10 PAGES TJ CHABL0TT HEW THE YVEATHERj Light Rain Or Snow Tonlflht and Thuridsy. 0-PAGES t VOL. XXIX-NO. 4570 HOTPLEASEOWITIl SENATE DELAYS hey Think That the Cuban Business Might Have Been Easily Settled During the Extra Session of Congress -Senator Morgan. ;ome North Carolina Folks Who Have Been Granted Patents One of Them -is Miiard P. Wineate, of : III"" " - W Charlotte- (A. W. HUGHES.) (Special to The News.) Washington, D. C, Nov. 24. There : no denying the fact that the Re-i-blican leaders of the House are not leased with the attitude of the Sen ie on the Cuban reciprocity bill. vt feel that if the Republican Sena- 75 would put their shoulders to the ieel in an endeavor to pass that measure at the extra session, they jnld complete the task set ior mem It tne President. Does this indifference of tne jttepuD ans of the Senate to the urgent ssage of Mr. Roosevelt indicate that ey have grown weary of his at ipts to hurry them into action be- i?e he desires it? , The CarmaeK Resolution calling for Senate committee investigation of .? charges of "graft" in the Post y:t Department came tit iri the Sen - iolav in the regular order' and led i skirmish between1 deflator's as ih-3'e-! iri tnri letter" Of yesterday.- Mr'; sr"?e ffekl UnanimOUS consent tO j ji Mi ihp fable.- retaining Its" MF: tthWk flifl tiOt Oi'je'e't fififl -:,dt Ut: tiikwn nf We?t Virginia id pt Jjye fhe wwjuhm Fe'fet'Fe'd (lie folium rm pHtfhpes a)J A HnaiU. ifF.. (.'aj-matk t (F)p4 ' objection w he reference WSS lered hy unanimous consent. Visitors to the Senate galleries wit ssei a pathetic scene today when tr the lmsiness of the Senate was isheii, Mr. Morgan, the venerable aotratic Senator from Alabama, o has been displaced from the lirinanFliip of the Canal Committe, to finish his speech begun res- l6jr; Within five minutes after he1 san only thiee Sehatorg rearnaihed their seals tftt the behiot tAtid side Mi the Meritiblir-an feide Sefifltfws &eott bt West Virtinia '1i!'fei m gHif88t eoflVMSft-- 9 mw r?w fefet gwiy freta where Wl: The fjpene needed hb eara.- The Pjeplrttnt bppeg n makj hjftv f niu wun t()e jappp unions, ggaja the Juiuheon to the Butte. Mnn- N labor leaders today ntbe pr; pw uimng roo mat the White House 'ese are the men of whnm tho Eirii. r Pf the Engineering and Mining "Jrnal of New York wrote as fol- p m a recent number of that f'Jrnal: 'Before issuing dinner invitations these men, it would have been well Iw n ' " "v.vtv LfCCU WCIl r. Roosevelt had requested his de- teedentV" qUlre lQt0 tbeIr li6 ?Urn?1 acknowledges that this ma have been nn iimti,Qi ? nd n default of such an inquiry bMnfVk e men' as represen K'ihe ,Butte Mlnes. union have 'rn :ia,)0r troubles of the title- r l',r' was 10 the bru t . es of Irish nnntic .v. " has been in the bloody feuds of ; 10 born Italians. The nnsnav. nsnU.ru. - - . ..wus n ine western 1 at Ltadv Mp jai fCe S 0ilnand murders at ?a e ZrdAng .t0 the Journal, in- ve ?.anS of ruffians who U,l 4 . " ine union at Butte. Kere drawn" 6 l l- Kde?itVnan b!"?i0n. no longer a Mr Rn , UI 10 nave uined se h;,Rsevelt when men such as ;ts at n! j i described, are also li),lt v ioie. I1 Of a tr.tol r-- . . citizens r,f t t'3 . patents lssued bthl UJtates to- l free- pat 18 tent. 9'" Ut i?aJi -as issued to cnpo,i eensboro for a composed of paraffin- of soda. Sa, soda' bor and forttT 75.030 Was iRejlDf1 for r. L USBie ChatlottR, M. .