THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 12, 1906. 8 SHELBY NEWS ITEMS. Two Young Couples Wed Death of Young Lady Mr. Shufford purchas ed Bottling Works. Brilliant Recep tion Special to The News. Shelby, N. C. Feb 12 Mr. Ed Jen kins, popular young son of Mr. Jno. Jenkins, of P.. F. D. Lattiniore, was happily married Sunday to Miss Lelia Gold the lovely young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gold, at the residence of the brides home. Rev. Z. D. Harrill performing the ceremony in his usual and imnressive manner. Immediately after the marriage, the bridal party repaired to the home of the grooms parents where a brilliant reception was tendered them. Messrs.J .F. Gaffnev, Blconi II. Ken dall and Clyde Gaffney are preparing to oien a brick yard in Shelby. They will purchase a good steam brick ma chine, and expect to make a large num ber of brick during the summer. Brick, and all kinds of building material are in great demand in Shelby. Miss Florence Bridges, a most es timable young lady of Camp Call, died early Wednesday morning, after a brief illness of pneumonia. Deceased was enly 18 years old, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bridges, and a lovely Christian girl. She was a con sistent member of the Baptist church. The bedy was laid to rest in Union Church graveyard Thursday, the funer al being preached by her pastor. On Wednesday morning, Feb.Tth, at 10 o'clock, Mr. Ezra Champion, of R. F. D. No. 1, Shelby, and Miss Susie Dickson, of Belwood, were most hap pily married at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. Thomas Dixon, Sr., per forming the ceremony in the presence cf a host of friends. Immediately af ter the marriage, the bridal party re paired to the home of the groom's parents, where a sumptious dinner was served. The groom is the popular and industrious young son of Mr. Geo. R. Champion, of. Shelby, while the bride is the attractive young dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Dickson, of Belwopd. Two handsome residences of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McMurry was the scene of a brilliant reception on last Tuesday evening in honor of Misses Anne Jennings and Amos Willis, at tractive young ladies of the Blue Grass State, who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. McMurry. After greeting the host and hostess and guests of honor, the guests were served with delicious chocolate and cake in the parlor by Misses Wray Suttle and Elva Wray, after which cream and cake were served in the dining room by Misses Helen Dover. Alene Kendall, and Bertie Webb, and Mrs. S. A. McMurry and Mrs. George Blanton received in the hall, while little Misses Margaret McMurry and Mary Harris and Master W'illis McMurry did the honors in es corting the guests to the cloak rooms. The house was elaborately and taste fully decorated, about one hundred were present, and all spent an evening of rare pleasure and real enjoyment. Rev. Robt M. Hoyle, the able pre siding elder of the Shelby district, will preach in the Shelby Methodist Church Sunday evening, and will be heard by a large congregation. His sermons are always impressive, eloqu ent and original. Robt L. Rrburn, Esc., who has been in New York. Washington and New Jersey on professional business, re turned home to-day. Clyde R. Hoey, Esq., attended Ruth erford court this week. Wm. R. Hartgrove, of Charlotte came in Thursday in response to a telegram announcing the serious burn ing of his brothers' child. Mr. Hart grove will spend a few days with his mother. riiiomrpp nm nrno .&w GROCtKS m TO PLANT YOUNG TREES. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble Kklnej trouble preys upoii the mind, dis courages &nd lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cnsMiumess socn disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble ha3 become: so prevalent that it is not uncommon ior a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the chi!d urin ates too often, :f the irine scalds the flesh or i?, when tho child rt aches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with Ded-wetting, depend upon it. the cause cf the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition c-f the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Tnst people suppose. Women as weil as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the. fame great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect oi Swamp-Root is soon :eaiized. It is sold by druggists, 'n ffty ccnt and or.d dollar vzts. You may have a s-jnple bottle by mail ree: also pamphlet tell- Home of st-amp-Root Tig ail about it, including many of the Ihousands of testimonial letters received UwiTi sufferers cured. It writing Dr. Kilmet Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be suve anJ msntior- Dacer. Don't make any mistake, but re member the names Swamp-Roct, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton. N. Y., on every otle FROM CEMETERY TO ALTAR. Widow Lost No Time in Taking a Second Husband. Swainsboro, Ga., -Feb. 12. After the burial of her husband last week Mrs. Alice Sewell left the cemetery, accom panied by Robert S. McDaniel, who had been in love with Mrs. Sewell before her marriage. It has since become known that the couple after leaving the grave, went to the office of Judge Sutton and were made man and wife. Immediately after the ceremony they left on a wed ding trip. Mrs. Sewell is reported to have said that she needed some one to comfort her, and she knew McDaniel had loved her long. The up-to-date woman avoids caus tics, drugs and powders. They are ex tremely harmful to the skin, while Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes it soft and beautiful. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. A Word EACH INSERTION WANTED. so WASTED Second-hand open rubber tired buggy and set of harness in good condition. Apply L. It. Hagood, 18 ISast Trade St. 8-tf FOR SALhOR RENT. FOR RENT 2 partly furnished rooms at 210 East 5th. Phone 73. 10-3t FOR RENT One room furnished or unfurnished to young, man. References exchanged. Address 408, E. 5th. 9-3t FOR BEAT Five-room flat, modern conveniences. Hackney Bros. 1-29-M-W. -S-tf FOR SAf.E Four good farms in South Carolina of 1000 acres. Prices reasonable. Terms to suit purchaser. Write R. E. Mason, M. D., 1-27-sat tf R. R. Providing For Its Future Supply Of Timber For Fence Posts and Rail road Ties. - Ottawa, Feb. 12. It is understood that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has decided to plant large quantities of young tree3 at various points along its prairie lines, so as to be able, in future time, to supply its own ties and fence posts. The plan was suggested to the president of the com pany, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, by the superintendent of the forestry branch of the Interior Department here. The company fully appreciates the fact that the day will come when ties and lum ber of all kinds will reach very high prices, especially in the West, and so it is now preparing to meet the emer gency by establishing and maintaining tree plantations in the West and thus have in due time a good supply of its own to draw from when needed. The wood best adapted for railway ties is the birch. This grows rapidly on the Western plains, and will no doubt be the chief variety of trees that the company will set out in the proposed plantations. As the trees grow to large size and begin to crowd one another they will be thinned out for fence posts. BOTH FOOD AND MEDICINE. We like best to call Scott's Emulsion a food-medicine. It is a term that aptly describes the character and action of our Emulsion. More than a medicine more than a food, yet combining the vital prin ciples of both. It is for this reason that Scott's Emulsion has a distinct and special value in all wasting diseases. There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of im perfect growth and delicate health in children. The action of Scott's Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak ness and wasting in adults. SCOTT & BOWXE, 409 Pearl Street, New York. MULES FOR SALE Cheap, at Mc Msnus' stable, on South College St. 8-4t - : FOR HEXT Seven room house, 203 South Myers street. Water and gas. Apply to A. L.. Smith, 2-2tf FOR RENT Large House. No. 908 W. 5th St, either whole or part. Apply at house. 1-22-tf MISCELLANEOUS. ' . . ., ALL person? having approved bills against the city in my hands will please call and collect. C. M. Ether edge, City Treasurer. 