;- ; . i i THE NOB,cffpinAodH"-Try It, TT A T" THi VVIATHKrV Pair Tonight nd Tuesday, A. VOL. XXIX-NO. 4674 CHARLOTTE, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 30, 1803. V PRICE : 3 CENTS. 0 1 HBBBMaaBBMBBBBBBVMHBaaaiaBBl I SENATORIAL BACK-SUPPER 8 WHITE SE r II!- I SoniB 01 nlS luiu&yiiwa&ied .-How he Behaved in St, -Louis His Slapping the Backs of Ithe Dignified Senators. Representative Williams on the Canadian Reciprocity Treaty The Interior De partment and its Land Frauds. (Special to The News.) Washington, D. C. Nov. 30. North . xl - Carolina Congressmen, wnen mey read in the Washington papers of the cold snap handed out to us by the Weather Bureau will be pleased to learn at the same time that they need not come back to the windy hill until Tuesday, as the House voted to ad journ over until noon on that day. Mr. Williams, the Democratic leader, op posed the motion to adjourn, declaring that the Republicans In forcing ad- lournments for three days at a. time were unwisely wasting time and money. He declared that the House IN COTTON MARKET TODAY. ItliJ?0!?.? who is 1 GREAT EXCITEMENT to eeeupy as their chosen chief the Presidential dwelling, our - "White House," which as President by acci dent he has done so much to dese crate? It is possible that the French re ciprocity treaty may occupy th atten tion of the Senate in January. Three times has this treaty been before the BRI TOW REPORT T DAM I IG REVELATIONS March Cotton Goes To Eleven Forty Five Bullish Advances From South ern Stock Markets Small Crop Talk Continues. (By Associated Press.) New York. Nov. 80. There was Senate with strong backing from the great activity and excitement in the west ana tnree times Senator Aldrlch coln market this morning and prices of Rhode Island in behalf of the Pn active months reached new high jewelrv mftnnfnrtnrera n afaf a I records for . thft RPnsnn fho morVet has brought about its defeat. While nad opened at an easy decline of one The FoilTth Assistant me xreaty wouia De to the interest of lo ien Points, easy on neavy liquida the agriculturists and machinery mak- tion and Dear pressure following a era of the West it would, so it is fibarp break in Liverpool, but almost claimed, .wipe out the New England immediately rallied by active cover jewelry industry. ing and good supporting orders from Secretary Hitchcock of the Interior Dul1 leaders. From 11.17, the lowest Department has decided that it Is not Pint on call December sold up to for the "best interests of the counry," H'28, January was advanced from otherwise the Republican party , to 1121 to March from 11.30 to have the attention of Congress di- " and May from 11.32 to J.1.43, rected to his department in the matter the being net gains of 3 to 5 points. ui me eBtaousnment or a government x"e was encouragea Dy rei- ... . n,,-! Jftf1. h,taA cement plant ouf in Artzonia at this atlve prominence of New Orleans, and Nineteen UUtSlOerS ACCUSeQ Dumsn aavices rrom southern stock markets,' together with further small crop talk and rumors of a profitable Post- His Full Report Fifteen in the Department Found Guilty. . BIO. CUT IN WA0I8 IN I NEW ENGLAND COTTON MILLS. DEATH OF MR. STONEBANK8. Well Known Citizen Of Charlotte Ex plres Suddenly. Mr, O. H. Stonebasks, one of the best known saloon men of Charlotte, died very suddenly at bis home to the West of the city shortly after 4 o'clock this morning, The funeral services will be held to-1 time, and so he has arranged the af fair with the cement-manufacturers and we shall not hear anything in Congres sabout the $3,000,000 dam for squeeze In nearby months. Slxty-Four Thousand Operatives Have Had Their Pay Reduced New Schedule Adopted All Over Rhod Island Operatives Agree To It. (By Associated Press.) Boston, Nov 30. The waaes ! of about 82,000 cotton