CHAB MEW VOL .XIX-NO. 4621 CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1904 PRICE: 3 CENTS r 1 litL. J"'''''I''''''''!'''''"''''''''''" 1 mmmmmm mmmmmmmmm mmm z- ' I . .. 1 : - MINERS ENTOMBED AND HI IS FEARED MANY ARE DEAD An Explosion Occurred, in a BANK OFFICIAL ARRESTED. Embezzled From About Sioo.onn Nashua Trust Co (By Associated Press ) Pn-hUf' N- H' Jan- '25John P. oggm, treasurer of the Nashua Trust ' waf. arrested today, charged with embezzling $80,000 to $100,000. The bank did not open today, and it is in charge of the State bank commission ers, pending an examination. Goggin was held in a $10,000 bond lie said that his? d MmoNflflrP.hPRvirkPftnn 'wL" scTatl0n' .but aiding minu hwli www. " v xic is une oi tne most prom- This Morning and Nearly ' XTXoT SS 200 Miners are Buried Be-, ZtJ neath the Debris. defalrati nn txt ill not necessitate the permanent closing of the bank. So far it has Been Impossi ble for any one to Enter; FIRE THREATENS TOWN. Brazil Indiana, at the Mercy of the Flames. (VUr A -..-. in 4- 1 T-k -v the Shaft---It is reared : Brazil, ma., jan. 25.-A are which All are Dead Either From rS?eattsS5hrr Explosive Effects or Gas. TtZ bie . j flames into the best part of the busi- . , , I ness section. (By Associated Press.) i Terre-Haute has been asked to Pittsburg, Jan. 2o. An explosion in come to the aid of Brazil, the shaft of the Harwick Coal Com- The fire today destroyed the Knight nanv's nine, near Cheswick, Pa., this block ia the centre of the business no:n!ng. cut offi the escape of 150 to aLdlitmUCh ?amfs ahG 1 0 . . ,. $o0,000. The water mams burst, and ISO miners, including the pit and fire The citizens formed a bucket brigade, bosses. The two shafts are 200 feet and despite the intense cold conquer- ANGRY FLAMES THREATEN TO DESTROY THE SOUTHERN PASSENGER'S STATION The Fire Originated in the Kitchen but was Soon Extin guished by Prompt Action of the Firemen The Loss is Estimated at $400 At 3:15 o'clock this morning dense The blaze was confined chiefly to the volumes of. smoke were discovered is-! ceiling of the kitchen, where it origi- suing from the kitchen of Gresham's AN IMPORTANT CAPTURE. restaurant which occupies the north end of the Southern passenger depot in this city. The fire was discovered by the occu pants of the office of Superintendent Baker, 'which is situated in the second floor of the depot. The smoke was so dense that those in the room were com pelled to vacate and an investigation was at once made, when it was discov ered that the kitchen beneath was. en veloped in flames. An alarm was rung in from box 41 and the department quickly responded. Some difficulty was experience in get ting tne nose into the kitchen by the Officers Johnson arid W. M. Earnhard Have Good Luck. This morning while Officers Johnson and M. M. Earnhardt were out on a hunting trip beyond the plant of the Charlotte Oil and Fertilizer Company, ! tney made an important capture, se curing two negroes wanted in South Carolina for grand larceny. The two officers found the men, Monroe Hoyle and Wesley Hughes, at work near the site of the new septic tanks west of the city. The men are charged with stealing! about 1,000 pounds of seed cotton from i nated, but when the department reach- w- - Gray"' of near Chester, S. C. The ed the sceen the blaze was playing J?en admitted their guilt, but say over the entire room. The damage to ,""a,t LUC quantity uj. area mwn sioien the property is placed at $200, while was much less than tney are charged Mr. C. Gresham, who operates the din- W1n taking. It is said that they, with ing room places the damage to his ?tber Parties secured several wagon property in the kitchen at $200, mak- loafls of the seed cotton, which they ing atotal of $400 damages. The build- E,an a5ay and left when discovered, ing was insured for $31,000, including -tneft committed last October, the contents, belonging to the road. two ffi:ers dld a Sod Piece of The depot and contents were valued at work ln enacting this capture. A SERIOUS CHARGE QQnnnuT mmi UIIUUUUI nUnlllul THESE TWO MEN The insurance carried by Mr. Gres ham amounted