THE: CHARLQTTE; NEWS, FEBRUARYS I9ue The GKarlptte News i Published Daily (Except Sunday) NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. C. DO WD Pres. and Gen. Mgr. C. A. MATTHEWS City Editor WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1906. A JAPANESE, IDEA, .. , Even we Americans with all our vaunted perfection along airlines, .are not, in truth, too perfect to learn les sens from other nations- not so high in the scale. Thi fact was shown clearly to us by reading a dispatch the other day telling how the Japanese served meats, chicken being given as the ex ample. Instead of cooking the chicken and cutting it ud in a few pieces at ran dom as we do. with bone attached, the Japanese deftly remove the bones from tjie different parts and serve only the meat. So if you were to go into a Japa nese eating house and call for a cer tain part of a chicken, say the wing, you would presently be supplied with a dainty little dish containing all the meat once connected w,ith the wing, with the bone taken out. . ' ' 1 " Now it stands to reason,, and all will. agree that this is by far the best and least troublesome way of feasting on chicken. , According to our: way .of serving chicken most of the . pleasure of the sweet meat of the wing is lost in the aggravating and worrysome task of getting it free from the bone. And the criminal operation that must be prac ticed in order to get the meat of the fish, according to the American way of doing it, is likely to end, either in death, from a swallowed bone, or ner vous collapse from the sheer ordeal of getting at it. Yes, we would do well to follow the Japs, at least in this particular. GREATER CHARLOTTE. The News stands fcr greater Char lotte first, last and all the time. It hopes to see a of the wonderful grorrth cf tms city. It will net hesitate to oppose any movement that will likely impede this grpwth. , It desires to go on record as opposed to me incut pumnun of Dilworth as a seperate town. It would view such a move as unfriendly to the best interests of this city, and it hopes that the efforts to es tablish-a-separate city out of one of Charlotte's most flourishing suburbs will be abandoned. "'Charlotte 'would be fearfully handi capped if her suburbs were permitted to form separate incorporations, and the opportunities for building a great city here would be lost. We think the movement to incopor ate Dilworth is against the best inter est of Charlotte, and we hope it will be abandoned. We stand for "Greater Charlotte." We referred to the unusual tastes of a Congressman who should choose to give, his fiance a poodle dog, and of the unusual likings of "a President's daughter who should adore one, re cently in an editorial. The Wilming ton Messenger, always capable of going you ; :one -better, expresses the opinion that fo a lover to laud his fiance before a congregation, of which she is a part, has that beat Well, we pass, for there is no telling what a pair will do during that slushy, gushy, period,- just prior to the wedding. CLEAN SHEET CRUSADE. Count on Georgia for the unexpected and the unusual! Those who had the idea that only old maids were par ticular as to the details and niceties of life must take a second thought. Aside from the many political dispatches from good old Georgia, and as a. kind of diversion, came. one on yesterday stating tha,t the travelling men of that commonwealth had inaugurated a "clean sheet crusade." Think of it, and it was men who did it at that! A bill is to be presented to the Leg islature requiring the hotef keepers and inn keepers to change the sheets cn their beds at least , once a week. These old travelling bachelors say they want a sheet to sleep on' which has not been used by other travelling bach elors for six days. Quarantining against themselves! The price of cotton must of necessi ty advance after the passage of such a law, and the demand for sheets in the "Empire State" will be the watch word of the travelling public. No doubt these patrons of cleanli ness will provide themselves with ban ners labelled. "Clean sheets or boy cott" for when a travelling man sets his head he is hard to turn. Well, seriously there is no sweeter - pleasure than to lie down tired at night between clean and healthy sheets. One -can dream better. The reverse is just the opposite. But what a burning in sult to the good house wives of the Georgia hotel keepers, and made by the unspeakable "men" at that! It makes no difference to us whether the speaker is "Mother Jones" or "Father Time' so long' as the theme is Socialism, you are welcome to our ticket, though we advise you not to use it. The lecture will not benefit you and the chances are it will hurt you. We were always suspicious of a lecture, entitled. "Let Reason Speak." That is the mask the devil uses and it usually acts as a blind to something behind the curtain which it wouldn't pay to advertise. - 20 E. Trade St SEE OUR TOWEL COUNTER. 