THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 17. 19C6. Stretch our Yon can readily see that in order to he successful we must be busy all the time. Wo offer special inducements dur ing February as it is a dull month unless we push business hard. We cut our profits in order to get the volume of business as that is what counts. Not only cut prices on win ter goods, but many new Spring Goods at Special prices. . Mew White Dress Linens We bought this last' Fall to come in Fe'.iruai y. This is the reason we cm se!! at this price. 36 . inch all Linen Dress Suiting, a pure white, vir.-ih C'ic yd., per yd 25c Printed Lawns and Organdies You will save money buying a dress now. We bought these way under value. Sheer pretty printed Organ die in beautiful paterns, about 20c grade, per yd. -,'. ... .... ...... 1 0c Good quality .printed-- Iiawn,- yen will pay about 7c yd. later per yd .. .. 5c Dress Goods A fine stock to select from. Many of the prices are better than we can give you later. 50 inch Sicilian, extra quality in col ors, Giey, Brown, Black Navy etc. Special, per yd 50c 38 inch Gray Brilliantine, fine lustre, Per yd, 50c 3S inch Batiste and - Albatross in ..Blacks and Colors, per yd. ..... 50c Splendid value in Serges, Panamas and Batistes, per yd . .75c and $1.00 Cream Dress Goods Xever more popular than now. "C to 38 inch Albatross and Brillian tines, per yd ." . .. .. .50c 30 inch Cream Panama, a beautiful quality, per yd. ..$1.00 Silks We are selling" a great many silks Here are some specials: Yard wide, guaranteed Black Taffeta Silk, cheap at $1.00 yd., per yd .. ...... ..89c Solid and changeable colors yard wide bilks, per yd ' , . . . . . $1.00 Fancy Silks for Shirt-waist and Eton suits, per yd 50 and 75c lOc Embroidery A Table of fine values in good Em uroidery, Edges and Insertions per ja ...- 10c Laces Sew lot Val Laces just received. Ev erybody praises our Val Laces. Black Underskirt Sale Wednesday. Another of our big bargains in Mer cenzed Riack: Underskirts. Well " ado ot nice material, at just about Price of the cloth..... 98c Money! mm 13 WEST TRADE ST. PLANS ARE MOVING FOR CELEBRATION Mayor McNinch is Making a Splendid Effort to Hava a Big 20th,: of May Celebration; Heads of Committees Have been Named. From present indications the com ing 20th of May will be celebrated on a larger scale than ever before in the the history of Charlotte and it will be an occasion that will probably bring a greater number of visitors into the city than on any previous one. Mayor S. S. MeNinch, who first launched the movement for the gigantic celebra tion has not been idle. He has labored unceasingly with his plans which are rapidly taking shape and already a great deal has been accomplished to ward success. An organization has been made! composed of the chairman, of the va rious committees that wil have charge of the various details of the celebration which will be known as the executive committee. The executive committee will have general charge of the cele bration, in the distribution of the funds and arranging for the place of the the different attractions. The regular committee will have chargeof their respective details. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson has been appointed chairman of the Home Coming Com mittee which is composed of about 50 of the elderly ladies of the city offici als. This committee will receive at the city hall one day during the celebra tion, the day to be decided later. - The first day: of the celebration will probably be given up to the women. Mrs. A. L. Smith will head the commit tee to. be known as the Women's Club Committee and Mrs E. D. Latta will head the committee to be known as the Mothers' Congress Convention. On this day the great and magnificent Canival of Lights will be displayed. The Southern Power Company and the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company, as well as all other electri cal interests of the city, have agreed to lend their support toward making the electrical display very elaborate. Mr. W. S. L ee has promised an elec trical display never before witnessed He proposes to illuminate the streets in every directions with various col ored lights. The traveling men of the city have asked permission to hold' a carnival beginning the first night. They pro pose to have something very interest ing in the shape of side shows, a mid way and many other amusements. Mr. C. A. Williams will have charge of this feature. , -? The second day of the celebration will be known as Soldiers Day. All Spanish American and Civil war iyeterans ?will takeajct uythe ex