PAGES THE , CHABLOTT THE WEATHER. Fair Tonight and Tuesday. . VOL. XXIX NO. 4580 ESS SHOOTS -6La SoLbfeh's frENsfof;. ft CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7. I 803, . .i HoMi n j star n i Grand Dollar of the Emperor of Austria ,'. SfMSS p i r a !.... r:,:' mwWu are the jncornQr: mm mm in in ni kns nivai i . r I v inv. F - -1 WWW U and Proceeds to the Ren dezvous With a Pistol. She Finds the Actress and the Prince Together She Shoots the Actress and il 1 t-rv k. i. The State Auditor announces that all warrants to confederate Se7s for KsTf thLV '? the hand 3 b ftinn n 6 ?uPerior Court for distri bution December 15th. They have been nt to register of deeds heretofore, THE POSTON STOCK., Company Sold To the Mills Allison Of Statesvill. (Special to The News.) Statesville, Dec 7.-A decree of con- til i nao icmyea oy tt v Braw- Then Swoons Away Her- BTos! bankn,ptcy for Po ine paper is from Referee McCrary elf, (Hy Associated Press.) 'icnna, Dtc. 7. Prince Otto, of indisch-Gractz, his youthful and im- iiietiscly wealthy wife, Princess Eliza- Hi Mario, whom he married only a ar afio, ana a pretty actress of the ra at Prague are the central figures nn extraordinary story. The Prln- is who is a granddaughter on her ithors si'le of the Emperor of Aus ia. ami cm lier mother's side of the iitK of the Belgians, only 20 years of c, the Koyai personage who re imm! iter rights to the throne of stria in order to marry as her heart anil, is asserted to have shot and ioiisly wounded a handsome ttn. m with whom the Prince Is alleged have had a rendezvous. II appears that Prince Otfri baa en secretly paying attentions to the tress whose beauty has been1 catis- a sensation Iri Prague1.- The" Priri s. (nesiiinaliiy being informed by lisapjwdhted stiitor Of the footiieht write, that the Fendes'VOtig" bad been rhM ifi the Palace Was thrown 'la a Jiftssiott ahd hUFFied in thu nwitiwii with a reveiveF he 'I 6! Veil hpf, fl ha V'akft GUmd at tha ,nf ml frfttml her erifsittsftee, She flit fbvulvhF and Had. it ia JiaCt.j, Hie yajbt fl,1, gf.FgaifliRs at - ...... , . v.Lwixirxw CTC f f hjs vop.-e.. gnteFiHg tha "ins me. I'iinress rnnfmntcH fa il! A of Lex ngton, and is a confirmation cf the sale of the inventoried stock of Poston Bros, to W. M. Cooper The amount was $1,896.08 or 6O14 per cent, of the original. It is understood that Mr. Cooper purchased the atrvk f. n:n. 4-. I.1CoTnpany and will be closed out ujr iui nrm. Messrs. Arthur Green and Babe Ma haffey, formerly residents of Alexandtr county, but who have been residing in Washington State for some years, havs 1 vim uru iu meir nome near Ilidenitp Both these men have amassed comfort able fortunes since going West Mr. Green will remain in North Carolina uui juaiianey will return West. President In a. Hurry. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 7. Official infor. fnatlon of ratification by Junta of Pan ama or tne.istnmus canal treaty was received by the administration, In ac cordance with this information the resment win today send to the Sen- atp a treaty for ratification by that DOdy.. . , COUNtV FATHERS IH SESSloW; PftlCEi SCENTS, Tiff1 nniiiilnnlrtif i nn i i h m w m luivnua w t : o r m i j , 1 1 r- I Mr III 111 I III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 muMHia. SoMfetH Wri hfiiUfi 1 ml uummiuuiuif Mf; Alexander igns A Mtftibtf 6 FirlanSg efirrirrilH; DECLINES TO ACT WFf! WSf the fluestian au - t 1 1 ' 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 r inenrrrrn w m m m mm mM mm i u h a n m m a Irwin a Made-by Ex Ser geant White, A WIDOW LADY'S IS DUDIIED mint: mjmm mWW WWsare being ufg'by plf ffi jnterested, -pne bejng at J pit vhew j br dge wpuld have be construe! e'l a Sqre BaUes' pf Pineyille, petition ed the boWd to grant admission to the COimty home fnrun nlH n Undsay, whom his family has been caring for a number