Tim Times-Democrat', ftilAliHe! btf M.inrlAVH flint Thursdays, new In Its AffiVttt volume, gives advertisers V iiU tu? circulation In Meekienburg Unity and carries double th paid au Jrtmt of any semi-weekly in com ,,, iiion with it. Advertisers' should k'c it tor reaching country trade, The best combination for readilng the town and euteMewB trade by Charlotte merchants is the News and TiffliS'Bemoerat. The one has double the circulation of any other paper In Charlotte; the other double, that o any other paper in Mecklenburg, :ABLOTr THE WEATHER: Probably Light Rain Tonight and Tuesday; Cpldtr Tutaday. VOL. XXIX-NO. 4562 CHARLOTTE, N. CM MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, 1903. PRICE: 3 CENTS. TEM C NEW& , v ' V - " : : ' : . HE NOT 0 FOMENTING THEREBELLIOH A Letter to Albert. Shaw, Dated October 10) Speaks of a Proposition to Foment the Secession of Panama Made a Month Ago. The President Says That Our Government Cannot Afford to Secure Results' by Such Underhand Means His Inconsisteny (Correspondence the News.) IVashi'ipton, D. ti.t Ndv.- 13. ttepte spfitatite ifltk, bt tihid, wild W bM bt ikb.Ms most V Aimi hefltfairieti Sfid a iitkkti pifite lie fetched the vdtifig ae; deiirtfes that he liitefldS id pfgsa fl,f .MhiiAmfm at the matif mlm pf (''fiei'K the iyiflt fiHti8 ft'ered t few j ifi? timm m FFida iai, if.imnt! 3 ififjujfy ifltf? the alleged ilieliaii. (n-KiKH pf Wtm Iff fh siouilitrii titates. The ehjept gf the resolution js. of pshfsb, ttf deerease the rciiri'Bentatjnn in Congress pf some f Hit.' Sunt hern States.. ' At the NeinoGratfc caucus pel4 Butunlay night, it was decided to make a vigorous attempt to amend the re-? dprntity bill by abolishing the differ rhtial on sugar and cutting otif the live year datise, but ifl ease these aiiiPinitiK'tits fail, the minority as a whole will vets' for the measure on the 'titiul rail, This dees net, however, fiii'l the gentleman from Louisiana and (Hint sugar gtstes. A evening paper which sees things through administration spectacles pub Mf l9Mt Saturday sight the follow ing letter, written by the President to Pr, Albert Shaw on October 10th; "I think it might Interest you to know that there was absolutely net the slightest chance of securing by treaty (with Colombia) any more than we endeavcred to secure, The alternatives were to got to Nicaragua, , , . , op else to take the territory by force without any attempt at getting a treaty. I cast aside the proposition made at this time to foment the seces sion, of Panama. Whatever other gov ernments can do, the United States cannot go into the business of securing results which it desires by such, under hand means." - We do not know under whose ad vice the President acted in giving out this letter to the public but assuredly the publication of a letter written by Mr. Roosevelt acknowledging that a proposition to foment secession in Panama had been made to him. more than a month ago coupled with the movement of our war vessels in that direction for the past month will not be taken as very strong proof that the revolution at Panama and its seoession at the proper moment to discount bloodshed were not planned in this country and with the knowledge at least, if nothing more, of those in power. The Senate Committee on Commit tees has decided to make Senator Han na chairman of the Canal Committee in the place of Senator Morgan of Ala bama, who has been chairman of that committee ever since its organization. but Is too straightforward and, honest a statesman to be allowed to deal with the manipulations which the action of mo Administration have made neces sary in the isthmian Canal affair as it now stands. I he President and Senator Hanna may possibly be put into active oppo sition against each other on the sub j'' t of General Wood's confirmation as Major-Oeneral of the United States Army. Senator Hahha whet is s close per sonal friend of Estes tJ, Itathbohe, the ape-goat for" American misdoings in, utba, is not permitting the witnesses wii'j ate to afinefli' hetnett f