Fin? . . ji CHAR 11 I "V I LO 1 I is mm. m m a m v m v k fc. m mm .mw a m VOL, XXIX NO. 4594 L AHGE POWERS FOR INE INTERSTATE COMMMISSIO II Bills Introduced in Order lo Allow the Commission to Fix Rates of Transportation when They are Proved Un just- tion of rates to or fmm . . on the nnne ; (u :'l l,ira Points ... L . "verai carriers and such carriers fail to notify th Cfcm mission within tr.. l"e -01"- or ,,. ora;r t ,ar7h";,erhanv; azrppil nmnno 41 , ' nave iiieiiiscives as to the changes to be mria .J . lo l"e ance therewiththe ComSCZ iSSUe a sunn on,nnt.i 11 uldy 7 oruer prescribing I the rates to be chared r ."g "'"'3 r I'ii? or a,To, 'the "e Pfwwaing, which onier o,0,i ' cuil CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY ETr The Recent Rule Giving the Democratic Caucus in the Senate Binding Power is a Fine Augury for Party Dis ciDline and Success SchOOl ClOfiffa Tnwir . . .... ine citv schools of nh,rw ...i... , - v. lui-ltf. WI11TP and colored, will close tomorrow at ,Tr ror tne Christmas holi days, and for eleven diiv oii i of books and school work will be dis- r; ,iruni e nuntls of the nearly three thousand tmniu- n mt. j4 ciii- i;ity. 1 IIP """""is win rusump wnrlr .n tt...i UUl ' Jf IMB OF WAR FROM THEFAR EAST Admiral Alexieff is Given Ex traordinary Powers to Set tle All Questions Great Britain Will Fight for Japan's Rights. (A. W. Hughes.) Washington. D. C, Dec. 22. The Democratic newspapers in everv spp. tion of the country are congratulating the party ana tnemseives cn the state ment made by Senator Bailey that the Republican party can no longer count on the support of straggling Demo cratic votes. It has been quite eight years now since anything so promising to Democratic success has taken place as the caucus agreement of Democratic Senators to stand solidly in support of any position taken by the majority. For many years there has been no such discipline among the Democrats in Congress. Cn almost everv nnpsHnn that came up. whether relating to the tarm or tne trusts or imperialistic ten dencies or great industrial undertak ings, the vote has exhibited a sort of go-as-you-piease. Democratic Senators ana representatives have declared a puny muepenaence Decause there was no nxed party dictum to obey and notning to teat in case of disobedipnpp All this hail to be changed before tnere eouia be hope of party success rust a5 our government itself rests ifon tne cordial acquiescence and loyal support of the minority after a fair test of strength has been had, so ice existence ot any party depends cpon the same rule. Something of in dividual opinion must be sacriSeeed, else v.e can have no such thine- at or ganization. In the absence of cohesion wt "'jciauc party nas been drifting: auS uu u'j oetier rule tnan that of uung agamst anything and every- umg proposed by a Republican "euitr risnt or wrong. Nobody has -ii uuuua u- a majority, and there tave been few caucuses because the nnor:ty was ready to bolt a caucus "tieeaeEt. A bin introduced December 8th in m- iiuuee oy .ur. uooper of Wisconsin Mien was a few days later introduced ic tee senate by Mr. Quarles of Wis cons'.a is creating quite a deal of un jTorable comment as conferring upon n-jie commerce Commission "power deniel to thp r-nm mi -decision of the Supreme Court under - indent law. namely the power to 2- rates tor the transportation of per ;0DS and Property in interstate com merce in cases where existing rates are Plained of as unjust discriminative or unreasonable. This power is to be exercised not tCr er ot the court3 but uP0n Commission's own initiative, sub- V" IVIew GPPal and holding - - - u, bKl asiae by the courts. W-? tterc5ants' Association of New ul y; the. Philadelphia Board of k -Z v1rious other large bodies for rhl petltions to Congress asking eftebill. Thelegisla- UmL ' :ldies towa, Kansas, Sarri a v V B ' VJ"iesoiaf ;viis 1sSm; Dakota and Wisconsin, it thP ,v : . Iueir'Orialized Congress on the Z , national Assaciation, tion tfc .'VCLa11 cxrocers' Associa or P,.ilea Ntlonal Grange of Patrons Sm- 8n the Northwestern all holiripv ' Vttuianves here after the Mr. and Mrs. ui u. ' Mr. John M. Wnnl nnrl , . ... nui- taiiiu III nignt rrom New York and left this moraine: for RsjffiQM ...i they will be the guests "of Mr. Robert anace ror several days. Mr. Ward is on his regular winter hunt or,i r.