24x48 in. Turkish Bath Towels.. 18c Unbleached Turkish Bath Towels, 2 Ox 40 in 8c. each 20x44 extra heavy, at. 20c Also a lot of small towels at very low prices. All of prices. our linen towels go at cut A lot of Table Linen in mill-ends, 2 to 3 yards length, good quality, at.., 35c Bleach at .. Table Linen, 65 inches wide, 65c. yard Bleach Table Linen, 70 in. wide.. 40c Table Linen, in fine quality, 70 in.. 90c Table Linen, 60 in. wide. fc ffc 45c A nice lot $2.00, at DOILIES. of 22 inch Doilies, There is something wrong with the law of the land when a criminal such as Major. W- E. Breese, of Asheville, goes entirely unpunished on account of a technicality. The man who pilferred a. bank, and squandered. the savings of honest people should not be able to go scot free because a grand-juror had failed to pay his taxes. Justice has suf fered defeat in this case. in. all pure Linen, at. . 22 in. all pure Linen, at . , 16 in., a nice quality, at , . 3 '4". ! SHEETINGS. 9-4 Bleached at .... 'ure Linen wide ... And the Socialist, sat him down and dreamed a dream of fields Elysian, where money grew on trees, where harmony was as boundless as the air and where strife and dissension was an unknown quantity; where people lived in herds, care free and ecstatic; of. the land where there were no rich men, no opposing elements, a land flowing with ma ana noney, ' served ' up to every one tree of charge. The dreamer awoke and vainly sought to live out his dream. He lived a life in the air, a life out of concord with his fellowmen, bora to sorrow and work. The dreamer was a nonentity, and the men who were the salt of the earth, toiled on, looking occassionally with pity at the blatherskite, who did naught but; dream. Although the benignant smile of dear .Teddy circled, wavered and soar ed as the "winged .esrgle," it finally lit square on the head of Brother Holton. The reflection of that smile has caused some, who once courted it, to grow strangely purblind and peevish. 10-4 Lockwood at 45 in. at V. Those who enjoy sport of the highest order will do. well to provide them selves with tickets and go down to the Y. M. C. A. this evening to the big basket ball garnet between Wake For est college and the Y. M. C. A. team. It will be great, and a night enjoyed. Just like the Spring flowers, the can didates, one by one, begin to poke their heads above the surface. Some will end up with heads elated, some with heads be-headed. Just wait and watch the results. u ureensooro is compelled to go through with another siege like that with "Old Nick" and Samuels, she will have a good conception of that virtue usually known as patience. It s woe be unto . the blind tigers when Judge Bryan strikes town. your food iaiis to nour ish you the Bitters should be taken at once. It tones the stomach and cures J3 ' Pnn-' A nnMlitt Indigestion Dyspepsia Flatulency Colds, Grippe or Malaria. J3 Hurrah for the old Palmetto State! We reach over the border line and ex tend our hand with the most Tiearty congratulations at the result of the fight in the Legislature in evoiufiir. ""CD the dispensary, and t introducing pro hibition. It does us good to hear that our sister state, and the one dearest to us, has at last freed herself from the , legal sale of whiskey in any form, and has started upon an era" of pf ohibitioh and temperance. May the richest bless ings of- the Gods be' showered upon bid South Carolina, and may her eyes ever be open to wisdom, as they were on yesterday. Its, "now you're married, now you're not," with Mrs. Yerkes alias Mrs. Miz ner. The parson in the last instance must have been exceedingly low of speech, for she seems to be in doubt as to the authenticity, of it all. Your Visiting Card Represents You It should be Heat, the proper size and style. We represent the best en 'gravers.' ' " ': f Our work , is . high class and service prompt, v . . Let us show you, samples. worth $1.52 , $2.25 $1.78 . 