r FHE CHARLOTTE NEWS. FEBRUARY 22 . 1 9061 Lot M ad. ras 3c You remember the other- lot-short lengths Madias we had that went bur so fast. This, is just as good. Solid white, neat stripes and figures, mostly 15c grades, per yd 8 1-3c Remnant Counter Sold Out We closed out to an out-of-town mer chant our entire counter of Remnants that have been picked over. Wc have filled up the Remnan coun ter rsain with nice new lot Ginghams, Percales, Madras, etc. You can al ways get a good bargain on this coun ter. Laces and Emlj ideries Do you see as pretty Laces any where as at Ivey's? We are proud of our large and choice assortment of Val Laces. Nearly everything in match sets. Here's an advantage in buying lace from us. As near as possible we keep 'the stock reordered .all seaSon4 i6 tjiat" it you need more any time we have it." We are showing a lot of pretty new Embroideries. They are on sale now just as cheap as if we had a sale. We are trying this plan. No crowd, no confusion, select at your leisure. in Underwear A special purchase of nice Under skirts and Corset Covers that are much underpriced. Muslin Underskirts with lace and em broidery ruffles, made " with gener ous width, many different styles, worth ?1.00 to $1,50 each. Choice of Wg lot .... ... ; 79c In same purchase lot Corset Covers, nicely trimmed, correct shape, worth much more than price. ' Two P'ice .v ...... 25c 39c: Also special values in Gowns, Chil dren's Drawers, etc. We feel that we have the inside tract on muslin Under wear. J fc Kabo Corsets A Corset that gives universal satis faction. Let us suggest the style and i not pleased we will exchange or t've money back. Ae are giving a barr- In genuine w0' a sood sty- corset, a style J "at the manufacturers are discon tlm,inS ., .... .... ..7.49c White Linen Suiting T : . - "ien buits are to .have a big wTv 1,0Pular favor ' aM are aK ay3 yery satisfactory. .Werhave ,f"lal,ln 36-ib a lllinen, tho 0'v nsut, per-.yd. J. ,..;25c Delineators for March ai'e now in. tractive This is an unusually at number. as .-this is tho chan tor . e of season. At pattern coun- ....... .156 Yard i CT One'of the prettiest home' weddings of the; season : will take place this evening at, the residence of Mr and Marles W. Johnston at No 806 0rt-TrrSn street wnen the daughter-Miss Rosa Johnston win i, L 'Jthebrideof Mr. Robert Wilson Stokes. ly win occur at ,8 o'clock, theRev, Dr. J. R. .Hortoii pastor he-First Presbyterian; cfcurcfcS ticiating. . ; The Johnston home isery elabor ately ,-decorated in green and white: White crepe and smilax are entwined over the banisters, ana latticed, over the walls and ceiling, and draped over the pictures. The large bay Window in the parlor where the ceremony will take place is exquisitely decorated with potted plants, white erepe and smilax, and on either side are are two large pedestals topped ' with handles. Sus pended from the ceiling lacing the huge bank of plants is a very hand some wedding belle of white crepe covered with white carnations and trimmed with . smilax, beneath which the couple will exchange the vows. The attendants at the wedding will be Misses Alice and Janie paughton, Alhce Parrish, of . . Portsmouth, Nan juuuKion, or itock Hiii and Flora Johnston. The . bridesmaids, Misses N an J ohnston 5 and Janie . Hauehton. and Alice Parrish and Alice Haughton will lead the bridal procession enter ing to orchestral strains rendered "by the Richardson' orchestra and follow ing them the maid of honor Miss Flora Johnston will enter, all await ing 'at the chancel the bride who will enter on the arm of the groom. The impressive, ring ceremony will be per formed. - The,; bride will wear an exquisite gown 'of chiffon cloth made , princesse with a panel and flounce of real lace, and veil caught with a single orange blossom. Her only ornament will be a necklace with a cross penant set with diamonds, the gift of the groom. She will carry a shower boquet of Lilies of the Valley. . . The