to $1,000. IN SUPERIOR COURT. Mr. Gresham is today keeping his ' Sec0"d Week's Term Begins The Cases Disposed of Today. The second weeks' terms of Superior restaurant open as usual. The range in thru tritphpn ,-ornH not crv hartlv rlomatrorl w what it ran still hp. nsprf ThA ninVtr Court began this irioraing at 10 o'clock round about side entrance, but in a few work of the department probably saved Se coullty court house, Judge Mc- the city and the railroad from experi- A yie&uius. encing another disastrous fire. The ' Tne calendar for the second week damjurfi tn the hnilrlin? was alsn cnv- was entirely re-arranged last week and ered by insurance. minutes the blaze was under control. The fire originated from a defective flue and for a few minutes nearly $50, 000 worth of property was in danger. J. 0. Clark of Spray N- C. and'J, F, Cheney of Dan ville Arrested for "Holding Up" Two Men Saturday Night, on East VamJe St. Clark was Released but Che ney was Sentto Jail for Hav ing a Razor and for Being a Vagrant -A Very Peculiar Case. i the new calendar was taken up in regu 1 lar order this morning. In the case of Ida Smith vs. W. J. ! the South Graded school. The police Saturday night were in former that a case of highway robbery was committed on the railroad near FANCIERS AND BREEDERS. deep and 2C0 feet apart. Excitement is intense at Cheswick, where the families of the miners live and the scenes are pitiful. Three in jured men have been recovered, one dying on the way to the city. This explosion, caused 'a great con russion a long distance. It is nat known what caused the explosion or how it occurred. Springdale and Cheswick pysicians are at the mine. Xore cf the men had been rescued from the mine at noon and it is be liever! that many were killed by the ' explosion or suffocated by gas. Hun- j drods are working to liberate the im-' prisoned miners. About two hundred were employed at the mine, 150 on the inside and the remainder on the ripple. ed the flames. Yardmaster Accused. (By Associated Press.) Melbourne, Jan. 25. A disastrous huricane has blown over the Fiji Isl ands, resulting in great loss of life and Fanciers and Breeders which opens Great Exhibition of Fowls Opened in Chicago Today. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Jan. 25. More than 3,500 entries have been received for the eighth annual exposition of National property. BfH CAME EASILY TO Mfl. IT, GRAY here today. Seventeen hundred pigeons are exhibited, besides a large number of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, cats and dogs. The entries are from every State in the Union and from England and Germany. More than $10,000 in prizes have been offered. PIERCING COLD. The men on the ripple were badly While bOITIinff tO the UtV burned by the explosion. j ,- , , i . . rrom unworm ne With a lond report and an upheaval like an earthquake, the woodwork of the iipple was destroyed. The walls of the shaft were filled with the debris and rocks, completely shutting off all escape for those in" the mine. There has been no means yet of finding out the exact nature of the ex plosion and the number of the dead. If the mine entrance cannot be cleared so that the men can get a fresh supply of air, all will have perished in a few hours, in the event they have not been killed by the concussion already. The mine was opened two years ago The Mercury Stands at 47 Below at Ely, Minn. Chicago, Jan. 25. Piercing cold covers the entire Northwest today. It is fifteen below zero here. The record is 23 helnw and it is; (wnpptprJ that a mm .a.... .. mmm I IT . MriCKfin With Hart mil-low point will be made a man, unisnown, was iouaa irozen was Nicholson After Forging $255 Check Here is Wanted in Chester. G. E. Nicholson, of Fayetteville (as he claims) who left town Saturday night with a valuable horse belonging to J. C. Cochrane and 'who was later ble and Died in a FeW Mint to deatn in an .outlying part of tei arjested in Pineville, is in still. more ciiy. WATT WHITE CAPTURED. Negro Officers, ' Smith for divorce, a verdict for the plaintiff was returned. It was also announced that the case , of