55c miaiHiiiL mid i .. ..'!,.). i . ... . ... . . ,!i 1 . I. T - . -1 - - .i i - " -" 1 " 1 .'"- : 1- 1 1 ! r . ' i : - -. iZSSFSMltmitiiimay.. .-. . i -I ,.UjvfJiJ JwjiL.tti" Ju ... L uLJJiuwfmm& '-'tarn, ..a'JJAi'w n Sheeting, good quality, 19c. per yd. Sheeting, 2V- yards , . 80c Pillow Casing Peprel Mills: J Pillow 222c. Casing, per yd. LACE CURTAINS. yards Lace Curtains, worth $1.00, now . 75c. By selling the Best Shoes that money coud buy at the lowest prices that the conduct of the business would permit, we have created the largest Retail and Wholesale Shoe Business in this section Our stock of Shoes is so large and so varied that there is no Shoe want known to Man, Woman, Girl or Boy which we can not supply. We have special Shoes for every occupation and for every stage of life Think of it. v 1,000 Cases Shoes to select from, ranging in price all the way from 10c a pair to $4.00 a pair, v Ralston Health Shoes For Men at $4.00 are the equal of any $5.00 to $6.00 Shoes sold. Every pair warranted. Regina and Portia Shoes For Women, in all styles, try. one pair and you'll wear no other. I) n! f-j 250 Cases Rubbers Just in for Men, Women, Misses and Children. 1 Shoe Headquarters Wholesale aid R.etJl raw HE mm llll- t I itK. unl.' ' Better quality. $1.50 to $5.00 . 4. 4 I i HOSIERY. .'.' Ladies' and Children's : Hose, nice quality 10c, 15c. and 25c. Ladies' white feet, at 10c. and 15c. A very nice quality of Ladies' fine rib bed Hose 50c. per box 4 pairs in box. Ladies fleeced lined Hose....... 15c. Better quality ' . ...... Silk Lisle Hose,....'. or 3 for $1.00. 25c 35c. per pair Infants' Hose, fine ribhed. . . . .... 10c 15c, 18c. and 25c. Boys' heavy : ribttefl Hose. . vJust - tne thine for the-school boys. .'. ... 15c. :2 for 25c. Children's extra : eood quality Tan . Hosp-,: .1 .............. " 15c. or -2 for' 25c. One lot of Ladiesl fancy Callars, regu lar 50c. Quality. ssbecial ........ 25c I Another lot, 35c. and 25c, special. . 18c A nice new line of Gilt Belts. .. .. 25c. 35c, 50c. and T5c. : . r The greatest value you vill see this Season in High Class Lace Cur tains New handsome Pattefrns full 3 1-2 yards long and 1 1-2 yards wide, every pair worth $1.50 and more, our spot cash quick selling price 99 Cents. 150 Pairs nice Lace Curtains 21-2 yards, a regular 50 Cent selling Cur tain 29 Cents Pair. Lace Curtains Half Price One lot fine Lace Curtains 3 yards long nice neat Patterns every pair reg ular $1.00 retails choice the lot 50 Cents. If you are going to buy any the bpnng 'Twill save PILLOW TOPS and PILLOW CORDS New assortment of Pillow Tops. . to. $1.00. ,: , V, 25c Also Pillow Cords, silk and cotton. 25J ; and 50c. Ruching, . .s, . .... ....... v.. : 15c: and 20c. per yard. ' . .!'.-' . , ' Vi'...'' (;('. t'-' Whits silk baby Caps .... . GQic., 75c:, 98c. and $1.25. 10c . 1 35c. Stone & Barringer Co. H Book, Stationary and Art Store. .: A few , Down Quilts left to close out at cut prices." . - . A lot of Embroidery . we are offerin cheap. See us when out shopping. i nl 0. new Lace uurcams ior Season,1 Better see these, you good money. Sheets and Pillow Gases Big value in nice quality Sheets made" off one of the Best Bleached Sheetings, free from starch drilling of any kind good weight Sheeting that will wear Hemmed ready for use full 81x90 inches 50 Cents. ; - The Pillow Cases of the same good grade Sheeting .as the Sheets 45x36 inches which is full ; size and they, are Hemmed ready for use 10 Cents. v mm, u ioepartmeni Store mm n rin UUDW Wood and Coal We can serve you with Fuel of all kinds. Our Wood is well seasoned, cut and split or in 2 or 4 foot lengths. Can fill any order from 50c worth . to a car load. Soft, Hard, Blacksmith and Steam Coal, the best to be ha I AANT PHONE 402. Yards 850 N. Poplar St, . A MMb. U o o o 0 o o o ft FIWE DISPLAY OF Maltin gs and R.tags We have just received some late shipments of Floor Coverings and in the lot is a fine selection of Matting and .Rugs. We strive to keep the latest ideals in Floor Coverings and feel safe in saying that we can please you both in pattern and price. CASH OR EASY TERMS YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ISf. T. MCCOY Try a News Wacrit Ad. oooooooo6co6oo MM T RED, GREEK MID WHITE WITH OUR USUAL LOW PRICES t 8 8 CP'S n Furnitur Corner Trade and College Sireet? ooooocoooco

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