-ii wv VY ill aytjiiu most or ins time in the fields. A REAL, LIVE BEAR SEES HEAR SHOPTHK Mr. L. W. Williamson Runs Across the- Animal while out 'Possum Hunting It Has been Seen Near Shop- ton Unce or Twice Since (By Associated Press.) London, De?. 23. A portentous elo- meat liTthe far East situation, as It IS looked unon hero Is.thn . " itouig iter ng in Great Britain that Russia must yield or Japan and Great Britian ougnt to fight her. From the highest diplomatic sources it i i-t,,i iiva L U L me uerman Government, while still refusing to believe that war is cer tain, is convinced now thof it u . ii wen iRr I xu aiu- anu Japan comes, Great Britain will take part in it be- -aube me uriusli Government lnnta upon war as possibly the only means ... avJ.u5 una re-establishing her po- iLiuii in me n;ast.. RECEIVER APPOINTED. For the Furniture Factory at China Grove. The Salisbury Sun of yesterday has the following: On motion of Edwin C Gregory. Esq., at Statesvllle 'before Judge Long this morning, Mr. J. c. Llngle, of the county, was appointed receiver of the China Grove Furniture and Material Company. The receiver was appointed in pursuance of a unani mous resolution ailnnterl hv it, - 1' " "J VKiXk II OI directors Of thp rnmmnv .. n -,j in i i .J L China Grove yesterday. This comnanv hna ticon mm3 embarrassed since it began operation about four years ago on account of a men or running capital. The naid up stock , is $31,000, while $40,000 was in vested In-machinery and buildings Furniture experts say this is one of the most complete plants of the kind in the Squth and but foi- the unfortunate lack of operating capital would have yielded a handsome dividend from the start. The liabilities are estimated at ?18 -000 and the assets at $25,000. PIUS RECEIVES CARDINALS. PRICE : 3 CENTS iA GREAT STRIKE ST. LOUIS The Teamsters Union ens Sympathetic Strike If Industrial Association In terferes with Cabmen's! Strike. m?m .S' Dc'f' 23' A strIke of J.OOO carriage drivers and teamsters Am1 Is,thl,eatenod. It is stated V 2? Cizfns' Industrial Association ",3' m. lts announced pur Mr. L. W. Williamson, who i?vps near Shopton, was in the city today anu mrormea ine News that while out 'possum hunting last week h? ran across a real, live bear. The animal, so Mr. Williamson states, was run some distant hv hi dogs and finally tired of running, the bear commenced to engage in a scrap with the dogs. From the continual hnrl-t n cr or Thp dogs, Mr. Williamson supposed they iid.u treea a possum. On going to the place, he was verv much surnHcp.-i to see a large bear sitting on its iiauncnes. siaDDiner the rtntra with ito fore-feet as they came in reaching dis- St. Petersburg. Dec 9.7. a t0i0(rm riom Cladivostock nndpr- tnArc says, "Admiral Alexieff Viceroy of the Far East, is authorized tn epttip n ha spot all questions concerning neighbor ing states and to tak-P nil - . uivuiOUl CO whitii appear expedient." "malicious report. This is What Judge Boyd Says of Telegram. A private mpssap-p f James E. Boyd to a friend in Char- ioue says: The telesrram nnhiishod in tim Evening Chronicle of yesterday after noon was inspired by an unworthy muuve ana was sent out to injure me. I fear no charges based on truth as to my official conduct." The general impression among Judge Boyd's friends in Charlotte is fully expressed in the statement made by Chairman Rollins at Statesville this morning that there is nothing in the Washington story. Mr. Williamson savs hp tont -I v v IV V looks at the animal and thpn "hm-nt the wind in the direction of hnmo The same bear has been seen since in tne bhopton neiehborhood Tt i supposed that the animal hplnn srftit tn a party of Japs who passed through me onaron section some time ago. Mr. Williamson states that tho an. mal is about the size of a calf and is colored like a Jersey calf. IN REGARD TO FIREWORKS. this bfr i A,JIK ror the passage of Tfif -niiiiidr measure, tte Sna pS"re, ?f int,-0(iuced both in any m2 ,Hse provides that rr.err-p rl ' . the Interstate Com- temin;' ;'"ls?10n- after hearing and Eo- Denri ; I on any Petition thp "f ,0r hereter presented fleclarin? t0. re&ulate commerce," oas!a !Jn.! ,exis.ting rate or rates Law Prohbits Use or Sale in City or Within Mile of Limits. The small boy will bp cnmnplip.