f HE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUAR 24, 1906, 8 Don't Knock the Weather Because the House is Cold Better weather the hard knocks which the COAL makes on you by filling up your bin with THE SUNDAY PROFESSIONAL CARDS New Discovery. TEETH. EXTRACTED VT1 OUT PAIN-SAFP 7, TH ' v Best Cure For CATARRH, RHEUMATISM. INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, KIDNEY, LIVER NO BAD AFTER Epc', DR. ZICKLE1 Dentist 27 SOUTH TRYON STREET Jas. L. Delacey, Henry S.lp DeLaney & Boggai Attys. and Coutlcr at l , Office Cor. Trade and CmTn!" Sts. Charlotte, N ie8e . Office Phone Residence Phone JjJ AND BLOOD DISEASES. S1.00. r Quick Relief. 'Bast for all ACHES and PAINS-Price 25c. SICKNESS AND SIN. By Rev. William Evans, D. D. (Director Biblical Department of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago; Offi cial Lecturer of the Cook County (Chi cago) Sunday School Association on the International S. S. Lessons.) PAYNE'S MEDICATED SOAP 10c. DRUGGISTS. SOLD BY W. L. Hand & Co HO LESSON mi (Copyright, 1906, by Joseph B. Bowl es.) Golden Text: "The Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins." Mar 2: 10. Lesson: Mark 2: 1-12. "And they came unto Him bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. And when they could not come nigh unto Him for the press, they uncovered the roof where He was and when' they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the. palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, He said unto the sick of the palsy: Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. But there were certain of the scrioes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts: Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only. And immediately when Jesus perceived in His spirit that they so reasoned with themselves. He said unto them: Why reason ye these things in your hearts? Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy: Thy sins be forgiven thee: or to say: Arise, and take up thy bed and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power on eareh to forgive sins, (He saith to the sick of the pal sy) Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. And imme diately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all." Sickness a Type of Sin. Throughout the Scripture there is recognized a very intimate connection uclwccu tmu 0-11. ucpiuoj, i-j j typical of sm m its beginnings, growth and sin consumation. Palsy, like sin, paralyzes the faculties of man; natu ral blindness caused by sin. In spiri tual sense people may "have eyes and see not; ears and hear not." The Palsied Man is a Type of the Sinner. The sinner has certain faculties which cannot be used until he is cured of the disease of sin. Sinblights the hearing; darkens the understanding so that it cannot grasp nor under stand divine things. Sin parayzes the faculties of the soul. The sinner is as helpless to walk in the way cf God's commandments as this palsied man nature, said; "I know that in me dwelleth no good things; for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not. The good that I would, I do not. What, a confession of human inability. Sin- and Sickness Closely Connected. ..While it :s not true that in every case sickness is the direct result of a special sin committed by the one af flicted, yet the Bible distinctly teaches that ofttimes such .is the case. Jesus taught His disciples in the case of the man born blind (John 9) that this sore afflicted came not because of any special sin on the part of the blind man. Nevertheless by addressing his spiritual before his physical condition by saving first. "Thy sins be for given thee," and afterward : "Rise, take up thy bed and walk," the Master distinctly taught us that in this case at least (as well as in John 5) the af fliction was the result of some par ticular sin. "Sin no more lest a worse tfcing come upon thee,' words like these emphatically set forth the close relation between sin and 'disease. Sin Is Just as Real as Disease. To deny the existence and reality of sin is pure folly and cohsutnate nonsence. Jesus Christ did not come into the world to die for a mere phan tom of the mortal mind, nor was He deceiving this palsied man when