he commit t thig week td talk about tfaeif testi Th ewfimMee a Military Affairs n.w iia'i fnf fcfiaflges m it mmhet fchlp kum W9d'S flfflinati(ffl t0 h b!iier---gnef&i wa eofisidefd iff m, gfcfwtefa Jfawiey, Prot'ter and ymtfi were an th efflfflitte at that v f'lfi, una rema fled members of it. Ben ni'T liurrows has slope retired in favor '! Alger, while Queries, ftfQtt and roraher have taken the places of o'ip, Carter and Sewall, Oft the 'morratic side JJate. Cockreli and '"ins were then and are stilt mem u,;re or the committee; Harris of Kan sa, was not re-elected, and his sue J:Kor on the committee has not yet "'t-n named. , 'f'h.; President will r-ertainlv insls n Oem ral Wood's confirmation and it "Mins now to be seen which is the ""onr in the Senate, Hanna or . ihi V,'U' Senator Scott of West Vir- latina for the Republican nomine for res!, ,.,lt ln 1904( g worklng on tne f,. !! ,! Hun'ify and quiet ways to de H Aood's nomination and it la well known that he is no Inntrpr wrDA,l ' . .iic wmie Mouse. Friends of Judge' Pritchard were greatly surprise at his marriage as he has lived most quietly since his widow- iiuuu, aaung back some fifteen months Representative Thomas wonta help the North Carolina strawberry growers in their reaching out after a foreign market and has Introduced a bill authorizing the .President to enter into a commercial treaty with the Gov ernment of His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of firsat Rritkin and Ireland with, the view to recipro city uetween tne united . States of America and Canada, with reference to a modification of the customs tariff of Canada imposing a duty upon Ameri can strawberries to the Committee on ways and Means. Mr. Thomas has also introduce the following bills: A bill (H. R. 2508) appropriating the sum of 1250,000 for the improvement of Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina to the. Committee on Hi vers andliarbors. ' Also,, a bill (H. R. 2509) to appro priate $10,000 to inclose and beautify the grounds and repair the monument on the Moore's Creek battlefield, North Carolina to the Committee on the Library. . Also, a bill (IL R. 2510) for the con struction of a steam revenue cutter adapted to service in the waters of Albemarle and Pamlico sounds, North Carolina tot the Committee on Inter state and Foreign Commerce. The' President has denied the1 appli cation far' pardon of Delgadd Crafted: 6i Nbrth Carolina, who was sentenced Oct.- 6th last, td tferi tears for" alleged embeJiiernerit b( itibMf bt thg tieartg- tewfi Caiholie university ifl which h m mwfea a a clerk: The femg mm, it i afte'd, ffladg ail fiesih1e" restitutio and the &tiim ef the mi etiiy with Fftft8'i ffieflds in Nfth ateiifla hete, ed emy ggihi l flHgflfe with (he Ptegideflt 8 efetais hi psfdfls bt my is meet a peiflt Mafik refusal.- PgfflfflllSfteF f PefisjgRS Wafg palled Mf: H: HuFwell, a ty mep resident pf rmf Pty and ft PteFif jn the ppnsiiBB pffjes heps shfb ta show cause why hs should PBt be dismissed from that offlce for "dealing in stocks," Mr, flurweil, who was given three days in which to: reply td the charges, filled his answer late yes terday afternoon, The epecifle charge brought by the CemniissiGner is that sometime in gepternber last Mr, Bur well engaged in an alterf&uen with o, T. Diidliy, also a derk in th Pefisien Offlc, ia a ioeal bueketshep and that in the poliet eeurt where the matter wa finally earriea, Mr. surweii was fund guilty f elramitting an assault unaer proveeatiin and was fined $5, The action ef the eemmissioner is regarded as simply an outrage by. the friends ot Mr, Burwen as wen as py an of the ulerks in the Pension Office who dare to speak out,. Jt is doubtless an exceedingly fine sense of honor and keen appreciation of what is 'becoming to a gentleman which has actuated tne President's particular pet, Commis, sioner Ware, against whom the Grand Jury of his home city in Kansas, have been requested to find an indictment for alleged embezzlement of funds be longing to a widow whose husband's estate