12-3t NICE combination horse, buggy and harness: also three srood m turntable wagon for sale. W. S. Linder, west 5th St. i2-2t FOUND Rough gold stick pin. Owner can get same at News office by paying for this advertisement. 12-tf SWEET PUMPKIN in 3 lb. cans, 15c. If. you want the best, try it. Extra canned Beets, 3 lb. cans, 15c. Stringless beans, 7Mc can; Blackberries, 10c Apricots, 3 ID. cans, 15 and 20c; BartieTt rea.13 :n syrup, 3 tt. cans, 15c. Wagner's best Baked Beans, 3 lb. Cans, 10 and 12&c..'. ERIDGERS & CO. : J. H, LITTLE, .? President. C..M. PATTERSON, L. R. HAGoOD, Vice President. Cashier. CHARLOTTE TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL $100,000.00. "POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON We need a little heat, So we can fix enough for six, And sive a little treat," of "Banington Hall" eoliee. If you buy one can of this coffee you will bid ! farewell to all other coffees; it has j no equal. Try it. Granulated sugar, 201bs. to the dollar. 'Phone 935. W. L. POPE. GENERAL BANKING Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent. Interest cn Deposit. DIRECTORS: W.H. BELK. O. P. HEATH, W. M. LONG, J. M. DAVIS, H. G. LINK, C. M. PATTERSON, T. C. GUTHRIE, J. H. LITTLE, J. W. ZIMMERMAN. . Business Solicited. W T. C. GUTHRIE, J. H. LITTLE, J. W. ZIMMERMAN. W .-f . . Business Solicited. ; , . (H Agj VJg; UK VJ !S7 yiS?VigJS 43S'VsSV7SBS'a5S' V?Vte7V!s! fc m FIXE LOT . GOLDEN YELLOW TURNIPS, NOK'ION YAM SWEET POTATOES LARGE SMOOTH HUSH POTATOES, CALIFORNIA ORANGES BANANAS, ETC. ' Always Phone 330. J. K. DAKSEY. 20 North College Street. Charlotte. A FULL IJXE OF FRESH BACOX. Spring Lettuce Carots, Soup Bunches, Kadir.hes ami Spring Onions. Phone us your orders. S. It. LEXTZ. Grocer, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 251. New Lot DELICIOUS VIRGIXIA HAMS. A fresh barrel Fine Kraut just opened. Nice Cream Cheese. Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Turnips, Butter, Eggs, and Poultry, Kingan's Pure Lard and Choice California and Florida Oranges. EDWARD CAMPBELL, Grocer, 5th and College Sts. Thone C95. VAN CAMP'S CANNED GOODS, A Full Line of them of that excelnt quality ana navor tnat nas maae nus l.rarl f'lmnnc Tfino Tl-ieh PdtatneS. Country Eggs, Butter and Poultry, and everything in groceries at lowest prices. XV. T. RTJCKEIi, 12th and Caldwell Sts. 'Phone 1165 INVESTMENTS Real Estate investments are now in greater demand in Char lotte than,, ever before. We have on our list several pieces of prop erty that ought to interest anyone in search of such investments. See us about them. We have several desirable homes and vacant lots on our list, both in the city and suburbs. CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. G. CRAIG, Secretary and Manager. Phone No. 377. Office, No. 18 E. Trade Street. Phone No. 377. Office, No. 18 E. Trade Street. t Don't Be Afraid...... Because it is getting cold to start to Building ' Use "HARD CLINCH PLASTER" WATER AND FREEZING WEATHER WONT HURT lY. Charlotte Plaster Co nest and Freishest Groceries at Lowest Irlce at Caldwell & Company's. 4th & ChureU Sts. 'Phone 754 MISCELLANEOUS jXIXETY per CENTS of all insurance policies and Ins. sta tistical work in the U. S. is to day handled on the OLIVER TYPEWRITER. Insurance people are always progres sive J. B. CRAYTON & CO., Trust Building. NEW URAPHAPHONE RECORDS. We have just received a full line of the latest things out. Come in and hear the newest catchy music. We sell talk ins machines of all makes at lowest prices. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. faTHE CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER, $35. Satisfactorily meets the requirements of the heaviest office work. The only machine for those whose work does not justify them in paying ?100. for a typewriter. s Investigate Get the Proof. ' II. R. TOWNSEND, General Agent. 22 W. Fifth St. Charlotte, 2V. C. IS' YOUR ROOF Standing the Test That This Weather Pots It to? If Not 'Phone us for Help. STRANGE & SIIUMAN, Tin and Slate Roofing. 