P FVT.-. rv-r 7,t 3TTV T", - -WW 12 P n Bo 12 Pages U LI I v: v : THE OWLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRE8S NEVV8PAPER! IN CHARLOTTE. 01. XXfvUNO. 6210. CHARLOTT-E; N CM SATRUDAY EVENINGiDECEMBERi23-r905. HRICE: 3 CENTS . IMS' Willi WUIIUU AF THE Chi HAL The Poor Children of The City Invited to be Present, at City Hall Christmas Day at O'clock, There to Recieve Gifts, Charlotte People Who Aided the News in Providing These Gifts, sre also Ast ed to be Present and Take Part in the Distri bution, , As usual, the generous people of Charlotte have provided The News with a neat little sum for its Santa Claus fund, and everybody connected with the paper feels gratified to those who have contributed so cheerfully and so generously. ' - Of course it is well understood that The News is not trying to take the place of Santa Claus, and it makes no effort at general distribution of pres ents. All it hopes to do is to -bring some little cheer and happiness into the homes of the unfortunate of our city. It cannot, in the very nature of the case, do much, but it can and ex pects to make several hundred children happy Christmas day. Santa Claus, then, invites those children of the city who have been overlooked, and whose parents are too poor to provide for them to meet him at the City Hall at eleven o'clock Monday morning and he will do what he can for them A Christmas tree has been provided and is now being decorated by some generous-hearted young ladies, who will also assist in the distribution of gifts Monday. If Santa Claus has been to your house you are not invited or wanted at the City Hall Monday, but if he has not you will receive a cordial welcome and some littfe things to bring good cheer. If there are any very poor children in - your neighborhood tell them to come. . If any of our friends, and those who have given so liberally desire to be present as spectators, they will be wel come. :.:;; r - -.. ; ' GLENN SPRINGS SOLD. Company With $200,000 Capital Pur- chases this Resort. , The famous Glenn springs property has changed hands., The Spartanburg Herald has the following story concern ing the sale of the property: . "Messrs. A. L. White, Victor M. Montgomery, Walter S. Montgomery, J. B. Lee and Aug. W. Smith purchased the Glenn Springs property yesterday from Messrs.' Simpson, proprietors. This property includes along with the famous mineral spring fifty-five -acres of land, the hotel and all other build ings, r -.: . - The new owners have applied for a charter and the company is capitalized at $200, 000. The consideration was not given out to The Herald reporter. ; It is the purpose of the new company to develop the springs and make it one of the most attractive and inviting re sorts in the entire country. For years Glenns has been looked upon by many of the health seekers, the tired and overworked and persons suffering front nervous ailments, and who .sought real comfort, relief and cure as the Carls bad of the South. The water has a' na tional reputation and on" its merits finds ready demand. It is proposed to make considerable expenditures with the grounds and buildings and the sale of the water will be pushed more ex tensively. . .., ': "A glance at the personnel -of the new company insures - the statement made that they . will inaugurateim provements on a large, scale, with a view to make Glenns second to none of the resorts of the country. ' - . "Mr. A. L. White is . president of the Merchants and Farmers bank; Mr. Vic tor M. Montgomery is president of. the Pacolet Manufacturing- company and has extensive business interests in the city; Mr. Walter S. Montgomery' is president of the Spartan Mills;: Mr. Aug. w. Smith is presidenfof the Bank of Woodruff and the Woodruff Cotton Mills, and conducts one of the largest dry goods businesses in the city; r. Mr. J. B. Lee is a well known capitalist and a director in the Merchants and Farm ers bank." . , - . .. .