THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 24 1906. V s For- IFlhte Mil v BBIT Qot Even With Her Hubajnd That Terrible Beast That Comes at Night. ' There's a great big beast Called the Jubber-o'nock, And he comes when the day is dead. He peeps in your room When the lights are out, 'Les you cover up tightly your head. t;Y HELENA DAVIS. "Clear out of here, you villain!" ex i lniiir n?n whftn animals rlaimer1 Mrs Whito T?aVv,i4- ,VH "uul acted like people, there upon Mr. Bachelor Rabbit fiercely. "I; y'ya ill.1 depths of a beautiful for- know the part you are playing in this most devoted couple of white dishonorable scheme! Get thee gone bhu who had been only recently before I call for help to drum you out iel But one day the young hus- ot the wood!' nlS . !'.;,I,t thf Slightest CaUSe Without a Wnrrl tho D-illltTr fullnm L ll , i J ,'rl i'O Tl nl lflQlnilO rT 4 i l-l l , . n r-. HTfi n j - . . . j . . . (K'llIV lUDOUV-ijr jv-muo wj. luua nf uis ttt w p cLUU WCUl LUWiUU HIS ,.,n,n, SIKH L : . . . It rhft c i 1 l 1 . i n c f n r.4. a Ta . . 1 .1 4 I' Wile vmiu j.o wc iuv,mi nctj ao 1001, as lie uuuiu. AS SOOll as the woods. So ne aeciaea was out ot sight Mrs. white Rabbit softly u-'-:.y hurried to ir hi? K ' liriih affection and faithfulness, toe and said: "Rise, you most un rm , liUlit while she slept he crept worthy husband." fritin tne soil muss ueu, wmcu iue poor, loonsn, jeaious nusoana ,1 the top chamber of the big rose slowly, hanging liis head in in which they lived and shame. "I heard all your conversation ... j3 ml- v. ;i i i -. mm , . i to tne grounu. men ne wim your noDie iriena in ms tree to- the home another hollow nght and must congratulate you on m of a bachelor friend whom he in- your cleverness,"- sneered the little tended to take into his confidence and wife. "Now, aren't you ashamed of aV to assist him in carrying out his yourself ?" Jan On arriving at his friend's j "How did you overhear?" ventured apartments Mr. White Rabbit tapped the now humble and foiled husband, on the fide of the tree near the en-yi left you asleep when I stole out." n-oi. o ofi'on f b nl A I "TSJr T wa c: Tint a clonn of oil " anirl Vlio seeks admittance here?" ask-; Mrs. White Rabbit. "I hear you go , i;5p)iplnr Rabbit. down stairs, and T watchfid to see Your neighbor and friend, Mr. W. ; where you were bound for. At first I For some naye seen him, you know, PnUiit " answered the midnight caller. feared you were ill and going to con- But he surely has horns, : Come riant up." called down the suit the physician, nott saying anything And long wings as well, Hchelor. rising on his elbow and look- J to me about it, in consideration of my And like a big rooster can crow. ins down on tne unumeiy visitor. ' peace oi imnu, ior you Know uiai, In aiunher minute Mr. White Rab- through my deep for love for you, i bit had entered his friend's private j always worry myself into a nervous piiartmeut. and in a shame-faced man-state whenever you are ailing. So I li( r told of his plan to test his bride's threw on my robe and ran after you. at'in iion and strength of character, j But "to my astonishment I saw you turn Bfiiu a fop and a vain sort of chap into cuat old fop's Bachelor Rabbit's deuld of principle, Mr. Bachelor Rab-I house. So I grew a bit curious to hit lent himself readily to the scheme ( know what could have taken you there and promised to aid the jealous hus-, at such an hour. I stod dbelow and ba:id in any way he could. The truth , overheard the whole plan devised be wa;;. the foolish light-brained fellow jtween you two. Then, as you were had adimred Mrs. White Rabbit before about to make ready to come home, I hr marriage, and his self-esteem led. ran off as fast as I could and gained He prowls around and Hides in some place, As soon as the night wears away, Then pou see nothing more Of old