THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 16, 19:6, THE WEATHER r0r Charlotte and its vicinity: Fair t,,,ju,t Saturday fair, warmer. For North Carolina and South Caro-r,.,- Fair tonight. Saturday fair, v'.'i iiH'i Fresh northeast winds. I TODAY'S ..MARKETS 8 8 0 COTTON New Orleans Times-Democrat's Sum mary Cotton. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay, of New ' ' Orleans, La.) Xov Orleans. La., Feb. 16. With either taction belligerent yesterday a roron market made time in a ginger i,.s but quite steady fashion. Scalpers n'or-ited energetically now, and then lint encountered difficulties when they -tunnpted to pull out at a profit. Just nr.v the producer of cotton is most sensitive to price influences in so far s t'iiey effect the new crop influences, ''nd prospects. With speculation small, ur.,1 iairlv well balanced, the bear can ' o, 'ue-ure concessions instanter which ,ri-ht bring limited supply night-mares noxt seaso' nand by the same reason ir,'r ,be bull cannot desire the reverse vhi'clf might mean over production on -nerher crop. Between the two stand punier, and cloth merchant, who v ill want ample cotton next year, but not'iin" now in the way of raw cotton liuct nation which undisturb the value oi the manufactured products. New York Sun's Cottcn Summary. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay, of New Orleans, La.) Now York, Feb. 16 It was a mod erate market in point of activity, and it Vis certainly very moderate m re ject ot the range of fluctuations. In Hw enci however, there was a tnflinfi vivance for the day. Steel interests of Pittsburg in seme cases are said to be . i-.i rnttnn. and envor people llllt'lrsicu . - eve likewise said to be bullisn. Mean , ti'iie too the snort interest i& am r ' -raduallv increasing. Spinners tak ings from week to week are large, giv i,,.' evidence of a consumption com meVmnte with the prosperity of the UmVs The recent decline has been severe and in the judgment of very mmv has shaken out all the really v-,.,k Ions; holdings, and all that the ',ul et now needs is a decisive jog jmni some cuarter to start it on the , again. Bulls think it may come ;m increased spot demand, of viveh there are some signs.. Spot l'ouse mean time are buyingsteadily. The spot markets are in the main firm nW bulls maintain that in the near future the receipts at the ports , wnl .-wear small by comparison with those of 'last season. However this may be, th market certainly resists pressure Md readily advances when pressure is removed. . .... New York Cotton. High Low Close 10671069 1079 1070 10741075 1083(5)1085 Feb .. Mar . Apr . . Hay . June . .buy . Aug . Sept . Oct ., Nov . Dec . 109S 1088 10921093 j . 10961097 1112 1100 11061107 109S 1092 10931095 10551057 1046 1042 10441045 1048 104S 10471049 mr.1 1046 104901050 's 1125;" sales 600; market tone Spot quiet ; New 1073; 10-14. tutures cioseu sieduj. York 11 A. M. Bids: March May 1092; July 1104; October New Orleans Spots. Spots steady, unchanged; middling 10 IMG; sales 2350; to arrive, 1,100; F. 0. 15. 250; total sales 3,700. Liveroool Cotton. Jan.-Feb 574 Feb.-Mch 574 :Ich-Apr 575 Apr-May 78 May-June 581 June-Julv 583 July-AuK 580 Sept-Oct .. .. 563 Oct.-Nov 559 Xov.-Dec 558 Futures opened steady, closed easy; receipts 40000, American 33900; sales oOfiii, American 7400; spec. 100; mid riling today, more business, 591, yes terday, 580. Charlotte Cotton Market. n (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good Middling 1100 Strirt Middling 10 Middling 10 Vinges and Stains 9106 Chicago Grain and Produce. High Low Close ....82 81 81V4 .... S3 824 82 V4. .... S4V2 83i2 83 .... 43 4314 4314 .... 44 43 43 .... J3is 42 42 .... 28 27' 28 2914 28 29 .... 29 29 29 1552 1527 1552 .... 1535 1515 1535 785 780. 75 795 790 795 807 805 807 820 807 820 .... 830 817 830 WHEAT- Sept lulv .... May .... CORN July Sent May .... OATS Sept .... Julv May .... K)RK Mav . July LARD Mav . . July SeDt . . RUS " Muy .... Julv . is ihc .TOUCHING STORY. i.