- - 12 PAGES TM :C1 :: : rtf"-. ABLOTTE THE WEATHER: Clearing Tonight; Fair Sunday; Cold wm VOL. XXIX-NO. 4561 t m m mm mm . - IMMKi WILL I COMETOCHAHLOnE FOR NEXT MEETING Dim . . - - """k6 ALEIGH. Negro Rapl.t In W.ke'county Ja for oars Keeping. (Special to The News.) Rfllptlrti t. n . . ' Hyatt of Tl"' . Sheriff Joo Battle. rninT C:u7' orug&t for safe kwT;T,i w'n wming Pflieha 1 LemT outraged Mrg. scnai LGtig and escaped tita v. ki ilia . - ' er. . t ' " ' - : i CHARLOTTE, N. C. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1 Tlir Invitation filian hw n ,,,v M.fwil Ml U Si I abl ....... v I wiitiin uyntt want . Marr and Detwller In the Nimn nf Pharlntfa ML.j that it wiidwB.ZV.S IIMillW VI WIIMI IULLU Jimillllll I ID Umn tlmva I. ' C3 . i 9Cn " I NAMjg CHANGED. ers Admitted, , LI8? n S "i- nn name Or ItAri PreibfteHan r8ny C' ' BoutbJS resoyterian Colleen rr .. Of MiiaJn Th., 7- ncers or management. M, P.. Thorn is pany and J. "V and treasurer. Bishop Smith's Charge to the Younff Prfianrmrc rii fiSm. J. w. o . . w i w j i u 1 1 i vmui.uuu secretary of Good Advice Dlsposi- n- tion oflrinity High School r ."w.S.S v,. u, ouui,aern-ijeH Telephone Co., made necessary bv the e-ren in. crease In toll business. it is expected that an announcement or the consolidatine of t lenat or Raleigh's exchanges with the Bell will be made in the next few days. Thanksgiving Offering. 4, 1 903. i 1 ' ' (Special to The News.) High Point, Nov. 14. Conference is moving along beautifully. The thing of greatest interest to Charlotte "people is that conference will go to Charlotte next year. Drs. Marr and Detwiler in vited it in the name of Charlotte Meth odism, and not to any special churcli. Mrs. Robertson made a short address on the work of the Greensboro Female College. She says there are 92 stu dents, 70 of whom are boarding stu dents, several more to come after Christmas. Conference, by" resolution, plpdged its co-operation and support ine roiiowing young preachers were Hummed into lull connection: Wm. Biles, J. J. Edwards, B. F. Finched V. 0. Goode, E. P. Green, A. G. Loftin! J. T. Rattledge, P. W. Tucker, S. E. Rirhardscn, C. C. Weaver, B. F. Har-gett. In addressing these voune men Bishop Smith said in part: "PhillDS BODY OF RAYNER BELL. Found In the Pasquotank River By a Ferryman. (Special to The News.) Elizabeth City. Nov. 14. The Vinrl v r.r t t i, . : J ,i ivajruer. ceil wno aisannearfwl frnm uis nome tne night of October 31st was found today by a ferryman floating in tut; x-asquocanK river, near a frrv - mice uiues irom iiiiicabeth City. xutyner leit: tne bedslda nf a flvino- A 1. x . .. 7 uausmer ana ; though ' a thormie-h search way made, nothing was heard of me jmssing man until this morning wjjcn ma ooay was louna. ' Tl( n J 1 X m v-. . auc uauguitsr oi ueii. -wno was a consumptive, died Thursday and was uuneo. yesterday. 11 A reu went away several years S'go, aiitsi me ueam oi an oider daughter, WOMAN E8CAPE8. A Female Prisoner at the County Jail Makes Her Escape. There WaS fl RPnanMnnal nonana fyni the county jail on South Mint street mat -night when Mary Alexander, col, i?S' 6tset through the thick walls of the prison and let herself down from the third story of the jail by means of a blanket torn Into strips uK were deft.,y tied togethef and , a9, a rope y the womaa. I Th details of the escape are of aa unusual nature, The weman had corn- iiiaineti er nmna unwell at)ai Wallace had turned tha nHannaw mi the perrlders. The wlndaws about the ornuors art very narrew, abeut eight laehei lnawldtb. Last summer the wwiipii sin m one of tha w nw wdr found to be In a pw Hut was n aeed In the w nrtnw This Bheriff Wallace thinks, was not put in tightly and the woman removed wu, leaving, tne window ODen. Shn next procured a piece of wire or other material and began digging out the uncKs at the side of the window in order to make an openong large enough for her to escape through. This she succeeded In doinff some tim last night and taking her blanket she tore tnis into a number of strips and tied them toghtly together, makiner a rnne long enougn to reach nearly to the ground from the third story of the jail. After this escape was an easy mauer. , PRICE: 3 CENTS. THE APPALACHIAN EST RESERVE FOR morning BILL INTRODUCED MAYOR McCLELLAN'S REPLY. LlV -r i i. - n-riKt Mayor Brown For Hie Telegram, Mayor P, M, Brown this received the following Murray Hill Motel, to . New V0fk( Kov, &, 1903. Mr. Peter Marshal Drown, My t)ear Slrj of1 aw??. Reoresentltlvfi Brownlnw inJ?p0Li?iLe1 you that , - - .w.....VI, IM , s'nuj annrtirinta vhh tmuin.. iroaucos It This Tlme-The b, im u ,Kd., Cuban Bill Will be Voted on Thursday .