textile operatives morrow afternoon at 8:80 o'clock from were reduced today. Today's addition be residence. Dr. A. C. Barron, of brings the total number in New Eng- Tryon Street Baptist church, and Rev. land who have had their nay cut down C. C. Leman, of St Peter's Episcopal . this fall to about 64,000, and the cut church will conduct the service. The . wnicn taxes effect in New. Bedrord Mriueui wm ue in cumwooa. - . ) Master aeneral Publishes :next Monday will swell the total to Mr. Stonebanks had been a resident auout (o.uuu, ana complete tne general Ul wuiuiuuo iw bovsiw jean a. ai ujo reduction in the Southern and ; New time of his death he was one of the England cotton mills. . . owners of the Buford saloon. The cutdown, in the majority of fac-! The aeceasedwas born at College ; tories, averages ten per cent. Today, Plnt, Long Island, in 1858. A greater practically every cotton mill in Rhode P81"1 of nls life J8 Pent In and near Island, where there were 2,200,000 NeMr York. His health failed him sev- spindles, adopted a new schedule. In f1 Te48 and in order to improve that rat nonriv 9.n na nnerativoi ara his condition he took a voyage around i affected, and the new order of things the world. - 1 1 a loss of fully $20,000 weekly in wages. . ,6 7,, Lr . tulD T'-,' The cut became also operative in marled and lived for years in Ral the mills in Massachusetts and Con- eigh. He moved to Charlotte four years necticut controlled by Rhode Island Bo.a nco rraiQin nere, ne maae . : DR, MOIIIGOMERY AGAIII ASSAILS THE 17HISKEY 1 RAFFIC In the Presence' of : i Vdfy Large Congregation : list ' N fght ; hei i Preached tHe Second Serrribn - bhv the Saloon and the Cii Arizona. The Secretary has about all the pub licity tnat he desires for his depart ment in the matter of public . lana frauds at present, and so it is exDected that the plant which the government Twelve Cent. Cotton. ' New Orleans, Nov. 30 Futures open ed this morning with advance of last week continued in spite of unfavorable Liverpool cables. Late in the morning prices went 7 points higher than those of Complicity in the Crim- na itV PerrV Si Heath and capital and employing about 7,000 ad- many MV' He wa of a,lule,t dJf; nomjr I ciijf.oi ni-ouiaiiu i ren0rta from th position and was a man of splendid Senator ulstrich are In is putting up at a cost of $100,000 to of Saturday and are still on advance. manufacture ement will be turned over to some manufacturer. ACADEMY OF MUSIC bURNED ; -IN BROOKLYN. (By Associated Press.) Washington, N. C., Nov. 30. The following .. are some of the con crete Instances of corruption , in the Bullish sentiment was dominating, the future of market. Crop estimates were low which was in contrast to last week when disposition was to increase esti mates. The lowest estimate is made by Postal Service, as tabulated by Fourth, John P. Parker, millionaire planter, of Assistant Postmaster General Bristow: The Largest Theatre In the Citv. and Monroe, La.," who has Just returned I SENATOR DEITRICH INVOLVED, an Historic Bulldinn Th io. i from a trip through the belt, he said In 1898 a-law was enacted authoriz- miu district indicate that the new schedules were received without any protest on the part of the operatives. : INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISTS MAKE SHARP REPRISAL. intetrriiv I He is survived by a ; wife and. four small children, who have the sympathy of Charlotte. SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES. The European Socialists Are Tired Of the Attitude of the United States and Make Rejoinder, About Our Lynch ing Customs. , ;' . $30,000 Damage Suit For Death Of Yardmaster Jackson. In the Superior Court this afternoon the $30,000 damage suit case of Sallle IE. Jackson, administratrix of . Wm. Jackson, deceased, was called