32 North College St. 7hone 611. PHONE 370 WOOD WE ARE ABLE to furnish dry Oak and Pine Stove Wood in any quantity desired by you. Phone 370. c. Down & co., Cor. Sth and Railroad. ERRANDS run toy rostal Telegraph Messenger". Prompt aiuf reliable ser vice guaranteed. Telephone 13b. W. O. Gaffney, Manager. THIS WELL That the Charlotte Building & Loan Association will open its 33 Series Saturday, Feb ruary 3rd, 1906, at its office, 203 North Tryon St. Applications for loans now being filed. The Secretary will be pleased to talk to any that are considering tak ing B. & Li. Stock and anything not understood will gladly explain. J. H. VAN NESS,' President. WILLIS BROWN, Sec. & Treas. Q g ssa, QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS We buy, sell and exchange all sorts o city and suburban prop erty, improved or unimproved, and farming and timber lands. We can always find, a buyer for your property, and if he is short on part of the purchase price, we can frequently help him finance the deal. We have money on hand at all times to lend at from one to three years, and we are glad of an opportunity to place it on good real estate, when the buyer makes a satisfactory cash payment also. If you are in the Real Estate Market, either to buy or ex change, you will do well to consult us before making any sort of a trade. We have very superior facilities for doing satisfactory business,' and it would pay you to ring up 236 before making a deal. Spew Real Estate, Loan and Trust Go, W. E. HOLT, President. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. track of your expense very easily if you have a checking account, lor ev ery check shows what you spent yoii spent your money for and is a groat help in keeping one from spend in more than one otherwise would. . We would like, to have you open a checkin account with us. We offer every courtesy that is consistent with safe banking methods. Call and see us about your banking business and we think- we can con vince you. of the advantage to be gain ed by opening an account with us. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. R. A. DUNN, V. P. A. T. SUMMEY, Asst. Cash. The Charlotte National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Resources $1,100,000.00 V It Is the business of this bank as well as its pleasure to encourage wit. substantial help our depositors who are thrifty and reliable and ambS accumulate money and succeed. If you are in this class want your bank account. Call on or write. , ;,:;., ; . , ;, , ; . W. H. TWITTV, Cashier. t ' " ' ' . FRANK GILREATB, President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C Orsanlxed 1805. . ; ; CAPITAL AND SURPLUS...... $ 500,000.00 ASSETS 1,970,716.69 Your business respectfully splicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with sound banking. :,;;,-.-: :,; ; -:r , H. - VICTOR, Cashier. . . D EVERYBODY SHOULD CARRY A I BANK ACCOUNT p All agree-that every man, woman and child should carry a f gL bank account Saving money strengthens character, promotes ones's , business interests, helps one's reputation, establishes one's credi' P paves the way to prosperity, leads to a home and provides for oi 5 age and sickness. Southern Loan & Savings Bank P P. M. BROWN, President. ' W. S. ALEXANDER, V. Pres. P W. U JENKINS, Cashier. . REAL ESTATE WANTED More Dwellings, Stores and Offices to let.- More demand than supply. Some of you are not satisfied with your present returns. Let me use my rabbit foot a few times, and you'll smile all over. ' . li. KQESLGB, 25 S. Tryon St. 'PIIOM3 1195 for Dry Oak and Pine Wood in any quantity. Quick delivery. Adams & Henderson .... 12-22eod-tf ..Tci LKT Uear portion second and third floors Brick store 217 So Tryon. Good light. Will fix up for Lpdge hall, etc., lime lease. W. P. Dowd. l-22-10t-eod. E. P. HOOVER, 303 West Trade 6treet. Fresh water-ground meal and choice grroeceries. Phone 1248. 11-29-w-sm-tf. ... BUSINESS BUILDERS, RESTAURANTS OYSTEItS AND GAME are at their best now and if you want them served just right drop into THE GEM nESTUUAlVT Try one of our Western Steaka. DRUGGISTS SWEET PEAS. All colors, senarate orvmixed. in bulk or in papers. Plant early as possible. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. ' Phone 247. B. S, Davis. DERMAL BALM The Reliable ar.d Certain- Curs for Chapped and Rouen Skin 25' cents R. H. Jordan & Co. OUU LIME OP TOOTH NAIL, AND HAIR BRUSHES. Is Complete. Irlce to Soft Yon. . MAYER'S Y ; Druircrliit. 