THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JANUARY 12, 1906 Take Courage If you are naturally not as strong as your more fortunate sisters, and for this reason experience dread rather than joy at the prospect of becoming a mother, take courage and assurance from this fact : Mother's Friend is meant for you, and by its use you may pass through that glorious martyrdom which is yours by divine right with no more discomfort than that experienced by those who by nature are possibly more adapted for the role of motherhood. MOTHER'S FRIEND is a liniment of proven merit, and its great worth can be no better attested to than by the coundess strong and healthy children who through its kindly offices have entered this world unhandicapped by any deformity or weakness. -It is a liniment which by external application acts upon the ( abdominal muscles and permits of a painless parturition. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, CA. t Sporting Miscellany. The JBaHimore Chess Association lias elected Mr. Thomas C. Bruff, president. 'Eddie" Hanlon, the lightweight, says that he will likely enter the ring again. Columbia has engaged John Grub ben and Princeton George Bothner as wrestling instructors. Alfred Vanderbilt has entered his new 250-horse-power automobile in the Ormond races. This is the most power ful car ever built. Vincent Lancia, the Italian automo bile racer.' who finished fourth in the Vanderbuilt cup, race, has arrrived in New York on his. way to the Ormond races, in which lie will take part. He brought a new car with him. Wilmer G. Crowell, captain of the Swathmore football team has anoun- ced his intention of leaving college ' next Spring. His loss will be a great blow to Swathmore. He has been a ' crack quarter-back for three years past. - The Columbia Football Asociation has put away a fund of $10,000 for use in case football shall be re-estab- 1 lished at th University within the next five years. If the authorities are still obdurate at the end of that time, the money is to go to the general athletic fund. The Navy athletic committee met yesterday and discussed the place for the next Navy-Army football game. Philadelphia, New. York, and Washing ten, being considered but the choice is likely to fall on Philadelphia. The question, however, will be left for de cision at the general meeting of the association, which is to be Monday. The Appropriations Committee of Congress was somewhat startled yes terday by the announcement that Pres ident Roosevelt wishes an appropria tion to defray the expenss of Ameri can athletes at the Olympic games in Greece. The statement was made by Mr. Lukins, who appeared before the Committee. He was not received with enthusiasm, and was advised to see 'Uncle Joe" Cannon about the matter. "Danny" Lewis of Washington and "Harry" Scroggs fought a draw last night at the opening meeting of the National Athletic Club in the Bijou . Theatre. The match- was' for 15 rounds and was an exhibition oi hard and scientific fighting. The men were in first class condition and prepared to stand the strain of a fierce battle. Scroggs had all the better of the fight in the opening rounds, but Lewis show ed endurance and finished stronger. "Sir! Why do ycu stare at me out of countenance?" "Pardon the apparent rudeness; I was but gazing into vacancy." Town Topics. WAKE FOREST WEEKLY. Athletic Association Decides to. Start Weekly Paper Officers Elected Lo cal Play to Be Given-T-New Students. Special to The News. Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C, Jan. 12. The Wake Forest Weekly, a paper published for the (benefit of the Athletic Association of Wake Forest College, will make its first appearance for the ball season . Friday. This paper was published dur ing the last ball season and proved very successful, and a strenuous pro moter of athletics. The officers were elected Tuesday night at a meeting of the association and the staff now stands E. A. Turner, editor-in-chief; Win gate M. Johnson, editor from Phi So ciety; C. B. McBrayer, editor from En Society; Earle Gore, athletic editor; Bruce Powers, business manager; Ful ler B. Hamrick, assistant business manager. The Y. M. C. A. will elect an editor for their department at their next meeting. Miss Edith Taylor will give a play in the Wingate Memorial Hall by the children of the "Hill" Thursday night. The proceeds will go to the treasury of the Athletic Association. Miss Tay lory wrote the play herself for a Christ mas entertainment, when it was thor oughly enjoyed by the citizens of this place. The students have all returned for the spring term and about ten new men have arrived. The fall term was the most successful in the history of the college and this one has prospects of a still brighter term. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. A GUARANTEED ClRE FOR PILES. ItchJng, Blind, Bleeding, Protuding PiKss Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails i.n cure in 0 to 14 days. Kflo. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All persons having new plumbing or change in loca- , tion of plumbing fixtures, or where a fixture or more are taken out to be replaced .by others, or where there is any addition to the plumbing, should see that they get the i Final certificate from the firm doing the work which is issued by the plumbing inspector. E. HYLAND City Plumbing Inspector COLD DAYS WILL COME During January and Feb- ruary days when the mer- cury will try to knock the bottom out of the ther- mometer. Potatoes will fYrrwr in XU - n 4- "1 "OT4o in me ature ruum ana the Water nmec hurst ariA flood the parlor. A Bird ' Garland or Columbian Heater , In these times when living expenses have increased from 30 to 50 per cent., it is unusual to hear of a standard remedy being- offered at half price. Yet that is the way R. H. Jordan & Co,, the popular druggists, are selling Dr. Howard's celebrated specific for me cure of dyspepsia and constipation. In addition to selling a fifty cent bot tle, containing a month's treatment of sixty doses, for 25 cents, they give their personal guarantee with every bottle they sell to- refund the-v-money If it does not give satisfaction.' This unusual offer has brougbt hun dreds of customers to their jtore in the last few weeks, yet out of the many bottles of Dr. Howard's specific they have sold, but one customer has asked to have the money returned. This was done without any questions, although they do not think - the remedy could have been given' a fair trial. Doctor's bills can be saved by the use of Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of dyspepsia and constipation, and by taking advantage of this special half price introductory' offer,' our read ers can save half the regular, price of the specific. ' : This remarkable remedy is destined to have the largest sale of any medi cine upon the ' market, for those who use it once, not only buy a second package, but ' they recommend it to their friends as the only relief they have found for constipation and dys pepsia. The sole limit to its sale is the fact that in only chronic cases is mofe than one bottle needed to cure, and its cures are permanent. Bagged 141 Birds. Messrs. Will Eagle, of Atlanta, and Lloyd Pettus, of Charlotte, have, just returned from a two, day's hunt in Providence township. These two young men bagged 141 birds besides several rabbits. Mr. Eagle is here on his vacation. He is now chief clerk of the Majestic Hotel, in Atlanta, which is owned and conducted by Mr. Ralph Van Landing ham, a former Charlotte boy. He re turns home either tonight or in the morning. BLACK SAM JONES SUED FOR DIVORCE Rev. A. MnLees Is Having Trou biers of His Own Over in Salis bury. Famous Negro Evange list "Excused" of Inftaelity by His Wife. Few there be"' in Charlotte who do not recall Black Sam Jones, who has made so many appeals to the negroes of this section at the camp-meeting at Latta Park. The troubles that this "'zorter",is now confronted with reminds the writ er of a little story that a Baptist preacher-told near Rockingham sev eral years ago. There was a big meeting on in Rich mond county, near Rockingham, and a well known Baptist'divine was plead ing for sinners 'to flee the "wrath that is to come." x Among other things, he said that some of the signers of Richmond -county would get in trouble and the first thing they would do would be to go to Rockingham and employ Col. John D. Shaw to represent taem. This, the preacher said, meant almost certain acquittal. "But," said the minister "there is coming, some time in the future, a big trial: You sinners will all be there and I will be there. I want to tell you right now that you can't get Col. Shaw to represent you in that court, for Col. Shaw will have business of his own to attend to." The point is that Black Sam Jones now is overwhelmed with "business of his own." . At the February term of the Superi or Court of Rowan county, Black Sam Jones will appear as the defendant in a divorce case which his wife, Aman da McLees, has instituted. , This action was brought yesterday and the wife alleges infidelity on the part of her preacher-husband. , : In speaking of this case the Salis bury Post says: "While as a matter of course,, no specifications are set forth in the published notice, the evangelist's ir regularities are alleged to have oc curred in Chester, S. C. "Walter H. Woodson, Esq., is coun sel for the plaintiff, and it is certain that the defendant will also be pres ent, and with lawyers. Black Sam Jones is one of the most interesting negro preachers in the South. He is unpretentious, as sumes no airs, but has a head full of horse sense and unlimited lung power. The effect of his sermons upon his audiences is electrical. Judge of human nature that he is, he adapts himself-to any condition, or occasion. He is the calm, dignified, unemontion al expounder of "the Word. Again, he revels in word pictures of fire, brim stone and all other appurtenances of the well-regulated hell, which he so graphically portrays. At 'a single : ser vice as many as a hundred negroes, stricken by terror at his denunciation of sin and his fervid exhortations, have thrown themselves prostrate at his feet and implored mercy. "The plaintiff is a daughter of the late -Giles Turner, a. well known color ed , preacher.. of .this county." ' Mainspring of Life No One Can Be Strong With a Weak Stomach Woodal I & Sheppard Tell How It May Be Strengthened. The stomach is .the jnainspring of life. When it is strong and acts per fectly, then the whole system is right, assimilation is perfect and body- and brain are thoroughly: nourished.: Mi-o-na is a pleasant remedy to use, and benefit is seen from ; almost the first day's treatment. 