he has handled. Mr. Ware's chief recommendation for the position he now holds is the poems he has writ ten in honor of President Roosevelt and the valorous war career of "our Teddy." It canot be learned today just what answer Mr. Burwell has returned to the Commissioner, but it is certain that there is a large number of clerks as well as higher oflicials in the Pension Oflice who engage in stock speculation. Mr. Burwell was appointed from the Fourth North Carolina District in 1894 and holds the position of a clerk in class 2 at, a salary of $1,400. He bears an excellent record in his office and has dependent upon him a wife and, five children, two of whom are blind. Ac cording to the Commissioner's ruling it will be worse than useless for any Representative or Senator from wortn fraroHna to aooroach him on the sub ject. It is certain, however, that the North Carolina delegation win nut re main supine in this care and that some vigorous action will be taken. i COAL STRIKE CONTINUES. The Colorado Coal Strike Has Not Been Settled As Was Hoped. (By Associated Press.) t.miaiiip rlnin , Nov, 16. The offi dal count of the Votes cast by the tniniK-d t,r tha Nnrthern Coal district last night reverses the decision and de feats the proposition tor a settlement ot the strike. The sub-district board injuu aunMintsttii Via itid titrmnfiinnn UnlcLJ tllliluinnAAi cucib , f . work teflday hut refused td tneke euDiig the t&te, U ha leaked mi thai tnere was a majority m bi-vuies m favor f fejectiflg tne proposnmm Fmi IN LIVILANi Fiv Men Killfd y Falling Wall In a fig Glevelana fi re dly AssoidateifJ Vfm.) rifiveland. NoV. IflFive men killed and two Injured In the largest fire this city has sufrerea n montns, ino fire was in a large street car bm of the Cleveland Electric Railway on Hold en Avenue. Fatalities were caused by a wall falling suddenly, DEATH OF D'QUERSAL. The President of the Belgian Senate Dies In Brussels. (By Associated Press.) V rtrnaaaiia Nnv. 1. The death is an nounced here of the Due D'Quersel, THE COIIFEREIICE APPOIHTIWEIITS E T Fight to Get Dr. fletwiler and Dr Marr Both From Char lotte, the One for the Pre iding Eldership and the Other for Winston. The Appeal of Dr. Watkins for the Worn out Preach ers -He is Trying to Raise a Three Million Dollar Fund for this Cause (Special id The News.) High Point, Nov. ik AfcftihPiL h ebliectioii Was Worked at this tadrii irtg's sessidrl: Mm than fdttyWd hundred ddiiat were suhsetihed ta a fund fer" stitieraiifliiated jjfeaehefs. Methedist ijteachet fuifiii the the Pm iifle standard ifl beiflg hiiaf idu gier. t)f Watki, ageiit tst the fund, i ttj-iflg te faie five friiiiifl thfguihoHit n!hffl Methedirn, the interest ef wbipb win he fiveii te the iHegsFt ef w flufe Bfeapflir'S.- tie made a mas? RlflgpBt gpeeh, whigh wa mj emu? fljoyed: w bs mum ai $9 m t79,W9.- The Weddiflg-- tm PFoperiy matteF 13 flt yet jttled.- PonferencB irHSteBS prpposs to giya of the $0,000 (eft by Mrs. WeddlpgUw, fi.oou to wefldjngton Academy In adr dition to what it already has, $3,000 to pay the Weaverville College Debt when they shall raise $2,000 more, and the balance for superannuated itreach ers, Dr, Hwe and th Wtddlhgten school parties desir at least half ef the prop erty for the Weddingten ieheol, There was some dismission this morning but it went ever till this afternoon, Large eonsideratien will be given t Mr, Wtddington's wish in the matter, hut there is a oifferenee of opinion to whrs that was, Rev, T. 