- Defense of Barricades. By Associated Press. , . St. Petersburg, Dec. 23. Eleven men were killed and 80 wounded by; volleys fired by the troops at workmen de fending a barricade on Tverskaia street, Moscow, today. The .... total casualties at Moscow yesterday are estimated at 150. " y Christmas Cantata. ' : The Sunday School of Calvary Methodist Church will give, "A Christ mas Cantata." entitled "Santa Claus and the Star Queen," Tuesday, Decem- l,tr 2, at 7.30 P. M. A large number of the members of jne Sunday School are taking part and jhe entertainment promises to be the "est the Sunday School has Svery Miss Aurilia P. Blankenship, clprk at theWestern Union ofilce left last Jght for her home at Richmond where ne win remain until the first of the CHRISTMAS DAY ASHEVILLE HAPPENINGS. Lot of. Breezv News . ltms trnm Hustling Mountain City. Special to The News. ' - v Asheyille, N. C .'Dec. 23. Interests m this city is now centered on -the ef fort being made to - put Asheville sa loons out cf business. It has been fre quently alleged that the Asheville sa loomsts are guilty of selling liquor to prostitutes, a practice- forbidden by law, and when applications were made for license to continue the saloons for the next six-months the county com missioners deferred action until those desiring to do so mignt : present evi dence -as to the irregularities and de clared that any liquor dealer found eniilt-w wnnlj j is mu J W.C L T. . U. Immediately , employed counsel to work up evidence and the hearing of testimony was begun before the commissioners yesterday, has been in progress air day today and will not probably.be concluded tomorrow. . - ; .... - About eighty witnesses have been subpoenaed, including, a; dozen or more women of the town to whom it is al leged liquor : has been furnished, and many have already testified. The rec ords of a number of Asheville saloon ists have been investigated very searchingly, among them being, those of W. H. Loughran, Pat Mclntyre, J. II. Lange and Frank Loughran. i , 1 he opinion, is; expressed that if the commissioners, adhere to their determ ination, every saloon in Asheville, with three or four exceptions, will be put out of business. MRS. GRISSOM RECOVERED. Former N.SC. Lady Who Attempted Suicide Discharged From Hospital. By Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 23 Mrs. Robert Grissom, who attempted suicide,, by shooting herself in Farragut Square several weeks ago, was discharged from the hospital last night and left for North Carolina, her former home. SOCIAL. A decidedly entertaining program has been arranged for the meeting of the Eclectic Book Club with C. M. Patterson Christmas evening. The meeting will be called by the president of the club, Mrs. I. W. Faison, after which the minutes of me year 'will be read by the secretary, Mrs. B. D. Heath. The features of the evening will be a violin solo by Mr. Richard son; a reading by Mrs.- Henry Lee Hunter and a. vocal solo by Miss Lot tie Gray. Toasts will be responded to by Judge A. Burwell, Judge P. D. Walker, Dr. I. W. Faison and Mr. Pat terson. In addition to the members of the club and their husbands, a number pf other guests wil be invited to enjpy. the hospitality of Mrs. Patterson and the pleasure of the evening. An elabo - rate menu of refreshments will be served: - ; ; . -"' Mr. and Mrs. C, N. Butt leave tCK morrow, morning for Rocky River to spend Christmas with Mrs. Butt's pa rents, Dr. and Mrs. S. A: Grier. . " Christmas i Hours at Postoffice. Postmaster R. W.-Smith has an nounced the Christmas hours to be ob served at the city postoffice both to morrow and Christmas day. The carriers' windows, stamp and general delivery windows will be open ed tomorrow and Monday from the noon hour until 2 o'clock. On" Christmas day the carriers will make no delivery during the entire day. This ' also applies to rural car riers.. . The money department will remain closed all of Christmas day. . , The infant son of, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Games was very seriously burned by hot water today. i The . employees "of the Charlotte Steam Laundry presented Mr. F. D. Lethco with a very handsome Christ mas present today a cut glass pitcher and twelve glasses. -. LOSEI Notice fosted In the Shops Where the Employees Are Striking, : That Hereafter the Shops Will be Run on A Non-Union Basis, No Hope For Strikers. By Associated Press. " if Chicago, Dec. 23. Anypossibility of the surrender of the typothetae print ing shops to Typographical Union on January ,1, was removed yesterday, when notice was posted in 26 of the strike-bound establishments, positively stating that business after that, date would be conducted on the open shop bases, and assuring the men permanent positions as long as they performed their duties satisfactorily. BEGiHDIN BOVAL ARC AN TJ Mv " nipoiHinn of Sunreme - Court ' is That - Rat ex Cannot be Raised Under Cer. : . tain Conditions. ' p.v Associated Press; - New York, Dec. 23. Justice Gaynor in thA Sunreme Court in Brooklyn to day handed down -a decision in the case nf 'thip Ti Mock, formerly the secre tary of the Barkeley Council;. 