CHARLOTTES NEWS, JULyI $H 1 904 MEETING LAST NIGHT 7 Rather Difficult to Get Informa tion. Too Big for a Private and Too Small for a Public Meetine. Want to Beat Duls and McNinch, Though. "From all accounts that meeting of independents last night must have been .'something of a farce. It is said that there were a hundred men there, and yet they saw that nothing was done. Some say that the meeting was intend ed tohe private but that more people canie than was expected and that it was necessary to have an open meeting, Of course it was not the intention to Jmeet behind closed doors, but they 'claim, some of them, that they only in tended to meet together to have a little informal conference, to devise ways and means and so forth. And they say that 'notwithstanding the crowd this was all they did. . There were no open or pub lie speeches and it seems that matters were onlv discussed in an informal way.They say that a mass meeting will be held in the near future and that then the movement will be fairly start ed on its way. They say that they want 1,000 people at this mass meeting. At the meeting list night it is also said that a number of committees were appointed, but who are on the commit ters it is impossible to find out. Trie News man was referred to Mr. Wilson, of the Charlotte Drug Co. He v-as told that Mr. Wilson was one of the leaders in the movement, and had Ibe names of the committees appointed last night. When seen by the News man. Mr.Wiison said that he was not at the meeting and. knew nothing of it, or of the committees. He said that he liad intended going but at the last min ute could not do so. Messrs. S. Wittkowsky, L. N. Schiff Rnd J. C. Long were noticed in consul tation before the Buford Hotel and a "News man walked up. Mr. Wittkowsky said he didn't attend the meeting but that Mr. Schiff and Mr. 'Long did at tend. Mr. Long said the report that th meeting was to be public was a mistake and that it was meant to be private. Af stated above, he said, there were no sr'eches, and no leaders. i "Who talked?" asked the reporter. "Not any one," ho was told. Iid you all just sit around with cJcsed mouths?" '"That's about the way of it," said Mr. Long. Mr. Schiff said that he had nothing for publication. He said the meeting was not meant to be public but that it-had been , so reported. Committees "were named and a special committee was also appointed to notify these com mittees of their appointment. Mr. Schiff . refused to give out the names rfthe men appointed on these commit tees, saying, that it was not known whether they would all serve or ' not. They are being notficd today that they have been selected to get behind the movement and give it a push. Mr. W. C. McWhirter, of the Mc Whirter Brewery Company, is the only man who has-been1 seen so far, who is "willing to talk and he said nothing of the meeting last night, though he was present. But he did say, "We want to beat. Charley Duls and Frank" Mc Ninch." Mr. J. L. Chambers was at the meet ing but said he only dropped in as a spectator and knew nothing of what was dote. WORK OF SNEAK THIEF. Enters House on South-Church Street and Takes Money. Some sneak thief entered the home of Mr. D. J Brown, at the corner of Second and Church streets, yesterday afternoon and stole 50 cents and some apples. Mrs. Brown had stepped oui somewhere, and not expecting to bo Kone very long, did not lock the door. When she came back she noticed that the apples and this 50 cent piece were gone. She immediately went to her bureau and looked, for her purse. It was there and all right, and she felt much relieved . Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Ray live in the house with Mr. Brown and a trunk belonging jto them had been opened, but nothing taken. Tent Move-1 to Belmont. The gospel tent has beea . moved from Church street to Belmont Park, near the Louise Mill, and Mr. C. P. Wheeler will on Sunday renew the gospel tent campaign. The tent will be at this location for two weeks. The meeting at this point was very fine last year, and as this is a large suburb, no doubt large crowds will attend the meetings during the next two weeks. - the Guarantee protects you. If Mi-o-na Does Not Cure Dyspepsia, Woodall & Sheppard will Return Your Money. When you buy a box of Mi-o-na, na ture's cure for dyspepsia, have Wood all & Eheppard sign the following guarantee. This protects you absolute ly against loss, should the treatment fail to cure you. GUARANTEE. Woodall & Sheppard hereby guar antee to refund the money paid for Mi-o-na on return of the empty box, if the purchaser tells them that it has failed to cure dyspepsia or stom ach troubles. This guarantee cov ers two 50c . boxes, or a month's treatment. (Signed)..'