1-4 I1? I ft i "j M i ' 1 . I:ti...(.-r.r-. CHRfcOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY !4j i 90. 5 5 -' - 5- . ' - f t Cured by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. This dangerous throat disease has often led : i to more serious and fatal diseases through, neg- lect to cure it in its first stages with : j "I have just cotten over a severe ease of bron- i chitis, which I- contracted from riding: on the j surface cars which were so crowded, compelling ! me to stand on the platform. I was unable to ; speak for several days, and I owe iny complete recovery solely to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrap." ' Jessie Schulze, 1207 Lexington Ave., New Tork. 1 ! I SAMPLE 5ENT FREE ! to all readers. We want vou to have absolute ! confidence in Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and. to that end, will send you a sample free, if you I will write for it and mention this naner. f Address A. C. MEYER & CO.. Baltimore, Md. J TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. The substitute which a dealer may try to sell you on tho merits of Dr. Bull's Coueh Syrup is simply a, very cheaply put up cough mixture that pays him a better profit. Con- -eider your health. Get only tho old reliable Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, Trice. 25c.. ooc. $1 oo T I RUE LOVES' COURSE NOT SMOOTH LITTLE DETAILS OF DRESS. ?5 C DO o n And good things to eat find I their w a y to the dining room I M TOMen the cook has a UNIVERSAL." Saves her time' and labor. Saves vottr money. It displaces the Chop-pine I jq ivuiie ana jjowi entirely. Seamless Shallow Sauce Pans. Seamless Preserving Kettles. Seamless Deep Stew Pans. Seamless Berlin Sauce Pans. Seamless Berlin Kettles. Seamless Sauce Pots. Seamed Tea Kettles. Seamless Rice Boilers. Seamless Round Dish Pans. Seamless Round Wash Basins. Seamless Pitchers. If you want to further lighten your burden call and purchase some of the Stansky Nickel f Enamel Silverware for t he Kitchen and Dining Roomi C Seamless Round Pudding Pans. Seamless Round Milk Pans. Seamless Shallow Pie Plates. Seamless Deep Pie Plates. Seamless Water Pails. Seamless Hanging Soap Dishes. Hollow Handle Windsor Dippers Seamless Straight Cups. Seamiess Cups and Saucers. Seamless Plates. Seamless Soup, Bowls. LI ft weddington n ardware Co. See Window Display. 'Phone orders Taken. Goods Delivered to any Part of City. rimrrrir o, 3. GO-CARTS and CARRIAGES Special display of Spring Styles in Go-Carts during this week and next. Our Spring purchase is all here now and opened up for inspection. Folding Go-Carts..... Colapsible Go-Carts. English Carts..... Hood Certs .$2.75 to $25.00 each $9.00 to $25.00 each $3.00 ... $25.00 Raitn Rockers The good kind at reasonable prices. We can fur nish all grades and kinds and we can please you. See the Green Grass Rockers and Chairs that , are so popular. Do not put it off, but come see them at once. Troubles of Youthful Romeos and J'jliets who Have not Lived the Requisite Number of Years and Yet Want to be "Yoked Together," Special to The News. ' Asheville, Feb. 14. A love smitten young couple of the Big Ivy section of Buncombe county are having troubles of their own according to informa tion received from, that vicinity today and the present indications are that they yet have a thorny road to travel before they succeed in entering into the bonds of matrimony. The parents of both those involved are bitterly against the marriase and it is stated the father of the young lady guards her constantly, shot gun in hand to thwart her Romeo. The groom-to-be or rather would-be is Gus Harrowood anr his bride elect is Miss Ida May Corn. Last week they determined to marry without delay and one Horace Webb was dispatched to Asheville to secure the neccessary license, which he did, swearing that the parties were more than 19 years of age. No sooner did the parents of the young people hear of this, however, than they took a hand, denying that Miss Corn is more than 18 and giving the- age of the prospective groom , as about 16 years, and absolutely prohib iting the match. Further than this they have taken the precaution of keeping the young lady under constant surveil lance.: .. - Register of Deeds . Fortune today re ceived a letter from Lenoir inquiring whether marriage license had been granted to Miss Sue O. Lee and J. Arthur Link of that place. The inquirer stated that there had been an elope ment and that both the parties alleged to have contracted were under age. In vestigation of the records here how ever revealed the fact that no license had been, granted to persons of that name. , Information was recived here today of the marriage in Waynesville yester day afternoon of an eloping couple. The contracting parties were Miss Ida Boyd and Oliver Shelton, a prominent young Waynesville business man. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton have gone east on their wedding trip. . Judge Allen was sufficiently well to preside over his Superior Court here this morning and that triunal began active work. The charge to the grand lury. which was not delivered Satur day, on account of-the Judge's indispo sition, was delivered today. The feat ure of the charge was a severe criti cism of men who habitually shirk jury duty. Judge Allen said it was from these men that criticism of verdicts and juries largely emanates, and he dwelt with considerable sarcasm on the pleas for exeuse from duty which are often presented. S. F. Chapman of this city, has been advised that the circuit court" of ap peals at Richmond has granted a new trial in ; the important suit entitled Chapman versus the Yellow Pine Lum ber company of Virginia. The case is one of great importance and was instituted by Mr. Chapman about ten years ago to recover $100,000 damages for an alleged breach of con tract. The case has been tried several times the last decision being adverse to Mr. Chapman. . Nellie Johnson, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Johnson of Avery's creek township, died this morning.as the result of terrible burns sustained yesterday afternoon. The mother stepped out of the house leav ing the child, whose clothing caught from the fireplace. The little girl ran screaming to the door and the mother quickly extinguished the flames, but not until they had done their deadly work and the child was burned beyond hope of recovery. Costly Handkerchiefs For men Which Mark the Season's Styles. Little things in a man's dress may often count for so much that he may look well dressed even when he spends comparatively little on his clothes. It is much more economical, for in stance, to buy two suits of clothes at once than to get one and wear it out before a second is provided.' By alter nating the two much more use can be had out of them and the suits will keep in much better condition; Even men who can afford to buy as many clothes as they like have two pairs of trou sers made to every suit. ' - ; In the same way it is economical to alternate shoes rather than to stick to one pair Until they are worn out. They last longer and they keepXin better shape. This sort of econo'my is, of course, necessary only for men who have, to think before they buy. " But they are in the majority. It may seem an extravagance to buy two derby hats at once, but it pays in the long run. A shabby hat will have more ef fect on a person's appearance than any other single detail of attire. This dupli cation of articles of dress may be car ried as far as the gloves,' which, like everything else a man wears, last longer and look better when they are not worn every day. It is a similar fact that foreigners are more particular about their linen than the average American. A New Yorker may not shudder if his cuff is slightly worn or his shirt front broken from the starching: Such a thing is regarded as a calamity by a foreigner from any of the continental . countries. He would be as much shocked at such an imperfection as an American would be at a spot on his coat. Even the handkerchief has its effect in creating the impression a man's dress may make. The sight of a soiled, crushed handkerchief is discouraging, even though it come from the pocket of the smartest cut coat. On the other hand a neat, fresh handkerchief, even though its material be not of the finest, instinctively prejudices one in favor of its owner. . Simplicity in handkerchiefs is the mode this winter. The highly colored mauves, pinks and greens are a thing of the past. The handkerchiefs brought this year from Paris usually have lit tle more than a , colored band about them. The monogram matches the color of the band. .. Very smart are the