THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. FEBRUARY 16, 1906 Open a Box for the Children Leave it where they can reach it. Watch them gain in weight. Watch their cheeks grow ruddy with health and life. (SJneeda Biscuit are the lonlyl SoJa Crackers the most nutritious food made from wheat, therefore the most wholesome food for children. In a dust tight, moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 3 MR. CALL'S FACTORY BURNED CHARLOTTE SUBSCRIBERS. of Former Charlotte Man L ose His Plant To the North Carolina Branch With No Insurance. Southern Cotton Association. Mr.Clarence Call.who formerly resid-1 Mecklenburg county has, so far, tak ed in Charlotte, had the misfortune to en the iea(j over all other cdtton coun loee tils pin factory several nights ago. , h g t in subscriDins m0ney Tne plant was located at ilkesboro , ... . . and the Chronicle of that place gives fr a thorough organization of the the following account of the conflagra-, North Carolina Cotton Association, tion: j The money recently collected by the "As soon as the alarm was given ! soliciting committee will be forwarded large crowds gathered and by good' to the State Executive Committee at wcrk the flouring mills and warehouse Raleigh to be used in the organization near by were saved, but the pin fac- of the State. The suoscribers in Char tory nad engine houses were destroy- lotte are given below: ed. About 75,000 finished pins were Southern States Trust Co., $100 burned, and all the fixtures, belting. Commercial National Bank 100 etc., went with the flames. The loss is Southern Real Estate Loan and estimated at from $4,000 to $5,000, and Trust Co., 25 thpre is no insnranrp Tt i tint T?elk Brothers 25 known how the fire started, whether Southern Cotton Oil Co., from theengine or otherwise. Those Cole Manufacturing Co., who run the engine claim that the fire Burwell & Dunn was extinguished and water poured all B. F. Withers around the boiler. It looks like an other case of those sort of critters which carry cigarettes at head opening Davidson & Wolfe and lay down in shavings to rest their B. D. Heath . bones." B. D. Springs & Co Van Landingham & Howell An Attractive Program. 25 150 10 5 10 la iu 5 Co. 10 10 10 5 io S. Wittkowsky 19 Long-Tate Clothing Co ... 15 Gen Restaurant la R, O. Alexander. t 10 Textile Excelsior 10 ic. O. Brown 10 j Allen Hardware Co .- 5 VV :t. Long Piedmont Clothing E. D. Latta F. C. Abbott F. Orr At the First Baptist Sunday school Sunday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, an oilrpnth Vrv " UnilRimllv artriiffivn nmuram will ha vxllieain CC VU., . rendered. It follows: Music by Richardson Orchestra. Song Service. Devotional Exercises. - .. . -Duet Mrs. C. E. Mason and Mr. "Harvey Overcash. 'sin (rin (r 1t- C i-. l-i hS P'imaTy, ClaS-' 100 BarnhaTdrManulacLing Co! ! ! 4 children, each carrying and waving: a Cochrane Snow Case Co 20 J1U5- ! T TT TTT 1 t C o. xa. vtaiu oc vu., J-v 5 Asbury & Finser 5 W. L. Hand & Co 5 Park Manufacturing Co., 10 Mecklenburg Mills 10 W. F. Dowd 10 W. R. Taliaferro -...! 10 W. N. Peoples H. J. Walker 2.50 John B. Ross 5 Music by Trio-Loreley (Folk Song) Dra- Co -Mr. Richardson, 'cello; Mr.Abbott, ; Svftnl violin; Mr. Von Lawranz Singing by School. Solo Miss Ada, Craven Lesson study. Announcements. Closing hymn. piano. Y. W. C. A. DIRECTORS MEET. Reports For Past Year Made and Plans For comming tear Discussed. An interesting ra'eetinsr. of the board ! of directors with.' the advisory board of the Young Woman's Christian As sociation, was held in the association parlors yesterday afternoon. The gen eral secretary, matron, treasurer and chairman of the . finance committee made reports for the past year, and a general review of the work placed for the coming year was discussed. The advisory board is composed of the j toiiowing named gentlemen: Messrs. J. A. Durham, T. S. Franklin. Geo. B. Hanna, S. S. McNinch. C. W. Tillett, j A IT TTT 1 ' j. n. wasnuurn. p. M. Brawn and Captain John Wilkes. SEEING IS BELIEVING. The Wadsworth Bros.' Chico is a Long Havana Filler, Say Woodall & Shep pard, and They Prove it. t When a cigar salesman told