tie V hS ' "'I' !!' 1 1 J !, ' I 1 if l N THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 16, 1 906. 8 i n ! : ' 4 i " : i 6 . ( : 5 , - ! ' i 1 !, (S i i 1- : -r ? : f 'i ! i i 1 i r J5:; I! I . a ? 1 !!! I -1 5. I. il!! , 1 i ! y ' i . n COLONIAL CONCERT. At Presbvterian College For Benefit of Y. M. C. A. Piano Fund This is to give notice ye colonial singing maidens of re place of learn ing known as ye Presbyterian College, in ye goodlie citie of Charlotte, in this yeare of Our Lord MCMVI, on Monday, ye XIX day of ye month of February, will sing with their voices and play upon divers instruments for ye benefit of ye niano fund of that goodly place known" as ye Young Woman's Christian Association. Ye singers and ye players will be dressed in accord with ye cus tom of ye Colonies of ye Carolmas. Ye frivolous damsels who wear ye sky scraping bonnets will please come unadorned, as ye short men and wo men cannot see either through, over, or under ye said head-gear. Yp are exneeted not to use your tongues whilst ye singers are using. theirs or ve players their nngers. Ye conduct of all will be under ye eye of Doctor Fisher and ye players upon ve little fiddles are Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Haltiwanger, also ye Misses Allison, Farrior and Stewart. Miss Nina Ramsay will play upon ye big fiddle, and Miss Melva Carr upon ye bis drum. Misses Hendrix, Goggans, Morris, Hudson and F. G. Farrior will play with ye singers and fiddlers, a new fangled harpsichord called a Pianoforte, and Miss Whistnant will play ye great organ. His Chorus. Misses Sadie Dick, Mary Ramsay, F. G. Farrior, Powe. Ellie Hudson, Virginia Haynes-, Mabel : Stokes, Elizabeth Pilson, Ada Finison, Kath leen Alexander, Rebecca Caldwell, Irving Harding, Fula Haynes, Julia Irwin Margaret Morris, Rosa Belle Harmann, A. L. Abernethy, Estelle Pittman, Lucy Mcintosh,' Linda Hen drix, Gordon, Alice Gordon, E. Cham bers, Hellen Eddy, Francis Thornton, Flora Cornelius, Cullie Marsh, Carey Graves, Laura Efird, Margaret Hood, Lucy Harris, Beatrice Blake, Vashti Davis, Lilly Rozele, lone Burke, Mitch ell, Grace Rankin, Eva Nair, Grace Cranford, Porter, Lois Goggans, Julia Christian, Christian Hawiey, Mildred Stephenson. McMakin to Coach Clemson. Of Superintendent P. L. McManus' be interested to know that Mr. John McMakin, the well known South Caro lina twirler, will coach the Clemson College team this season. The Spartan burg Herald says: "'Spartanburg John as he is fa miliarly known throughout the South ern league balldom, Mr. John McMa kin, will coach the Clemson hall team for the season of '06. 'He is one of the best pitchers and all-round players in the Southern league and expects to bring the soldier boys up to a high standard of excel lence." McKAY COMPANIES REPORT. Annual Meeting of the Trustees of This Big Corporation. New York Feb. 16 The annual re port of the trustees of the McKay companies was issued yesterday and states that the companies own a part of or all the capital stock of 74 prosper ous cable, telephone and telegraph companies in the United States and Canada, the Commercial Cable and Postal Telegraph system. The report further states that the McKay company's is one of the largest stockholders in the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company known as the Bell Telephone Company, which for 20 years has owned and operated a telegraph system in Minnesota, Wis consin, Iowa and Illinois. The report shows that the McKay companies have no debt; that there are $40,645, 000 preferred shares and $41,380,400 common shares. During the past year $4,676,900 preferred shares have been issued in exchange for shares in other corporations paying as much or great er dividends than corresponding divi dends on the McKay preferred shares. The report states that the income of the constituent companies is largely in excess of the amount required to pay the McKay companies' dividends. The excess is used for extensions and reserves. The trustees state that they confine themselves in their invest ments to first-class table, telephone and telegraph stock. The laying of the fifth cable in the Atlantic Ocean and thp establishment of cable communi cation with Nedfoundland, and