-i ,rs?,vins from death of the baby Md ti, 0eo.rKe A Eyler, Cumberland, month wnt?3 "At the age of 11 he n h 1 Jle girl was in declining and tWlih serious Throat Trouble, w V!? Physicians ga-ve her up. We soiled t?8t n desPair when we re for rw try KinS's Kew Discovery The ft TJiV0"' Coughs and Colds, ins iw ,b0,le gave relief; after tak now - fUes she was cured and 53 d JJCrf?ct nealth." Never fails Woo, ail aP4cure a couSh or cold. At and Si r n. &heppard's druS store; 50e a 100 guaranteed. Trial bottle fre STOCKS New York Sun's Summary Stocks. "(Furnished by GilSerTglay, fo'New Orleans, La.) New York Feb. 16. The noteable decline in securities prices that oc curerd yesterday was perhaps to be ac counted for to some extent as due to the naturally sagging tendencies of a dull stock market, and to the adverse effect usually produced upon specula tive sentiment, at any time by the de parture from the city of so many prom inent financiars as either have left town or are about to leave in the next ten days; but, nevertheless, the con- tinually closer working -f ty,a situation was clearly the paramount influence in the days business on the stock exchange. The price of time money for all periods greater than one or two months rose today to 5 1-2 per cent, and money was in urgent re quirement at these figures. The rank, and file of speculators for the advance were more or less unpleasantly sur prised last month whe nthey found that as a rule they had been charged be tween 6 and 8 ner cent, interest on their purchases made in the period, the sums thus paid for the accommo dation sufficing to wipe out -a large por tion and in some cases the entire profit that thty supposed had accumulated as a result of the months operations. The probability's became strong today that the average Wall Street commis sion house will be compelled to charge its customers not less than 6 per cent interest on stock bought during this month, and the course of the days market formed its own commentary upon this discovery. Atchison 895 Atchison Pfd 103 ' Baltimore & Ohio 109 Canadian Pacific ..... k . , . 171 C hesapeake & Ohio ....., 56 Chicago & Alton ... Chicag o & Great "Western ....... 21 Erie 43 Erie Pfd 77 Leak Island .. 25 ILinois Centra! 172 y2 Louisville & Nashville ttan 159' Hexican Central ... 24 X Missouri Pachie 99 Missouri Kansas & T 34 New York Central Norfolk & Wes'.erx: S6 Ontario &. Western 50J Pennsylvania..... 139 Reading , 137; Reading Pfd . 94 St. Paul 180 Southern Pacific . , 05 8 uthern Railway , ... 38 y2 Sothern Railway Preferred ..-9a" Texas fc Pacific , 34J- Union Pacific 151 Wabash 22 Wabash PM Amalgamated Copper Brooklyn Eapid Transit. . . Colorado Fuel fc Iron Con Gas . 4414 111 80 63 V, ...176JS Peoples Gas . . . 98 Susrar . ...I4iw fcsloss Iron t btee , . Tennes-ee Coal fc Iron . . . . JnitedStetes Leather. ... . Tr.itff? Staff's S.a1 . 00-4 152 J2 Of! 1 Jnited estates Steel Preferred . . . 107 A'estern Union .... . . , Q Virginia C arolina Cl)6in3ca 48' Va. Carolina Chemical Pfd -, 114J Comparative Port Receipts. To Day Galveston 3073 New Orleans 644S Mobile 125 Savannah 3409 Charlesf on . . 27S Wilmington 63 Norfolk 602 Baltimore New York Boston . . Philadelphia 23 Port Arthur Pensacola 5310 Various Last Year 2473 3603 248 2091 S48 1S3 1076 705 77 123 25 2060 202 Total .... 21430 14897 New York Journal of Commerce Sum mary Dry Goods. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay, of New Orleans.. La.) New York, Feb. 16. It has devel oped during the day that China buyers are again in the market and that busi ness has been closed on heavy cotton goods. Just how much this business has amounted to it is difficult to state. But it would seem as though the vol ume of trade was of increasing propor tions and that it may have most satis factor influences upon the market, and especially with home buyers who have been endeavoring to degress prices though largely unsuccessful. Buyers are at the moment conservative and though they have been impressed with the fact that prices on a great ma jority of lines are stable, yet there is no element of speculation in the op erations which have come to hand. With jobbers a large business . is re ported, although up to the present time buying hasfbeen mostly by the smaller retail operators who are preparing for their future wants. FIENDISH SUFFERING. is often caused by sores, ulcers, can cers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Bedell, of Flat Rock, Mich.,, says: I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, for Ulcers, Sores and Cancers. It is the best healing dressing I ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns and scalds. 