'A, Boone and It. T, N. itenhenson are superannuated, J. W, Jenkins spoke concerning the Ral elgft Orphanage, They invite the pperatlon of this Conference - No ac tion will be taken at this time,, but there is a. favorable sentiment' toward it. Considerable business is still to be done and there will be an afternoon session. The appointments are ex pected to be read tonight DRS. MARR AND DETWILER. Concord and Winston Want Dr. Marr Salisbury Dr. .Detwiler. The Methodists of Tryon Street church learned Saturday of an effort beine made by two towns to get their pastor, Rev. Dr. T. F. Marr. As soon as it was learned here that Uoncora and Winston wanted Mr. Marr. Mr. J S. SDencer and Mr. B. D. Heath left for Hie-h Point tn look after5 the matter. These gentlemen returned last night and brought the encouraging iniorma Unn that as far as they could ascertain Dr. Marr would be . returned to the Trvon Street congregation. Front ' what The. News understands then? will he few changes In the Char lotte district but one hears In' High Point rumors of many changes an alnntr the line. a tlfihnne message to The News from Rev. J. A, Baldwin this after noon states that an effort is being made to secure Rev. G. H. Detwiler as Presiding Elder of the Salisbury Dis trict. .Mr. Baldwin thinks that Dr. Detwiler will return to Trinity church but tha tth change suggested may take place. , ' BURGLARS AT HIGH POINT They Break Into the Store of Klrk man & wo. Cnola1 in Th A NAWR 1 A Uivii -pr.it,, Nov, 1fi. Burglars broke ihtd the store of W T( Kirkmatt ahd Cd. last hlght &hd atteinbted td break open the safe but failed, They were probably frightened away, there is fid clue, . A B6fch6Fv At AikenY a tfiiBfffflm was received yesterday hf Chief lrwifl frem the 6hief ef Police at Aiken, 9, o.-, flowing mm 01 a jwu-v vdiiUavv in that fitv find va fluesting the effieers here t he a the lokut, Tne fmmsfs are aest-noeo g heifif 18 and 29 yeara f age, white ana wen nreseeu, tney seetireo ia mem mg, watpnea, jeweiry, gte. "' 1 ritmion Beant Bundav HlTB, The members Df the Clemson College football eleven spept gunday In this city, returning from upape) nm wners they played the University eleven Sat urday, The Clemson boys greatly en joyed their stay in the city yesterday, They left last night. , Th Davidson "Scrubs" drove down from Davidson this morning on their way to Rock Hill, where they play the, King's Mountain Military Academy team this afternoon. This is the" second team's first game but they feel confident, of victory, MD TO GH THE PETITION PRESENTED. To the Corporation Commission By the Charlotte Shippers. The following is the petition that was presented to the Corporation Com mission by the Charlotte Shippers As sociation- on Saturday! ' . PETITION. Charlotte Shippers' Association, Com plainants vs. Seaboard Air Line Rail way Company, defendant: " To the Honorable, the Corporation Commission of the State of North Carolina: Your petitioners would- respectfully show, (1). That the" complainants are an unincorporated society of merchants, manufacturers, shippers and business men of the City of Charlotte, and as. such are engaged . In commerce and Interested in transportation by rail and the rates thereof. ... (2). That the published and exacted rates over the lines of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, from Wilmington, N. C, to Charlotte, N, C, a distance of 187 miles on the numbered and -lettered classes, sugar and molasses, and nails and iron in car loads are as follows: Class 1, 62; class. 2, 52; class 3, 43; class 4, 33; class 5, 29; class A, 17; cTass B, 21; class C, 19; class D, 15; class E, 29; class H, 33; class F, 38; molasses, sugar, 22; nails, iron, C. L., 17. I3f. That the aforesaid rates are un just and unreasonable irt and of them selvesj and are oppressively high with reference td rates dver lines of the same Railway arid with reference td the tates charged for" similar services by.dther" Railways; said rates are dis ci-iittiriative, aflpfessite aad injurious in the htisiaea aiuteresta bt the dity ef tjharfottg and the Buhiie' generally and eswetiaiiy ta these c6ffibiainant: WBif'effcife the fWHtnaiaflts uta that the said geabaatd Aif tdfle ttaiiway efflpw he fgpifed id reduce aid fates m that they will he Just and fea gftflirde aBd set diaefiffiiflative, ee-- fifie 0r" ifljBFimi i& the hBlfle3 ifitefestg ef the pity Bi Ghsrlfltts of m the psranlainaHts e the nubile. 