and trial He Recites the Words bf an Eccentric Saloon-Keeper at Fayetteville to - Show, What the Man'Who Seils Whls key 'Thinks of his Business. $300,000, Covered Built in 1860. By Insurance. (By Associated Press.) New Vork, Nov. 30. The historic Academy of Music, the largest the atre ,Jn Brooklyn, was completely con sumed by a flre which is believed to have, been caused by an explosion in the building. For a time the flames threatened the adjoniing property, and ms afraid of the Senate and the Sen- when the roof fell in a part of It ate was afraid of the House, and Doth struck aiiquor saloon adjoining, out ware afraid of the President. is e8tImated t $300,000, and fully, cov- pointed out to the Ways and Means ere)1 Dy insurance. The fire started In Committee that as they were already the scenefy pa the stage of the thea ippointed they could take up the bill e, where men were preparing for a . . lJ9y ABBULlttlCU riVBB.) V.-.. New Ynrlr Mnv Zl A ' mflnlfaRtn . - : . . . - crop would not yield 9,700,000 predlc- ing the Department to make leases for publl8hed he're by the International th Southern rail wa tions that prices would go to 12 cents a period not exceeding ten years. On j socialists Bureau, calls attention to i in j?Iy i6 i9M mm ffi St SI before issuance of bureau report. November 2 following the enactment i tne ranld increase In the number of 5? i8 ' S Thursday and this belief caused much of this law the First Assistant Post- JeiSS S6!! a Herafd' &ln&-Ji&. buying late in the morning. December master-General, in a letter intended i dignatch from Paris The sunnosed Z. t-.i, llMMdlSrchhlJbOT iS While fkntaathly'Tovt,,L''',n raalcal ani1 Pantlirop!c l. represented bjr. Burell .nd CM.ler years, it is not deemed advisable to do , VtI " 1 "r r ." " u 6 1 ' v ' x' BOLL WEEVIL CONVENTION. so unless it can be demonstrated that. trL-t,1."!-"?".lV,:uJr. ., . j,,.-,. tr. v, o osralna vlll ' iue luauiiesiu uruvenui ugaiusi,. Lutno iuia case, win ue uua ml uie uiubi. Bia Gatherina in New Orleans to Pro-1 be secured thereby. tect Louisiana Against the Pesti i (By Associated Press.) New Orleans, Nov. 30. Delegates from the parishes of Louisiana gather ed here today to take part in the This policy, however, was not con sistently carried out. , Canceling leases. At Weehawken, N. JM on July 1, 1900, a lease was exe cuted for ten. years, at $500 per annum, including all equipment, heat, light, etc. On July 1, 1902, elgnt years neiore ciprocity with Cuba. f fho flpw th ...... hniMifi- o This drew from Mr. Payne, of New i . torfc, chairman of the Ways and U,endJng an tneif effortg t0 gavln tne M'ans Committee the unequivocal I .,, ,n. aaL s i rA- n,r.v I ic?oLiiiiujLijcki uiuuei iu dlul OcOaiur i LHJil weevil cuuvtJiniuu citiieu. ujr uuv- i ofn I m juiv.i. lyuz. VTfl. Z to be given there tonight. Heard to decide whether or not there tne lease expired, It was canceled and ui u.w.c Within a half hour after the discovery was necessity for a special session of ft new leaaa entered into for the same the State Legislature to pass laws I premises and the same equipment at wnicn win oe enecuve in Keeping me an annual rental of $800. r boll weevil out of Louisiana. The con At Hastings, Nebr., on May 1, 1897, ILVthA Th Academy, venlion will dlscusr a plan. suggested a lease was made for postpffice prem- i fri!. h Sm tnt which was an ahtiqtiatecf building con- by Prof. ,W, C fituBMof Louisiana iSes for a period of five yeari;- including ZZumu B 7-.T Za it To structed In -lSOO - of briclt - aod-wone rBXpt'rimeiii" uivui(m7ur cxraaemn a light, heat, vault, and equipment, at an Kv.t, w.