THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY. 22, 1906 The Charlotte News ,, Published Daily (Except Sunday) NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. C. DOWD Pres. and Gen. Mgr. C. A. MATTHEWS City Editor THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd, 1906. THE REPUBLICAN IMBROGLIO. Threats of indictments are almost becoming as frequent in this State among the perturbed brethren of the Republican party as is "the liar" in j Georgia. The least that can be said about the condition of the Republican party of this State is that it is a long ways from the vale of quiet and har mony. - It was a source, of surprise to most of the people wrhen they heard that District Attorney Holton had sent a bill before the grand jury of the Unit ed States District Court charging "the drummer boy," alias E. Spencer Black burn, with practicing before the De partments in Washington. The bill alleged that Mr. Blackburn had taken fees for his influence in bringing cer tain things to pass while he was a member of Congress. The last dispatch of yesterday after noon stated that the Federal Court grand jury had returned two true bills of indictment against Mr. Blackburn There are two counts to each bill.; While this is unexpected, still it is stated that Mr. LinneyXbrought similar charges against Blackburn when he was contesting with him for the Con gressional nomination two years ago. The affair looks ugly. Mr. Black burn claims that the whole business was trumped up by his political en emies, and it was intimated in the dis patch of yesterday afternoon that Mr. Blackburn would retaliate by making an effort to indict District Attorney Holton. The general public will watch the proceedings with more than usual in terest. The eyes of the entire country have been attracted to the political im broglio in this State. The trouble with our Republican brethren may all blow over, but just at the present, there appears to be little probability of such a thing. There is no telling what may take place. Some angel of peace may appear on the scene of turbulence and faction and cast some undreamed of potion into the seething caldron which will cause the foul vapors to vanish and make things serene, but we are poor be lievers in miracles these days. And then forsooth the Knight of Peace who did eye-opening stunts at Portsmouth may rouse up, shake him self together, gather up his loins, and produce a peace pipe whose smoke will enkindle a feeling of brotherly love and affection. But again we are in credulous. Unless some miracle is performed, the party of this State will, no doubt, continue to give out to the public les sons in sensation and the "ways and means" of carrying on corrupt politics for some time to come yet. AGAINST C. O. D. SHIPMENTS OF LIQUOR. Minority Leader John Sharp Wil liams yesterday delivered himself of some opinions to which we want to ut ter a hearty "Amen." The occasion of Mr. "Williams' re marks was at the consideration of the bill to prevent the C. O. D. shipments of liquor into prohibition territory, brought up before the House Commit tee on Judiciary. : - Mr. Williams said that such ship ments enabled the "blind tigers" to thrive and that communities in his na tive State, Mississippi, were so in censed over this encouragement of li quor selling by the express companies that attacks upon the express offices, which were in effect barrooms, need cause no surprise. Mr. Williams was exactly right, and he was also right when he protested against the shipment of liquor to ficti tious persons, in communities which had decided on local option. He was again right when he entered protestations against the United States standing in a position of assisting law breakers. We give the brother our hand for expressing dur sentiments. It is wrong and a rank injustice to allow the C. O. D. shipment of liquor to persons in prohibition districts, who seek to hide their identity by an assumed name. It is an injustice to the majority of the people, who voted out whiskey. And it is, when permitted, nothing more nor less, than a system of rail road "blind tigers," allowed under the smiles ofthe law. A DOUBTING THOMAS. It is certain that the editor of the Columbia State is either originally "from Missouri," or else he has spent some part of his existence in that Commonwealth where "doubting Thomases" abound. With regard to our comment on the statement of the negro Bishop Turner, who is dissatisfied with his sojourn in this country, The State has this to say : "The Charlotte News denies very emphatically Bishop Turner's asser tion, that 'hell is an improvement on the United States.'- We have no doubt it is right, but what definite proofs has it to offer? And verily it is still true that "A wicked and perverse generation seek after a sign, but no sign shall be given. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY. America is never forgetful of her de parted sons who are worthy of being remembered. All over tne land today the anniversary of the birth of "The Father of his Country," George Wash ington, is being celebrated by a legal holiday. Although we are in a business of charity, servants of the people, and are forced to tell all that happens on this day, still at off periods we stop long enough to allow our minds to stray back through the mist of years to the time when a hero fought and wrought for his country, and to allow our spark of patriotism to expand. Every speaker in the land, from the budding back-woods orator to the aus tere senator, has given to the public his idea of the man Washington, and anything that could be said would be old. Still "there is nothing new un der the sun," and we can but seriously give one expression of our veneration for the man who led our Revolutionary ancestors, foot-sore and weakened, to victory. Time has sweetened the memory of Washington. His name and his fame have only grown in lustre through the pass of years, and today we look upon him as being indeed the father of our country, and we count it an honor to feebly render a child's love and respect. "You indict er me and I indict er you, and we both indict the same," as rendered by Daddy Holton and the 'drummer boy" would, no doubt, make a hit on the stage. The variations might be added, and if an accompani ment is needed possibly there are some of the brethren who would perform. If any man could justly become a woman hater it would surely be Sen ator Smoot. It was only yesterday that a voluminous petition was presented to the Senate from the women of the State of Wyoming asking that the gen tleman from Utah be expelled from the Senate. Smoot seems to be gifted with that brand of "winning ways" which cause the fair sex to hate him, and if we were in the, place of the erstwhile Mormon we would not only resign, but we should find some hole somewhere that we might crawl into and quietly die. From the present aspect of the Re publican political horizon we are tempted, to believe that there might have been more truth than fiction in the prediction of "the bull of the Brushies", Hon. ; R. Z. Linney, that the next Republican State convention would be held within stone walls rather than at Greensboro." We give to-day a synopsis of the re port of the committee who investiga ted the internal workings of the Life Insurance Companies. Judging from the report the "calf rope" of the com panies in the future will be exceeding ly shortened and the autocratic power of the officials greatly diminished. This from The Exchange: "The Charlotte News asks what would newspapers do if it were not for Annapolis court proceedings and the Greene-Gaynor trial?" "Don't worry, something else will happen." Thanks. We won't now. John A. McCall died on Saturday. The Asheville Citizen said he was dy ing on Tuesday, according to the Ral eigh Times. And yet they claim to be the fastest things in sight up in the mountain metropolis. It's nice to have folks to worry for you. Some of the State papers are growing hysterical over the fact that Charlotte was not exactly pleased with every feature of her new depot. We are greatly obliged for the kindly in terest. : If Mecsrs. Hearst and Graves were to form a merger of ideas, influence, coins, etc., they would probably get out a warm publication. No doubt hereafter Saturday , will be the official wedding day. ' This is the anniversary of the birth day of George Washington, and it is up to you to get generous and confess that jfuu uiu.ji.wiui jfuur mue natcnet. It is up to the prevaricator to turn over a new leaf today. If you arc the OOe, "get busy.' . HOW IS THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all his business transactions and financial - hy able to carry out any obligations maae Dy nis arm. Waldingr, Klnnan & Marvin, - Wholesale . Druggists, Toledo, O. " Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for- Consti pation. - - . :. . . - mm o AD VERTISIMG is the One Great Channel By and through which to reach the public and it is so essentia! to the success of almost any business undertaking that suc cess rarely comes without it. u While we advertisers may not be able to write as intelligent ly nor as scholarly as the trained men of the .quill, . yet we must use our best endeavor to bring results, and as often as you scan the advertising columns of newspapers you will find some splendid com " 'positions. Y6u';see we Sdver-" tisers want words to burn and . thoughts to flash the light for us. Sometimes you will see an advertiser who smilingly claims everything . in reach, but we are sorry, for we . see readily that he lets his anxiety " get' away with his good com mon sense, and we know he is going-to be laughed at by an intelligent public for his folly. An advertisement gets very close to home to the adver tiser. It somehow is woven into his life and being. It's his meat and bread. It may be the very breath of finan cial life to him. Please read all these things in our advertisements and temper your judgment with mercy. ' V New Spring Goods begin ning to arrive, and many rare and tempting values will be offered. A few of those elegant Rugs and Druggets left and going at prices that you can't dupli cate. Think of an elegant rug 3x6 feet for $3.50 that sells everywhere for $5.00. Of course we have some 2x4 feet marked down to $1.60. You should see them. Our buyer is now in the great markets and while he is gathering in the best at the other end of the line, we are doing all we can afe this end ; making prices that' will move stacks ot merchandise ' and getting in shape for the Spring and Summer trade. Come to see us. :. New lot. matting just and marked a way down. m, y ioio. 20 E. Trade St. $2.50 SHOES ro B $1.98 PAI R.J OF $2 i 1 1 ii Same is being moved to our regular store on East Trade Street, and on SATURDAY MORNING will be placed on sale at a great sacrifice. In the lot are Men's, Women's and Boys' Shoes, standard makes. Taking into consideration the great advance in leather, the people of this country are fortunate to have a chance to buy Shoes at Retail for less than the cost of making. ALE OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK Be on hand if you expect to need a pair of Shoes this year. Wholesale, Retail Ml Ladies IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOCO000 g Your Does it need furnishing anew, or in part? If so, you can save money by making your selection from our stock. Stop in and see our Ready lade White Madras and lawn 36 inch fine soft quality Long Cloth a regular 15 Cents value 10 pents yd We have just received another new lot of the fine 42 inch White Lawn a 12 12 cent quality our price 7 l-2cy Irish Linen Finish Waisfing The best one made Looks Just like Linen and Looks the same after Laundering. Makes Beautiful Shirt Waist and Shirt Waist Suits lO cent yard. New lot White dotted dress Swiss nice quality and pretty dott, 10 cents yaa-d. Fine white Madras and while Lawn waist New, iust in, made of a nice qual ity of White Mercerized. Madras n ice an d q u a lit y W hi t e Lawn in the newest styles with large Sleeves and deep Cuffs at about the price you would pay for the goods save the making 98 cents each. Ladies Special P rices on Sideboards, China Closets It will cost you nothing to look, and we will he glad to show you how to save money, and we know you will not object to that. I Lubin Furniture Co. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO0OO20000 Try a News WLrvt Wood and Coal We can serve vou with Fil rf all Icinrls. Our Wood is well seasoned, cut and split or in 2 or 4 foot lengths. Can fill any order from 50c worth to a car load. - Soft. Hard. Blacksmith and Steam final. M best to be ha Ad A n IT V TV PHONE 402. n Va.-,;e ftSO N. Ponlar St oboooocoooos rea Showing OF - arts ocooooo8 oooc Our stock of Go-Carts is larger and m ore complete than ever before and v. feel safe in saying that we can offer you the very latest designs and up holsterings. We can furnish you with any price cart from $3.00 to 30.00. VJa coll fha " irl.nfinll T inn" n hjnh nan Tint hp flnnliCalC'd lft point of simple beauty and durability. See our stock and our prices. 9 DEPARTMENT STORES. , CORNER E. TRADE AND COLLEGE STS. CASH OR CREDIT. CASH OR CREDIT.

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