THE CHARLOTTE NEWSEBRUARY 17, 1906. The Charlotte News Published Daily (Except Sundij) NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. C. DOWO Pres. and Gen. Mgr. C. A. MATTHEWS City Editor SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1906. Just at 12 to-day the knot was tied. "Mrs. Alice Longworth" sounds pretty good especially to "Nick." If we were an Emperor we'd wire nr -congratulations but then well,, we won't say. LONGWORTH ROOSEVELT. Today just at the hour of 12 Miss Alice Lee Roosevelt became the wife of . Nicholas . Longworth, Representa t.ive from- Ohio. The ceremony was one of the most brilliant, if not, uie most, brilliant, ever witnessed in America. For pure splendor and brilliancy the occasion was unequalled. A thousand guests were present at the ceremony and all business was suspended in the Capitol city. The floral decorations excelled any display ever made in the White House. ' ' " The wedding took place in the East room of the White House, and the spa cious halls arid corridors of the Presi dent's home were decked in the most extravagant style. It was a pageant of rare and unexcelled beauty, done up in true American style. ' For weeks the coming: weddina: has Every mother's daughter of them been the gossip of the entire world, will be after being married in the same for the wedding is of international in kind of a gown. ' iterest. For the past few days the wedding presents have been pouring in from ev ery quarter of the globe, demonstrat ing the position that the young bride holds in the eyes of the world. Through it all she has conducted herself in a manner befitting the daughter, of a President and she has the esteem and admiration of the entire country. In another part of the paper today we give an elaborate and beautiful ac count of the whole affair from start to finish. "Some are born great. Some achieve greatness," hut "Nick" Longworth had "Greatness thrust upon him." Earthquake shocks are reported from various parts in the Danish West In dies today. These are, indeed, perilous times. A few days ago an acre of land lying within three miles of Charlotte was sold at $300: How is that as an ex ample of the value of real estate. in and about Charlotte? It was most considerate of Miss Alice and "Nick" Longworth to have their wedding on Saturday. "It gave the Saturday afternoon papers such a good chance. Since they are reviving the whipping pest it might be a good idea to bring back some of those "ways and means" of chastising various offenders, such as liars, gossips, etc, which were in vogue back in colonial times. Admiral RodjestvensKy says he was not responsible for the defeat in the Sea of Japan. The Japanese rather have the idea ;,that his actions in that famous battle were not of sufficient magnitude to force him now to bear all the responsibilities. In the death of Paul Lawrence Dun bar, a few days ago, America lost her greatest negro poet. Dunbar was black as ebony and was a typical African. Seme of his work was exquisite. His conception of the negro dialect was true to nature," something which can rarely be said of the warblers in the dialect of today. - ! , TO-DAY'S NEWS. The News to-day has many interest ing features. We are putting forth ev ery effort possible to make our Satur day issues rich and attractive. Among the features of to-day will be found an other of - the famous stories of the other of the famous stories of the se day is up to the standard of the initial story of the series, "The Lincoln Grave Robbers," which is saying a lot. We also have a full and elaborate account of the marriage at theWhite House, the greatest social event of the world for the year. Among the other fea tures are to be fo'und the smart dis course on social functions, entitled, "Novl Entertainments;" also an ac count of the work of the Assay Ccmmis sion, recently in session in Philadel phia. There are many other features of intense interest in to-day s issue, but the lack of space forbids their mention. AUNT SPANKED JOHN'S WIFE. The friendship of America and Ja-( pan has ever been marked. President Roosevelt's appeal to the American people to aid the famine sufferers of Japan is greatly appreciated by the people of that country. We are glad to know that the President has made this appeal and we are sure that the American people will respond, as they have ever been wont to do when the cry of distress was heard. - ' Mr. T. K. Bruner, in charge of the