bridesmaids will wear white crepe de chine, and will carry pink carnations. The maid of honor will wear pink, chiffon cloth with bertha of duchesse lace and "will carry" white carnations. r . The ceremony wilf be ; followed by a reception directly after which Mr. and Mrs. Stokes will leave for New Orleans to-take in the, Mardi Gras. They expect to be absent about ten days, and upon their return to Charlotte-will ':be at home on Kingston Avenue in Dilworth. : ; Among the out of town guests here for the wedding are Mr, and Mrs. T. L.' Johnston of Rock, Hill: Miss Elizabeth Houston, of Greensboro: Mr. P. A. Stough, of Cornelius: Mr. Peter Ihrie, Of Rock: Hill: Mrs. C. W. Vogler, of Winston-Salem: Mr. E. H. Johnston of KopkmiL:: c ; j, Tdayjis-the ,tventy-fourth anniver sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, jiee Miss Jennie Stough, which evenjtoos? nlace at: Cornelius Miss" "Caro Brevard is expected to return to the city this . evening after spending about two weeks at Colum bia S. C. She will be accompanied by Miss Marie Phinizy, of Georgia who will snend some time here with her. Mrs. D. H. McCullough will leave tomorrow morning lor Salisbury where she goes to attend the house party to be given there by Mrs. Ed win Williamson Overman. - " Mrs. J. D. ' Ross and Miss Etta Rob inson left this morning for Bremond Texas where they will spend about a month with Mrs. Ross' brother Mr. W: A.. Rumple Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Myers left this morning for New Orleans where they go to attend the Mardi Gras. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Myers and Mrs. J. A. Mammet, of Washington D. C. They will stop at Mobile Ala. en route to visit relatives - o a v-: Miss Mary. Virginia Wadsworth, of Concord, and . Miss Pearl ; Fort, of Goldsboro were in Charlotte this morning en route to Davidson where they go to attend the oratorical ex ercises of the Junior class which-takes place this evening, r r. ; ArirfniiTirement has been made in Augusta of the engagement of Mrs Walter Inm'an to Mr. Lewellyn Dough ty. both of that place. - Mrs. Inman was the beautiful Miss Frankie Clarke previous to her marri- age and is the widow of the late Mr Walter Inman, of Atlanta. Mr. Doughty is widely known and popular throughout the state, and rep rgsejlts an old and highly esteemed family. L- ..-'. . . Mrs. T. C." Guthrie "has returned to the" city after spending a few days at Greensboro with her: brother Mr. jonn N. Wilson. - ;: ; ; . -. , -t Miss- Flossier Settle left yesterday for Greensboro "where she will spend some' time with relatives and fnenas f The- marriage of Mr; WE. "Gordon and .Miss KaAe CfosstbiJk:. platce: yes terday after: ihoon at :'30 o'clock : at the linmfi of -the bride's " parents iMr. anu Mrs D. B'.- Cross in Mallard Creek township. The ceremony was- preform ed by Rev. T. B. Stewart. The marriage was a quiet home affair witnessed by the immediate xel a fives and a few intimate friends of the rrmtractintr parties. : There,- were no attendance.; Directly after the cere the - couple came ' to Charlotte ana boarded a North '.bound train for Greensboro where tney win syeuu several days h with relatives. They will - make theirvhome at Greenyille, SC.-v ' -' " ' " " -Mi'. "Gordon is one of the . Southern s popular conductors running between Greenville , and Spencer. -The bride is a verv attractive young lady who has a wide circle1 of friends in the country Mr. Samuel S. Caldwell, one of the, oldest and best known residents of the county gave a birthday dinner Tuesday at his home in. Mallard Creek township at which a number of his aged friends were present.The occa sion was the celebration of his 79th birthday. Those Dresent were Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Pharr, Mr. and , Mrs. Brice Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. James Cochrane, Mr.