'i iun py a: u. uralg, HscretaFy, neys tor uompiatpants the Charlotte BhlDDers sustained the &boye petition before tha Corporation Commission on Saturday, they showed that the freight rate first class, per 100 bounds from Wilmington to Charlotte was tiie, distance 187 miles; that from Norfolk to Charlotte a distance of 48 miles the freight rate first class per 100 pounds was Use; that in proportion to that rate from Norfolk the rate from Wilmiegten to Charlotte sheld he re dueed t'I8e. , They als shewed that Ooiumbia was IJ8 miles from Wilmington and that the rate on salt was 7V&e per 109 pounds and to Charlotte IS eents, Many other jnstanoes were given, , THE WATER WORKS BONDS. Case To Be Argued Before Supreme Court This Wck, An important appeal case comes up this week in Raleigh before the State Supreme Court, Involving the right of the board of water commissioners of the city of Charlotte to issue $200,000 water bonds without first submitting the question to the qualified voters of the city. The city will be represented by Mr. Heriot Clarkson and the plain tiffs, Geo. H. Brockenborough and others, by Mr. E. T. Cansler. These at torneys expect to leave tonight for Raleigh to be present when the case in question is called which will , be within two or three days. The question of the issuing of $200,' 000 water bonds is one of great inter est to all citizens of Charlotte. In the Superior Court In this city this case was decided in favor of the board of water commissioners. Among other things the plaintiffs al lege: That there has been no vote of a majority of the qualified voters of said city of Charlotte for the purpose of authorizing the contraction of said debt or the Issuance or sale of said bonds or the execution of said proposed and threatened pledge and mortgage or deed of trust, or authorizing said city to pledge its faith or lend its credit for the purpose aforesaid: nei ther has there been any legislative au thority conferred upon said Board to lsue said bonds other than that con tained In Chapter 196, Private Laws, Session 1903. THE POPE ON THE BIBLE. Pius X Declares For Biblical Re search But Declares Rationalistic In terpretation. . (By Assdci&ted Press.) Rome, Nov.- 16. Baron Braye, whd has arrived here from ' the United States, was presented td the Pope fay Arehfaishop Bourne, of Westminster, today, the baron had a private audi enee with the Pope, whe thanked him for a aehdiarship ef iSdd for graduates ef all eathelie universities, the time winner to eeme te Seme t the inter national Institute for fiiuiieai studies whieh is t be established, . fiuriflg the audience with Baroft Braye, the Pope speke streBgly ea th necessity for Stolipal research, and pondemned th efforts ef monfrn wri ters to separate the supernatural from the historical narratives of the Scrip tures, Ha Insisted that to do so would be as futile as to deny tha existence of the soul while accepting the mate rial fact of the body, The Pope declared his disapproval of a rationalistic interpretation of the Bible, not only by laymen, but by clergment, and conveyedthe. impres sion that ho Intended to thoroughly repudiate the views contained in the latest works of, Abbe Lois. ; Mr. E. 8. Reld is in Norfolk, Va., on business for a few days. COLOMBIA PROTESTS TO GREAT BRITAIII AGAHIST THE U. S , President MorroqUin Lodges a Vigorous Protest Against the - Government of the United States--His Accu sations, j : ' He Declares That Our Gov e nraent Fomented Secess ion He. Also Recollects the Energetic Efforts to Prsvent Secession 0nce (By Associated Press.)" Lbtidon; No. 16; Columbian au thorities have cabled td London a lengthy protest against the united states aetidriiii Pattama ifl which they claim that the "fflaifl tpdiisihiiity idf the secession ef Paflafflaiies with the Uflited slates liFstiy by feffleatiflg the spaf&tist piFit Gf which tfeef effl te be eieaf evidefieej geeesdiy, by aatiiy agfeBewiediifli the ifide peiidesg f th Fitd pFeviRge mi rlRftliy by pEevefitlBg the QdimWm doyprnmpni fom mn$ pfepeF mmm t jepFPSS 'tBe Fhfil!fRB:" the Pablo message goes on fa mt that President Marrprjuin has ener? getically protested to the Halted States and Wishes his protest