.! .. ...... .. Any one who has dyspepsia, indi gestion, headaches, dizziness, or specks beforethc eyes, or any form of liver and stomach troubles, should take ad vantage . of this .chance to be cured without risking a penny. Woodall . & Sheppard give a positive guarantee with every box, showing most concmsiveiv ineir iauu m mis remarkable remedy. ' DEATH :. OF ROY HUNTER. Died ThisMornina at 6 o'clock Inter ment at Huntersviile Tomorrow. Mr Rnv Hunter, of Cornelius, died this mnrninsr at 6:30 o'clock, at St Peter's Hospital from typhoid fever He had been at the hospital about three weeks coming here from Cornelius, so that he might have all the advantages of cood nursing. But all treatment was r f no avail and he gradually ' grew weaker until the end came this morn ing. Yesterday it was thought that he was possiDiy a little ueuer uui 1. roved to be only temporary. The deceased was a son of Mr. A Jones Hunter of this city and the body was taken to his residence at 308 West 12th street today. It is likely that a short service will be held there to morrow morning. The body will then be taken to Huntersviile where the fu neral will be completed and the inter ment will take nlace. The service at the residence will occur at 9:30 o'clock Dr. J. K. Montgomery of thi3 city and Rev. J. M. Bigham of Huntersviile, will conduct the funeral services. Mr. Hunter was about 33 years old He was in the livery business at Cor nelius, his firm being known as Cald well & Hunter. He was net married. He was a good-hearted, splendid young man and had a large number of friends He was a very good business man and was considered successful. He will be much missed at Cornelius and in the county generally, where he was quite well known. . Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A J. Hunter, who live here, he is survived bv one sister, Mrs. W. J. Ranson, of Huntersviile. He is also survived by five brothers 'all of whom live in Char lotte. They are Messrs. F. S., E. W., L J., Joe A. and Moffit I. Hunter. He was nephew of Mesdam;s W. W. Orr, K M. Ranson, and J. J. Ranson. of Char lotte and also of Dr. Mac Hunter of Huntersviile, Rev. W. W. Hunter, of Monica. W. Va. and of Mrs. M. L. idams of Gastonia. 1 whit the Recorder ii M Rob Brown, a negro, was before the Recorder this morning charged with f ing profane language and being dis orderly. He came here on the excur sion from Yorkville yesterday and got rowdy and drunk. He had to be put off he street cars twice. For each of these offenses he paid $3 and costs. For mak ing trouble out at the ball game at the park, he paid $4 and costs. R. G. Williamson, a white man, the man who was robbed on the streets here a month or so ago, was charged with being drunk. He paid $5 and the costs. Crawford Jones, another one of the excursion negroes, loaned -50 cents to one of his friends and took as security a razor. While he had the weapon in his possession the police didn't know any better than to lock him up and consequently he had to give a $25 bond this . morning for his appearance at court to answer to the charge of car rying concealed weapons. Yellow Jim Burton was charged with assaulting his wife, but nut much was made of it. Frank Trott had made a case against Officer Ayer for assaulting him in the i;olice office yesterday morning, but he was not present. The Recorder or dered that he be put under a $50 bond for his appearance tomorrow morning. INSPECTOR HERE. Examining New Rural Routes Mint Hill Service Improvement. Rural route inspector. S. II. Dawson, of Maryland, has jiu l completed an in spection of the proposed new routes running out from Davidson and foday has gone to Matthews to inspect the proposed new route in that section. There has been some complaint from the Mint Hill section regarding late mails and in order to remedy this Post master R. W, Smith has recommended the reversal of rout No. 19, which will now be operated in a