of years. The re quest was granted. Mr. Johnson gniugpul n.. - - . uciuie nits board in regard to the old county home property which he has agreed to pur chase. Mr. Johnson stated that he would like to come into possession of the property January 1, or receive in terest on the purchase price for one year. After Some HlaAiiaalnn u agreed that the. county should pay $250 to Mr. Johnson Anri vnrnto Mw 1 1 im. 1 while Mr. Johnson -will purchase the property Jan. 1, 1904. The $250 is to cover rent for a house and hum tn used by the county until Nov. 1, 1904. The board also trnnsaptPil n araC, amount of routine business, auditing ai.wuut.a ana oraering the same to be paid by the county treasurer. The board til 0 OC f CI Ul I C leases from poll tax and granted cne infuse 10 peuuie to a Confederate vet eran, Joseph H. Wilson. The board will sion through Tuesday. Mr. w. D. Alexander, a member cf the county finance committee, tenderel his resignation as a member of this 'committee. His sueeaani had nn , selected up to the hour of going to press and may not be seleetfvi n Ma meeting. Mr. Alexander tendered his resigna tion On aCCOlint Of business nnoaan- ments to which renderp1 H venlent for him to attend the meetings of the committee. Mr. Alexander has served satisfactorily and with good fe- Huus on tne nnance committee. The fnllMWlnf iltmra worn 1 n j ' . . . j 11 LI ui u TT II lui January court: J.- a L- BJnidtt, T, a Clatky J. M. Potts W.- M. Davidson (jt A.- Witbefs, T. If, M.thi M-'dier, W.- W.. mtef, w, Httfflett, a Ai BrwlB) W, It; Patt, W, Uri, flft, ,f.. 8, tifflflP. c Jhl members pi thj police commis. .u u mccunj at the city hall The purpose of the meeting was to n. dwiiic auuun m regard to the fri' Hon that now exists in the department" At a meeting cf the board of alder men held Friday night, charges were -iied by ex-Sergeant White agafns Chief of Police Irvin. The board del c-iaed that he matler should be referred to the Police Commission with power At the meeting today the commission ueeiined to consider the charges on fiiuuua mac ine alleged offenses were said to have been committed 18 months ago; that if ex-Sergeant White had known of the truthfulness of the charges, it was his duty as an officer to have made-them known before thla. - " was stated in the meeting that while the present Mayor was at the head of the city government when the offences are said to have been com mitted, th present board of aldermen was not. It was also referred to that the same charges as mad by ex-Sergent While r.salnst Chief Irwin were mad an is sue during the recent mayoralty cr.n paign; that the fight of the opposition was directed against Mayor Brown. Be corder Shannonhouse and Chici Irwin 1 no people, ny their votes upheld the umciais ana retained them in aervlc?. The following is a copy of the letter sent ex-Sergeant White declining to in vestigate his charges:- Mr,n.cChN-c-D,!C'6' 1903- . Charlotte, & ft Slr:--YpUr communication addressed to the; Mayor and Board bt Aldermen, fcMit&lhiiig Statement renectbjg upon Chief hf Pfiiiet ii. ri. 1,in.lra i' 1 the Sdatd 6f Aidefinen With ptiWf U) Aftf d eenidfatie ICC'ltm i-4 ,,,.12 ,. . A j II 1. 'ami who attempted Id hold lier An ntnnAaiu Ulnil MtlaBJ m. rihe is sail to havfi firerf n, ni TUB III IrlU IPl (J t r rrr 1 . r t I fliuiieilin ni w a ' k - ii fei (oiner. The woman ffill cpiomii nul fijt&IJv iviiiMiini .. .1 v.. ; ' ss fell into a swoon. The vlftim wa uniedly tarried to her home and her rama spread the story. A DUEL IN NASHVILLE, Art Mnmtif I ni3K Rnnn Pnnn One Mule and a Covv-She peattie, Jnoa Amh, !tl lo now Prostrated runs, a: vv, ushpf, Sf.., j.