-. r- wood rtfefed na reft Btanca to strid or lana along tne western oouna- annual rental. of 1700 Dei annum, in amiy should not report it to ine the flames It Is located la the heart ary of Louisiana against growing of March, 1901, the lessor was nbtified cotton and establishing strict quaran i that the lease be canceled on June su, tine against ail goods which can carry almost a year before its expiration, weevil, , Shortly after this a proposal waa ao Ieepted for another building no more desirable, at a rental of $1,800 per an num. A most vleereus oreteet wa filed beufld of 25 pelnts, Mareh reaehlng flgilngt this action ef the Department 31,08 at the highest, and eieelng at by these intereated In the , canceled 11,62. Tills Is the Wghwater mark ifl lftse, and the matter was referred to feci tertai House ll is fXP'-cted that Speaker Cannon till fttitiotitice a part of the committee shipments on Tuesday, and that mm work may be undertaken in th H'ihw, lint it is by no means certain that this win he the program. Th mm sua the House are nulling fwlwr ap&rt t ven that when adjourn atnt of the 07th Congress was had last Marr h, snd this stste of affairs is of the financial district, SHOT FOR FIVE CENTS. A' Restaurant-Keeeer Shoots a Rail' road Quard In Chicago For a Dbt wt rive wenis. (By Associated Press,) Chfeago, Nev. 30.-Becftuse he was short five cents in settling for his likely to result in some delay in the breakfast, Marcus gheehan, guard transar tion of pubis;' business, en the South Hid Elevated road, was xut it out, if- an Tommy rot," snot ana niuea . eany yesterday uy iuh a the exoression which Preei James Beraanus, proprietor of a State dent RooHevelt ia reported to have street restaurant, Having only 15 used at the orxnin ceremony of the cents In his pockets Bheehan ordered a Louisiana Pure hae Exposition, when meal which be thought called for that senator Hanna whom he had left his amount of money, Wnen he came to place on the rostrum to greet, called pay for the meal, however, he was told ma attention to the fact that one of by uerganus tnat ne owea zu cents. the officials waa delivering an address "That is all I have," said Sheehan. to the PreHident, and advised him to "I'll give you the other nickel this af- resumfi hl uat I ternoon." To those who have seen Mr. Roose- "You'll pay now or you will never Hit slap gome of the vererahia mem- leave this house," said Berganhs. oerH of the Senate in tha hark with a Bheenan laugned and turned toward resoundine wharw when he wiahe tn the door, but before he could reach it impress upon them the necessity of Berganus drew a revolver and without uumg wnat he has told them he wishes a wora OI warning nreu. oowuw woo done, it does not seem at all improb- sbt In the head and instantly killed, able that the PrBMen noA ha v. Throwine Sheehan'a body out upon pression with which he is credited, tne siuewaiK, uerganus iockbq up tne w undoubtedly he would like also Place ana nea. tie is buu t arKe. cut out" the document which Sen- future cotton for the present season. PILOT BAD MID TRUST CO, CLOSED ator Culberson of Texas now has in tne hands of the public printer, for he 'egards all such matters an are tn he contained in that paper as "Tommy rot. What does he care for such an cient history as the letters of William FELL FIFTY FEET. an Inspector for investigation, who, en April 17, i&Oi, reported as follows. "Viewed from the standpoint usually assumed by the Festeffiee Department in the treatment ti lease rases, ana eliminating all questions of personal interest, I am unable to conceive what possible representations eomo nave been made to the Department in this case to result in the entertainment and acceptance of the proposition or Mr, Dietrich at the price named ($1,800 per annum). The proposition is exorbitant, ti,. n-.i.!