- list of actual home subscribers and advertisers than any other TWO papers combined. It brings results to advertisers when all other mediums fail. n BESIDES GIVING the greatest amount of local news, The News gets the full day and night ser vice of the Associated Press, the greatest newsgathering organiza tion In the world. LD VOL. XXIX NO. 4610 CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 12, 1904. PRICE: 3 CENTS a rpuu mews claims a larger ABL01 WEWSo PARKER, GORMAK, OH HEARST, IH THE ORDER NAMED That Seems to be the Order in the Sentiments of the National Democratic Com mittee Place for the Con vention Chosen Today. Jhe North Carolina Congres sional Delegation Get To gether- The New York Delegation Justice White Rebukes Russell. SECRETARY RC STATEMENT. or its Presumed ' Prejudice Against OUR M BANKS Scores Colomb Passion and United States. (By Associated Press.) Wa'shingto, Jan. 12. Shortly after the cabinet meeting today Secretary! Print ISSHpH tha -pi-vl! rTxrl r or cfiitatnanf ' regarding the Isthmian policy of the Mr, VlCtO!. Of Dan VI He, IS quarters cf news indicating that the j government is preparing to send troops ; to the Isthmus to carry on military op- j erations against Colombia has been a j source of considerable anonyance to i legislative and to the War Department, j No state of war exists between the two ' countries, no inauguration of hostili-1 ties is contemplated by this govern-! ment, no preparation for war is being j made. It is not believed by the Pres- j ident nor by the Secretary of State that ! NATIONAL COMMITTEE. ELECT OFFICERS Elected Cashier of the First National and Mr. Frank Gilreath President Mr. F. Coxe E ected Director- The four National Banks of Char lotte held their annual metings today, The most interest was centered m ittn nnn ffiR Mn 5, APUUJUUU lull UUIIUUL.U i THf rnMiyc yfar I iil uuminu iLnu i 111 iirnin rimiinn H nnrl.K rNK Hi II nthwiiubliw i New York Contingent to Throw its Strength to St. Louis for the Con vention. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 12. The Demo cratic National Committee met at the Shoreham Hotel, in this city, today for j the purpose of deciding on the time and , place for holding, the next Democratic j National Convention. The convention was called to order at noon by Chair- fore the session began every chair in hlS AmOUnt IS breater DV 0 Lilt; ruU'lii wa& xiiitru. Kju.au u an. uiuco ; first words however cleared the hall of j all but the members of the committee. I He announced the rule the national , commitee had always held its meetings ; in executive session and directed thej Seagea.nt-at-Arms to clear the room. ! The settlement of membership in the' National Committee for the District of j i Columbia is one of the questions that ! per cent, than Any Previous Year in the History of the Public School System in this County. District No. 4, Myers, one teacher, $20 per month; $170. District No. 5, Shaw, one teacher, $20 per month; $130. i District No. 6, Hales, one teacher, I $20 per month; $160. District No. 7, Greenville, 1 teacher, $20 per month; $165. District No. 8, Irwin's, one teacher, $20 per month; $140. Total, $1,452. STEEL CREEK TOWNSHIP WHITE. District No. 1, Steel Creek, two teachers, $75 per month; $352.50. District No. 2, Observer, two teach ers, $75 per month; $352.50. District No. 3, Boyd, one teacher, JAPAN'S Ml any occasion for the employment or .the action of the directors of the First! to "ive rise to a I velv -! Board of EdUCat'lO TodaV AD- troops m the Isthmus is likely to arise, i --x..-, I,rpei(ieTlt and cashier i pi omlses t0 Sive nse to a llvelv tus-iDUdlU Ul LUUbailU I uuaj njj cussion. It is -said that the New York con- iney nave used tneir utmost enorts to we to named. nnvinpo rlDTiArQl T2ovfc orirl thp Mn- i . , of this government toward Colombia, i is SX'ti for Lvlral veaS in 1 Louis after one or two ba.llots; e ar.rt of their readiness to eoorl offices in Pi"." Z 1 general talk was that the time for the apt".,, nf anv nuestion in disnute' "U.L u ZZZZ convention would be for the first week' - - : a successor was nauieu. iii. noun between Colombia and Panama. The, nj,,Mt)l e tho wp11 tTlftn,n difficulty is for them to believe that the , ghoe flrm Qf Gilreath & Co-i was named $20; $135. District No. $30; $135. District No. 4, Knox, one teacher, authorities