-U r IV ir, J . " IU red spinning framS: has MXfJl F- .tta, of aweai N; r.rtfi .aH t&nstntct &jffh r.T ' ir"tffifct has mnHa vllie', Hj ti; ddtjital $23,00(1; 3: U Artti neia M; Armneid, Jtid: W: La beth, J: A tilllbit ftttd fe t: Catea. f Hi FIHf T6NIHT Filimmefl in 6ff Will Nave Wlht riampi8rlrlip: ton mmm, mv, UUfimn mmmn Qmm QmSm? will wpl&ht champiQnshfpr Tfepy will weigh at 8 p'pjocjf pr m.. a 183 pounds. Both, are reported iq Ve wder the weight and arp now In good con dition. Fitzslmons said that he would fight at J63 or J6f pounds. f His pro gramme today consisted of a six mile run on the road followed by light ex ercise. Gardner did heavy work. Owing to the excellent reports from Gardner's training quarters the betting odds have been reduced to 10 to 9. Billv Delaney will be one of Fitzsimon's seconds. FAIR ELECTIONS IN VIRGINIA. Four .Candidates arick Four Workers Indicted For Violation Of the Barks dale Law. ' ' (By Associated Press.) Richmond, Nov. 25. The Henrico county grand jury returned indict ments against four candidates in the recent lagalized primary for county of ficers, and four workers for these can didates on one side or the other. The charge in every case is alleged viola tion of the Barksdale pure election law in the use of money or other illegal means in influenceing voters. SIX FIREMEN DISMISSED. They Refused To Testify Against Their Looting Comrades. (By Associated Press.) Louisville, Nov. 25. Chief Tyson of the fire department yesterday dismiss ed six firemen for refusing to testify at the hearing of the men charged with looting during the progress of the Old Masonic Temple fire. The five men directly charged with looting will be tried today by the board of safety PASSENGER TRAIN WRECKED; ErigiheeF arid fireman bead At their" 6st Of" OiHf: (tif Associated t'resS.I Glasgow, Mjtil NOv: 25.Passefigef imn Nd.- Ori trig &ml NOrthertf failw'ar', a wrecked at tAMfit about m ffliles mi m hm last evening: fDrlgjnee- Hfl? Slid lii flr'e'fflaii, 8? lot-", mm killed.- fi t;9ehe wef ffftpfced: Th wFtilf w estiiid W tittle en th ttat-fe.- ltip FuvsFf Plt?imm8n - New VPr'k, Nov. PS Betting pn the GardnerrFt?smmons fight n Ban Francisco tonight ia Tigorpqs, i New York. From five to six jn favor of Fft slmmons they haye dropped tq eight to five. Philippine News Confirmed (By Associated fresfl:) Wasfaifigtottj Not: 25thd War" fte tiartirietit tOdajr reeeif&d a idisfaatfcli frOffl tiol: iftitoOtt, acting eOinth&ildeF, dit isioti of Philippines') coflfirffliag tfa pm dispaich freta Maaiia dtait mi as e-flgageffleni betweea Qesei-al LeOnSFd Wd' fefe and th MF of th fiaBd ef J1: The dieata tatd so fsofg epitis i Mpeted asd th Mpditis at J1 i waitisg 4evi9Pmst: MmfBt Fran 11 Joses &s4 Pf&sk S. Barpes gq on ft bjrd hmt fiOWR S Sputh Carolina tomprrow, 8if4s la that section will he very scarce whe?i they get through the day's pporf. PLOT INCLUDED FIVE OF THE ME Investigation of the Killing of the Miners atCripple Creek by an Explosion. Discloses far-Reaching Plot to Blow up the Mines, (By Associated Press.) Denver, Col., Nov. 25. A special to the Rocky Mountain News from Crip ple Creek, says the coroner's inquest into the case of the two men killed by the explosion in the Vindicator mine has been begun. The evidence produced demonstrated conclusively that the explosion was the result of a plot to blow up the mine, but noth ing of a definite character develop ed to indicate the guilty persons. - The articles found at the scene of the explosion were put in evidence They consisted of a part of a stick of giant powder of a different make from that used in the mine A ti< of wire clippers of & pattern not used by the Vindicator miners some electric wire atid fragments Of a 