THE CHARLOTTE ; NEWS; FEBRUARY a 1 906. 10 SALISBURY NEWS NOTES. Boy Painfully Injured. -Funeral of Dave Idle. Special School Tax. Couple Wed. Other News . Special to The News. Salisbury, Feb. 8. Henry, the young son of Capt. and Mrs. J. R. Nicholas, was painfully hurt : yesterday after noon. by one of the radiators which are being installed in the Hotel Vander vford. falling over on his. leg. He was carried home and medical attention given him. . The funeral of young Dave Id e was held ; from s the . Episcopal church yes terday afternoon. This young boy was a unique character, had spent the greater portion of his 16 years around the printing offices of the city, and was regarded as a typical printers "devil." He looked no more than 11 years of age, but was exceptionally bright. The employes of the Post sent a huge norai wreath as a token from them. Every printer or any one who has been con nected with a printing office in Salis bury; knew "Dave." The County Board of Education for Rowan, at the request of a majority of the taxpayers of Mt. Ulla township, will call an election in that public - school district to vote on a special school tax. It will carry by an over whelming majority. It is said a $1,000 school building will be erected in. this district. It is a sinsular fact, but true, that there is not a single colored inmate in the county home of Rowan. As a gen eral thing the negroes are in the ma- j jority at this home, but they have a good record at present. Rowan. Superior Court opens Mon day with Judge Council presiding. There are no cases of any vast im portance to come up at this time. This is the first Rowan court in a long time in which a capital case does not appear on the docket. Mr. J. Ed. Dorton, a popular sales man::at Smoot Bros, and Rogers, and Miss Annie Hutchinson, one of Sails-" bury's most estimable young women, were married last night at the home of the bride on West Council street. Mr. S. Y. McCall, formerly of Char lotte, who has been one of the pro prietors of the Flag Saloon, has sold his Interest to his partner, Mr. C. W. Shuman, of Charlotte. Cordon Lodge No. 26. I. O. O. F., will have a meeting tomorrow night of unusual interest. An elaborate program has been arranged and besides a num ber of addresses a musical will be given. Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz and Rev. W. H. Rich will be among the speakers. Mr. Robert Bruce is critically ill at his home in this city. His brother, Frank, is also at the point of-death in Charlotte. Both have lung troubles. The Southern is losing no time in getting , things in shape in the black smith department at Spencer which was destroyed by fire Monday night. A temporary shed has been erected and a steam hammer and other machin ery, put in .operation and a large per cent..ofthQ bVack'smith ' force are at work;: . v, , r . ,;, ,, The winter cars for the Salisbury Spencer Electric Railway, for which an order was placed some months ago,: have arrived and will be running in a few days, much to the comfort and convenience of the patrons of the company. Mr. ; Carl Hammer . and . bride, nee Miss Mary McCanless ..have gone to Cincinnati, their future home. Mr. Hammer is city editor on one of the leading city, papers in that city. A number of Salisbury people have had to pay $10 fines recently for vio lating the postal laws ; in inclosing notes or letters in packages and not paying first-class postage rates on said packages. Most of these violations oc cur in sending tags or wrappers in ex change for premiums and stating in the package the premium wanted. The latest one to fall under the inspectors trace , was a well known womanl Another thing that is receiving atten tion is the post card craze. Some very ugly, cards find their way in : the mail and only , yesterday, a young lady of the