Special Sale l-adies Fine Kid V 3 lore Days of the nniversary Sale We are much pleased with the suc cess of our Anniversary Sale, The way it is. being attendee shows the confi dence the people have in our ads. The three remaining days are- very important.. We have arranged, inter esting Specials for these days, in or der to keep up the interest .to. the : very last. , . SHJtl Thursday's Linen - Day Sale Fine Damasks Tickets are selling rapidly . for Xhe Colonial Concert to be given Monday evening, February 19, in; the1 Presby terian College auditorium, for the ben efit of the piano fund of the Y. W. C. A; A very deliehtfni ; riivwMTTi novel and attractive, has "been "arrang ed and a very enjoyable evening is as sured all who attend., . ; . .. ' and Doylies Our regular prices on Table Linens are acknowledged to be low, our trade in this department is rapidly building up. ' - v Thursday we cut these prices and offer you goods that you must soon buy anyway at very attractive cut prices. . -, 53-inch Heavy .Bleached -Cotton Dam.; ask .... .4 ..23c yd 70-mch Extia Heavy Unbleached Un ion Linen, splendid value . . .46c. yd 64-inch Half Bleached Damask, a splendid value, all linen 46c yd 70-inch Bleached Union Linen, a good; one ....... .... . 7i . '. . . .46c yd 70-inch German; Bleached," all " Linen, well worth 75c 61c yd. 70-inch full Bleached, all Linen, heavy; handsome " patterns, $1.00 grade ........ 79c. yd 72-ineh Full Bleached Extra fine, Double-faced Satin Damask, nice" enough for any table-.-.. .- . . ; . . . .89c yd. Extra Good Linen Napkins, excellent patterns ..$2.98 Doz. Also good values, - - $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, etc. ,-, The , music at.'thfe Carnival of Hearts in the City ' Hall last ight wai very' much, enjoyed. 'In addition, to bright v,auj, instrumental, selections,, 5 Miss Bertha Klueppelberg played Angels' Serenade" on the violin, and Mr. L. J.-. Townsend sang : witb fine 'effect "The Two Grenadiers.?,; ' - Miss Mattie Dowd, who, has been, in, New York: for two weeksi-. will retiirn to Charlotte Saturday:. 'She will be ac companied by Mrs. James Pinckard, of Montgomery, who will spend several days in - Charlotte- on her way from New York to her home. - Mrs. George-C. t McGfrlvaray has re: turned to the city 'after several: weeks' absence at her home at Staunton, Va - ' , Mrs. Edwin B. Greshamand son are spending the day with Mrs. P. C. Hen derson at Croft's. ' ... - . The Atlanta Constitution of today says that Miss Clara Bell will be among those entertaining next week for Miss Klutz, of Salisbury, N. C, the guest of Miss Adelaide Allen: She will give a Dutch supper.. Other affairs-in honor of tie same attractive visitor will be a chaffing dish supper, iat Which Mr. Walker Whiteside will be host. A matinee box party "next" week and on Friday evening an informal card party at .which Miss Ma'rgatet Brown will en tertain. Miss Allen's five o'clock tea will be a pleasant event of Friday, and her musical next .week will afford deH lightful entertainment. Mr. Harry"H. Pike, Miss Georgia Duncan and Miss Nell Forbes contributing to an; inform al programme, while " Miss Allen" and Miss Klutz, both of whom are pupils of Hischoff, will sing. " ' - 4 ' ' ' The Colonial Dames will meet Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. H. A. London, Jr., at her home on West Morehead street. f- Miss Bessie Steere . will entertain next Thursday : evening at her home on South Myers street : 4 Mrs. A. P. Rhyne and Miss Helen Rhyne, of Mount Holly, are visiting in the city. 4 - Miss Susie Hoffman, of. Gastonia, arrived, in the city this morning and is the guest of Miss Dora Allen Sater on West Trade street. . UFAMIf VIDRMFHV v V-Ali Druggists' 4 M :'l J-rij)!. EARLS. StOANL nigh.oVie of, the prettiest', was that of Mr. andi'MrsE: M; Helbig, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodall, on East Avenue. Cards was the " progressive game, which was entered into very-en thusiasjtically by, the guests. The first prize was was won by Mrs. Yarbrough, tne gentleman's prize by Mr. Fred At kinson t and the consolation by Mrs. Halley. ; The Eclectic Book Club will