Geo. V. Painter against C. Gresham ! and others had been compromised and a judgment for $375 for the plaintiff Who , Escaped From Aqain Jailed. (Special The News.) Statesville, Jan. 25. Watt White, a ' haf1 hppn cpi negro desperado, who escaped some; The case Qf p g McLailg-hlin apd time ago wnile being taken from the . wif e against the charlotte Electric jail to the court room, has been arrest- j Railway Company and the City of ed and is now m jail. . J Charlotte was compromised. Grand Master L B. McBrayer of ; TWs afternoon the court took up the Ashevile, arrived today and will give a j case of F R and M j Alexander vs. lecture tonight to the Odd Fellows of John and Mary Hartman, an action en Statesville. ' , volving title to some acres of land in The trustees of the Statesville Fe- j male College, will meet here tomororw, It is understood that some important ; business will be transacted, THIS TIME FORGERY. utes. Mr. Nathaniel Gray, one of the fa miliar figures in this city for over forty years, fell dead this morning at 9:30 o'clock while coming from his home at Dilworth on a street car. Mr flrnv was Kittine- in th rfl.r nn- and has always been a gasous ont, but parently fell forward from his seat no trouble has ever occurred before. ; Rrdfipniv fpii fnrwnrri frnm his spat. As quickly as possible a rescue party just as the car was passing the Buford n organized, out so tar no one nas hotel and exnired immediately and be fore aid could reach him. "Nat" Gray, as he was familiarly known, was born and reared in this city, his birth place being on South Traffic is greatly impeded. Stretching to the Northwest the mer cury shows a swiftly descending scale, the lowest being 38 degrees below at Bismarck, North Dakota; La Crosse, Wis., 36 below; Duluth, Minn., 21 be low. Yesterday at Ely, Minn., it was 47 below. been able to descend into the mine . 1 MYSTERIOUS MURDER. Illinois Central Wreck. (By Associated Press.) Memphis, Jan. 25. The Illnois Cen tral train from New Orleans to Chica go was wrecked this morning at Gates, Tenn. A number are reported killed. Wrecking trains with doctors and nnraoa liavo hcon con- frnm ATfTnnhif! 'id.ian round dead in a Society Hall . Trvrm strPPt Mr Grav hfld RTiPTit. thfi ami T?inlPV m Brooklyn. j entire 56 years of his life in Charlotte The Illinois Central, News Orleans (By Associated Press. . where he was known by everyone and to Chicago, was wrecked at Gates, New York, Jan. 25. The nolice on generally liked. I Tenn., six miles from Memphis this entering the rooms of an Italian so- After reaching young manhood Mr. I morning. One person was killed, and wety early todav. in South Rronklvn. Grav first embarked in the grocery I twn sliehtlv iniured. The wreck was uncovered another mysterious murder. I business here. At the outbreak of tne J caused by the pilot striking a cow on iney found Zosscetti Snrnno shot, tn civil war he came forward to the aid thp tmrk. throwing her asrainst the foath. i nf hft South and was made a member I witrh nnpnin!? it anrl dprailine: the Nothing could be learned of the cause of the medical department, located in train, and overturning it excepting fin i1 . .... 7 w fne members of the society had fled . the old graded school building, then a the engine and the mail car ua me police could make no ar- mihtarv academy. lcIHb. I TiVir ahnnt twentv-tive vears Mr. I tu... Tunp-.j E3,.-nar4 w i i iii il iwuaa iiu uui iiwu. Gray was manager of the playhouse ot Associated Press.) T- 1 - r-4- nl..Ti nhorffa fV Trio I J niri nnora house nn South Tryon street I Pittsburg, trouble this afternoon by reason of a telephone message received from the cashier of one of the leading banks of Chester, S. C. requesting that Nichol son be held on a charge of forgery. Nicholson was arrested in Pineville at 10:30 o'clock Saturday night and brought back to the city. The telephone message from Chester this afternoon gave no particulars ether than that Nicholson was wanted in Chester for forgery. Nicholson Saturday evening went to Cochrane's stable and after examining j several horses concluded to take one. He gave a check for $255 on the South ern States Trust Company and took charge of the horse, leaving shortly II WILL HOI WOU ACROSSJHE LINE Nfgro Collector of the Port at Beaufort SiC0rd e re d out of the Columbia Hotel -He Refused to Reach for His Hat. (Special The News.) Columbia, S. C, Jan. 25. "Gen." Robert Smalls, collector of the port of Beaufort, and who represented the seventh, better known as the "Black District ' m Congress for several terms, was ordered out of the lobby of the Details of Lieut. Flake's Death. (By Associated Press.) -Manila, Jan. 25 It has just been announced that Lieutenant Campbell ia,ie was killed while trying to enter oro Cotta, Mindanao, to examine the locality. He was accompanied by 1 nvate Foy Flake. Hp was? f?hnt trpaph- "W'Sly. the Moros firing on the party "'e Aiajor Bullard was parleying itn them. Moro Cotat was taken at n-e by an assault with no forces. The Moros lost 20 killed. Jan. 25. As the result over the store rooms at present occu- of an early morning fire which de pied by Mr. W. T. McCoy as a furni- stroyed three residences at Morning LUre alUIC. I CM-I,-. Qnlmrli tmn norenn am Hour, anrl Cry aiin,,(- twolvo vMrs Mr Gra v re- kJluc mained in charge here. Later he be- one missiong. it is saia tnree tnousana came interested in the building of the dollars in cash were burned in one Fr Relief of Tornado Victims. (By Associated Press.) w-eoiisboro, Ala., Jan. 25. Mayor N. Laf leman. of Greensboro issued an appeal for aid in behalf of the Mound t.n , - storm sufferers. Contribu man ould be sent to Mayor Castle- Many of lo light, h )y citizens the injured have been ere and are being cared for Mobile. German Cruiser at Mobile (By Associated Press.) P Tan or; T'i i j.1 1 :2t'.,!Lrui8r Fa!e is in Port from lira ". . one win remain until Sat tw A recePtion is to be tendered identi y the leadin German res. Baltimore Firm Fails. n,,M (By Associated Press.) thp i .' luie' Jan- 25.-The failure of "'"Kuiage and banking firm of E 'J0lriSOll and nnmnam, no a on. nrePared Cott0n Goes to 15 1-16c. Todav. when w.oC,tt0n brke another record T local SDOtR hrn,,rl,t 1C i 1 W lJpohT 15 16 cents hrr,i7rj. rc ie.cora tor '35 years brnnr . WQen ine fleecv anl ""111. I a a, - . " - I neari7 40611-8. ghest price toy -two bales were sold at 15 1-16 of the houses. THE YARBORO HOUSE WORK ISST0PPE0 Contractor Houston and Lessee Cobb Cou?d not Agree Painters, Carpen ters and Plasterers Were Ordared to Quit Work. Columbia Hotel a few davs azo bv afterwards. Later the holders of the j proprietor Wheeler, check ascertained that Nicholson had j Smalls, who is a very" black negro, no money in the above named banking .-walked into the hotel with his silk hat institution and therefore no time was . OJ1) when Mr. Wheeler called out stern- lost m informing tne ponce oi tne ai- iv across the register: fair with the result that Nicholson wan arrested in Pineville, where he had gone with the horse after leaving Charlotte. Nicholson will be given a prelimi nary hearing before 'Squire S. H. Hil ton on Tuesday if all the witnesses can be secured. At present Nicholson is confined in the jail here under a heavy bond. He claims that he was under the influence of liquor Saturday night and din't know what he was doing. He will also have to answer, to a charge of forgery at Chester. NEW POSTMASTERS. Academy of Music, the building now used as the Presbyterian Hospital. In this enterprise Mr. Gray was the lead ing spirit and the building of the Academy of Music on West Trade street was largely due to his efforts. His rousin. Wm. Gray, an eccentric Azure on West Trade street for many vears. furnishing a large share of the funds necessary for tne erection oi tne building. When the Academy was closed Mr Grav became manager ot tne auaii-u- rium erected on West Sixth street by a number of citizens and here he re mained until this building was turned. Then Mr. Gray again assumed charge 01 the opera nouse uu ouum street and continued as manager until u fow vears azo and about one yeai oftpr the nnening of the new Academy ,f A.Tncir in thp rear of tne trust luiildinsr. T?v,r hp nast two vears Mr. Gray