city received a very insulting card by mail. It will likely be turned over to the postoffice authorities for inves tigation. . ' The followers in this city of the Re . publican organization are :much elated over the appointments of Holton, Mil likan, et. al. and; are now confident that . Mr. A.: ; II. Price ..will easily land the Assistant: District : Attorneyship. The Blackburnites, however, think the next time the President bobs up in the North Carolina -arena.: he . will be ;on their side. It's just a game of guess." In the meantime all aspirants for the Salisbury, nostpffica ar e . :sawing .wood and wondering, v It must be : an awful suspense, .v; , . -:C . . - Another building is being erected on the court house lot; ; It is ajhanjisome little structure and will be used exclu-1 siveiy, dv pie . uounty liparo oi wauca- uon. froi. xv. : u. jvizerr me emcieni county superintendent,; will have a suite of offices in the building. CHANCE FOrANEWS READERS. In order to test V The News' great circulation, and its savior advertising value, we . have .madflN arrangements with R. H. Jordan & Ccry the popular druggists, to offef '; one of s their best selling medicines at half-price to any one who will cut out -the following cou pon and present it at their store: CO UPON. This coupon entitles the holdor to one 50 cents peickage of DA Howard's specific for vthe cure of constipation and dyspepsia at half price, 25 cents. R. H. Jordan & Company -will refund v the money to any dissatisfied purchaser. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS DRY Oak and Pine wood. Linderl Phone l&S. , l-S-Th-Sat-u-ti FINEST Grade Flour 92.50; Arbuck- les' Coffee, 15c; Steaks 10c. All Gro ceries lower than elsewhere, swain, 904 K Graham. Phone, 657. S-T-tf. WAIT Buy your Valentines" at the Carnival, of Hearts next week. 8-tf I. - , - ' ARTHUR BUTT will sell corner lot Church St., f. Monday, Court house door. i; 12 o'clock. 6-5t J. H; LITTLE, President. C. M. PATTERSON, Vice President. L. R. HAGoOD, Cashier. CHARLOTTE TRUST COMPANY v CAPITAL $100,000.00. 1 W. H. BELK, J. M. DAVIS, T. C. GUTHRIE. Dr. Howard's specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia is ' not an unknown remedy. It has made many remarkable cures right here in Char lotte and so positive are Druggists R: H. Jordan & Co. of its great superior ity in curing dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache and liver troubles that they will, in addition to gelling it at half-price, refund, the money to any one whom it does not cure.y If you cannot call at their store, cut out' the coupon and mail yt-with 25 cents; and a 50 cent box of tlAe specific will be sent you by mail, char.ges paid. Do not put it off. "One today is worth two tomorrow," V : Mr. Weston In Greenville . The Greenville News of this morning says: "Trainmaster Weston, of the GVeen-ville-to-Spencer half of the Atlanta and Spencer division of the Southern 11 ail way," spent yesterday in Spartanba rg, trying to solve the problem of frei ht congestion at Spartanburg Junction. Conditions have been considerably re lieved already, and it is hoped that aV ter a few days the distressing "sew-up" at the Junction will be over." fnnoiiiroo nini nrna immz m m. m mm m u oil i iiiir nmi r n l s5. v. UUUN1LUU UUILULIIU "vWECIAL CAKJiED GOODS SALE. Orvs can Corn, one large can Tomatoes, tw -cans Sugar Peas all four cans for 30cl. This is only. 7 c. can for 10c goods. Als 4 pounds nice ' white clean rice, for This is only Gc pound. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 West Trade St. - i- A I'UIL LINE OF FRESH BACOIV. Sprin ag Lettuce Carots, Soup Bunches, Radi thes and Spring Onions. Phone us your orders. , t S. R. LEJJTZ. ' Grocer. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N.'Tryon St. 