THE CHARLOTTH NEWS, FEBRUARY 14, 1 906. 1 10 DEFENDS MR. C. C. MOORE. Mr. McD. Watkins Pays a Splendid Tribute to Him. Editor The News and mes-Democrat. Having been a member of the con vention that elected Mr. C. C. Moore president of the North Carolina divis ion of the Southern Cotton Associa tion, I feel it somewhat incumbent up on myself to reply to the communica tion of Mr. T. C. Gibson in refence to Mr. Moore, in his absence. I assume that Mr. Gibson's article that the office of State President of the Southern Cot ton Association of North Carolina was one much sought for by many candi dates from all over the State. Ihe truth of the matter is, that when Mr. Moore was elected it was done by ac clamation, just as was the case when elected president of the Mecklenburg association. After being elected, for a few moments he could not be found,and being found and apprised of his elec tion he respectfully declined the hon or stating that he could not see his way clear to accept. After some ef fort, however, he was prevailed upon to do so. Upon examination we found he naa good reasons not to do so, for we found that his predecessor.Col.John S. Cunningham had worked one whole year without any pecuniary recoiB-, pense, not even expenses except atj three places; had traveled over thej State making speeches at his own ex-j not set a lot of j abuse' for not organizing the State. None of the officials had gotten any pay for last year's work except the secretary and treasurer and he report ed the State treasury of the associa tion empty. When Mr. Moore was escorted to the chair he moved with great relutance. He reminded me of a pair of oxen that I, when a boy, undertook to break to work. When they moved at ail it was backward instead of forward and that movement was promoted by twist ing their tails and stopping their noses Mr. McNeill, of Fayetteville, sitting by my side, remarked as Mr. Moore was hemp- cflrred almost bodily to the chair, "That that was a sight that he had never before witnessed in North Pfirnlina office seeking the man. The delegates representing the State seemed very anxious to get it organ ized and they could hear of no success ful organization except in tne couuues of Union and Mecklenburg. Mr. Moore's capacity as an organizer had preceded him over the State, hence the anxiety of the delegates to put him in. the lead.. He. accepted this position without knowing where he was to get one dollar to provide for those who were dearest to him at home. And now to get any remuneration, whatever, for his work and time he will have to or ganize all the cotton counties of the State on the same basis as was done in Mecklenburg. It is certainly uncharitable and un reasonable for the public to expect anyone to do so much work just for patriotism. It was well known by everybody that Mr. Moore was a can didate for the office of Superior Court clerk before he commenced this work even for Mecklenburg county. Notwithstanding that fact he was elected president of the Mecklen burg association and we all know the value of his work here and how little he has received for it. So far he has shown himself to be the most efficient organizer in the State. I am sure that Capt. S. B. Alexander and Mr. W. A. Grier, of Steele Creek, both of whom were present at his election in' Raleigh, will bear me out in what I have stated about him at the time of his election. Unless Mr. Gibson, or some one else, will provide for his family I think that the unselfish public might let him alone and let him come home if he wants to. The salaries of the offices of the Southern Cotton Association are still uncertain quantities. The asso ciation itself is yet in its infancy. No one particularly seems to feel indebted to the organization for its good work, and will pay for it only what and when they think proper. The North Carolina Cotton Association will not be a known quantity until Mr. Moore or some one else makes it so. I have rubbed up against Mr. Moore for the last 20 years or more in the dairy business. I have withered un der many a hard lick that he dealt me, but . have never yet known him to strike below the belt and I feel safe in stating that the historic county of Mecklenburg never raised a son more loyal to his friends, his county and his State. When his present work of organiza tion is finished it does seem mete and j proper that some other county should furnish a son willing and worthy and patriotic enough to take up the work where he leaves it. McD. WATKINS. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. (Resale.) Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Mecklenburg County, in special proceeding, enti tled, "V. C. Quinan et al, plaintiffs, petitioners, against Rosa Oehler, and another, defendants," we will sell at public auction at the county court house door in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., on Thursday, March 15th, 1906, that cer tain lot of land known as lot6 in square 130, in ward one (Butler's Map), of the city of Charlotte, N. C; being house and lot on North side of East 9th Street (98 by 198 feet), numbered 609 E. 9th Street, and being the same premises whereon Mrs. S. J. Frazier re sided at the time of her death. Terms of sale one-half (1-2) cash, balance on credit of twelve months with interest on deferred payment from date of sale until paid at the rate of six per cent per annum, with leave to purchas er to anticipate payment; title being reserved until purchase money is all paid. The property will be started at the price of ?2008.00. This Feb. 14th, 1906. C. H. DULS, u. W. KEERANS, 2-14-tds. Commissioners. lid A Word (lp EACH INSERTION WANTED. BUS ESS S GROCtKS WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses ad vanced. Address Geo. G. Clows, Char lotte, N .C. . 14-lt WANTED To buy a good second hand safe. Jno. Short. 14-lt OFFICE Boy wanted. Wheeler Wall Paper & Music Co. 14-t WANTED Copying and stenograph ic work tor two hours during day. Af leriiouu or evening. Address iv. care News. 14-it wanted A limited number of shorthand pupils.. Rates reasonable. Hours suitable to the working class Address, at once. Miss R., care News 14-W-Fri-Sat.-3t WANTED Fifty or seventy-five feet second hand shelving and counters, suitable for dry goods store. Address "G,". care News. ' 14-5t WANTED Second-hand open rubber .neu uussj ana set ot harness in good condition. Apply L. R. Hagood, 18 East 1 rade St. t FOR SALhOR RENT. FOR RENT OR SALE Mrs. Minnie W. Smith's residence No. 4 East More head street. Apply to George H. Brockenbrough, care Adams Grain & Provision Co. 14-tf FOR SALE Well established gro cery business in fine section of city. Good stock. Excellent trade. Call On or write, 514 E. 7th. i4-2t FOR RENT To gentlemen, desira ble rooms; bath, toilet, etc. 323 N. Try- on. 14-lt uT? ET Rear portion second and third floors Brick store 217 So Tryon Good light. Will fix up for Lodge hall! etc., time lease. W. F. Dowd. l-22-10t-eod. o ?t ,?E1VT Seven room house, 203 South Myers street. Water and gas. Apply to A. L. Smith, 2-2tf wFO KENT Large House, No. 908 v. 5 th St, either whole or Dart. Annlv 1-22-tf at house. MISCELLANEOUS. FANCY Grape Fruit, Oranges, New Beets, Carrots and Celery. North Car lina Dried Peaches. Sarrattfe Blakely. 14-lt. WHITE Wyandotte eggs for hatch ing. Write for booklet and prices. Few fine breeding cockerels cheap. Charlotte Poultry Farm, R. F.-D. 4, Charlotte, N. C. 14-7t-eod. FOUND Near South Graded School a bundle of brooms. Owner can get same by paying for this ad. E. C Caton, R. F. D. Ufa. 1., Charlotte. Ni?That after using Warren's lar.p az?rs,- you don't need "Cold wfd uuor lo vny Hall, 8-11- "MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER." New Scientific Remedy that Gets at The Joints from the Inside. When you get up in the morning with a headache, pains in the joints and muscles, and a dark brown taste in the mouth, it is ample proof that your blood is in bad condition. Pills and stimulants may give you tempo rary relief, but they will not cure. RHEUMACIDE goes right to the seat -.1 the trouble, sweeps all the germs and poisons out of the blood, cleans up every "plaugue spot" in the body and "makes you well all over." RHEUMACIDE tones up the stomach, relieves indigestion and constipation, regulates the liver : and kidneys and restores each organ to its natural fun ctions., By building up the entire system RHEUMACIDE fortifies you against La - Grippe, Pneumonia and winter colds. Through its cleaning of the blood it wards off Malaria and pre vents Spring Fever. No other medicine has yet been found that cures rheumatism to stay cured. A remedy that , is powerful enough to cure Rhemuatism also re moves the germs of all other blood dis eases.'': '-. Powerful as it is. RHEUMACIDE is a purely vegetable remedy that does not even harm the stomach of a baby and acts entirely through nature's channels. Your druggist sells and recommends RHEUMACIDE. 'PHONE 1195, for Dry Oak and Pine a2L. i ay lnantlty. Quick delivery.' Adams & Henderson .... 12-22eod-tf ttf:P' iIOOuVER 303 West Trade btieet. Fresh' water-ground meal and chic Sreceries. Phone 1248. 11-29-w-sm-tf. LOST Small, valise Sunday night about 11 o'clock on Trade street be tween depot and Davidson street. Find er will be rewarded for returning same to 8 South Davidson St. i3-2t MOTHER .JONES will lecture on Socialism" at court house, next Fri day night, 8 o'clock. .Admission free. 13-4t TRESPASS NOTICES On cloth or card board at the News Printing House, 29 S. Tryon St; . D&W'tf COW PEAS We liave a large quan tity of selected seed peas, which we of fer at the lowest market price. We are headquarters ' for poultry foods and supplies. Davidson & Wolfe, 36 East Trade St.. . 2-13-5t ALL persons having; approved bills against the city ? in my hands will please call and collect. C. M. Ether edge, City Treasurer. 12-3t : BUSINESS BUILDERS. RESTAURANTS OYSTERS ANI liAME are at their best now and If you want them served just right. drop Into THE GEI RE. TUR.A NT Try one of our We (tern Steak. NEW LOT- MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT. Always 'Phone 350. J. E. DARSEY. : SMALL Pig Hams, very best qual ity 6 to 8 lbs. 16c; other sizes 12c to 14c. Pure leaf Lard 9c, 10c. and 11c, according to quantity. Best boneless Bacon, 15c; sour pickles, 7 l-2c doz en: sweet mixed pickles, 20c quart. BRIDGERS & CO., 203 W. Trade St. FRESH QUEEN OLIVES in Bulk. Large, Meaty, delicious flavor. While they last 40c quart. S. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 251. PURE WHITE LEGHORN FOWLS I hav just bought the entire flock of pure white Leghorn fowls from the Zimmerman farm. They are beauties and last season their eggs sold for $3.00 a setting. I will sell them in lots to suit the purchaser for half val ue, 60 to 73 cents each. EDWARD CAMPBELL, 5th and College Sts. 'Phone 695. v"POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON We need a little heat, So we can fix enough for six, And give a little treat," of "Barrington Hall" coffee. If you buy one can of this coffee you will bid farewell to all other coffees; it has no equal. Try it. Granulated sugar, 201b s. to the dollar. 'Phone 935. W. L. POPE. New Lot DELICIOUS VIRGINIA HAMS. A fresh barrel Fine Kraut just opened. Nice Cream Cheese. Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Turnips, Butter, Eggs, and Poultry, Kingan's Pure Lard and Choice California and Florida Oranges. EDWARD CAMPBELL, Grocer. nth anil College Sts. 'Phone 695, DRUGGISTS rJoTWo7ePaTn When you have taken DAVIS' HEADACHE CURE. Ask Anybody. 15 and 25c. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. Phone 247. B. S. Davis. J. H. LITTLE, President C. M. PATTERSON, .Vice President. L. R. HAGOOD, Cashier. CHARLOTTE TRUST C0MPAMY CAPITAL $100,000.00. GENERAL BANKING Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent. Interest on Deposit. v DIRECTORS: W. H. BELK, O. P. HEATH, W. M. LONG, ' J. M. DAVIS, H. G. LINK, C. M. PATTERSON, T, C. GUTHRIE, J. H. LITTLE, J.W.ZIMMERMAN. Business Solicited.' CSSS INVESTMENTS Real Estate investments are now in greater demand in Char lotte than ever before. We have on our list several pieces of prop erty that ought to interest anyone in search of such investments. See us about them. -. We have several desirable 'homes and vacant lots on our list, both in the city and suburbs, jf jfci. ;!., , ' CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. G. CRAIG, Secretary and Manager. Phone No. 377. Office, No. 18 E. Trade Street. fish Don't Be Afraid...... , Because it is getting cold to start to Building ilse "HARD CLINCH PLASTER" WATER AND FREEZING WEATHER WONT HURT r. Charlotte Plaster Co QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS We buy, sell and exchange all sorts oE city and suburban pron erty, improved, or unimproved, and farming and timber lands we can always find a buyer for your property, and if he is short on part of the purchase price, we can frequently help him finance the