1954 Roy Brooklyn and others oo-ainst the SuDreme Council of the or rtpr. denvintr the right of the Supreme Council to raise - rates or m any way change assessments from .that which thAv were when the member was ad- r:fto into the border. ., ' Wearins in this action took up two ar- the witnesses were Wiii4ov. 'RntusRon-: ' secretary of the Su nrome Council. Robson said the Royal T- viai now in force about 1570, 000,000 in insurance certificates and iw th law of Massachusetts the order had the right to increase the assessment or cnange ine u"Ur the proper procedure. UNION PRINTER II CHICAGO PRIHICPAL STREET IS BARRICADED B ... A'. : 1 . ; ..... Chief Thoroughfare of Russia's , vOId. Capital heloV byjjiisurgeuts . Who ...Make Repeated attacks yon Troops When Prisoners are Conveyed to Jai!. Cloud Over Empire of ; Double Headed Eagle Grows Darker and darker. Autocracy and Despotism Have no Place in Modern Civilization. By. Associated Press. . ' ". ; r London, Dec. 23. A despatch to The News agency from St Petersburg, says that barricades have. been erected on Tverskaia street, ' the "chief throughf are of . Moscow, that the revolutionists are holding them bravely and -that they are making repeated attacks on the police and -the cossacks' and'ttie dra goons, whenever the latter attempts to convey prisoners to jail. ' - ' .' The patrols of troops are accom panied by machine guns which are un hesitatingly -used against the revolu tionists: '-:-. ' : ; . ,- Workmen and Troops Clash. Moscow Dec. 23. -Troops surrounded school house where "workmen were meeting . here yesterday evening,' and summoned the men to surrender. Blank shots were fired to intimidate. The workmen replied with revolver shots and bombs. Artillery was then brought up and the schoolhouse was bombarded until the survivors of the . workmen surrendered..- A Russian Republic. Asauuaicu i i coo. .... ., , i Kursk. Russia: Dec. 23. The strik ing railroad men of, this city have pro claimftd a provisional , government and have issued an appeal for support in setting up a Russian Republic, y Strike Ineffective. ;: Vladimir, Russia, Dec, 23 Owing to the hostile attitude of the people here who attacked the houses of the railroad men the strike, leaders would have . been torn to pieces had the! j - ol, W wurs troops not interposed. ' The ' railroad strike here is ineffective. -Most of the employees are working1.-'- : ' Two More Killed. Orel, Russian Dec.-? 22. At the vill age of Fetpki; the peasants, have kill ed two revolutionary emissaries. ; . Martial Law Declared. V 1 - Pietrokow, Russian' Poland, Dec, 22. Owing to' the Spread of disorders, martial law has. been declared. in the province of Pietrokpwv v: ';;; j ;. MARRIAGE LICENSES. , A Number Were: Issued at Register of ' Deeds'"1 Officp. . .. , t There has ;been-a . rushing .business at, the office, of, Register of. Deeds in so far as marriage licenses-are: concerned. Up to , 3 o'clock this aftrnoon sevpn licenses had ; been recorded. . Those who are. to wed during 'the Christmas holidays follow: . ; f Wr. - Rolland Cochran . and .Miss ..Se lene. Helms.;- , . - i Mr. John Brown and. Miss Maggie RitQh. - Mr. , Hartsell . Baker; and -Miss ,Rpsa Blackw.elder. , ; - 1 j .: Mr, Z. V. Barkley and Miss Margaret K Ward. ' Mr. RQbert.T. Barnes, and Miss Cora Lee Stamey. . : Mr-. Charles C. C. Helms . and Miss Evvie Cadden. ' Mr. Lester. B. Helms and Miss Dor cas M. Conder;: . ,j ... .:AVERTISI?TG AGENCY; Two Wcll-Known Men of Push and In-, dustry ' Form Advertising; Agencyi ' . ' - .The businesslreuen of Charlotte are in terested in tSe. fact that the1 city now has an advertising agency efficient and1 with modern ' and" progressive methods. ! :-' r ' Messrs. W. . T. Corewith- and H. M. Hall who were formerly connected with F. C Abbott & Co have launched into the advertising field with fine prospects of- success. : . The office of the agency is with the Ray Printing Co, at 28 W. Trade St. . 