- g, Gfflfle,' Jr ae. consideration, tHe Cefti JflOj & Wfltii, W, M: Wnejf', 3, P, huiefi dcjif te entertain f eengid MltlrV er y'eUF efnfnHrUPtidfl Ifld Ihe fitflfft weeJfi Jfl.. f, isffFd, 3, W, I SB!9 gfitiifld tbei-elfi, beaiiey ae wpwinnr. . j . . MHfWfHfti vnift trt f. f bf una u vmtv qwh etatfHAn Oib. ileams, lf; w, fiflfijr,- M.. y: ffgsfy, ii, j. itteri existed t yetif fcftwiedge fop aFjfflff jp pjpfjee, ft a., tfflthey, a. t, w" wmn. ftfid ro did set fit p.. 3ewart, W.. gumrneFViHe, P.. M.. p ftttfiffHw e? the papd p? Alder Montgomery. J3. M. Ooje, W, J.. Fite, Jr. T, Ai Gallant, B? Elliott, W, 0, witit the m f the Byiria Min, fill.' 1 ...1 r. J iJ f frtW l-hiimaa Vii- and j. . ""ici.i otj.t iju f airoi- mtm imrmma, Deweii was im h'i ir i ii. wa9 t Rave El fldtaffleji sod it i aid -ter hp f. ' captured 68 m L: " : vv' Ansban had snade began. Almnef tz i,T. Ui7" u ana uowell staggered .p. . v.wujtci in ma ii a. nn uci Hmnn " n j .... 'flKtf HIV (run 1 rn, j'l V i.oU. llie COnsrfipQtir.n itroo 1 i! ?-J.h.e wounded man was made miuuauie as nnaaihlo by A . ,rr ., , . , . . 1 fcv.vy nUU I.11C 111 mm bervices were not continued WAGES REDUCED. ighty Thousand r-. We m - wy"L"" mm upera WaoM W Affected By the Cut In (Rv A ti Boston, rrr "ess t'Otton mill "8ww it innt -r- .cn was reaucea "iiu It'll imp . ford vu'-r, L"uay in isew Bed- ' n m j I rtr uoiiu vill,. r-,.n ,.iJa,uu' onn., rait- Pawtur.vw,,.".vuie Mass. and millhnn,i v uumDer or 'O TVIIII nOVn K . a. . . . . - tip to thr. .... . Jowerea five thn.,0 . i ,l ..rae ,s about 80000. Bwir.w" aaiuonai operat ves n " 1 1 J 1 H rriiir,i. j j . that t,a ljr were Siven notice the 'm. ' "C.1" ek. Most 'f 3o h a , Mjiei,i,,e , adopted Novem- In v.. jo'iay's cut femtdmrfid MSr(tS??c7ip7lTcrek. tfliit iu.w.. : ;.'". wdo Dor- 7-Adin. - "Ill IM 1 Hi II - HMJM- l Wilitar, L fl."f0'd. He defines ArniM he says; .1 ' "'armeu resistancfl br Gainst ii, ' ,"1 . lfe United Rti fnilii: 'awful mrm01nl- "I H IQ . " '-"l;illll Iff IIIH l'"ason and th. blln lslilnii l ii - fuuifjnmi;!)! I. ''Hgnan the ht.i " l"Jn iri .L, i . , . . i . MiibH -""'iK nil nn nn u ' i wan it.; ""'iic nxa wi iirx :! f the ''t tie , vir i-efiifJVAd twiw "liiljft - . -. win uintB The bfirii 6f Mffl, M, B, ifootef, ifl Maliafd dreefe, was destroed b fire at aft eat-ly hunt- damiav 4whhi. 1h . ..... v j iiiui HiiiQj j ir act- ditwfi te a itrt ef twti arid etheF ffeed-- stuii, ie fntiie and om ew wete bttfned.. Mf; mw wa flwikefied at light that earoe ffom tbe diFet?tifl of her barn. Sha (iressAl nn nmV.uii.- t.u pp.ible and tn mn?pasy with the 9tl;eF m asd breafein mpmnoro n I Ii ri It -m , : . ,1. .1 J . i. a . ,i I ; i .... . i . . burning building. By almost puperbMman efforts they pucceeded in getting ft horse and twp cuius ana two or tne cows from the burning building, but were unablo to rescue any or tne corn or feed stuff. At the time the alarm was first given the building was almost enveloped in flames. Not only was it burning rapidly but was burning in three different places. ims fact,, according to those wLo were present, is the best evidence in the world that the house was set on fire. Mr. W. D. Alexander informed The News this morning that the people of Aianara ureeK are very mucn incensed over the burning of Mrs. Hoover's barn. Therf? Is. acwirfUnp' in Mr- AlpiatiilAr'a idea, not the slightest doubt but that ine Darn was burned and burned ty com A mia vhn ATitorfaina ttAmo ill nrlll toward Mrs. Hoover or some member or ner family. The citizens of Mallard Creek have TrfnmmirDi art 4rstsJ crl tlin ft 4d stated today that a liberal reward will do paid tor any evidence tnat win tend A f-4A. . . xo tnrow ngnt on tne case. &n4 fd-fstuff. gh is the widow of th lot 8. f. Hoover, ana is wen Known PANid IN MADISON SQUAREj Prafetical JekeF Cried FirWTh6 tJe- tails Of the Bbsyefg Race fbdaie. (fiy Assofciated Press.) New Vfiti. fief. 7 SbfMus asuu 1 wvi iuuu i coin WeFe tiar't-'frwi? avtu-tbd in a uauin t t-i day biggie Faee ifi Madisii gtiuaFe atidiesee lit a papeF Hdep a eieeeing tnB' aiF arid yted "fim", lev