon street. Both 'Phones. We are prepared to mas estimate on any kind of Monumental work from the cheapest to the most costly Monu ment. We represent one of the largest marble works in the South. Gire ns a call, we will save you money. Z. A. HOVIS & CO., Undertakers. HEADQUARTERS FOR FANCY GRO- ceries. All grades Flour at lowest prices. Home-made Molasses and Lard. Nice Country Hams and Shoul ders. Fresh Chickens and Eggs. 25 barrels nice Apples. Full line Coun try Produce. Free delivery anywhere in city. J. T. & H. F. MULLIS, 18 North College. Bell 'phone 4271. DO YOU DRINK THE BEST? IT IS Vade Mecum Mineral Water for the relief of various stomachal affections and cleaning the complexion. Price 25 cents a gallon. DILWORTH DRUG STORE, B. S. DAVIS. Bell 'phone 247; Charlotte 'phone 358. ' PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS-FIT- ting. Lookout who you have to do your work. We are practical Plumbers and the only firm in Charlotte in which all members hold certificate of competency. BREEN & HYLAND, No. 7 West Fifth street. Bell 'phone 91. WE TAKE ORDERS FOR CUSTOM Made Clothing. Have a full line of samples of the newest Foreign and Domestic Woolens with latest and swellest Fall and Winter Fashion Plates to choose styles from. CARO LINA PRESSING CLUB, W. H. C. Barkley, Propr., 12 East Fifth. Bell 'phone 306. JUST RECEIVED THE FINEST Cream Cheese, mild and rich, 16 2-3c, uox lots, i3c. This is the best Cheese that's possible to make. New crop Dried Apples, 5c. and 6c. Nice Coun try Butter 25c. BRIDGERS & CO. WOOD FOR ALL WHO WISH TO be comfortable during the coming winter, and at reduced rates in five or more cord lots. Stoves and Ranges, i-ire fiace, Heater Blocks, Pine and Oak. H. G. MARSH & BRO. Yard 850 North Poplar. Bell 'phone 402. JUST GOT IN A SPECIALLY HAND- some line of Bedroom Suits anH Hnli Racks. Our Furniture is all new and tne latest styles and buying in such volume we get lowest figures. Ours is the most liberal instalment house in Charlotte. HERRING & DENTON, Fifth and College streets. TO LET DWELLINGS, $6, $12, $20, $12.50, $35. Come a running if you're needy. For sale: Desirable More head street lot, shady side, 50x175 to an alley, only $1,800, easy terms. Now, this is a bargain, and if you ever ex pect to own a desirable home site, choice neighborhood and thoroughly unobjectionable, this is the oppor tunity. Wait until this is gone, then kick, as usual. E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon street. SEND HERE FOR ALL YOUR GRO- ceries. Give us a chance to learn what you like and what you don't like. We have goods to please because quality is high. Prices a small advance on cost. M. F. KIRBY, Sixth and Tryon streets. Bell 'phone 1570; Charlotte 'phone 294. HAVE JUST RECEIVED FRESH line Blue Ribbon Extract Lemon and Vanilla, 10 and 25c. goods. We make a special run on these goods and al ways keep them in best condition. We are building up a trade on good goods and square dealing. J. E. DARSEY. CUT GLASS AND SILVERWARE make suitable wedding gifts. Call and see my line before buying. Goods bought here engraved free of charge. J. E. STEERE, Jeweler, 41 North Tryon street. CASSIO C. BRANNAN, VIOLINIST and Teacher. Musical Director Acad emy, of Muic. Twenty-five years ex perience. Pupil of Eichberg and Jakob sohn. --irictly high grade teaching along ije lines of modern research. Residence 210 W. Fourth street, or ad dress care Stieff's Music House. OYSTERS ARE BEGINNING TO taste good again, for we are well into September. We are getting the juiciest, best selected ever brought to this market and serve them in any style just to your liking. Shrimp and Rice Birds. Open day and night. GEM RESTAURANT, E. F. CRESWELL, Manager. S BUILDERS EVERYTHING FROM RAW MA- terial to finished produce (except the ticking) in Charlotte Elastic Felt Mat tresses comes from home and is made by home labor. Patronize home indus tries, keep your money at home where it will build up home and at same time get a better Mattress than elsewhere. WOOD, OAK AND PINE HINSON Bros, have opened a Wood Yard at the M. L. Davis' yard, 306 E. Fifth. We have Oak and Pine in any size and quantity. Place your order for your winter's supply. We guarantee prompt delivery. HINSON BROS'. Bell 'phone 415. WANT A FEW HUNDRED SHARES more to wind up the 28th series Char lotte Building and Loan, and if you come at once you can get in without paying back interest. Now, this is a good chance for all enterprising men, women or young people.' There's no other way to invest small sums so ad vantageously and so securely. E. L. KEESLER, Sec'y. and Treasurer, 25 South Tryon street. 