had Kr, faiiin.? health but his sudden (Special to The News.) oitnfrpt.hpr unexpected. Raleigh, Jan. 25. The work of re Tho PPasfirt leaves two sons, Will modeling and renovating the Yarboro Tim rcrav A third son died some House was temporarily discontinued vears a-o ' this morning owing to a disagreement Mr Gray has been a widower for between Contractors B. R. Houston, ..,L-fi0 wnrs. liis wife having died of Durham, and Lessee Cobb, in v," 1 fcn regard to the work. No statement of M. rrav was Venial and kind and by I the situation can be procured at this his pleasant ways naa maae friends. His death will be deplored by "Take that hat off." "You have yours on," replied the ex-Congressman, who generally has shown sense enough to know and keep his place in South Carolina. "Get out of here, quick," the proprie tor called out, adding some stronger language, which Smalls did not fail to promptly appreciate. The estimates of the time that Smalls required to reach the pavement vary between three and five seconds. The clerk's , estimate is less than five seconds. The next day one of the white Re publicans who had learned from Smalls that he had been excluded from the hotel railed Mr. Wheeler aside and Mr. Hasty at Monroe and Mr. Jones at j apoligized for causing him any incon- So far, the case has proven a peculiar one and while two men have been ar-, rested it is still undecided who the real culprits were. J. O. Clark and J. F. Cheney, two white men, were arrested on a charge cf assaulting J. P. Jones and D. A. M'cKinney, also white. Cheney was also held on a charge of vagrancy and carrying a razor. At the hearing today Clark was set free and Cheney sent to jail for ten days. The two men both told the same story, to the effect that a man had come running up to them, while they were on the railroad Saturday night, and claimed that unknown parties had held him up, and ordered him to hold up his hands and further that he had seized a rock and hit one of his as sailants and then fled. Cheney and Clark were arrested ; later by an officer but it appears that they were not the highwaymen. Clark : is a young man from Spray, N. C, where he worked in a cotton milL and says that Cheney induced him to accompany him on- a tr'ip South;' . Clark's story before - the Recorder bore the marks of being true and he was turned loose with orders to get back to Spray. The two men who claim they were held up are J. D.-Jones and D. A. Mc Kinney. They were not in court this morning however to testify. Clark said that the man who came running up to where he and Cheney- were standing and claimed that he had been robbed was named Bradshaw, but more than this neither he nor Cheny could tell. The man Cheney, after being arrest ed here on a charge of assault and also of vagrancy and carrying a razor, was discovered by the local police to be an escaped convict from the jail at Char lottesville, Va. Cheney admitted this in the Recor der's court this morning. He was sent to jail for ten days and will probably be sent from here to Vir ginia to serve out his sentence. He says that he was imprisoned for giving a man a pint of whiskey which he was charged with selling. There is some mystery surrounding the entire affair and while it is prob able that Cheney and Clark are inno cent of holding up anybody on the railroad Saturday night, it is also evi dent that somebody was guilty of the offense. Sanford in the List (By Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 25 The President today sent to the Senate the following nominations for postmasters: Georgia: A. I. Haynes, Wrightsville. North Carolina: John Hasty, Mon roe; Samuel M. Jones, Sanford. South Carolina: Elizabeth Bamfeld, Beaufort. PROTRACTED SERVICES. venience. He suggested tnat possiDiy it might be well for him to transfer his patronage. Mr. Wheeler is not the sort of man! to be stampeded by fear. He told the white Republican that he was welcome j to receive whatever negroes it gave him pleasure to entertain, but that I they must be received as other negroes j who came into the hotel. He wished the politician to understand that he would