in Bogota can be so blinded for the presidency, and Mr. Geo. W. (By A. W. Hughes.) Washington. D. C. Jan. 11. The members of the National Democratic Committee are arriving on every train todav, and none of them talk of any , . i ii : ,. Ax cn 1 1 tmng less luau vurniy ucii lo.ii. Mr. josepnus uanieis, or tne ixaieign i News and Observer, came in today and was an attentive listener to the argu ments of counsel on both sides of the North Carolina bond case before the Supreme Court this afternoon. He later attended the meeting of the entire North Carolina delegation in Congress, both Representatives and Senators, who assembled in one of the Senate committee rooms by the courtesy of Senator Simmons, for the purpose of "getting together" and acting in har mony if possible in regard to every thing of special interest to the State and also in regard to the questions of national importance which are now before the Senate and House. The meeting of the National Demo cratic Committee is to name the place and time for holding the national con- j vention. What is uppermost in every man's minds is. Who shall be the Democratic candidate? Parker, Gorman and Hearst are the names mentioned and their chances of nomination are discussed in the order named. When the committeemen from the west and south get in to morrow there may be shifting in the sentiment. New York has a strong delegation already here in State Senator Pat Mc CafreTi; " ex-lieutenant" Go v rnor Shee han and Norman E. Mack. Mr. Mack is the national committeeman and the two others are leaders in New xorK politics. State Senator McCarren is one of the coming leaders of the New York De mocracy. Tall, spare almost to atten tion, with an inscrutable face, Senator McCarren attracts attention in any crowd. - Mingling amo,ng the Democratic pol iticians today was "Private" John Al len, late of Tupelo, now holding a position on the St. Louis World's Fair Board. "I want to disclaim now," said Mr. Allen, "in behalf of Tupelo, . any de signs upon the national convention. The merchants of Tupelo are too busy to be pestered with a passei or politi cians and the farmers are so engaged with the boll weevil problem they could not get to town to welcome the boys." Among the members of the House appointed by the Speaker today to at tend the funeral of Representative Skiles, of Ohio, who died at his home in that State on Saturday, is Hon. S. member of the by passion and prejudice as to declare Bryan wag elected vice president war against us and even it tnis ruinous j Tfae osition of cashier was tendered step should be taken by Colombia this , tQ Mf R M victol a weil known to government would be in no haste to bacconist of Danville, Va. Mr. Victor in July. A CLOSE CALL. resoond to her challenge. The Presi dent makes all possible allowances for the natural excitement in Bogota over the state of things for which the Co lombian government is alone responsi his anri nf which it was fully fore- earned, but they must sooner or later; nk 'Gilreatll Geo w. Bryan and Dr recognize the irresistible forces of ac- McAden. Charlotte People Who Intended Going to Iroquois Theatre. Mrs. M. C. Tate, who is visiting her xrrac onnk of y,ia fiifip.tion hv wire , daughter. Airs. J. v.. a. weaver, in and it is expected that he will accept j Chicago, writes have that it was by j by the county do within the next few days. j the merest accident that she and her j tion of Mecklenburg The following board of directors was ; nttie granason, jonn vdii AisLyu i portionment among elected: J. C. Burroughs, F. M. weaver were not in tne nunuie wu- nagranon mat visitea tne iruquuis Theatre the afternoon of December 30th. Mrs. Tate writes that she and her 5, Shopton, two teach ers, $80 per month; $360. Total, white, $1,335; special tax, District No. 1, $160.; special tax, Dis trict No. 2. $150: total. $310. propriated the Amounts for steel creek township-col- the Different Schools and j District no. Rem, one teacher, J!J nU D.,o!.no fM.J$20 per month; $85. U'U Uillol uuailioaiuniiuio. District No. 2, McClintock, one teacher, $20 per month; ?s5. District No. 3, Boyd, one teacher, $20 per month; $80. District 4, Carruthers, one teacher, $20 per month; $78. District No. 5, Grier, one teacher, $20 per month; $76. Total, colored, $404; special school No. or Less Importance, Fifty thousand