erciss;"a prts'granf 'of which lajor L. Leon is arranging. Governor Glenn will be asked to be present on this day and 1 deliver an address. The athletic contest,""in charge of Mr, George Ste phens, will commence on this day Perhaps one of the grandest Spec tacular parades ever witnessed in Charlotte will take place on the night of the second day. Already the fiatarnal orders of the City including the Elks, Red Men, Woodmen of the World, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, are preparing for the grand pageant. ; The committee on music is headed by Mr, Stuart W. Cramer who has the assurance that "a very high class feature at the Academy of Music will be Open all - during the celebration A number of the best bands that can be secured will give regular concerts each day The band contest will be in charge of Mr. R. H. Jordan. On the third day the grand floral parade will take place. This commit tee is headed by Mr. W. R. Robertson who is now arranging prizes and other details. Mr. Osmond Barringer has consent ed to take charge of the automobile show on this day. The fourth day will be given up to a horse show. Mr. J. W. Wadsworth is chairman of this committee. The horse show promises to be ,a very fashion aole and sociable affair . . An effort will be 'made to secure President -Roosevelt or ex President Grover Cleveland to be here one day during , the occasion. Maor McNinch states that he feels confident that the President may be prevailed upon to visit Charlotte. Sec retary Loeb gave him the assurance that he would use his influence in ar ranging for another visit whenever it was the wish of Mr. McNinch. Mr. Heriot Clarkson is chairman of the committee on entertainment which will provide lodging .for all visitors. Mr. C. E. Hooper will have charge of the committte on ' decoration1: Mr. it. L Vernon the committee on railroad rates ahdscheduies: MrThomas Gari baldi the advertising committee- and Mr. H. E. C. Bryant the . publicity . com mittee. :. Mr. Walter Brem ..will have charge of the committee on fire works., Two grand electrical displays will be given during the celebration .which will be absolutely-, free, and an extra effort will be made for a grand display. Mayor. McNinch states that he has received two voluntary subscriptions to the 20th of May fund. The General Fire Extinguisher Co, through. Mr, J. W. Conway, has subscribed $75, and Mr. R. O. Aexander ?50. Y. W. CA. Notes. . Tonight at 7 o'clock Miss Annie Trot ter of Elizabeth Heights will conduct evening prayers at the Association Horn 6 The Sunday vespers will be held by Mrs W. S. Stewart, a member of the board of directors. There will be special music by Misses Eva Eddxns and Lottie Gray. , ' . The attfndence of vespers, during January was the largest of any month in our history. Every woman will be cordially-welcomed to these services at five o'clock Sunday. ' : SKimiiEMBauaHKumiaiESiiHWiijCiB S O A S a iiaiimzi&iinoriiM Mrs. AC. Butler will leave tomor row morning for Greensboro to visit her sister and to be with her hus band. .. - . Quite ah enjoyable social event took place in Severs ville last evening when Miss Ralstun Severs, the attractive daughter of 'Squire and Mrs. H. C. Severs delightfully entertained a num ber of her young friends at euchre and other progressive games. After a de lightful musical program by a number of the guests, tfte hostess invited them into the dining room where hot choco late, frappe, ice cream, cake and fruits were served. - Miss Virginia Gradson, of Elizabeth College, left this morning Tor Augusta, Ga., to attend the marriage of Miss Wheeless and Mr. Walhan, which event takes place in that city next Tuesday evening. She will return to Charlotte the latter part of the week. Mrs. J. H. Howell entertained a few friends at bridge "yesterday after noon at her home on East Seventh street. Mrs. D. A. Hurley won the prize for honors; Mrs. C. F. Wadsworth, the prize for points and Mrs. L. S. Bailey, the consolation. The guests were Mis dames J. Herbert Hirshinger, C. F. Wadsworth, C. M. Patterson, S. S. Bai ley, D. A. Hurley, H. P. Shaw, A. M. Shaw, Fred W. plover, H. L. Adams, J. R. Ross. E. W. Mellan and Misses Nor ma Van Landingham and Georgia Lowe. "in honor of. Mrs. D. R. Jacob, of Louisville, Mrs. James L. Keerans en tertained at her home on East Avenue yesterday afternoon, the hours being from 4 to 6 o'clock. The Keerans resi dence was beautifully decorated for the occasion,; the prevailing colors be ing pink and White and red and green. Assisting Mrs. Keerans were: Front Hall: Mrs. Charles A. Bland, Mrs. W. I. Henderson and