82-fcalibre' revolt eft Adjutant tteiiefal gherfiiari Sell is In Deiivef aha fctatert thai a large affloiint of tidfle had bees aeeuted to? th trii! ef the mm aupetd ef the at rage, if aid that iflfefsal fflaebifl ready-1 be iMfiiedM had bs feasa is twe the- mines fiflrt that there wa fiitiv vida-3 that t fiet jieiadia flyg si& i an, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SHELBY EGGS Hi F, Soowell Wins His Suit In the Supreme Court Against th Seaboard' RpII- road Supreme Court De Decisions, (Special to The News.) Raleigh, Nov. 25. H. F. Seawell will now collect his $4,500 against the Sea board Air Line for being "egged" at Shelby during the campaign of 190O while he was a candidate for lieutenant governor. The Supreme court dismisses the petition of the railroad company to rehear leaving the railroad no other alternative now but to pay the dam ages. In writing the opinion of the court Chief Justice Clark says that "stations and cars are quasi public where every one who pays his fare has a right to be, and if such corporations permitting every where as they do, can with, impunity through its employe as saulter permit assaults on passengers for political opinions entertained by them as in this case or for any other reason the result .would be deplorable in the extreme." ... in the case of Farish vs. Cedar Co. from Dare county the Supreme court lays down a rule declaring unconstitu tional the act of the Legislature pro viding that lands on which taxes have been levied or should have been levied and were not paid are forfeited to the State. This being on the principle that under the constitution the Legislature cannot enact a law declaring a forfeit ure for not paying a tax without giv ing the land owner an opportunity to be heard or providing for a judicial procedure. The full list of Sunreme court opin ions for this week is as follows: Sossamon vs. Cruse from1 Cabarrus hew trial; State vs Neal from Cabat-riii-riew trial? Sdttoti. vs; Bessent, from1 Fdrsytj afflrfhedj JOihe3 vS; JohiisOn ffftfH WiikieSi tiO errOr" i tidies" vS: Cati- die, fr'flifl S'toieS'i amritiedj Teague v: Sehaub, freta PfefsOS, aa errOrj Gfa hata . eaff, torn DtirhatB, fflfjdified aad affirfaed, mh aaft .t ajr mu mil pe -vs.- vme, mm tifliea, tw de-- pi4d. 8iaia6 piaiBtiftj f?awit m fiaiifeafi, ffiffi- mmfe, mmwn g feheaF fliiSffllSSfi-4""tWi:' frpm Pitt, U9 PFF9F ?9ea n: KFfthfiF, frqm Hrfe, rr9F Parish mi PedaF pq., from Dre, mm BuwgardfteF ys. Railroad, frotn Irede)t. pep purjara, affirmed 1 Main ys. Quickel, per curiam affirmed Furr vs. Southern Railway from Mecklenburg, per curiam affirm ed 5 Moses vs. Southern Railway Co. from Meekienburg per curiam affirm ed Thomas vs The Louise Mills, from Cabarrus, per" ctiriain affirmed Rut ledge vs.- Cott6S Mills, frotd Gasto.ri, pfeF euriam, affirmed) tiariey : Rail toad, freta oastofi, m emm, af fh sw beat"! f dipfifai;jf e miisef hat leta W N: Jsg a e-haiffaas asd det?ided t feei bid fF t(?feisg th dipaafy astil . m-. N fflasagF ha m mm hs ir th dipsaFr whih i t pa Jamjary 1C , ?. a f ha mm ahF sbs f the my joined. m sight Is & baaqu-H whleh Wa largely attesde4t Bt&t TFWHUrPP Lacy was one of the prjRclpal BpeakfiFS of the evening, peputy Sheriff Bennett is here to day from Robeson county to commit Alphonse McNeal and E. P. Linen to the penitentiary to serve five years for burglary. Also Saml. Due, five years for attempted rape. All are ne groes. - . , The Hussaw Live Stock Co., Rock ingham Richmond Co., is chartered with $25,000 capitalTT. C. Leak ia one of the principal