have a called meeting Friday afternoon at o clock with Mrs. A. C. Barron. This is a very important meeting and all members are; urged to be present. Mr. John M. Wolfe and bride, nee Miss CamiUe Hereford, will return to morrow to their home at Asheville af ter spending several days here -with Mr- Wolfe's parents,. Mr: and Mrs. C. H. Wolfe, Ao the east of the city. OXFORDS On Sale Now. $2.00 the Pair. IE you wear Shoes don't Jor- get to brins us your feet. : : - ri -i 4 THdMPQIlM s - x -I . I, 5 ) Mrs. T.; P. Weston will entertain at cards tomorrow evening in honor? of her guests, Misses Laiira and Alpha Green, . at her home on North .Poplar streef. v ' PERSONALS. Friday's Specia Is Advance showing" 16t choice" styles printed Organdies in beautiful pat terns. We bought these early be cause they were a big bargain. Al most as good quality as we sold for 20c and 25c yd. New ' styles, spe cial. .... ...'.v-i1; V;V.I.10cYd Extra quality good printed Lawns, new styles. We don't think youcan buy this quality later at this price. .5c yd India Linon Specials , 40-inch India Linon, pretty 12c qual- We have' too fcany fine" India' Liniohs Friday, we offer several bolts our regular 20 and 25c fine India Linons Friday for .... .. ,t. ...... ,15c. yd ;One lot nice India Linoii our;. Regular 8 l-3c quality. . ...Vi 1 . . i . .6c yd. Glean Up Curtain . Ends Remember those bargains we had in sample half curtains? They sold fast at 25c. We have a small lot left. They are nice for sash curtains, door centers, etc., . to clean up, .... ; ...... .'...15c each Special Talcum Powder Eastman's' Talcum Powder in bottles gives universal satisfaction.' We sell quantities, of this ""at 15c. Fri day not more than two bottles to a customer . ... . .V .-. ; ... .10c. The nicest' and finest Talcum Powder we sell is 4711 Rhine Violets Tal cum powder. Delicately scented, ab solutely pure, v Our special price ife 19c -.jcaiw-To introduce it . we will sell it Friday at . ...... ,.15c.cari Look in Tomorrow's, Paper for Saturj day's Sales. ;. 13 WEST TRADE ST. r Mrs. W. D. Cowles wh6 has been under treatment at the Presbyterian hospital will be removed to her home on North Church street- Saturday. Her many friends will rejoice to know. of her improvement: V . . - - . l Misses Nellie Watts, of Baltimore, and Laura and Ethel Carr, of Durham, all popular society ladies are expected to arrive in the city early next week to visit their aunt; Mrs. C..B. King, at Elizabeth College. . Mr. Robert G. Hayes left this morn ing on a business trip. Mr. John C. Ruse of Atlanta is in town. " Mr. Herbert Ramsatir, of the Adams Grain and Provision Company, left this morning on a business trip South. Mr. C. J. Owen, manager of the Pied mont Hotel Hotel at Atlanta is spend ing a few days in the city the guest of Mr.lC. E. Hooper, at the Hotel Buford. Mr. W.:G. Means, of Concord, spent today in the city on business. RECITALS AT ELIZABETH. The Twin City Daily Sentinel says that Mr. Horace A- Whitsett, of Reids ville, and Miss Carrie Bel Meador, of Stoneville,were . united . in . mariage here at 11:30 o'clock last night, the ceremony being performed in the par lor at Hotel Phoenix by the Rev. H. T. Coke.rector' of the Episcopal church. It was a Gretna green match, there being opposition on the part of the bride's parents. The couple arrived here on the N & W. train from Roan oke at 10 o'clock last night. They were accompanied by Misses Pinkney and Florence Meador, cousin of the bride. Cards reading as follows were re ceived In Charlotte today: t - "Mrs.. Thomas B. Whaley - announces the marriage of her daughter Grace Lj-: . - to ' ; Mr. Oscar Burton Saine February the twentieth one thousand nine hundred and six Columbia, South Carolina. . At home after March the tenth, 512 East Avenue, Charlotte, N. C- - .' At the wedding of Miss Lily Rhyne and" Mr. Miles P. Hoffman, which will take place on the evening of Thursday, February 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ai P. Rhyne, at Mount Holly, Misses Georgia Lowe and Norma Van Landingham will be "the "bridesmaids and Miss Helen Rhyne, a sister of the bride, maid of honor. Mr. Lewis White, of Philadelphia, will be best man and little. Miss Augusta Cannon, the daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Gannon, of Mount ' Holly, "ring bearer. The -ceremony :wnr be"performed by Rev;- William Boger, pastor of- the Mount Holly "Church. The wedding will be followed by a brilliant recep tion The couple . will spend - their honeymoon, in ; Florida, i after which tfiey . will, return . to" Mount. Holly and spend a few 'days' before leaving ." for their?future home in Philadelphia. '..v T7'-.