2 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. JANUARY 6, 1906 am tv roods &ma,n& It TN EVERY Receipt that calls for cream of tartar, soda, or baking powder, use the Royal Baking Powder. Better results will be obtained because of the absolute purity and great leavening strength of the Royal. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor, more digestible and. wholesome. It is always reliable and uni form in its work. Alum and phosphate baking powders some of them sold at the same price and some of them cheaper will make neither dainty nor wholesome food. ROYAL EAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Where f J To Worship Brevard Street Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 A. M.. and 7. P. M., by the pastor, Rev. W. L. Nicholson. Men's meeting at 10 A. M. Sunday school, 3 P, M. All are cordially invited. Calvary and Methodist Elected President of Y. M. C. A. For the Twenty-Ninlh Time. MOUNTAIN CAVE IN RESULTS FATALLY Tunne! in Blue Ridge Caves in and Kills Five, Wounding Sev eral Others. Weaver Suit Re moved to Federal Court. Other News. Asheville, X. C, Jan. 6. Information was received here today that Tuesday a tunnel at the top of the Blue Ridge on the South and Western railroad caved in, killing five men and severely injuring several others. The cause of the cave in is said to be the recent heavy rains. It seems impossible to ob tain the particulars of the affair, but it is said that all the killed are white men and natives of this state. One of the killed is George Metcalf, of Madi son county, and his remains will be sent there for interment. The suit of W. T. Weaver, et al against the Indian Creek lumber com pany and Elbert Tucker, was today re moved from the state courts to the Federal court by the Western district of North Carolina by order of Judge Fred Moore, of the Superior CourrrThe defendant asked for removal on the ground that some of the defendants were residents of this state and others of Tennessee. This suit which is brought by the heirs of the late William Johnson in volves a track of 500 acres of heavily timbered land in Yancey county. The Plaintiffs contend that they are the real owners of. the land, and that the defendants and their agents are wrong fully and forcibly clearing the bound- arv. Pendins: the outcome of the litiga tion, they have asked for and received an injunction prohibiting further clear ing. Five thousand dollars damage is also asked for the timber already re moved. The members of Asheville Typo graphical union No. 263, this afternoon enjoyed a banquet at the Club Cafe in celebration of the amicable settle ment between the Union and Asheville employing printers of differences rela tive to the eight hour work day. The printers all over the country have been demanding the eight hour day and this concession has been made by the Asheville employing printers. HORSES VS. AUTOMOBILE. Horseman and Avtomobilists Discuss the Val-.!e of a Horse. Since the imported French Coach and Percheron stallions were brought to Charlotte by McLaughlin Brothers, of Columbus. Ohio, the Question has arisen "has the automobile decreased the value of the horse?" This Question was discussed at length yesterday by a little group of prominent horse fanciers and automo bile enthusiasts, all of whom showed a decided amount of interest. One re marked that the value of a good sound horse today was more than it ever was known to have been. He said a good substantial nlow or farm horse could not be bought for less than $200, while t T 1 ,1 a lew years ago a gooa nurse cuuiu be bought less than half that amount. As an evidence that throuogh-bred animals are in demand and that the automobile has not affected the value of them, the horses brought to Char lotte recently by McLaughlin Broth ers, are being sold at fabulous prices, ranging from $3,000 to $5,000. Some men think, that they are doing a great deal toward remedying this world's wrongs by reciting them. Hallowees Dates The original Persian Fruit stuffed with Texas Pecans of the new fall crop. . A more tempting combination could not be found, and it is as healthful as it is delicious. Try one at our store, for as the old saying goes, "The Proof is in the Eating." St. Paul's Church. Prayer meeting at 10 A. M. Preach ing by Rev. W. W. Bays, D .D., at 11 A. M. Sermon, followed by Sacrament of Lord's Supper. Sunday school at '3 P. M. Preaching by Rev. D. L. Reid, the pastor, at 7.30 P. M. A cordial in vitation to strangers and everybody to attend these services. Prayer meet ing Wednesday at 7.20 P. M. Quarter ly Conference at 7.30 P. M. A full at tendance of official members is desired. Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. L. R. Pruitt, pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M.. At 7 P. M., a short sermon and old time singing; Sunday school meets at 3 P. M.; Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, at 7.45 o'clock. Trinity IViethodist Church. Holy Communion at 11. Special ser mon to Anti-Saloon Leauge on Temper ance and Obedience to Law at 7.30, by the pastor. Sunday school at 3. Ep worth League at 10. East Side Presbyterian. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m., by the pastor. Rev. L. D. Noel. Sab bath school at 3:30 p. m. All are wel come. First Baptist Church. Rev. C. F. Willingham will preach at 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 3:30 p. m. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. Alexander Martin. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Public cordially invited to all services. Dilworth Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. C. M. Short. First Quarterly Conference Thursday, Jan. 11 at 7 p. m. Episcopal Services. Church of the Holy Comforter: Sims' Hall, Dilworth, Rev. Francis Osborne, minister in charge: 9:45 a. m., Sunday school and Bible class; 11 a. m. Holy Communion. St. Martin's Chapel, Davidson and Tenth streets; Rev. Francis, M. Os borne, minister in charge: :J0 a. m., Holy Communion; 3:30 p. m., Sunday school; 7:30 p. m.. Evening Prayer. St. Andrews' Chapel, Serversville : i Rev. John H. Crosby, minister in charge: 11:00 a. m., morning prayer and sermon; 4:00 p. m., Sunday school. Chapel of Hope, Gingham Mills: Rev. John H. Crosby minister in charge: 3:30 p. m., Sunday school,; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. Tenth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. A. R. Shaw; Sunday school 3:30 p. m.; Westminster League Meeting 6:30 p. m. All are coridally invited. East Avenue Tabernacle. Rev. W. W. Orr. D. D., pastor; Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m., by the pastor; Men's Meeting af 10 a. m. Sabbath school at 3:30 p. m. Y. P. C, N. at 6:30 p. m. Congrega 8 p. m. All the members urged to be present at all the above services, to gether with a cordial invitation to- friends and strangers. St. Peter's Catholic. St. Peter's Church, Rev. Joseph Mueller, Pastor. First Mass at 8 a. m. High Mass at 10.30 a.m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Evening service, sermon and benediction at 7.30 p. m. Friends and strangers are welcome. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Rev. C. Holland, Pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday School 3.30 p. m. Mid-week service Wednesday 7.45 p. m. Preparatory service Friday 7.45 p. m. Council meeting Wednesday 8.45 p. m. . First Presbyterian Church. First Presbyterian Church. Ser vices 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., by the Pastor, Dr. J. R. Howerton. Sunday School 3.30 p. m. Men's Prayer meet ing 9.45 a. m. Wednesday night Prayer meeting at 7.30. A cordial invitation to all. Pews free. :- Second Presbyterian Church. Preaching at 10 o'clock a. m.. and 7:30 p. m., by the pastor, Dr. M. u. Hardin. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Epworth M. E. Church. Preaching by A. L. Coburn at Ep worth M. E. church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and at Seversville 7 p. m. Subject: "Self Examination and Preparation to Spend the New Year." it?--.; My4im Ex pert Medical Advice -Free to the Sick EVERY AFFLICTED READFR OF-THE NEWS is - INVITED TO CONSULT - DR. HATHAWAY, OF ATLANTA, GA., THE SOUTH'S MOST RELIA BLE AND SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST, FREE OF COST. IN ADDITION, A VALUABLE BOOKLET DR. HATHAWAY 0N YOUR DISEASE WILL BE SENT YOU. Recognized as the Oldest Establish- NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, WRITE. NEARLY ed and Most Re- TWENTY FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE, liable Specialist. Every afflicted reader of this paper is invited to consult the South 's Most Reliable Specialist without . p utting themselves to one cent of ex pense. No matter how far away yo u may live, you can receive the ser vice of an expert specialist, so have no hesitancy whatever in writing . about your disease. Dr. Hathaway haa given up nearly 25 years of his life to the study and treatment of. dise ase and there is no other physician in the country more competent to advise you. Write him if you suffer from . , PrfOF. GEORGE B. HANNA. The organization meeting of the board of directors of the Young Men's Christian Association held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock was well attend ed and the principal item of business was the election of officers to serve for the ensuing year. The election re sulted in the following men being chosen: Prof. George B. Hanna. Pres ident; J. A. Durham, Vice-president; J. H. Ross, Recording Secretary; Fredrick C Abbott Treasurer; David L. Probert.. General Secretary. The re-election of President Hanna for the twenty-ninth time has given universal satisfaction. The Association has