- Our Aeel- SlK to "Cftftrlotte. 8. 0." instead nf n i: proper address. '. n I"' c - fuvkor Tallin auuiH nut was rnturnn Clollan at Washineton. dental President, He Is Ruling His Party With the Rod of Iron Does not WantHanna to Get the At tention of the Peop'e N. Postoffices, came Mr, Mc PULLIAM TO SERVE SENTENCE. Brooks said, 'preaching is truth plus I He was found in the woods in a de- nit- man ueuilin it. I no PTPfltPet nor- '. luuuiiilhi. xie was an fiT-I rm. mons some men preach are the lives ' fcderate soldier and. stood well In the they live. You ought to be eentlempn You do not go into homes aa private citizens but aa representatives of the Methodist church. This gives you an entree into any society. Don't be slov enly. YOU mar not he nhlo in rifaa - - . v ui nne, mrt you may be neat and clean iou win nve as you think. By their inms yc snail know them. Peter waa rougn man, yet if is Peter- that writes, 'Be courteous. Pay your bills, all your bills. Avoid debt. Don't be begins for preacher's discount; if it h offered, it is all right. You are not bpRgars. Be truthful. Don't be loose in your language. Don't use too many superlatives. Don't use pious cursing in the pulpit. Do not be two sided; that wrs not mean to be brusque. Don't be on every man's side. Don't be ambitious ior plares. Make a man of yourself and then there will be places calling for '"u. In order to do that you must be very p-ayerful. The secret of the re formation was Luther's prayers.. Be studious. You must think. Pnayer'will not take place of study. Don't set a nigher standard for your people than j u nve yourself. Be industrious. The niK ry is no place for laziness. Do ! uuHe y0ur cnurcn and eat her wrad. It is not honest. The disciplin ary questions were asked and answered and these young, men were admitted by a vote of the Conference. . Btrong temperance resolution was a-Kpted. The resolution requesting Pastors to take a collection on Thanks- 3 v;n (lay anrt 8ent elther to Metho. at Orphanage at Raleigh or Oxford, was adopted. Another was adopted for wiping to raise endowment fund for uperanuated preachers. A memorial irom the Greensboro District Confer "we was read asking the Annual Con ference to nut Trlnltv ai 1 lnnity under local management. It at present under the management of ne Board of Trustees of Trinity Col Be. it was referred to the Board of J canon to get in good shape to pre. inn l'l (ue Conference. The Disposi ng, the Wedington property will probably cause a lively discussion Ri k reaching .mitn, Drs, Atkins, W community. CLEVELAND IN NORFOLK. The Ex-President On a Hunting Ex pedition In Fine Fetter. (Special to The News.) Norfolk, Va., Nov. 14. Grover Cleve land arrived In thisailty today on. the Ni Y., P. and N. .boat and left this morning for Princess Anne county with a party to spend a few days hunt ing on the back bay gunning preserves. The Ex-President looks in better health than when he was here last year, though he brings his usual flesh. He talked freely until the coming presidential campaign was- mentioned "I left politics at home," he said, "I am here to hunt ducks." "Will you name one of them, nomination, this time?" he was asked, recalling the recent Joke on him. He then escaped Into a wait ing carriage. He would not talk of Hearst or Gorman. ase To Be Finally Settled Here In December.' .... sAi tne .District 'Court that meets in Charlotte in December, the case ui Lawrence .ruiiiam, who was con victed and sentenced to five years in tne ueaerai orison "in Atlanta, for embezzling funds from the First Na tionai uank of Asheville, will be fin ally settled. , . . District Attorney A. E. Holton is now in Richmond, and will appear' be- lore tne uourt or Appeals in the Writ of . error that was issued some time ago. This is to be dismissed so that tne sentence can be put into effect at the December