Jubber-o'nock While the sun shines and makes it ! broad day. Just how he does look Nobody can tell, DONT RAVE! Don't rave when your to bacco chews badly; try Bill Bailey, the good kind it is guar anteed so by over 30 years of ex perience in manufacturing pleas ing chewing tobacco. Write for the immensely inter- esting and amusing Bill Bailey letters, published monthly, free. CHEW BILL BAILEY No better tobaccos made than those man ufactured by Bailey Bros., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. NOT IN A TRUST. D Some say he has jaws Like a huge crocodile; And like a fierce dog he can bark; And others do say that He's formed like an owl And can see only when Jt is dark. him to think tnat naa ne persisted m(our Deaioom naa ume to his suit he could have won her with- overtake me. Now, what have you. to our doubt. . j say in explanation of your ugly sus- Mr. White Rabbit's plan was to go to i picion of me, and the compromising the base of his own tree-home and ' position you would have willingly stretch himself ont and pretend to be placed me in at the mercy of that un ikad. Then, Mr. Bachelor Rabbit was scrupuolus Bachelor Rabbit, whom I to take advantage of the hour by de- always did detest." daring his love for the wife vho "Oh, my darling and truthful little v.cukl of course, suppose herself to wife, I humble myself in the dust be l;e a widow. If she readily lent ear to fore you and beg your forgiveness, if his wcoing. forgetting her husband so you knew that all I did was prompted soon, Mr. White Rabbit would then by my blind love for you I am sure you knew her love had been of any depth would not be too hard upon me. PJease t Irf JsSk.t illllll And some who are wise (Billy Brand, for example) Say he's built like a huge-bellied whale; That he flies through the air With lightning-like speed, Using his tail for a sail. I V ' J Aid there's young Tommy Smart, Who declares he has heard Old Jubber-o'nock mew like a cat; And heard his wings flap, And his claws scratch. So he knows he is formed like a bat. f:r him, and he would immediately seek his revenge by sending her home m disgrace to her parents. - All this was talked over at length ny the two plotters, as Mr. Bachelor Kahhit got into his clothes, making a moa careful toilet that he might im press Mrs. White Rabbit with his aiiiLnuid appearance. Then the two grant me your forgiveness. I shall go and fetch Bachelor Rabbit, and force him to apologize to you, and take an oath to me to never betray my dishon orable conduct of tonight, for by so doing your name would be on the ton gues of the curious. I a ma guilty fel low, and realize I do not deserve your foreiveness and Jove. But from this minuteV I shall be another rabbit it , ' liic giuauu aiiu iuuuwcui , 'e parn which led to Mrs. White Rab- you. win hoc iuiuw o homo Onpf of V 4Vrtf i-vf .tfiQ tree Mr. White Rabbit stretched him sch st i fly on the dead leaves, closed s eyes ana softened his breatheing. --n all was in readiness for the im portant moment Mr. Bachelor Rabbit TaPPCrl quickly and excitedly at - the ODonmg which led into the tree-house, n an instant Mrs. White Rabbit's head p-s thrust out and she asked in her .HVost accots: '"Who is below?" ly dear Mrs. White Rabbit, come . V1 at owce. Your husband has sud-he- dlef- of heart failure- He lies h Ti fu !i' iff as any corPse I have ever T misfortune to look upon." fW i nght ni come' riSht down; but rnnii me arrange my hair a bit. I wimnr let you see me in my nisnt. drawn which stairs mside the the upper opening, served as a window to the up apartment. ' mY fRars were well-founded," 4t , husband under his breath. Sh s (,?csn,t care a snap about he. "e is heartless." mcr? f had no time to say anything Whito Vf, flown the tree came Mrs. ram V u U numming a tune. She Inmr r e side of her husband who ly held his breath and of v:a 'n Upon him in a ueer sort doaii?" 