He dealt with the question of his sin. We may change the name, but we can- not change the nature of sin; we may deny that it exists, but still its rav ages are seen in the experience of the human race. We may call sin an im aginary thing, but oh, how real and deadly is the havoc it creates. To Jesus Christ, who understood all these things, much better than we do, sick ness and sin were alike stern realities. Sin M-.!st Needs Be Forgiven. Man must be forgiven or else he will be lost. If there is such a thing as sin in the world, then there is such a thing as punishment and condemna tion for sin. If there be no sin, then we need have no worry with regard to the thought of punishment. Jesus Christ taught very definitely that sin was real, and if unforgiven was the means of bringing down wrath upon tue bead or the sinner. He said to the unrepentant Jews: "If ye die in your sins, where I am ye cannot come." Sin is not something to be pitied merely; nor is it a thing to be smoothed over, f -ni.ea. or compromised; it is a con dition which calls for forgiveness. We must deal definitely with God about it or we shall never dwell where Christ is. . . . . . .. ,. t .. -How Can Sin Be .forgiven? . How can punishment for sin be averted? It has been said lhat there are three ways. Firs-t, inasmuch as suffering and punishment is the result of sin, let us stop sinning,' and. then we shall cease suffering. That sounds well. But it is cold, comfortless logic. Who can. stop sinning; where is the man in all the earth that doeth good and sinneth, not: This is law without love. . Secondly, it is : ; acknowledged that there .is sin. and. there is punish ment for . sin. but ' then God is kind, lqving, . and compassionate that He will say to us at last: "Well, it is true, you have been pretty bad, but I will look over, it; come right into Heaven. That is love without law. If. this were ! the real status , of . the case. . Heaven would not be a place long secure from the attacks of sin. Unless holiness) and righteousness be the center of God's throne, safety and security can never be its circumference. Forgiveness Through Christ. There remains just one other way of forgiveness, ana that is the true way. There is sin, and there is pun ishment and condemnation for sin. But God has laid all our sins on Christ, who bore them in His own body on the tree. Forgiveness then is by faith in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ. We have forgiveness through His shed blood. Here Is law and love combined, thus allowing God to be just and the justifier of the sinner who believes in Jesus. GREAT DEMAND FOR STEEL. Immense Quantities cf Raw Material in Requisition. Pittsburg, Feb. 24 The demand for raw material used in the manufacture of steel is so great that all records of imports f irn re were eclipsed last ninth, when nearly 106,000 tons arriv edin New York and other European ports. While more than one-half of the January imports of ore came from Cuban mines, controlled by the Penn sylvania Steel Company, the material was largly imported on Pittsburg dis trict account. The call for ore by mills located in the interior is so ur gent that considerable imports are be ing made from Persia, Spain and Greece. Tbe first cargo of iron ore ever brought ;int the United States frm a Persian Gulf port came from Bussorah. I Your stomach churns and digests the food that you eat and if foul, or torpid, or out of order, your whole sys tem suffers from blood poison. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea keeps you well. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. WHAT IS B Read the following carefully: If you have consumption or some of the contagious forms of blood poisoning we cannot cure you. We don't pre tend to cure you. You need the indi vidual treatment of some skilled spe cialist; but if you are run down in gen eral health, if you have dyspepsia, are subject to fainting spells, a victim to insomnia, biliousness, kidney or liver trouble, catch' cold easily, if your sys tem is in that condition that you may become an easy prey to the -disease germs of pneumonia, 1 grippe and the various epidemics, if you are bothered with constant headache, loss of mem ory, generally . impaired vitality, we can help you, and, if you follow our di rections, render you immune against sickness. . Most skin disease can be cured by the use of "Bromonia." "Bromonia" is to the human sys tem what, the scrubbing brush and soap are to the dirty washbowl. . It aids Nature to resume normal action. It increases the strength, the fighting ability of the phagocytes of the blood; it promotes the heaithy flow of the salivary and . gastric secretions. If your stomach is in good condition, you are well. The Chinese are a wise peo ple. They accost each other with, "How is your stomach?" R. H. Jordan & Co. guarantee .that, if you will write to the Bromonia Co. New York, giving your full name and address on the coupon at the bottom of this column," you will receive a full size package without any cost to you whatever. ''' . -. : , ; H Write name and address plainly. Be careful to address BROMONIA CO,. NEW YORK- FREE BROMONIA COUPON. Name City State Street Address My disease is If you think Bromonia is what you need and do not care to send, coupon, you will find it at all first-class drug gists . 25c and 50 cts.. the bottle. Spe cial sale being held by R. H. Jordan &. Co For Croup A cure or your 25c Back. ROMONIA Tirksiii Presents That! Tbe Household Linen i.i Make the most acceptable wedding gifts. We can show the largest as sortment of fine auality Cut Glass, Sterling Silver and Hand Painted China in the State. We guarantee our prices to be as low as same qual ity goods can be bought. GARIB 217 North Tryon Four-ounce Bottle Horehound Pine Tar and Honey, 20cts; Newbros' Herpicide, 85cts.. Our motto quick sales and small profits, courteous treatment. Call 240. We will servo you promptly. GUT-RATE DRUG STORE PHONE 24C: 217 N. TRYON ST. Good Boy, Georgie '"Oh, George, dear," she whispered, when he slipped the engagement ring on her tapering finger, " how sweet of you to remember just the sort of I preferred! None of the others were ever so thoughtful." George was staggered for a moment. Then he came back with, "Not at all, dear; you overrate me. This is the one I've always used." "What did you discuss at your liter ary club this afternoon, dear?" ask ed a Braymer husband of his wife, ac cording to the "Comet " . "Let me see," replied she. "Oh, yes, I remember now. We discussed that woman who recently moved into the house across the street." . . . George - was right there with the goods, and so are we when you want the best. It is seldom when there is not a busy meeting at insurance headquarters. C. N. C. Butt & Co., insurance: headquarters. Special Low Rates Via Southern Rail way. . . Account of the student volunteer movement for Foreign Mission, Nash ville, Tenn., February 28-March 4th, 1906, .the Southern Railway will sell on February 26, 27, and 28th with final limit March 10th, round trip tick ets to Nashivlle,( Tenn., at rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Round trip rate from Charlotte f 15.30. For the accomodation of delegates attending this meeting from points in Virginia and North Carolina it has been arranged to operate Pullman cars . and day coaches, leaving Salisbury : at ; 8.50 P. M., Feb'y 27th, arriving , at Nashville at 12.20 noon the following day. Those desiring Pullman . accommodations please notify R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., 2-13-12t ; . . Charlotte,. N. C. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. (Resale.)' Under and by virtue of a decree of the Super'or ' court of Mecklenburg County, In special proceeding, enti tled, 'V, C. .Q-uinan et al' plaintiffs, petitioners, against Rosa Qehler, and another, defendants," we will sell, at public auction at the. county court house door in the City of Charlotte, Nqrth Carolina, at 12 o'clock M.,. on Thursday, March 15th, 1906, that cer tain lot of land known as lot6 in square 130, in ward one (Butler's Map), of the city of Charlotte, N. ,C; :being house and lot on North side of East 9th Street (98 by 198 feet), numbered 609 E. 9th. Street, and .being the same premises, whereon Mrs. S. J.. Frazier. re sided, at the; time of her death.