term, of the Federal Court here.. Since Pulliam was sentenced lie has been out oh. bond. Strenuous efforts have been -made to either change the sentence or that an absolute pardon be granted. President Roosevelt has denied the pardon and says he will take no hand in the case. U. D. C, OFFICIALS. The Daughters Meet Next Year In St. v Louis. ' (By Associated Press.) Charleston, S. C,. Nov. 14. Daugh ters of the Confederacy elected ' the ipnowing. officers at this mornlnc!? session: President, Mrs. A. T. Smytho Charleston; first vice prcsl dent, Mrs JJasn Duke, Kentucky: second vlco president. Mrs'. J. D. Bealla. Alabama recording secretary, Mrs. John P nckman, Kentucky; corrcsnondlne Gocretary, Mrs. V. E. McSherrv. Wt Virginia; treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Leigh Virginia; Custodian, Mrs. S. K. Gab Dett, ueorgla. St. Louis waj elected as the place of the next meetlne 1 n . frii- ml . . iJiauc. .mm aiisrnoon aeieeates are visiting historic and modern fortifica tions of Charleston harbor. Conven tion will adjourn this evening. (Correspondence The News.) W&KhintrtriTi T ti , o., inuv. i4. nn a certain occasion, sn tho r.M" c chronicles relate, a Danish messenger was sent by his. chief to demand from an English lord the' peaceable surren der of his castle and domain. Beine asked by. the Englishman how long a time would be given to him to consider the proposition! he Dan pvm, Now ! know it is not a lie about you Eaglishment that you do aiis-ht. that you do not sit down first and consider." If that Danish today he would not readily believe that one drop of English blood runs in the veins of our chief executive. And pity tis 'tis true since the Remihllran nnrt has so far wandered away from the principles enunciated by the founder of this Republic in that now obsolete uucument tne Constitution nf the tti ted States as in this their day of strength to commit such unlimited power to one man. There is no doubt in the mind of anv yjuv wno nas seen the frequency with which the door of PresidentRoosevelfs ofQee has swung to behind the diHan- iirius ngures or every prominent Re puoncan, in tne House and Senate tnat tney were havine mannod nut fn Jhem the' course which the President THE CHICAGO STRIKE. o nun Aqain VOrtav Th. e-ii j w w v i i ro way Be Settled By Arbitration. (By Associated Press Chicago." NOV. 14 TTnW Jietm"!as ;.mplojed yes- ,iuui; cars lert tne WMfwnrth avenue barns on the southern outskirts 5JAe, ?: . headed wmoiu uiie ousineas rtistpit nn. m distant; the police aboard the mpowim. patrol wagons almost . cordoning cars wii. lULenerence with the move- iuvui oi cars, a laree cmwri ahnn 77, otr.i 1 , - -- Ul , I LU Jpereo and hooted at the iwiiue aua tne car-men as the cars uwyCu uut out ortered no violence No relaxation in police viellanre to apparent. Eight to ten men are sta tioned at wery block and the crowd is kept moving. The arbitration nf striir. omcago city, railway system may cu.CT.ieu loaay ana tne tie up of the various lines ended. Prosoects are more promising of conciliation than at aujr ume last ween. R GOVERIIMEII T WILL RITERFERE WITH COLOMBIA 8EABOARD REORGANIZATION. President willlaVns Agrees That Ryan onan name uireetors, (By Associated Press.) New ork, Nov, 14. Concerning ar fangements for flnaadng Be&broad Alf r1"9 alhiatil Compttfly, negotiations icgaruing wnicii nave bcea carried oa -..."' uaH, it ia learned BUtnori i icciuriii ui tjontinenttti Truat num. pmy ef BaHlrnore, and partlea la Bal tirnore aim nithmnnf1 huihI u a ui &IV ltXLT Mho United States, Navy Will nilr re5pea TBomaa F. Ryan and I : PnAuani UA I Jl- i niair mm Cnnmanv tn fHKflUi. f,,.,, ' 1 rrevont the Land ri nf , . -"- 'Olllldll tilling - ' - - w : VI pnny te fomplete Atlanta anrt Birmlng. nam extension and tab .Hr nr u. i fn hvb arrBneea to nm sh amount asked for,' providing the man- nsiicii ur property is entrusted to a board of directors numerf ih.n. FnIArotnnd . . . ' -.