Should bo known throughout the civilised world, the President contends that the United States has infringed ar tide 38, treaty of 1146, whieh he as--serts implies the duty ef United States toward Colombia, dovernment repudiate the assump tion that they have barred the way to carrying eut a canal treaty, Corperatiens Chartered. (gperial to The News.) Raleigh, N. 0., Nov, ii,Charteri were granted for five new stock eora panics and Cleveland Cotton Mill Co,, ertsngea to the kawnoaie H&liroao and Industrial Co,, YawndaJ Cleveland county, B, F, Scbenck Is president, Capital stock has been reduced from $100,000 to $60,000, " The Yadkin Lumber Company of Le noir is chartered, - with $400,000 capi tal authorized. $300,000 subscribed bv a number of Pennsylvania and. New York capitalists also Erimond Jones, Lenoir and B. A. Ritchie, Richmond 1 Edward Manufacturing Co., of Ed ward, Beaufort county, capital $10,000. Incorporators W. B. Riddet and others. Shaw Bros., Greensboro, $3,000 capi tal to do a general grocery 'business, Jas. M. Chas, Claud C. Shaw are the Incorporators. The Fremont Building and Improve ment Company, $20,000 capital to do a real estate business In . Fremont, Wayne county. Jo Hare is among the incorporators. - W. J. Davis Machine Co., of Wilson, $50,000 capital to conduct a machine and wood working shops The incor porators are W. J. & J. W. Wilson. A Nervy Colored Girl. As Master Hazel Porter was riding down North Tryorf street on his bicycle this afternoon he encountered a horse and buggy. As he was about to pass the turnout the colored girl who was driving suddenly turned Hhe horse across the street thus forcing a broad side collision. The end of the shaft struck the boy In the head and un horsed him. The horse became frelght ened and began climbing the sidewalk. The girl did not lose her nerve but stayed in the buggy contrary 'to the expectations of the bystanders. When" the horse had covered all Of the street possible be submitted to his driver and disappeared around the corner of East Sixth and Tryon to the chagrin of the bystanders Who had become interested in her because of her coolness. The horse and buggy are sup posed to belong td Mr, J. M, KlttflHck, fisnaidsSH Taken Ts Durham, Ciete Donaldson, the young white matt who was arrested Saturday by Officer Pitts, was taken td Dufnam yesterday nieFfliflg by a aeeuty aner- iff, DdflaidseB was wasted in Durham as SB escaped convict from the eeun ty chaiH-gaflB: lie is alee wasted at liigh Peint fef steal ifl g a let ef cietfliflg.. H serves a term on in iMeekieflbUfg gang for Bignway reb Ihery, , N New In Kansas City, Mr, R. Lawrence puke, formerly of Charlotte, s now residing in Kansas City, Mr. C. 13. Hooper, of tne uen tral, received a letter from Mr, Duke this morning in which he states that ho expect to make Kansas City his home. He has not determined what business he will go into. Mr. E. L. Shuford, of Hickory, was a Charlotte visitor today. Mr. W. C.Hardlson, of Wadosboro, j was here today. . WOOD IS SCARCE. Charlotte Is Threatened With a Wood Famine. , Charlotte Is threatened with a seri ous . wood famine and should the weather , .suddenly turn cold there would be a great deal of Inconveni ence caused to those who depend on wood for their fuel. The threatened famine grows out of the action of the Seaboard railway In refusing to furnish cars for hauling wood to the city from the dealers along the line of the railroad.' The Seaboard people claim that they are very short on cars and that It does not pay them to use their cars for wood when the demand is so great in other lines for cars. This in brief is the situation. The wood dealers of the city are get ting Into a tight place on account of the action of the railroad ana today one or two of them took the matter up with the authorities with a view to getting relief of some kind. The ques tion Is one which the State railroad commission would probably have to handle and decide and the dealers to day were avlsed to communicate with the chairman of the railroad