Mr. Woodall of Woodall & Sheppard that it was not possible to sell a long Ha vana filler, such as, they claim Wads worth Bros'. Chico is, for 5c, the reply i was: "Well it is an easy thing to see whether it can be done or not," and he took a Chico from a box and cut it open. The filler was there long, rich, silky Havana just wTiat was needed to make the good smoke that Chico is. Seeing is believing, but with the Chico, smoking is better. Try one and see for yourself, all lovers of a ood smoke, how fine a cigar can be A HUGE ROW OVER VACCINATION LAW School Teacher Refuses to be Vaccinated ahd Also Refused to Allow His Pupils to Bare their Arms. An Interesting Case Over in Union County. Just across the line, over in "Sweet Union," they are having a rip-roaring time over compulsory vaccination. It seems that Mr. C. G. Morgan, the principal of the Walker school, near Waxhaw, refused to submit to vacci nation; also to allow his pupils to be vaccinated. A warrant was issued for the school teacher and a trial was held be fore Magistrates Flow and Johnston. As to Mr. Morgan, he declared that he had had the smallpox and needed no Vaccination and desired to have his father come from Anson to testify to this. His trial, and also that of Mr. H. G. Grffin was deferred till the tenth of March when the decision in the case as to his refusing to allow the school children to be vaccinated will be an nounced. It appears that the 'county physi cian, Dr. H. D. Stewart, with Dr. Henry Houston, went to the school house to vaccinate the teacher and the children, as there has been for some time small pox in the vicinity of Waxhaw. Prin cipal Morgan refused to be vaccinated himself and declined to allow his pupils to be vaccinated, saying that their parents had forbidden this. A few of the children were asked and they refused, while others began prep arations to get out of" the windows till Mr. Morgan told them to sit down as they should not be vaccinated. Then followed the swearing out of the war rant, the arrest and the trial. The defense held that as the par ents had forbidden vaccination that the teacher had no right to allow the children to be vaccinated and if he had would have been personally and legally liable, while Dr. Stewart held that he ought to have not interfered. The decision rests upon the rules adopted by the County Board of Health, of the Code saying that it is a misdemeanor to violate the laws as passed by a county board of health, or to obstruct its operation, but a copy ofthe law was not in court so the, decision was reserved. , The affair has created much interest and in the neighborhood the people are opposed to vaccination, claiming that most of them have already had the disease current thereabouts. At a mass-meeting of citizens at the school house the course of Mr. Morgan as to the school children was endorsed. -nr - -' irh Tiv l i Mmnninwiirf iiiniu nrrr ww i i PLASTERS A universal remedy for pains in the back (so frequent in the of women). They give instantaneous relief. Wherever there is a pain a Plaster should be applied. Rhsuntaiisfn, Coeds, Gsaghs, Weak Ghsst, Weak Bask, 'Lumbago, Sciatica, insist Upon Having For Dains in the reclon of the 7 ill ii a a. ir for a Wfsik H:i-k. the Plaster should be ai'lieil a shown above. Wherever there 13 nam apply . AtlcocK Piaster. If We Pack Your Pipes They Will Never Freeze Acme "PlumWniCo, 12 E. Fifth St., W. S. DUDLEY, Mgr. Phone 722. H. P. HUNTER, Sec. and Treas. NOTICE For Rheumatism nr Piilns in Shoulders, (CtltowM or else where, or for 8rains. Mlf new. elc . anil for Aching lftMtt. Plaster should been i size and shape required and applied to part affected as shown above The Great Blood Turiner and Tonic. For Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Dizziness, Indigestion, eta , Established 1752 mM THE PRESBY I ERIAIM COLLEGE for W0MEIV CHARLOTTE. N. C. High grade College for Women equipped with every mcoern eonvs (nee, hot and cold baths, electric lights, steam he&t and Ire escapes. Faculty of trained specialists. Standard high and work thorough. For catalogue addris. REV J K BRIDGES, . D DR. WHITE THE SPEAKER. A Big Meeting Planned