- and Mrs. John Caldwell, Mrs, Manda Welsh,. Prof J. D. Cochrane Rev. J. G. McLaughlin and Rev. T. B. Stewart. The dinner was prepared by Mrs. Caldwell and her daughter Miss Lily Caldwell. Ji;. jr, y. . ;Q)uite a? number of couplesv attended the ; dance ; at the city hall ; last eve . ning, ' whicii was a most enjoyable event. Those in attendance were: Miss Julia Robertson and Mr. H. S. DuVal, Miss Edna Hirshinger and Mr. W. J. Moon, Jr., Miss Sadie Bell Mayer and Mr. F. M. Caldwell, Miss Florence Thomas and Mr. H. M. Moore, Miss Edna Lockwood and Mr. Ernest Ellison, Miss Mary Brockenbrough and Mr. T. C. Evans, Miss Dora Allen Sater and Mr. J. O. Walker Miss Leo line Etheredge and Mr. Johnston, Miss Sara Hargrave and Mr. A. D. Morrison, Miss Blanche Heartt, of Raleigh, and Mr. Vass, Miss- Norma Van Landing ham and Mr. Walter Rhyne of Mt. Holly; Miss Lila Rhyne and Mr. J. M. Craig, Miss Lucy Robertson and Mr. Herbert Irwin, Miss Helen Rhyne, and Mr. A. Burwell, Jr. ; stags, Messrs. T. R. Brem, Fred Nash, T. H. Ross, J. R. Craig, W. R. Robertson, David Clark and : Dr. B. S. Moore. . The chap erones were: Mr. and Mrs. George W, Graham, Jr., Mr .and Mrs. D. H. Mc Cullough, Mr. and. Mrs. C. S. Alston and Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Taliaferro. The Treble Clef Club met yesterday afternoon with Miss Berta Klueppel burg, the subject being Carl . von Weber.-Mrs.. C. C Hook presided over the meeting and as usual, kept interest at high pitch and kept every one in animated, mood. :" The roil call was upon Grand Opera and ' was very interesting. Mrs. P. E. Tinzley read an excellent paper upon the life of Weber, after which there was an open discussion of the com poser who was the last of the great German septel consisting of Handel, Bach, 'Hay den,' Gluck, Mozart, Beeth oven and Weber. Mrs. A. D. Gilchrist read a synopsis or Der Freischutz, Weber's most fa mous opera," and rendered upon the piano selections from this opera. Miss Klueppelburg played upon the violin, "The Invitation to the Dance," with piano accompaniment by Miss Nan Dowd. ; . -', At the conclusion of the '' program, the hostess served Charlotte Russe and cake, and the-club adjourned to . meet March 15th wthiMrs. Carrie Martin the subject being Mendelssohn. ? Mrs. James Pinkard of Montgomery, Ala., who has been visiting Miss Mat tie Dowd, . has returned home. . ' ' . : ' -A - 4 . A , i Miss Nancy-Anderson and Miss Sara Tanner are giving an entertainment at Mrs. J. L. Spencer's this afternoon. .. The Senior Light Bearers of Tryon Street Methodist church are preparing to give an unique entertainment next week. Nothing like ' it has ever been seen in Charlotte. 4 The Epworth League of Brevard Street Methodist church will give' a Washington Birthday affair in the Sun day school rpom of the church tonight at 8 o'clock. There will be recitations and other attractive features. Refresh ments will be served, t The Bessie Dewey Book Club will meet with Mrs. A. T. Summey next Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. This meeting has been postponed from to morrow morning. -Mrss. G. G. Gallaway, nee Miss Carrie Marshal Brown, will arrive- from Mt. Airy tomorrow and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Brown, on tuasi Avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Watt will leave tomorrow evening for Palm Beach. Fla. where they will spend a few days en route to Cuba. They will be absent about tliree weeks. . f Mrs B.v.J. J Smith very delightfully entertained at euchre this morning at her home on North Church street. Mrs. H.;A: London Jr.,-won the first prize: Miss: Minnie ,Beck, of Richmond, , Va., the consolation, Mrs J, M. Harry tne booby and Mrs. W. A. Graham the puncher's prize. The guests were the following named ladies: Mesdames C. S. Steele, R. M. Miller, Jr., H. A. London, Jr., E. H. Jordan, of Columbus, O. ; M. G. Hunter, J. C. Montgomery, D. A. Hurley, C. W. Butt, L. B. Johnston, H. P. Shaw, H. A. Mur rill, J. H. Howell,' Gillespie Sadler, Paul Chatham: R. A. Mayer, J. M. Harry, H. L. Adams, W. C. Lovejoy, J. E.. Reil