plain white handkerchiefs with the let ters done in color. In such cases the monograms are very elaborate. In plain white it is possible to pay as much as one wants. Fine white handkerchiefs of sheer linen, crossed with bars or stripes of a heavier linen and embroidered with a heavy white monogram, may cost as much as $8 apiece. They r ao not wear wen ana soon become crumpled and soiled look ing. : But they are regarded as the finest thing in handkerchiefs for men, Should men use scents on handker chiefs? That question would never be asked abroad. There men use perfume with no misgivings as to whether or not it is good taste." ' , " . New York men-are very Mkelyia use perfume in moderaxron, put, it is not to be denied that it is better style not to; The man who habitually puts-scent on a handkerchief is likely to become noted for this peculiarity. Charleston (S. C.) Sunday News. f, ., vi ..y.YY IP r-zisjt The Kind Yqu Ha e Always Bought, ancjl which has been m use tor" over asu years, has hone ithe signature of :r- and has fcecn made under his per- ' Allow no one to deceive vou in this- Counterfeits, I tnitations and ' Just-as-srood" are Imh U i Experiments that lirifie with and endanger the health off " Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, Castoria is a harmless 'substitute for Castor Oil, Pare--goric, rops and Sjiothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Op ium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Jts age cis its guarantee. It, destroys Worms and allays Feverish ness. It cures Diarrhcoa and Wind Colic. It relieves Tieething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It; assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's; Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE 0 ASTb R I A ALWAYS Jtears the Signature of t . D, INSURANCE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, and 5 HEALTH. Business Large Close Attention. ' and Small Lvven ROBERT D. MOORE, . Ri??M 7:. , 4C's BUILDING. IN ONE SHORT HOUR. BRING RESULTS lit -a Word OrteC New York, Feb. 13,-t-Following. the late night marriage on Saturday of Henry A. Parter, a young mining pro moter and guest at , the Waldorf As toria, and Miss Reba Zeitler, daughter of a retired physician of Columbus. N. J., there has developed a story of milch romantic interest, -r- a-sM, Miss ' Zeitler -came" to this 1 city on Saturday unaccompanied and with the intentionof passing, only a few hours sight-seeing with the young promoter. Time passed! soj. quietly, according to Mr. Porter's statement to an American reporter, that 8:30 o clock at night found them at supper in the Casino; Central Park, and no prospect of a train to Columbus.. So Mr. Porter pop ped the question. Miss Zeitler accepted and a Waldorf -Astoria house detective and the hotel chaplain did the rest. "At 8 o'clock Saturday night," said Mr. Porter. "I was a confirmed bache lor; at .8:30 I was a prospective hus band, and at .0 or thereabouts I was a married man. The Rev. Henry Marsh Warren,, of No. -48 West Ninety-fourth street, married lis. : "I- met Mrs. i;.Porter Miss zeitler, rather in '-Canada I last; summer, and saw her afterward in-Philadelphia and this city. Her relatives, had "shown no objection to my attentions to ner, and as we arei'both more than of age there la nothing: unusual -in our marriage- exceptingithat it was a rather hurry- up affair." - : ' . , Young Porter is a son or a . reurea Irish gentleman, "William J. Porter, of Port Ross, Ireland, in tne- uianps nausewavi region. He was, graduated. from Dublin University and since com ing t67An;erica,iiab'eeri- identified with the financial ends or goia- ana, suver mining: enterprises.- , KEEP ST HANDY Cramgasg Cofia, Dysentcwy "Pa'mVtiWet PUBLIC AROUSED. The public is aroused- to a knowledge of the curative merits Of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 546 St. Clair Ave., Co lumbus,' i p., writes: rf; "For several months I. had given up to die. I had fe ver and ag'ue ; my nerves were wreck ed; I could not sleep and my stomach was so weak, from, useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning: to take Electric Bitters, ; I obtained relief,' and in . a short time I was entirely cured." Guaranteed at 50c, Everybody says the love of money is the root of all evil but nobody believes it Many men give lavishly