3eginning. with .the first of the new year Messrs. Hall and Corewith will begin their advertising campaign in earnest. Theirs friends who :. know best; are confident' they have the abil ity and industry -which are so essentia), in an advertising career. " The News wishes for this new enter prise, -an auspicious and a substantial success in the advertising- field. . Mr. Weddmgton in New Mexico. ; " Mr. Graham Weddington, . who re cently left for - Texas, has decided to locate at Las Cruces, New Mexico."' He writes ' that he is , pleasantly located and will remain . at Las . Cruces in definitely. , His friends here hope that his health will be greatly benefited by the change, ; : The Methodist ministers' meeting will tint rnnvfiup a grain until Monday. January 1, at 10 A. M. TO JHE NEWS: , I ; have Teajl withe much interest the many letters you fiave ,publi$hd, written, to me by the children of Charlotte and all this section of the state. I . have carefully noted all the. 'requests made and while. I Scan not give everything asked, I will do the very best J . can for all" the " children, and especially those who have been good. ,:U I desire to make one; thing clear. I; shall visit the homes of the people ' of Charlotte. r in the usual way. THE NEWS hasi nothing to do ; with, and does not desire , to . have anything to do with my general dis tribution of presents. , I will, however, leave some Candy, Nuts, Oranges, Dolls, Trains, Bibles, etc.. with THE NEWS at the City Hall .- to ; be v given out. Christmas morning : at 11, o'clock to , any children I may have overlooked in my rounds. 1 If jl "come to see . youj at your home 1 do not. ,, want you to.icome to the City Hall, , at-all; but if -I miss you in my rounds then don't fail to be iatj the City Hall; Monday at exactly 11 -.o'clock. If you are f late you may miss it entirely. v '' I hope that my ;v arrangements are n such that no child in Charlotte will be overlooked, and wishing' all of you, little ones and big, A Merry Christmas I am, your old friend ', ;.'ri SANJA CLAUS. AOIilBlMsli- Ha f the Ba tlC Provinces in Con - trol of Autnnnmist. ' Inflne n- - ,. - v: . - - vr.' pv?, :l tial Persons ; on Committees. i. ; . .... a. .. , i.'. .., . prepare to Elect Assemblymen and Partition Government Land. Al I B usiness Suspended n l M os , cow. 150.000, Men oh-Strike There;. , Bakeries Closed, ;;City feeling Pinch of Hunger. Many Street Fights Occur, By Associated Press..- , , fu -RigarLivonia, Frtday.TDec, 22Quite half the Baltic ' pf pvlnces ' arp appar ently, in . control, of i the "Autonomists, whose .committees,.'-which, include in each locaiityi.some of -the; most -influ ential persons., are establishing' pro visional administrationa and preparing: for the. electioneer assemblies to - ar range the.taxes and legitimize the par titioning of government lands. Russia garrisons occupy; the larger towns and detachments of . troops 'are ' operating energetically against the smaller cen tres: of .the. insurrection; The aims of the insurgents are to establish an au itonomious state under Russian sov ereignty, v.;; . ;:, r r - '. t Invasion of Lithuanians. : -V St . 'Petersburg, . 'DecV 23. Several thousands Lithuanians . have; - invaded Province of .Vitebsk express, according to Novo Vremya, with the intention of seizing . the . St, , . Petersburg-Warsaw railway and annexing the districts of Rieshitsa and.Liutzin to ."Republic of Lithuania." ' . : ' :" .; r ' Waiters Strike. . .. " A waiters .strike has eguh. in- St. Petersburg. Many restaurants closed. ,. Moscow Situation. . - St. Petersburg, Dec. 23 Telephone messages . from Moscow say that .150, 000 men are on strike; there,; that the city is. already .feeling; the. pinch .of hunger, that many bakeries have been sacked and. closed and that all business is suspended. : There have been some attacks upon strikers,- especially on student leaders, by the people, and two girls were stripped naked rand turned V . loose, in the cold in the vicinity of the Jfewish' market. :;; Considerable1 street' fighting has 'occurred , at Moscow' as a result of the attempt of troops and Police to break up the processions. The revolutionists. 