the lay ing or trie new caoles to china and Ja pan are referred to. The trustees are Clarence H. Mc Kay, William W. Cook, George G. Ward, Dumont Clark and Edward C. Piatt. From the Chicago ,News. Gunner I wonder what will Ixfithe first thing they sight at the Njrth Pole?" Guyer Why, Eskimos selling souve nir postal cards, of course. Eat what You Like Don't Starve or Diet, But Use Mi-o-na and Cure Your Stomach Troubles. The average treatment of stomach trouhles consists of a rigid diet list, which often half starves the patient. Of course it would be foolish for any one who knows that some foods are positively harmful and poisonous to continue eating them, even while fol lowing the Mi-o-na treatment, but in ordinary cases of stomach troubles it is not necessary to starve or diet if Mi-o-na is faithfully used, a tablet be fore each meal. This scientific, remedy for the cure of stomach troubles, acts upon the whole digestive system and strength ens the organs so that they are able to digest any food that is eaten with out fear of distress. Woodall & Sheppard have so much confidence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure stomach troubles and resulting ills,, that they give a guarantee with every 50 cent oox to refund the money unless it cures. . . If not convenient to obtain Mi-o-na of Woodall & Sheppard or some other retailer it will be sent by mail postage repuiu uji i.. f' The B. T. Booth, Co.- Ithaca, N. You may look respectable, but you certainly do not feel so if your teeth and mouth are suffering for want of SOZODOHT Liquid, Pozvder or Paste. a A Word Aft 'V EACH INSERTION UV WANTED. WANTED One or two furnished rooms with board in private lamiiy by young couple. 'Couple," 16-2t WANTED A limited number of shorthand pupils. Rates reasonable. Hours suitable to the working class. Address,- at once. Miss R., care News. 14-W-Fri-Sat.-3t WANTED Fifty or seventy-five feet second hand shelving and counters, suitable for dry goods store. Address "G," care News. 14-5t FOR SALt OR RENT FOR RENT OR SALE Mrs. Minnie W. Smith's residence No. 4 East More head street. Apply to George H. Brockenbrough, cave Adams Grain & Provision Co. 14-tf TOU RENT Large House. No. 90S W 5th St, either whole or part. Apply at house. 1-22-tf MISCELLANEOUS. 50 CENT ROLLER SKATES Wed- dington Hardware Co. 2-16-lt IF you want some nice Fresh Fish all you have lo do is to call up J. W. Hinshaw. I have Shad, Perch, opanish and King Mackerel, Drum, Halibut and Seak Cod and Haddock. 'Phone 4S7, 23 Vo Trade St. 2-16-lt RECEIVED Fine assortment of watches, clocks, jewelry at lowest cash prices. Come, see us and be convinced our prices are lowest. Watch repairing a specialty. The American Jewelry Co., 317 East Trade. THE finest bread that comes to Charlotte. Fancy Grape Fruit. Sarratt & Blakely, 'Phone 103. 2-16 It BOYS" AND GIRLS Weddington Hardware Company have 100 pair 50- cent Roller Skates. 2-lC-lt WHITE Wyandotte eggs for hatch ing. Write for booklet andf prices. Few fine breeding cockerels cheap. Charlotte Poultry Farm, It. F. D. 4, Charlotte, Nj C. 14-7t-eod. FOl?iD That after using Warren's Sharp Razors, you don't need "Cold Air." Next door to City Hall. 8-11-wfd. 'PHOE 1195 for Dry Oak and Tine Wood in any quantity. Quick delivery. Adams & Henderson 12-22 eod-tf NOTICE To Taxpayers. 1905 taxes are past due. The county and schools are in need of the money. I heg that you call and settle. You have h,ad time and sufficient notice. They must be paid or I will advertise. H. C. Duckworth, Tax Collector. 14-3t ROLLER SKATES For 50 cents at Weddington Hardware Co. 16-lt ROOMS and board at 503 East Ave nue. 2-15-tf MOTHER JONES will lecture on "Socialism" at court house, tonight, 8 o'clock. Admission free. 14-4t SAVE Money by buying shirts at 75 cts. Friday and Saturday. Yorke Bros. & Rogers- 15-2t TRESPASS NOTICES On cloth or card board at the News, Printing House, 29 S. Tryon St. D&W tf RHODE ISLAND REDS Winners at Charlotte Jan. 190G. 15 Eggs, $1.50. R. E. Ware, Shelby, N. C. 16-Gt SHIRT Sale. All oifr summer and fall colored shirts at 75cts, Friday and Saturday. Yorke Bros. & Rogers. 