ly, H. E. C. Bryant, J. R. Ross, C. C. Hook, W. A. Graham; Misses Sallie Sumner, Margaret Thurmond, Mary Brockenbrough, Mary Armand Nash, Lucy Oates, Julia Robertson, Helen Brem, Annie .Parks and Selene Hutch ison, Minnie Beck, of Richmond, Va., and Florence Thomas. A Miss Kathleen 'Smith, of .Winston- Sal6m, " is expected in the city Satur day to visit Mrs. J. A. Mcivmian, ai Dilworth.; V;. ' r J-"Aa? rfvy ', ' Miss Itebekah Glenn,, of Raleigh, -who is the guest of the Misses Wake field on .Elizabeth Heights wilj be the guests of Mrs. J. A. McMillan, at Dtf worth ..after sauraay. v . - , JfKJvi ;rr r:, A v-5 ' . Mrs. B, J. Smith , entertained the members' of the; Thursday ! Afternoon Club today at 3:30 o'clock at her home on. North Church street. The members of the club are the following named ladies:. Mesdames E. W. Mel lon Louis Schiff , W. L. Bruns, C S. Steele,-Arnold Shaw, E. C, Dwelle, G. E. Hooper, W. J, Thomas, W. W. Har ris, Richard Arledge.VGeorge L. Best, W A. Zweier, J.-'uranK wiuiesc..D. Ji Smith, Thomas Dixon, Frank Dixon, and Miss Nettie Rosenthal. ; , , : ' : - Miss Sudie Scott very charmingly entertained a number ot ner menas Misses Mildred Bispham, Julia Gray, Morehead street. The guests were the following named young ladies: Katherine Cramer, ; Fay McKinley, Ev elyn and Minetta Diffey, Margurite King, Mary Harrison Gormley, Laurie Spong, Bessie Burkhimer, Martha Howell, Julia Irwin, Minta Jones, Bleeker Reid, Bessie Fitzsimmons, Leoline and Laura Etheredge, Lula Taliaferro, Sarah Brockenbrough, Helen-Eddy, Emily Holt, Bessie Steere, Essie Stokes, Adelaide Orr and Mary and Hattie Graham. ; - Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt returned to the city this morning after spending several weeks in Baltimore. , Mrs., Mal linckrodt will return Saturday. .: .; Rev. and Mrs. Charles B. King will entertain informally this evening at Elizabeth College in compliment 'to their -guests Miss-- Nellie Snowden Watts, of Baltimore, and Misses Louise and: Ethel Carr, of. Durham. x; i' . r" - V ' Miss Lucy Shumaker, of Davidson, i' visiting Miss ' Lizzie Willeford ? The Daughters of the, American Rev olution will observe :,George Washing ton's birthday in a very appropriate manner at Mrs. P. C. Branson's this afternoon. A literary program will be observed. Mrs. Eugen Reilley .will read a paper entitled "The History of Mount Vernon," and Miss Annie Parks Hutchison will read a .paper on 'the "Life of Andrew Jackson." Mrs. , Eugene Reilley has been ap pointed one of the four delegates from the" State, to the biennial convention of the , Federation-of . Woman's Clubs at St; Paul, Minn; Iy 31st to June 7th; inclusive. The he? thred ele vates .froni the S&are-.Mrs'4,V- T. Alderman' of Henderwn,upresident of the State Federation, of Woman's Clubs , Miss Margaret King of Wil mington, and Mrs. Parham, of Hender son, corresponding secretary of the State Federation.; ., '. .: : y - ' " : i "t1 K "; ' 't ',. Misses Sarali Tanner and - Nancy Anderson are entertaining quite a num ber of their friends this afternoon a't the home of Mrs. J.S. Spencer, on East Avenue. The guests are the following named young ladies Missed amille Durham. Mora Brya, xMay-,egram, Emily" Alexander, x Lilian Reid Ellie Jamison, Katherine ' Beattie, Daisy Moore, Ruth and Virginia Lillard, Hat tie Kirby, Martha and Louise Flour noy, Martha? Howell, Miriam Long, Adelaide Orr, Blanche'' Leak, Margie Moseley,' Jeap Dowd5 lift May Loving, Anna Forbid LiddeftEtizabeth With ers, Maggie Gray, Annie McLaughlin, Maud McKinnon, Nell Gaston, Anna Wehner, Katherine and Susie Stearne, Helen Whisnant, Ruth Bradley, Mary Sims, Bessie Wheeler, Margaret Reese, Eestelle Hargrave, Katherine Yeager, Mary Foster, Sarah, Cansler, Bessie May Simmons, Mildred Jenkins, Poly Shannonhouse, L. Justice, Bessie Fitzsimmons, Leoline 5 Boyer, Mary Alexander and Mary Emily Wilkinson. - - v.: - . Mrs. J, P. Swann will entertain the members of the Art Club this after noon at her home in Piedmont Park. ' y "f . The Education section of ; the. Wo man's Club ; held . very interesting meeting with Mr si F. C. Abbott in Piedmont this morning. A number of entertaining papers were read. '-A,: AAA Mrs. George L.. Best entertained a few friends, yesterday afternoon at bridge whist; at her home' on North Church street., in compliment to Miss Lela Humphries, of Maine. ' v.