25c at Woodall-& Sheppard's drug store; guaranteed. - CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature of Seaboard Air Line Tbrousu Car Ser vice to Memphis, Tenn. mv. ar.inay A ir T.inn announces that commencing with February 10th it will operate inrougn uuai;uca v 1 1 frtrvi Portsmouth. Va.. to Mem- ! Dhis. Tenn., via Birmingham. They, are row operating iui"6" civvp.uo I Wvice between New York and Mera i Dhis on same train. With this excel lent through car service the Seaboard can put you to Memphis with but one ; change of cars and that is at Monroe. ! For further in formation call on or ad- l drCSS' JAMES KER, JR.. C.jP. A., or C. H. GATTIS, T P A ' j-7-lOt Raleigh, 2m. Cy Here's 66 THAPS THE KIND WE SELL. PH Cures Boils. Tvirkesine 25c All Druggists. Presents That Are Useful Make the most acceptable wedding gifts. We can show the largest as sortment of fine quality Cut Glass, ; Sterling Silver and Hand Painted China in the State. We guarantee our prices to be as low as same qual- Ity goods can be bought. GARIBALDI & BRUNS SICKNESS is expensive but less &o if you buy your medicine from us. $1 goods afc 75c and 85c 50c goods at 43c 25c goods at 20c GUT-RATE DRUG STORE PHONE 240 217 N. TRYON ST. The Great Winter Resort of the , South, PINEHURST, N. C, Special j Rates. ) The Seaboard Air Line is selling a I . , i a ! ii a ri ; special luuiiu. uip hckki. vnaiiuLuu iu Pinehurst, N. C, and return at 5.55i good to lay 31st, trains leave via Sea board 5.01 a. m. and 7.15 p. m. PINE HURST is by far the greatest winter ; resort in North Carolina an it is the most delightful place to take a few I days' rest from the cares of business. Descriptive literature can Tie gotten by calling on JAMES KER, JR., C. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. 2-14-5t Special Low Rates Via Southern Rail way. Account of the student volunteer movement for Foreign Mission, Nash ville, Tenn., February 28-March 4th, 1906, the Southern Railway will sell on February 26, 27, and 28th with final limit March 10th, round trip tick ets to Nashivlle, Tenn., at rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Round trip rate from Charlotte $15.30. For the accomodation of delegates attending this meeting from points in Virginia and North Carolina it has been arranged to operate Pullman cars and day coaches, leaving Salisbury - at 8.50 P. M., Feb'y 27th, arriving at Nashville at 12.20 noon the following day. Those desiring Pullman accommodations please notify R. L. -VERNON, T. P. A., 2-13-12t Charlotte, N. C. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. (Resale.) Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of MecklenbuTg County, in special proceeding, enti tled, "V. C. Quinan et al, plaintiffs, petitioners, against Rosa Oehler, and another, defendants," we will sell at public auction -at the county court house door in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., on Thursday, March 15th, 1906, that cer tain lot of land known as lot6 in square 130, in ward one (Butler's Map), of the city of Charlotte, N. C; being house and lot on North side of East 9th Street (98 by 198 feet), numbered 609 E.' 9th Street, and being the same premises whereon Mrs. S. J. Frazier re sided at the time of her death. Terms of sale one-half (1-2) cash, balance on credit of twelve months with interest pn deferred payment from date of sale until paid at the rate of six per cent per annum, with leave to purchas er to anticipate payment; title being reserved until purchase money is all paid. The property will be started at the price of $200S.OO. This Feb. 14th, 1906. C. II. DULS, . W. KEERANS, "2-14-tds. : Commissioners. , ' . ' " a Pointer for The Kind that will give you HI , Let Us Be Yuur Washerwoman We have solved the problem. The servant question gets worse every day. Our "Rough Dry" plan relieves you of one great burden, for it enables you to dispense with the washerwoman the bete noir of all well regu lated households. We take all of your work, at 5 cents per pound and return it beautifully washed and starch ed. "Rough Dried" ready to be easily ironed at home. This plan is immensely popular in most cities and is proving quite popular in Char lotte. 