For Sunday Afternoon At Academy The mass meeting to be held in the Academy of Music next Sunday after noon promises to be one of the great est of the series. It will be the eighth consecutive service held in the Aca demy of Music under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Associ ation. The speaker of the coming meeting is one of the most widely known ii. the South and recognized as one of the leading Baptist clergymen if not the foremost man in the denomination in the South. The sneaker, the Rev. Dr. John E. White is pastor of the Second Bap tist church of Augusta Georgia. - Dr. White announces that h,e will speak on the subject: "The Everlast ing Reality of Religion." Preparations are being made for special musical numbers that will add materially to the interest of the meeting. ' These services are open to all men whether identified with the Young Men's Christian Association or not and are proving the most popular series ever promoted by the local Young Men's Christian Association. Laxative romo Qumme fru& Ceres a Gold in One Day, Grip iis 2 Days fyy oneyery box. 25c The. Mechanics' Perpetual Building and Loan Association, sends kind greetings to the public with the information that the books are now open for the subscription of shares to the47th Series, which goes into effect n.. ' March 1st ( and tne first payment Saturday, March 3rd), and we have for I 23 years held to the inflexible rule of "First Come, First Served," prospec tive "home buyers or home builders" are advised to To subscribe now and get the number of your application assigned. This Association claims the distinctive ability of being able in from 30 to 60 days from the time the Committee on Loans make its report to meet the Loans; no three or four, orsix months waiting for us. A discern ing public has given us a most generous support because we have ever open ly and truthfully taken it into our Confidence; and the following infor mation (as verified by our Auditing Committee, consisting of Col. A. L. Smith, W. W. Phifer and J. H. Wearn, Esq.) we know will not only be gratifying, but also astonishing to that generous public. The Moneys Passed Over Our Desk During the Month of January, 1906 v Were the Unprecedented Sum of $67,000.00 And the Amount so Handled During the Year 19C6 was the Colossal Gu i of $353,000.00 And the Total Assets of S613.500.00 To which the management points with piide as Its Jewels This Association is reaching its Quarter of a Century's Life. On March 1st we will have had 23 years of uninterrupted prosperity without the Loss of a Cent. It has been the means of making thousands of happy homes, and is today sought, by not only North Carolina or even the South, hut throughout the United States and even in Europe as a worthy example to be patterned after. - Hence we can with asurance ask you not to delay, and subscribe at once to' the New Series, the 47th. . S. WITTKOWSKY, Pres. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas. FOR THE DIRECTORS. FfT tTTliwaiTi'i 1 Second Church Sunday .School. The Alexander Rescue Home mil collection will 13 taken Sunday. Hear Mr. R. o. Alexander speak to- j sold for ,5c. The best people in Cnar the Mission Class at 3:30 o'clock in lotte, those who never used to smoke . . anyimng less tnan a iu cent cigar, the afternoon. Sunday school begins promptly at 3:15 o'clock A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, "Blind, Bleeding, Protuding Pilvjs Dvuggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure In G to 14 days. 50e. now buy the Chico at Woodall & Shep- pard's for a nickel, and get a better smoke for less money. MR. OSBORNE TAKES OATH. YOU HAVE A COLD.-Why dose your stomach with a, sticky syrup? Work direct, get to the center of the evil, rub Gowan s Pneumonia Cure over your chest or throat, or over both. Not a mere plaster or liniment,, mind you, but a medicine that penetrates and heals, stimulates, purifies and strengthens your cold inflamed, weakened lungs, bronchial tubes, etc.- COWAN'S GOES IN. It cures croup in ten minutes; colds, sore throats, etc., in one night. Guaranteed to cure pneu moniathe most terrible form of cold. Unequalled for rheumatism and all muscular soreness, for boils, felons, inflamed glands, etc. wt ' ,u&g rSs-.ReIF,ar.?iz.! 