540,000 BICYCLES SOLD IN THE U. S. last year, and none gave better satisfaction than fie kind we sell: Tribunes, Rambler, Crescents, Eagles, Yales and others. Corbin's Duplex Coaster Brakes. Large stock of Bicycle Sundries. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 12, 1903. Messrs. A. W. Brown & Co., Agents for the U. S. Casualty Co., New York. Dear Sir: It pleases me greatly to send my sincere thanks through you to the United States Casualty Co., for draft received this morning for pay ment of claim in full. By claim blank was made out after receiving the blanks from the company and after only a few days the draft was for warded to me for my acceptance. Thanking them for their promptness, I am, Yours most truly, J. K. A. ALEXANDER. My sickness being tonsilitis. Sept. 23rd, 1903. bility from ALL sickness and accident, Benefit Co., Charlotte, N. C. Sirs: ' I beg to acknowledge re ceipt of check for $12.00 for two weeks sickness. Accept my thanks for your prompt settlement. Truly, W. G. LAKE, Secretary and, Treasurer Model Steam Laundry Co. People's Mutual Accident and Sick Benefit Co., Charlotte, N. C. Sirs: I have received your chejek for $12.00 to cover two weeks sick ness. I am pleased with my policy and desire to thank you for the promptness with which claim was paid. Truly, W. H. CATHEY, With Allen Hardware Co. The People's Mutual Accident and Sick Benefit Company pays fGr disa bility from all sickness, and accident, not twenty or thirty diseases. Read the other policy and then read ours. Statement of the Condition of the SOUTHERN LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK, At the close of business on the 9th day of September, 1903. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts . .$ 153,098 08 Furniture and fixtures . . . 875 00 Cash on hand and in banks . . . . '. 19,046 11 Total $173,019 19 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 25,000 00 Profits, net 6,346 97 Reserve for accrued in terest 864 81 Deposits 136,807 41 Rediscounts 4,000 00 Total $173,019 19 I, F. J .Haywood, Jr., Cashier of the Southern Loan & Savings Bank, do solemnly pvear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. F. J. HAYWOOD, JR., Cashier. Correct Attest: P. M. BROWN, JNO. M. SCOTT, D. O'DONOGHUE, Directors. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of September, 1903. BAXTER ROSS. Notary Public. Balm For Face, Lips, Sunburn or any Roughness of the Skin has no equal. Leaves skin beautiful, soft and white. Price 25 cents At JORDAN'S Only Never Closing Drug Store in the State. r 9 CANVAS LEGGINS ? 9 9 6 4 t We have a large lot of CAN VAS LEGGINS now ready for delivery to retail dealers. The quality of canvas used and the leather binding and trim mings are of the very best. The prices are low. Canvas Back Bands and Halters Best quality canvas with red or blue stripes, good leather straps with strong buckles, sewed with good strong waxed thread, and guaranteed to give good service and perfect satis faction. Investigate our prices on these lines. 6 4 t 4 6 6 s 9 9 I Allen Hardware Co. ? E. Trade St. Charlotte. RICHARD N. UTTLEJOHN, M. D. Office and residence 303 North Tryon. Calls from city and adjacent country answered promptly. Night calls given special attention. Bell 'phone 252. MUSIC STUDY "Thorough instruction" and "mod ern methods" are of the utmost im portance in the study of Piano . or Violin. If interested call or address us for pamphlet containing' general information. Yours truly. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Ames. Studio 401, N. Poplar. Bell 'Phone 4262 Dr. H. C. Henderson Dentist, Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. O. Dentistry practiced in all Its branches. All work guaranteed. Queen City 'Phone S7S. NEW LINE FRENCH BRIAR AND CORN GOB AND MEERSCHAUMS W. L. Hand & Company DRUGGISTS, Trade and College Streets. NvinnaJly's Delicioi i Caoidies fresh by ex press today. 