-i to go to the woods with his roman can dles, firecrackers and othpr PYnlnQtvoc this Christmas if he would nvnin thp arm of the lav. Chief Irwin calls attention to thp city ordinance which savs roman candles, firecrackers or other I explosives shall be set off inside the city limits or within one mile, of thp I city. The ordinance also forbids thp saie or nre works pithpr in;o tv. Clly or Within a mile of thp inmrnnr ate limits bv anv dpalpr nr otni.0 - ml v J KsVJ X. - weeper vitnout nrst paying a license of $500. Notwithstanding the abnvp it mav ue btctteu rnat tne everv rpsnnwofiii small boy is not letting all the fun go uy uuc nas resorted to various and sundry devices to make a noise and celebrate Christmas, as he considers, in the Cnlv Droner mannpr anrt bang of tarpedoes was heard on every &me louay. ine small boy is gener ally careful, however, tn SPA that tin vigilant policeman's eye is upon him when he indulges hi plosives. Use Prisms For Light. Some of the occupants of the vari ous office buildings of this city are contemplating the putting in of pri sms to sscure hetter bVht jcTnTSg nunamgS pamdliy'-slfut Pft utjr new. ine use of prisms is quite general in Northern cities, in fact they are necessities where very tall buildings adjoin each other or are lo cated close together. WAR ON THE DEAD. The Chicago Strikers Continue to Picket the Funeral Processions. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Dec. 23. WhilP thp 1 1 vorv. men and undertakers were making preparations today to resume service to patrons, "nickpts indignities continued tf fall tr tYin 1rf l.UV' iwt of funeral parties. , The driver of an amnuiance which was taking a to tho train was made thp taro-Pt rr abusive epithets and in an other, n- feiance mourners were delayed by the pickets until the bod v. they, were accompanying, had been PKieeu auuara rne tram and the train had left the station. Interesting Function in Rome Today American Representatives. (By Associated Press Rome, Dec. 23. The Pope received all the Cardinals and high prelates to day and they exchange the season's gretings. The function is unusually in teresting as it was the first of the kind under his reign. The potiff, in spotless white robes was seated on a throne, while the cardinals ranged themselves in front of him according to prece dence. The Dean of the sacred college, Cavinal Oreglia, read a short and hap pily worded speech to which the Pope replied with his usual affability , and modesty. The assemblage then ad vanced and kissed the Pontiff's hand and broke up into small groups, Pope Pius speaking personally to each of them. The United States was rpnrp. sented at the, reception by Monsignor beton Tiluat, Arch-bishop of Heliopo los. of New York, and Mnnsie-nnr Ken nedy, rector of the American College. CRUISERS FOR THE ISTHMUS. The New York Will Proceed at Once to Panama With Men and Supplies. (By Associated Press.) San rTancisco, Dec. 23. The U. Cruiyer New York, arrived here yesterday from Breferton. Washing ton, It was understood that she will at once proceed to Panama, he com mandant of the Mare Island navy yard has been ordered to draft 2D0 men from the reciving ship Independ ence, and send them here to join the New. York tomorrow. Supplies for tne torpedo boat destroyers Prphlo nnri Paul Jones, have received supplies of ammunition at Mare Island and ' are expected here tomorrow in readiness to steam South with the New York. - New Orleans, Dec. 23. Tho U. S. cruiser Topeka, weighed anchor and sailed for Colon, via. Key West. Philadelphia. Dec. 23. Thp TTn'itPd State Cruiser Dixie, which is to take the new Carribean sea battalion of marines to Colon, passed in the Dela ware Breaker water late yesterday. It is expected that the cruiser will sail for Colon before the first of the New Year. 1 A "Laughing" Parlor. VImperiai Lauehinc: Parlor" is a new form ' of amusement opened at io. b North Tryon street this after- is said to have made a big hit at the Pan-American Exposition in Jtsurraio. teres with the proposed strike 'of cab hZ I VI? fcano drivers, which has been set for January 1. the officers of a dozen of the local unions of Interna tional Brotherhood of Teamsters threaten that 9,000 men will refuse to work and that not a pound of freight or ton of coal will be moved by union labor until the strike is settled POPE'S CHRISTMAS GREETING. w.u.,, v.DDons Gives the Pope's C.7h?ft r Mo"ah8 of the Cathol.c Countries, Austria, Spain, ZU1' Be,9'1, Saxony Pand id. ( FtV AaanntainA T Baltimore Tion OO-lr. j,' . bof gave to ttTiUcSSS1 ESSE! trans!f-tlon of his Christmaf gieetings recently sent to each of thl -".