-- p. -;..!. n and the location one tnat n in compe I Me UOrpOratlOfl UOmmiSSIOn Ultlon with other propositions offering , n i i i n j ii 1 1 I central locations at iwu-unruo iuo in Raleigh Received NOtlCe price asked could not conscientiously I Via frtnttlriered. Thlq Morninff That it Cotlld As a result of this report the price I ni5 iuuilllllg I liai ll uumu reduced to $1,300 per annum, with the proviso that the Department should pay tor moving and installing the equipment and provide heat, and light. The office was moved at an expense to the Department of $746. BRANDT AUTOMATIC CASHIER. Prior to 1898 large-sized postofflces, for convenience in enabling clerks to abominable acts which are committed Important the present term of , court, daily in the United States" and calls In he case of D. N. Cash ion' and upon the working classes to unite Company against the North Carolina wltnout distinction of race or color unai Association, a non suit was ae- agalnst capitalistic tyranny. It is sign- clared, the plaintiffs falling to appear ed by Socialists representing twenty- ano Deing cnargeu witn tne costs, four countries. In the case of R. P. Robinson vs. Chas. Russell, the plaintiff , submitted FUNERAL OF MRS. MOTT. i to a non-suit. . - . I The case of F. W. Ahrens against Took Place In Statesville Today She a5enJ? Asbury was referred to Jas. A. Died At Salisbury. Bell, Esq. (Special to The News) I In tne caso w' D Morrow Vs. Rtatasville Nov. 20. The funeral" of Standard Electric Company, Nd. 70, on Mrs, Euntia Mott took place In States ville today, A large concourse of friends and relatives followed the re mains td the cemetery. ' Mrs, Mott died at the Stokes Whitehead sanitarium In Salisbury yesterday at noon. She was taken id the hospital last Thursday, where she underwent an operation for some kid the docket, the case was continued f or the defendant, t IMPROVEMENTS AT, POSTOFFICE. 17S New Boxes Te Be Put In Chngs ef Carriers' Windows Postmaster 'Smith Informs The News that a number of improvements will ttey trouble. The body was brought to soon b made at the Charlotte pest- Statesville' last night. Deceased was 43 years old and was the widow of the late W. W. Mott ef this place, not Meet the Demands Made Upon it; (Special to The News.) Raleigh, N. C.; Nov. 30. The corpo ration commission received notice this roake change rapidly, were furnished morning that the Pilot Banking and with "coin trays," the prices of which ZL n -nv nf Pimt Mountain, ranged from $5 to $12, depending upon Lineman Has a Terrible Tumble In Greensboro. (Special to The News.) ttreenshoro. Nov. SO. P. H. Griffin. H e wi .u.u.u.1 , Ai, " ur. --., '"' : ' Uha cfe and ennstrup.tlon H?wed' &e.cretar.y State in the I a I closed Its doors Saturday, , being, un- "IT" "the Zm of 1898 a num --j u.js wnen the Cnnre.lerate i """i"" " z . I t roHo moo nn if I. 1 " .. j. ..in statpa Be " , , I hi safetv helt while on too or a nls:n I auu3 w uiroi me uv,maUu0 .v.w i Der or tne crauue-ueut auiumauu ' S ' iSS St ml moXt && -".er8. er? pUeed jn mjleret post- FATAL AFFRAY III SEVILLE office. "In the first place," said Mr. Smith, "a new section of private boxes will be put in. The section will contain ever 175 boxes, probably 200. A num ber of these are already engaged. The present eauloment ef boxes is alto gether inadequate for the demand on tne part of Charlotte business men, "Ever since I have been in charge ef the office," continued postmaster gmith. "I have had to refuse many ap plications for boxes because of the in. sufficient number at present, The new I boxes will supply the demand for the r. , r r t present at least and will include i r I n laV 0t MarlOn number of the larger boxes. Shot bv a Man Named Lee te"d 4? ike'" w,Mr. smith. "At J " .present the carriers' windows are so -A Wnman Men Rhnt arranged" that the carriers .haying the t iiviiimii. mw wiiw- largest deliveries have adjoining win- ri.U..!