4 It; restores the torpid glands and stimulates the nat ual digestive secretions. It checks fermentation, stops germ growth, soothes inflammation and cures all troubles, such as headaches, - back aches, rheumatic pains, furred tongue, sleeplessness, -nervousness and gen eral debility, which are caused by im perfect digestion. - It is the only remedy that is so uni formly successful in the cure of stom ach diseases .that; "Woodall & Sheppard are willing to give a guarantee with every 50 cent box of . Mi-o-na tablets that the remedy will cost nothing un less it cures. They have so much faith in Mi-o-na that they are willing to take all the risk. NEGRO BRAKEM AN INJURED. ( Fell Under A Moving Engine And Both Of His Les Were Cut Off. Jim Wright,' a colored brakeman in the employ of the : Southern: Railway Company, was run over by a shifting engine at the intersection of West Fifth street and the railroad last night about 11 o'clock and had both of his legs cut off one just above the knee and the other between the knee and ankle. Wright was standing in the, cen ter of the track waiting to jump on the running board and as he stepped on it he lost his balance falling long ways in the center of the track. Had he re mained in this position the engine would have passed over his body with out injuring him as there was no dirt over tne cross ties at this point. In stead, ne attempted to extricate him self and threw, his feet under the wheels. The engine passed its entire length before Engineer George Webb could bring it to a standstill. Wright had been employed by the Southern about a month. He was a hard working negro and discharged his duties with much credit. He lives near the Southern depot.' - If Traveling in Japan Or any civilized country, you can pro cure Laxative Bromo Quinine from any druggist. All nations use it. E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. r Will keep the house com fortable during that kind of weather. They are built for that purpose and in opera tion are as economical as efficient. Come and see them. J. h McCausland & Go. 5 g South Tryon St. 3 Km i fiw You-au.? J IF YOV bOOKA? YOVWIMU "Aake a Aoib A HIGH COMPLIMENT. Mr. W. C. Dowd One of 12 Mintage Commissioners. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw , has designated the 12 commissioners who are to test and examine the weight and fineness of coins reserved at the sev eral government mints throughout the country. As The News stated several - days ago, Mr. W. C. Dowd, president and general manager of The News Publish ing Company, is one of the 12. Mr. Dowd's commission will be sent direct from the Treasurer's office in Washington. The exact time that the commission will begin its work has not, as yet, been fixed. The position is one of special import ance and it is a compliment to Mr. Dowd, Charlotte and the State of North Carolina that he has been named as one of the commissioners. Always Remember the Full Name P axative firomo Quinine Cores a Cold in One Day, Criplii 2 Days 8.A on every box. 25c Meeting at Y. M. C. A. The Tower Club of the Boy's De partment of the "Young Men's Christ ian Association will meet tonight at eight o'clock. The Beta Phi Fraternity which changed its name from the Owl Club, will meet tonight immediately after vthe Business Boy's Gymnasium Class. , There will be a meeting of the Li brary Committee of the Boy's Depart ment this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The Junior Bible Study Clubs will meet tomorrow morning at 9:30 o' clock. The Phi Alpha Pi Fraternity will hold an important business meeting tomorrow! night at eight o'clock. ;: If not convenient to Obtain Mi o-na of Woodall & Sheppard or some other retailer it will be sent by mail postage prepaid on receipt of price. The R. T. Booth Co.. Itliaca, KV' Y. ffiTiiSTSr III BIG MURDER CASE Judge F. i. Osborne and Mr. James W. Osborne Have Been Retained by Dr. Simpson who is Accused of the Murder of one Bartley T. Horner. Many Charlotte people will be in terested in hearing that Judge Frank I. Osborne and his brother, -Mr. James W. Osborne, have been retained by Dr. James Weddell Simpson who is , now onrtrial for the murder of Bartley, T. Horner, in New York city. This is a case in which the New York papers, every one of them, are devoting from four to five columns each day. ' - During the examination of witnesses yesterday, Mrs. Simpson, wife of the accused, not only3 testified against her husband but; said,that she fears for her life, if her husband is acquitted. At the conclusion of his, wife's testi mony, Dr. Simpson is reported as say ing: -" ' "The blackest sorrow of my life," said Dr. Simpson last night before being taken 'to Riverhead, "was when I found that my well beloved wife had turned against me.; If the hatred of my mother-in-law-was, proved by. her testi-, mdny,- that ,!of mywife was doubly shown, but when I realized that Julia wanted the court to know that I was guilty the devil himself could not have squeezed another tear out of my eyes. I thank Heaven for one thing, and that is that the women of Northport believe me innocent. My wife and mother may attempt; to send me to the '.- electric chair, but' I ' have the sympathy"' of the townsfolk. '' ' v'-" y--.,S.'