--6UUUI me worm and to the Cath olic crowned heads. The latter are the thpPr 0f Austria- the King of Spain Kin-; An:,"4?"?" Portugal, the and tiT; pX6"1?, !.11! of Saxony rpUr. 1 1 . llt;fieili i uavaria. ,hl, nteXt,l the ,ctter addressed to the crowned heads is as follows- Upon the approach of the nativity of our Divine Savior it is my duty to wish your most Catholic majesty all pros perity and at thp Mm ttl , - - iijiic iu oner most ferevent prayers to the most High FROM ARTIC CLIME. Former Charlotte Boy TerW of His Residence in Newfoundland. Mr. J. Glenn Smith, formerly of this every grace and all ncnVni - ".mii,jr llcipH IUr the true welfare of your kingdom. May it please your Majesty to accept this wish which I humbly offer together with the sentiments of homage in which I have the honor to declare my self, with most profound respect, your most Catholic Majesty's humble, de voted and dutiful servant." To his fellow cardinals, his Emi nence wrote: Upon the recurrence of me feast of the nativity and the return of the new year I beg your eminence to be pleased to receive mv best wishes fm- vr.. t,, piness and for every blessing from the CHAIRMAN ROLLINS ES THE STORY DEN Says He Has Heard Nothing of the Impeachment of Judge James E. Boyd and Feels Sure the Report is Sensational and Lacks Truthfulness. city, is at home to snend thp hni,-, ,Z 5m(:ss and for every bless with his sister, Mrs. J. A. Clinard on ' bavl0Ur ch 1 wish for you with all South Tryon street. ina- on j my heart." . Mr. Smith is at. nroaont lfir-T.. i-i- ' city of St. Johns, Newfoundland, and jij. tuaige oi tnat territory for Col lier s Weekly. Mr. Smith has a large number of photographs which he has received for Collier's, illustrating the ute on the island, commerce, natural scenery, whaling, fishing, etc. ''The island of Newfoundland," says Mr. Smith, is about the size of North Carolina. The people make their liv lug enureiy oy salmon fishing and whaling. The climate is so rigorous that the inhabitants all live in the nu merous caves and sheltered places on the coast in order to secure protec tion from the arctic blasts and snow stcrms. The interior of the island is a barren, bleak, uninhabited where there is little or no vegetation. Mr. Smith has gone on several whal ing expeditions since locating at St. Johns. He left St. Johns three weeks ago on the last vesse looming South this winter. By this time there are so many icebergs and so much ice in the harbors and along the coast that no ,hippingcan eyerfceattempted jantU after the spring thaw sets in.' The views which Mr. Smith has pho- tograpned on the island will appear in subsequent issues of Collier's weekly. Some of the pictures of icebergs which Mr. Smith has secured are considered very valuable and are most interesting to look at. 1 Pig Iron in Birmingham. (By Associated Pre3s.) Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 23. The ag gregate of pig iron orders booked by the Birmingham district makers since November 1, is In the neighborhood of 400,000 tons. It is knovn that two leading makers have accepted orders for 300,000 tons and it is said that others have orders for 100,000 tens more, which will make up the total. aDove mentioned. COTTON GOES SOARING BEYOND FOURTEEN CENTS The New York Market was Irregular and Excited and Prices went Down and then Up Influence of New Orleans. on! o nrr, the Asportation of UI Practipp off I- J ' au le&uiaiioi SovlTnS SUCh rates' or fa with, tn vl 7. m connection there rtldi w u.UJUSt,y discriminative iirdldi u . Jl!:,"J' uiscriminative or Barscnahlo aP ;P,WVP wyp wyp ww or9H7.naul9' and declaring whm r,tn B'J'h rate rfp i n or Dratice affecting Enable nt 8 w.0l.lld be ist and ituted thl r'iuir'nK tnem to be frst;,.' cea therefor, shall ho,.nm ' partie -nerefor. shall hpm. UG DllSPmrorl v.. iv. i " ffiarle viti ; i a om tne sam shall " or ;n . un thirty