commis sion and state the case to him in detail with the hope of securing the asslst nace desired. At the present time the wood yards are virtually out of wood and It would result In. much suffering should a cold snap arrive at this time for those who use wood ns fuel would have nothing td tesqrt td for making their fires. The Situation la One1 that demands atten- tidfl at ditce: the wood dealers think, rhd they will ad ail they cart td relieve the situatidfl: Meet bi the weed sold ia Charlotte tamea frefti dawn the gea board raiireadi below Mdflfd; l BUAf leNAL BAL-LV, tat U0eTintffldlmi JeyflSF ?8 seak, and th6F fNstf: here will be a big edHeatteflal Faiiy Rd BiPBifi ifl disMPt flHFflbPF three, MftffllRg; F FJWRSfiiP, flPft TflUFS-- dayi the JPJb- State superintendent , f JeyfleF Will bs 6FeiSPBt4 fld will fppaa.' QtheF, speakers wili hei Prof; Pjatq Durham of Trinity CMlegBj Messrs, F IL McNlnch and Jake fieweii, ui uiiarjuiiB, uouniy euperin- tehdent 0, Q, floger, of . Cabarrus county and ft, F. Beasley, of Union county, All the members of the Cduaty Board of Educationr Messrs, William Anderson, John McDowell and M, A, Alexander will also he present and will speak. In addition to this, Prof, Coch ran has asked the schools at Matthews and Mint Hill te give holiday that day, se that both teachers end pupils may nave the pleasure ef hearing guperin tendent Joyner, This is a new school, at Hood's Store, midway .between Matthews and Mint filH, It is in ft fln eommnnity and there is every prospect of a fine school, Everybody Is Invited to the picnic, There will be dinner and speeches both morning and afternoon, i ' - THE WELLS COMPANY SUIT. Will Be Finally Settled In Richmond This Week. The case of the W. L. Wells Com pany against the Gastonla and Avon Cotton Mills of Gastonia, will be heard in the Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond the last of this week. Mr. Murray F. Smith, of Vicksburg, Miss., of counsel for the W. L. Wells Company, will arrive in Charlotte to morrow night. He -will remain over In Charlotte Wednesday and will leave Wednesday night for Richmond. He will be joined in Richmond , by Mr. C. W. Tillett who will go to that city from Raleigh. The case of the Wells Company vs. the above named mills "was tried in Charlqtte in the Federal Court more than a year ago. The Jury gave a ver dict against the mills and In favor of the Wells Company for about $70,000. At appeal was taken to the Court of Appeals In Richmond where the case will finally come up for settlement this week. FIGHT BETWEEN NEGROES. Two Killed and Two V.oundcd In a Row Near Shreveport. (By Associated Press.) Shrevsport, La.. Nov. 16.--In a .bloody fight between negroes at merry-making on Saturday night fif teen miles from Sbroveport, Johnson Shepherd and Tonk Harris wore In stantly killed and Alexander Thomas and Sam Terrell were badly wounded. Believes Irt Eternal Punishment, Dr, Emll'Lufld, Of Minneapolis, de livered an able discourse yesterday morning in st, Mark's Lutheran church, Dr, Lund is one ef the most prdttiiaetit divines in the Lutheran thuch and is a man ef prefaund leatn iag, Duriflg the eeurae ef the sermon yes twdav mrfliflg Uf, Ltifld diseussed the ayestiea ef eteraaf puflishmest i which he expressed a firm belief, "if a man fells a il", said the speaker, "the lie remains eg a fit fer all tiffle and nothing that the mm can 4 will change the lie iflte anything else, Tliert-fere it ia reasonable to ceclude that only an eternal pwnisbroeBt can be fitted to an eternal wrong," Fithff Franks Rsturnt Thursday, Rev, Father Francis, who has peso in BdMon for medical treatment, is $x pected to return to the city on next Thursday morning. Father Francis has been greatly benefited by the treat ment which he has received. Alderman C. C. Bates has return ed from South Carolina, where he spent three days of last week hunt ing partridges. He killed 78 birds dur ing, the last three day's hunt. ITALIAN MAFIA ; i TORTURE A PRIEST, LEAVE 111 RAVI Father Cirringiohe Had Made Himself Obnoxious to the Italians by His Denuncia tion of Vice Lured From the Restbi7.