'Phone 251. GENERAL BANKING ' Savings Department Pays A Per Cent; Interest on Deposit. ! DIRECTORS: ' O. P. HEATH, W. M. LOMG, H. G. LINK, C M. PATTERSON, J. H. LITTLE, J. W. ZIMMERMAN. Business Solicited. , v,;! IN YESTMITS:;;;; Real Estate investments are now' in' greater demand in Char lotte than ever before. We have on our list several pieces of prop erty that ought to interest anyone in search of such investments. , See us about them. We have several desirable homes and vacant lots on our list, both itt the city and suburbs. ' - ; CHARLQTTEf REALeTY COMPANY , - A. G. CRAIG, Secretary and Manager. . Office, No. 18 E. Trade Street. t j Xew Lot . : I:LICIOIjS VIRGINIA HAMS. A fresl i barrel FiriciKraut just opened.. Nice j Jreani Cheese. Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Turnips, Butter, Eggs, and Poultry, Kingan's Pure Lard and Choice Califoxvnia. and Florida Oranges. EDWARD CAMPBELL, Grocer, . 5th a Dd College Sts. 'Phone COS. It is universally conceded that if a man has money, to bum it's because he was too wise to burn it. . ITilE PEOPLE ARE CALLING ' ! on every hand for "WARRINGTON HALL" -COFFEE, the. cpffee that won't hurt you when you drink it. This coffee. : will delight you, . ,Just received, a nice lot - of Irish Potatoes. We are going, to sell them at 25 cts pk.: 3 cans Tomatoes, 25c; 3 cans .Corn, 25c; 3 cans Sweet Peas, 2oc; Gran ulated ; fougar 21bs to the dollar. W. L. PO!E, 'Phone 035. Phone No. 377. i i Don't Be Afraid...... . ; , Because it is getting cold to start to Building dse "HARD CLINCH PLASTER" WATER AND FREEZING WEATHER WONT HURT r. Charloite Rlate PECULIAR DISAPPEARANCE. J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville, O., laid the peculiar disappearance of his pain ful .symptoms, of indigestion and bil iousness, to" Dr. King's New Life Pills. He says: "They are a perfect remedy, for dizziness, sour stomach, headache, constipation-,' etc." Guaranteed at Wood all & cSheppad's drug store, price 25c. jjSEW Seaboard Air Line Thronsh " Car Ser vice. to Memphis, Tenn. The Seaboard Air Line announces that commencing with February 10th it will operate through coaches on train 33 from Portsmouth, Va., to-Mem. phis, Tenn., via Birmingham. They are now operating through sleeping car service between New: York and Mem phis on same train. With this excel lent through car service -the Seaboard can. put you to Memphis with but one change of cars and that' is at Monroe. For further in formation call on or ad dress, JAMES KER, JR., C. P. A., - Charlotte, N. C. or C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A. 2-7-10t Raleigh, N. C. BROOMS.: . . HEARTH BROOMS, ' PARLOR BROOMS. WAREHOUSE BROOMS, GOOD BROOMS, , Always 'Phone 350. J. K. DARSEV, 3: X. College St. , 'Phone 350. DC A EACH INSERTION WANTED. Word m WAJVTED Position by young man of three years' experience as bookkeeper. Best reference. "A. Z." News. 2-8-3t WAXTED Well-grown boy or young colored man as house servant and but ler. Apply 200 W. 10th. 8-lt WANTED Position as stenographer. "W. M." care .News. WANTED One articulated skeleton. Dr. R. H., care-Nws. 8-2t eod. WANTED Second-hand open rubber tired buggy and set of harness in good condition. Apply L R. Hagood, 10 East. Trade St. 8-tf WANTED An office boy about 14 years old. Apply 41 South College St. 7-3t WANTED Young man for soda foun tain and general work in drug store. Woodall & Sheppard.: 7-2t WANTED Position in. office by young man just completing short hand and typewriting Course. Compensation' no object. "Z." care News. lTtf : WANTED For : U. S. . Army, : able bodied men between ages of 21: and 35, citizens; of; the United Statfcs, of good character- and temperate . haiiit:? wha can speak, read and write Jing lish. For information apply to the Re cruiting Officer, 15 West i Trade ' St.. Charlotte, N-. C; 40 'Patton Avc'Ashe ville, N. C; Kendall Building, Columbia, S. C; Bank Building, Hickory,- N. C, or Glenn Buildingi Spartanburg, S. C. 27-Tu-Tli-Sat.