. s J'-w "Until I heard' the words . from , my wife's mouth the Whole world, could not have made me -believe' that she would try to send me to my death. But despite all. I '. still ; love 'my, wife as ' I have always loved' her. , i She is under the influence ; of her mother, who de spises me, although I have always rev ered ; and respected her as I did my own mother when she was alive." Dr. Simpson then ' produced and showed an affectionate letter from hi sister, Mrs. .Charles L. Bowman, of Mount Jackson, Virginia, ?.which show ed that the members of his own fam ily all believe in his innocence. : A PROHIBITION ARGUMENT. Facts,-Showing Effect of. Prohibition 7 Law, Which Cannot Be Successfully Controverted. 5 - -To our very few citizens who argue that open barrooms would be better for our town that our present prohibi tion situation we have a few words to say. These words are suggested by the comparison of two years in Charlotte, one under the open barroom system. Our argument is founded on'the basis that human nature is about the same all over the South and, therefore, what applies to Charlotte ; will also apply to us. ' , .' ' In reviewing the criminal history of Charlotte for 1904, 1 when the city had open barrooms, we find there were 915 cases for "drunks," and last year under their present prohibition system there were for the same offense 371 cases. All through the long list of offenses we find those in which whiskey would nat urally play a prominent part to be greatly decreased. Taken as a whole the entire lise for 1904 shows 2,184 cases docketed while that of 1905 shows only 1,520. , Only one class of offenses shows an increase in 1905 over 1904 p.nd that is indictments for selling whiskey. . The logical conclusion must be that the above statement of the authorities is correct , and this7 being correct the present system of prohibition in Char lotte must be superior to that of open barrooms.- This history for Charlotte has been made in face of the fact that whiskey can be obtained for Charlotte in Salisbury, in the. drus stores at Charlotte, and through blind tigers in and around the city. We put it that where most licuor is drunk most crime will prevail, and vice versa. Hence when you cut down the sources vof ob taining liquor you diminish both drunkenness and crime. If there is a single' citizen in King's Mountain who would argue that there is as much whiskey drank here now as there would be under an open barroom system, we simply call him to the rec ords of our neighbor, Charlotte, and ask him if he actually thinks wre could be an exception to the rule, under sim ilar circumstances. No, sir, you mav argue that it will bring money and i trade to our town, with some show of a hand, but when you argue ; that it won't cause more drunkenness and crime, create more drunkards, make more widows and orphans and damn more souls you are without any show at all. King's Mountain -News. The soda cracker is an ideal food. Uneeda Biscuit are the ideal soda crackers. Indeed, the Only soda crackers ri mader in 4he first place, rightly protected first, last and all the time. In a dust tight, moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ! 1 1 3 Don't let your face grow old, sallow, hollow, and wrinkled. If you care at all for beauty, take Hollister's Ricky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. R. H. Jordan & Co. TOOTH POWDER imparts a sensation so exquisite and last ing. It cleans the teeth and gives toa to the mouth. Ask your dentist. f 1905 Is Gone We are grateful for your patronage during that , year. Our most prosperous year yet 1906 Is Here We have in the last few weeks over doubled ( ur floor space and are better prepared than ever to serve you right. Herring Denton FURNITURE ' 10 N. C OLLEGE ST News Wart lis BRING" RESULTS Oduc Cert WmA Mr. H. T. Rollins and son, return ed last night from Jonesboro, Moore county,' where they had been hunting for 10 days. They found plenty of game down there and had several shots at wild turkeys. Thonsmds flare KlCney Trouble and Don't Know it, How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with youf water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequen desire to pass it or pain in thft haftlc is alert convincing proof ihat the kidneys and blad der are 6u. of order. "What to So. "... There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatismpain In the back, kidneys, liver, bla-ier and every part of the urinary passage. It Cw-rrts inability to bold water and scalding pain a passing it, or bad effects following use of Hquoc, wine or beer, flad overcomes that unpleasant necessity of L2ing compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is sooa realized. It stands the highest for . its won. .ertul cures pf the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tha best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a. samtle bottle of this wanaeriui discovery and a book that telh' more abcut it, both sent abso.utely free bvmaii Address Dr. Kilmir & TTt, - swuiiinum, wo., Bmghamton, N. Y. When writing men.' tion readme this gensret s offer in shis paper. Don't make any mistake, but re member thevnames Swamp-Rcrt, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. - DO YOU REALIZE THE VALUE 1 -:- OF Saving ? Systematic Do you know that a slight effort on your part combined with a ,little self denial wiH enable you to place to your credit $572.00 with the x Southern Loan & Savings Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. V Call upon us or write us and we will ' tell you how to accumulate money and - lend you a Home Sayings Bank to assist you. ; THE PLAN IS SIMPLE P. M. BIiOr.N; Pres. V. S. ALEXANDER. V Pres.: THE BANK IS FREE . WX.JENKINS, Cashier. J 1 ..V.' i