-s The Priest Was Given a Drug and Then Carried td- a Place of i;; Confinement When Found After TWo Dayf he Was Ravlfigr (fly Associated Press.) New fork, N'ovembef ' ttfe; Idsfeph eirringldiie', flfectdr' " of itaiiaa ehufch, fcf fffliaacuiate ctJft--eeptiefl ifl WiiiiafflbFidg,'gubufb ef this city, who disappeared ffea hi heaie, Bfldef fflyteFidfl elFfeaffltas last Friday Bight, was feufid early te--day by a pQiietfflafl ia at fifty-FiFst tFet raviflf wiidiy ia itaiiaa aad 18 aw ia the feeapitai.- father eiFFiflg ise iagflFfgd the B8iity f th Hal--iass ftbf?Bl WilllflfflhFgg W RW PFpsade agates! yiFP; He FePeiyrd spyr era! thFeatenlng and bad fp; ported the piatter tq W Pfst W woFa pdeayoripg; to locate the writers, tate Friday night, two men called upon him and representing themselves as detectives asked him to accompany them to the station house. He did net return and it is believed he had been carried off by agents of tha Italian geeret Society, When found teday, Father Cirringiene fell, exhausted, into the arms of a police man, crying out repeatedly! "They have robbed me and they will kill mo, protect me." A hurried examination ef the Priest's physical condition was made by a physician who found on his wrists two red marks similar to those that would have beon made, bad th Priest's wrists been bound with rope. Under the influence of soothing drugs Father Clrrlngione, became calmer and was ablo to toll something ..of ...his story, . : : ; ; He said he had been robbed by two men, who bad gone to his home Fri day night, and whom he had accom panied, believing them to be detec tives, "They took me to Ocean'' he said, "but beyond this the questioners could get little in detail of where he had been. ; He said that when bnt a few step3 from the door of his own house two men grasped him, one grabbing him by the arms and pinioning them be hind while the others threw over his nostrils a . cloth of some kind, satu rated with pungent liquid. Then- he says he lost consciousness and the next thing he knew was when he found himself in a "dark and dismal' cellar," with his wrists 'bound. Tho Priest said he had been free but a few minutes before he was found by a policeman. He said he had been blind folded and lod into - the street and then bandages over his eyes were re moved and he had been given a push. Father Clrrlngione, when he left tho house, had a gold-mounted ebony cane, a valuable gold watch and chain and some money. When found today, all were gone. Friends and relatives of Father Clrrlngione bellevo tho Htory of the priest, but tho police are await ing further developments before tak ing any action action for - tho dis covery of tho alleged abductors. To Civil Justice Roesch, an old friend of tho priest, the latter said there were four men in the gang, which abducted him, and only one was an Itallafti The men were very rough to hlra, and ono of them insisted that he be killed. Others objected and managed td get this man intoxicated and tha priest's life was saved, ANARCHIST 6lPiR!&. The ar-elefla Pdlief prevent tha ele bratian ef the ehleas AflHiver--aaryi (By Associated Press,) flafeeiefla, NeV ld,?he police fa day dispet sed a meeting ef Aflarchlsts which had bees afraflged t celebrate the anniversary ef the execution ef the Chic-age seciallsts is im, The actios ef the autherities was .takes because violent speeches were made at the meeting advocating as active prepa gasdft ef asaFchlstie doctrines, AQUPAY PROTEST!, f Th MtM Of th Filipino Church Pro tsst Asalndt Monslgnpr Rooksr, (By Associated Press.) Manila, Nov, 16. Agllpay, the nomU nal head of the Schismatics, baa pro tested against the action of Mgr. F, J, Booker, bishop of Jaro in taking pos session of the Catholic church at La Pasla, Hollo. Mgr. Hooker has threat ened to take drastic measures to curb the schismatics. The constabulary has captured the last of the Lad rones op erating in Mlndanero.

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