incorporators. Tudent Fisheries Co., Raleigh, Is chartered with $10,000 capital, with au thority to conduct fisheries in the sounds of Eaat Carolina. The" Incor porators are alLof New Jersey. GOV. ODELL INTERVIEWED. Says the Strained Relations Will Give Place To Harmony. (By Associated Press.) New York, Nov. 25. Gov. B. B. Odell spent a few hours in this city, today, on his return to Albany, from Wash ington, -where he conferred yesterday BnnRPvelt and Senator V it 11 A itoiui.UK Thomas C. Piatt on the conditions of the Republican party, in mis dwi. Governor Odell said the conference had brought about harmony in place of the badly strained relations which had existed; that Senator Piatt would still be the leader of the party in the State, but that he himself would here after take a more active part in its management. Schooner Ashore (By Associated Press.) Sparrow-Point, Md.", Nov. 25.-- Schooner John R Penrose, Capt Nel sori, bound from Baltimore for. Jack sonville coal ladeH, ia ashore in the Ch&tinel off setea foot kaoll light; house.. The tag Meta is tryiag te tmii hef off i New Ptrnat6f a HaFtsville, i 6, (fit Aeeiatgd ftmA Waahiagtea, Net, he P mttm tedar al t the geaate the aafae f iifsea tigehhaia ff. seslfaasler at ifaftavllle, 8. 6. BIG HIGH PRICE WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25, 1 SEN. CHUCK SCORES CUBAN ' RECIPROCITY ! He Says the Bill l a Combi nation of the Bargain Counter and the Mission-ary-Box To Save Our Honor anOelp Our Trade He Declares it Violates the Treaty we Have With the Countries of South Africa --Congratulates the Re publican Party. - (By Associated Press.) Washington, Nov. 25. At the begin ning' of today's session the Senate adopted the resolution offered by Mr. Hale on Monday for appointment of Senators as members of committees, list amended by substituting name of Mr. Morgan of Alabama, for that of Mr. Bates as chairman of committee on quarantine and public health and by selecting new committee of three to dispose of. useless papers in depart ments of which Mr. Pettus (Dem. Ala.) made chairman and Mr. Bates ..(Dem. Tenn.) were members. Mr. Hale tfien called up his motion for the reconsi deration of the vote by which Mr. New lands joint resolution . providing for annexation of Cuba was referred to the committee on relations with Cuba and. asked that the vote on the motion be taken forthwith with the understand ing that the resolution itself Should lie On the table' f or future fliscussiort. . The inotlott was adopted without, divisloti; At the Ihstahce Of Mr", ddlldtd, the Cuhaa reciprocity bill ttaj Fead at leagth aad taade the aanaished hasi--tiess" with the aaderstaadiag that aav eaatef who taat desite te as sa mf peafe tdi the ffieaswe at my Urns the Bgaat i ih ifl: . . : Mr'.- eaffflasfc ifflffldiatly teefc the fl? aad stermei the Seafte fa sp fmMm t the eafeas IVh t e begaa W mm tbt is sis mmm thf puban iffwty with Felons whiPh ap peal io diver's motives Is humas heart, f'e told us," the Senator went on, ''that we piust ratify it to save our honor and help duf trade. It was an opportunity to worship and get your money back, to be diligent in business while serving the Lord tie said the CUbah treaty had a double aspect Of the bargaiti-eoUnter" and inissioaary bo, Voti put a tiickie ia the slot for sweet charity's sake aad get aiote thaa fmf MOfiey'a wetth of chewiag gum aad eigarS: Mappv is the itepab fieaa adaiaisttatioa that i dHvea by gelfiah raetife te righteous" deed aad ld peffet fa a ehfistiaa :duty witheat Mefiiag aay ef ehFiatiaa ifta.