- tt,la, j writ flows and tnis causes mucn inconven rlnlay S Mother ana yV te iDce among the patrons, especially on Sunday on account oi uie targe vruwus. "It is my purpose to place one of the windows from which the heaviest de livery is made, on the. south side of the office at the Mint street entrance: Postmaster Smith will have the new arrangements completed within a "few weeks. L. Bunk Sent for at Once. (Special to The News.) Marion, N. C, Nov. 30. -A telegram came yesterday form Asbevillo stat ing that L (Bunk) Finlay, of this place, had been seriously shot and telling his wife and mother to come. To the Fields Tomorrow. The hunting season in Mecklenburg Another message this morning says county begins tomorrow, December 1 the shooting was done by a man Tne present season win iasi onxj iwtvy named Lee and Bunk cannot live till one days. or. through January iu. ;?r vulberson has taken great i-r I uuuiu 1.x vui uv v, i w - - . , - fhn a . e.ica.1. loiC iu . . . , nf rn foot banK. r- ... - riosirah l tv as a cbanee-maKing aevice, OTphar h rel6rred t0 Ve t0 " He struck on This feet breaking both The Workers' Industrial Life and bli the postmasters were requested to Sirthe'Jf U JlW Insurance Co.has been char- report 0J their desirability. ; At that . , L LUi,ti;u11 I 4 nArot tho infjnitii terea. unnciuai omce at iwueiue. it t mp winneia - airawu, ul vautuu, numb from the cold, he fell to the a commission to take charge of the offices for the purpose of testing its A I ", carriea on by Secretary Se- vl 7 Charles Francis Adams, the iZ u ,iaies Minister to Great Bri TPPnrA wjivojuuuguvo iu tI,i 1 -the recognition o the Re- Manama. But such ','Tommy "J"'iv-a " " . . . I , . ' 1, XT TO DImc. A I , , 1. I4. f ncron- in an unconscious condition and it is 1 naa no capn-ai owb.. . umo, was uicMirenuw. f Z feared death may result from the acci-I H. Green are among tne luwwa- cies, ana ueorge r. jvima, dent. DEATH OF HIS NIECE. Mr. Henry Nathan Receives Sad In telligence This Morning. Mr, Henry Nathan receiced this morning & telegram from his brother, Mr, A, A, Nathan, & prominent travel ing man of Wilmington, N, C, an- hat U "thP mZ "t, il Vs i , 1 nounclng the death of the latter's M.iay m r.fhML1 daughte?, .Ruth, which occurred this it be af, ft.tttAH tui . Jivi morning from flipnthena, ne was s r(,safd8 the aldlne and abet--' ,a ftfi SS 5fftil!S5S5.toJ H tot only two or three days, , The ,,.;f lHB issuuig ut message eav no otner particulars, , Wood Case Continues, (By Associated Press,) Washington, Nov, 80,ieaftt Cora- Way with hi- "imBmt m mlttee en Military Affairs resumed ns friM,n ;;. rrL'.f.Vm y party hearing In the weeds' case. Major try tors. EM. Koonce, of Jones county, was annointed by Gov. Aycock to succeed Dr. Matt Moore, deceased, as trustee' of the A. and M, College. . ; - ho . '-"uce, ior , aDout precedents no matter iLlotIihy have been set t He is I L: 7SK ent the United States and !,Pr0 '1iat on. fftiHfl 5 tt, tff'd &s to abie tt y,t,f h )fl the,f respeetiv w five thanks to tafl. 1"7, wtftKing himself in The Means Place Sold. ' The John Means' place, consisting of 129 acres, lying on the Statesville road, about two miles from Charlotte, wsj today sold at, public outcry at the county court house, The property bfonght $22.75 per acre and Mr, D, Baxter Henderson was the purchaser, Mr, Henderson did not say what he expected to do with his newiy acquired ti(,Pu. ',?,WH wb' eoun Ksteg , iiftinnene was me nrB6Awiv ThafikhiUi . " ' Rt i a, m, on K B,? .v,"g This, too, while his ..... . '"J HfiHH in M VnPb K frr'yal the President o ' ",8, wire to be present at hla fun.