deal. We have money on hand at all times to lend at from one to three years, and we are glad of an opportunity to place it on good real estate, when the buyer makes a satisfactory cash payment also. If you are in the Real Estate Market, . either to buy or ex change, you will do well to consult us before making any sort of a trade. We have very superior facilities for doing satisfactory business, and it would pay you to ring up 236 before making a deal Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Go, jun'icu lujuoutc wiien you do not avail yourself of the resources ami f. cilities possessed by the Commercial iMauonai cans, it nas the largest the State; stands first on the honor roii or iauonai uanKs in the State as to strength and two hundred anil enth in the United States, and has the desire for new business, tosrethpr willingness to extend every accomo a anon consistent with sound bank ing methods; conservative but liberal With long experience in the business we know a good paper when we see it and don't have to reject a good onering oecause ot ignorance of val ues. i;au ana see us. OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. A! T. SUMMEY, Asst. Cash. mwm COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, W. E. HOLT, President, ' R. A. .DUNN, V. P. OOOOOOOOOOOOOI&OOGOOOOOOOO , OUR MNE OF TOOTH, NAIL, A BID HAIR BRUSHES. Is Complete. Pilces to Suit You. MAYER'S Druggist, r 111 ud Tryon Sts. 'Phone 252. MISCELLANEOUS HAVE you noticed that all the new typewriters are visible writers; that blind writers are becoming obselete; that the Oliver is leading all other Typewriters in numbers of sales? An other year will witness the disappear ance of the blind writer. Trade now for an Oliver and get what, all progres sive people are using. J. E. CRAY TON & CO., Trust Building. " NEW GRAPHAPHONE RECORDS. We have just received a full line of the latest things out. Come in and hear the newest catchy music. We sell talk ing machines of all makes at lowest prices. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. "THE CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER, 35. Satisfactorily meets the requirements of the heaviest office work. The only machine for those whose work does not justify them in paying -$100. for a typewriter. Investigate Get the Proof. H. R. TOWNSEND, General .A cent. 22 W. Fifth St. Charlotte. N. C. THIS WELL That the Charlotte Building & Loan will open its 33 Series Saturday, Feb ruary 3rd, 1906,, at its office, 203 North Tryon St. . . :; . V . Applications for loans now being filed. The Secretary h will be pleased to talk to any that are considering tak ing B. & L. Stock and anything not understood will gladly explain. J. H. VAN NESS, President. WILLIS BROWN. Sec. & Treas. h Sri' TT7T7,rVT30TW CU7"ITTT TA A DDV A I IS YOUR ROOF Standing the Test That This Wenther PntM It to? If Not, 'Phone u for Heln. STRANGE & S HUMAN) Tin and Slate Roofing. 33 North College St. Phone 611. PHONE 370 WOOD. -WE ARE ABLE i EVERYBODY SHOULD CARRY A BAMK ACCOUNT All agree that every man, woman and child should carry a bank account. Saving money strengthens character, promotes ones's business interests, helps one's reputation, establishes one's credi' paves the way to prosperity, Isads to a home and provides for ot ag and sickness. -anji Southern Loan & Savings Bank s i M. BROWN, President. ; J' . W. Li. WT. S. ALEXANDER, V. Pres. JENKINS, Cashier. to furnish dry Oak and Pin Strv Wood in any quantity desired by you. Phone 370. . DOWD & CO., Cor. 8th and Railroad. ERRANDS run by rostal Telegraph Messenger", Prompt and reliable ser vice guaranteed. Telephone 136. W. O. Gaffney. Manager. REAL ESTATE ; WANTED More Dwellings. Stores and Offices to let. More demand than supply. Some of you are not satisfied with your present returns. Let me use my rabbit foot a few times, and you'll smile all over. 1. Ii. KKESLER, 25 S. Tryon St. DERMAL BALM The Reliable and Certain Cure for Chapped and Rough Skin 25 cents R. 11. Jordan & Co. Cold Breaker ! (Laxative.) Moves the bowels gently, Stimulates the circulation, Warms the blood, ' Cures the Cold, ... ;' 25c. - i ' Burvvell & Dunn Co. Retail Cor.( Trade and Tryon Sts. WholesaleT205 S. College St.1 Car Tickets For $1.00 At the Office of the STREET RAILWAY CO E. D Lattfl. resident. Avoid Chaps If we knew of anything bettejr than our ,....(' CAMPHORATED GLYCERINE LOTION f j 1 for keeping the skin soft and sweet, we would recommenid it. Customers insist that there couldn't be anything bet jter. It heals chapped and roughen ied skin in a night. ? Vo o d a II & S h ep pard Druggists. . Fresh car load Melrose FLOUR. We sell to any body. THE STAR MILLS W. 31. CROWELL, Prop 'Phone 287 FOR REIT ! Modern 7-room house, 14 North Bre vard, all conveniences, . . .$22.50 Modern 6-roora cottage, 10 South My ers ..$16.66 6-room cottage, 416 N. in ..... . . . . . Church, close .. ....$13.50 ' Fresh shipment of the Famous Musk egon Buckwheat Flour, just received. Phone your order. . . "'HID USHER BROTHERS. Phon9 3 t And 416. Dr. H. C. Hender sorv ) : 0ENTIST. i Hunt Building, Charlottev JN . C. Dentistry Pnticed in all Its Fi anches. o4i .worK uuaraaiiige; 6-room cottage, 515 N. Poplar,. .$15.00 4-room cottage, 609 E. 7th , . .$8.00 4-room house, South Cedar St.. . . .$6.00 3 rooms over 317 East Trade, .... $6.00 3 . room house, Seversiylle, $1.00 per week. 1 store room.. Belmont. 1. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Por-Rentr STORES Store room Dilworth $25.00 Manufacturer's Loft, Dilworth . . $25.00 Store I roomy 205 N. Tryon St . . . ; $40.00 HOUSES- 6 room house 414 N. Smith St. .. $12.00 4-room cottage, E. 5th St. Extd.. $7.00 4-room cottage, 1217 North Davidson t Street $6.00 4-room cottage, Belmont Springs $6.00 4-room Cottage, Villa1 Heights. . $5.00 BROWN & CO., 203 N, Tiyon Street, Phone . : : : : 535 The Charlotte National Bank . UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Resources $1,100,000.00 It is the business of this bank as well as its pleasure to encourage viu euuHiauuai neip our depositors who are tnmty and reliable and ambl tious to accumulate money and: succeed.- If you are in this class i waul yuur uaiia. account.. . vUi on or write. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. FRANK GILREATH, President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C Organized 1865. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. . ....$ 500,000.00 ASSETS ... . ... ... . :. v. . . i ' 1,970,716.69 Your business respectfully solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extendea consistent with sound banking. V H. 31. .VICTOR, Cashier. I The MERCHANTS & FARMERS NAT. BAN CAPITAL ASSETS CHARLOTTE, N. C ; - $200,000.00 - V - $1,500,000.00 We invite you to ope& an account with us, promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking We pay four per cent, interest on time deposits. GEORGE E. WILSON, President. -JOHN B. ROSS, Vice Pres. H. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. CANNOT OFTEN BUY ON BREVARD STREET A good, as new, 5-room Cottage for $1,650.00; $500 cash, balance -through Building and Loan Association. All modern conveniences, car line by the door. Rents well. One block of Grad ed School, minutes' walk of thJ Square. Will be sold at once. Call on or phone Browrv & Company PHONE 535 T , ; 203 N. TRYON ST. Ilil Who Gets the Plum? While a few pessimists waste time prating about fictictious values in real estate, we notice that the "world dn move." esneciallv that Dart in and near the Queen City. While they are prating the man with faith and his eyes open gets the plum.,. Here are two to pick up, 25 acres, V2 wood, new 5-room house, long macadam frontage. Another just it, only 50 acres ana b-room house; both on easy terms; both the best in their class, am their class is the best. Other'farms, city and suburban property. W. T. Wilkinson . Co. '." J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. RomJjMHkmtJ SE that spare Dollar to open a Bank Account. The hrst deposit makes the other ones easy. TRY IT--WE PAY FOUR PER CENT Southern States Trust Company u Trust Building, GEORGE STEPHENS, President. CAPITA L $200,000. T. S. FRANKLIN, Vice President.- Charlotte, N. C W. H. WOOD, Treasurer. t'j C. DAVIS,, Assistant Treasurer. A WE OFFER Fine Business Lot TWO BLOCKS FROM THE SQUARE, ABOUT 99x198 IN SIZE. Just the place for large wholesale business or, machinery biioiness. This is one of the very fine properties of this class which can now be found on the Charlotte market, and. we will take pleasure in giving you particulars at our office at an early date." F. C- ABBOTT & COMPANY "EVERYTHING HN REAL ESTATE JWT-