- It ia aaethef tF whes haF &s4 aeiflhse effl lst gs--flipt.-" Mfs eaFSiaek aid he wa wilf--Isg to hm my appeal te eeneiesp and he will give a treat? that was lih--erl to csha &s4 3rt to the Psite4 States, he wqu14 vote fop it, hst so man could pledge his faith for treaty which itself violated Its pledged faith of the country an4 on plea of opening markets , of Cuba slammed the door against forty million customers In South America. If this measure would reduce Its price of sugar it would be an argument in its favor, but the larg est part of its sugar imports would be still subject to duty and its tariff would be added to all. The authors of its sugar tax promised to reduce it by ten million dollars. We were to pay this sum for this treaty. It required us to give up not only the right to re duce taxes, but reciprocity with other country. "You violate your -solemn promise to reduce taxes, he said, and you do it In the name of honor. You sell your right to make commercial treaties and you do in the name of reciprocity." Mr. Carmack referred at length to its reciprocity policy of Blaine and McKinley and quoted from the speech by Mr. Dolliver of Iowa, in which the latter had said, that ev ery line of the wisdom of Blaine had been eliminated from statues. He agreed that this was true and if so who was ' responsible. If the Demo cratic party had taken it off the Re publican party had refused to put it back. GREAT FOOTBALL GAMES FOR THANKSGIVING DAY- The leading football games to be played in the South Thanksgiv ing day, Noc. 26, are: . Tech vs. South Carolina in At lanta ; Georgia vs Auburn, iri Atlanta ClemsOii vs.- Cumberlarid iri Montgomery ' ' Vaaderbilt m Sewaaee, la Naa filie , . Alabama feaaegaee, ia Sif--faiaghaai - fiatidgeii ?, the V, P. I, at Rea-- Vifgiflia , Mefth afiiaa, la JUehaiefid. r ' Tni 1 111 "" 1 '"ii i iiiinrmr-iiiimiiiiirM SENATOR ULLill WAS HERE TODAY The Dltlngulhed South Gar ollnlan Was en Route to Trenton, His Home, From Washlngton-'Takes a Ride Over the City, United States Senator Benjamin RIon Tillman, was a Charlotte visitor this morning for several hours. H ecame in on No. 39 from Wash ington and remained In the city until 11:45 o'clock when he left for Trenton, S. C, his home. On his arrival here this morning Sen ator Tillman went direct to the office of Mr., D. A. . Tompkins on South Church street where he remained for a short while. Mr. Tompkins took his distinguished visitor for a drive over the city and the two arrived at the Southern's station a short while before the train started for Savannah. Senator Tillman had but little to say as to politics. He seems to be a little more guarded in "his utterances than -when he first stepped into fame and prominence. Life in Washington as a United States Senator from the good state he has been chosen to represent, has tempered his tempestuous spirit and has added somewhat to his dignity and reserve. - But, if one should have touched him on one. of his "political corns' 'it Is more than probable that he would laid aside his assumed senatorial dignity and basked in the word painting of the Tillman of 1890, when he passed from county to county in the Palmetto State crying down aristocracy and preaching the doctrine as promulgated by his political associates of that day and time. J Senator Tiliman, if he. rides on rail road passes these days, Is hot keeping them in the pocket the fellow lifted them front last Louis. Whea he looked for his" mileage book this raerriltig he reached for" his" ihside" vte'st pocket where the wallet was safety kept.