-- . ; : : ?- ' ; VAN CAMP'S CANNED GOODS, AFull Line of them of that excellant quality and flavor that has made this brand famous.- Fine Irish Potatoes, Country Eggs, Butter and Poultry, and everything in groceries at lowest prices. W. T. HUCKEH, . 12th and Caldwell Sts. 'Phone 11J5 - QUICK AUPlPROMPf RETURNS m- to -sll and. Xthange aT sorts ot city' and suburban ty-improved.ormproved; aM farming. add timber lands T i;can always find a .buyer for. your property, and if he is sbo'rt n& SVU-aSe priceVwe can frequently help hini finance Z :-deal. We have money on hand at. all times to lend at f rom 1 i three years, and we are slad of an nnvut . , one to .ujuu are m iieai estateMarket, either, to buv or I" ichange. you will do weir to consult us hfnr ;,,w ' J "uy or S"a;:.We have very superior : facilities ;X for doing satisfactov; n; business, and if would par you tfr line ud 22fi hPfnm -St,"f!01 pay-you to; ring up 236 before makin Southern S -a deal. Go. COMMERCiat IVAtlOWAl! BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. ORGANIZED 1874. ; .; . . t t : ; U N ITED STAT EiS D EPOSITO RY. Directors for 1906: C.! W.' JOHNSTON. r: m. miller, jr., WM. E. HOLT, - R. A. DUNN, H. C. ECCLES, L. BANKS HOLT, FRANCIS L. COXE, . E. C. HOLT, . : D H. ANDERSON, R."L. GIBBON, M. D. Officers r r; a: dunn, v. p. , A. T. SXJMMEY, Asst. Cash. W. E. HOLT, President. A. G. BRENIZER. Cashier. Largest Capitaf and Surplus of Any Bank in the State. " First on the Honor Roll of National Banks' "in North Carolina and ir; -K ; " V 211th in the United States. . Bent and FresJiest OrocerleM at IiOTt'CHt ' ' Prices .' Caldvrell & Conipany'H. at 4 tl & Church St. - 'Phone 754 MISCELLANEOUS EIGHT YEARS ON THE MARKET and outselling the old-timers who have claimed monopoly for: forty years. Get in the line of progress and use an OLIVER.. J. E. CRAYTON & CO., Trust Bnilding. . BIG DEAL CLOSED. The .Millar Dry Goods Co. and the Mil ler Clothing Co. Buy the J. G. Hood - Co.'s Entire Stock of Shoes and Clothing. K Latetyesterday. afternoon a deal was consummated by which the J. G. -Hood Cq,'. sold- its, entire stock of shoes and clothing ; to the Miller Dry Goods Co. oTii tho, TtrilTor P.lnthincr fVi An in. ventory;6f the stock is being taken; to day, after which the shoes will be re- Goods Co. and the clothing to the store of the Miller Clothing Co. These' Rtnr will hd r.loRRfl next rinrine which- tinle utbe . respective stocks will be assorted and arranged for a clean ing up sale, which will begin on the morning oi oaturaay, . r euruary 1 1 , un der " the . management of : Mr. W. C. Jackson, of the Chicago, Salvage Co. f ollowing the removal of these goods th.e interior of - the J., G. Hood Co.'s store will be rearranged : fpr; the reception ''"of f, a '- large " new stock of dress goods and ladies', furnishings, the purchase of which Mr. Hood will leave for. New York tonight- , " The . J.' G. Hcod Co. are to be con gratulated upon disposTng or.two lines of gopds for which they did not have sufficient room ' and : the Miller stores on securing a vast amount of mer chandise suited to their needs at a very low price. FOR SALE 0R REN1. FOR SAI.E-One gentle-driving goat. Apply 208, North Tryon St. Todd Mi senheimer. . : 8-lt MULES FOR: SALE-Cheap, atMc Marius' stable, on South College St. - , :.8-4t ' : : :.. . -y:: v , - .,..-' : FOR rejvt Four room dwelling; up-stairs, 217 North :Tryon St. James Marty. v. , - .. .. . .7-3t FOR SALE My house arid lot , at Croft s la., wll improved; a fine stand for store and other business. - Address, ju. wood run, Charlotte, N. C, King ston Ave.. Dilworth. :,8-lt FOR REJiT OR SALE Mrs... Minnie W. Smith's residence -No- 4 East.More--iiead streeU Apply to- :. George II, Brook enbtough,; . ear Adams Grain ; & Provision Co. ; . 