1 resisted at several places and erected barricades - which the draggoons and infantry carried by siorm. were in st Petersburg, there is little change, in the situation. . ; ; , COMMITTEES NAMED. v Personnel of Committees of the Water - . . . '. VMajot. S, S. McNinch has named the ionowmg committees for tae Water Commission; ' ' : ; . '. ; v ., Water ShM and "Pdmp Station: Dr. If: J! Brevard, chairman, E. L. Keesler. ' Mains and Extensions: : W. C. Dowd, phairman, E. T: Cansler. -1 : 'I Services, Salaries 'and Complaints: E, L. Keesler chairman, Dr, R. J. Bre yard. t ... ... . ' . Finance, Audit and Litigation: E. T. Cansderj chairman, W.C. Dowd. " ; "Dinner to Street Car Men. ' . l;As is his annual custom; .Mr. E. D. Lattit, president oLthe.4 C's Company, will give; his men a Christmas dinner. This year the gathering will be at the Denny Cafe and the hour will be Mon day night, at 12 o'clock.' ; o .. v ' , rTJhls time has been selected in order that the event will. in no way.cpnflict with the running of the street cars. Mr.. Wilkinson. ..the manager .of the Denny : Cafe has .beenv given " notice to prepare" a" suinp tubus' repast and the men will all jje there, to partake of It. , ; ' '1 nteresti n g Suit Pending." ' Notice of an interesting; lawsuit has tfeen filed in .the office of the Clerk of the Court; ' Mr.. J. A. Russell. Mr, Wil; Ham," Sprinkle, Mrs.';Mary 'S.",Ben theihi, Mr,; Charles, Bentheim! and Mr. A. Walker, Sprinkle, are the plaintiffs and. Mr.: C.. S, Holton .and others, are the defendants, . -r ' 'v ;' " It is said that this action is brought to prevent Mr. C.' S. Holtotr from ad ministering on. the estate of his late mother, Mrsl Rachel Holton, ' The preliminary hearing will be be fore Clerk Russell one day next week. "Damage Suit Pending. ... . Mrs. Jane McKehzie" has entered suit against the Continental Manufac turing Company because of injuries to Charles McKenzie. .a -son, while in the employ of the above named, company. The amount of damages have not been detrmined. - Ruffin and Preston repre sent Mrs. McKenzie. :?. .For Charity's Sake. ' ; The people of Charlotte are remind ed of the fact, that, there are several inmates of the Crittenton Home who will hardly be remembered unless the charity-loving people aonate lor wis purpose. Anything sent to the Home will be thankfully received. . -, - The Earth Quaked. ' Hagerstowri, J Md.. Dec:; 23. The town of Hancock, in the western end of this county was shaken by an earth quake about 10 o'clock last night until the houses rocked, and the windows rattled, causing the residents to ' be come greatly alarmed. This disturbance was also felt all through that region and in Pennsylvania and West Virgin ia. To Go to the Central. - The News learned today that Mr. Clarence E. Frick, who has been chief clerk at the Buford hotel for several years, will, after the first tft the jyear, go to the Central in the same capacity. Mr. Frick is one of ine mostt widely known hotel men in North Carolina and he has a great many friends among the traveling people Who will be interested in this announcement. Knives For the Children. Mr. J. H. Weddington, of the. .Wed dington Hardware .Co., presented The News' Santa Claus fund with a dozen pockeknives, these to be given away on Christmas day, at the City Hall. RUSSIAN REVOLT Iff An Eye witness tells, the Story of November's Horrible Murders and Atrocities incident to the Russian Revolt in Far Eastern City. By Associated Press, : Victoria, B. C, Dec. 23 Henry Bush, of Clarkson & Co., Vladivostok, Port Arthur and Harbin, has arrived here from Vladivostok. He was an eye'witH .nfess of the revolt in November among the Russian soldiers there; and the hor rible' tortures' inflicted on the Chinese 'and the -burning , of property. Bodies were scattered about the streets, ;ver five "hundred,. Russians, and more than two thousand Chinese being killed The bodies lay unburied for three days, when they were gathered.. up whole sale, and carted away for buriaL'Com-. mander . Katsoff fled to Satanka, '.two miles away on the first day and the troops "who did not take part in the rioting did not prevent it. .: v - NEGROES ATTACK WHITE MAM. Attacked- Man Immediately Killed Five men; Two Women and Wounded 7 Others. By Associated Press. . Valdosta; Ga.r' Dec. '23. A report reached here this morning from Ewing between Fargo and St. GeorgeVthe new colony town, that a crowd of negroes tried to mob a white man who was manager of a ' large turpentine ' still at that place last night. He barricad ed himself and opened fire upon them killing five men and two women and wounding seven others. -1. CO, LARGE CAPITAL Secretary, of ..State , Issued Char ters for Seven ; New Corpora tiqns iWith 'Authorized ? Capital of $5.16,000, Among Number is New Charloite Company. List of Incorporators for