- Yes", seaator" tiiitaaa with iatteasiag geaateriai digaity" ia also addiag ta his" aappty ef $mmiim that is aet-ea &w is traveliag th dajf.- fhe great eefflfaeaef ef gotith eaFefiaa might m e sis hmis a taeasaaa, ?ea a iaiiiiea Ifflea, aad weald heviF have t e islii te as eat--geiag fea4nptF that he mast ifflPeitasf feglslatlesv tfl his ssls4, was the repeal ef the sftpesth amendment, jn grasp raafce gape hl mmy, THE FIRST $NQW Fell Here This Morning Snowed Also At Ashevl lie Mere Predicted. The first snow Of the. season fell here today betweett twelve flhd One d'eiocki The fall was ery bfisk while it lasted, but waa ef ahoft duratioa f he weathef taaa pfedieta that there will be fflOFe aaow befete the pfeaeat e&ld aaap i evef At 8 a.. FB: this iaeffiiag there waa a iaew tFfa ia pfegfeaa at Asheilie, KfiMille aad NeFfelM, with freeaiag TefapeFatHFea ia the Weati Revi MFi Thmp8ri T Rid Hsfsi flev, J.- Mt ThesipaeB, the sew pf al41sg e!4ep ef the OhsFlette 4latFiPt has rste4 the iiaFty pottage nq( 513 North Pburpli stFeefe as4 will move bis family here this week. As The News has ptated, Mr, Thomp-? son and Dr. J. C. Rowe exchanged places, Mr, Rowe going to the church at Monroe and Mr. Thompson coming to Charlotte. Charlotte Methodists and our people generally, will be glad to learn that Mr. Thompson and his family will re side here. Thanksgiving Hunters. There' will be thousands of birds and rabbits slaughtered tomorrow, but not in Mecklenburg county. However, there will be a large num ber of Mecklenburg hunters who will leave this evening and tomorrow morn ing for counties in which the bird law has already expired. Today Charlotte sportsmen with a gun in one hand and a grip in the other could be seen wind ing their way depot-ward getting away for their annual Thanksgiving hunt. s Much Thanksgiving Buying. The butchers, fancy grocers and dealers in all kinds of table delicacies' were kept busy today from early morning waiting on the big throngs buying Thanksgiving dinners.4 It is said that the sales of turkeys today has surpassed that of any previous. Thanksgiving. The price of turkeys has - soared sky high and today dressed fowls were selling for twenty tents per pound. Holiday Tomorrow At Little-Long Co,'' The clerks and employes of the Little-Long Company will enjoy an all day holiday tomorrow bn account of Thanksgiving day The Consideration; of the employers Will pe greatly appreciated by the clerks and othera connected with the Little-Long Company, Heavy Thanksgiving Tfaveii t he tfaiaa thia week have beea ua aaaaliy wewded with holiday tfael let aad a a eeaaeaaeaee aghadalaa m fy niueh daffleraiised, The FSilfead nia eipet hay tral urn!! after the ehfiatsai hiidayi 803, fUNEEAL 6f M8 IRWIN, Afl6thp H6R8fd,UfldfflaFk Gene Te Hit RSwaFdj f he body ef Mf, iataei p ffwia, wh died at fiavidaea yeateFday evea--m aFFived hF thi afteFaeea aaa was gaFFiei t the heme f Mfs Mi As beFB8 at West TFa4e tFet, whes the faaeFal aeFviees teefe plaee at 4 elefc this afteFeea, wTh 4epeaseA was a- &F9theF ef Mfs, M, At QsbPFse, &s4 the father ef Mfs: A, OFahara, gf 8ayld9B, at W&9SS home ha 4ie4, Mr, Jrwls's father cawa to this country from Ireland. Mr, Irwin waa pors In March, 1920, He was born In this city Jn tbe wooden build ing on Independence Square, now oo cupied by Wood all & Sheppard. Mr, Irwin's early business career carried him to Mobile, Ala., where he was engaged in the cotton busi ness. Later he returned to Charlotte. The deceased was a member of one of the oldest as well as most- promi nent families of Mecklenburg