reversed direc tion, so that those who received mails at a somewhat late hour in the day before the change, will receive the mails much sooner now, while those on the other end of the route will suffer no inconvenience, as a stop-over of several hours on the part of the carrier, has teen done away with by reversing of the route and all of the patrons are benefitted. Also in order to get the mails out from Matthews at an earlier hour, the carrier who leaves now at 10:15 will leave at 8:15 a. m. t Postmaster Smith is endeavoring to arrange the rural routes as far as pos sible so as to give the patrons satisfac tion; ,an.d when a: change can bej ywade, thereby giving " better' facilities the postmaster :Js, ready tpi consider such changes. ' " " LEAVE TOMORROW NIGHT. Drum Corps to Enter Contest in Cin cinnati. The Charlotte Drum Corps will leave the city tomorrow night for Cincinnati where they will spend a week and pos sibly ten days attending the big meet ing of Elks from all over the country. , Ihe Drum Corps will enter the con test , as an Elks Drum Corps, most of the members now being also members of the Charlotte Lodge of Elks. The . Charlotte Drum Corps eoes to Cincinnati in the best of trim and they will be a conspicuous part of . the car nival exercises fin the Ohio -city. The members of the corps haye spent many weeks in drilling and are now in better shape than at any time since their or ganization. There will be about twenty men in the corps that goes to Cincia- nati. Mr. Marshall Collins will be at the head cf the Corps as .Drum Major. I here will be a detachment of buglers 14 the corps. GETTING READY FOR TRIP. Committee- Making Ample Arrange mentsTickets on Sale. Tickets for 'the Asheville Excursions were put on salp today at The News onice and at Jordan's Drug Store. A large number, of people from this and other places along the route have signified their intention of going. The 1 committee js making, ample arrange- ments to take care of all who go. With two trains and plenty of cars there wil 'be ample room provided for all.' J? iiMilflK. iiiiii r '- , f r , Are a universal remedy for Pains in the Back (so frequent in the case of women). They give instantaneous relief. 1 Wherever there is a pain apply a Plaster. DIRECTIONS FOR USE For pains in the region of : the kidneys, or for a Weak Back, the plaster should be 'applied as shown above. Wherever there is pain apply Allcock's Plaster. For Rheunfatism or Pains in Shoulders, Elbows or elsewhere, or for Sprains, Stiffness, etc.. and for Aching Feet, cut plaster size and shape required and apply to part affected as shown above. Rheumatism, Colds, Coughs Weak Chest, Weak Rack Lumbago, Sciatica, &c, &c, REMEMBER Allcock's Plasters are the original end genuine porous claoter aud have never been equalled as min-curers. Furthermore. thv .re . absolutely safe as they do- not contain belladonna, cpiuni pr any poison vrnawver. A HOEO'S TROUBLES. Smallpox Corpse Has Fruitless Chase. ' Negro Sent On Hts Way. Last night there came a quick ring it the telephone bell at the police sta tion and there was a sudden movement in the office to answer the summons. "Hello," shouted the night turnkey, 'anything wrong?" "Yes," came the reply over the hone, "there's a nigger down here in he yards at the Southern passenger depot that has got smallpox and you had better get him away. He is up near he cemetery." Then there was a stir in police head quarters and the smallpox emergency oiitfit was called into action and Officer Winchester, all ready, for the emer- ency awaited the moment -to start. Then everything was ready. Officer Winchester called " in his colored as- istant, who aids in handling small pox cases, and the start was made down West Trade street. The party reached the depot and truck out in the semi-darkness to wards the cemetery. When they had gone about three hundred yards up the road somebody called out "here he is" and the smallpox corps began to close n on the unfortunate negro. Then the officer approached cauti ously and investigated at a safe dis tance. In the meantime the negro who s the subject. of , all the stir, rested cacefully on, as he lay on the ground long the railroad. ' -. r Then the party conferred together. It udn't look like they had made a suc cessful diagnosis after all and then omebody