seen a truly wonderful growth under his wise administration. l. .J.J' . "'ri iTfckj. ! NEW SILK MILLS. Total of 53 in 1905 as Against 49 in the Previous Year. New York, Jan., , Statistics show SECOND OF A SERIES. Dr Potcat ?.t the Academy of Music Tomorrow Afternoon. Considerable interest is being mani- that during the year? 1905, 3,500 newjfested in the second of a series of nnwpp lonma for the- manufacture of five hie mass meetings" for mei'-only broad silk goods,. were jnstalled in. the' the Academy of Music on Sunday I . - J aiternoon unuer me ausuiues ui. tiie various silk mills in this country. The Young Men's Christian Association. Textile World Record gives the follow- Tomorrow's big meeting will be ad- ing figures regarding neV silk mills j dressed by Dr. William Louis Poteat established in this country duringg the past year: ' - - . . the newly elected president of Wake Forest , College, who comes to Char lotte esneciallv for this address. Dr. Connecticut, broad silks, 2; silk 5 Poteat will speak on the subject Received by express and sold in Charlotte exclusively by WOODALL & SHEPPARD ROBBED DEAD MAN. Negroes Take About Fifty Dollars from Manqled Corpse. Farmville, Va., Jan. 6. Ben Jackson and Sallie Ann Armistead. both color ed, havte been arrested on a charge of robbing a dead man. Some , time ago, Wiley Price was found dead along side the Norfolk and Western Rail way track, near Prospect. : His body was fearfully mangled and his pockets turned inside out. He had been run over by a freight train, and it is al leged that the prisoners stumbled over the remains in the night time and took from the clothes about fifty dollars. , r. Tried to Thaw Dynamite. Menominee, Mich., Jan. 6. By the explosion of ten sticks of dynamite in the. home of August W. Shroeder, in Groves, near this city today, Gertrude, his 2-year-old daughter, was killed and Mr. and Mrs Shroeder seriously in jured. The dynamite, which was frozen, was put upder the kitchen stove to thaw out, when it exploded. The child was terribly mangled. The house-was almost totally destroyed. throwing plants, 1; narrow fabrics, 2. Delaware, broad . silks, 1. Georgia, ispinning suk, .14 Massachusetts, broad silks, 1; narrow fabrics,'!. New Jersey, broad silks, 14 narrow fabrics, 4; silk throwing, 1; winding and warp ing plants, 1. New York, broad -silks, 1 ; narrow . fabrics, 2 r winding and warping, 2. Pennsylvania, braid silks, 11; narrow fabrics, 2; silk gloves, 2; silk throwing, 2; velvets, 1. Rhode Island, broad silks, 2. This represents a total of 53 new silk mills foV the year 1905 as against 49 during. the corresponding period in 1904. GINNERS' ASS'N ESTIMATE. 98.6 Per Cent. Picked and 97.3 Ginned. Dallas, Tex., J an.6. Following is the compiliation of the reports from cotton ginners over the South, issued today by the National Ginners'-Association. Figures following namefe rep resent, respectively, total, ginned, per cent, picked and ner cent gined: Alabama 1,176,763, 99.3, 97.9; Ar kansas 506,870. 96.8, 92.9; Florida 71,464, 99.4. 99; Georgia 1',667,628, 99.6, 99.1; . Indian erritory 292,153, 96.8, 94.2; Louisiana 454,440, 99.2, 95.4; Mississippi 1,016,073, 98.2, 95.0; Missouri 35,646, 97.0 95.6 North Caro lina 627,559, 99.2. 97.7; Oklahoma 279,597, 95.0 93.8; South Carolina 1,081,806, 99.6, 99.1; Tennessee 243.956 98.2 98.7; Texas 2,224,143,. 97.5 96.6; Virginia and Kentucky 15,971, 99.4. 98.0. Total, 9,694,041 The report is of cotton ginned to Dec. 31, and shows the total per cent, picked as 98.6 and total ginned as 97.3. The amount ginned from Dec. 13 to 31, inclusive, was - 402,041 bales. This, added to the last census report, makes 9,694,041. "What is Religion?" This will be Pres ident ' Poteat's first" address in Char lotte, and his coming; is awaited with expectancy. The speaker is a recog nized authority on many subjects and is greatly in demand as a lecturer be fore Northern colleges on the subjects on which he specializes. Mr. W. C. Dowd . will preside and there will be special music appropriate to a Young Men's Christian Associa tion meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all men to attend these services which are designed to interest and help men connected with the churches. The doors of the Academy will be thrown open to the public at 4.30 o'clock and the meeting will begin promptly at 5 o'clock. Mr. Durham to Speak. At Trinity church tomorrow night at. 