county, and for many years has been one of the landmarks of the early history of this section. Mr. Irwin had become the possessor of a large estate before his death. The funeral exercses this afternoon ceased are: Hall Morrison Irwin, who lives In California; Mrs. A. T. Gra ham, of Davidson; Miss Anna Irwin, of Davidson; and Dr. John Irwin, were conducted by Dr. J. R. Hower ton. The pallbearers were: Dr. Geo. W. Graham, Capt. A. G. Brenizer, P. Bre vard McDowell, B.: D. Springs, J. L. Chambers, P. M. and J. Hrvey Wilson. The deceased was one of the most faithful and oldest members of the Presbyterian church, in which faith he had been brought up from child hood. The interment was in Elmwood Cemetery. PERRY IS CAPTURED Murderer Wanted,1 In Virginia Caught Today. Louis . Perry, a murderer . who is wanted at Clifton Forge, Va.j was Caught this afternoon. Perry was captured this after nooti hear Hickory Grove church by Officers Croweil and Ayers The hegrd waa secreted in a log hat some distaace front the read-side; officers Croweli aad Ayers deserve special credit for' raaaifig dawfl this iaarderir.' 68ilisi6ri t8Fy Bemed. (By Associated Pfmj ; Liverpeol, ftev.- .-if was em iatsd hre ea aaday last that while the taf Umf fjedrie flk la taid eeeaa is t-eliisiea with the Lafl?pFt ieit steamship, Titiaa afteFi t PSFefai umUmtim it was fswn4 that tha re port P0HI4 set he tFapa4 te asy Fspesr sjhie $(wm: yttle hee4 was pa!4 te It. Titlas this woFPisg arrlve4 Is ifereey and ia sow going through the Manchester Canal tq Manchester heF destination, while the Star steamship people all ridicule the story of the funiored collision First Snow la sL Leuis 1 (fiy Associated Press.) gt, Louis, Nov.- 85Firat aaew ef the seasea begaa faliiag laat flight aad eeatiaaed tedays Aceferdiag ta tne weathef bareaa the aaew fall etad 6ep the eaater a paft ef Nebraska aad Kaaaaa, westera lewa, aeathera Ilii ais aad the whele f Misseuri, Mfs.- , 8.- Leata is guile siek at her heme ea NFth eplar stFeet with 4iphtheFias Mf.- I. Miner, feFmerlv with the Interest ef Mr, B4w, Pamphell ef the firm of MMler Campbell, GENERAL REYES CABLESTO BOGOTA Says That Nothing Could Be Done at the Conference On Board Ship-Blames Amer ica for Aiding the Secess ion of Panama. ' (By Associated Press.) Bogota, Colombia, Nov. 25. Oeneral Reyes cabled the Colombian govern ment Sunday from Port Limon, Costa Rick, that he was unable to do any thing regarding. the canal with the commission at the conference held Nov. 26 on board the French steamer Can ada, off Colon. He added "Americans nrevented us from landing at Colon. Admiral Coghlan informed me he had instructions from Washington to pre vent Colombian troops from landing cn the coast of the Isthmus." Colombia public opinion strongly condemns the attitude of the govern- rr An a Wiohlntftn whirh it Id claimed decidedly helped the secession movement ia Panama Will Rrnmbef th PfisorlefaV Sheriff Wallace stated tody that be vrhuifi fdfflfiMW tfcg ftftaofiefg ia hia keeaifl tomotroWi Thaaksfclviai Say, witfi aa eittra geed diaaer Sfieriff wanaee is aiwaya ea tae UiaUmit (m the welfare m the aatv priseaers aad tfflffw will be a e pti t t faie, PRICE l aCBNTO, E PEACE ASSURED The Company has Only Lost a Quarter of a Million Doh lars and the Men get Off With $80,000 Loss in Wages, The Agreement was Reached in Mayor Harrison's Office at Midnight Men Ratify the Peace Act T hough Dis appointed in Terms, (By Associated Press.) : , '" Chicago, Nov. 25. With the strike leaders and Chicago City Railway Com pany officials agreed