erai fiifBdFed peri is that part f the eardes FHhed in a paste frpfs theiF ejs as4 bfeafeisg tbFOMgs the guaFd rail fell and slid down the stppn siHah pf a wopdes trmk, ft sumbeF of flying riders hftving cipse escape from cpUis? ion.. A whirlwind pace was set at the putset of the race but the pace sjaefcr ened after the withdrawal in the earlv part of today of Kramer and Fenn, who went into the pace for the first 138 miles and at 1:10 a. m. the leaders who had finished 225 miles and two laps were nearlv a mile hehind. Thp. rArnrd number of falls took place during the day, the most serious accident being that in which Bowler,- Similar and Mc Lean went down. McLean lansed fnto unconsciousness and being unable to continue, refused to go to the hospital when revived. His team-mate Moran. continued the race for several hours alcne but could partner and the team was withdrawn. All other teams at 10 o'clock were bunched except Hedspath and Bove, colored riders. PRESIDENT EGAN RETIRES. The Resignation, As Forecasted, Sent In To the Meeting of the Directors. . (By Associated Press.) ftavitflfifih. fifl .. tier. 7At a tncotlti of t.h& Central Railway fiMrprtnrs thin tnnrtiino: the re-sifttiatirin tit tfe.)1oti John M. Regan was accepted and In his j men pp the Poiife Commission ilion in Pffice, a n 4 have pnly brought them fofr Tam mow, aiier mis tioard has been In office for seyen months and yon have seen fit td resign your position on ine ponce force pending charges Of insubordination, preferred against you bV Chipf hf PnUftt ttwini Hr.A li. ttirther reftsoa that the matters and statements ifl yam communication ate uiiiy a repetition Of rtimfcrrs atid Mtit-ttPd Mfpljcitb,1 tiUi-lHtf 4Un iut uji. file mi ejection tot the prpose de i rating ine re-eieciion or unier of Fd- Jife i-wi, Itegpettfttii', , & . Megjndi, fi.. w, aate, I'ih item, 3: II, WeaFS, tsetfibefi ef the PoHee wmwmwn ef tne eity 1 GliaFiette P: M, JJf&ws, Mflyop, At the fseetiflg thi fflgpsfsg ve?i' mesihep f the imli&s fm was paiiftd lu tp ftppeap befpre the mmmimmh The fact thai friction ei&t i the de. partmest was not attempted tp be dis guised, The mm were told tba. th administration would pq longer pann; tioq such; that the goo4 of the depart ment as well as the protection of the city'8 Interests demanded absolute harmony and that if any member of the force was guilty of insuboi dinalion or was found guilty of attempting to stir up strife in the department, the penalty would be dismissal. Mi b. . Hoover, ana is wen Known itu wtaj. o. ej. nauswu was eieciea, iuau wuu, in nia inordinate throughout tht county. It is understood The orflc o-f general manager created, desire to become suddenly rich, em- todiy that Mrs. Hoover Is prostrated and Mr. Theodore . Kline, new gen- Ploys such a method, must be regarded Aver her loas and 4hat a tihvefi'lflfi has eml SUDHntendent of th ftvutem. will only as a thief arid a rahher. over her loss and that & physician has been attending her sine yesterday morning. Rutfia Recognizes, (By Associated Press,) St. Petersburg. Defi. 7. United States Ambassador McCormJck, of fiHnll nntlflpl nf llnssln'a ffirnffnitlnn ff th tlAt-iiililirt if Ponnmq Thfl ele-nv Ino fif Ihn 1nMa ttaa tina tif i h a first Hcis ui ine uzar aiier inn return wum Bkiethiewica on Saturday , Tfeaty ent, (By Aieeciated pYee) SERMON ON GAMBLING. Dr. H owe r ton's Plain Words To His Congregation. - Last night at the First Presbyterian church- Dr. J; R. Howerton preached a strong sermon from I Timothy, 6:9 10, which was occasioned by the recent ac tive speculations in the local stock ax change. The discourse was opened with a statement of the economic conception of money, which teaches clearly that it is only a medium of exchange anu ia used to represent a labor value of hand or brain. From this fact he deduced the basin brinHtilA that titiv valni ceived without a corresponding vain in return is only theft or robbery ; and that any man -who, In his inordinate Held F6rri Philadelphia Crcrl f tfd"ay mm Ki in a brief wav Ur Ur.u..rvn tWJjkmk mint wk pfU6 the gravea nf Inuoi nnao i' - fwf, tb remains pf thi good p an were ajq 10 rest. Quite a nnmhpr tt ncnnU hnm ni... lotte went out to attend the funeral The death nf flnni lit n n .Ia cidedly traeic. Ha pnm trx r.