'You say my husband is ctrvioi asked in a most uncon . banner. lnrKaVf-r dea,r lady'" said Mr- Bache tenrit,', 4 Then assuming a more "-JUfci tone he c--,ij xt. i. , inow mat you ciarino- m7, , cg Lue Privilege ot ae-tti'-,- ? ve" Peimit me to throw ut your feet" j ! ' "St. Pathick's Day in the Evening." For one number on the evenings pro gramme, fashion score cards or buy them of plain white card board, about three by four inches. In the upper left-hand corner paint in water colors a conventional shamrock leaf. No ar tistic talent is necessary for the exe cution of this simple design. Then fasten- to the top of each card with nar row green ribbon a small pencil, with which the guests may write their an- Don't For Boys and Girls. Don't forget your good manners when there is no company present. You owe the same courtesy to the members of your own family that you owe to outsiders. Don't sing or whistle at the table during meals, and dont forget to say "please" and "thank you" to those who wait upon you at the table. This Bwi to iiie i uuw uuutebu iue no-- rule of politeness should apply to ser dies are old Irish conundrums. Have . x T them copied on a typewriter (omitting vants as wel1 as to those -who are seat answers, of course), and enough car bon copies made to supply all your guests. "There's a garden that I ken, Full of little gentlemen, Little caps of blue they wear And green ribbons very fair." (Flax.) "I went up to the boreen, I went down the boreen, j I brought the boreen with myself, on (A ladder) "He comes to ye amidst the brine, The butterfly of the sun, I The man of the coat so blue and fine, i With red thread his shirt is done." j (Lobster) Two little eyes are better than one; Two little feet can go at a run. Two littel ears can hear laughter gay; "I threw it up as white as snow , j Two little hands can clap, clap, clap at Like gold on a flag it fell below." I Play. - i (Egg Two little arms can -work- 'with.-a will;-1 , .. - .,.., ... ,. . I Two little lips can' rarely keep still. j Two little cheeks of bright rosy-red Set in the front of one dear little head. In which there's one mind j ed at the table with you Don't leave your rooms untidy when going out of them i nthe morning, for no one knows so "well as yourself where your clothing should be folded or hung. , Don't efpeak in a loud, excitable voice, and always avoid being "noisy" or boisterous. Very loud laughter is also objectionable. One may enjoy cheerful conversation and merry laughter without being heard outside the room where it is indulged in. Don't intrude your company where you think it is not welcome. There are times when your dearest friends have reasons for not, fishing to see you. g Don't ask personal questions. It js extremely rude,: to say the least, to pry into the private affairs of others. LIKE FINDING MONEY. But it doesn't matter much How old Jubber-o'nock looks ; It's the THOUGHT not the SIGHT, , scares me so. And in bed under cover We shiver and shake, . - A-wishing the old beast would go. MAUD WALKER. To guide all the ways To guide all the ways Of our dear little man Through his sweet childhood days. ANNIE JAMES. "A bottomless barrel, It's shaped like a hive, It is filled full of flesh . And the flesh is alive." (A thimble) ) "1 ran and I got, . I sat and I searched. . , If I could get it, I would not bring it with me, And as I got it not, brought it." -; (Thorn in the foot.) l'tUIilC AHOUSKD. The rjublic is aroused to a knowledge of the curative -merits of that great Martha Cobb Sanford in Woman's v-t -vl i n -r rt 1 t .