'Phone 1G0 to-day and let us tell you all about it. Ask our drivers about it. Model Steam laundry GLOBE-WERNICKE UPRIGHT USST- ; CABINETS This is a distinct departure" in the filing ' cabinet line, and one that possesses many ad vantages for certain devices. Each unit is complete in itself, including both top and base. In many filing devices, notably the vertical file., it is desirable to have the cabinets of a uniform and fixed height, for conven ient, reference, so that such ex tensions as fire made must be horizontal extensions. See Our South Window. Stone &Barringer Co. OFFICE OUTFITTERS. 22 S. TRYON ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C, Under tne Management of C. E. Hooper & Co. Offers: An Excellent Table, Large, Light, Warm Rooms Clean, Comfortable Beds Attentive Servants. And every substantial comfort belonging to a well-kept modern Hotel. BUY NOW Lot 145 by 125, facing two streets, with Railroad siding, suitable for small manufacturing. Has two dwellings, renting for ?180.00 per year, with room for two two more dwellings, one block from street car line. Owner has to sell and you can get a bargain. Adjoining property to this can be bought reason ably. , '- C. M. CARSON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. ; Phone 1235. No. 203 Carson Bldg. Denny LUNCH COUNTER Is always supplied -with the best of everything eatable, well coofced and daintily served. i the Thrifty Housewife URN Good Value and Satisfaction. WHY FURNITURE REPAIRERS. (Successors to Johnson & McLaughlin) The business will be continued on the same safe and satisfactory lines, but with greater capacity than hereto fore. The concern, as now constituted, hopes to retain all the old business and by its merit, "to attract new busi ness. Only the most competent work men are employed and satisfaction is guaranteed. JOHNSON & DWYER UPHOLSTERING PARLORS, . 12-20 W. 5th St. 'Phone 869. Use Big itf- "tura! discharges,' ationft, irritations. ulcerations of mucous riembrajeg, Paitilegfe. and not astritt Sent or poisonous. Sold by ni-ugrsiiis. or sent in plain wrapper, by expropg, prepaid, 01 $1.00. or 3 bottles $2.75. , Circular lent on rea leak- (These tiny llnpsulea ar irNC in Att hAHMi nritltniif A inconvenience, affections! KlflY I SSm which Oopajba, Cn-llW J toijk ana jnieccionn tail. 7-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE JOHNSON W !FSj&F in f to 6 riBTsfe fc5y not Ui (triature. FreTenU Conlaf Io. gifafrHEEVAHSCHEMISAlCC: C T .. t C J! ouuuieiu ikituwajr announces acouni rTOnting On CSeStttieS rordiofc the above occasions round trip tick- Macadam Road, three miles from City, about fifteen acres in timber, forty young fruit trees, three room dwelling, a small barn. A good spring on place. Call at office for Prices. R. L Cochrane Insurance k Real Estate I Agricultural Implement? of all kiud GRAIN DRILLS and DRILL REPAIRS a Specialty. Get rny prices. . -0. ner Stonewai; and CoK ig treet anti southern RaU nay- Bakes Like a Brick Oven Burns less fuel than any stove you ever used and makes the work of the kitchen easy that's what a . '. V, Buck's Range does. Come and let us show you. alt their points of excellence. !en Haidware Go, Everything In hardware, SO E. TRADE SJ. as fel &0Oi 2 Oi As u L AC K NOT GIVE US AN ORDER? RINGING THE TELEPHONE ! Hello! Central! Where Is C. C. Moores? I do not konw what you rant. I want cream and milk. Oh, let me call Walter Moore, he will serve you promptly lust as old man -floore did. Walter is -t No. 10 East Fifth street DOUBLE OAKS DAIRY. Milk Depot. Nowhere Under the Sun f Can you secure such really good f cleaning and dyeing work at as J low prices as ours. We are es- 4 pecially equipped to clean or J dye Ladies' and Men's fine gar- 4 ments of all kinds. Give us a 4 trial order. - QUEEN CITY DYEING &:: CLEANING WORKS f '.Ars. J. M. Heater,' Proprietress !4. Mardi Gras Carnivals, February 22-27, 1000, Mobile., Ala., Pensacola, Fin., and flfey Orleans, La. K-eia win oe sum iu MUDiie, rensacoia, and New Orleans, at , extremely low rates. Tickets on sale February 21st to 26th inclusive with final limit March 3rd an dMa ybe extended until March 17th by personally depositing tickets' with joint Agent and paying fee of 50 cents. The following round trip rates will apply from Charlotte: New Orleans. La . . . . .... ....