of gold,; To build bridges and castles and tow- - ers of old; If you want everlasting fame, a bene factor be. Give the poor and needy -Rocky Moun tain Tea. R. II. Jordan . & Co. FROM MEN YOU KNOW Testimony Showing Wonder- ful Cures of Colds,', Croup, . Pneumonia, etc., made by Gowan's. A testimonial from a stranger is one thing; a letter from the man you know well is another. We have hundreds of letters from well-known Carolina and Virginia men and women. " - Write for our free booklet which gives many extracts from letters. Gowan's Pneumonia Cure is the won- "derful external remedy for croup, colds, cougns, sore tnroat, pneumonia, rheuma tism. You ' rub it over chest or throat. It goes in, and does the work at once. Read Y&ur Neighbors' Experience. V One' application relieved a very bad sore throat." P. B. Griffin, with H. T. Heintz & Co. f"I have used Gowan's Pneumonia Cure for- olds. . and croup with most gratifying results. ' It gives immediate and permanent relief." Rev. N. C. Yearby, Hillsboro, N. C. V" I wish to say that .Gowan's Pneu monia Cnre was recentlv used on m v little mece with: amazing results; w 'She- had been , sick for months with inflamed chest, protracted cough and congested lungs, and had become very much emaciated. ' From the first application she began to improve,: and in a few days she was romping over the house. ' " think Gowan's Pneumonia Cure a wonderful remedy, and would advise everyone troubled with throat, chest and lung ailments to try it. " W. B.-BAGWEIX, w noiesaie uxocer, Durham, N. C.' ' All druesrists sell rowan's I ariw bottles, $1.00 ; croup size, 25 cents. By 7 The Kind You Have Alwajs BougM 1 7 r In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAIH COMPANY. TT MURRAY STBEET. HEW VOBK CITY. - . r ; ' Watch and Jewelry Repairing Promptness and good work re luire the, entire time and atten tion of the workmen. I carry no stock and have aothing but repairing to think bout. - If you appreciate having your watches, clocks and jewelry -epaired in a first-class manner rod rady when promised, send them me. W. R. Hartsfield Watchmaker and Jeweler. , 20 W. Trade St,, next to Blair's . r ; Drug Store. I I"!"I"I"l..i..i..H"i'IH-H We Your House From one of the largest stocks of Stoves, Ranges, Kitcheii Furniture, Mattresses, Pillows, Quilts.' Blankets, Dining Tables, Sideboards,' Chairs, Parlor Furniture and Housefurnishing Goods ir the State. Our Prices are Low, Our Terms Eas ' H erring & Dentorv PHONE 1223 10 N. COLLEGE ST For S3le I rhe O'DONAGUHU"? Residence on East taenue. A, houses and lots on S. Brevard St. FOR RENT. 3-room house, corner of Eighth ' ' and Davidson. .1 K f - -i For All Purposes WHATEVER YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS MAY BE WE ARE'. READY TO FILL THEM TO YOUR SATISFACTION. WE HAN-r DLE ONLY THE BEST COAL THAT MONEY CAN BUY--rI 6TEAM, DOMESTIC, BLACKSMITH'S COALS. . CHelis Standard ice Fuel Co , We have Ten Second hand Pneumatic Buggies ail in good condition and newly painted that we will sell cheap. Also a number of other Second-Hand Vehicles. , J. W. Wadworth's Sons' Co If We Pack Your Pipes They Will Never Freeze " Acme Plumbing Co; 'PHONE 604 Y. M. C. A. SUiLDINGk r - . READ the House of Thousand : Candles The Biggest seller we have ' J ' ever had Thft House of a Thousand Candles. - Illustrated : by Christy. .f -. . .. . . Houston-Dixon & Go, W. S. DUDLEY, 12 E. Fifth St., Mgr. Phone 722 - -' ; ; H P. HUNTER, Sec. and Treas. ...... . . , i V y. Ever examine' your collars whenthey come back from the "tv- I I laundry? If they have saw' edges 'and are unevenly turned I I j it's time. to. make a change-for theibeter.. Every collar laifn- I . I . dered here bears the mark of quality. Look for it. 1 i vnanotte otearn jaunary i Laundersy Dyers, Cleaners. -- " 'MORE HEAT WITH LESS FUEL. Stoves that' will accomplish - this, need no further recom ; mendation, and that's just what we claim for . BIRD GARLAND AND COLUMBiAN HEATERS. You all know that our claims mean something. 1 (UlcGaosland & Go. ; South Tryon St. A Chiid's Bicycle lor a Hew ; Year's Present will yiake the happiest child. We have all sizes to select from. Call and get our prices Full liiie of supplies. Rlcjay M'f g1 Co., j ".-:'': 8. Tryon St. PEKtir DAVIS'.) i Durham, N. C. - - : I

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