not be responsible for promis cuous negroes coming into the hotel and would not allow any general con ferences in his lobbies between black The Meeting of " Military Men. (Rv Associated Press. c ,.,,; Tor. k The Qnrn;,i ! and tan and lily white guests; that if St. Augustine, Jan. 2d. The annual : o , n eoo QriTi. f hic! convention of the Interstate National I Hj J1J. . . J. . i i.,Ta n-OL-n mm TOT SO many nere wuu ixac " Ion ?ht H Thirtv- last vSr y against 90 bales at 9 cents time, though it is said that nothing but a lawsuit can settle the differ ences. About 30 carpenters, plaster ers and painters are out of work until Tt,"a was carried to the under-! the difference is adjusted. tairine- establishment of Jno. M. Harry a charter was issued this morning & Co where it was placed in a1 for The J. L. Austin Company of Win easket and later carried to the home j gate, Union county, capital $20,000. p0a(!0H in Dilworth. .The incorporators are J. L. Austin, "The funeral exercises will be held J. M. Pevins, W. M. Perry. A general J suited as follows: Democrats, Raynor tomorrow afternoon at 3 p. m. at the merchandise is the business that will ' 34 Smith 20, Carter 9, Jackson 5 Miles ue uai x xtai uu. 4. Kepu Dncans, jMcuonxas Zi). Guards Association convened here to day with a large number of represen tatives from 22 States. General V. Dycy, of Ohio, is delayed by a late train. The addresses of welcome and re sponses were the order of the morn ing session. At this session all the pre liminary business was transacted and the convention is ready to take up im portant matters on the arrival of Gen eral Dyck. The headquarters of the association are at the Ponce-de-Leon. Major J. F. Cullfoyle of the Adjutant General's of fice is representing the secretary of vcar, Maior. O. M. Lissack of the Or dnance Department is also present. Sixth Ballot. (By Associated Press.) Annapolis, Jan. 25. The sixth, day's balloting for United States Senator re- a negro caller wished to see any of his white guests he would insist upon his being accompanied to the room by one of the hotel's representatives. The lily white has not yet transfer red his patronage. Another lily white, who is quite a wheel horse with the Republicans, promptly sent for the clerk on hearing of Wheeler's exclusion. When the clerk arrived he demanded an explanation for the treatment of Smalls. Land Sale Today. This morning at the county court house a 92-acre tract of land was sold by E. T. Cansler, trustee, for E. T. Brown, to J. M. Reid, for $1,600. The land is located adjoining the property of Walter Kirkpatrick, in this county, and is known as the Wallace Alexander place. For Young People at Tryon Street Baptist Church. The opening service of the series of meetings for young people in the Tryon Street Baalist church was held last night in the Sunday school rooms. These meetings are to me held throughout the entire week in behalf of the young people of the Sunday school. A good musical program has been arranged for each service. The meet ings will open promptly at 7:45 every night. A NEW PAPER. The Church Messenger, Rev. L. A. Falls, Editor. The first issue of "The Church Mes senger," a new religious publication, has been issued in this city. The paper is a six-column, quarto and is edited by Rev. L. A. Falls, pas tor of Brevard Street Methodist church. The paper will be issued monthly. It contains a quantity of good reading matter. THE WEATHER, Fair Tonight, Cloudy Tuesday, Followed by Rain or Snow. residence. Negro , Concealed in Store. A gentleman from Chester, S. C, who is here today, brings the information that on Saturday night when Mr. Tip Heffner entered his store he found a negro concealed in the building. The authorities were notified and the negro was quickly apprehended and locked up. $3,000 Life Insurance Received. Mr. E. B. Springs, executor of the estate of the late C. Furber Jones, has received a check for three thousand dollars, the amount of the policy car ried by the deceased in the State Mu tual Life Assurance Company of Wor cester, Mass. The local representative of th company is Mr. R. G. Hayes.