60c per lb. Woodall & Sheppard Sole Agents. For Rent 5- room house, 40S "West Twelfth St. Modern conveniences, stables and lot. 12-room house, 7 East Twelfth street. 6- room house, 509 East Seventh St. 5-room house, 311 West Seventh St. 4-room house, 910 East Fourth street. 3-'room house, 307 South Cedar street. 3-room house, 813 East Seventh St. 3-room house, North Cedar street. 1 store-room, South Church street. Several stores, good retail stands. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. Fastest Time on Record. 25th Series Matured 38th Series Opened Twenty-fifth series matured July 25 and we are now ready to pay $100 per share on 375 shares of stock in the 25th series, amounting to $37,500.00. In cash; $18,100.00, in paid-up mortg ages ; $19,400.00, ' which gives a clear profit of $6,562.50 to the stockholders, borrowers as well as non-borrowers. Subscriptions to stock in the new series are now being taken and ap plications for loans can be filed at once and place secured. Mutual Building and Loan Association, P. M. BROWN, Pres. A. G. BRENIZER, Secretary-Treasurer. SILVER. LEA F F L OUR. umuuuuia 3j Ask Your Charlotte Dealer For It. Adams Grain & Provision Go Old Out, Nev; In Why not stop that Rent Account By securing one of those most desirable Homes we are offering on Caldwell street, only four and half blocks from Independence Square and one haTf block from East Avenue? Seven rooms with bath, trunk room and reception . room. Nicely papered throughout with modern improvements. : : : Cash payment $250 to $500, remain der through the B. a.nd L. Association. Hundreds have purchased Homes this way, WHY NOT YOU? : ' : : : : : Southern Real Estate, N I G H T 5 C H O O L For several years we have been conducting the only successful Night School in Charlotte. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and English Branches taught. Same-faculty as day session. Individual instruction Next session opens Monday, October 5, 1903. Call, write or telephone filt rates. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE PIEDMONT BUILDING Elizabeth Ave. Lot ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS ON THE AVENUE; 110 FT. BY 212 T 12 FT. ALLEY. SI $2.000 $300 Cash, Bal. This lot adjoins a $7,00 0 home, one of the handsomest in our city. Evening shade, well elevated on front, with back drainage; water and sewerage on Avenue. The Avenue will soon be macadamized, which will make this Avenue equal to East Ave nue. The price and terms will take it at once. Let us show it to yoii. - . Brown C o mp any 217 N. Tryon St. 55222 3E2 Charlotte National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Assets Deposits With larger assets and depsits than ever before in our history, we invite you to open an ac count with us. You shall have cour teous treatment and every f avor usually granted by a liberal, progressive bank. W. H. TW1TTY, Cashier. B. D. HEATH, President. Banking THE MERCHANTS AND FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 35 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C, ASSETS $1,200,000.00 echanics' PeroetuaU O o O Building and 55 11 OVER 1,000 SHARES 1 42sd - 1 j 1 ' T 1 - : I'll 0 Ana tne oooks are sun open tor an wno wisn to m- vest or borrow. Loans can be obtained within six q months. Call at the office of the Association and g secure Stock AT ONCE. g 0 S. WITTKOWSKY, President. 0 0 R. E. COCHRANE, Secretary, and Treasurer. It Is Very Expensive To delay laying aside a portion of your income, especially when our Savings Department not only helps you to accumulate money by stimu lating systematic methods, but pays interest on the amounts you save. Southern Stages Trust Co., CAPITAL $200,000. Geo. Stephens, Pres.; T. S. Franklin. V.-Pres.; W. H. Wood, 1 reas. F You can buy a very neat, well lo:ated Home on Moreheacd St. Adjoining properties which are very much higher in price. We will take pleasure in showing: it - to YOU. F. C. Abbott & Company TRUST BU.,.D.Ng!VERYTH,NG ,N BEAL E8TATEs0UTH TRYON ST. Loan and Trust Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 6, 12, 18 and 24 1 Real Estate and Rental Agents. Bell 'Phone 1651. $1,132,000.00 $752,000.00 Loan Assoc'n I ALREADY SOLD IN THE Series 11 1 ! ' S 2, X 0 0

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