'Physique and jovial manner was the . y. . - r- . w vvuis. dv man, it desired on receipt of prict. Gowan Medical Co Durham, N. C. ,: I have used Gowati's Pneumonia Cure with splendid results for coughs, colds and severe pains in chest and lun?;s. It never fails to re. .fieve."-JOaN r. SCOiT, Greensboro. N. C. , If Traveling in Japan Or any civilized country, you can pro cure Laxative Bromo Quinine from any druggist. All nations use it. E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Son of Judge F. I. Osborne Admitted to Mecklenburg Bar. Mr. James W. Osborne, son of Judge F. I. Osborne, this morning subscribed to the oath as a practicing lawyer in Mecklenburg county and the State of North Carolina. Mr. Osborne was accompanied to the court room by Mr. W. C. Maxwell, who administeredthe oath in the presence of Judge Henry R. Bryan. Immediately thereafter, Mr. Osborne was warmly congratulated by the members of the Charlotte bar. Mr. Osborne is one of the several young men who received his license to practice law from the Supreme Court last week. He is a bright young man and bears a name that has been a power before juries in this county and in fact, in North Carolina. His friends wish, and confidently expect, a large measure of success for him. Death of Col. Hastie. The Journal of Commerce contains a notice of the death of Col. W. S. Has tie, on the""14, at his home in Charles ton, S. C. He was the senior member of the firm of W. S. Hastie & Son. gen eral agents of the Hartford Steam Boiler Co. Col. Hastie visited Char lotte a few years ago. His splendid subject of comment Mr. C. Norwood Hastie, his son, is a frequent visitor to pur city, the firm being represented here by Messrs. m. g. Bute & Co. . m 1 ir"w: ' Almosr everybody who reads the nev'" papers is SMre to know of the wondenj cures made oy Dr. l Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the great kidney, liver i and bladder remedy. i is me great meci r5 cal triumDh of the nine- ff teenth century; dis jl covered after yeas of I HI scientific research by S. Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in prcmpty curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the rem edy you need. ! 1 1 has been tested in so mai.7 ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and h?s proved so successful in every case that a rpecial arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble When writing mention readin g this generous offer iu this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, li. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of Swampritoot dollar sizes are sold by all ocd drug'ats. Don't make any , mistake, but ' re member the names Swamp-Roct, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bingham ton. N. Y., on every bottle: " . . I Jill JUS v- I SALE ENDS I KH 0 II Night WHen 1 ! omorrow the Clock Strikes the Curtain Will Drop S3 and the Greatest Shoe Sale in the history ot this town will be all over. In order to wind up this Big Sale in grand good shape Tomorrow, we are going to work "over-time" tonight getting out new goods, lopping off" still more of the prices of those already shown and re-arranging the stock for what should be the Biggest Day's Shoe Selling thisi town has ever known. There will be a feast for the thrifty spread here tomorrow and a supply for able appetites -Shoes have lost their prices almost altogether---hence, to attempt to quote prices for Tomorrow's selling would be useless land impossible, for what might have been $1.98 today may be $1.48 or even 98c, in some cases , Tomorrow ! We mean to clean out the whole ''shootin match" oi Mr. Winter weight and lots of the Miss Lighter-weights, Tomorrow, if the people will just stop long enough to get a turn. We will have a number extra salesmen for Tomorrow's rapid selling so don'b be afraid of not gettipg waited on. BerryM mtmi 0) fiirfcc Compamiy SUCCESSORS TO 9 1- erryhill, Bryarv Company . - " i 2 W. Trade Street. Charlotte 32 32

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