-,. . t . .. ' r''.'.. " ; .. Mrs. Charles Greene will entertain at cards tomorrow morning, at her apartments at the Hotel : Buford, in compliment to Miss Lela Humphries, of JMaine, who is the guest of Mrs. Har old Graham. The guests will be Mrs. C. E. Hooper, Mrs. Harold Graham, Miss Humphries, Mrs. George L. Best, Miss Susie Rice, of Memphis,. Mrs. John F. Yorke, and Mrs. W. L. Brums. . - v ' -' Mrs. John Watters will entertain Saturday afternoon, at her ! home on Tenth Avenue, in compliment to Miss Lela Humphries. A - , i Miss Lela Humphries who is the guest of Mrs. Harold Graham, will leave Mpnday for Lake Toxaway where she will visit Mrs-rvJC, Bur- rowes. j . s - , - The marriage "ofMiss Mattiev.McIl wain, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mcllwain, vOf Lancaster C: and Mr. James Brady MjcNelis, of this city, will- take : place this, eyening atf 8 oV clock at-the Cathblic'church,rh cere; many .; will i bey performed. by Father Joseph; The' atfendants "at "the; ''vdd dirig .will be; Miss. Isabel. Mcllwain, sister of the bride, maid of ' honor ; MissesCarrie McILwain and Helen Mc Neils, bridesmaids: " Mr. Coolie, -the groom's ; best man: Messrs Alfred Webb and Charlie " Rentz, groomsmen and Messrs William Mcllwain - and H Miller; ushers. '-' - v.. : Ar : The couple will - be' at home at No 801 South Alexanaer street. ' . A Mrs. Floyd L. Lilesand. Miss Min nie Means, of Spartanburg, are the guests of Mrs.' H. S. Dodehous at her home, No. 310 North Church street; Mrs. H. W. Moore and Miss Clegg, ' . 1,000 PAIRS LADIES' PATENT VICI OXFORDS j " COURT TIES and GUN METAL PUMPS uu ana .v.mi NEW STYLES of Greensboro, are 'visiting friends in the city this week. ; . ; 1 Little Billy Shaw Howell, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Howell is enter taining quite a . number of his young friends at a- George Washington party this afternoon .at the home of his pa rents on North Brevard street. The guests are: Missies Elizabeth Boone, Mildred Finlaysou; rrelen Parker, Dor othy Parker, Nancy Shelton, Janette Mellon, Annie Love; Dixie Love, Lucile Mason, Alice" Flournoy; and Masters Oliver Shaw; Landrum Flournoy, Al bert Torrence, Joe' Whiter Harvey Wil kinson, and Louis Brensie. ; t Mr. and Mrs. C. E Mason left last night . for . the North where they will spend ; about, ten days.J . ; ; - : t . '- - i ' -s . .. -Li ' f ' ' ' ' i I ' i 'i -; ; ; Little. Charlie Wilkes, the son of Mr. and i .Mrs. Renwick ' Wilkes ?: is enter taining at- a George Washington par ty this afternoon at the home of his parents - on North Church street. Those in atendance are the following named: Mildred Bland, Carrie Wilkes j Susie Cowles, Alberta Dowd, Bessie Durham, Julia Baxter Scott, Maud Carson, Corinne Gibbon, John. Wilkes, Alwilda Van Ness, Alethia Bland and Charles Wilkes. . , PERSONALS. Mr. H. E. Norris, a preeminent at torney of Raleigh, was here-today on legal business. Mr. W. L. Jenkins left this morning for Stanley Creek to spend the day with relatives. Mr. Walter S. Alexander left this morning for Asheville, where he goes on business. . . , . . Mr. George L, Best returned" to the city this morning after a business trip to New York City. : i -z Mr. E. D. Latta .returned . to the the city this morning after a business trip North. ' Mr. W. B. Huntington left this morn ing1 for Davidson, where he goes to at tend the "Junior Speaking." .'.