$23.25 Mobile, Ala 19.00 Pensacola, Fla. .... .i 18.00 Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, and first-class day coaches, Charlotte to Mobile, and New Orlean without" change. For further informa tion call 011 any Agent Southern Ry or write, Tt. U VERNON, T. P. A., Charlott, N. C W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Permanent Asset The Purchaser of diamonds can see tha end of his invest ment. He secures a f clear value and a permanent asset as well as a constant aesthetic gratification. Our collection is made up of selected stones of t the highest grade The Palamountain Co, TWELERS N T..T..T..T..T..T..T..T..T, $ IT PAYS TO READ NEWS 4 J WANT ADS 4 THE WEEK. EVERY DAY IN 4. fin - 11 mini" :i -1 1 if Let Us Write You ! . . ON ACCIDENT AND HEALTH POLICY. This is the best Insurance you can get and costs less. You don't have to die to win. ( House & Wootten Real Estate and Insurance. Room 6 y. M. C. A. Bldg. 211 LUNGER PROFESSIONAL CARDS TEETH EXTRACTED WITH OUT PAIN SAFE METHOD. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS, DR. ZICKLER. Dentist 27 80UTH TRYON STREET. Jas. Ii. Delaney, Henry 8. Borvan. DeLaney & Boggan, Attys. and Counselors at Law. Office Cor. Trade and College Sts. Charlotte, N. C. - Office Phone 1230 Residence Phone 1100 DR.CHAS. L. ALEXANDER, ; DENTIST 203 South Try on Street, Char ' lotte, N. C. Office 'phone 10. Residence 'phone 884. W. M. RQBEY OENTIS' Trust Building Hours 9 to 12, 140 to t r. h. Mclaughlin, OENTIST . office oyer James P. sv?we & Co.'b drug store, South ryon Stret Office houra 8:30 a. m. to i 0 m. A.I1 work guaranteed. , . M I. W. JAMISON. DENTIST No. 8 S. Tryor Street Both phones 326 Residence 'phone Bell 1524. Dr. H. F. RAY OSTEOPATH Graduate Souhtren School of Osteopathy Office Suite 3, Hunt Build ing. 'Phone 830. Residence 401 North Poplar Street Phone 871. I T. M. McMICHAEL, ARCHITECT 1 Rooms 505-506 Trust Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. WHEFIER, RUNSE & DICKEY, ARCHITECTS Charlotte, N. C eond Flooiv 4C's Building. FOR SALE Lot 66x186 ft., Providence Road block car line, 12 ft alley lies well $700 ?400 cash. Lot 60x193 ft., Elizabeth Avenue, lies well. Price $1000 $500 cash. If interested call or 'phone 302. - - Alfred Brown & Co Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone, 302. . . ' A. W. BROWN.... v.. Notary Public. Norfolk & Western R'y Schedule In Effect Dec. 3, 1905. Tlirongu Train Daily, ChnrloM- , nut lloanoke, Va. . Xorth BounA. Lv.-Charlotte, So. Rr ....... .11:00 a.m Lv. Winston, N. & W. Ry 2:50 p.m. Lv. Martinsville 5:00 p.m. Lv. Rocky 'Mount 6:25 p.m." Ar. Roanoke 7:25 p.m. South Bound. Lv. Roanoke ...3 9:20 a.m. Lv. Rocky Mount 10:26 a.m. Lv. Martinsville 11:45 a.m. Ar. Winston 2:00 p.m. Ar. Charlotte 6:00 p.m. Through coach Charlotte and Roa noke. Connects at Roanoke, via Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural- Bridge, -Lu-ray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper. Roanoke to .Philadelphia. Additional train leaves Winston-Salem 7:30 a. m. daily, except Sunday, for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BBVIL, Gen. Pass. Agt, Roanoke, Va. M. P. BRAGG. Trav. Pass. Agent. 243 Acres Four Miles South of Charlotte. tor sale on reasonable terms. This (andi lies on C. C. & A. Railroad and is suitable for factory sites HUGH W.-HARRIS. Atty. - - i v - Let ns make an estl- mate on your ' Plumbing, Gas Fitting' and. Steam Heating. -If we do the work you will have a satisfactory, enduring job and It may be that wo will save some money for you. 223 S. Tryon 8t. Our Phone is 309. 11 Carolina Heating & Plumbing Company GOING TO BUILD ? I