- - Terms of sale one-half (1-2) cash, balance on credit . of ;twelye months with interest on deferred payment from date of sale until paid at the rate of six per cent per . annum, with, leave to purchas er to anticipate, payment;, title being reserved until purchase money is all paid. The property will v be started at the price of $2008jD0. This Feb. 14th, 1906. - Q. II. DHLS, , ... ; . v. W, IvEERANS, 2-14-tds. Commissioners. We guarantee a warm house and a hot WHY NOT GET We are prepared to do your -household washing by either "Flat" or "Pound Work" list. The term "Flat Work" means table or bed linen, towels, etc. "Pound Work" means all the household and family wash starched and "Rough Dried" ready to be easily ironed at home. The use of either list proves an economy over the or dinary expense' when done by the irregular and uncertain Washerwoman, to say nothing of escaping the burdens of wash day worries. We would be glad to take up with you the question of laundering your household items by either list. Why not ask our prices and let us explain the saving you will effect? 'Phone 160 Ask our drivers to explain. - Model-Steam Laundry The Loose Lea! Idea Is a good one. It is a practical solution of many problems. For any data Qiat is . changeable, suchas prices, etc., it is ideal. :. i We have 'them in all sizes from dainty pocket memoran dum to noble ledger. We carry the best. Stone & Barringer Go. Book Sellers and Stationers. 22 S. TRYON ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C, Under the Management ot C. E,ioojer8LGo Offers: An Excellent Table, . Large, Light, Warm Rooms Clean, Comfortable Bedj. Attentive Servants. -" , And every substantial comfort bfejonging to a well-kept modern Hotel. to 31 Higlvclass Residence. Beautiful 7 room modern dwelling on South Tryon Street, the Future Fifth Avenue of Charlotte, good elevation, beautiful trees. Lot ; 100 by 250 .fronting on South Tryon, and fronting South Col lege Street in rear. This is a fine op portunity for some one wanting a lovely home. The number of the place is 915. Price ....$12,500 Medium-class Property. I have have for sale several neat little homes rang ing from $1300 to $2500. I will sell these cheaper than you can buy a lot and build a house on it. , Fire Insurance This is my long suit and I always. lead from it. C M. CARSON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. Phone 1235. No. 203 Carson Bldg tVve Denny LUNCH 6 COUNTER Is always supplied with tlve best "of I TheBufdrd I - , .. . . . .. ..... -. .. . 1 everything eatable, well cooKed ana daintily served. i time to every one who uses OUR COAL. A SAMPLE TON ? II JOHNSON 4 DWYER FURNITURE REPAIRERS. (Successors to Johnson & McLaughlin) The business will be continued oh the same safe and satisfactory lines, but with greater capacity than hereto fore. The concern, as now constituted, hopes to retain all the old business and by its merit, to attract new busi ness. Only the most competent work men are employed and satisfaction is guaranteed. JOHNSON & DWYER UPHOLSTERING PARLORS, 18-20 W. 5th St. 'Phone 869. is interested and should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new d Syringe. Jnjec- ;ton ana isuctton. uest saf est Most onvenient. 11 Ileum Instantly m Aak Tonr dinecht for It. If he cannot supply the NAKVKli, accept no other, but send stamp f of illustrated book wald. It gives ' full narticulars and lirections in valuable to ladies. MARVKI, fO., 44 is. viiaM-acn xvuik. 5 1-2 ache Farm for SALE Fronting on Beattie's Ford Macadam Road, three miles from City, about fifteen acres in timber, forty young fruit trees, three room dwelling, a small barn. A good spring on place. Call at ' office for Prices., R. E. Cochrane Insurance & Real Estate Agricultural t Implement' ; ot all kind GRAIN DRILLS ar.d DRILL REPAIRS a Specialty, my prices. Get IC A. BLACK? Coiner jtonewail and Cojf 4 Streets ancr . southern RaH- 2 way 4 f- - -: -..v:-. 