said, "Why, the fellow aint iot no legs." Finally they got close enough to dis- over a negro hobo, with both legs cut off near the trunk in fcume former acci dent and he was taken in charge. The negro was found to be sound ex- opt for his missing extremities and he ad chosen this cut of the way place tor taking a rest, when the smallpox corps swooped down on him. The negro gave his name as W. H. awson and said that Danville was his ome. He was given a ticket to that town and hastened on his way last tight and the emergency corps rcturn- d to police headquarters, wishing that he thing had happened at some other time. . " WONDERFUL NERVE. .. Is displayed by many a man. endur ing pains cf accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds. Sore Feet, or Stiff Joints. But there's no need for t.' Bucklon's Arnica Salve will kill he pain p,nd cure the trouble. r It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 5 cents- at Burwell & Dunn Co.'s, )ruggist. . Charlotte District's Fine Report. The minutes of the last annual meet- ng of therewith extern Tariff Associa- on .at., tite motoRrings, in . virwa, have btVeErfVMsS ere 'fell d 'sliD.'uiiat the Charlotte district, which includes the Western half of the State, ncakes most flattering report as to the amount of business done. The local of fice is in charge of Mr. J-. F. Flowers. DOMESTIC troubles; It is exceptional to find, a family where there are no domestic ruptures cccasKionally, but -these pan - be les sened by. having Dr. King's New Life P1II3 around. Much trouble they save by their great work in -.Stomach and Liver rtrouble3. They not only re lieve you,, but curd. 25 cents at Bur- well & Dunn Co.'s drug store. Mrs. Warten Sick. Mrs. E. L. Martin has been quite unwell for several days, and has gone to the Presbyterian Hospital for treat ment. . . TARTAR IS A TARTAR Soft, spongy, sensitive gums result from tartar accumulation. It should be removed at once by your dentist and thereafter pre vented by ; the use of ; SOZOD ' TOpfH POWDERS and its complement, SOZODONT Liquid. The -Powder is 'slightly abrasive,4-is abso lutely free from ijrit.and acid, and is just the' thing for those-.'who'haVe an inclination for Hhe niceties-.of feyery-day fife.' 4. 3 FORMS: LIQUID, POWDER; PASTE. it. m "or Sore Throat', Coughs, Bronchitis, for Weak Lringsand for painful and sensitive parts ot the abdo men, apply as indicated. O St 2? OH X -A- Baars the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought o Bears the Signature of yf HIS MI1U TUU tlaVB fllWdJS DUUIIl ' tl. i : w it ii ... n Li OASTORZA. Beara the The Khtd You Havu Always Bought Signature of TORTURING DISFIGURING Skin, Scalp and Blood Humours From Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age Speedily Cured by Cuticttra when j Else fils. The agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema; the fright ful scaling, as in psoriasis ; the loss of ' hair and crusting of the scalp, as in scalled head ; the facial disfigurements, as in acne and ringworm ; the awful suffering of infants and anxiety - of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tet ter and salt-rheum. air demand a rem edy of almost superhuman virtues to successfully ccpe with them. That Cutic.ura Soap, Ointment and Resolv ent are such stands proven beyond all doubt. No statement is made regard ing . them that is not justified by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford immedi ate relief, the certainty of speedy and. permanent ctfre, the absolute ; safety and great economy, have made them the standard skin cores, blood purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world. Bathe the affected parts with hot . water and Cuticura Soap, to. cleanse -the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, . without, hard rubbing, and apply Cuti cura Ointment freely, to allay itching irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and, lastly, take Cuticura Re-" solvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. This complete local and constitutional treatment affords instant relief, per- ; inits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczema and other itching, burning and scaly humours of the skin, scalp and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all else fails. ... y Sold throughout the world.' Cuticura Becolreat, 0e. (In form of Chocolate Coated Fill, 25c. per vial of 60), Ointment, 60c., 8op, 25c DepoUi London. 