-.,' ; Mr-.Olivej; t;Sharons efM,eniphiS(, Tenm, . has arrived in Charlotte . and is the guest of his parents, " Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Sharon on - West Tenth street. ' ' Mr. Carson Better. Mr, J. E. Carson has returned front Asheville, where he went to see his brother, Mr. J. S.' Carson, who is a pa tient at a sanitarium in that city. ; The ffiends of Mr. Carson will rejoice to Ifnow. that his health is very much im proved. In the early spring Mr. Car son will go to Hendersonviile where he will remain during the summer. Mrs. Carson will join him there in the early spring. Special Services. Services preparatory to communion on the Sabbath will begin in the First A. R. P. church this evening at 8 o'clock, Rev. A. J. Ranson, of Spartan burg will preach tonight, tomorrow night and twice on the Sabbath. ' Letter to Fink and Wentz. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Sir: Here is a sample: how De voe upsets things. Littlestown, Pa., was a cheap paint tow.n up to a year ago, when Messrs;. Basehoar & Mehring-took -our- agency,; They send us the names of the, paint ers now painting Devpe: . .. i A. C. Bollinger, A. Wm. linger, Joshua Beihl, Edw. L. Kellenberger John F. Kellenberger, J. B. McSherryi John .G. Frey, C. G. Lawrence, Charles Steich, . I C: March; and - forty names of property-owners painting Devoe; and every one of the painters tells why he paints Deyoe: They are not mistaken; Devoe is the cheapest paint in j the world so far as we know the world and paint. If painters everywhere . knew it, they' paint it, every man of 'em. ' Yours truly, . F. W. DEVOE & CO., P. S. Tryon Drug Co. sell our paint. - 121 ''' -- -- : Garden We have just received a com plete line of fresh seeds of every variety- of vegfetables that thrive in this section.- j. , ' They are carefully -grown;, pro ducts of Robert Buist's and D.' M. Ferry & Co's farms and are known and esteemed here for their purity ! and reliability.; Come to see us for seed, r TRYON DRUG GO. i Phone 21. 7 N. Tryon St. Sub. P. O. In Store. THOMPSONS Seeds I"I"I"M"I"I"1''I',I"I"I"I"I"I"I' CHARLOTTE. . 0. tg I . .- :. ; 'i"i"i"i"i"i"it' mm AND - The Matting values we are offering are unequaled Not for a long time have we been in position to offer Fresh Matting at 2 l-2c to 5c a yard less than . . regular price. We are doing this now, and the many pleased customers is conclusive evidence. Our assortment of both China and Japan Mattings . is the largest to be found in the Garolinas. - 'V- . r . " ' " . - . J . - "' . ' . ' - - China Mattings, per yard - - !5c to 30c iJapan Mattings, per yard - 20c to 30c Large stock of Rugs in all sizes. Our line of Carpet Size Rugs is extensive, containing the finest fabrics made in this Beautiful wopl and. 'fiber, 9x12 rugs, large assortment of bed , room and dining-room designs. . .. .... .. .. . ,i ....$12.50 Full line of parlor Axminsters, prices. One lot 30x60 Jute Smynas 100 All-Wool ingrain carpet samples, nicely bound., Best prices made on all grades. : '- Floor. ':' ' ' " ;. - .' -; ' NOTION bEPARTMENT. Simmpns' Keen Kutler. shears and scissors:, the best on the . market, per pair, at . . ..;.vu. .... ....50, 65,75 and $1.00 Pear's Unscented Toilet Soap, Bradley's Woodland Violet Perfumed Ammonia, fine for the toilet, per bottle .... i ...... . .. .. .. .. . '. . .10c Rubifoam, a delightful fragrant liquid for the teeth, price per bottle .. .... .. .. .25c White Wool Soap, for the toilet and bath, unequaled for wash ing silks, laces, woolens, etc., per cake.. . 5c or 6 cakes for 25c ' Fels-Naptha Soap, for the toilet ; . . ' '";;.; ; ' ; - ; One lotToilet Soap, worth 10 tot 1 1-' -V to-day , per. dozen' cakes,; .T. A complete line of hair brushes, country. Velvets and Wiltons at low .98c. ,30c . of carpets. Elevator Third ' - I per - cake, . ; .:. . . . ; . .'. . ... .1 5c or . laundry, price per cake , . 5c , .""--' :' :- 25c per cake, special price for r.,:: J. . . ... . m SOC all prices from,. .10c to $1 each . - ' - . 1 WEST TRADE ST. last evening at ner noui uu a&t -t.- l.v - . ... ..-'-(,. ,

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