15-2t. COW PEAS We have a large quan tity of selected seed peas, which we of fer at the lowest market price. We are headquarters for poultry foods and supplies. Davidson & Wolfe, 36 East Trade St.. 2-13-5t. SHIRT Sale Friday and Saturday; Negligee and stiff Bosom, $1.50, $1.25 and SI. 00 for 75cts. York Bros. & Rogers. 15-2t RESTAURANTS OYSTERS AND GAME are at their best now and If you want them served just right drop into THE GEM HESTURANT Try one of our WeMteru Steak. ' REAL ESTATE TO LET 7-room cottage, 903 E. 5th St., $12.00; Suburban cottage, . 1 acres, well enclosed, stable chicken house, ?10; Houses for colored ten ants from 75c to $1.50 per week. Prop erty for sale. E. L. KEESLER, Phone 344. ' i DRUGGISTS No More Pain When you have taken DAVIS' HEADACHE CURE. Ask Anybody. 15 and 25c. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. Phone 247. B. S. Davis. OUR OF TOOTH. NAIL, AND HAIR IlKUSHKS. In Complete. ; PiIcvn in Suit You. MAY ICR'S Dm!!, Y.'flb and Tr?4n SU. Those 262. BUILDERS BUSINESS BUILDERS jGROChKiT PITTED CHERRIES. We have a few more cases of Red Pitted Cherries regular 35c goods for 25c a Can. S. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 251. BUYING Canned goods of the fac tory enables us to undersell. Buying of the factory we get fresh goods, too. The 10c Peas, 7c or 4 cans for 25c; Corn 5c, Maine Style, 7c; String Beans Hie; 31b peaches 10c, 12c and 15c; Sweet Potatoes 20c; Irish Po tatoes 25c; Country Hams, 15c, sides 12V2c shoulders 11c; joles 7c; Apples, Oranges, Grape Fruit. BRIDGERS & CO.' "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, I've discovered what you are, Just a mesage from the blue, To send you up a can or to" of "Barrington Hall" coffee. All those that have tried it say it is the finest coffee on the market. Best Irish Po tatoes 25cts pk; Granulated Sugar 20 lbs to the dollars. W. L. POPE, 'Phone 935. NEW LOT MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT. Always JPhone 350. J. E. DARSEY. PURE WHITE LEGHORN FOWLS I hav just bought the entire flock of pure white Leghorn fowls from the Zimmerman farm. They are beauties and last season their eggs sold for $3.00 a setting. I will sell them in lots to suit the purchaser for half val ue, 60 to 75 cents each EDWARD CAMPBELL, 5th and College Sts. 'Phone 695. New I,ot DELICIOUS VIRGINIA HAMS. A fresh barrel Fine Kraut just opened. Nice Cream Cheese. Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Turnips, Butter, ISggs, and Poultry, Kingan's Pure Lard and Choice California and Florida- ranges. EDWARD CAfcitf-JJELL, Grocer, ."til and College Sts. 'Phone (Kin. MISCELLANEOUS MEATS for Sunday Dinner Tender Roasts of Western and home-dressed Beef, . home-dressed Pork and Veal Roasts and Chops, sliced Western Ham, Pork and Mixed Sausage, Fresh Brains, Tripe and Head Cheese. Our meats are carefully selected, skillfully cut and promptly delivered. Fresh ground bone for poultry. HENRY HAVMAN, 239S Trade St., Phone 933. WE OFFER A $150 Marsh Motorcycle For $75. QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. FOR SALE Two nice new cottages. Vacant lots on Church, Middle and Palmer Sts. Railroad site, suitable for manufacturing plant. Part of building corner College and 3rd streets for rent. J NO. B. ROSS, 502 N. College St. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS Two hundred second-hand machines of sill makes, for sale cheap. Everybody wants to trade for Olivers and we are overstocked on other makes and will sell cheap. J. E. CRAYTON & CO., Trust Bldg. "THE CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER, $33. Satisfactorily meets the requirements of the heaviest office work. The only machine for those whose work does not justify thern in paying- $100. for a ijpewnier. Investigate Get the Proof. H. It. TOWNSEND, General Agent 22 W. Fifth St. Charlotte, TS. C. IS YOUR ROOF Standing; the Tent That This Weather Pnt It to? If Not 'Phone um for Help. STRANGE & SHUMAX, Tic and Slate Ronflnir. 