dollars schools in Mecklenburg. This is the sum for public Brown; J S. Myers, F. B. McDowell, comnlished facts ana tne sooner wi , is the. onlv new mem done the better for ail parties, we ; fl aU the otliers being grandson left home with the intention have done them no worng. We would reelected ' of attending the play. They arrived like to be of service to them if they j The enyre force of the First Natio- at the entrance to the theatre and were are wise they will not put it out of continued as at present. in the act of going in when her grand- our power to help them by any act of ai Matinnal son remembered that he had been in- rashness and violence." Charlotte naii.onai. to & mUe party by a friend , ' At the Charlotte National the meet- , th neiehborhood. The question ing of the stockholders was held at j wag atea as to whether they would noon and the following board of direc- . attcnd tue performance or that Master Concurrent Resolution Adopted for At-! tors was re-elected: Dr. R. J. Brevara, John yan Alstyne shOUld fill his en- s t t-v tjooVi TJ 11 Tn-rdn.n Vinton LilCl- I x mi r. n., ArArlaA Viat tendance on General uoraon 5 . Rnhprtson. ! sasmuu -"17, tne young mau wouiu go l- iuc jjivjt rather than attend the periormance S. C. LEGISLATURE. Funeral. (Special to The News.) Columbia. S. C, Jan. 12. rne uen- riPil H "NT Pharr. J. F. KODerisou, John M. Scott, C. Valaer and Chas. F. Wadsworth. The directors met after orc ot!H oifitpfl the followins: offi- eral Assembly convened at noon with a . Cers: President, B. D. Heatn; casnier. full attendance of both houses. .eaa- ; w. H. xwiity; wuei, r. n. ing the Governor's message took up ; following bookkeepers were elected, most of the morning session and sev- Carey Butt Banks McClintock F S. eral new bills were introduced and j Barnes and Burette 'Andrews, bteno read by title. Candidates for State j grapher, Miss Sadie Davis. Librarian, for Dispensary Board and! Merchants and Farmers. other offices are much in evidence. annual meeting of the stock- expected rd of educa county for ap the various schools of the county. This amount in the largest ever available before. The board convened this morning for the second day's session in the of fice of the , county superintendent or education. ThP first matter- before the board em urn ISTER. Says There was a Mistrans lation of Dispatch as to a Prompt Resort to Arms. Favors Neutrality of the Chinese Empire. Japanese Cruisers Sail and ' British Ships Protect Them. Russian Commander Chooses a Camp Meeting of the Elder Statesmen. ftax, District No. 1, $25; District ; 2, $25; total special tax, $50. BERRYHILL TOWNSHIP, WHITE. District No. 2, Dixie, 2 teachers, $75 per month; $400. District No. 2, Berryhill, 1 teacher, $30 per month; $155. District No. 3, Beaty's Chapel, 1 teacher, $30 per month; $150. District No. 4, Big Springs, 2 was to ascertain just how much teacher $75 per month; $380 ap- Following the reading of a special from the Governor, ursms ; holders of the Merchants and i arm- message trom tne uuvei uu. 6 National Bank was held m tneir proper representation oi ! the Jtate at ; q thi tne runerai ul - afternoon. The - president . caneu tu to: order, and .. upon motion current resolution was j moatinfr tn nrr ignating the Gorernor . t helmet -jus vail nresided. A roll call of tice, tnree oeua-wio cixxix xi. . , tatives to attend the funeral m At lanta. PHILIPPINE BONDS SOLD. They go to Fiske and Robinson at 107,577 Proceeds for Friar Lands. ( (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 12. The War De partment today accepted the proposal of Harvey Fiske and Sons, of New York, representing Fiske and Robinson and the National City bank of New Thiiirminft eovernment account ; t1 e ftftn . nsv, dividends had been i T iim!tpj in rrharlotte .i V.,irpha5P. of Friar's lands at $107,- y, stockholders on their stock m rrhA northbound train will reach 1 '" . LtlXVX wxv ; XX. i . . . . i. i KfllTt'ff St '. . xA. OO n QUri X7 1 I 1 I fA P. I'har niTP H.T. u.ia a. xxi., uuv " i the stockholders was maae, aim result showed that i,e&i out oi tu 2 000 shares were represented. The president, Dr. J. H. McAden, submitted a report in behalf of the board of directors, showing the opera tions of the bank for the year past, and the same was duly approved by the meeting. This report showed a most