-. yesterdav momlmr irnm tia . r , o ' uuiuc III Morning Star township and went to i-uc oetuaa tresDytenan church to at tend worship. He had only been in Ills pev a few minutes when he was sud denly seized with - . vuwio anu before he reached th M the front, he had expired. . ine nody was taken to the under taking establishment of John M. Harry & Co., where it was prepared for burial. Later. It was taken to th- h John Morrison on Elizabeth Heights, a son-in-law or tne deceased, where it remained until carried to Philadelphia church thi morning. By the death nf 'Rmilra Mnrrto MMv. lenburg county and North Carolina loses one of its heat Htl a typical representative of the Scotch ing wno have made this section of North Carolina famous. He belonged to a noble line of ancestry, all In tholf turn making history for the good old oiaie. H WAS a SOn nf thA latA 7ehnlnn Tt v wv uwuu-a AJ I Morris flnd-wnn hnrn nnf1 roullnil in Morning ,Star township. For years h9 was a member of the board of county commissioners and did good service for nis county ana state. , "it was. however. In ha lintna 1lf that 'Soulre Marris' manv avnaUunt auailtles shown the hr srhtpst. lf thevgoul of hospitality and in every sense the true gentleman. He lived and died a Christian. For many years he has been on of (ho main supporters of Philadelphia church; He loved his church; his Ood and his fellowman and he died ill per fect peace with ail; The deceased Was 80 years bid; Me married miss emma watson, Whet died tt. good many years ago. By this war tiage there were five tbiidreatwa o-na and thfe daughters.. These ares Mf.. 3bhtt W. Mnwto, rrf flabamis ifmn ifi Mf, Zebtiibu fi.. itmia, Mofhihm me tewfifeipj Mm S.- M: eFoweii and TO DELAY LICEI1SE Morning a Resolution to this Effect Was Unanimous ly Passed. v ' Judge Hial Again kUgsi MffiMi rhm i sting is hs imttMng doing tfeis memng iim in ihg $m b fwli m mm Mm him m give item a mem mrg .'to rmf& mmMiRg: m said that tha fiauil uas Mimi that, smWins In. cotton u,na miSZXTtl feting of the Mlnjs; mm vm mn h mmnt, . tar a Conferancn This "I am KOlnar to da mv dntirif h u I "rrorcMPtT rrrrv "And J am going tQ put the pjatter be fore you Jn such a manner that you will have to do your's or perjure your selves." - He said it was not right that these gamblers should bo allowed to go un molested while those guilty' of petty crime were punished. These remarks 3eemed to have come as an afterthought. IHsn Honor had told the grand jury that as they had already listened co two charges, ono from himself and one from Judge Brown, he would not take up time bv again charging them as to their duty and told them that thoy could go to tlieir room and take up their work. i ne jury had startaJ to leave the room when he called tn the fnwmin made the foregoing remarks. - The following cases were disposed of today: Lee Ross, carrying a pistol, :guilty. Fined $15 and costs. Arthur McCorkle, -carrying a plato!. Fine and costs. Mack Sikes and Will Caruthers, af fray, guilty. Sikea charged with one third costs and Caruthers fined $5 and two-thirds of costs. t The following true bills were return ed by the grand Jury today. Josja Wright, larceny; Jim Brown, larceny; Jim Barrett; carrying concealed wea pon; Jess Barrett, larceny; Jim Bar rett, larceny; Mervln Springs, gam bling; Albert Gray, gambling, two charges; Henry Frecland, gambling, two charges; Albert Bost, gambling, two cases; V. H. Kendall, jnd. Ayers, Will Ayers, affray; Jno. Ayers, assault and battery; Jas.W. Skinner witness j Bob prawfordj gambling. Rev. M. D. Hardin Was Elec- ted President anj Rev. G. E. Eaves Secretaryof the ; Association v For the Com ing Year. ' .. A VERY DANGEROUS DAT LARGE is tm pity, m QeU lh 0, Maiweil, I . I . 