7-tf ' ' ""' ' "' ' : " ' V" - FOR REIVT Six room ' house. Mod ern. Apply1 607' So. -Tryori. , r ; -,. Thurs & sat 2t .. m- ; v. --.' I , FOR RENT Qne 6-room, . two storyv No. 608 N. Smith; one 5-room two-story, 602 N. Smith; two 5-room, .two-story, South Cedar street F. W. Ahrens, 4 E. 2nd St. - -;vv:-4 .. 6-4t FOR RENT Seven room house, 203 South Myers street. Water ' and gas. Apply to A; L. Smith, yM . 2-2tf FOR RENT -Large House, r No. 908 "W. 5th. St, either whole or part. Apply at house. : 1-22-tf MISCELLAN DON'T miss the, Carnival of Hearts next week. - . . .:." 8-tf " DRESSMAKING Moderate prices and ; satisfaction, guaranteed.', 507 E. 7th. - ... .... v 7-4t HEADQtAPTPBS ch' ' - 1 Eggs. , J. T. Mullis & Co.,- Phone - 510. DINNER will be served every . day during the Carnival' of Hearts at the City HalLunchon-'-at all hours. 8-tf NEW GRAPIIAPHONE RECORDS. We have just, received a full line of the latest things out. Come in and hear the. newest catchy, music. We sell talk ing machines of all makes at lowest prices. . : QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. i ii . - - a I THIS WELL That the Charlotte. Building & Loan will open ;its 33 Series Saturday, Feb ruary 3rd, 1906, at its office, 203 North Tryon S.t. . ... :. - Applications for loans now being filed. The Secretary , will be pleased to talk, to any. that are. considering tak ing, ,B. & L. Stock and anything not understood will gladly explain. J. H. VAN NESS, President. ' WILLIS BROWN. Sec. & Treas. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. . . CHARLOTTE, N. C. , :.; , i Resources .......... .v. . ;il00,00a00 ' It is the business of this bank as welt as its pleasure to encourage wit, anbstanUal help our depositors who are thrifty; arid tellable and ambS tJous to accumulate money and sncceedi'; If you are in this class want your bank account. Call on or write. '':':":. v : .- Vi ; V.. ', . A:,::,L- UZyf'J TWITTY, Cashle - . FRANK GILREATH, President.-;. , ... FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. '.;; '. : . ' f Orsanlsed 1865. . .. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $ 500lob6.oO ASSETS. 970,716.69 Your business respectfully r solicited-. , Every courtesy and, accommodation extended consistent with , s sound, banking. ; 4 "THE ClflCAGO" TYPEWRITER, S35. Satisfactorily meets the requirements of -.the heaviest office work. The only macxaine for those wlaose work does not justify them : in paying $160. for a typewriter. Investigate Get the Proof. H. R. TOWSSEXD,: General Agent. 23 W. Fifth St. Charlotte, N. C. IS YOUR ROOF Standing; the Test That This Weather Puts It tof If Not 'Phone us for Help. "' STRANGE & SIIUMAX, Tin and Slate RooflB. list's Garden Seed; SPRING and SUMMER 1906.' 00 mml TOREJ Onion Sets, Blue Grass Seed. SwfiPt S "tS "iyuu ' " Peas, Flower Seed, Corn, Peas. Beans. I ZZZr llC Bin well & Dunn Co; Retail Cor. Trade and Tryon Sts. Wholesale 205 S. College St.' 1 $50.00 $25.00 $25.00 $40.00 32 North College St. Phone 611. PHONK 370 WOOD WE ARE ABLE to ' furnish dry Oak and Pine Stove Woo in any quantity .' desired . by you. Phone 370. ' - " C. DQWI) & CO, Cor. 8th' and Railroad. ERRANDS run by rostal Telegrapli MessengeP". Prompt and reliable 'ser vice i:raran'ieed7''. -Telephone 13b. "W. O. Gaffney, Manager. REAL ESTATE WASiTED More Dwellings, Stores and Offices to . let. More demand than supply. Some of you are not satisfied with your present returns. Let me use my ratbit-foot a Jew times, and you'll smile all over; ' -' !. " Ii KEESLER, 25 s: Tryon St. : DRUGGISTS We Want to Sell Yoo ;M ; I iA PIPE. ; ' ' r...: y - 'f ' J ' ': ;.. : '. - -. . ' ; Come, iahd see' .