- -i in Hi i tore lOT sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary Home Companion for March. H. Walters, of 546 St. Clair Ave., Co- lumbus, O., writes: "i"or several Pointed PsrraaraDhs. A "Phipps" Shepherdess for the De moiselle. That eminently simple -and becom ing shepherdess shape has been reviv ed for the coming season, with every months I hiid given up to die. I had fe ver and ague; my nerves were j wreck ed; I could hot sleep and my stomach , was so weak! from . useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters, I tbtained. relief, and in a short time I ras entirely cured." Guaranteed aJ 50c. From the Chicago News. Industry is the mother of good luck. Jailbirds are always anxious to quit the nest. Get the Best of It. From tie Cleveland Leader. "The rain falls alike on the just and the unjust." "No, it doesn't. The unjust steal all the umbrellas." " 4 fiears the Signature sToni, of The trouble with the gout is you can't make people believe it is only rheumatism. Bears the Signature of O Boars tne i nature 4 of f Many people are either rich or hap jipy, but few are both. ... : The way of a transgressor often Ths Kfnd You Have Always Bought ' ieaQS 10 anomers pocivet. It is better to make one man laugh than to make a hundred weep. It a man's heart is alright his head is not far out of line. , The wise man accepts just praise, but he draws the line at flattery. He who is afraid of soiling his gar ments never accomplihes much. It is impossible for the average man to account for his neighbor's success. CASTOR - Thn If mri Vmi Unva Akuovc D.'tirnrm 1110 imu iuu nam nnrcja uuugiii SIX . y1 STORIA. t The Kind You Have Always Bought R. H. Jordan & Co., Offer Popular Nled : : icines at Half Price. R. R. Jordan & Co., the poular drug gists, are making an offer that is just like finding money, for they are selling a regular 50 cent bottle bf Dr. Howard's celebrated specific for the cure, of constipation and dyspep sia at half price. In addition to this discount" they agree to return the money to any purchaser whom the specific does not cure. - It is quite unusual to be able ; to buy 50-cent pieces for a quarter, ibut that ,1s what this offer really means, for it is .only recently through the so licitation of Druggists R. H. Jordan & Co., that this medicine could e bought for less than 50 cents. They urged the proprietors to allow them to sell it at this reduced price for : a litle while ngreeih'g to sell a certain amount. The result has justified their good judg ment, for the sale has been something remarkable. Anyone who suffers with headache, dyspepsia, dizziness, sour stomach, specks before the eyes', or any liver trouble, should take advantage of this opportunity, for Dr. Howard's specific will cure. But if by chance it should not, R. H. Jordan & Co., ; will return your money. The specific is very pleasant to take, coming in the form of small gran ules, and there are sixty doses in every package. It is especiall convenient when traveling, and no one should start on a jounrey without a bottle of this reliable madicine. Being only a dear, loving and tor- giving , little wife, what could Mrs. White Rabbit do but forgive her hus band, who she knew loved her too dear ly for his own peace of mind. So she took his hands and said, with a mean-i ing little smile for she felt she was, justinea in tanianznrg ur muuguucM jealous husband a bit; "Well, I know you do not deserve my mercy, ana 1 should go right home to my parents, but well, love is stronger than reason, so I stay and forgive, and try to for get." Then the poor fellow jumped, up and embraced his beloved wife, and to gether they went into their house. The next morning (before breakfast Mr. White Rabbit hurried to the tree of- Mr. Bachelor Rabbit to- demand from him apology to his wife, but, to his surprise, he found the tree empty and all Mr. Bachelor Rabbit's clothing gone. -He had packed in the night and set off for another settlement, feeing, doubtless, that he could never endure to meet Mrs. White Rabbit and suffer her contempt -and scorn. And from that day the couple of White Rabbits lived