1 .11 . ... .1 1 1 scH . 11 a a yy? ty.- Mwpff arfi mn a, mmm f)ysaid, FegisteF pf deeds, ' . i PtAGi OF NEXT MEiTINS, The Ministerial Conference met in the parlors of the Y. MC.'. A. thla morning. , . , , . Dr. Howerton addressed the confer ence upon the expediency of all tha churches In Charlotte holding their mid-week prayer-meeting during the winter at 8 o'clock, atid also upon the expediency, of holding preaching ser vice on Sunday at 10:30 a. ra. and Sun day school 11:30 o. m.,remarklng that the change from the present order to the above plan had been for some time seriously considered by bis church, and ai80 .b,r tne 8econd Presbyterian church. The subject was discussed and the tonierence decided to call a special meeting for next Monday in the Y, M C. A. parlor at 4 p; tti., tot the cohsld--eratloti of stich thaiige; The conference request the SUhday school SUpeHhtefl-. dht bt the city to hieet with the pas tors hefc Monday at 4 p: m, f.tPj Fii'M md the eon fereflee that he had wtot&mama, eoflferted with the officials of the AtitL gaioofi League and that it ia theiF fa iittl??tM$ .ireflt fiias--fneetiBg the iHterest f TemfiergMe datinl the eeittfi f the Uapflit State 6011 yefltjon, whieh i t eee? etie f the eity Wedfieaday, Mf, 3 W, Uaiiey, f itaf. !Hh'J9 fa f&tom the ffleetiaf am nn ftfett wiif he wade t myirs all ffleffl mts: ijHfl mmtmm, m enttriotte, aao S4:W4g WIII Miller Attempts to. Kill in tiiia r:iiv. nus tint: ii II. Mflwil I . .-. iriiHit itiii we made i& ppHfH Hli fflPfHs mTi r Oflrv ArmitfOngi Who Fs f8P mM m :wwn tor wai mpmm to Help Ar reit Him Ppsso- In Pur suit of Miller, V Beard Geverpers Amer Mfgs, Assn, Meet Here Jemerrew NigM Tomorrow evening in the Mahufae turer's Club rooms the-board of-gor-ernora of the Amerieati Cotton Manu ffltttirers' Associatioti will hold tin ittt bortaht hieetifig for the purpose of jse leetitiM a place of meeting, foF the next annual eoflveiitioii of the Aseociatioti ifi my, imi . While thete sf getefal gauthefri itiea that ava titi-iiHtf ttt aamma tU fiet eeflyetUieti i the Aeiatid, it jl atZf& its gain m at. Auuutna na.. wiu ;h nn i m, . ""," nogirocui . I" ' I Tllfl f iltHSI fllllfl UTflfl The good people of Mallard Creek are very mtu-h edited over the actiotie or one win MiueF, whd ia eaid to be a pal of the notorious Will Harris aad a fleeidedly" datigeroua negro.. MiiieF w charged with a tiurnbeF ef a(t Of V timtit-e and a nmmi&Uiii atmAj with a waFFaut, weat ia aeareh f Mil ..... ....... -vj t".T.-rrrrrj rrr r tf irpmfff f?f fWf euph i ffiRsarraeetinK were eornmittfld ta The following; fespfutlpps ,wefe pffeN ed by Pr Orrj . Besolyed; Thit the Ministerial Asso eiatlon of the city of Charlotte, tf, f) rhost'tespectfuliy and earnestly ask the Board of Aldermen of said city, ttf postpone the issuing of license tot the sale of iirjuoF for at least one weete with . the tiew of .aaeertaiwiag a to whetheF of hot we can .have an elee tiou ia said eity eti the sale f liquor iu our eity, Ufa, Mm Qh and my, 0, W, Belli Wf t-e AflHPinted a itommittBa ia nvB&BRt the above resolution to the board aad - v' wwi v iiwii to cue utmi ti antt J.'liriQUAll ir iia ttfm f)rin .o n4 4-rrlj P F BalMM kftL. I'llII 1 Kb E' 11 I1I1II n Y I W FT 11 I, Jtf flrhai. iitv. fee seifietfid hv tha hfiaprf flf .iil8.,e(8wore aePflfflflaflied tO Bees an of the aldermen. en'ASflS,- " miners Borae by mf, ileflrv AiiB-- rrR a K The merabers who cpnst lute the 2" jlfl T.R...",P .wefl.t t the front I the bpdy and DFesented to the confeF. the fabin. The 7n VnK3r '?MIB w tMP etitaete, y . ws inciriouio