32 North Collece St. fbone 611. P1IQNE 370 WOOD-WE ARE ABLE to furnish dry Oak and Pine Stove Wood in any quantity desired by you. Phone 370. . DOWD & CO., 7or. Sth and Railroad. ERRANDS run by postal Telegraph Messenger-. Prompt and reliable ser vice guaranteed. Telephone 13b. W. O. Gaffney, Manager. DERMAL BALM The Reliable and Certain Cure for Chapped and Rough Skin 25 cents R. H. Jordan & Co. egon Buckwheat Flour justj received Phrn vnnr order. USHER BROTHERS. Phone- 31 and 416. J. H. LITTLE, President. C. M. PATTERSON, L. R. HAGoOD, Vice President. Cashier. CHARLOTTE TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL $100,000.00. GENERAL BANKING Savings Department Pays 4 Per Cent. Interest on Deposit. DIRECTORS: W. H. BELK, O. P. HEATH, W.M.LONG, J.M.DAVIS, H. G. LINK, C. M. PATTERSON, T. C. GUTHRIE, J. H.. LITTLE, J. W. ZIMMERMAN. Business Solicited. fu m T. C. GUTHRIE. J. H. LITTLE. J. W. ZIMMERMAN. W Business Solicited. Central Property To those who have kept up with passing events in Charlotte during the last year it. must be apparent that any well located central property is good, andgetting better every day, as an in vestment. In fact the point has been reached where it is almost impossible to buy it. We haev one such property that we are offering just now, and which must appeal to any one seeking a safe and profitable investment. For particulars se us. CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A. G. CRAIG, Secretary and Manager. Phone No. 377. Office, No. 18 E. Trade Street. $ Don't Be Afraid Because it is getting cold to start to Building Use "HARD CLINCH PLASTER" WATER AND FREEZING WEATHER WONT HURT PT. ' i Charlotte Plaster Co EVERYBODY SHOULD CARRY A BANK ACCOUNT Airree that every man, woman and child should carry a bank account. Saving mon iy strengthens character, promotes ones's business Interests, helps one's reputation, establishes one's credi' paves th0 way to prosperity, leads to a home and provides for o age and sickness. Southern Loan & Savings Bank P. M. BROWN, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. Pres. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. Buist's Garden Seed ... ! SPRING AND SUMMER 1906. Onion . Sets, Blue Grass Seed, Sweet Peas, Flower Seed, Corn ,Peas, Beans, etc. Burweil & Dunn Co. Refa.il Cor. Trade and Tryon Sts. Wholesale 205 S. College St. 21 Car Tibkets For $1.00 At the Office of the , STREET RAILWAY CO Dr. H. C. Hendersbrx DENTIST. Hunt Building, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry Practiced in all its Branches. All Work Guaranteed. 'Phca, 3?S. Sick Room Goods Hospital Supplies We have a very fine line of , Hot Water Bottle Syringes, Bed Pans, Ice Cups, Air Cushions, Fe ver and Bath Thermometers, Feeding Cups, Medicine Tubes, Surgical Dressings, Gauze, Ban dages, Lint, Absorbent Cotton, and about everything else in the way of sick room and Hos pital Supplies. all&Slieppard Druggists- 4 mm THIS WELL That the Charlotte Building & Loan will open its 33 Series Saturday, Feb ruary 3rd, 190G, at its office, 203 North Tryon St. Applications for loans now being filed. The Secretary will be pleased to talk to any that are considering tak ing B. & L. Stock and anything not understood will gladly explain. J. H. VAN NESS, President. WILLIS BROWN. Sec. & Treas. i i ( ( Fresh car load Melrose FLOUR. We sell to any body. THE STAR MILLS AV. M. CHOWELL, - I'rop Wlione 2J7 Modern 7-room house, 14 North Bre vard, all conveniences, $22.50 Modern C-room cottage, 10 South My ers .$16.66 6-room cottage, 416 N. Church, close in .$13.50 6- room cottage, 515 N. Poplar,. .$15.00 4-room cottage, 609 E. 7th $8.00 4-room house, "South Cedar St $6.00 3- rooms over 317 East Trade $6.00 3 room house, Seversivlle, $1.00 per week. 1 . store room.. Belmont. . 7- room house, 909 N. Pine St $15.00 4- room cottage, Sunny Side $5.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. STORES, Store room Dilworth . . .... . . $25.00 Manufacturer's Loft, Dilworth.. $25.00 Store room, 205 N. Trvon St $40.00 Store room S West 5th St $17.J0 HOUSES- 6 room house 414 N. Smith St. . . $12.00 i 4-room cottage, E. 5th St. Extd . . $7.00 4-room- cottage, 1217 North Davidson Street $6.00 4-room cottage, Belmont Springs $6.00 4-room Cottags. Villa Heights. . $5.00 i 7-room house 909 N. Pine St. . .$15.00 4-room cottage, Sunny Side. .... .