- Christian '.J. :'3"e.,!xatnp,e. thal ft I New York 1,W'"D nuvuiq expect to oe Cubait Killing In Florida. (By Af sedated Press,) Madison. Fia,; Nov, i0.ASeut l inn was the Washington agent .Tiidsre Georee E. Baldwin, of Can ton, Ohio, father-in-law of Miller, the night. A woman was also shot by Lee. Full Particulars. Asheville, Nov.'30. Teeterday Bob Lee, son of Ex-Sheriff Lee, in an alter cation in the tenderloin district, shot J. ,W. . Finlay, a groceryman. of Marion, N. C, four times, 1 At the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church last night Rev.' J. Knox Montgomery continued the dis cussion' of the problem of the Saloon , and the City,, taking as his text Isaiah 5:2i, . "Woe unto them which 'justify the wicked for reward!" He said: , V Cod's .woe is ' pronounced upon the liquor traffic again and again in .'his word. "Woe unto him that givetbT his neighbor drink, that puttcst thy bottle to him! " "Woe unto them that aire mighty to drink' , wine! " "Woel unto Win that' bUildeth a town ; with '.blood ; andstabllsheth a city by. 'Iniquity!" But here we have another woe ' pro nounced upon those connected ' with ' this traffic. "Woe unto . them' which Justify the wicked for reward!" Ood looks after, the man, who drinks and says, "Woe unto you!" He looks after the. mail who sells and says, "Woe unto you!" But he is thorough, in. this busi ness and so does not fail to look after those who grant another the permis sion to sell and says, "Woe unto you." That (the saloon business Is ' wicked - needa no proof, but $ will let jgne 6t the craft tell us Just how '.'wicked It 'is, These are the words of aa eccentric saloon keener of Fayettevllls, Tefln., seme years ago used in an advertlse- nient of his business, "Friends; "Hav Ifig opened ia Faysttevjlle several years ago a commodious shop for the sale of liquid firne, 1 embrace this op portunity to inform you that 1 have commenced the business of making drunkards, paupers and beggars for the sober, industrious end respectable portion of the community to support. I shall deal in family spirits which will excite men to deeds ef riot, robbery end bleed, and by so doing diminish the comfort, augment the expenses, and endanger the welfore of the com munity, I will undertake at short no tlee, for a small sum end with great expectation of success to prepare vic tims for the asylums,- pooMiQuees, prisons and gallows, I will furnish an article which will increase the amount of fatal accidents, multiply tho number of distressing diseases and render those which are harmless Incurable. I will deal in drugs which will deprive some of life, many of reason, and all of peace, which will cause fathers to become fiends, wives widows and chil dren orphans and mandicants. J will cause mothers to forget their off springs, and cruelty to take the place of love. I will sometimes even corrupt the ministers of religion; obstruct the progress of the , gospel, defile ' the purity of the church, and cause tem perol, spiritual and eternal death.; If any one should be so impertinent as to ask me why I have the audacity to bring such accumulated misery upon a comparatively happy people, my hon est reply is,' money, the spirit trade is lucrative, and some professing Chris tians give it their cheerful counte nance. I have a license, and if I do not bring these evils upon you somebody else will. I have purchased from the town council the right to demolish the character, destroy, the health, ; shorten i the lives and ruin the souls of those who choose to honor me with their pat- ' v , J 1 x J .tit T The season in Mecklenburg county promises to be one of the best yet. Birds are reported very plentiful and are said to be fat and Juicy, making a dish of rare delicacy. Today nearly every hunter in Char- ! r0nage. I pledge myself to do all' I have of Finlay's, on the head with a stick and Brank gave Lee too slashes with a knife, but not serious, Lee surrendered at once to the sheriff. support eerism www " E" SC"A S3JTS.".r'U5U .' in, rw..M,kun. tufln " ,. v-, w- r-. ' . . .'ill- 11.. j.. t haa nn hAAB I rork; formeriF peroupr pi mo ur tiw. '.. Ij , -IXl Iri I.. I (,niivfil lull . I junta j was waning w 1 twte w Washineton agent, was active tn his ; shooting Lee struck Brank, a friend . ... . 