tt rn r arrcrrrncg board af governors are as fni lows' i b rtifMtH-mfr, tvtwHJmff, MrieyiH ton Pf, J, H, MAden, Charlotte; jg, Lang WPSfc Point, GfM B, B, WiUing bam, Macon, Ga,$ David Clark, Chars lotte? J. f! Smith Newton? Vl Tav. lor, Uniontown, Ala.; Arthur H, Lowe, l' Hcnmirg, Mass,; j. r, jueau;, KQCicing ham; R. R. Ray, McAdenviile, E. A. Smith. Charlotte: E. W. Thomas. Co lumbia, S. C; T. L. Wainwright, SLone- wall, Miss.: A. P. Rhyne, Mt. Hoily: Geo. B. Hiss, Charlotte, the dopp gnd before any pne had tiroe to tnjnK, MiiieF dashed throwgh the i par qpor, Mr, Arrostrpng palled to him to halt but the negrp's renly waa a hHirht 1 I , . 1 ' T- - ' ' l r rW"r enining pistoi. ne threw tha gun In r.- Armstroners face and flreii. Thn 1 ball passed uncomfortably 'close tn Mr Armstrong's head. Miller never stop ped running despite the fact that sev eral shots were fired at him. Mr. Armstrong: and the officer re. Street ilailmad. nresnnrinir a dpi II inn to rnembera, ai individuals, asking Mr, Latta tP restore the strikers, Most pf tbe; members signed as individuals, but the cpnference took bo action. . , President Marr announced that the nomination and election of officers for the coming year was in order, .' Rev, M. P. Hardin of the , Second Presbyterian Church was elected presi dent and Rev. O. E. Eaves, secretary. The above meeting has no connection tlSl l?) ')lie ter re , THE BUFORD SALOON. hatAVAr with the Tneettni? nf thn turne? ? Perita and informed the peo- . . , . , era! iu'pHntendent of the syetem, was eiectea to mat position. Meeting entire ly harmofllatts though flinff evnr&ea. ed by th directeri that the Central ha4 lost a valuable man In Mr. Began, and his resignation was accepted with resolution of regret la which the body j wisneo mm success ana nappmtss, Bteps were taken at a future meeting or tne ooara w auousn onic or cnair man of board now held by Major Han- Bon, Extra Session Adjourned. fly Associated Presl Washiagten, Dec, President pfd-- TflKing a deep moral consideration ef th matter, he deplored the fact that th spirit of the ag is th spirit ef a pracwcai materialism, in ita iron grasp draws ir.en further and fur ther away from th spiritual life, intil, by holding eontlnuiJIy before them a glittering Idol of gold, It brings th loss of their own aoais. Especially did he lament its fascluaMng attractions for the young men of the country and the proneness with which they fall Into its fatal snare. The sermon was a, cHar laghosia of the disease, a -strong exposition of ltd swut progress and aeaaiy character .whatever with the meeting of the North Carolina Manufacturers toruor row. . . - - FIFTY EIGHTH CONGRESS. The First Regular Session Begins To day Action Of Senate In Pre mises. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec, 77. The President will send to Congress' ' today the nomination of General Leonard Wood to be Major-General and those of 167 other offleers, dependent upon General Wood's promotion, He also will send in the nomination of about 25 civilian ap- tinltltool -ttrtm fa I tort tt innfl ftnotlntl ifi eluding Dr. Crum to be collector of the port or unarieston. Tne commissions or all these appointees have been dated at ihs tlttifl tit their ftHeln&l flfifidinf ments and are designated as recess ap pointments. pie or tneir experience. - A posse was organized and a thorough search of the neignDornooa was made -for .the man Though the party remained out all night, no trace of the missing man was learned of. 'Squire W.-D.