$.500 BROWN Su CO., ol 203 Nj Tryon Street, -Phone ... : : 535 WV IZTV iC ASV ffw iittt! IS QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS We buy, sell and exchange all sorts oC city and suburban prop erty, improved or unimproved, and farming and timber lands. We can always find a buyer for your property, and if he is short on part of the purchase price, we can frequently help him finance the deal. We have money on hand at all times to lend at from one to three years, and we are glad of an opportunity to place it on good real estate, when the buyer makes a satisfactory cash payment; also. If you are in the Real Estate Market, either to buy or ex change, you will do well to consult us before making any sort of a trade. We have very superior , facilities for doing satisfactory business, and it would pay you to ring up 236 before making a deal. Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Go, 11 I5v COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, W. E. HOLT, President, R. A. DUNN, V. P. The Charlotte National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Resources $1,100,000.00 It Is the business of this bank as well as Its pleasure to encourage wlt eubstantial help our depositors who 'are thrifty and reliable and ambl tious to accumulate money and succeed. If you are In this class want your bank account. Call on or write. " W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. a FRANK GILREATH, President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C Orsanlxefi 1805. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 500,000.00 ASSETS 1,97,0,116.69 Your business respectfully solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with , sound hanking. H. X. VICTOR, Cashier. KMass-Mg I The MERCHANTS & CAPITAL ASSETS We invite you to opetr an account with us, promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. We pay four per cent, interest on drae deposits. 1 v GEOhGE E. WILSON, President. JOHN B. ROSS, Vice Pre. V. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. 4- rowrvvS PHONE 525 , Gets While a few pessimists waste time prating about fictictious values in real estate, we not ice that the "world do move," especially that part in and ' near the Queen City, Whi;e they are prating the man with faith and his eyes open gets the plum. Here are two to pick up, 25 acres, V2 wood, new 5-room house, long macadam frontage. Another just it, only 50 acrco and 6-rcom house; both on easy terms; both the best in their class, an I their class is the best. . Other farms,x;ity and suburban property. W; T. Wilkihsori & Co. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. Room 6 Hunt BuBding. . N,S!l5!5uIi. Try It ... ') : " " Our Savings Department can help you save money. One Dollar is suf ficient to start the account. You will be pleased with results. SoiitKferii States trust Company CAPITA Trust Building, GEORGE STEPHENS, President. T. S. Vice President. "2. DAVIS,, Assistant Treasurer. Soutti Tryorv Street Home Lot 50x150; 8-Room House; Steam Heat; Modern Plumbing. r $3,200 IF QUICK SALE. ; F- C ABBOTT & COMPANY "EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE" yourself an injustice when you do not avail yourself of the resources and fa cilities possessed by the Commercial National Bank. It has the largest capital and surplus of any bank in the State; stands first oh the honor roll of National Banks in the State as to strength and two hundred and elev enth in the United States, and lias the nesire for new business, together with willingness to extend every accomo dation consistent with sound bank ing methods; conservative but liberal. With long experience in the business we know a good paper when we see it and don't have to reject a goou offering because of ignorance of val- ues. Call and see us. OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. A. T. SUMMEY, Asst. Cash. ... "frttHiiit FARMERS NAT. BANK ! ! V i CHARLOTTE, N. C " - $200,000.00 - - - $1,500,000.00 -f CANNOT OFTEN BUY ON BREVARD STREET A good, as new, 5-room Cottage for $1,650.00; $500 cash, balance through Building and Loan Association. All modern conveniences, car line by the door.' Rents well. One block of Grad ed School, minutes' walk of tin Square. Will be sold at once. Call on or phona Cbmpany 203 N. TRYON ST. 1. $200,000. ' Charlotte, N. C. W. H. WOOD, Treasurer. FRANKLIN,

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