in sweet peace and happines, for Mr. White Rabbit never again gavd himself over to the temptings of the green-eyed monster jealousy. '' j, . Syllabic Enigma. My first is laid at the door; My'-second is1 made into bread; My third none can live without; My whole is the happy state which Perpetuates human life. Ahs. Mat rye money. F i "Yoer 5i 6 Ignorant There is a surprising ignorance amongst women, on the subject of their own functions. Nine out of ten, suffer dreadfully every month!, and think they have to. Do you? If so, you are wrong. No need to suffer, unless you wish to. Functional pain is a sign of functional disease, it can be cured by WE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS We want every sick woman or girl to write us' fully I about her case, so we can help her. Describe plainly what is wrong wun you, stating age, ana we will send you Free Advice, in plain, sealed envelope. All letters strictly confidential. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. WINE OF Woman's Relief All those bearing-aown pains, headaches, back aches, cramps, dizziness, etc., can be cured by Cardui. Not only CAN, but SHOULD. To allow them to come back every month, is to invite loss of health and happiness. :. ' Irregular menstruation, bad breath, poor blood all results of female weakness, in young or old, can be cured with Cardui. Try it At all drug stores m $1.00 bottles - - "I COULD SCARCELY GET AROUND," writes Mrs. F. J. Ashburn, of Clarkrange, Tenn., 'for pain at my monthly periods. I had bearing-down pains, head ached every day and my back hurt so I could scarcely stand. I was tired and run down, and thought I couldn't live. Since taking Cardui, how ever, I have greatly improved and 'feel better than I have for years. If it were not for Cardui ' I might now be under the ground." 8 n S&ABORD, Air Line Railway.. Direct Line to Prin cipal Cities, North, East South and . Southwest Schedule Effective Jany. 7th 1000. Trains Leave Charlotte as Folio j No. 40, daily, at 5.01 a. m. for Monr, Hamlet and Wilmington, connects at Monroe for Atlanta and points South, at Hamlet for Raleigh, Norfolk, Rich mond,, Washington, New York and all points north and east, for Columbia, Savannah and Florida points. No. 133 daily, at 10,10 a. m. for Lin coln ton, Shelby and Rutherford ton. Connects atjLincolnton with C. & N. W. No. 132 daily, at 7,15 p. m. for Mon roe. Connects for Atlanta, Birming ham and points South, also Hamlet Raleigh, Norfolk, Richmond, Washing ton, New York, and all points North and Cast, at Hamlet for Columbia, Sa vannah and Florida points. Pullmai Sleeping Car Charlotte to -Portsmouth Norfolk. ,; , ,No. 8 local freight, daily except Sui. day with coach attached at 9.00 a. m for Monroe. Trains Arrive at Charlotte a folio w. No. 133 at 10,00 a. m., from point? North and Sotuh. - No. 132 at 7,05 p. m. from Rutherford ton. Shelby and Lincolnton. No. 39 at 10.45 p. m. from Wilmington Hamlet and Monroe, also t rom poinu North and South. - Connections are made at Monroe wlto all through trains for points North and South, which are composed of Vestibul Oay Coaches , Pullman drawing rooir sleep-cars and dining cars between At lanta through Richmond and V-nu ingion to New York. For rates, time tables, reservations apply to tkt agents or JAMES KER. C. P -Charlotte, N C C. H. GATTIS. T. B. A., ' , Raleigh,! N. C. C. B. RYAN. G. P. A., "4 Portsmouth, Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY In Effect February .11, 1906. This condensed schedule is publish" for informatiion and subifct to change without notice to the public. 4.00 a, m., No. 8, daily for Richmond and local points, connects at Greensbo ro for Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Gol? boro, New Bern and Morched City, at Danville for Norfolk. 6.05 a. m., No. 27 daily for Rock Hill. Chester, Columbia and local stations. 