27 Charter house hq.t Faria, 5 Rue de la Pais; Boetot,-137Co!umbua : Are. Potter Drug fc Chem. Corp., Sole Proprietor. . . 93T Send for " How to Cure Every Humour." We can sell Hard ware, wholesale P and retail, at advan- P tageous prices. You should, see us be- ST fore buying Hard- ft - ware : off any ind; - $ I Alien Hardware Go. WHOLESALE ; AND RETAIL. 30 East Trade Street, Charlotte, A Barrel of Money Given Awav! The Merchants' Co-operative Adver tising Association will give away a barrel cf money containing ; not less than $50 at Latta Park, on Friday night July 20th, after the performance. One ticket will be given with each 25c cash purchase at our store. The glass bar rel containing this money is on exhi bition in Berryhill & Bryan's window. Southern Hardware Go. 41 West Trade Street. Charlotte. N. C Nails At Sacrif ice We offer 50 Kegs of 30 penny and 30 Kegs of 50 penny Cut Nails at $2.00 per Keg. Come quick, as this offer is only for' a limited time and applies only to these sizes. Charlotte Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail 215 EAST TRADE ST. FROM NOW ON Will be Sold 1EGARDLESS OR COST The off r rings consist of the very latest and choicest styks no hard stock in the lot. Hats for ladies, Hats for miss es, Iiats for children all sold at a saciifice. The opportu nity is grsat. Don't miss it. OUR DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT will be open right along through the summer season, MRS. WILLIAMS in charge. MISS MiNNiE SHUART, 24 West Trade St. unnunnnnnnunn n n n n n n n n n n n FOUNDED 1842. Praise." And every person who owns one joins in the n j; gran d c h 0 r u s : , In. g n n blem o t. refinement n W and musicarculture. n n n n n It is eminently the piano for artist and beginner alike with the artist it meets ev ery requirement, with n n n n d VfltPS nil tVot ic nii4 : H W and noble in music. 3 S Sold direct by its Q r4 mannfflrtnrpr Prcfc W q no more than medium H grades arid cheap in g struments elsewhere. tX iNVESTIOAT JlJ . ManufacQrer of Vthe Pi&uo j-j With the Sweet Tone. H BALTIMORE; MD. j-j Southern Warerooms U 211-213 N. Tfyon St. W g; ; Charlotte, R;C. g P Hi j-j "Sing Their Own Stieff j 1 - , v, 7 BiammoGks, We still have a good selection of trie above articles, and rather than carry them over to another season, we will sell theni to you at prices which will force you to buy, if you see these oods : : : : : : : : . . W. T. SOUTH TRYOW ST. School Children And children too young for" school need the protection of life assur - ance more than any one else in the worldi The wife may be able to get along somehow the grown-up children shift for themselves in some fashion but the little children are absolutely helpless. -A Continuous Instalment policy in the Equitable will provide a fixej and absolute income for a child as long, as he or she ; lives... ' ' , ; "STRONGEST, IN .THE WORLD." THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY W. J. RODDEY, Manager Rock Hill, S. C. D. H. HALL, Res. Special Agent. REPAIRING, GLEANING. Ladies' WorK a Specialty. Club Rates $1.00 per month : Great Reduction on Tailor-Made Suits. CAROLINA PRESSING CLUB 12 East Fifth street. Bell 'phone 306; Charlotte 'phone 305. f W. H. C BARKLEY, Prop. Latta Park WllL m PETERS && TXar W Special Feature.THE 0RE16HT0N SISTERS, Singers and Dancer A Handsome D ft Mm I FOREVERY PURPOSE, IS HERE ' We have the ' kind of Clothing that- will add "to your comfort without distressing you to pay W1 11 L.UIIS- Id I If LI 1 Iff IX l U GOODS .SENT ON APPROYAt, ParcftrChairs and Rockers 1 MeCOT CHARLOTTE, N. C. DYEING AND PRESSING STOCK COMPANY ITSXfT Mr TIT P? resSing Bureau May be on your want list, and if so be sure to make your selec tion from our stock, which offers almost any shape, size, finish or wood. The arrival cf new designs has made our; stock more torn pletethan ever, and our reason able prices will help you decide the matter. " for. it. Thin Coats, pi a i n and s triped, JSkeletoh Serge Coats, erge Suits, Striped Tlanriei Suits, separ ate coats and trousers. Negligee Shirts, all kinds. . J-Y STRAW HATS All shapes ;ahd prices ; b RETURNABLE AT OUR EXPENSE" p. , '

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