1 and Tryon Sts. 'Thone 252. Cold Breaker ! (Laxative.) V Moves the bowels gently, Stimulates the circulation, Warms the blood, Cures the Cold, 25c. Fresh shipment of the Famous Musk egon Buckwheat Flour just received. Phone your order . - - ,. Burweli S, Dunn Co. Retail Cor. Trade and Tryon Ste Wholesale 205 S. College St. 21 : Car Tickets For $1.00 t At the Office of the STREET RAILWAY CO E. D Laltsa, resident. Avoid Chaps V If we knew of anything better than our - ,. -; CAMPHORATED GLYCERINE '" LOTION : V . , for keeping . the : skin soft and sweet, we would recommend it. . Customers insist that there couldn't - be anything better. It heals chapped and roughened skin : in a night. ; . . :; . , ,, . Voodall & Sheppard r Druggists- Fresh car load Melrose FLOUR. We sell tJ any body. THE STAR MILLS XV. M. CROWELL, l'roti 'J'Iiobc 2ST TORES- Store rwuin, 2li N. Tryon St. . . . $50.00 Store room Dilworth $25.00 Manufacturer's Loft. Dilworth. . $25.00 Store room, 205 N. Tryon St $40.00 HOUSES- 6 room house 414 N. Smith st. . . $12.00 5-room cottage, 712 E. 9th... fl $10.00 4-room cottage, E. 5th St. Extd.. $7.00 4-room cottage,1 1217 North Davidson . Street $6.00 4-room cottage, Belmont Springs $6.00 4-room Cottage,. Vina Heights; . $5.00 BR0W11 k c6., 203 N Tryon Street, Phone . : : : : 535 For Sale City Property Dr. H. G. Henderson DENTIST. PhoP' USHER BROTHERS. ? 341 und 416, Hunt Buildinsr. Charlotte. 1ST. r Dentistry Practiced in all its Branches. XU Work Guaranteed. 'Phcu 373. Elegant Modem 9-room home, N. Try- on St .. - ' .. Elegant modern 9-room home, West Trade St. Elegant modern . 9-room home, East .Ave. Nice modern 8-room, home, N. Brevard St. . Nice modern 7-room home, 600 E. 9th St. ' Nice modern 5-room homes,511 and 515 E. 9th St. Iice modern ' 6-room home, 614 N. Caldwell St. Nice 6-room home, 11 E. 12th St.'. Nice 9-room home 9 E. 12th St. Also other very desirable city lots and investments at attractive prices and terms F ' J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Tlie MERCHANTS & FARMERS NAT. BAN ! CHARLOTTE, N. C CAPITAL - $200,000.00 ASSETS - - - $1,500,000.00 I We invite you to opeir an account , with us, promising every t courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking, We pay four per cent, interest on cime deposits. GEORGE E. WILSON, President -JOHN B. ROSS, Vice Pres. W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. j CANNOT OFTEN BUY ON BREVARD STREET A good, as new, 5-room Cottage for $1,650.00; $500 cash, balance through Buildias and Loan Association. All modern conveniences, car line by the door. Rents well. One block of GraA ed School, ( minutes' walk of tin Square. Will be sold at once. Call on or phona rowri & Company 203 N. TRYON ST. PHONE 535 the Plum While a few pessimists waste time prating about fictictious values in real estate, we notice that the "world do move," especially that part in and near the Queen City. While they are prating the man with faith and his eyes open gets the plum. ; Here are two to pick up, 25 acres, wood, new 5-room house, long macadam frontage. Another just it, only 50 acres and 6-rcom house; both cn easy terms; both the best in their class, an I their class, is the best. . Other farms, city and suburban property. W. T. Wilkinson: & Go. ' ' J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. Room 6 Hunt Building. Charlotte, N. C u SE that spare Dollar to open a Bank Account The first aepqsit makes the other ones easy. TRY IIV- PAY FOUR PER CENT Southern States Trust Company Trust Building, GEORGE STEPHENS, President. CAPITAL $200,000. Charlotte, N. C W. H. WOOD, Treasurer. T. S. FRANKLIN, Vice President. S. DAVIS,, Assistant Treasurer. ' :: "': -r ; , WE OFFER A Fine Business Lot ; TWO BLOCKS FROM THE SQUARE, . . ABOUT 99x1 88 IN SIZE. Just the place, for large wholesale business or machinery business. This. is one of the very fine properties of this class which can now be found on the Charlotte market, and we will take: pleasure in giving you pax-ticularsiat our office at an early date. : . : F- C. ABBOTT & COMPANY "EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE" 'J