immigration work of the North Caro lina State Board of. Agriculture, states that he has just succeeded in inducing an extensive stock farmer of Canton, Ohio, Mr. George W. Smith, to move to Orange county where he will engage in stock raising and general farming on a large scale. We are more than glad to note the ardor with which Mr. Eruner is entering into his work and the success he is meeting. It is the lit tle things that count in everything, and every prominent fanner who can be in duced to come into our midst with his improved ideas and capital will help us that much. After a long and tiresome siege of 32 days the famous Samuels case has been decided. At just 12 o'clock yester day the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Although they failed to agree on the counts charging conspiracy, to all other counts charging false reports they returned a verdict cf guilty. The case is one of the most noted tried in the State in several years. There have been ugly features connected with the case. All the political factions and an imosities existing in the ranks of Wilkes county Republican camps have been aired in court. But, the case is over and the long and tiresome siege has been brought to an end, and there is scarcely any one who is sorry of it. One of the most prolific chicken thieves we ever heard of was arrested near -Raleigh recently . He was a young coon by the name of Henry Brown and seemed to have had the .business down to a fine paying point. He had arranged under his domicile a colossal coop that was capable of ac commodating something like 250 chick ens. . ne was engaged in the shipping business to a large extent. When he was arrested he had quite a few dress ed fowls, as well as a large number still alive. His chief place or operation was the chicken coops of the Metho dist Orphange, but he was not forget ful of the neighboring hen houses. The police got him, however, and he will likely be assigned to road duty. A man who would steal from an orphan is too mean to live in a civilized country. Thouqht "She Needed it" Grandma Couldn't Boss Matilda. Poughkeepsie. Feb. 17 Mrs Cathar ine "Van.' Wyck, testifying today in the suit brought by her nephew. John Belu- ing, for a limited divorce from Mathil da Belding. told of hearing her nephew in his room struggling to wrest a pis tol from his wife. "What did you do then?" Mrs. Van Wyck was asked. "Why, I went right over to the bed and spanked her. I thought she needed it, and John couldn't do it" .. Mrs. Shelly, Belding's grandmother, was asked about the home life in the Belding farmhouse. "You bossed the whole family, did you not?" - DR. MACK TO REMAIN. Will Not Accent the Call Extended to Him by Atlanta Church. The Waxhaw Enterprise says that Dr. J. B. Mack, pastor of the Provi dence and Banks Presbyterian church es, who has for some "time been con sidering a call to Atlanta, has finally decided to decline this call and re main with the churches at Providence and Banks. He will in the "hear fu ture move his family to Fort Mill to the parsonage at Providence. Dr. Mack is one of the ablest and most learned ministers in the Southern Presbyterian church, and the churches mentioned are very fortunate in being able to retain him as their pastor. HOW IS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all his business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Good Boy-Georgie ! i "Oh, George, dear," she whispered, when he slipped the .engagement ring on her tapering finger, 'V how. sweet of yoa to remember just" the sort of I preferred! None of the others were ever so thoughtful." George was staggered for a moment: then he cams back with, "Not at, all, dear ; you overrate me. one I've always used." This is the 'What did you discuss at your liter ary, club this afternoon, -dear?" ask ed a Braymer husband of his wife, ac cording to the "Comet." "Let me see, replied she. "Oh, yes, I remember now. We discussed that woman who recently moved into the house across the street." George was right there with the goods, and so are we when you want the best. It is seldom when there is not a busy meeting at insurance headquarters. ... .y . C N. C. Butt S. Co., IXSURAAXE HEADQUARTERS. HOOD) f f 2 20 E. Trade St continue in business with better bar gains than EVER ' ". .v r ;. ... .... : - , - v r-8 IS SWINGING ALONG LIKE A GREAT OCEAN LINER 6n k-ecbrd breaking voyage. Tomorrow, Saturday, will be the Biggest of All the last