-. Vs .' !:: . a Miss Ahha ' Mortihrn; of : Mariposa, arrivedV.in' the ;tity4! last - evening to Viiffriends and'telativesr-here. - Miss RchHortohll;ientert in her honor thi evening,-: ;. 1, ; . ' ' " nSmafriage'of Mr. Charles Garman aid Miss Sallie-Gallaiit .will occur this evening at.ther fixmiprthe idets pa reiits .'oav; NpHi Brevard .street. Rev. ins m twifi fan' Wsfor of , the 'First Associate --.'-Reformed Presbyterian Chnr.ch- will, be'-the-officiating- tninis- ter. ; i n -w-coupuj run y vv. honeymoon at Washington. . :,...." . :c J : f r " iAmong the many numerous valen tine parties given in Charlotte last Burnett's Vanilla Extract '.. .' J; . I Is the best. The. grocers know it. Insist- ott having Burnett's. It is for your food Pure and wholesome. Elizabeth College Choral Society Will Render "Stabat Mater." The fourth concert of the Elizabeth College Choral Society will be given in the college auditorium Thursday evening, February 15th, at 8.30 o'clock. Those who will take part in the con cert, in addition . to the regular mem bers of the chorus, are the following: Soloists, Miss Bel L. Seymore, Mrs. R. H. Matthews, Mr. R. H. Matthews, Mr. J. C. Watson. Pianists Miss Ger trude Capelmann. Organist Mr.' F. W. De Goyler. ' Director Mr. Harry J. Zehm. Conservatory of Music Announcements - For Coming Spring. : ! Mr. Harry J. Zehm, dpector of the Elizabeth' College Conservatory of Music, has arranged for quite a num ber of recitals and concerts to be given during the spring. They are- -as fol lows: February 19th, students' re cital; March 19th, faculty recital; April 9th, students' recital; May 21st, annual concert. . " , , Besides the above, informal recitals will be given at stated intervals. THE FOURTH CONCERT. ;'3JTRATI NGLA RG E jC RO WDS. x.-. I i '. The Carnival of Hearts is Growing !i'n : PoDularity. ', j i ; : .' The Carnival of Hearts the church attraction at 'the city hall,! continues to grow in popularity and the attendance today, which is St. Valentine's ' Day, promises to be unusually large. Many attractive features have been arranged. Among the many pretty and useful ar ticles in the fancy booth is a special donation from the Ladies Sewing So city of- Charlestown West, Va., and a souvenir picture of the people, of Winchester, Va., appealing to Washing ton for protection against the Indians. At the Carnival tonight the Dil worth band will render several selections, Mrs. T. D.,Le,e, will recite and Mr. Harvey Over cash will sing a solo. VAn interesting feature fori tomorrow will' be the baby show which will open at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. -V- All babies under two years of age will be admitted, accompanied by its'; mother, for 25 cents. Three 'competent judges awarg? tae.v JQJir, prizes which are ott fered; for the i handsomest fchild. The first ajrize , is ..W fine go-carti given by ; the Parker Gardner Compkny;:the se.c- ond,-;three solid gold baby pins,, given by Lineback the jeweler;, third prize a baby shawl pin, given by the Pala- mountain Jewelry' Company, and the fourth prize, a baby ring given , by J, E. Steere. : "' '.. .:, The ice cream booth in : charge of Mrs. E. C-Register, - assisted ; by Miss Maggie Belle Bennett and other youn: ladies was very popular yesterday and today. -' WHO WAS OLD MAN? MIDNIGHT FIRE ALARM. suupojied Jtb.athe old. man; froze to atfi; as th3ewere nobVuises to in- olay. In the pocket of the overhafts I wcel;?,47S5;.r ?41 in . gold: one S20 piece".'; four, five dollar pieces andja one CP'-lar niece. .The balance was in silver.