days after no- dS9 of nrocppriintr DIRECTORS ANNUAL MEETING. Y. M. C. A. Directors Will Elect Five mew Members of Board. The annuual itipfitino-nf tho . - " a ni uuaiu JL Directors of the Younor Mpii-s rh. tian Association will be held on Christ mas day. At thi3 meeting the Board will elect five new directors tn tVp tha places of those, whose terms expire wun tne closing or the present year. The nominating committep has how ever, placed in nomination the old di rectors whose terms expire December 31. These are as follows: F. C. Ab bott, D. H. Anderson. J. M. Harrv. Geo. H. Hanna, and Heriot Clarkson. The annual election of officers for the year 1904 will take Dlace on Jannarv 15, when the annual meeting of the Association will be held. INVITATION SENT ANDREW CARNEGIE The Philanthropist has Been Invited to Stop Over in Charlotte On His Way South He will Come South Within the next ten days BROTAL ASSAULT BY NEGRO FIEND Mrs. Duncan Cole, of Green wood Township,, Moore County, Assaulted by a Ne gro Man who Asked for Something .to Eat Mob! After Him. The furnaces will start the new year with orders for 300,000 tons, to be delivered prior to April 1, in addi tion to orders that may CGme here alter. (Special to Thp Mpwc Statesville, Dec. 23. Chairman Rol hns of the Republican mittee, accompanied by his wife and i wrcmrdren, -passed through - States ville Ibis morninsr en rontn tn wi, a w IT aou- ineton. where fhpv win i rv. of Judge Pritchard and. wife during me iiuiiaayg. Mr. Rollins was asked concerning me sensational telegram sent out ii om Washington in regard to the im- peaenment or Judge James E. Bovd ma reaerai uourt In reply to a question as to the truthfulness of the telegram Mr. Rol lins is QUOted as Kavinf that tVia was -absolutely nothing in the report. ui. n. uowie3, uierk of the Fed eral Court, saw Mr. Rollins and it is learned from him that Mr. Rollins characterizes the Washington tele- &Laiu, us sensational and absolutely UUUUB. If there is any action to be taken The New Orleans Market Supported by Brown and His Friends May Cotton went to 14:03 and Brown Took all in Sight (By Associated Press.) New York, Dec. 23. Great aPtivitT, and irreErularitv mor-vd or the cotton market here today with Prices shniviTicr j . i - - - &i cat auu rapia nuctu ations. For a few minutes today the I first flnntn . . , were a steaay decline of four points to advance of seven points. The cable was a shade disap pointing but the bull leaders buying for commission house client seemed to be of bull side of market and tips were circulating that big bulls intended to have the market on a fourteen cent basis before Christmas. After call the prices ruled very firm for a time but soon broke shamlv nndpr hpmrir dation, encouraged by rather reaction ary tendency at New Orleans and ex pectations of speculative seaback. The declinine tendenrv was conn i.Witrj however. Renewed of first hour prices sent the market again soaring above all previous records with .Tnitr in Ni. Orleans selling around 14.11 and the entire list in the local market showing levensn strengtn. New Orleans. Dec. 23. Tn tho nt. ton- market ' the volume f ; vvuuj o business was colossal - and the rin? even more excited than yesterday. Prices fluctuated rapidly and widely. May sold above the 1 cent m a fir Brown pushing it up to 14.03. He took' about-10,000 ; baler- of r. May- around Brown was the central f! market durlnff the morn ine Mo bought heavily in several positions and .forced March ur, to - is r fmm 13.63, and at 13.83 bid for 1ft oon haiaa and he and his friends bought almost almost everything: offered at the rin? time and again; in trading off this morning, May lost five points from the close of yesterdav at 13.83 and then ' advanced 20 points at 14.03. Prices broke and recovered unceasingly dur ing the moraine. Brown, its hnii leader, several times furnish in er needed support. lE-PRESINT OF K RELEASED Wrecker of the City Savings Bank of Detroit Makes Great Promises for the Fu ture as to Reparation for Wrongs done. )!,. '.""