-Alexan-der who luaneil the warrant for Miller's arrest, was In the city this morning. He informed The ews mat Miner is a Dad. negro and that the people of Mallard Creek were aomg air in their power to apprehend him. Miller was for many years a oal of Kill Harris and- he ia suspected of being implicated in some of the daring aeeas cnarge to Harris, H. Tasca'a Band Will Appear. M&naeef Klhiirif tit tha AfnAtmv t, music received a telegram this after noon from Mi R. Hf . MufthAtifl. tna- ager of the Florence (8. C.) Academy, Will Be Continued BV Mrs.' C. Stonebanks and Her Brothers. The business of the Buford Saloon, formerly-conducted by Messrs. C. H. Stonebanks & Co., will be continued by the relict oMhe late. Mr. Stone banks and her 'brother, Mr. W. H. Brouzhton. of Raleieh. Mr, Rrnne'titnn who -has purchased the half interest of Mr Sam Lentz, Is the proprietor of two saloons in Raleigh, which will bo closed there January 1st, 1904, by rea son of the establishment of the dis pensary In that city. Mr. Broughton. will remove here in a few days and will be joined shortly by his brother, Mr. J. h. Broughton, who will also bo connected with the business. County Medical Association, The Mecklenburg County Medical Association met this afternoon ' fit 3 v.. umZAAlA'Lr r,"' ociock in regular raontniy session. The motion ef th statu ef tha KA 4 Dr. J, B. Alex ninatlfms has been discussed Uii iflformatifm it.tfltni.i th ii,i l"(??T ut'. Ann) Alexander and , ,i -i4 i. r 4, t- -AH i .1 A, J 1 . I . 1 U IT I1L WI II C I rfV.1 Nllll llfH 111 I'llII HI'll'l'. tv-v x i vuoi , I mm i Vw til I A nPintilX tltt H 4K1 4hn I - ' .-j -r-. . n ki ii-u iaa I lr;ia zzu7z 1a7j::zz?a "Si,?:.'.., nfla an eioauent aooeai fof its, e neat i miwiiiM u ii rtt a u iiwit iuumj I exira seasiun aujuurnea.- WltOOUt ue- I hi fl MtfiMw klin a 4U& i.tnida f t the eana treaty was sent to Co on en av, he remediate mamii fta Mri f tVi9,.SH.'d?aaK a special ear preparatory to shipping it aad the dhapiain offered prayeF, The ' hPJ fi iuZT IZI1 in the United Wales. I rail tail ut the Hanflte ffliiaW F,kUi 6hmtf&mfAiptihm&ftf' where whe love the eause ef right florninatlons has been discussed thoroughly by the President with th . A . . A a 1 i a i a A, j f DBt lawyers conectea wun in Admin. Istratlon and In Congress. Th conclus ion had been reached that between th time of the failing of President pro-tern Frye's gavel signifying the conclusion of the extra session and the calling to order Of the Senate In regular session of Cohgresp an , appreciable lapse of time Occurred. Itt this time the ftp all Information obtainable th band will appear her . , Thursday night as per contract. Emperor William Apprehensive, (By Associated Press.; Paris, Dee, 7. Information issued here through authoritative channels from Berlin .represents the condition of Emperor William as being less satis- vui ... i.,.uu .- i iuviui; Liiau In uilK la.ll HUIuiLieu BUCI finln I rrt rl n tt n A V. x nti.ilnfnnti Ihfi.Bj I ltH tltMi.Kk i- 1 i m I . . 1 I ; L . . j.uim.iucu B.UU. mo aiiuiuicco ,mci - mi- n,iuuei ur uiuiseu is hciiuvbit appre- w. ..... v.i.i.v uJ a.u a.i.wv. u... IICIIOITC authority of which they are promoted.. commissions of army officers were made ent on the understanding that ail of them are dated back to the time last surfltneF when the appointments were originally made, . i Sweden- Heenh2efj (By Associated. Press: ) Copenhagen, Dee, 7-MiflistFy f-- fhttitiittHiibA that HhHiiUUfi tit HrtHHmtl v urn va'Mt VU.JJ(V UE X tJL IIUIII I i Giiouid be recognised Dr. Austin, The Association will hear papers from three members at each monthly meeting. Th papers wer highly spoken of by those who heard them. After the presentation of th abovt papers a general discussion was Indulged Jn by the members Ratification Of Treaty - (By Associated Press.) LOhdofl, Pee. 7.-The Peklft COFFea pondeht si the Morniag Post aayai it is possible tost tne treaty between the tinned States end China foF the 6pef iug af Makden and An--Tuflg will be ratified Immediately, but t have good reason t believe that the benefits t the treaty te ff eign trade will be suU lined by Russian ififlueaee,"

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