4 .Bakes Like a Brick Oven Burns less fuel than any s'tove you ever used and makes the work of the kitchen easy that's what a v BucKs does. Come and let us show yo" all their points of excellence. Everything In hardware, tO E. TRADE ST. iisiiik wis,.. m i Range mi RINGING THE TELEPHONE ! Hello! Central! Where Is C. C. Moores? I do not konw what you 'ant. I want t cream and milk. Oh, let me call Walter Moore, he will serve you promptly lust as old man loore did. Walter is t No. 10 East Fifth street. DOUBLE OAKS DAIRY. Milk Depot. t IVouhcriB t Under the Sun j Can you secure such really good T cleaning and dyeing work at as 1 low prices as ours. We are es i " pecially equipped to clean or dy,e Ladies' and Men's fine gar- ments of all kinds. Give us a trial order. ' v .. QUEEN CITY DYEING & $ GLEANING WORKS T 'Are. J. M. Hester, Proprietress Mardl Cras Casralvals, February 22-27. 1908, Mobile., Ala., Fensacola, Fla., aud New Orleans, La. Southern Railway announces acount of the above occasions round trip tick ets will be sold to Mobile. Pensacola, and New Orleans. . at extremely low rates. Tickets on sale February 21st to 2tith inclusive with, final limit March 3rd an dMa ybe extended until March 17th by personally depositing tickets with joint Agent and paying fee of 50 cents. The following round trip rates will apply fronr Charlotte: New Orleans, La .... $23.25 Mobile, Ala. '. 19.00 Pensacola, Fla. 18.00 Through, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, and first-class day coaches, Charlotte to Mobile, and New Orleanr without change. For further informa tion call on any Agent Southern Rjt or write, R. L. VERNON, T. P. A,, Charlott, N. C. W. H. TAYLOE, G. P. A. ' "Washington, D. C. A Permanent Asset The Purchaser of diamonds can see t'L'3 end of his invest ment. He secures a clear value and a permanent asset a well as-a constant aesthetic grut.iucat.iou. Our collection is madp up of selected stones of the highest grade . - The Palambuiitam Co. 1 WELERS v $ IT PAYS TO READ NEWS 4 n 1 jus fcVfcKY DAY IN THE WEEK. J fe.hH-i"i"ir.i-.i..iMii.$ We have a yery desirable build ing lot in Dilworth on . the car line. The size is . 50x175 feet. For nrice and terms see. &. Wootten fii DB. CHASi L. ALEXANDER dentist ' 203 South Tryon Street Char lotto, -N. C. Office 'phone iS" Residence 'phone 884 ' W. M. ROBEY, dentist 1 Trust Building Hour. 9 to 12, 1.30 to k. R. h. Mclaughlin DENTIST ' v New office oyer James p Office hours 8:30 a. a. to i p. m. All work guaranteed. I. W.JAMISON, . V DENTIST No. 8 S. Tryor. Street Both 'phones 326. Residence 'phone Bell 1524. P De Dr. H. F. RAY OSTEOPATH Graduate Souhtren SchoM of Osteopathy Offlca Suite 3, Hunt BuI'd lngr. 'Phone 830. ResidencG 401 North , Poplar Stieet 'Phone 87L - T. M. McMICHAEL ARCHITECT Rooms 505-606 Trust Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. WHEFLEB, fiUNSE & DICKEY, ARCHITECTS 1 Charlotte, N. C. Second Floor, 4C' Building. For a few Days We can offer a lot on W. nth St., be low McDowell 50x115 ft good for negro tenement for $115.00. Its a bargain for some one. Alfred Brown & Co Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone, 302. I A. W. BROWN' Notary Publ'i Schedule In Effect Dec. 3, 1!)0.'. Through 'Train Dally, Cliarlol anf Roanoke, Va. North Bound. Lv. Charlotte, ''So. Ry 11:00 a.ra L.V. "Winston, N. & "W. Iiy -: p.m. Lv. .Martinsville 5:00 p.m. Lv. Rocky Mount C:25 p.m. Ar. Roanoke 7:i'5 p.m. South Ilouud. Lv. Roanoke 9::'0 a.m. Lv. Rocky Mount 10:20 a.m. Lv. Martinsville 11:45 a.m. Ar. Winston 2:00 p.m. Ar. Charlotte C:00 p.m. Through coach Charlotte and Koa noke. Connects at Roanoke, via Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural Uridgc, Lu ray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke to Philadelphia. , Additional train leaves Winston-Salem 7:30 a. m. daily, except Sunday, for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. "W. B. BEVJU Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke, Va. - M. F. BRAGG. Trav. Pass. Agent s 243 Acres Four Miles South of Charlotte for sale on reasonable terms. Tail land lies on C. C. & A. Railroad and 18 suitable for factory sites. HUGH W. HARRIS. Atty. GOING TO BUILD 9 Let us make an esti mate on your Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Steam- Heating. If we do the work you will nave a satisfactory, enduring job and it may be that wo will save some money for you. 223 S. Tryon St. Our Phone is 309. Carolina Heating & Plumbing Company Real Estate and Insurance. Koom 6 x. .m. C. A. Bldg. I

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