gratifying gain in business for the year, and among other things it was shown that the deposits of the bank had enjoyed an increase of more when' itg passengers were sleeping in than $200,000 in the twelve months H comfortable beds. , j 4-T.4- i '1-LK' '- V.wrf ii rA , J just ended. His report snoweu tui. Tne arriving time of tne &ouuiuuuuu IS 1.4V a This decision, in all probability, saved the lives of both. Mrs. Tate has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Weaver, since the mar riage of her son last fall. She will remain in Chicago some time yet. , . ' THE FIRST TRIP. Of the Southern's Palm Limited A Beautiful Train. The Southern's Palm Limited, one of the finest trains ever turned out by tho Pullman Company, arrived ju Charlotte-this morning at 4:43 o'cl;ck ita initial trin to the "Land " of UU tbu y . X - THrnvprs " ' The train pulled into the .West Trnde. street station just 28 minutes late. It left Washington 56 minutes late and by splendid management this lateness was cut in halt. The train was composed of six dpert a "Dalace on . vj ci. v. ai v. o auu ' ' " " . whppls " wnn. h ensrine to the rear coach the train was brilliantly lighted by pipctrinitv. and oresented a beautiful ! sight, even in the early morning hours 1 1 1 JT. 1. money was avaiiaDie ior scuuu. nortionments. a tp.esram was read from State Treasurer B. R. Lacy at Raleigh, stat ing that $2,769.00 was available from the State fund for Meckienourg coun ty when all taxes were paid. This sum together with what is expected to be turned over to the board by the finanw pnmmlttfifi now in session is x . x i : v. hitni n nnn i for school purposes ever raised in the county of Mecklenburg. Tbis does not include the funds available in certain districts from the special school tax. Thp hoard of education found that there is approximately at the disposal for apportionment to the schools' oi Mecklenburg county $52,440.89, out hv the advise cf the county attorney the board reserves $2,396.89 to meet F IJIIFPifl RSItl I STILL III FL Mm Y. Webb, who is a memoer ui uu , pn.-J p.. committee on patents, of which the de- jg Remains ot benerai bor- ceased Ohio Representative was member. The Congressional funeral cortege will leave Washington tomor row evening. . Messrs. Charles Busbee, of Raleign, and Thomas Settle, of Greensboro, have arrived in the city and are get ting matters in shape for argument in the Moody-Gudger contested election case, which will be heard at 10 a. m., Wednesday. .. Re-argument in the North Carolina bond case was continued to-day, ex Judge Merrimon making a most com plete and thorough exposition of tne nnsitinn takpn hv counsel for Nortn r l: XT, x Cimremfl COUrt IS ,;n- tho vsa.r and same Deing t UUUUg j , . - , per cent., and in addition the undivid ed profits of the bank had been; in creased. At the same time he reported that out of the current profits, tho bank had monthly setaside an aniount sufficient to pay all accrued interest sufficient to pay all accru ed interest on certificates of riP.nosits. the present amount vpsprvftd being about $4,700. at 12:31" o'clock. EXTRA SCHOOL TAXES. nirtrirtc arc Fallina in Line Fine Start For Year. nni pi potions for the purpose of voting a special school tax will be held during the present month, and T7ii tho first elections of tne don Reach Jacksonville Tonight and Atlanta To morrow Morning Honors to the Dead Hero. - ii ----- -tmn ,7 Moipnburs county. The elec His report conciuuuu nu a, "v j,cai in ripjir Creek ,ial tcfthe efficiency of the caslner j t ons jjj be ,h U and his assistants. o"'" thQn in r.rah Orchard ThP meetine went into an election ruary a, uu - ---- of directors at the conclusion of the No. 2, on J "It to Vrte president's report, which resulted n w . dollars and $1 the unanimous re-election of the old , 25 cents on in addition to Ross, and Mr. ((By Associated Press.) Miami, Fla., Jan. 12 The remains of General John B. Gordon attended by a military escort of Florida troops, left Miami early for Atlanta where the lody will arrive Wednesday morning. JTaoVsnnville. Fla.. will De reauueu uj- n-ithriit -in ri aU if ti cm in the CaSC . j""" , , nreumentl JacKsonvnie, ria., mu ."L1- lahS and night at 7 o'clock and the remains will ag;imsL tuai, putnuuu he was frequenUy interrupted by DOtn Justices Brown and White, the latter showing considerable impatience at some of Judge Russell's replies, -lhe opinion in the case may not be nanaea down for some weeks yet. SENATE TODAY. Senate Bacon Moves to Negotiate Treatv With Colombia Critical Situation. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 12. In the Sen at today Senator Baconintroduced a resolution authorizing the Presi dent to negotiate a treaty with Co lombia looking to an amicable ad justment of differences growing out of the secession of Panama. He ad dressed the Senate on the subject. He said he regarded the situation as critical and had read a dispatch from former Consul Smythe, stating the Colombians were greatly aroused and feel the honor of the country demands they should go to war. Mr. Bacon ex pressed the opinion that this country could reach a peaceful solution by showing some consideration for the people of Panama. so tranoforrpii in.meoiai.eiy w tri.in fnr Atlanta. All yesterday and last night the hv lav in stflte in the Presbyterian Church in this city and hundreds paid ho-nne-P tn the dead Confederate leader. rvorv honor nossible has been bestow ed by the people of Florida and towns riong the route to Jacksonville have re 0fl the train to make stops so xi. o tmpw the, remains: but tne i,Li0 is so arraneed that but few c .r,o n hp made. Unon reaching the Georgia line a military detachment .f' th rpmains and an escort or citizens appointed by the : Governoi - of Georgia will meet we pot - - Go. The r . OA ju a-,t will he carried directly the State capitol where it will lie in ste until ten o'clock Thursday morn ing when the funeral exercises will be begun- . t Total" white, $1,085.00 COLORED RACE. District No. 1, Mt. Olive, $20 per month; $90. District No. 2, Berryhill, $20 per months; $90. District No. 3, Muddy teacher. $10 per month; $40. District No. 4, Rhyne, 1 teacher, $20 , per month; $90. District No. 5, Long, 1 teacher, $20 1 teacher, 1 teacher, ' Broad, 1 Total colored, $400. $50,000 SCHOOL FUNDS. The amount of money that the board apportioned this morning is greater by 25 per cent, than ever before in tne history of the county. This is some thing that Mecklenburg may well De nroud of . The board today alter making tne j annortionments for the various town releases which are being allowed by ships of the county took up the mat- ments among the districts of each township. Up to 2: 30 o'clock the board had completed making apportionments for the districts in three or tne town- shins and it was decided to leave the remainder of this work with the coun ty superintendent of education. The board was aiso miormeu uiai. an arrangements were completed for the taking over by the county of the new- school property at Huniersvine, in. o. In this transaction the county is rep resented by Mr. H. N. Pharr, of this city. board, the personnel or wmca i . - available funds. This is an follows: Dr. J. H. McAden, ar. w. . start for the present year and T T-f W rice nnn KIT. cawuvi, . - x.x tV,A R. Wilson. Mr. Jno. B -wr .TT. W. H. Belk and Mr. J. tt. vveaiu. Immediately after adjournment or the stockholders meeting, iub innix of directors met and took the oatn or office for the present year, after which they went into an election of officers The old officers were likewise tha ? pmintv commissioners, wnicn leaves $5,044.00, total school luna; expenses ot tne Doaru oi euuunuuu, suDerintendent's and treasurers sal aries and, Com. $2,307.00 ror tne year arips and com. $2,307.00 for the year leaves for apportionment to the various schools of the county $43,y.uu. is apportioned to the townships per capita as follows: APPORTIONMENTS BY luwiv SHIPS. Citv of Charlotte No. of children, KR25: amount appropriated sid,Ui.uu P.harlnttp Township No. ot cnuu- . A : 4- A ren, z,a4; amount appiuiniin-eu, 752.00 Berryhill Township No. of children fiSfi: amount appropriated $1,485. Steel Creek Township ino. oi cniiu- ren, 745; amount appi upua-teu, 739. Sharon Township No. of children, fiK7: amount appropriated, $x,d6 Providence Township JNo. or cnuo- i :i.A 1 ren. 820: amount appi ujji laieu, 913. Clear Creek Township No. of children. 685; amount appropriated, $1 .598. Crab Orchard Township No. of children. 1,096; amount appropriated, $2 557. Mallard Creek Township No. of children. 869: amount appropriated, $2,028. Deweese Township No. of children, 778: amount appropriated, $1,815 Lemlevs Township No. of children, 494; amount appropriated, $1,153. Long Creek Township No. of child ren, 851; amount appropriated, $1,985. Paw Creek Township No. of child ren, 863; amount appropriated, $2,013. $13. - Mnrnimr Star Township No. of (By Associated Press.) London, Jan. 12. Baron Hayashi, the Japanese minister to Great Brit ain, said today that he had communi cated to the British Foreign Office the action of Japan in urging Chinese neu trality. The minister added that the words "Promptly resort to arms" used in the London Times dispatch from Pekin today appears to be a mistake which he attributes to a mis-translation by Chinese officials. "What we have done," said the minister, "is to urge neutrality upon China, in the event of war so as to minimize the dis turbance of trade, avoid international disorders in China, guard foreigners resident in the interior and avoid un necessary complications of Chinas finances and for the purpose of limit ing so far a.s possible the theatre of war, should war result" I have not yet received any intimation as to what action my government intends to take or what is the result so far of the de liberations of the elder statesmen." Baron Hayashi's view of the Russian circular referring to the treaty rights in Manchuria is that it is contrdictory. "No treaty rights," the minister says, "can be of any real good unless Russia recognizes China's sovereignty in Man- churia. By this last declaration Russia appears to do this but at the same time persistently refuses Japan's demand for formal recognition thereof. That is the point on which such a grave is sue hangs." POPULAR COUPLE WILL W TONIGHT Mrs. Blanche D. Chadwick and Mr. John R. Van Ness are the Contracting Parties -Dr. C. L- Hoffmann Will Officiate. United States and Japan. Pekin, Jan. 12 The United States and Japan are strenuously endeavor ing to establish their rights in Man churia under the new commercial treaties before the war broke out Rati fications of American treaty were to have been exchanged at Washington cut with the view of obviating the delay involved in mailing me copv to Washington, Minister .Conger urging the uovernmeut w -lpgraphic copy and to authorize the dinese minister at, Washington to xv. r,nconrv pxchanees tnere- with. Until ratifications are exchanged MuMen'andVung. Ratifications ot treaty between Japan anu - exchanged at the foreign o 1m vesterday. According iu iere Russia proposes to -concede to Ja pan no higher status ;k involved in the formal confirma tion of her treaty rights. Britain Protecting Japan. Jan. 12. Accorums " " Japanese auto"., bought at uenua rvf -what the bounty will do during the present year in the way of bettering her school fa cilities. At the persent time Mecklen burg stands near the head of the col iated, i 1 twI it 1 fi3T(? TO t . . ..... e-eTectedrand tho following is a list: -of other school districts of thej Pi nevi le JJJJ tt mahpt, r,rpsident: George n..ni fii in line and vote extra ren, 5o9; amount appropriated, $1,8. i""" x-xv,xxv-, r- - couulv vvi" - ., mnt E Wilson, vice-president; cnanes in r taxes for schools during tne yai Evans, cashier; W. C. Wilkinson, as- 1 p prominent souxnern y (By Associated Press.) mw Vrvrk. Jan. 12. The work of the Southern education board in co sistant cashier; H. W. wuson, pay ing teller; Albert G. Myers, dook irppnpr: Lawrance G. Coving ton ooMxnil hnokkeener: Jno. H. Mc 577. Huntersville Township No. of children, 676; amount appropriated, $1,575. Total No. of children, 18,852; amount anDroDriated, $43,987. CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP WHITE. ton, secvuu uuuc,-. . , uio oy---- ol rtation Aden, Jr., third booKKeeper, auu miSO -operation wit i rT- ot a TM-tHot Nn i. Seversville. two . , , x x tvia Tilafp , x ot tvio Wnlrlorfr Astoria, au reacnerb, une DanK nas not yei. mrou v Danquei at- - . inctitn x j- .nntkv tVia ropotlt : , m-iincTlt . PflllcatlOlial 1H&ULU T wiiiarirnr i r 1 .4 1 1 vjii.djii. lit i.tiv. . vv.v."- . i r i 1 11 w ...... V I L m"" ' " i 1 death of Mr. Charles Wearn. The stockholders voted congratu lations to the officers for the excellent showing. Commercial National. At ' a meeting of the stockholders held today at noon, the following oi- tions of the Southern. States were rep resented. Robert U. VJBueii, Southern executive ooaro, yioiu. Mat- the de- S6ft ner month each; ?o4U. District No. 2, Dilworth, three teach- ers. sill) per monm; x,x-. This evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bride on East Avenue, Mrs w t. r.h ad wick and Mr. John R. Van Ness will be united in marriage. The ceremony which will be wit nessed by only the immediate members rf thP two families, will be performed by Dr. C. L. Hoffmann, formely rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church in this ritv Immediately after the ceremony the newly wedded couple will leave over the Southern railway for an extended Tin INJnrttl . Returning to Charlotte, Mr., and Mrs. Van Ness will reside at the beautiful home of the bride on East Avenue. The marriage of this popular couple -.rill come in the nature of a surprise to many. , . Several weeks ago it was announced that Mr. Van Ness and Mrs Chadwick ,11 v, morriPd in February. While one teacher, $40 per month; $40 per month; $360. District No. 4, Oak Grove, one teacher, $40 per month; $385. District No. 5, Belmont, five teach ers, $192.50 per month; $1,880. District No. 6, Nevin, one teacner, '"WWilS were elected: William E. 1 Loan and Banking District No b isev in, Ex-Governor . Bushnell III. ((By Associated Press.) Columbus, O., Jan. 12.. Former Gov- tj who was stricken with I.IUUI duii - cffM-pd another ! kPPner. Clarence G. Wearn; appopiexy ia&t .M -itt v n t. nihhnn P.. w. jonnston. j. o Spencer, Francis S. Coxe. After the meeting of the stockholders the direc tors met and elected the following officers: President, J. S. Spencer; vice-president, William E. Holt; cash- er, A. G. Brenizer; teller, Aioert i.j Summey; individual ledger bookkeep-. er. Archibald Graham; general book-' cniei ot Manager Takes Morphine. (By Associated Press.) .i.,nt, Tnn 1 9.. William A. ! xv,tttc former iv maueisei m one teach for emfiefflem, w wu- - ?0 the hotel here ro-oay . - ; District No. 8, Chadwick, one teach bottle "lLS2 W , er, $35 per month; $340. Total, $5,300. stroke today. critical. Nash, Jr.; clerk i Esley O. Anderson. THE WEATHER. Light Rain Tonight; Clearing Wednesday; Warmer Tonight. District No. 3, Freeland's Chapel, ! lne, date had never been given oat Dy cither, it had never owu ucuvx - the nuptials would take place some time in that month. Both of the contracting partiefc.are among the most popular in Charlotte. Mrs. Chadwick has long been recog nized as one of the favorites in Char lotte society, rorlntfp'q Mr Van Ness is one of Charlottes most prosperous young merchant. By Krit and determination, coupled with genuine popularity, he has succeeded wonderfully and his friends and they are many, look upon him as one of the best of Charlotte's younger business , in" advance of the ceremony that will District No. 2, Clanton, one teacner, - "ViPst. oneratula 'Scrri.'wSson. cue teaCe, SSS. W aa .app, $20 per month; $152. married lire. Rome, received here the Kasaga and Nuisen, oougn rom Argentine, have gone in the d j : "t; f Gibraltar, followed ciOseiy by British ships. . , . ' Threatening News. Port Arthur, Jan. 12.-K is reported here owiiig to the threatening news received from Korea the commander cf the Seventh Russian brigade has goneo the Yalu river to select tegpo. SiT camps and cltcct a concentra tion of troops. , Russia Makes Promises. ;. - . Washington, Jan. 12.-The follog announcement has been posted la : State Department: "Russian am bassa dor called yesterday uu.r. -tha tary of BtpiEjZ. assurance or ms b " -tn-sian authorities would , P'e obsta JP Sag taties China T afl Ss and privilege, ; guaranteed by such friends in Manchria. Reply Soon Expected, qt Petersburg, Jau--12.-Japans re nlSlsSScted in two or three days ac Kng o reliable information re SvShere and there is oo reason fnr believing the reply will be so wora Prt as to prevent an immediate rupture, S2,Sfn?iSh eovernments in the posi SoTS cfxHilue negotiations looking to a pacific settlement. . CHARLOTTE TOWNSHIP CpLOR ED. District No. 1, Biddleville, two teaohers. $45 Der month each; $375. HANNA ELECTED. Rather a Large Wrlty In the Ohio Leqislature for Uncle Mark. (BY Associated Press.) Columbtfs, O.. Jan. .-Thejlouse and Senate voted separately toay for Utedates Senator, the House cast Lg sTvoFes for Hannaand 21 for Jot n H Clark, Democrat, of Cleveland. In the Senate Hanna received 29 and Clark 4 votes.