Mrs. A. S. Cheek. In Parlor: Mrs. H. O. Miller, Mrs. C. E. Hooper, Mrs. J. K. Wolfe, Mrs. P. M. Brown, Mrs. A. M. Whisnant, Mrs. D. R. Jacob, Mrs. James Keerans and Misses Louise Levi and Lucy Lore. ; Dining Room: Mrs. C. S. Brasing ton, Mrs. James Steere, Mrs. J. L. Wolfe, Mrs. O'Loughlin, Misses Hattie Orr, Marie. Wheeler and Nancy Brown. Punch Room? Mrs. J. C. Montgom ery, Mrs. C'jLi. Keerans, Mrs. O: W. Loving, Misses Mary Lore, of Concord; Hattie Keerans ' and . Lucile Hender-: son. . ' The 'depurations in the parlor were! pink andVhite; the dining room, red and green, and the hall red. The affair was one of the most pleas urable that Charlotte society has been bidden to in many months. " ' ' Cards of invitation will be issued Monday to a reception Mrs. W.F. Dowd will give Friday next (ShondP)f KEfs. Minnie Winston Smith, who i has Just ; returned from Berlin, where she has been studying voice. - Mr. D. Aniati Richardson wiii give a dance 'at the City Hall next Wednes day night, the hours being from 9 to 12 o'clock. The following will be the chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. D. A'. Hur ley, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cutter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hutchison, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George W. Graham, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mc Cullough, Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Talia ferro, Mr. and Mrs. Carey W. Butt, Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey i ; Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Alston, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Withers, Mr. and jMrs: R. H. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Osmond L. Barringer,' Miss Lucy Oates and W. R. Taliaferro. 5 ' .. ' Mrs. W. H. Knowles, of Pensacola, Fla., is in the city the guest of Mrs. Sarah Virginia Young, on North Tryon street. .' " Mrs. Geo. F. Duke left this morning for Cheraw, where she goes to visit her son, Mr". W. F. Duke, She was accom panied by little Geo. F. Duke, Jr., who has been spending some time with his grandparents. , . All preparations for the Colonial Costume Concert to be given at Pres byterian College Monday, February' 19, at 8:30 p.,m.: are completed. There has been a large sale of tickets and there is every indication that there wilf be a large audience to greet .Ye Colonial singers. The proceeds of this concert are for the "piano fund" of the Young Women's Christian . Association of Charlotte. Those who have attended the Sunday vespers know how much the piano adds to the general interest of the meetings and those who live in NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. Hymomei a Scientific Treatment for Catarrh By Breathing Medicated Air. - . . Breathed through the pocket inhal er that comes with every outfit, Hy raqei destroys all catarrhal germs in the , air passages of the throat and nose, soothes and heals the irritated mucous membrane and effectually drives" from the system all traces of catarrhal poison. No one should confound Hyomel with the use of patent medicines that are advertised as catarrh; cures. It is as superior., to them as the , diamond is more valuable than cheap glass. The complete llyomei outfit consist ing of a neat pocket inhaler, a medi cine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei costs but $1, and extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents, making it the most economical method of curing ca tarrh, as well as the most reliable. R. H. Jordan & Co. have sold a great many Hyomei outfits and . have seen such remarkable results from its use, that they sell it under ' an aDsolue guarantee that it costs nothing unless it cures.' A If not convenlentto obtain Hyoroel of R. H. Jordan or some other druggist it will be forwarded from the laborato ry by mail on receipt of price. : . .Tlie B .T. Booth Co., Hyoixel Bldgr Ithaca, N. Y. 500 Pair Ladies' Fine Kid Blucher :f ,'v";.J"pORbs$2.oo'-,:: FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Bring us your feet and we'll give you "FITS" THOMPSON Cuts The Price the Home find it a constant source of pleasure. Meetings for the following sections of the Woman's Club will be held as follows : Literature, February 20 ; Treble Clef, February 21; Education, February 22. FENDER SAVES CHILD'S LIFE. Little Cornelia Wearn Had a Close Call This Afternoon. Little Cornelia Wearn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wearn, was right nainfnllv hrniserJ bv nomine- in nnntaft with a moving street car at Elizabeth Heights this j afternoon. The