-t W thin . v1: but ,.r ,ftiAiy aays after no- e rv,, Jr' ?UaPenrled. or rovnV vtt all .Tion ""on mi v. ' J "J. vnften thA '7- i an is a to a rV,pnt -".uu6 memseives coiamieB. e rate substituted -hw thQ , "lawn ic . , . "J ." a Joint rate, and the appor- nws fail T a Juint rate, a ?. the 711 after Wteeofw7h PrnPnt,, vlu ussion may issue a r!'h ''arriV wlrate to be received by oltlh the er of the Prescribes the just rela- National Guard Association. t St. Augustone, Fla., 'Dec 23. Gene ral J. Clifford. Foster, president of the Florida National Guard .AssnHatinn sent out a circular of information to all brigade, regimental and company commanders of the national guard of the U. S. calling their attention to the sixth annual convention to be held here January 25 and 28 inclusive. The circu lar states that a rate of one and one third fare for the round trip has been given by the railroad. - It is expected that between four and five hundred na tional guardsmen will be present during the convention. . An attractive invitation on rnrnh- ment, will be forwarded to Mr. Andrew Carnegie, the mill? onaire stepl macr nate, this evening, asking him to stop in Charlotte on his Avav South anri take a look at the handsome building wnicn is a monument to his generosity. The invitation was -written hv Mr' Chas. H.. Duls and was copied on parch ment Dy -ror. itentneim. It is signed by Mayor P. M. Brown -and Capt. Thomas S. Franklin, chai library committee. In the course of a week or ten dnvti Mr. Carnesie will start Smith hi3 sister, who has a winter home on an It has been auggested that the mil lionaire should be invited to stop over in nanotte ana taKe a look at the handsome library building, and, fur thermore, that if he decides to accept the invitation, that he be the guest of the city during his stay. If an affirmative reply is received to the official invitation, Charlotte will begin at once to make preparations for the coming of the well known philan thropist. In many, of the larger cities, where Mr. Carnegie has assisted in the erec tion of library buildings, 'the million aire has taken pride in stopping over and viewing the work in which be has taken such great interest. It is hp- lieved that if it is, possible, he will visit this city. !. A (Special to The News.) ! Jonesboro, N. C. Dec. strange negro came to the house of Mr. uuncan Cole, of Greenwood town ship, yesterday about ten o'clock and asked for something to eat. Finding no one at nome except Mrs. Cole, he assaulted her with criminal intent. ine negro, a very heavy, stout man, htrucK Mrs. cole a heavy blow on the head with a stick, renderine her un conscious for a while. A Mr. McDon ald, who happened to be at the horse lot at the. time, heard the commotion, ana cn arriving at the house, saw the negro fleeing. Mr. McDonald pursued him fcr some distance, but failed to capture him. At this writing about one nunared and fifty people are scouring the woods in all directions ior tne negror MAYFLOWER MEETS PIZON. The Pizon Had on Board Three Hun dred Men Bound for Attitumati. , (By Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, .Dec. 23 The fol lowing cablegram was received at the Navy Department today from Rear Ad miral Coghlan, dated Colon: '"The Mayflower reports she met with the Pinzon carrying three hundred men and munitions, bound for base, Aatti- ! tumati." j (By Associated Press.) Detroit, Dec. 23. Accompanied bv an attorney and several newspaper men, Frank C. Andrews, the former vice-president who wrecked the City Savings Bank of this citv. was releas ed from Jackson prison on parole at midnight last night after serving 1 year and four months of hi3 fifteen years' sentence. He arrived in De troit today. . He went immediately to his home In a brief statement of his intentions now that he is releasor! from nrison Andrews said: "I am not Koine to make a formal statement or say much. I will let mv conduct, and no. tons tajk. I am going back to work. This is the begining, not tho end. ''My first care will be to clear up tiresome controversies and end legal tangie3 and bring a stop to law-pio condemning Judge Boyd's official con- uuct i,ir. KOllms has not hepn an. prised of it and he fesls sure the re port is not worthy of credence. Eurruss Shoemaker, who was con victed of slanderinc man at the fall term of Trpripii v,- 1892 and sentenced to the roads for it months, and .who afterwards es caped after serving nine months of his time, has given himself up to the sheriff of Iredell county. Shoemaker nas Deen spending