7.10 a. m., No. 16 daily except Sundav for Statesville, Taylorsville and loca points; connects 't Mooresville fo Winston-Salem and at Statesvijle for Hickory, Leuoir, Blowing Rock, Ashe ville and points west.- 7.15 a. m., No. 39 daily, New York and Atlanta Express, Pullman Sleeper t Columbus, Ga., and day coaches to At lanta. Close connections at Spartan' burg for Ilendersonville and Ashevllle. 8.33 a. m., No. 33. daily, New York and Florida Eipress for Rock Hia Chester, Wmnsboro, Columbia, Savan nah, Jacksonville and Augusta. First class day coach Washington to Jack sonville. Dining car service 9.25. a. m. No. 36 daily, U. fi. Fast Mai for Washington and all points nort; fuuman drawing rooms, sleepers to New York and Richmond, day coaches Newt Or leans to Washington: dining car s vice. Connects at Gi eensborcrf or Wina ton-Saleni, Ralsigh and Goldsboro. 9.30 a. m. No. 37. dallv. WnRhinB-trm and Southwestern limited,. Pullman f drawing room sleepers, New York w New Orleans and Birmingham; Pull man observation car. New York to Ma con; dining car service; solid Pullman train. , . . 10.05 a .m. No. 30 daily, for Washing ton and all points North, Pullman sleep ers to New York; first-class coach '.o Washington. Close connections at Dan ville for Richmond. Va. Dining car ser vice - c . 11.00 a, m. No. 28 dallv: for TiavriM kjlooresville, Barber Juntion, Cooleamw Mocks ville , Winston-Salem a nd " Roa noke, va., and local stations. 12.35 d. m. No; 11 dailv. for Atlantv and local stations; . connects at -Spartanburg for Hendersonville and Asho villo. , , '".'' ' ' , 6.00 p. m. No. 25 dally execept SuV day, ireight and passenger, fcr Cheste S. C. and local points., . . ; .. . 7.00 p. m., No. 12 daily for Richmond itnd local stations, connects at Greens loro fqr Goldsboro. Pullman sleep;-: Greensboro to Raleigh; Charlotte to Richmond, and Charlotte to Norfolk. 7.50 Taylorsville and local . station; con for Statesville and local stations; con beets at Statesville for Asheville, Kno ville, Chattanooga and Memphis. 8.18 p. m. No. 3a daily. Washington and Southwestern limited for Washing. ion ani an points north. Pullman sleep ers and Pullman observation car to Ntv ioi-k. xjinmg car service., tioim Pull man train. - ' 10.33 p. m., No. 34 dally, New York and Florida Epress for Washington and points north. Pultn&n sleepes from Jacksonville and Augusta to New Yor. First-class day coaches from Jacksonville to. Washington 9.50 p. -n., No 29 daily Washington and B'lorida Limited for Columbia, Au gusta, Charleston, Savannah and Jack sonville. Pullman drawing room sleep ing' car to Jacksonville. First-class day coaches Washingtou to Jackson ville. 11.05 p. m.. so. 40 daily, for Wash ington and points north. Pullman sleep coach Atlanta to Washington. 10.20 p. m., No. 35, daily, U. S. Fast Mail for Atlanta and points South and Southwest. Pullman drawing room sleepers to Mobile and Birmingham sleepers to New Orleans and Birming ham. Day coaches. Washington to New Orleans. Dining car service. Baggage called for and -checked from notels and residences " by "Wadswortn Transfer Co., on orders left at C. T. O. H. !3. SPENCER. Gen. Mgr. y S. II. HARDWICK, P. T. M., W. 1L TAYLOE, G. P. A., Washington, C. T. J. WITHERSPOON. C. T. A. 11 S. Tryon St.. Charlotte, N. C npre for tutetm i the bat, in ' OatioeM or public lile, by mail, in tb.ORICINAL SCHOOL, Famidas In 1S0. Soecesstal gradoataa erarywhere. Appravod by bar and law collegM. Bagnlar Collets Law Osorra and Biuinan Law Coon. Liberal Torma Saoelal Offar Mow. V Catalos fro. fipragna Correspondenco School of Law, 733HticEldg., Do(roa,V'eb- ,1 DR. LaFRftUCO'S 8ate,peei5yreRoUtor; 25c. DrareUti or mu Booklet Iraa OK. LaIBAUCV. P Usdclshia. Va. NO SHOPWORN GOODS , IN THE STORE THAT'r ADVERTISED IN THE NEW : (Matrimony.)

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