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Plato Durham will deliver an address on "Temper nance and Obedience to Law." Mr. Durham is one of the most popu lar pastors in the city, and his ad dress on the above subject will be heard by many. R. H. JORDAN & CO. SUCCESSFUL. KING FALLS WITH HORSE. Alfonso Not Injured, Able to Remount and Proceed. ' Madrid, Jan. 6. King. Alfonso fell from his horse today as he was leav ing the palac? to attend a review. He was not injured and was able to remount' his hors3"and proceed. J TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S Sig aature is on each box. 25c. STURDY brAins WIN. Grape-Nuts Is the one true Scientific Brain food .'v;". BE A WINNER ! After a great deal of effort and cor respondence R. Ii. Jordan & Co., the popular druggists, have succeeded in getting the Dr. Howard Co. to make .a special half-price introductory offer on the regular fifty cent size of their cele brated specific for the cure of constipa tion and dyspepsia. This medicine is a recent discovery for the cure of all diseases of the stomach and bowels. It not only gives quick relief, but it makes permanent cures. Dr. Howard's specific has been so remarkably successful in curing con stipation, dyspepsia and all liver trou bles that R. H. Jordan & Co. are will ing to return the price paid in every case where it does not give relief. The old-fashioned idea of dosing with mineral waters, cathartic pills or.harsh purgatives will soon be a thing , of the past. The best physicians ' are pre scribing Dr. Howard's specific because it feally gives the desired results and on account of the small and pleasant dose that is needed. ' . ; Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness, gas : on, stomach;. specks,-: before the eyes, constipation and all forms of liver and stomach trouble are soon cured by this scientific medicine. 1 So great is the demand for this spe cific that R. H. Jordan & Co. have been able to secure only a limited supply, and every one who is troubled with dyspepsia, constipation ' or liver trou ble should call upon them at once, or send 25 cents and get sixty doses of the best medicine ever made -fin this special half-price offer with their per sonal guarantee to refund the . money if it does not cure, i Bladder, Diseases, Kidney Disease, Lung Trouble, Mucous fischarges, Spinal Trouble, Stomach Trouble, Female Trouble, Leucorrhoea, Ovarian Troubles Womb Trouble Bright's Disease, Urinary Disorders. Rheumatism, Lost Vitality, , Stricture, Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Blood Poison, (Syphilis), Or any other disease of a private o r chronic nature. As you well know, your home doctor would charge yo u anywhere from $1 to $25 for con sultation, and Dr. Hathaoway not o nly gives this free of charge, but he is more competent to advise you b ecause of his wide experience. Re member, in addition to receiving hi s expert opinion of your case, he will also send you a valuable booklet on your disease. Have no hesitancy in writing him, no matter where you 1 " ive or how severe your case may be. Everything strictly confidential. Ad dress DR. HATHAWAY & CO., 29 Inman Building, Atlanta, Ga. STlEFFSi Clearance Sale Among them we offer: STEINWAY KNABE KRANICH & BACH MATHUSHEK J IVERS & POND V FISHER J EVERETT j Etc., Etc., Etc. All Uprights practically new. 4 " Write Today. I GHAS. M. STIEFF Manufacture of the Pteno with the sweet tone. Southern Warehouse, 5 W.Trade $ Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. SPECIAL MADE Blank Books a few years ago were in use in nearly every business house in Charlotte today we sell them out of stock, a better book for much less money.. Our Hoffman Flat Opening Book meets every requirement of a special made book. High class paper, substantial bind ing, every standard ruling, opens absolutely flat. We also sell the famous "Are & Be" Detachable Leaf Ledgers as well as the popu lar Tengwall. & Eagle L. L. Books. Stone & Barringer Go. OFFICE OUTFITTERS. 1906 V Start out by giving us your business. We will see that your interest is well cared for. "The. best . is . always the cheapest." We have this week a $22.50 sample lavatory for $16.00. Hackney Bros. PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS Jobbers in Supplies Hackney Bldg., West Fifth, St. CHARLOTTE. IN TOUCH WITH HOME ! It is gratifying to know that you are in touch with your home every minute of the day or night when you are away. To sit in the office and be able to instantly communicate with the house, adds to the pleasure of work. This is merely one of the val ues of the telephone in your home. It performs other important duties that the most competent servant could not equal. During the day the butcher, the baker, the grocer and the dress maker are at the housewife's elbow. At night the doctor can be caled in an instant. Is YOUR home equipped? Contract Department 199 Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. The 4xOod Housekeeper Sends all her table and bed linen to us and finds that it's economy in the long run. Better washing and ironing you never had. You had better have one of our wagons call for it monaay morning tnen you can test it. - , CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY

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