-what we j have.i and we will do the rest Any price, shape and style you like ; i DIIAVORTH DRUG STORE, Phone 247. - :. B. S. Davis. Gair Meltefs $1.00 . At the Office of the STREET RAIL WAY CO E. D ' Lalts, resident. Store rcom, 205 N. Tryon St. HOUSES. 6 room house 414 N, Smith st. . . $12.00 5-room cottage, 712 E. 9th. $10.00 4-room cottage, E. 5th St. Extd. . $7.00 4-room cottage,; 1217 North Davidson I btreet . , $6.00 4-rbom cottage, Belmont Springs $6.00 4-room Cottage, Villa Heights.. $5.00 r t t T f The MERCHANTS FARMERS NAT. BAN CHARLOTTE, N. C - r - $1,500,000.00 We invite you to opes an accounE With ! us,; promising every courtesy " and accommodatioh consistent with sound banking. .. . We pay four per cent, interest on cime deposits. GEORGE E. WILSON, President. ; JOHN B. ROSS, Vice Pres. W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. J: CAPITAL if ASSETS 4 BmmN & CO., ! 203 R Tryon Street, Phone . : : ; : 535 Headache Remedy harmless cure for Head ache and Colds 25c and 50c ; R. H. Jordan & Co. .i Dr. H. C; rHendersoi Hunt Building, Charlotte, v Dentistry PraqUced in all its Branches. -i XH Worjc. Guaranteed. s -i 'Phoe 373. ; , s OUR LINE OP TOOTH, NAIL, AND ; , HAIR BRUSHES. '"In Complete. Prices ioSult Yon. . ' MA-KH'H . ' -: Dracslst, tb.and Tryon Sin. Phone rr.a. Fi Sienf! . z' . ' ' ' ' - . 14 N. Brevard, 7 rooms, modern con veniences; close in. . . . C . . . . .. $220 10 S. Myers, 6-room cottage, modern improvements ............... $16.65 416 N. Church, 6 rooms, close in mod ern conveniences ... . ;. ..... $13.-50 G room house, 515 N.; Poplar, large lot, ; 'splendid-neighborhood $15.00 Five-room cottagfe," .505 N. Pine. ' "" One store room, Belmont . . . . . $10.00 J. Arthur Heersori & Bro. RESTAURANTS fSTKRANlTGAMi are at their best now .and if you want them served just right drop into. THE GEM RESTURANT ' Try one of oar Western Steaks. Avoid GhapSc V If we knew; of any thing better than -1 .-Our .- ... ; CAMPHORATED -GLYCERINE: "fj . .. LUiioiv ' - v , . ": .. - :- .-. " ;. . : . ; -: for keeping' the s skin soft and sweet, we would recommend it. . ;".;. .Customers insist that . there wouldn't - be- anything better. It heals Channprl nnfl Tmichonoj Hn a night LI woodall & Sheppard Druggist. CANNOT OFTEN BUY ON BREVARD STREET A" good, as new, 5-room Cottage for $1,650.00; $500 cash, balance through Building and Loan Association. All modern conveniences, ' car line by the door. Rents well. One block of Grad ed School, .minutes' walk of the Square. .; Will be sold at once. Call oa or phone - . ; PHONE 535,; cViifipahy 203 N. TRYON ST. Who .. .n ...Whilft.a f ew,- pessimists; waste time prating about fictictious values in . real estate,-we notice that the "world do move," especially that part in and near the. - Queen .City. .While, they are prating the man with faith and his eyes open gets the; plum.' Here' are two to pick up 25 acres, y2 wood, new 5-robm house, long macadam frontage: Another just it, only 50 acres and 6-room house; both on easy terms; both the best in their class, and their classes the best. ; Other farms, city and suburban property. ' ''. ; :-' 1 :';. : A; BROWN, Notary Public. : Boo, g LHunt Building. , . Charlotte N. SE thatpaufie; to open a Bank Account The fir3t$epo eaiy. Southed CAPITAL $200,000. Trust ' Biii Id ihgy : ; GEORGE STE P H ENS, fresiaent. . J. - E. - Fresh shipment of the Famoiits Musk egon Buckwheat Flour just received. Phone your order. - ' T.'S. FRANKLIN, ; Vice .Prefcident. DAVIS,, Assistant Treasurer. .Charlotte, N. C. W. H. WOOD, Treasurer. ' - ;- . . WE O.-FER ' USHER BROTHERS. Phones 341 snd 416. jc tiie m . TWO BLOCKS FROM THE SQUARE, I- . ' : ,;. ABOUT 99x198 IN SIZE, tc11 ihe 5e for large whblesa'le business or machinery business. K hery fine pronerties bf this class which can now be Pra C ABBOTT & COMPANY -r EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE"