THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. FEBRUARY 9, 1906 2 Mothers Know the terrihle dangers of crouo. It 0 i strikes suddenly and at night ; it must be treated promptly. Don't use the sticky syrup! Rub Gowan's Pneumonia Cure over the little one's chest. Instant relief ; speedy, sure cure. Gowan's also cures all kinds of colds, sore throats, coughs and pneumonia. All drUP"2flStS, $I.CX). CrOUp Size, Cure for tonsilitis and croup, ar 2? cents Bv mail, if desired. UOW AN used. I cheerfully recommend it to the J - ' , medical profession." J. A. Gbiffin. Medical to., Durham, in. . Co I have used Gowan's Pneumonia ana nna I ever TEDDY'S COUSIN CLAIMS FORTUNE. "My boy had a severe case of croup. Within thirty minutes from the first application he was free from pam and sleeping sounmy. Great-nreat Grandfather Owned Thirty. ham, ri.tJ'.'ouP1-luieiBtaLC t . tnree Acres Bordering vvau street. From the New York World, Harry Gordon Botsford, assistant city engineer of Boston, and a cousin of President Roosevelt, is claimant for a fortune of $5,000,000 left by his great great-grandfather, Cornelius ... Jansen i Clappen, one of the first settlers of ? New Amsterdam. Clapper owned thirty-three acres of land in the heart of New York's financial district, bound ed by Franklin . square, Wall street, and Pearl street, and a large personal fortune-, also. President Roosevelt is also a descendant of Clapper. Botsford has been ' searchins the records for traces of this fortune, . which disap peared when Clappen sold his property in 1768. after his wife died BABY SHOW THURSDAY Will Be One of the Attractive featur es of the "Carnival of Hearts." The managers of the"Carnival of Hearts" have announced that a baby show will be held on Thursday, Feb ruary 15th. at 3 o'clock in the after noon. All babies between the ages of 6 and 18 months will be admitted, with an entrance fee of 25 cents. Three prizes will be awarded for the most beautiful baby a committe of three ladies, acting as the judges. The show will, no doubt, be one of the most attractive features of the Carnival. A large number of mothers will enter their babies and competi tion promises to be very close. K. of P. District Meeting. A large number of Charlotte Pyta ians left this morning for Concord to attend the Fifth district meeting which takes place in that town this afternoon and evening. The Concord Pythians have arranged an elaborate entertainment and it goes without say ing that the Charlotte delegation, as well as other visiting Pythians, will receive a royal welcome at the hands of the Concord people. The Charlotte delegation will return to the city to morrow morning. Will Institute New Lodge Quite a number of Charlotte Masons left this morning for Monroe, and others will leave this evening, to in stitute a new chapter of Royal Arch Masons at that place. Among those who will be present are the following; Dr. F. M. Winchester, Rev. George Page, and Messrs James O. Walker, H. M. Day,George H. King, W. S. Liddell, E. L. Keesler. Mr. Bartlett Shipp Here Mr. Bartlett Shipp, formerly a res ident of this city, is spending a few days in the city shaking hands with his friends. Mr. Shipp is well known in Charlotte. He is a son of the late Judge W. M. Shipp He is making Hendersonville his home now where he is enjoying a large and lucrative taw practice. COUNT BON I WANTS DAMAGES. for Family's Effort to Have Suit Divorce Withdrawn Do Not Move, Countess. Paris, Feb. 9. Count Boni de Castel lane has filed a cross-Detition in his wife's suit for divorce, in Which he claims heavy damages from her,, ac cording to a report which has not been confined. Strong efforts continue to be made in behalf of the Castellane family to prevail upon the Countess to withdraw her, suit but so far without avail. An attempt made to obtain her assent to a judicial separation with out an absolute divorce has also been unsuccessful. Probably the case will now pursue the ordinary course. It is expected that it will be heard three weeks hence. According to the French law. there is no further necessity for the respon dent to appear unless the Judge de cides that his evidence is essential. The awarding of a decree dissolves any contract relative to marriage set tlements, each party resuming control of his or her own property. A divorced woman may not remarry within ten months after the decree, while an appeal from a decision must be lodged within six months. II. !.. Clayton, N. C. ANOTHER CIDER DRUM III COURT J, D. Weaver, When Arrested for Being Drunk-Said His Jag was Caused by Drinking Cider. A Big Blind Tiger was Raided Last Night. It has been some months since any one has appeared before the Recorder charged with securing a jag by imbib ing too much cider.' This morning, however, the monotony was broken. One James D. Weaver, who works at the Magnolia Mills, testified in court this morning that he purchased enough cider from the store of Mr. L.. H. Mc. Allister to make drunk come. Weaver further stated that he did not drink any liquors and the jag he had was the direct result of drinking cider. The man was fined $5 for the drunk and a warrant was issued for Mr. McAllister. The case against him will be trieI in the Recorder's Court tomorrow morn ing. Officers Pitts, Youngblood and John ston unearthed a huge blind tiger early last night. The point of operation was on North Alexander street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Will Jenkins, Ann Turner and Jiin Johnston were found to be in charge. This morning in the police court Jenkins and the Turner woman went to jail in default of bond. Jim Johnston, who is a phy sical wreck, was allowed to go home. It seems that Johnston and the Turner woman have been operating a blind tiger for many months. John ston, wrhile bed-ridden dishes out the liquor to all comers. Ann Turner at tends to filling the bottles and empty ing the jugs as they come in from Salisbury. The officers found, in all, about 15 gallons of all kinds of whis key; also a dozen or more bottles of beer. Adele Springs, a negro girl, who lives next door to Jim Johnston, has been acting in the capacity of "run ner" for the "tiger." Last night she secured a pint of corn liquor for Gus and Son Abernathy. The officers found this out and the arrests follow ed. In court this morning Jim John ston showed his feebleness. He was hardly able to move and his every look indicated the real pain that he was suffering. He told the officers that he knew he had only a short while to live, therefore he would tell the truth. He, however, made no admissions that would, in the least, incriminate any of those under arrest. He was allowed to retire to his home. Just as court adjourned, an officer walked in, escorting one Isaac Foster, who was fresh from Salisbury with a little short of five gallons of whiskey The liquor was in bright, new jugs and Foster said he purchased the entire lot for his own consumption. This, how ever, was not believed by the officer, so Foster was held for examination. Another charge, that of an . assault with a deadly weapon, was also lodged against Foster. . . The Square (?) Deal. Commenting on the outrageous statehood Bill which has been rammed through the House by the Republican partisans, with the President at the head, the Washington Post says: "New England has twelve members in the United States Senate, and you may throw all New England into either Arizona or New Mexico and it would require a search warrant and a posse ccmitatus to find it. Fling the six New England States, one at a time, into different quarters of the proposed new State, and they might ceaselessly tramp around for a twelvemonth with out any one of them coming in contact with any other one of them in their bewildered wanderings." If New Mexico and Arizona had been safely Republican it would have been much easier to carve them into four or. more States than to unite them info one. Such are the "Square Deal" pro visions of the Roosevelt Administra tion in practice. Courier Journal. A Universal Remedy for Pains in the Back, For pains in the region of the Kid neys or for a Weak Back the plaster should be applied as shown iu illus tration. V Insist Upon Having AtlCQC&S REMEMBER Ailcock's Plasters have been in use over 5S .years. They are the original and genuine porous plasters and have never been - ii.Hmi.i-SA- Brand The Great Blood Purifier and Tonic. For Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Dizziness, Indigestion, etc. Established 1752 gjj&L Death of Mr. Turner. Mr. Julian H. Little left for Marietta, Ga., last night in response to a tele gram announcing the death of Mr. H. C. Turner. Mrs. Turner was formerly Miss Lizzie Dowd, of High Point, a niece of Mr. Little s ana a cousin 01 Messrs. W. C. and W. F. Dowd. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at Marietta. I axative gromo Quinine Cjgs a Gold in One Day, Gripm 2 Days on every rr&Vi0t bos. 25c 243 Acres Four Miles South of Charlotte for gale on reasonable terms. This land lies on C. C. & A. Railroad and is suitable for factory sitea, HUGH W. HARRIS. Atty. R. D. MOORE INSURANCE, ' FIRE, .