1 V. I v rlnlav'. n Ka A wittl a CtlnlT efforts to secure tne mtroaucuun ui machine by the Department The meth ods employed to accomplish this re sult are clearly set forth by the cor respondence between Brandt, president the fnmtiahif, and Stfftwn and Mil-1 ler, his- agents, On February 20, 1899, Miller wrote Brandt, stating; "1 am satisfied that we have the as surance and friendship of both patties General Heath and Mr, Beavers and ail that is necessary is to culti vate that friendship, if net by kind words, by dollars and cents, and 1 think the latter will be the most posi tive; bewever, the lints we have out new will result In a change ef pro gramme, which means our ultimate success' at wfiflka late gtrawn wrote Brandt from New York that Miller had left (Continued en f WW Page,) A Swede Killed. . At the office of Supt H. Baker of the Southern, The News was informed to day that Henry Karfltz a Swedish barber was instantly killed In Danville yesterday afternoon, The was was under the Influence of whiskey and after being repeatedly warned, he walked in front ef a mov ing engine and his body was cut la pitees. - . . "'. Prof. Huyck Critically III. A teltfram received today from Troy. N. .. states that the eendltien ef Prof, D, T. Huyck, the well known thousands, will be killed tomorrow. h, (0t a few cents, furnish them With The Charlotte hunters expect to get the certain means of so doing." all of the pleasure possible out of the ! This is what I call blood curdling brief season and during the next forty i honesty.. That he did hot 1 overstate days the bang of the huntsman's gun j whit he could and would do to his pat Will be heard on every hand. tons the output of 240,000 saloons in Mecklenburg county has one of the America bear abundant testimony, You shortest bunting seasons of any county ; will remember that the supreme Court in the State and the game is well pro-, has saidthaf'there is no Inherent tight tected. in a citizen ta sell liquor by retail," That it further said "No legislation can bargain away the health,- or pubiie morals." Yet eighteen men In our city fe engaged ia this wicked business ' Legacy Awaits Him. . Chief of Police Irwin his been re IahI HHt ffi HUB Wffl. ftfif fte, formerly ef Union, A 6 who isffll have beea justified In 19 believed to be in seme one ef the cot- for a reward of $11,000, Last Monday tea mills ef tfei action, n is report, flierning three men were ia thr R l L - ia awaitifi it eordeii Court for retslilng liquor. I lie D9(t nv l"i fiiwww muvt were not justified ia doing business, Eighteen saloons had been doing a re tail feuslnesg ail last week, hut not a. In tire Recorder 8 he can he found. Baraea Class Reception. The Bftfaeft Class ef Trtnlty Meth Ht rrwii tf, 1 1 H 1 i be ireit " " ' u ' ,1, thorn via church, was cfitleal, Prof. Huyck left Tuesday night ef next week, The en- Court last Monday, Why? They had Charlotte some time ago for Trey, hii tire membership and regular twenu ma nome, S3. Br r3i J 'fiWST " i 10M oo fMk fm.i the fourth shot lH-e has been Dusy gettlDS eun and : herein promised. Those who wish any . .M.1-.U. n iv ammiiinit.inn. In Khane and making ore- ; nt tho evlla cnpnlflprl hrnnshl. u.nnn missing iiiniay aaa siriKing iu ouiaiu-' . r, j - , ers, leaning out of a-window a hundred partitions for the hunting : season, and , themselves or their friends are re- , vards awav Both will die. After the is certain that many birds, probably quested to meet me at my bar where I I I I

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