- . In one pocket was ; a scrap of a let ter, on which the only thing legible was William f Maxwell; died December 1862.' The man evidently had been dead several ;Javs. before h Was found. -He was seffirbfFort-Miirabout a week ago, but no one ; knew hini. The body was taken to Fort Milt and was buried Sunday afternoon as it could not-be identified and being in a badly decom posed state, could not be kept any longer, - ' ' . . . . ; Blaze Discovered in the Basement of the Mecklenburg Restaurant. " Patrolman Mack Earnhardt discov ered a dense volume of smoke issuing from the basement of the Mecklen burg Restaurant on West Trade street last night, wd his prompt action in turning in the fire alarm prevented a dangerous conflagration. The alarm was sounded from call box No.38 lo cated at the corner of West Trade and Mint streets. ' The departments responding promptly and extinguished the flames with the chemical, appara tus. The fire originated in some trash.- ' Noted Negro Woman Coming. Mary Church Terrell, one of the best known negro women in America, will lecture at Friendship Baptist Church tomorrow night . beginning at, - 7-45 o'clock. She will take as her subject "The White Side, of a Black Subject.". The woman is a native of .Washing ton, D. C, and has lectured in many foreign countries. Another Blind Tiger. -. Henry Etheredge, colored, was ar rested as Seversville this - morning- on the charge of selling whiskey. He was given a hearing this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock before Acting Recorder S.H. Hilton and bound over, to the present term of criminal court in the sum : of $50. : - . ' - V J To Make Brains V Nature requires Albumen ' and Phospahte 'of Potash FROM FOOD. ' :-;.piHar'1Si these )etti$ts?.?A "NOTlCETo TaxpayeTsl-1905 taxes are past due. The county and schools are in need of the money. I beg that you 'call ahd settle.. TToa have had. time and sufficient notice. They must be ' paid or I will advertise. H. C. Duckworth, Tax Collector. 14-3t Body of Aged White Man: Found Near Railroad t Bridoe . Over Catawba River. There is much speculation as to who? the . xlc man really was whose boy , was :,foind : near the railroad bridge, ipvf iheiCatawba river a day or two;asbt T' Rock Hill Herald says: An aged man, probably 65 or 70 years old, .Yas found dead near the Southern Railway bridge over 'the Catawba ' ,fcver - 2 or 3 miles south of Fort Mil Saturday afternoon. The old man wffs was found by Jno. Or mand who lives near Fort Mill and he was lying close by a hay stack When found., He was, clad in a suit of over i3 thin underclothes. It hall s i -With is: death dicate ."foul play. Mastcd IT ; Lives in Gnariotte Men and Women Who Are in Need of a Helping - Hand Woodall &. Sheppard Offer a Way to Better Things. i . ? There is no more irritating or nerve- racking condition than that caused by a weak stomach. It gnaws and wears upon every nerve fiber in the body and results in sleeplessness and Head' 1 ache, backache, rheumatic pains, furr ed tongue, distress after eating, poor appetite and ' general weakness and debility. As we may look, to a. weakened stom ach for most of the chronic or linger ing .. ills that weaken and rack our lives., it is of. the greatest importance to know that aJ remedy for stomach troubles : is at last: offered by a " re liable drug firm in.Charlotte under, a guarantee that it costs' nothing, unless it cures. ' "'- ; ' : . '.'. ; .Woodall. & Sheppard, knowing the formula of Mi-o-na, feel that it. will be successful in every case where it is iised in .accprdance-with directions, that is, one tablet before each meal, and they offer to sell it under absolute guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. . . . . . -: : . A large box of Mi-o-na tablets costs but 50 cents, if it helps you; nothing unless it restores .health. If not convenient to obtain Mi o-na of Woodall & SheppardJ or some other retailer it will be sent by mail postage prepaid on receipt of price; ' The R. T. BootU Co.. Ithaca, Iff. Y. " : : ' NOW TOTALLY BLIND. To Erect Two "New Wires. Owing to increased business, the Postal Telegraph Company will, at an early date, commence the construction of two new wires from Washington to Atlanta. A' large quantity of the ma terial is already on-the ground. Both wires will be of the newest grade of copper. 