-.: . ACCIDENT, and HEALTH. Business Large and Small Hven Close Attention. ROBERT D. MOORE, ROOM 7. 4C'b BUILDING. Watch and Jewelry Repairing Promptness and good "work re quire the entire time and atten tion of the workmen. I carry no stock and have lothing but repairing to thinj . bout. If you appreciate having your watches, clocks and jewelry epaired in a first-class manner and 7ady -when promised, send them wo me. W. R. Hartsfield Watchmaker and Jeweler. 10 W. Trade St next to Blair's Drug Store. i Economy. . . , 1 1 . . From the !New York Sun. Knicker Is Jones a skinflint? Bocker I should say so; he merely wears glasses to read the paper of the fellow next to him. Alliterative Progression. (From the Chicago Tribune.) Rise and progress of William Bryan. 1896 Democratic candidate Preident. 1900 Ditto. 1906 Datto. Citizen of Crab Orchard Writes of That Very Old Dog. To the Kditor of The News: I notice in your paper dated February Cth, and item from Crab Orchard head ed "A Dog S6 Years Old." Now we have known for a loner time that Crab J Orchard was a good place to live; but we were not aware that it was so far I superior to the rest of the world. Let ) the facts in this case be true or not, . we will leave that for the readers of I Ine News to judge; still, there is one linns uiai we Know is true: that is Crab Orchard is entitled to the blue ribbon for the author of the biggest dog tale the world has ever heard. Peace to the ashes of good old "Jack Wallace," is the wishes of a life long citizen of Crab Orchard. for; If Traveling in Japan Or any civilized country, you can pro- Exeentive Committee Meet in jj. All the members of the Executive Committee of the Charlotte Epworth. I-ieag-iie Union are reouested to meet at the PAi-sonage of Tryon Street Meth odiit church this evening at 8 o'clock. Business of importance demands a full meeting. . What you pay for extracts is im . t. . , punant, cue wnat you get tor your THE PRESBY I ERIAIM COLLEGE forWOMEIt CHARLOTTE, N. C. High grade Collegia for Women equipped with every moaorn convw lence, hot and cold batht, electrlo lights, steam hest and Are escapta. Faculty of trained special lata. 8 tanned high and work thorough. F-or catalogue addrqu. rEv. J 9L BRIDGES, D. IX cure Laxative Bromo Quinine from any I money is ten times more important, druggist. All nations use it. E. W. Ask for BURNETT'S VANILLA and GROVE'S signature on box. get the best. says that a certain x garment can be dyed or cleaned you can rest assured that he makes no misleading statement. Proper ) cleaning and dyeing are operations requiring the greatest de- j licacy and skill, and we never undertake anything unless we ' know it can be done right. Charlotte Steam Laundry READ The House of a Thousand Candles The Biggest seller we have - ever had Houston-Dixon & Co, MORE HEAT WITH LESS ST FUEL. Stoves that will accomplish "ecu uu iurmer recom mendation, and that's what we claim for BIRD GARLAND AND COLUMBIAN HEATERS. 3j You all know that our 9 ciaims mean something. J. II. McCausland & Co. South Tryon St. I TheSuford AT THE ACADEMY SUNDAY. Apostrophe to the Hog. You will never know the trouble and pleasure of life until you raise hogs. They are a bother and a vexation to the spirit of man while they live, but bring joy and contentment to the soul of man when they die at hog-killing time. The American hog, however, is the dad-blamedest, split-hoofed, long snouted busybody animal we ever saw He can make a fellow madder than other animals that infest the premises. He will alwavs saueal and mnridv vonr pants when he knows you are trying !casions in South Carolina. Prof. Clinkscales to Lecture to Men of Charlotte. "The Faithfulness With Which Sin Keeps Its Records" is the title of an address to be delivered by Col. John G. Clinkscales, professor of mathematics of Wofford College, Spartanburg, S. C, before the Young Men's Christian As sociation meeting to be held Sunday afternoon at the Academy of Music at 5 o'clock. Col. Clinkscales is one of the best known men of his State and is a speak er much in demand on great public oc- He is not to feed him. He will get in your garden through ; a knothole ; and de stroy enough produce in three minutes to feed your wife and children for three months, He wiu pay no attention to a wide-open gate where you want him to go through, but will shovel out several cubic yards of dirt to make a hole into a place you don't want him to go. He is the biggest nuisance and