-..tuwu uinna urunuaea nava an- Troops From the Disunited States of Colombia Se cession Newsi v ; ; President and Directors. At the meetinar of the stnfkhniriora of the Olympia Mills held in Columbia last night Mr. Lewis Greenville, was elected, temporary yresiaent to succeed Mr. W. B. Smith Whaley, resigned. j The following gentlemen compose the board of directors: Stephen A. Jenks, Pawtaucket, R. I.; Geo. 0 Draper,. Hopedale, Mass.; P. P. Snell ing, Newton Upper Falls. Mass.; Fran cis K. Carey, Baltimore; H. C. Flelt man, New York; R. Goodwyn Rhett, Charleston; Lewis W. Parker, Green S; W-TB- Smith Whaley, Columbia; v?jiiit.iu n. ijyies, uoiumoia. Among the prominent mill men pres ent m me meeting last night ES'aKStS WiU Germany Will Recognize the New Republic bf Panama- The . Navy . Department Knows Nothing of an Army ---Turmoil in Bogota. B. tomorrow by Kilgo, Frank Siler, Lee and others. Th Be YALE-PRINCETON, . 6 Creat Game of Football To fayed This Afternoon. (By Associated Press.) 14. Yale will meet ;;w uaven, Nov, 1 1 ui' . ----- - . ... . V. of tho t ,v auuuai cnampionsnip m t T S" !ame before the' largest Prlnrrtnn as ever wl"iessed, at aame and a greater crowd -rmr,s2al 8aw. Tale defeat "i i cxuecien to at- Je teams, in tho tend .1. inOHG Whf or i. VIMUXIU, JL unuHualiv wm t,cTrea exPerts, are havy L I matchel. both, having and rennnr r,rong' a&ressive backs nal. Todlv !. gGnrals t0 8,ve 8,g" 8ige( X lr suPPorters of Yale thlrno ni 'L0 frnt W,th cla,ms- and enuhan5 rf ort the team !n ex. t0 mr.n si ' phyBlcay. The Prince clairni 6 equal,y confident in their New it Ya'e 6; Princetn 0. footbal t?n'NTV' 14-Ithe game of Play r,Kn Pr,nton and Yale, ZZ 3k 8 ground th,s afternoon nothing W38: Yale 6lx; ' Princeton j The circulation of the Charlotte News in Septem ber was larger than ever before" in its history. And yet the circulation of the News was larger in October than it was in September. That is remark able! , ... ; Its circulation for August, 1903, was 17 per cert. la-rtfcr tha.f its clrc for August, 1902, Its circuloLtion for September. 1903, (D was 18 per cent, larger than its circu--lution for September, 1902. Its circulation for Oct. m 1903 was more than 25 per 1 cent, larger than 2ts cir cula- tion for Oct. 1902- f) That is truly a remarkable growth. The News y has moreTfriends than ever, more subscribers than fever, more advertisers than ever. It carries more advertising than any other paper in (p North Carolina, morning or evenng. m The American Newspaper Directory for 1903 ID gives it a larger rating in figures than any other daily in North Carolina. . . - The News is the only daily paper in Charlotte en- . titled to a place on Printers Ink "Roll of Honor" for g5) love or for money. , 1 The News mentions these facts modestly to let its friends know that it is doing well, and that it appre p cia tes their patronage. v 1 NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY D 1 W. C. DOWD, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. tpiMpfi. them to pursue in setting the Messrs. H. C and E. Fleltman, of New cxaiya matter ttraicht as well o hr. I Ynri? v t- rying along the ratification of.thn rin. oan treaty. Four years of power Is what our ac cidental President wants and he is afraid that if he does not keep the Re publican Senators and Representatives interested somebody else. Senator Han- , iui niBiancc, mignt get a snow to amae their attention with him. But ror the warnings that he has had of certain defeat of the ratification of that treaty, ir attempt should be made to rush it through, he would have Insisted on having it put to the vote this week. But as matters now stand the bill was reported to the House today in a seventeen minute's session and notice given by Mr. Payne that he would rail 'it up Monday. He also gave notice that oy agreement with .the minority, the ouoan Din will be continued until Thursday 4 p. m; when .a vote will be taken. me Democrats will hold a caucus tonight at 8 o'clock In tho hall or tne House of Representatives to de cdle on their course In regard to intro ducing amendments to the Cuban re clprocity bill and also to decide as to their final action on the same, Rural free delivery from Zacho and Jeffreys in Granville county is to be discontinued. Anderson McMurray has been com missioned postmaster at Columbus. N The star route service from Ashboro to Hills Store will be increased to six times a week on Nov. 23rd. Representative Brownlow has intro duced a bill providing for the purchase of a national forest reserve in the Southern Appaiachian Mountains, to be known as the "National Appalachian a orest Reserve." DIDN'T GIVE SATISFACTION. For This Reason Gertrude Coalan ADandons Her Play. Mr. J. S. Elburg today received the ionowing communication: Greensboro. N. C. Nov. 13. 1903! Mr. J. S. Elburg. Charlotte. N. C. Dear Sir: Please cancel Gertrude Coghlan s date, as we close our engage ment here. our play Is simply Impossible; It does not give satisfaction; and is an injustice to both, yourself and. Mlsg Coghlan to force it upon your patrons. Mr. William Beech who has been playing the leading Dart leaves us to 'Join Maxim Elliott, and without him tne piay. would fall, as I cannot get an available man to replace him. i Thanking you for past favors, I b$g to, remain, ,. - Yours very truly, J. W. REED. Mrs Lynch Of North Carolina. (By Associated Press.) Cincinnati, Nov. H.Today'a session of the National convention of Woman's Christian Temperance Union, was op-' ened with prayer by Mrs. Mary A..' Lynch, of North Carolina. " I York: Francln tC: .and .Tnh v. 'ri-,.. l . ".ir . vi tjuiuraore.r n. uooowyn Rhett and P. J. Pelzer, Charleston; Judge Armls ted Burwcll, Charlotte, and Cant. Wil liam A. Courtney, Newberry, 8. C. Another meeting was held today in Columbia at which tlme the new presi dent and the newly formed directorate met and discussed matters. BANK STATEMENT. Reserve. ' increace .....$ 679,075 Loans, decrease l0 24o'r.ftn Deposits, decrease I4.ififlnnn Legaa, increase 80,900 Circulation, decrease ...... 105,800 Species, decrease ..' .. 2.994.100 Southern Will Not Coftrol. New York. Nov. 14. It is officially oaiu iuuy xnat negotiations in pro gress affecting the absolutely indftn.nrt ent position of the Seaboard Air Line System qr looking to entrance to this yiuperty oi soutnern Railway inter ests or of parties identified, with any otner competing; system are without luuuuauuu. rresioenf Williams of the Seaboard -Air Line today refused to mane any direct statement regarding reported negotiations for loan. Wall Buret understands that' Thomas F, Ryan, who was a factor in the Son. board Air Line years aeo. is nrnminent m more recent developments connected with the system. . No confirmation of this is obtainable, at Mr. Rvan'a nffi ana DanKiner interests mnm oinuiv luuuuuea wun sea Doard iSvs tem wnnlri not now discuss the matter at all. WILMINGTON AS A PORT. Charlotte Merchants Meet Corporation Commission Here Today. The members of the.State Cornora- uun commission met here today in tne county court house together with number of prominent citizens and merchants of Charlotte to take testi- money and hear evidence in the freight mte matter now under rilRrnnsinn nere. The Charlotte merchants are seek ing to obtain a better rate on all classes of freight between this city and Wilmfnfftnn M P , - ' v. I .IUUUI It Is learned on good authority that respect tne Tnorrh ATI t hem am IhIsm.i1 i n I t. il.. . . l JfJul0? a cPany to operate ernment makes formal noUflcation of v (By Associated Press.) : . -v Washlngton.Nov. 14 The navy depart ment has received no information that a large body of Colombian trooDS is marching on Panama, Officials ' here regard the present force on the TRth. mus as adequate to meet any emerg- coming reached the State De partment over night bearing on the Isthmian situation. ; Regard i no- dispatches it is stated that the original program of Washington ; Government will be carried out. that nnon informa tion that Colombian troops are em barking for the Isthmus, the command ers of troops would be informed tht these troops canno tland and in the event an attenmt is made to lanrl them this government would interfere. German Recognition. Berlin, Nov. 14. Germany's consular representatives at Panama have opened uuameus relations witn the . new gov ernment which action Germany subse quently saactioned. German consular officers on the Isthmus have renorted to foregn Office that the fin hi net nf " Panama is composed of men worthy of it is estimated in official clr- a steamship line between New YnrU and Wilmlngton.thus making the latter place tho port for this section and not Norfolk as at present. . The local merchants;4ygccprlng a cheaper rate from Wilmington wilj be enabled to compete with Norfolk in the matter of freight rates If theycon secure a special rate from .Wilmington and also the water route from New York to Wilmington. The corporation commission In Brain in session this aflernoon. It mav bo stated that the chances of the, Char lone merchants securlne what thev -3.