child, with several others, were playing near the end of the car tracks, at Eliza beth Heights. Little Cornelia attempt ed to run in front of the car and was knocked down by the edge of the fen der. Those who saw the accident say the child's life was saved by the fen der. A telphone message from the Wearn home this afternoon . states that little Cornelia is sleeping and that, her in juries are not thought to' be of a seri ous nature. Music at Second Presbyterian Church. MORNING, Prelude, allegro moderato Piutti. Th , . of Mr Whitmel P Tun Anthem, Send Out Thy Light. .Gounod stl oVed seVeTal ?ays ago in Anthem, Blessed are the Merciful, asfTeS S& States- Postlude, Finale alia Schumann, , Guilmant. . EVENING. r : ' Prelude, Cauzonetta -, . Brewer Anthem, The Ldrd is My Rock, Woodman. Solo, Selected ......... .Mrs. Graham Postlude, allegro ,m'aestoso . .O.Wiigner H. J. Zehm, organist and choir di rector. -5f - - , . r:- yj f :.y, . Have You Noticed -That this is a mighty dry town? The dust in some places is an inch thick and no water carts out and, a bigger standpipe than ever. v That if "Greene is convicted he will not be the "Gaynpr?"' ?; That Wednesday h.0 been the day for reciving in Dilwo?4fi and that now ifeisjjhlmost eafefeiirar? - i lint we are iiKeiy;. nave several incorporated villages 'tere about?" That it is not long after a man dies before they are searching for his will? That this is good hog-killing weather? St.. Peter's Episcopal Church. Morning prayer and sermon 11 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Rev. James D. Simmons, of Pittsboro, N. C, will officiate. St. John's Chapel, Sunday school and Bible class 3:30 p. m. Di I worth Methodist Church: Preaching at 11 & 7:30 by the poas tor, Rev. C. M. Short; Sunday School at 9: 45. 1- ' Special Song Service. One of the services of song that have become popular at the Tryon Street Methodist church, will be given to morrow night. The soloists will be Mrs. Carrie C. " Martin, Miss Berte Hutch ings, ;Mr. David T: Huyck and' Mr.' L7 J. Townsend. of the regular choir, assisted- by v Miss Mary Mitchell, contral to, Messrs. Harry Asbury and Avery Williams flute and Mr. Reeves accom panist. - Dr.- White Tomorrow. Dr. Jno. E. White, pastor of one of the leading Baptist churches of At lanta, and a native of .North Caro lina, will preach tomorrow morning at theFirst Baptist church. Dr. White is a youngman and easily ranks among the test pulpit orators of the South. ' V ORDER ONE IN NOW. C. LL CONTRACT DEPARTMENT 199 Southern Bclf flPclcgraph & Telephone 'Company j i. NEGRO GAMBLERS FREE. Jury Returned a Verdict of Not Guilty This Morning. The bunch of gamblers caught by the police ' several weeks ago, have all been given their liberty by a juror of Mecklenburg citizens. This morning in the Superior Court, a verdict of not guilty was recorded in favor of Abe Woodard, Jim McLaughlin, Will Davis, Jim Davis, Walter Massey, Arthur Mc Creight, Fred Epps, Jim Crockett, Fred and Jim Burton, Frank Phifer and Sam Cotton. The ase against these negroes was Icommeneed yesterday afternoon and Hvas uulsueu uus luoimus. ! T i 1 1 Anil --"1 v It wil 1 be recalled by News readers that tlfe . only witnesses against the gamblers ' were the negro Mcllwaine and Will Zeigler, the white man, both participants in the game. Both Zeigler and Mclwaine tolad on the -crowd, thereby escaping punishment. The jury, it would seem, declined to con sider this class of evidence. . Alex. Sloan, the negro who bit Mr. A. N. Deaton's ear off, was placed on trial this morning and a conviction fol lowed in short order. Judge Bryan re served his decision until next week. Funeral of Mr. Tunstall. vices will be held from the. home of the parents of the deceased, Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Tunstall, Monday. : Mrs. Clem Dowd, a sister of the de ceased, has been in Statesville for sev eral days awaiting the arrival of the body. Mr. Dowd goes to Statesville tonight to attend the funeral services on Monday. Drops Dead in Ballrom. Gainesville, Ga., Feb. 17. F. R. Sher wood dropped dead last night just as he finished leading a grand march at a fancy dress ball of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Mr. Sher wood was secretary of the Cotton Oil Mill, of Gainesville, and was" well known alLover the State. One of his sons is a student in a ,New,Ybrk med ical college,' and another Is cashier of the Lindsey National Bank of Gaines ville. Soothe the threat and stop a hacking cough. A safe and simple remedy, soidoniy in boxes. - DHE CENT A WORD COME to the Colonial Costume Con cert, Presbyterian College Auditorium, Monday; Feb. 19, 8:30 P. M. 17-lt LOST Old-fashioned beaded hand bag between square .and 10th on North Tryon. Reward for return to News office. . . 