most profitable on the farm CIGAR TALKS. How Woodall & Sheppard Can Sell as Good a Cigar As the Chico for 5c. "You want me to talk about cigars?" said Mr. Woodall, of Woodall & Shep pard, to a xviews reporter. "I think the better way is to let our cigars iaiK xor inemseives, ' ne con tinued. "There is one cigar in our case, the 'Wadsworth Bros.' Chico,' which is doing a lot of talking, even shouting. I consider our firm fortu nate in getting the agency for it, as it is in reality equal to any 10c. cigar, and it costs only 5c. "You see, we buy it direct from the maker, and the middleman dees not get any profit. At any rate, it is be coming the best seller in our case, and people who heretofore would have notnlug but a 10c. or even 15c. cigar, ask for a Chico, and say they like it. . Better try one yourself and see how good it is." - . . - a new man just springing into promi nence, but a gentleman who has long served both his State and his church with distinction. He is a tall man, about fifty years of age and a most popular man as well as being an orator. Col. R. E. Mason, of this city, served with Col. Clinkscales on the staff of Governor Wade Hamp ton, of South Carolina, during his term fofoffice. - The committee in charge of these meetings feel that they have secured a speaker who will be worthy of the great audience of men that will un doubtedly turn out to hear him. For the benefit of those who have not been' attending these services let it be known that the services are for the general public and not for the members of the Young Men's Christian Association alone. The meetings are simply being pro moted by the Y. M. C. A. and all men are cordially invited to take part in mem. Ill Pma'atfrw ! IS I A Spanish Proverb Says: "When the fool has made up his mind the market has gone by." The Greatest Shoe ever held in Charlotte will soon be at an end. For TOMORROW we have lumped together Shoes at various prices. Some worth double, and put them in at the very lowest "clearance price" of the cheapest in the lot. To these, we have added a few brand new goods in order to make the sizes complete and clean out the whole busi ness. If you need shoes and if you don't you can afford to come here and buy two or three pairs TOMORROW. It's certainly your chance. If You Enjoy Finding Money, Here Is Your Opportunity, Don't Let From You. r- - - Found Out at Last. From the Philadelphia Ledger. One of Dowie's elders declares that the prophet is a failure. So the news has leaked into Zion at last? . A GUARANTEES CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protuding Pilos Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails vo cure la 6 to 14 days. 50c. S1 '" .69 Women's Fine Shoes In these two lots you will find shoes swell enough for the swellest, some of thsrn comrades to those you have paid us up to $3.00 or $3.50 for all bunched tosfether. the pi sizes a little broken! of 4 course, but most all sizes in the lot. You can afford to buy these for NOW and for LATER wear 98c $1.18 1,37 1 .48 These prices come pretty near taking anything we have in wo men's Shoes and Men's Fine ones, priced low to clean out the entire lot. When you look at these shoes and then the price you'll feel sure we have made a mistake. $2.24 2,69 2.96 3.89 I Tomorrow is Your ChanGe errvhill-Suther-DurfeeGo 9 12 West Trade St., Charlotte 9 THE YOUNGSTER 48c 69c 73c 98c 1.18 1.61 1.98 who rushes through a pair of shoes a week can get here tomorrow two pairs for about the price of one, not all sizes in every style, but most all sizes in tne lot at one price or the other. Shoes worth all the way up to $3.50. CHARLOTTE, N. C, Under tne Management of C. E. Hooper & Co. Offers: An Excellent Table, Large, Light, Warm Rooms Clean, Comfortable Beds Attentive Servants. And every substantial comfort belonging to a well-kept modern Hotel. A Child's Bicycle a Hew Year's Present will make the happiest child. We have all sizes to select from. Call and get our price? Full line of supplies. Relay MTg Co., 213 8. Tryon St f T For Sale The O'DONAGUHU Residence on East aenue. 4 houses and lots on S. Brevard 4 St. ' V FOR RENT. V.rnnm T ahoa nMn rf T7l 0"h t h and Davidson. ? Helis I i 'PHONE 604 Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. A Permanent Asset The Purcnaser . of diamonds can see ths end of his invest ment. He secures a clear value and a permanent asset as well as a constant aesthetic gratification. Our collection is made up of selected stones of the highest grade- THc Palamountain Co. TWELERS-