-1 . . . .7 ' ' utrmro are not any too nrom n. The members of the Cornorntlon Commission are Franklin McNeill, E. C. Beddingfleld and S. i.. Rogers. Miss E G. Rcddlck is official atenocrranher iu mo commission. low It T7 Tl 'n the new Republic Germany will give ububi recognition without delay. The Newt From Bogota. New York. Nov. 14 Cabllnir from Panama thecorrespondenrtifthe Her ald says that district communication ha been maintained with, Bogota, the Capital of Colombia. Actlnz President George Holguln said that . Colombia will never recognize the Indenendenco of Panama. "My 'government will ex- naust its last drop of blood and its last cent In putting down the rebel lion", ho said. "I wish to make an- an nouhcement to tho world that we will not submit to Isthmian Independence." Colombia has a large and well equip ped army. All department and par ties havo promised unconditional sup port and financial aid to the govern ment. The people are furious over the revolution. : From a superstitious standpoint yesterday, being not only Friday, but the 13th day of the month, would be regarded as a doubly unlucky diy. ' Not so with The News,, however. Its 1 6-page edition of yesterday carried x 880 INCHES (COLUMNS OF LIVE ADVERTISING (About 10 inches unab'e to get in), Nor is this a record-breaker, by any means, as today's issue will show,' but a relative idea of the magnitude of yesterday's advertising business may hi "gained by comparison with the amount of advertising .carried for the same day by its nearest competitors : ENS em V 8UIT COMES .TO AN END. . Judge Boyd . Throwi Vanderbllt-Mc-Namee Case Out of Court. ' (Special to The News.) . Asheville, N. C.. Nov. 14. The forty thousand dollar damace -suit aeainst Vanderbllt and McNameo came- to an abrupt end yesterday by Judge Boyd's decision that the defendants were not liable. Hunt, the- plaintiff, who in a previous case ,wasawarded eight thousand dollars anneals to the Circuit Court of Appeals. . ' J. M. McCanloss last night In an al teration with his cousin and business partner, W..J. McCanless. shot the lat ter twice both bullets taking effect. The wounded man is in the hospital. The trouble occurred because J. M. McCanless left their photograph shoo and , attended a choir practice in the afternoon. . The suit of the Petrified Man Com pany against Squire Litton was con tinued until today. Mr. Litton, who is under a $500 bond for appoarance to day ha3 arrived and has employed counsel. He received $3,500 for the al leged "pristine petrified phenomenon" and does not prepose to give up the coin without a struggle. . , PISTON HEAD BLEW OFF. OBSERVER - - - 520 inches CHRONICLE - ' . 250 Inches ' ' ; Total "770 Indus . - j. ' . , . News' excess-over Observer ; - . 360 Inches News excess over Chronicle - 630 inches O News excess over both Chronicle and Observer 110 inches .This snnwfnof ir?rfnr1e nn An AU. A . ' C) for 1 he News or The News Printing House, but Q represents actual, bona fids advertising at legitimate Q v." 'V..' . : scheduled rates. mm P. D. Mc Darnel, Of Bryson City Klllad instantly, (Special to The News.) " -Spartanburg. S. C. Nov. 14. P.. D. McDaniel, a young white man formerly of Bryson City, N...C., was instantly killed, by being struck in the head by the head of a steam engine piston, at the Tucapau Mills near here yesterday afternoon. McDaniel was working on a new ad dition to the mill. He was passing through the engine rom at about 8 o'clock and ai he passed the engine. which turns the machinery .oi the mill. and which was running at the time, the piston head blew off and with cannon- like velocity struck him in the head, causing bis death within Ave manutes. The coroner went out to the scene and held an Investigation this after- noon, as no one was an eve witness to the accident. The coroner's vex- - diet was to the effect that the death was purely accidental. The deceased ia survived by a wife but no children.

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