on terms of set tlement of car men's strike, interest to day is centered on the ratification meeting of the men called for at o'clock. An hour before the time, set many carmen gathered in vicinity of meeting place in Federation hall. The tenor of the men's comment on the agreement reached in Mayor' Harri son's office after midnight, was that the peace act should be ratified, de spite the fact that the men dd not get by it nearly ill they asked. If Is esti mated that the trike has cost the conl- tlfltlV A InRS ht i2R4 1RQ In fbr-elfio hirtnd : ana nas cost tne men f su.548, in wages, 1 lost: j Chieagd street caf taea'a strike broaght te cidse teday by fatincatiea by taefl ef cdmpact agreed apea hy leaders aad represeatatives ef the ceaipaay after u days tartaeii service ea varieas liaes ef ehieage eity fiaii way fctofflpaay ceveriai aa area ef 8 mm, ffljies.-; he strikers faet a frederatiea ifail whigh had beea LieadsaaFters : aad the lae was fFewded whgs, PFesldeat lagkley ef he legal eFgasisatiea palle4 th faeet i te eF4frf mm saws fFern salt was n ft PFagtlPslly ssaslraeas vets h4 appepte4 proposition tg arbitrate the matfeF Of wages, scaja t bB'bWe4 PS vagea paid n ptbep pities, poqn after he sepond announcement proclaimed he acceptance of whole compact With he announcement came the statement hat union mea had beert ordered td report to tarioaa haras ready td take but ears immediately, Fefitfeall Ternerrew, The feetball game teaief row i au8a jag a good deal f eeaiaieat aad speu lafiea afaeag beth the yeaag aad eid peepie aad whe are eel eeaaegtei with the Y, M, e, A, Aad theugh, aa Mf, fred fflith said, the pasters aBd ehUFgh idFs raay aet feggesig disgeaF aggi ia the Assegiatiea if it legs aet wiai still seise will fee vgFy mmk iis appelated, This Is the flFit gaise of the seases is whips tse ehaFlette pee pie will have asy Fgal gaHSg te 4e asy Feetisg, ' A 4etle4 FPpOFt as It progresses will be gives tomorrow at the North State Club of the football gams be tween the Usiversjty of Virginia and the University of North, Carolina jn Richmond, Va, Twenty-five cents ad mission will be charged". All money in excess of expenses will be gTverr to the Alexander Rescue Home. ! . Has Appendiciti.' ' Mr. Sylvestus Sparrow, of Gaston county, is at the Presbyterian Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Sparrow is a son of Rev. G. A. Sparrow, pastor of Olney and Union Presbyterian churches In Gaston counties. ' This Is the fourth attack of appendi citis Mr. Sparrow bas suffered and this time, it was decided that an operation would be necessary. - . - Mr. Eflrd Better. :-, Mr. H. M. Eflrd, manager of the Bee Hive, who has been at -the Pres byterian Hospital for two weeks, suf fering from nervous prostration; was thought to be somewhat improved to day. . ''' - . School Entertainment at Groveton. This afternoon at 2 o'clock an inter esting program took place in the Groveton school of which Mrs. - Nora Neal Moore is teacher. The exercises included numerous recitations 'and other features and were witnessed by many patrons of the schools. Selling The Farrior Stock. tha fnilr nf iewelrt of E. N Faf rier was today opened tip fot sale td the public . 4 ' . TERHIATESTODAY The trustees nave several diqb r,or,irf hH iha fctiflf-H fefOrk ftOril tikfs ' ties who -may coatiaue the baaiaesa . bat fioae of these have beea closed yet.- Cat ten RaeifiU, piatferffl teday afaeuated te ?4 bale aad the best price was ii eeats. df tha cam ft rfav last vsa? the fBBBlnta afaessted to w bales aad the hast fli was I mis$ - f: t