Charlotte Retail Merchants Association V .. ' . . - A t - . - T Company. State OjficiaJ ; Gets ( Two Dressed Hogs and JJuarter : of Beef for Chiistmas. Special to The News. , : ' ' - Raleigh, N: C. t Dec.' 23M2harters for 'seveh new corporations were issu ed t at ttie office of the Secretary of State thfs morningjwith- an authorized capital aggregating $5X6,pQ0.i.TheyJ are . the Brunswick Realty Company,, 6f Southport at a capital of $125,000, au thorized arid $5,000 subscribed by N. , F.u Parker and others; the Scotland Supply Company, of John's . Station, Scotland . County, $2,000 capital, by H. W. McLaurin and others; the Mooresville Loan and Trust Company, at.a capital of $10,000 by J. E. Sher rafl and others. V The Clara Mlanufacturtng' "Company, of Gastonia, N. C. at a $200,000, capi tal by C. B.' Armstrong and' others for "yarn manufacture; the Southern Land & Trust ' Cooripany,. of ' Concord at a $100,000 capital by W. H. Gibson an.d others; the North State' Bobbin Com many of Mti'Airy at a capital of $25,000 J. B. Sparger and others and the , Char lotte Retail Merchants Association Co., for the promotion of the interests of retail ' merchants of Charlotte includ ing the, rights to make financial ; and . credit rates to , customers for the use of members. ' 4 . . . s"' The "incorporators are J. N. McCaus Iand, J. A. Solomons, J. F. York, J.' O. Gardner, J. H." Van Ness Jr., J. P. Hackney, B. S. Davis, J. Y. Porter. R. W. Millis, H. C, Long and E. W. Berry hill. v. - . .-; "-: :-. ' The authorized capital is $10,000 and the incorporators take one share each. Secretary of State, J. B. Bryan' Grimes was detained atfhis home from the office today for; the ' reason that some kind, friend sent . him a" present of twa fine dressed hogs and ' a quart er of beef and it was necessary for him to look after . salting them down. He is greatly envied by all other State officials. DEATH OF MRS. MAYES. The End Came This Morning at 10 O'Clock. Mrs, Virginia Sloan Mayes, wife-of Mr. D. W. Mayes, of Huntersville, died this morning at 10 o'clock, after an ill ness of about two weeks. While the. funeral arrangements have not been perfected, it is thought that the inter ment- will take place tomorrow after noon. : . , " .'- ( The news of the death of Mrs Mayes will be learned of with sincere regret all over the county. She was a most iestimable woman and had a wide circle of friends and relatives in Meck lenburg. ... ' , 4 Mrs. : Mayes, before, marriage was Miss Virginia Sloan. She was a sister of Mrs. J. Y. Wedington of this city and was a freauent visitor to Char lotte.: :- v r i ' The deatn of a daughter; Miss Daisy Mayes, which occurred nearly a year ago was a' great' Shock' tb" Mrs. Mayes,' the. effects .oft which she never entire- ly''recovered;About 'two weeks ago,r she was stricken with 'something akinr to pleurisy aid her condition grew' rap idly worse. Death Icame, this morning as a sweet relief from suffering. : The deceased! was about 55 years bfd andjs survived by. a husband and: several, children"'. ' The sympathy , of a wide ' circle of friends is extehdte'd to those who have been so sorely afflicted. f . .. . . .; , A GIRL DRUNK, ; " Only One. Case Before .the; Recorder ' Thi Morning. , . There was only one case on the Re cbrder's. docket . this' te6rnlnf. Maggie Jeter, a mere strip ' of a girl was up charged with getting drunk . The offi cer who 'made the arrest stated that he found the girl near the coal chute on East Second street4 last night and that she .was .in a drunken condition He brought her (o the station house, where she spent, the night. ' When ; asked where : she got' ' her JMJtfte. prl said that a white, man ( The Recorder sent her to jail for five days, in order' to 'allow her -.to get sober. Torpedo Burst Tire. . One. of th .tires " on . Dr. J. R. Alex ander's automobile came in contact with a .torpedo yesterday, puncturing the tire. A small boy placed the xpdo sive on the car track;, intending the car to explode it, when Drl Alexander's auto ran over it with the above re sult. MK E." B.'Springs Here. rvMr. Eli, B. Springs, formerly a prom ihentV citizen of , this city, but now a resident of New 'York, is here to spend fthe""hoIidays.trHe"is "a guest of Mr. and Mrs4 John M. Scott, Mr. Springs has very many friends here who are always glad to welcome him. IS CHARTERED

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