day. Chiues:T;heiati)ree days have been enormous. In fact no sale of the past can show such a record. For Saturday we nave replenished all counter with the best stuff; g-jods bright and new direct from the factories. LISTEN ! r Owing to the Crow ded Condition of our store room and not having space to car ry and display s: many different lines we decided to close out our shoe stock, Gent's furnishing and Clothing, which we did to the Miller Dry Goods Co. This will give us room for a larger and more complete stock dress goods, Dry goods, Notions, Ladies', Misses and children's Hosery and Under wear. Our buyer is now in the markets buying our springs stock. New Goods will begin to arrive ' in a few days and our spring and sum mer display will be much larger . and more complete than any previous offer ing. We have been re peatedly asked by people vho have read the Miller Dry Goods ad. "if we had sold out and gone outof business." The word "Entire stock" used by them, at first glance would seem that we had sold out entirely, but you will note they "(consisting of Shoes, Clothing and Gent's Furnishing," which is correct. We do not think for a moment, that the Miller Dry Goods Co. would do anything intentioii alty to injure our business and we on ly mention this to set the public right who have miscon strued the reading of this ad. and furth er say the lines we closed to them are excellent values and advise ail who are looking for bar gains in Shoes, Clothing and Gent's furnishing to call on them before buying. The price they are offering is certainly Cheap. Watch our ad. and call on us V for bargains and dry goods, dress goods notions and Indies', Misses and Chil dren's Underwear. 148 Pairs of Portia Shoes. For women the best make known, all styles and sizes; shoes we've sold at $3.00 and $3.50. Saturday's Price $2.48 pair Other standard makes at 98c, $1.25, $1.48, $1.75, and $1.98. Bargain Counter Shoes 50c, 75c and 98c Pair. , Big Reduction in Clothing ?S.50 to $12.50 Men's Suits. . ?7.50 to $8.50 Men's Suits .... $5.00 to $6.50 Men's Suits Men's Pants . . Boy's Suits . . . .$6.95 ,...$5.00 $v$93 48c, 75c and 98c 48c, 75c and 98c J. FREE YOUR PHOTO. 4 4 With One Dollar Purchase 4. 4 1 A. Will Be Taken " Free, -aM "l Gent's Furnishings.? $1.00 Men's' Shirts . . . . . . . .50c Men's " Elastic Drawers . . Seam Canton Flannel ........ ! 38c each 50c value- in Men's Neckwear. , ..19c Men's All Linen Collars,. .", 10c Dozen 10c Men's Fine Cambric - Handker chiefs Saturday rrom 4.30 to- 4.40 at , 1c From 4.30 to . 4.40 p. in., extra Special 10c Handkerchief sale, not . over 5 to a "customer, pric 1c . Hundreds will be on hand tomor row sp come.rignt along. Extra clerks emoloyted to wait on you. E3 EE3 V! Wholesale, Retail 1 . ' JlliOOtiCo. MEXT WEEK - 100 Rolls Fifie Mat ting to go on Sa.le MON D Al MO Extra heavy good quality matting picked up at away under price and we having nc regular Department for this class goods have put a price on it to clean it quickly. It's a regular 30 Gent yard grade, $12.00 Roll. Our spot cash price to make quick work of it S8.00 a R.J! Lots oi extra good Bargains on for MONDAY to start the week with. Keep an Eye on v ome Special Prices I SON.. Slllifllii V To make room for our new stock which isAarriving V daily, we have made" sortie "'Big Cuts" in Prices to reduce our present stock. c O THIS REDUCTION MEANS g MONEY SAVED ' : : ; Call and see them for yourself. in furniture Co. We can serve vou with Fuel nf all Icinrle O. WJ : Mt W W ,10 T VII seasoned, cut and split or in 2 or 4 foot lengths. ; Can fill any order from 50c worth ;';;; " :td :a; car load. Soft, Hard, Blacksmith and Steam Coal, the best to be had PHONE 402. Yards 850 N. Poplar St, o ooooo o oodopbovo oopoo oooooo ITS) II I I I I f I U I fllll II SI I I I I I i I li II I I I I I II I 3 II I II Ml I I IVi .... ...... J. . - ..-,. 1 . -" . . -' - . v - - i - . .... If the hallis e Tnex- toourhome make it acomfoTtable and at tractive one. Ve can, supply; youVith- easy , Chairs - anJ Rockers, Hall Racks, Rngs or Carnets, SetteeVaid Tables; air pfese especially desiSn ed to:fnrnish and beanUfy the-hall. Ve have nice Golden Oak Racks as cheap as $6.00; other good valuest- $8.50, $io.6b. s'ro, tionn. i?35.00. Dojot fail to seewhat wo ri,o ' .. . . - . t ..: ' c w uuer. - MqCOY. Department Store Corner Trade and College Sweets' Qoqoooooooooooaoooooooooooo

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