his time in Watau gu county. It now develons' that the man ir. nocent of the charge and a petition nas been forwarded tn nnvarnnr a 1 . . n.J- cuutt. asKing mat a pardon be granted him. Shoemaker will remain in Tm. V. Gen county jail until Governor Av cock passes on the petition for par- UUU. i Mr. J. Allen Stevens On tchn tafi t,..ji, . iiwueu years ago to seek his for tune in the far Wp - f -w A. tX, L4X 4X1 home, having amassed a fortune esti mate.! at ?to,uuo. Mr. Stevenson has Deen making his home in Washington State. Before leaving Iredell Mr. sstcvenson bore the distinction nf ho. ins the strongest man in this section. He made no display of hfa nhvaioai powers but it was known of all men that he was a giant. This eveniner at fi-30 nVinir -it H. M. Clifford and Miss Blanche Tur ner win be united in' marriage. The young couple leave on the evening train for Charlotte and will go to Davie county to spend their honey moon. In Front Street Presbyterian church this evening Miss Lee f hifer and Mr. Joseph Hughey will be united in mar riage. They will go North on an ex tensive bridal tour. Recorder's Court fVhriBtm . Recorder Shannonhousa day that his court would take no vaca- o- uiiui, a. oiuji lu lan-yiu- : j v-wu c nuuia tel. 11 0 vaca- ceedings, the continued publicity of tion on account of Christmas day. The which is placing the banking insti- usual nine o'clock court will be held iu""" uj. me city or uetriot m a bad light all over the country and injuring the commercial interpsts of the town I'll work night and day until I have paiu every penny I owe." By an accident to the furnace, the heat at the county jail has been off for two days. Fortunately the weather has been warm and no inconvenience re sulted. The- furnace will be repaired at once. - . accordingly on Christmas day nro- vided there are any cases to be dis posed of. Gastonia Man in Trouble. Miller Lynn, a mill operative from Gastonia, took on too much whiskey last evening and was locked up by the police. Lynn did not have money to pay his fine and had to 'phone back to his home to raise the funds neces sary for his Telease. In the cotton letter to Mr n a Howell today, C. Wl Lee & Co. say: There is a thing to be said on cotton! we have no desire to present new inducements which should lead everv wise man to sell out his cotton The market is wild and crazed and dazed. No one knows where he is nr ' what he is doing. It is all one big maze. The craze to buy is on. Soon we will have the inflation wliir.h alwnvs hn and will this time end in trouble. Wo do not care to have you on the long side when the dav Of rpft-rm in rr . """'"b come3. vvnatever may be the outcome, however, . the wild craze may carry prices higher than the 13 1-4, 13 1-2 and 13 3-4 cent of these two days there is but one course for the man of wisdom. Get out. Take the well earned profits before the holidavs an,t have the good wholesome miiot Christmas. Do not delay. TORPEDO AND FERRY-BOAT. The Winsiow Collides with the Fcrrv- coai Mmenca in East River. (By Associated Press.) New York. Dec. 23. The te,rne,t boat Winsiow was in a cnllis irvn with the ferry boat America in the East niver yesterday. e hull of the ferry boat was stove in and the tnrnan boat was also iniured.' The Vu.t.ciAt, j- -w t rr was starting for Newport, but at once put back to tho navy yard, which was reached without assistance. Tho ferryboat, which was rrnwi - - - - ' v.vnugti - s with passengers, becan to. fill rsnto As she was nearest the ..mnhoTro shore the captain turned her around auu managed to reach t.h v. rand -street pier in New York. ; in the bow of the Winsiow is a hole 14 inches in diameter, and tho hw , adly twisted and bent. . ea she-: reached the boat was leaking badly and has oeen uucKea ror repairs. She was com manded by Lieut. ' iihas P mi.a. and manned by. a crew of forty men. Christmas at Court House. Christmas dav win ho observed by the county officials at the ciijenourg county court house and au of the offices win nn.hnki. . closed. -J' ' The present ffiCnt.h ha a Kaon a v one with the county officers, who will gladly welcome the holiday. " (By Associated Press.) ; BOffOta. Satlirdav Tar. in tt r. Minister Beaupre left here today for Cartagena, T

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