17-lt LOST Bunch of keys. Reward if re turned to O. M. Sadler, Jr. 17-lt WANTED Position by young lady to do copying, etc., in office. Miss L., care News. - 17-lt ' WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 Capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Expenses ad vanced. Address Geo. B. Clows, Char lotte, N. C. - 17-lt If you have never used a Bell Telephone in your home or office, have one or more installed and you'll soon won der how you ever did without it. You will become a part of the busy, active world. .The time you save, the re sults you obtain and the peace of mind - you enjoy will more than pay for the service. Resolve today to enjoy the advantages that only the tele-. phone can give. TDne Uttfle-LiiM CHARLOTTE, lit' G. m mi We Arc Continually Adding flew Goods to that Popular Part of our Stores Known as - J6 The Bridge5' Our Recent Arrivals Toiletware 10 piece Toilet Set in white and gold, with large , roll-rim bowl, $5.00 and $6.00, 12 piece, at.... .... . .. .. .. ..$7.50 10 piece sets, beautifully tinted in green, pink and -blue, special at .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $4.00 10 piece sets handsomely decorated in neat designs with gold trim mings and roll-rim bowls from ...... .4 $4.00 to $8.50 12 piece sets decorated or tinted in new designs from . .$7.00 to $12.50 Nice white bowls and pitchers: roll-rim bowls, special at ..9c White and gilt bowls and pitchers, new shape, special at ........ . .$1.25 White slop-jars ... ... ; . . .98c, $1.25 and $2.00 White chambers ...,35c, 40c and 50c inner 100 piece dinner sets in fine; French China, 6 new patterns, and very handsome, special price of ....$30.00 100 piece sets in Austrian China, very handsomely decorated in 6 new designs, special at $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 ; ;''-:-. .-. V:. r 100 piece sets in fine grade of porcelain, 8 pretty decorations, regu lar $20.00 sets, special at .... .... .... ...... ..$15.00 Plain white cups and saucers in porcelain per set at ....40, 50 and 65c Plain white cups and saucers in china, per set at . ..$1.25 and $2.50 Plain white 7 inch plates in nice porcelain, special, per set, at.... 50c Plain white 7 inch plates in china, special, per set, at ... . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25 Decorated porcelain cups and saucers, special, per .let, at 60, 75, 85, $1.6o Decorated Hairland china cups and saucers, special, per set, at . .$1.50 200 do.r7-in decorated plates in second at special price, per set of.. ..35c Plain white deep dishes .... ........ .t. . ...... , , 20, 25, arid 50c Plain white meat platters ... . 10, 15, 25, 35 and 50c Plain, white covered dishes, per set . .. .. ...... 50c Decorated covered dishes; . . I . 75, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25 English porcelain brown tea pots, decorated, each, at . .40, 50 and 65c Glassware Plain blown glass tumblers, per -dozen, at Plain heavy glass tumblers, per dozen, at . Decorated blown glass tumblers, per dozen, 8 inch berry bowls at .. .'. . . . '. . . 8 inch fruit stands at .. .. .. .... .. .. ., 10 inch cake stands at .... Plain and fancy punch cups, per dozen Plain finger bowls, per set, . , ' Plain and fancy lamps, each complete, .. .. ( Salt' and pepper shakers, each, ...... .... . Sugar dishes . . . Butter dishes . . . . . . . .......... . Cream pitchers .... .. .. .. Water pitchers, .... ...V ...... .. .. .. Hotel Ware Cups and saucers, per dozen .. . , 5 inch, plates, per dozen, .... . . . , " 7 inch plates, per dozen . . 7 inch soup plates, per dozen, . , 2 1-2 inch deep dishes, per dozen,.. .1 3 12 inch deep dishes, per dozen,.. 3 1-2 inch fiat dishes, per dozen,.. .. 4 1-2 inch' flat dishes, per, dozen,. . . .V Inndiyidual cream pitchers per. dozen, Individual cream pitchers per do.. '. . .. Egg cafe, per dozen . .. - '' - ". .. 6 inch oyster bowls, per dozenV. . rr. . . And everything in hotel tableware. . - 11 - . i"i":"i'i"i"i-Hi"i":"H"i"i"i"r mm will Interest You. Ware ....60c ..50c, 65c, atid $1.00 I... ...70c . .. .. ..10 and 25c . . . .... 25 and 50c . .. ...... ..35c .... ..75c and $1.00 .60c ;. 20, 25, 45 and 50c ... ..... .5 and 10c . 10 and 15c . '. 10 and 15c .' .... .,..10 and 15c . . . . 25, 50 and 65c Double ..' ..$1.25 !'. . .75c $1.00 ..,..$1X0 , . . '. 85c .. ..85c , ... ..85c 85c . . .'..$1.00 ..50c ......85c ..; $15 Thick

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