4 ;. Mr. C D, Bennett went to Salisbury this morningpn -legal business. DrunKenness - Physicians pronounce drunken- ness a disease o? the. nervous sys- ' tern. No "will ikwer" can heal 1 the; stomadh' ? fhembrancs which. ' have : "beeA ned and; seared by alcohol. ' -.S--".I:-i'.'V . "Cures Whiskey and.Beer Habit - ORKI'N& remdves ihe craTltiff forJiquor by acting- directly on the effected nerves, restoring- the stomach and digestive organs to normal condition,- improving the ap petite and restoring- the health No san itarium treatment or publicity, - - Tocure without patient's knowledge, huy ORKINE No.' 1; for -voluntary treatment, , buy ORRINENa.2. Price$l4ertdx. : Cure Effected or Monejf Refunded - A registered guarantee in eich boy. JBook on "Drjinkenness" (sealed) mailed free on " request. All correspondence -confides al. : ORINEniailed (sealed) on receipt of ;, ice Sthe,ORRINE 0 Inc., Washing IK t, or sold by. , , r'-. R. H. JORDAN & COv'Char.-;.j, N.C The Sad Case of Mr. Paul McCorkle, of Chester, S. C. A great . many Charlotte people will recall the terrible accident that befell Mr, Paul G. McCorkle at Chester, S C, last summer. -This popular young man is now totally blind. . ? Mr. McCorkle, bis wife and little son, were in Rock Hill Sunday.; The Herald has the following which will be read in sadness by his many Charlotte friends: ' ' !'' 1; . "Mr. P, G. 'McCorkle, his wife and little" son,, of Chesterpent Sunday in the. city "with; relatives and friends. Mr. McCorkle is completely blind in both eyes. 'While waiting on a train at the station this morning a number of his old friends Tvere very glad, in deed, to have an opportunity to shake his friendly hand, but not ' being, able to tell whom he was speaking to-on ac count cf his eyesight it filled their hearts, with sadness to think that he would never see again. Every one knew Mr. McCorkle when he lived here and everyone was his friend." The regular communication .of Charlotte Lodge No. 392 B. P. O. Elks, will be held in the Elks' hall over the Southern ticket office tonight at J8 o'clock. . .' ' ' Give "effective relief: in bronr : chial and lung troubles. Contain nothing injurious. What Is o Ask .- -' :. ; . .'- : . ..' ... ' . . . '. ,.... : . '" Allen Hardware Co, New Draperies New Silkoline, thirty different v-;i patterns, - no two alike, 1906 designs, solid colors and com binatiqns to match any room, price the yard.;;. : l-2c Mummy Cloth Fancy Figured Mummy Cloth for covering furniture, boxes, etc:, price the yard.. . . . .. .... . . 15c New Art Denim New Bagdad Art Denim for Hall ' Curtains, the newest patterns shown in America, price the yard.t. ;..25c Plain Denim and Burlap These make splendid floor cover ing, colors - green, garnet, old , blue, ; navy and red, price the ......20c and 25c New Dress Goods 52-inch Plaid Panama makes a Swell Eton Suit, price the yard.. ... .$1.25 Grey Suiting 52-inch Light Grey AU-Wool Suiting, a suit of this material trimmed with New i Persian Bands is dead swell, price the yard.. 98c 1 7 r. J 3 ;Joilthat Bulldinjg oAssiociatIon which has the; best record fom- turfng s&rTewhtcan fjw the best-record as to losses; which empfoyes '3rdstk'sittibl:e?rid -uo-aite system; whose management is economical, , "and whose officials are courteous to all-and delight in explaining every detail ; to'' the humblest ' shareholder at all times.-. The MUTUAL ' challenges its good friends fair compeditors to a show down, and is :NOW open for subscribers'. ' . - : - '.; ' , ; ; ,y.lisfe3r. JOHN R:pHARR, E. L. KEESLER, Treasurer. -Preside" - 25 South Tryon St 3 6 -inch Cream Mohair, something inexpensive : but ' good style, price the yard .1 ... ............25c 36-inch Cream White English Mohair, will stand cleaning or washing, price the yard.., . .48c Viyella The only Woolen Goods that will not shrink, price' the yard ..75c Silks 36-inch White Jap Wash Silk, price the yard . , 2 9c Plaid Silk 19-inch Pliid Silk for Waiste, price the -yard r..il9c 27-inch Solid Color China Silk, ; White, . .Black . , and Evening Shades, price the yard.. .J$9c " y 'I